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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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but much work remains to be done, depending on the white house's response on strategy, accountability for funding. these are all very specific details that the house of representatives has to consider when we are making such difficult decisions. so now we will continue to wait for answers from the white house and act accordingly. but in the white house, maria repeatedly said that they repeatedly communicated with representatives of the house of representatives. and the senate held closed briefings for them, where they clearly explained what the ultimate goal was, and it was actually to to help ukraine win, so that russia could not, could not achieve any success in ukraine. again, we are now waiting to see what the reaction will be after all the statements we have heard today. yuliya, thank you very much, we will definitely follow how these events develop, i will remind you that yuliya yarmolenko worked for us from the white house. and to other news in the usa. an appeals court in
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washington ruled that donald trump does not have presidential immunity in the case of the storming of the capitol on january 6, 2021. this means that the court will be able to continue the proceedings the criminal case against trump, which was previously stopped due to a complaint by lawyers, regarding the ex-president's immunity. trump has argued that he should be immune from prosecution for actions taken as president. at the same time, the majority of americans do not agree with this position. according to a january survey by cbs news et'. 64% of americans say trump should not be immune from prosecution for actions he took during his presidency. if the us stops aid to ukraine, the americans will have to pay a much higher price, former us ambassador to kyiv steven pifer is convinced of this. he emphasizes that putin has no intention of stopping in ukraine, and in ukraine. the united states will find itself
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in a state of direct war with russia. ostap yarysh asked the diplomat more about the risks of stopping aid to ukraine. cia director william behrens writes in his recent column for foreign policy that ending support for ukraine would be a mistake of historic proportions. do you agree with these words? i believe that mr. burns is absolutely right that the united states now they stop supporting ukraine, i think it will become much more difficult. if russia wins the war against ukraine, i think that will also increase the security threat, both to europe and to the united states, so it would be a real mistake for the us not to continue funding. the white house has requested about 61 billion dollars for ukraine. view, what
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will ultimately be the cost to the united states if congress does not approve this funding now? if american aid to ukraine is not continued, europe, i think, will continue to be will try to help, will not be able to compensate for the lost potential of the usa. this significantly increases the prospects of russia's victory. i think we have to ask ourselves. if russia wins in ukraine, what will it mean? i'm worried that vladimir's kremlin. putin, inspired by the victory over ukraine, may pose a threat to moldova, and perhaps even to nato members such as the baltic states, so the price will be greater american attention to the defense of the baltic states. if putin made such a miscalculation and actually used military action against the baltic states, then the united states would be at war with russia. i think most analysts would say the chances of russia attacking a nato member are slim to none, but even 5 years ago... people
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would have said the chances of a full-scale russian invasion of ukraine were nil, so i think we're underestimating putin to our detriment . we often hear these arguments, and yet in congress, and not only in congress, there are people who oppose further support for ukraine. what else could have convinced them to change their minds? first, if you look at the polls, they successively. that most americans support giving aid to ukraine, i think they understand that, they see that it 's not just about right or wrong, what russia has done is the beginning of an aggressive imperialist war, but americans also understand that if russia wins , it's going to put the united states in a difficult security situation, and maybe it's going to increase the prospect of an even more difficult situation, what upsets me about this is that in the senate and the ...
