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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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just such a missile, that is, a ship really like that, it is supposedly small, but it is capable and potentially very dangerous for us. on the night of saturday, february 3, a powerful fire broke out at the lukoil-vologograd oil refinery, an oil refinery in the krasnoarmy district of the city of volgograd. also, our uavs reached the belgorod and rostov regions. the russian authorities announced an attack on three regions of the russian federation. very discreetly, they allegedly shot down four ukrainian drones over the belgorod region, two over the volgograd region and one more over the rostov region.
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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid. will be
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the most important events of this week and, of course , we will try to predict what the following days will bring us, our guests today oleg rybachuk and colonel vladyslav seleznyov. oleg rybachuk, former head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, former vice-prime minister for european integration, co-founder of the chesno movement, will be working on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. olezh, i congratulate you. glory to heroes, death to enemies, we'll talk later. we understand what is going on... it is not just a personnel matter, it is a political and possibly geopolitical matter. the foreign press writes much more and much more precisely and in much more detail than the ukrainian press, and we understand that most likely a big, big internal conflict is brewing, which they will try, of course, to stir up from all sides, well, first of all, it is about our enemy. so, in your opinion, what is happening in the case of the head of the labor committee and the president. zelenskyi, i immediately
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reacted publicly to this situation, and i felt like to a person who knows banking, these processes, how it happens there, it was clear to me that the issue of resignation is only a matter of time, that is, the transience of resignation is absolutely clear to me, and to the logical question, but how so, so what are they they think to themselves, i can say that every politician has... the constitutional right in ukraine and in the world to choose the path of political suicide, and the president has this right, it is his constitutional right, no matter how much we analyze the pros and cons here , about a year ago, as experts from the inner circle said, andriy, well, this is the same andriy yermak, he drew the attention of the president and all his friends to the ratings of the hard worker, and they are right, and somehow we are not... but really, look at what is being done, and
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now a year has passed and the whispers ended with a completely natural result, to count, to try to convince, to hope for a miracle, i would not, well, because i will not repeat, because this is the constitutional right of the president, he has such a right, and as the western media write, conflicts between the top political leadership and the top... military - this is practically inevitable, there are different cultures, different ambitions, different understandings, but in such conflicts the military always loses, well, because the president is the president, he appoints, he fires, here we have nothing to add, public opinion, appeals to western partners, western partners reacted, through the mouth of a spokesperson the white house, well...
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we assume that this is your internal-ukrainian problem. i already had more than one conversation, right in front of you, i talked there with correspondents from paris, i had several conversations with westerners. agencies, as they understand it, they are alarmed, but they have roughly the same situation, that this is an internal ukrainian problem, and they hope that this problem will be solved with honor, we also understand the risks very well, but i repeat, we are like that here, we are so smart here , weevils are sitting, i think that there too, or not all of them. no, i have one question, did they not foresee the possibility that the person involved would refuse to play along and submit an application, an application table, i don’t understand this for sure, that means communicators, pr people are all from god, because if there is a leak, if it happened,
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i have no doubt that the conversation took place, if such a conversation took place, well , it was not possible to predict that zuluzne would refuse and that's why this week is not about snk. that this resignation will happen this week, in a word, it's clear to me that the scenario probably didn't go as smoothly as we wanted, it's clear to me that it's a political mistake, i have no doubt about it, i don't understand to be honest, what do people hope for who say, maybe they will get sober, who will get sober and what will they get sober, how about you you can imagine, you are the president. i am your military officer, military right-hand man, chief defense adviser, you call me, tell me about resignation, i refuse, and then we continue to cooperate as if nothing had happened, this does not happen, this does not happen for much longer mature political institutions, and obviously this cannot be the case in the
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banking atmosphere that now reigns there in this ermachatnik, who a year ago started talking about... and again in ukrainian history, the history of ukrainian presidents such the situation was repeated more than once, when , for example, the conditional imprisonment of tymoshenko obviously promised to be a downfall for yanukovych, and he understood it, because i told you once, he told me for a long time while he was still prime minister, which kuchma made a mistake when he put his opponent in prison, well, we 're not talking about prison with an addict, but we 're talking about... how you act as a president with someone you don't like, and yanukovych then he clearly said that the best way to neutralize tymoshenko is to simply not to touch, because she, she how, like a plant without the sun withers in the information, in the information
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blockade, but then he became the president, planted and how did it end, the situation with yushchenko and kuchma is very similar, when i had a conversation with pinchuk, when it was already clear that... he was going to resign, i told him, well , listen, well, then you retire the prime minister, who liked being the prime minister, now a couple of months will pass, the parliamentary elections are starting, well, we will go to parliamentary elections, we will definitely win these the elections and further, yushchenko will be the president, why are you doing this, what seemed clear to me, they do not understand, but this story repeats itself, i am not saying that the hard-working man will necessarily make a political career there, i do not know at all, what a politician he is. he is not very public anymore, yes, he is enough , he is like that, he is, well, he is like that, well, the creator of our imagination, and in ukrainian history, lutsenko often became like that, then there, well, i don’t know, then tihipko was such a leader , klitschko was, and restovych was a year ago, that is, you see,
