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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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push for the negotiation process with the european union, and this is what he answered, of course, it has an effect, because the first block of issues that will start negotiations, it is called fundamental rights, democratic rights and democratic values, and all such moments when really against the power, against journalists , some such repressive methods or no no no illegal methods will be applied, then it will really be under the microscope of the european commission and the member states... because all this then contradicts this principle of the rule of law, and we we see even within the eu, we had proceedings against slovakia, excuse me, against hungary and against poland, now if similar processes will start in slovakia, the european commission has already said that it can also start such procedures in the same way if monitoring the situation of the rule of law in slovakia, so of course there is and always will be... i paid attention to such moments where
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it was illegal, illegal, like when journalists were followed or even beaten , it always had a very negative effect. the eu has there is also a so-called dialogue on human rights with ukraine, and all these moments of freedom of speech are an integral part of this dialogue. so , if there are such cases, then ukraine would score an own goal. ugh. which will be taken advantage of, those forces in the eu who do not want ukraine to join, or have similar problems, will immediately take advantage, so my advice to ukraine is to be as much a student as possible, who does everything at 100%, so that such cases do not happen , that cases of corruption are investigated, that there are court sentences, fair, severe court sentences for corrupt officials so that the courts work as they should.
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should work to be renewed, to pass judicial reform, these are all moments, if there are any negative steps backwards, then the eu will pay attention to it. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro koleba, said that the military-political reset, which is expected in the near future, will not affect kyiv's relations with its western partners. according to the minister, president volodymyr zelenskyi has the constitutional right to dismiss the head of the army if he deems it... necessary. coleba added that any permutations are not will be a sign of a split in ukraine's military efforts. and what do the frontline think about the possible resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general valery zaluzhnyi? report of the roits agency. sight.
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16:00, everyone thinks that in the 22nd year we had some success there in the zaporozhye direction, in the kherson direction, and then it became the 23rd year, this does not mean that it is bad. general zaluzhny commanded the troops, every person should understand that the state of ukraine is fighting, you see, not just the people who we are now for two years, literally in two weeks, two years, no it's just that we left voluntarily, the whole of ukraine is fighting, and every man who is written or thinks he lives in ukraine has to go through it, it's such an irreversible situation here, and these people are tired.
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to dismiss from some position, especially such an important position, you need to make sure who will replace this person, and how he sees the further course of all these actions, and what he proposes in the future, what actions to take to improve, because as i understand it, if our government wants to... change, then these changes must go
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only for the better, not for the worse, therefore , i think our authorities should think about this issue, mobilization is necessary, necessary, because... as i said before, there are not enough people, we need replenishment. ukrainian ivanna volochii headed the list of the latvian liberal party kosti bapar in the elections to the european parliament. in translation, the name of the party sounds like movement for. politsila has made ukraine's accession to the eu and nato the main goal of its program in europe. and if ivan is elected. volochy from ivano-frankivsk, who has been working in european companies for the past 17 years institutions, will become the first mep who identifies herself as ukrainian. let me remind you that at the beginning of june this year, elections to the european parliament will be held, and in addition to the actual new european parliament
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, the new leadership of the european commission and the eurocouncil will be appointed by the end of the year. well , ivanna volochy herself, the manager of relations and communications of the renyu political group, joins our broadcast. european in the european parliament and actually a candidate for the upcoming elections to the european parliament, i welcome you to our airwaves, good evening. ivan, you have been working in european institutions for 17 years, which connects you with latvia, where you were nominated first on the list from the rukh za party, in fact, i have been cooperating with the party as well as with the movement for quite a long time, we are with colleagues. we are working on many issues, so it is more of a political association and this nomination than , say, any ethnic or social relations with latvia, but of course i have a lot of friends, i have lived in
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brussels for a long time and latvians and i i love them very much, they are generally special people, and latvia an extraordinary country, so these are the current circumstances. if you are elected, you will become the first ukrainian woman in the european parliament, what will this mean for this institution? well, this is actually a very symbolic step from all sides , and that’s why i think that there was a little bit of publicity in the media at the expense of this appointment of mine, because there are many at such an ideological level, let’s say such... well, that is, deputies and in the institutions that support ukraine in spirit, but here such a practical course would be, so what i am currently receiving is extraordinary support also from our friends in the european parliament and from, in principle
