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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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everyone did it, the communication was complete, we saw it all and from the sbu side, it is quite so serious, and of course further, we will wait for the next steps from the sbu side in terms of internal, as it were, setting up a higher quality work, well, oleksandr kornienko says everything correctly, only , well, i would like today, for example, in the evening address , to hear from president zelensky what he thinks about it, because he is... the volume of the constitution and basic rights, including the right to freedom of speech and journalists, is that marker, you ms. yevgenia mentioned that for it is very important for nato countries , it is important for the countries of the european union, yes, it is very important, and this control is important over the power structures, but there you probably cannot imagine that 30 special agents are after some journalists in some complex wherever they are.
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rest, spy on them, and journalists just take, just take these special services, well, like children, i can’t say it any other way, they just put them on the shelves, and this is probably a shame in general for those people who work in this department, mr. oleksiy, i am addressing kucherenko, sir kucherenko, what do you say about the possible conclusion of this story, because we would like some conclusions. of these stories, so that there are some personnel conclusions , so that in the end this does not happen again, because i have been working in journalism for 30 years, i observe the same thing, the sbu, journalists, surveillance, eavesdropping, eavesdropping, well, they also call my home, as they once did to me, you know, but we would like, excuse me, let's not simplify, we would like much more, but i personally, as a person who worked in authorities, in the government , in the cabinet of ministers, in the parliament, i was a majority member and so on,
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as an adult, the father of five children, i would like to see that in my country ukraine act professionally, specifically state institutions, so that they act within the framework of their competencies , so that they do not depend on this or that phone call from some clerk, whose last name no one knows, from some offices or other such structures, well , incomprehensible, you see, i am the state... it rests on pillars, pillars are institutions, from the security service of ukraine, the prosecutor's office, the courts, the antimonopoly committee, regulators, etc., these are the institutions that should work not according to the telephone law, but according to the law, according to other normative legal acts. i read it again, the only thing is that i am addressing my colleagues, maybe i am not remembering something, i am reading the law, i am not mistaken, article 13. the head of the
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security service is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the president of ukraine, that is, even without the consent of by the verkhovna rada, yes, am i wrong, i read the law, it’s just what i’m leading to, well, it’s absolutely clear that the one who appoints and dismisses well, he has influence on the relevant institutions, and here it may be a big mistake, that in fact, for parliamentary control , the scope of the security service of ukraine is extremely limited here, and now regarding the tsk, you understand, the tsk was thinking, well, you understand what i thought there in the first and second readings, when there were completely different deputies, well, both patriotic and state, men and professionals, this is really a very powerful extraordinary body of parliamentary control, which according to the law on... temporary special and investigative
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commissions have very powerful powers, and which, in his own words, he is, well, he is even more than law enforcement agencies, because he can , within the limits of his competence, actually conduct any investigation there, and if suspicions of a crime are found there, transfer everything this, but this is a public procedure, well, remember how in the same united states, how the commissions of the united states operate there regarding this... this or that potential crime there, and according to the same president trump or something else, remember, how they act is the event of national importance, it would not even occur to anyone there, that an official should not come to this meeting of the tsk, give some false testimony, and so on. in our country, unfortunately, tsk was really reduced, this mechanism is extremely ineffective today, dozens of them are already working there, and you know, i constantly think why it is so, my dear. conviction that the tsc in the conditions
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of such a monopoly of power that exists today in ukraine, the law must be changed so that this right to create a tsc exists. not with 226 deputies, but with 150, that is, in the opposition, you understand, because today, any tsc, and i headed the tsc , although i do not investigate, but a special commission, there will be a majority of people’s servants, they will vote for the agenda, they will vote for what requests to make, how to react, and accordingly , when the majority dominates in that or temporary investigative commission. it is absolutely clear that it will be effective to carry out some kind of real parliamentary control, well, unfortunately, it will be impossible, because , as the investigators say, during the investigation, it will expose themselves. so, this is what i state, to my great regret, please do not be offended, the only thing
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i want to say that ms. yevgenia, it was the same with you, you know, nothing has changed, these tsks in fact have not led to anything in recent years, and now there are so many of them that i don't know how many. the public resonance today, well, let's wait and see who will be presented to us as a victim, you understand, what scale, what rank of the responsible rifleman will be appointed, well, i myself am interested, but once again i want to say who appoints, he controls, and the president appoints of ukraine, appointed by the president, verkhovna rada of ukraine at the proposal of the president and look, i remember that we voted. i then look at the law, on the website of the verkhovna rada, i remember exactly that we voted, but at the proposal of the president, that is,