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representatives is that speaker mike johnson decides which bill the issue now in the house is to vote or not, if... he doesn't want the bill to come up for a vote, he can do that, and so far it looks like he's the problem here. to another topic: the publication foreign policy writes that the usa and germany oppose the invitation of ukraine to nato at the summit in washington this year. if this is true, what could be the reasons for this? and in your opinion, should ukraine receive an invitation to nato this year? i think that the difficulty with the invitation, and why the us, germany and other members of the alliance are reluctant to go down this path, in because currently nato countries are not ready to fight with russia on behalf of ukraine, and if you include ukraine, then they should be ready for it. i think it would be
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wise for the alliance to find a solution to avoid the differences that have arisen before the nato freedom summit in 2023. the proposition i was trying to make. at the washington summit in july, nato should begin accession negotiations with ukraine, with the prospect of an early invitation to membership. this would give a clear signal to ukraine that you are on the way to membership in nato. this would be a positive signal for ukraine, but it would also be a good signal for russia that the alliance is committed to ukraine's security. let me remind you that my views here have evolved over the past year. in my opinion, any plan, even one that includes the g7 countries. therefore, if you want to have a stable and safe europe, ukraine must be included in nato. the start of accession negotiations would actually put nato on
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parallel tracks with the european union, which in december began accession negotiations with ukraine. so it seems to me that the u.s. germany and other countries that have doubts. and on the other hand, those countries that want steps forward can find a compromise. some western experts argue that the key to ending the war is not increasing military support for ukraine, but negotiations with putin. and that he, they say, shows a certain readiness for these negotiations, so that you can tell about it. whenever i see a story. that the russians are interested in negotiations, or they are feeling the ground, one of two things is happening, or the kremlin denies it, as it denied the publications that came out a few days ago, or the russians say: yes, we are open to negotiations on our terms. and the russian conditions mean the removal of the current government in
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ukraine and its likely replacement by a pro-russian government. they mean the demilitarization of ukraine, which will leave it open to russian attack in the future. they mean neutrality and mean that kyiv will agree, at least, to russia's annexation of crimea, kherson region, zaporizhzhia, donetsk region, and luhansk region. now it would look like a capitulation for ukraine. so, at the moment, i don't think there are any signs of moscow's readiness to serious negotiations, which would reflect the fact that now russia controls much less ukrainian territory than in the first half of 2022, if you look at the battlefield. it was a short conversation about why it is important to pass funding for ukraine with former us ambassador to kyiv steven pifer. watch the full version of this interview on the youtube channel of the voice of america-ukrainian channel and on our website. meanwhile, kyiv
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hopes to involve china in the peace process and has invited the country to join the summit of peace this was announced by the ambassador of ukraine to china pavlo ryabikin. what role can china play in peace? process in ukraine, oksana bedratenko knows more and will tell us. balancing a delicate dance or a cold war. us-china relations are strained, but washington is trying to persuade beijing to act constructively. some of the toughest conversations between the us and china are taking place precisely in regard to ukraine, the white house says. the war in ukraine is a cross-cutting topic of my discussions with chinese partners. we send signal about our concern that china may provide lethal aid that will be used against civilians in ukraine. we have yet to see such lethal aid, but we have seen chinese companies helping russia rebuild its industrial base, and we have made our concern clear. we are watching this and
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are ready to take steps in response, because we are convinced that the russian industrial base is being built to continue the imperial war of aggression in europe. itself... china declares its desire to seek peace. chinese a senior official said in washington that china and the world were suffering from the economic impact of the war. however, to the question, does china stand for what? russia withdrew its troops from ukraine, he answered yes. we want it to stop, and i am sure that when we talk to the russians, they are enthusiastic about peace talks with ukraine. we support it. former high-ranking us official bob zelek gave three reasons why china might be against war. recently, china sent a large delegation to davos and there were discussions about the role that can china play a role in the process in ukraine, or is china becoming more open to siding with the west? i think they are
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cautious, but you are right, oksana, when i talk to chinese officials, i ask how this war can be in china's interests. first, china does not support the separation of the country when it comes to taiwan, it supports territorial integrity, so how can russia's actions meet china's interests in this area. second, china worries the international community. and this war hurts food and energy prices. the third: china certainly does not like american alliances, i like them, they do not. however, the war only strengthened us alliances. finland, sweden joined. there is more cooperation with asia, more cooperation with european countries. after all, china wants to improve relations in europe. and i think they didn't consider what a shock the invasion would be for european politics. head of the scowcroft center of the atlantic council. predicts that this will worsen. beijing wants to achieve a balance between year relations with china is not necessarily
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an attempt to gain geopolitical advantages, especially with regard to the taiwanese in the middle east and even in ukraine, and knowing that they need the support of the united states and even the europeans, because they have interests in cooperation that are not limited to trade. however, zelek says, let's hope so. that china will side with ukraine is not worth it. i wouldn't bet on it, but your comment is correct in that at a certain time a certain country can quietly tell putin that it's time to stop. china is a good candidate for this, so we need to work towards china. to be honest, i was talking with some chinese diplomats when putin made nuclear threats. as you have seen, china has indicated that nuclear threats are absolutely unacceptable. it's good. china is getting closer to russia and iran. seeking to unite authoritarian countries against the west, but there will be no second cold war - says engelki.