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, brussels and europe as well, so it is not only latvians, let's say so, but can you actually remind our viewers of the details of your biography, as far as i understand, you were born in ivano-frankivsk, what's next composed? it is your fate that now you are a citizen of latvia and you are running for the european parliament, i am not a citizen of latvia, i am a resident, moreover, this is such a mistake, yes, let's say, i am, in 2007 i received a maastricht scholarship for european studies and international relations, and in this way after that, well, after studying for a master's degree... i applied to the european commission for an internship and by some miracle in this very small percentage that was given to non-eu citizens, i got into an internship, an internship, and then somehow era was already developing and working
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mainly in the field of communications, but in projects that provided assistance to ukraine, as well as in this block of the eastern partnership there, so i traveled a lot, and actually... i was also in kyiv in 2014-15 , when there was a project, for example, the eastern partnership, i was, i moved to kyiv, so uh, and then i came back again for another project, which was an office in brussels, and this is more, let's say , a professional career than some such assignment to one place, uh, but in 2022, in june, i joined the european parliament. to the group of liberals , if elected, tell us exactly what your program will be, how exactly you are going to promote the issue of ukraine in the european parliament, what will you focus your attention on? you know, in fact, we have a lot of questions, what is this
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it is no longer even that there are issues that will remain from the parliament that will now leave, because first of all it is very important to remember that the next parliament... european, it will be somewhat different in political grouping, from the one that exists now, if now there is such simple support in ukraine, let's say, at the maximum majority, for... we have such big problems in what will be the formation of the next parliament, and it is very important to remember that any which, that is, it's not just about me , any political figure that clearly expresses his support for ukraine, it will be very important for us, because there are big problems with that form, for example, in large eu countries, regarding the right, and no one. does not know what turn they will take, that is, some very important, that is, there are things, for example, it is
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not only military support there and from the point of view of sanctions, as well as the problem of financing, that is, now here is, for example, the voted package, so for the next ones for four years there will be a question of monitoring, that is , there will be things that actually concern not only the parliament in the institutions, but here for example, the same commission that can say, well , i have a very... long experience of working in commission institutions, they can simply postpone files, for example, and delay the decision, ms. ivano, and in this context i want to ask you, here really one of the key issues is the integration of ukraine into the eu and nato, and in these issues, you have already said that the configuration of political forces in the next european parliament will probably be different, and it is also known that in the second half of 2028 latvia will preside. in the eu, and this is exactly what is considered such a key period for the integration of ukraine into the eu, taking into account the terms that
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were mentioned, that allegedly ukraine could join by 2030, in this context, what you can do, how you can use your deputyship in case of election and the moment of latvia's presidency , look, just really, you know, in the political dimension of time and space, 28 years is very far, we have to go through there... different presidencies of other countries there, let's say, in order to reach our point there of latvia in 2028, it must be remembered, because of course ukraine's accession to the eu is very important for many deputies, but we must remember that the most important question now is whether it is ready in the form it is now, that is, to accept it. ukraine and these issues of reforms, that is, how they will be perceived and
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in general, and if you speak there, okay , purely from the latvian point of view, of course, it is a small country compared to other eu members, and it is very important to remember that its interests are very important advocate also within the framework of these reforms, which will take place, reform will also take place. agrarian and budget reform, that is, there are many things that latvia will need to prepare in this context. ms. ivanna, many people are currently suggesting that if the west does not support ukraine strongly enough, then perhaps the baltic countries may become russia's first target. how serious do you rate this threat? i will say that i appreciate her. from the point of view of the baltics and latvians there, in particular, they are actually very worried, that is, this is
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a real, real feedback from those latvians who live here, they are so in solidarity with us, because history shows their extremely important moments, they understand, that is, what i said in my address to them there, and what they understand, us, we do not need them to explain, because actually there are a lot of... countries and my friends from there in brussels and in other european countries, they have to explain a lot to these latvians, well, they understand us without words, so i think that they, they obviously, they also understand this threat on an emotional level levels, i would like to ask you to briefly answer the following question, we only have half a minute, what do you have to say about the accusations by russia that allegedly in the baltic states, in particular in latvia. violates the rights of the russian -speaking population, specifically right now, to be honest, i don’t