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then i apologize, i take away the ministry of defense, the minister of defense is nominated by the president. but he dismisses, but he dismisses the head of the sbu, the president independently, yes, yes, yes, the president has the right to dismiss the head of the sbu, he has no bachelors, but at the request of ukraine , the president of ukraine also dismisses, that's right, thank you, well, i don't know, ms. evgenia, maybe you will add, well, i would just like to add that the president just tweeted when it came out, well, actually, this is it, well, the first video, remember, it was back in january. it happened immediately and he called the transteriuk, well, it happened immediately, i remember that the video came out in the evening, the next day there was a reaction, there was also a reaction from the sbu, so we can check it, and i am convinced that it was
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there immediately the next day, well, that is, the night actually passed, and in the case of the dismissal of this director of the department, it happened on january 31. and here, too, the procedure is from the head of the service, but the president of ukraine signs the decree. can i say one word literally , it’s just very interesting, you know, when the head of this department was fired on january 31, i was honestly surprised, i thought, oh well, you and i all understand that he didn’t come up with it himself, well, it's absurd that the director of this department was sitting and suddenly decided to arrange all this nonsense just like that. and everything by itself, well, you and i do not believe in this, he received the appropriate instruction, the instruction of the security service came from the office of the president, and in principle bigus himself speaks for himself, he there, even in his investigation, he directly mentions the name ermamak, he says that i cannot prove this, but they tell me
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this, we really cannot prove it yet, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that this director was just fired , now everything is clear to me, and this is also emphasized in the investigation of bigus, that is, when it will be understood... in the sbu that they messed up a lot, and that in fact this whole story has already been raised by journalists and is being investigated, and only then, yes, really, in advance a resignation decree appeared the director of the department, but not at all immediately the next day, after this information appeared, but quite a few days passed between when this video appeared, when the reaction began, how it was immediately obvious to everyone that this was done by the special services , and until now we understand how it was, that is, the sbu simply found out, of course, that they burned down, it was necessary to find a shooter, for the director of this department was appointed as a shooter, they hope that this will all be extinguished and further, which seems to mean no one
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there is nothing, but as for the high-profile dismissals, i will remind everyone of the dismissal of the head of the sbu, ivan bakanov, ivan bakanov was dismissed by the president of ukraine last time. last summer, well, a long time ago, in general, he was released, after the beginning of a full-scale invasion under a very strict article, action or inaction that led to large human casualties, well, that is, if it was. type for the south of ukraine, for the fact that the enemy passed there, and the sbu had a whole network of agents, as the sbu tells us, but i have a question, okay, they were fired for a very harsh article, and what, we have bakanov in custody, there is a case, an investigation, recently we learned that bakanov became a lawyer, registered again in the poltava region, he is fine, we do not know anything about any criminal cases against bakanov, nor any punishment for bakanov , is the person who answered. for security in ukraine, and and and at the moment when it turned out that there was a whole
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nest of russian agents in the security service, and on the highest sabers, and that's all, and there are none, that is, either he, excuse me, is a russian agent himself, or he was so unprofessional that he saw through all this, but really it all led to terrible consequences, we have an occupied south, thousands of people died, millions lost their homes, but i do not know of any punishment. ms. yevgenia, please tell me that your faction will support the idea, just regarding the investigation of this case, once again, well, just say clearly that you support the creation of a temporary investigative commission, you will demand that the security service of ukraine still explain who gave an instruction to monitor journalists, because one director of the department simply... obviously there is no way around it, well, today i personally supported the issue of inviting mr.
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malyuk to the verkhovna rada, and without the votes of our faction, it would not have been possible to vote with all due respect to my colleagues, i asked one question, regarding tsk, i cannot confirm this, because the head of the faction delegates or does not delegate members of the faction to one or another investigative commission. in my opinion, there are other tools of the verkhovna rada for such control and there are various committees, our committee on freedom of speech, most of all, the law enforcement committee, as well as the committee on issues of security and defense, they can carry out such control within their powers, but i believe that such a joint meeting of several committees is possible, well, we will work out such and such a possibility, and because here it is at the intersection of law enforcement agencies of national security,
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freedom of speech, that is maybe in this format with different committees. i only have one request: do not appoint marijana bezugla as the head of the temporary investigative commission, as was the case with wagnergate, you know, because in principle, probably marijana bezugla, well no will pull it in the current situation, this is my wish, a journalist who wants to know the truth about this, ladies and gentlemen, let's take a short break, after a short break , we will return to our studio, there are discounts on glycysed and glycyset max, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings stiffness in the joints and spine, osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. with all these problems , a means for external use will come in handy. dekrasin consultation by phone 0800-215-349. calls are free.