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i don't think that china and the soviet union are the same beast, so to speak, because although china is nominally a marxist country with a communist party, this authoritarian party rules the country and wants to keep it that way, and china wants to challenge the united states for geopolitical advantage, if not world leadership. but at the same time, china actually has state capitalism. this means that the chinese economy is integrated into the world economy in a way that the soviet union never was. this creates a different dynamic for international politics, because they are fighting geopolitically, but at the same time they want to maintain partnerships in asia, the indo-pacific region, europe, north and south america, so this dance is more delicate for china and the united states. the white house says they will continue to establish contacts with china and there is already an agreement on a conversation between
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us president joe biden and chinese president xi jinping. oksana bedretenko, kostyantyn golubchyk, voice of america. in washington, the families of the american volunteers who died in ukraine, as well as the wounded fighters of the foreign legion. appealed to congressmen and senators to continue providing assistance to ukraine. the visit to washington was organized by the weatherman foundation, which deals with the medical evacuation of wounded volunteers and the repatriation of the dead. what prompted the former american military personnel who have no connection with ukraine will leave their lives and go to defend the country from russian aggression, and why their mothers are asking congress to help ukraine. they told voice of america journalist kateryna lisuna about this and other things. and iryna shenkarenko. andrew weber is a career military man who graduated
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from west point and served in the united states army for over 11 years. he was a platoon commander of many units, received the bronze star, purple heart, combat infantry insignia and many other awards. andrew believed in justice. he operated according to the principle, everything must be right or nothing. the average is not given. andrew despised putin and this regime. that's what he called the regime. and he believed that this invasion was the greatest threat to democracy here and abroad. he felt an obligation to go to ukraine. and what about ukraine. andrew has already been deployed three times , twice in afghanistan and once in iraq. in 2016, he retired with honors in the rank of captain. he received a law degree at the university of chicago and worked in international corporate lawyer. and already in july 2023, he died as a volunteer in donetsk region at the age of 40, defending
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the ukrainian land as part of the 59th motorized rifle brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. this is eandrew and his beloved wife elizabeth, they have been married for 13 years, they have a little gweny, who is nine, and vera, who is 2 and a half years old. lance lawrence also died in donetsk, he was a machine gunner and covered his comrades during an assault on an enemy trench, he was 28 years old, he did not have time to marry or have children. guy three served in the united states marine corps for years, holding the rank of private first class. for a short time of service in the amer. of the army managed to receive the global war on terrorism medal, the navy commendation and other awards. he was her eldest son, says the mother. my father-in-law had already passed away, and this rosary belonged to him. they were very close with lance. so this is a very, very important subject for me. this rosary was on lance when he died. his
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unit managed to retrieve it from the belt pouch on his body to hand it over to me. and i gave the other one an urn with ashes. his unit because lance wanted to stay there, he loved ukraine, he wanted to get citizenship after the war, he didn't want to go back, so we shared his desire. other american volunteers are still fighting in ukraine, like these military veterans who were wounded and flown home for treatment. they plan to return to the front in the near future, so their faces are hidden. we had support in afghanistan. there were many logistics groups ready to quickly provide us with everything we needed, instead in ukraine so many people are doing so much more than we are in afghanistan, but with so much less support, and that really impressed me. i saw people using their minds to get out, people able to solve problems, and it was amazing. people in the usa do not
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know how proud and strong the ukrainian people are, they are very sincere people, and i love this country very much. this is a black and white war. russia is the aggressor and what they are doing is absolutely immoral. they hurt innocent people. women and children die every day. this, this is a tragedy. i believe everyone has now to support ukraine. it's just right. now they are all members of a single delegation that has come to the united states congress to remind american lawmakers about the war in ukraine and urge them to continue aid. the way i look at it is, if a 24-year-old can see what's happening in ukraine and make the ultimate sacrifice at 24, then what happens to the rest of the leadership in this country? if a 24-year-old can decide to make the ultimate sacrifice, why do we have so many problems with our leadership in this country that sees what is happening and
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the consequences we will have if we do nothing about it. "if you don't help ukraine, it will come here, if you have children, sons or daughters, hug them today, and think about the fact that tomorrow you may not be able to help them, because that's what will happen if you don't help stop this evil, and what they did to my son is only the tip of the iceberg of russian evil, they do this to everyone, this is only my son, and there are thousands and thousands of ukrainian sons who disappeared on the battlefield. in washington was organized by the rt weatherman foundation. in total , five relatives of the victims and three american volunteers who are still fighting in ukraine came to capitol hill. we wanted to bring all these people together. first, to bring them together and create a sense of support, just so they don't feel so alone. and secondly,