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feel that way, well, from the linguistic point of view , because maybe there are some on account there, but very clearly, because, for example, everyone here addresses me first in russian , that is, it is probably just as possible somewhere at some political level, but purely humanly, i don't see it, thank you very much, thank you for joining us, you were very... glad to see you on our air, candidate for the upcoming elections to the european parliament, ukrainian ivanna volochii. well, on this svoboda live to. thank you for watching us, we'll see you tomorrow, bye, there are discounts on afida max, 10% at psylshynic, pam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on icelandika lozenges, 15% at
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psylshynic, bam and oskad pharmacies. miner marcel exclusively on mego. in... in the battle for one- eighth of the european league, the miners are preparing for the french an unforgettable reception. february 15 at 7:45 p.m., cheer for the victory of the miner, turn on football on migo. there are discounts on lactiale, 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on tantum verde, 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war to talk, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world lives on, and now about what something has happened in the world
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, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please , you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about... and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen posukhov two hours in the company of favorite presenters. i am very grateful to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as
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feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey in... make and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. yes, congratulations, now i will tell you about a very difficult search story and i hope for your care and help, and i immediately want
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to appeal to you, please share this video in your social networks, because this is the chance to find the missing person. there will be much more. this is 17-year-old tselenina stefania. she lived in a foster family in the village of lozivske in the kharkiv region. when the full-scale invasion began, stefania, together with her adoptive mother, left for evacuation to the czech republic. and through for some time they returned to ukraine. we spoke with the girl's adoptive mother, and let's listen to a fragment of the conversation. we returned to ukraine after four or five months. we are back. in july, in october, she escaped on vacation just in time. mrs. marina says that she and stefania had a good relationship, they were making amends and she left home, she is definitely not because of a conflict in the family. we had a very good relationship, she has been in my family for 8 years, there were no problems with her at all, she helped me at the institution, she performed, we did not have
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there are no such things for us to mess around with. the girl's adoptive mother says that the probable reason is... is it stefania's desire to live abroad, at least she herself said this more than once after returning from the czech republic to ukraine. why did you run away? well, she didn't want to be here in ukraine, and she didn't want to come back here, she liked it there. mrs. marina said that stefania left home in october 2022. at first, she contacted her, but did not tell her where she was, only that she was alive and everything was fine. however, the last time she answered the phone... august 1 2023 and there was no further contact with her, she has not reported herself for six months, so where is the girl now in ukraine abroad, and if indeed abroad, then in which... country is not known for sure, however, her adoptive the mother said that she has information that the girl crossed the border of slovakia in october 2023, so it is quite likely that she
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is in slovakia. therefore, we, in turn, after talking with ms. marina, contacted our colleagues from the international federation of missing children europe, who have make a request to the police of slovakia and help in the search. and if you have any information about stefania... or if you happen to live in slovakia and happen to see her or know something about her, call 11630 immediately. 11630 is europe's only missing children hotline, which works in 28 european countries, so if you are in europe and want to report information about a child, do not delay and call the single european missing children line 116/3 from your mobile phone. in general , it is worth saying that it is teenagers who succeed most often to run away from home, and the reasons are very different: conflicts in the family, not enough, or vice versa, excessive attention from parents, bullying at
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school, unfortunately, violence or the banal search for adventures of independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. one of these tips is to be attentive to the child and monitor his behavior and emotional manifestations. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some behavioral manifestations children and teenagers who testify that they need to be taken care of more, they need to be taken care of more. what could it be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock and gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be a depressed state when the child is depressed. part of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of her. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, or productivity, this may also be evidence that
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he has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child , satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, to have some kind of warm trusting conversation with him, to support him, to help him, and sometimes to refer him to specialists, to refer him for help to... other specialists. you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program. it's time. my name is marie ulyanovska. congratulations. us president joe biden once again appealed to the us congress to pass a law on additional funding for national security needs,