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if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote. if you trust 0800 211 381. no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the voting results. rebooting the military leadership from zelenskyi. the president of ukraine announces that such a reset will take place, and he did this in an interview with italian journalists, when he was asked whether the resignation of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny will take place. mrs. yevgenia, is it known now? what scale will this personnel reset be, what kind of reset is the president talking about, because we already saw yesterday the first resignation of yulia laputina, the minister of veterans affairs, that is, she has already written a statement of resignation, but obviously this is a large-scale reset, probably it is not yet everything, i understand correctly, well, when there will be
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official or decrees, it is obvious that then you can discuss the very... concept, but it is so obvious that it will be some kind of comprehensive decision, and not point changes, but regarding the cabinet of ministers, indeed, well , we will vote on this resignation soon, and it is obvious that there will be an acting minister for the time being, and it would be good if there were some broad discussions about who should head the ministry of veterans, because it is very... .well, let's say so, a position that, obviously, it should be a person with experience a veteran, but a good manager, because this is a very complex issue, and unfortunately, so far the ministry of veterans has not fully managed the functions that, well, everyone expected from them, but there should be just such a normal
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management team, and regarding those or other decisions of the president of ukraine. he has the right to this according to the constitution, and it is obvious that it is precisely his responsibility in this, and not some kind of discussion, i don’t know, on facebook, polls in telegram channels and so on, these are his constitutional powers, and it is obvious that the explanation will also be public with some logic of these changes. by the way, today's decree is very important, if possible, i'll just stop there. because in parallel, the decree of the president of ukraine on the creation of such a new direction has already officially been issued in the armed forces, it is drones, this is, well, in my opinion, an important decision, this is a very important decision, but obviously drones will also be managed by the new head of the armed forces of ukraine,
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here i am did not receive a response from volodymyr zelenskyi, will it still happen? this rotation will not be and what he is not satisfied with as a citizen, i don't know what to think at all, because for 10 days we have a kind of washing machine of information, then some telegram channels write about it, then it appears in the public space, apparently such a conversation took place on january 29 between zaluzhny and zelenskyi, and mr. oleksiy, you wrote that such a decree had already been signed. obviously, this decree was already ready, apparently they told zaluzhny, sorry, i did not write about the decree, i wrote about the fact that zelensky asked zaluzhny to write a loan, i am sure that in this information, and it is already repeatedly. that is, it cannot be the case that many public people who care about their reputation simply took and spun this topic, a non-existent conflict or a non-existent
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conversation, which was not the case, obviously, today i spoke with roman tsabalyuk on the air as a journalist, he also wrote about it, then took away my post, mr. oleksiy, how to explain what is happening with the personnel, military personnel during war with the head of the armed forces of ukraine, i.e. why can't we simply explain that this commander-in-chief has fulfilled his mission, we thank you, oleksandr syrskyi or general budanov or someone there , someone else will be there next, is it testing the audience of the society there, and how will the society react if the society is against it, well, maybe they won't remove the hard worker. look, well, first of all, to bridge the gap, by the way, from our previous topic, and you remember that at the beginning of december there was information that listening devices were found in the office of the employee, it
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is not in the office, but in one of the rooms , where is his mother, in which one of the premises, well, but we were talking about zaluzhny, about the head commissar, and about the fact that, accordingly, his apparatus and team were contacted, a criminal case was accordingly opened, we do not know who established it, well, this is a very... serious question, if it is russian agents wiretapped some room in which the commander-in-chief could work there, well, we can imagine the consequences of this, yes, and if it is not russian agents, then who? and then, and why, and what, and why we don't know about any results, it's about, by the way, for talking, about listening and so on, i think, and here we understand that in fact there again it was the sbu, which, therefore, had some... and its goals in eavesdropping, and now regarding the issue of zaluzhny, i think that everything that is happening now around zaluzhny , this is exactly the wrong
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development of events, well, first of all, if nothing had happened, then we would have had zelenskyi and zaluzhny together at any video address a long time ago, they met and said: listen, guys, everything is fine with us, we work, and we would all say: thank god, it's not like that, and that's why i'm sure. absolutely in because zelensky offered zaluzhny to write a statement of resignation, i know it, i am absolutely sure of this in this information, i understand that the scenario was such that zaluzhny would write this statement, and then they would go on to say: well, listen, two years of full-scale invasion, well, all living people, i was very tired, i wrote a statement, well, i ca n't help but let him go, that's why, if everything, but everything didn't go according to this scenario, the hard worker refused to write this statement. then, well, to write a decree without a statement of the general, well, that's for sure conflict history, and this should be explained by society, which is popular in ukrainian society, very popular,