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no one has yet brought a delegation of americans who served in ukraine to washington. such a conversation will happen immediately. closer to legislators, because we are talking about americans, who participated in the global war on terror and then decided to serve again to protect democracy with the armed forces of ukraine, fighting the russians and their tyranny. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the foundation has been engaged in the medical evacuation of wounded volunteers and the repatriation of the dead. both the founder and most of the team at the foundation are ex- servicemen, says david. he is also an american veteran. i spent 2022 fighting in the foreign legion in ukraine in kharkiv. in september of the same year, one of mine brother was wounded by a shrapnel from an artillery shell. hail hit him in the eye and brain. the foundation then helped and took him to poland for treatment. i was extremely grateful for that. and already in january, i started working at this foundation. i handed over the leadership
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of my unit in kharkiv and began to deal with the medical evacuation of soldiers. now this is my main job. according to david, among the wounded they managed to evacuate to the american military hospital at base i in ramstein. apart from ukrainians, it is the largest the number of americans. in second place. canadians also evacuated wounded soldiers from great britain, japan, south korea, new zealand, australia, brazil and other countries whose citizens volunteered to support ukraine in its fight against russian aggression. on behalf of our entire family, i would like to thank the ukrainian people. for all their love and support, we will receive letters from all over. ukraine, from all over the world, but the ukrainian people, the ukrainian people even sent my daughter-in-law money. i think they sent over $60k. it was like that, one or two dollars each. i know that
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in ukrainian currency it is different. it's another sacrifice for them, but they want to show their love and support to our family, andrew and his cause. i really appreciate that the people of ukraine do not forget him. according to david, he hopes that this visit will be able to move from the dead to. the blocked aid package to ukraine, but the foundation is not going to stop, this was the first such visit, but already in the summer and autumn they plan to bring new delegations to the congress, relatives of other american volunteers who died from of the russian war and those who continue to fight for democracy in the world. kateryna lisunova, iryna shynkarenko and oleksii osyka, voice of america, washington. friends, you can watch this and our other stories on the youtube channel of voice of america in ukraine. we are on it. we will say goodbye, have a good night , have a good morning, see you,
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there are discounts on acc long, 15% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings, there are discounts on lactiale, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings, there are. discounts on mukaltin 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and oskad. there are discounts on tizin bio and tezink silo - 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zemai, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. today we will discuss with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world,
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yuliy fizar, yuriy dobry will speak in more detail evening, please, you have two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about money during of war, oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much lina chechenna for the information about culture news. that many have become familiar. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for smart and those who care espresso in the evening. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational
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project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two hours. we are talking about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program. the sbu is at the epicenter of the scandal. bigusinfo journalists were monitored by the department protection of national statehood. the council summons the head of the nakylim service. the threat of a new offensive, the russians are raising troops to capture kharkiv oblast. the situation at the fronts in the conditions of the delay of western aid.
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military leadership of ukraine. western partners are afraid of the escalation of the conflict between the president and the leader. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky, journalist roman tsimbalyuk, and colonel of the security service of ukraine in the reserve mykhailo prytula. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, will be people's deputies of ukraine oleksiy kuch. oleksiy honcharenko and yevgenia kravchuk. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of the special operation citadel, which was conducted by the special operations forces on one of the mining platforms in the black sea, the special forces destroyed the russian radar station and the equipment that helped the enemy attack the south of ukraine, ukraine
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kamikaze drones. let's see. russian container cherno morneft, after all kkz
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please like our video, and also subscribe to our youtube page and take part in our vote, today we are asking you about trust, about trust in the security service of ukraine. do you trust the security service of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. choose yes or no, you can write your personal opinion in the comments below this video, if you are sitting and watching our telecast, take your smartphone and vote if you trust to the security service of ukraine 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, during our program there will also be...
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the speech of the president of the united states of america joseph biden to congress on aid to the ukrainian state, so we're waiting minute by minute for the inclusion from washington, and that's why i'm warning you, my friends, that it could happen at any minute, we're going to pause our program and listen to what biden said, how biden calls on congress to vote for the much-needed 61 billion dollars of aid for ukraine , i want to introduce the guests of today 's program, or rather, our first guest, this is yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former commander of the aydar battalion, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. yevgeny, let 's start our conversation, the situation that is currently developing on the eastern and southern fronts, because...


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