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that there are unknown trajectories, so you and i cannot project the future fate, but what makes this situation particularly expressive is that we have a war, we cannot... we can afford to measure this situation only in the categories of the political process, well, because where the fact is that our political process is quite stable, it is almost non-existent, that is, there are issues with the government, issues with the office and so on and so forth, so it is not about politics, it is about certain functions that are performed, but the issue of war, the issue of responsibility that will lie on very specific people who would dared to take this responsibility upon themselves. well , in any case, we understand that in addition to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, there is also the supreme commander-in-chief, and here questions may arise, in particular from our partners, well, it is obvious that this event, well , first of all, when we appeal to our partners
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and say: good people, what are you doing there, how long can you agree on something there, avoid escalation, the war is already breaking at your door, and you are doing... it, so the war is already in our house , and we do not deny ourselves in the opportunity to deal with internal problems, but as such, created on a fairly level ground, but again. if we analyze the western partners, then yes, zaluzhnyi has great authority among the military leadership there, but in the western military it is in principle a taboo, they understand these rules, we are not a western military, we are not latin america , we do not practice junta juntas are our practice excellent, and that is why the western military will work with whoever comes to the place of the industrious. that is, even if they don't like it, but what is happening is what it is now the key moment in the war with all these
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american dances, to whom we give arguments in favor of supporting, not supporting ukraine, for sure, as always, we create a problem not for our opponents, but we create a problem for our friends, this is also our infamous tradition, to complicate life to his friends, with a discussion in the congress, all kinds of orban with fizami in the european union, it takes some time. to revive this relationship, it takes some time to work effectively again on a personal level, this cooperation between the new the commander-in-chief and his colleagues among the nato countries, we need time, which we do not have , and this is happening at an almost critical moment, when a decision is made tomorrow on the financing of ukraine by the european union, i think that it will inevitably be positive, i a... started with forecasts of american aid, because there they have already started to openly
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say, without disguising it, they have openly said that we cannot sign this agreement, because it is a gift to biden, but it is better to wait until trump becomes president, he will come and decide everything , they don't even they began to hide it, i don't know how it will end, but a week ago there were more optimistic scenarios, there were signals that an agreement was about to be reached, and there was such an impression. that american politicians are really competing for the one who will better prepare for the challenges of illegal migration there, and it turns out that it is not about migration at all, it is about the fact that it is impossible to give a political opponent such a trump card, if we give him such a trump card, then what should we go with for the elections, this is roughly the logic of the american political elites of the republicans, not only that, there is me absolutely killed there the decision of the regional committee of the oklahoma republican party, which threatened. to his senator for the fact that he publicly supported the need for a treaty and
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the introduction of an aid package to ukraine and others, as treason against candidate trump, and threatened him with stopping funding, well, that's what it 's called for me, leave the beautiful people's governor of the state of texas, and accordingly 25 other governors who supported him in his unbridled desire. to use the american constitution for its intended purpose, whose the border is the power of that, whose power is the border. so we also understand that the situation in the states is much less stable than we would like or think. let's project what to the fact that trump actually, having lost the elections in the 20th year, still did not recognize the results. now he has actually threatened that if he does not win. known, these are 25 states, these are national, that is, he actually threatened to split
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the country, this is not a civil war, as rusniak tries to say, but by undermining the foundations of democracy and not being punished for the fact that he actually supported the coup d'état, treason on january 6, now trump is already openly calling on his supporters with weapons in their hands to defend their... truth, and his truth is this, you all know that the victory was stolen from me, and further on in the text, that is why the situation now appears when we go to the elections, and regardless of what will happen in the elections, you can confidently predict what will happen next to american democracy, and american democracy has not had such risks, well, probably since its foundation own of the state, since the time of abraham rincoln there has not been anything like it, so serious, very luxurious. and here , in the current situation of american turbulence, we have unstoppable
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emotional initiatives, well, i am still bigger, maybe an optimist, i want to believe that maybe somehow it will not go according to the scenario described by mykola vasilievich gogol in his time, the outstanding the ukrainian writer in his outstanding work, how ivan ivanovich and ivan nikifurovych had a quarrel, you remember, and that no matter what was done, there was a crack. deepened, but this may have consequences in attitudes, which are called that the military command, generals, generals are people who perceive the situation through the prism of... the prism of war, through the prism of death, through the prism of provision and trust. well, it must be said that this factor is also openly analyzed in the western media, in that among the ukrainian military, the authority of the stalwart is very high. for different things, again, i don't know him, you don't know him, he's not public,