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so it should be explained whether the president has the constitutional right to do this, absolutely, according to the constitution, he has the right to do this, but there will obviously be questions in society, and zelensky likes to be applauded for his decision, not when he is whistled, and this is due to the reaction of social networks and everything. well, you can see that there is definitely no applause here, and that's why it took so long, but in my opinion, this is a very wrong development, the best option, they find a common language, come to an agreement, sit down, talk there or , man to man, go out and talk, everything has turned the page, we continue to work, fight together, this is what i would really like to see and close this topic, if zelensky there, well, he doesn't want to work with a hard worker anymore, that's his right, well, then go ahead with these decisions. that's all, well, that's all, well, if you can't watch it, it's all decided for you, because the scenario when the hard-working commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine during the war has been suspended for more than a week,
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he is suspended, and with one foot on the way out, well, this is wrong, it shouldn't be like that, it's not only about him, it's about the chief of the general staff, and about the deputy chief of staff, and it can't be like that, these people are each military operations are planned for the day. on which lives, just physically, the lives of thousands of people depend, and these people should not be in such conditions, that's why this scenario, it is the worst, and the last one, don't forget this one, it became one of the main news reasons, that's our journalists not only speak, but also write washington post, new york times, times, politics and so on, the whole world is talking about it, and if someone thinks that it adds something to us, especially in conditions where there is... there is no package of a solution from the us side, that it is somehow demonstrates every dignity, thank you, thank you, mr. gonzharenko, mr. kucherenko, please, thank you with your permission, because for the second time in a row i
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did not have time to finish the last word in your broadcast. to say, it thinks that it is so wrong. by the way, i don't want to appear boring, so i address both my colleagues and all tv viewers, i 10 times reviewed the law on the security service, which is posted on the website of the verkhovna rada and on the website of the security service of ukraine. article 13 of this law is still written there: the head of the security service is appointed and dismissed by the president of ukraine. indeed, in december of the 19th year, you and i are at... change, but it is not reflected on the website of the verkhovna rada, i am shocked, frankly, it is so, this, and now the second, i do not want to further comment on the situation with the , it is clear that meticulous attention is paid to her, i know a lot, but i don't even want to go beyond the scope of the formal system, about which mr. oleksiy said, this is the absolute sphere of competence, authority and responsibility of the supreme commander-in-chief of the president
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of ukraine. personnel decisions must be prepared for a long time, but made and implemented very quickly, this is unacceptable, especially under the conditions, under the conditions of wartime, and no matter what, i do not want to discuss the victories and achievements of commander-in-chief zavuzhny, it is in any case, i believe that the procedure is wrong, it does not bring anything good for society now, and the last one is very fast, but... all the thesis about the need for radical changes in the leadership of the country, i quote, president zelenskyi on sunday said on the air of italian television, not ours, for some reason, but it was about the need for very significant changes in the leadership of the country, and i am simply asking myself and my colleagues the question, what is it, who are the leaders of the country, please tell me, well, if you excuse me, the minister
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, the minister, how is he there, veterans, well, well, agree, this, we, we are not talking about that today, i understand that in the military leadership of the president, he planned and did not can implement, but first of all, or secondly, i am equally concerned about what we have with the government, with the economy, with the most painful issues, everything is fine with us, there is no need to change anything, this is what i want to hear from the leadership of the country, and i ask again... the question, who is the leadership of our country? thank you, mrs. yevgenia, you can answer in a minute, because i heard about five or six managers, that this is the leadership of the state, maybe there are a little more, well, colleagues, this is a discussion not for one minute, but for another half an hour, but you know, i would like for us to talk less reacted emotionally to everything we read on
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the internet, especially if... according to some anonymous sources, because believe me, this year there will be very big challenges for ukraine, there will be a lot of russians shaking the situation, so let's at least not quarrel among ourselves , and we will help each other. let's go, let's go, thank you, thank you, we have to finish the conversation, evgenia kravchuk, oleksiy honcharenko, oleksiy kucharenko, thank you for participating in the program, it was extremely interesting to talk with you, friends, during our program we conducted a survey, we you... asked about this, do you trust the security service of ukraine, 19% - yes, 81, no, it's on tv, now i'm looking at the results that we have on youtube, 20% yes, 80 - no, these are the results of today's survey , it was a verdict program about serhiy rudenko, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you
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