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which includes aid to ukraine. according to biden, the main obstacle in the way of this bill is pre-election political competition and the position of donald trump, who wants to use the situation to his advantage. the president asked lawmakers to show character and do what they believe is right. more on joe biden's statements. and the fate of funding for ukraine, we will talk with my colleague yulia yarmolenko, who monitors the situation in the white house. yulia, hello! please tell us what are the key points of the american president's speech and how he did it convinced the legislators to vote for the provision of this aid to ukraine? hi maria, president biden didn't just convince lawmakers, it looked like he wanted to explain to americans what was really going on. and what did president biden say today? he began his speech by saying that about a month ago... he ordered a team of white house negotiators to join a bipartisan group of senators working on a comprehensive deal that would both strengthen america's border security but also
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approve a request for additional funding for national security priorities. and he said that the result was an agreement that is not only the fairest and most humane immigration reform, but also the toughest strengthening of american security. border, but as president biden says, this deal may not even go through the senate, and the only reason for that, as joe biden said, is because of donald trump. joe biden said that the former president, according to his information, called almost every republican lawmaker the day before to convince them, and sometimes even to intimidate them, not to support this agreement, not to support this bill. he called on republicans today not to give in to the pressure of donald trump. and to act according to conscience, and today also, we know , in fact, that republicans have repeatedly said that donald trump does not pressure them and does not influence their opinion, but it is worth
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noting that ... the speaker of the house of representatives , mike johnson, in one from the interview said that he communicates with donald trump almost every day, and in particular about this agreement, which republicans and democrats are now trying to achieve. but maria, today joe biden, the president of the united states, separately stopped in his speech on ukraine. he said that he specifically passed his ukrainian tie in blue and yellow colors with a badge, with the american and ukrainian flags, to emphasize once again how important it is to approve aid for ukraine right now, he ... said that the time is not ours parties, he said that this aid should be approved immediately, he said that if the republicans do not vote, do not support this bill, then history will not forgive them. let's listen to what words he addressed. the clock is ticking, every week, every month that passes without new aid for ukraine means less artillery shells, less air defense systems, less means of
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protection. ukraine from russian strikes, this is exactly what putin wants. ukrainians fight bravely. we can't leave now. this is exactly what putin is betting on. to support this bill is to oppose putin. opposing this bill means playing into putin's hands. as i said earlier, the stakes for this fight go far beyond the borders of ukraine. if we don't stop putin's appetite for power and control in ukraine, it won't stop there. and the costs to americans, to our allies and partners will increase , to those republicans in congress who think they can block funding for ukraine and not be held accountable, history is watching, history is watching, and the failure to support ukraine at this critical time will never be forgotten. julia, we also know that the us congress
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is discussing this additional bill. funding and today it became known that republicans in the senate most likely do not support the agreed version of the document, which should be voted on tomorrow. in the house of representatives, this draft law also has no support, what can we expect next? maria, it seems most likely that the republicans will block consideration of this bill even in the senate, although it was previously said that the senate could approve it. we know the most negotiations ahead. how a bill is brought to a vote happens behind the scenes, and what we're hearing now from the republicans' statements, some of them are saying that they need more time to study the bill, others are saying that it's not tough enough, it's not urgent enough, like they believe, so it looks like it might be blocked, but again, it's not resolved yet. yulia, we also know that in the house
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of representatives, a separate vote is already being proposed for aid to israel, is it possible? expect that aid to ukraine will also be voted on separately, because legislators constantly say that ukraine has strong bipartisan support, and disagreements concern other issues. maria asked joe biden about this today, he said that he is currently focusing on the request for additional funding, which includes aid to ukraine and israel together, but today this question was also raised by... johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, and he said that in fact, they first want to deal with the topic of israel, later he said that they will come and approach the topic of ukraine, but he said that they have a lot of concerns because, according to mike johnson, the white house has not explained what the ultimate goal of supporting ukraine is? we will continue to talk about measures regarding ukraine, we have not abandoned this issue, but
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there is still a lot of work to be done. depending on the response from the white house about strategy, accountability for funding, all of those very specific details that the house has to consider when we're making these tough decisions, so now we'll continue to wait for response from the white house and will act accordingly. but in the white house , maria repeatedly said that they had more than once communicated with representatives of the house of representatives and the senate, held closed briefings for them. where it was clearly explained what the ultimate goal was, and that was really to help ukraine win, so that russia could not and could not have any success in ukraine, again we are now waiting to see what the reaction will be after all the statements we heard today. julia, thank you very much, we will definitely follow how these events will develop. let me remind you that yulia yarmolenko worked for us from the white house. and to other news in the usa, federa.


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