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but obviously you and i are not in the armed forces, we don't feel this one on our own skin. style, they feel, and they say in particular that there are attempts to put the commander of the ground forces there, this is a completely unacceptable situation, although this is a favorite, in particular , of the office of the president and the same fair, and this is a serious issue, because i do not think, again, we are not latin america , our military, they are as patriotic as possible, they will fulfill their obligations, but especially our military, they will be faithful to the oath. they will not undermine the country's defense capabilities, they will defend their freedom, protect their own families, their lands, but the moment will come, the moment of elections, and here in ukraine, since this french colleague of yours tried to ask me if i am not afraid of authoritarianism, the return of authoritarianism in ukraine, and i will honestly
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tell you that i am the times of yanukovych , especially, personally i was not afraid, i saw that many ukrainians... saw not that we underestimated, we understood the threats, but for us it was not a matter of retreating, because authoritarianism, responsibility in every democracy threatens, you have to go to the elections and you have to get trust from the voters, here i have serious problems, serious questions, i don't know how it will end from the point of view of military tactics, well, hypothetically, well, maybe, maybe something will be better, because you and i understand that there are problems in the ministry of defense as well. enough, and the military will tell you how many things are being done wrong there, but we are talking about the fact that responsibility will not succeed, it will not be possible to transfer it to any of the poles or yermaks, it will not be possible to transfer responsibility from the shoulders of politicians to the shoulders of the military, this is will definitely not be accepted by society, because
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everyone understands that in order for the military to fulfill the tasks set before them, they must have these resources, if you... set them the task of knocking out the enemy from the territory of the country, and not provide them with resources, then somewhere there was something in one of the publications , that zaluzhny directly told the minister of defense, well , this is your task, but provision is your political task, my task is to fight with the resources that i have at my disposal, and the military understands this perfectly, and there is no other way to interpret it, it cannot general headquarters, cannot take on... problems with providing resources, mobilization, military, political, everything can be done when you work as a team, and i repeat, since there is no such team anymore, i simply do not imagine the possibility of theoretical cooperation between the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, when such a conversation had already taken place between them. istanbul, what can happen now in
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istanbul, because putin is going to erdogan, is the closest. for weeks, yes, and we understand that they will not only talk about business caucasus and not only about the affairs of the middle east, we understand that putin will try to use erdogan for his own purposes, yes, and accordingly, erdogan will try to do something symmetrical with putin, and of course they will also talk about the black sea transit, well, what can i say, what's up erdogan, he 's secured probably his last presidency, i... i think even he thinks he can go for another term, it was the toughest race for him and he's politically calm, so he can risk, further, what can he offer putin, i don't know god, but i know what america is offering him, for example, america is offering him to sign contracts for the supply of f35,
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which the americans have now sold there to turkey's staunch partners, the greeks, and to the ponato partners. and at the same time, the americans expect that those s-400s that erdogan bought, i think there are eight or so divisions that he bought from russia, and which turned out to be far from miraculous weapons, that these installations can end up in some third country, and then get to ukraine. this is what i see, i see what america offers and what it has to weigh erdogan, and i do not understand that... he would be offered such a putin, where he would have advantages, because i know turetsky's mentality very well, at one time i headed the turkish-ukrainian governmental intergovernmental commission there. and the turks are very pragmatic people, for them integration is the expansion of trade, they think in terms of the promotion of their own business, their own interests, the expansion of their own markets, and here
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kill me, i do not understand what putin can offer such a thing, so a serious struggle has begun here and we already see that it is proposed, we see that on the eve of putin's visit to ankara, frank information about the possibility for erdogan to realize his dream of... to buy the most modern aviation, sign profitable contracts and get closer, if not politically, then commercially with the european union and improve his relations with nato , this is what i see, on the other hand, putin, he will leave north korea, this is not about any peace-making initiatives of erdogan. i now have a very weak idea why erdogan, what good, what erdogan can add to what happened in his time convinced that... this border, this transit through the black sea, he acted as a broker, and he believed that it was necessary to invite russia, russia was invited, but in the wrong direction and
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sent in a completely different direction, the corridor is working, the whole the world recognized that the corridor works , ukraine proved it, and erdogan did not interfere with this, strictly speaking , a certain soft coalition was created, and erdogan was also in these coalitions, that is, this card was removed, ukraine actually... unblocked, and the chances that putin will actually be able to, well, if not completely, then with his half-destroyed fleet, he will be able to threaten something there , attack some international tankers, these chances have simply decreased many times, so it is no longer a game for erdogan, i do not understand that erdogan can bring anything additional here, the position of ukraine is quite clear, we also understand , that we can have... negotiations, but after some effort , so there may be something here, well, something will have to be said at the press conference, but i am up to the fact that
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erdoğan also has some such, unbeaten, trump cards not now, he can to speak like this with fairly predictable general appeals to the fact that an understanding should be reached, but on the other hand i don't think he can be there like orban or like fizo i will repeat. chanting the mantra that the occupied territories should be returned to the russians is not in erdogan's interests at all, let 's recall these cards again, yes, mr. oleg, well, the key story of erdogan is only a certain segment of an extremely complex game, yes, i would like to believe, that now in the current situation we can count on an additional one support, well, the french were amused, in particular it is about missile systems, the british are holding steady, so in the joint. the states do not know that with the poles we seem to have measured backwards and the situation has stabilized with the help of donald tusk. the germans pay and support, and they do it stably.
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thank god ot. and what are our trump cards? because the situation is not easy, and we understand that our western partners would also like to receive clear signals. from our side. well , here is the problem, here is the problem, what to consider caser maps, because... this situation is again around time, i am not saying that this is something that is fatal from the point of view of the interests of ukraine, but it definitely makes it much more difficult if we measure every step of the government by whether it brings us closer to victory , does it make it difficult for us to win, it's the current situation that makes it difficult, and the only thing we can hope for is that, what i personally hope for is that this mantra that the president repeats at ... every step of the way , that we are reliable partners, we will definitely do all the things, which we promised, despite all the difficulties, we will definitely carry out these reforms, this
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is what the european union is saying , nato is saying this, and in my meetings with representatives of both nato and the european union, i say that listen, well, now it has to be quite strict monitor, you can't pretend that you believe... some things that were announced, but not done, the ukrainian government now has to feel from the society, and it feels it from the society, well, knyazev was given enough money so that he poor man came out of his cell, and that was for a second, well, just some concentrated symbol of corruption in the newly created reformed supreme court, and such things as happened to the prince, well , at every step. people are appointed outside the competition, that is, there is an open challenge to what we promised to do, instead of making the reforms we promised
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according to the recipes that everyone knows, we try to imitate them, we are told that this time the imitation will not pass , for some reason it seems to them that it is possible to simply transfer responsibility to them through pr technology it seems that the world will simply swallow it, because there is no way out, and we have to understand this, that this is our obligation, when we undertook the obligation for european integration, basic things, this is precisely this governance, these are exactly independent the courts, it's the balancing of the branches of government, it's not the interference of one branch of government in another, it's judicial reform, it's a bunch of things that are not happening now, but without progress in that direction, after we get a political decision on funding there, it's does not mean that we will automatically receive funds. look again at orbán: the european union has accumulated experience, i think that orbán will be the first example of what is done with those li'.
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who have already promised, became members of the european union, became members of nato , but then brazenly ignore all these promises and violate the basic principles, then in ukraine these threats also do not go anywhere, and the people who are at the head of the ukrainian government, who need funds, who help is needed, they cannot fail to understand this, i don't know where the painful moment is, when zelenskyi will understand what you can't be six, they can't not understand it, i don't know. where is the painful moment when zelenskyi will understand that it is impossible to drag the country on six crutches, if he believes that these are his six advisers, that this is what ukraine rests on, this is a colossal mistake, no one in the world thinks so, if he will still expect that it is these people who will pull the country out, they are pulling it, but they are pulling it not at all where zelensky would have hoped, this formula is not working, and this is
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an internal issue of ukraine. and this is her question positions , but the public is talking about it more and more loudly, they are talking about it more and more loudly at the meetings held there by representatives of the ukrainian government with european and american politicians, and this is the question of the ability of the ukrainian government to actually fulfill its promises and the ability of the ukrainian government to become a reliable partner of the european union and nato, because with such a management formula, well , questions arise here, and what about victoria nulan, the deputy of the state? the secretary of the united states for political affairs was brought to kyiv, yes the visit is important and not for nothing, that is , what biden and blinkin could say, well, i think, she voiced. very precisely, i explained this to your colleagues yesterday, because i have the experience of meeting viktoriyalan there, she is such an iron lady, an american diplomat, and she is characterized by the fact that she does not
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choose words in particular, and that because there. your colleague asked that maybe blinken should have been there, but the fact that it was not blinken, but victoria noland, gives me a great reason, as well as you, to understand that she said roughly what we are talking about we are talking to you now, she can very concretely and very specifically make you understand the consequences of an unreliable partnership on the part of ukraine with these very words, she is the person who has the experience for this. drive and desire, she is exactly that type of diplomat, and i think that her visit there, which is practically private, it says a lot just by this privateness, and the moment that is chosen for this visit is very characteristic and very timely, so i am sure that zelensky heard things about which it is possible for diplomatic reasons blinken would not even speak.
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thank you very much, mr. oleg, for this extremely useful article. and an interesting conversation, i want to remind our viewers:


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