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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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should have been, but the very fact that it is not blinken, but victoria noland, gives me a great reason, as well as you, to understand that she said approximately what we are talking about now with you, but she can, in the same words, very concretely and very specifically to make it clear about the consequences of an unreliable partnership on the part of ukraine, this is the person who has the experience, strength and desire for this in... she is exactly the type of diplomat, and i think that her visit, which is practically not public there, is very much speaks precisely of this non-publicity, and the moment that is chosen for of this visit is very characteristic and very timely, so i am sure that zelenskyi heard things about which, perhaps, for diplomatic reasons , blinken would not even start talking about. thank you very much, mr. oleg, for this extremely useful and interesting conversation, i want to remind our viewers... that
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oleg hrybachuk, the former chief of the secretariat of viktor yushchenko, the president, and , of course, the former vice-prime minister for of european integration, as well as a co-founder of the chesno movement. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour episode format even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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vladyslav seleznyov, ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, i congratulate you. greetings to you heroes glory. an extremely important, symbolic and symptomatic article published in cnn, authored by the head of the commissar, general zaluzhnyi. yes, well, actually, we understand that it is about summing up certain results, we understand that it was not done formally. on the other hand, it is a view of the deployment of the strategic perspective of the war. we are talking, perhaps, about the second stage of the war with the russian federation. the first and main signal is that this publication was published in the columns of an american publication, so we need to understand which audience this publication is primarily aimed at. as in me, this is an absolutely adult, such a rational analysis of the achievements that the ukrainian army achieved during these two years of the full-scale russian-ukrainian war, and the proposal is kind of stupid.
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maps, in which way should the ukrainian army act in order to achieve the same victory, superiority and victory on the battlefield, because in fact, ukraine now faces a lot of challenges, it is a matter of limited resources, it is also an understanding that the enemy is not going to give up its plans, and he still dreams of destroying ukraine as state, and ukraine as a constituent community of peoples of the world, this is also the understanding that the enemy has a lot of resources to implement. of these missions, it is an understanding that foreign political processes and domestic political processes also affect the course of hostilities directly on the front lines of combat, you mentioned resources, well, we understand that we are talking about manpower and the corresponding means, artillery, missile and so on down the list, so this time with the head, the handyman rather carefully outlined our needs, from the second on the other hand, we understand that the pentagon already, i
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think, guesses what we need the most. regarding the awareness of our western partners, we have to understand that the public events that we know under the name of rapstein. by the way, the 18th on the ramshtein list was recently held, a meeting of representatives of more than 50 countries of the world that are donors and provide certain military and technical needs of the ukrainian defense forces, this public meeting is preceded by work at the level of technical groups, usually this work ends agreement on general positions, there is a final communique, which becomes public as a result of... the direct holding of romstein itself, but the needs of the ukrainian army are urgent, medium-term and long-term, they are obvious to all participants in the process, which we know as romstein, and therefore obvious , that our western partners also understand that ukraine lacks,
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critically lacks, artillery shells and long-range missiles, with which we will be able to target not only enemy military facilities in the temporarily occupied territories on... our country, but also on the territory of the european part of the russian federation, because this is really important, and our leader valery zalozhnyk hints at this absolutely transparently, because it is absolutely obvious that we need to destroy the enemy's military infrastructure, the infrastructure of the defense industry complex of the russian federation, as well as objects of the critical energy infrastructure of the russian federation, which also work for certain gains and capabilities of the russian occupation army, that is, these theses, which... are public as a result of the publication in the format of the cnn publication , it is a clear signal to our western partners that there is no need to delay, that the ukrainian military leadership has an absolutely clear understanding of the situation, there is a clear road
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map of how to achieve our dream goal, and for that we need resources, of course, to a certain extent, we rely on our own achievements and opportunities from... in fact, that we absolutely rationally assess the industrial and technical capabilities of our western partners, general zaluzhno speaks about this absolutely frankly, but, even despite such a difficult situation regarding the military and technical support of the ukrainian army, including those related to certain difficult, let's say, political processes taking place in the partner countries of ukraine, nevertheless we have the opportunity, we have options for the involvement of the ukrainian troops, taking into account those resource... capabilities that we can count on here and now. i think that it is not for nothing that at one time the relevant deputy minister of defense of ukraine, general ivan havrylyuk, emphasized that we can partially compensate for the barracks of artillery ammunition due to the more active use
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of drones, in particular fpv drones. this is a completely rational approach. not only that, the de facto ukrainian resistance to enemy aggression, the further it goes, the more it acquires the signs of a fourth war. generation, that is, in fact, when instead of personnel, instead of military personnel, missions and combat tasks are performed by equipment, unmanned platforms, high-precision weapons, in particular artillery, in particular missile systems, as well as electronic warfare systems, so we have to continue to use this advantage on the battlefield, and not to stop at the factories we already have, but to continue to work on increasing the technology as much as possible. advantage on the battlefield, including through the use of relatively cheap unmanned aerial platforms that we know, called phipidrones. perhaps a certain reformatting of what is called the operational command in certain directions is coming,
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perhaps there will be a rethinking, perhaps there will be a general rethinking of the logic of war, so with taking into account the mobilization processes that are being pushed on ukraine, we understand that it is necessary to... train a significant amount of living resources, we understand that they should be taught to work with appropriate equipment and so on and so on, it is possible to adjust what is called the average and maybe even part of the higher echelon of command. the process is serious, of course, and here i have a very serious warning about the rumors that are actively spreading in the ukrainian information space, about an incredible rotation or replacement. general zaluzhnyi to another ukrainian general in the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. why is this not acceptable now? the fact is that leo's part of the military-technical support from our western partners takes place, including, at the expense of direct communications between the head of state, his apparatus and
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our western partners. after the change of headmaster, the very name of holokoma, it may happen that we lose a certain period of time to improve skills. communication channels and opportunities, now, while which steals active combat operations in various areas of the front, and during the moment when, according to general kyril buda. the head of the military intelligence of our country, that de facto that in the next, maybe a month, maybe two, the enemy will still try to transform his numerical advantage into territorial gains, that is, in the elections , they are conducting their offensive campaign, do we have the opportunity to decide and create conditions for procrastination, regarding certain communication channels and, accordingly, obtaining a more flexible and prompt response from... from the side of our western partners, the answer to this question is obvious, no, we cannot afford it, but again there are
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certain internal political processes within our country that can to some extent seriously influence certain decisions, which now everyone is aware of and these scumbags are actively discussed in the ukrainian segment of the information space, the general staff is the brain of the war, yes, this is a textbook expression, yes from the other side. we understand that there is a question of the level of competence, that is, a good general is a good general who also works with the map, with resources, with a vision of the strategic deployment of certain hostilities. a team game, it is primarily about the interaction between the branches of the military, between the rate, and the understanding and knowledge of the personnel, so we understand that the armed forces of ukraine have their own specifics, which differ from the specifics, for example, in the same ministry of internal affairs and so on according to the list, so definitely, and here is literally one
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example, we can reproach as much as we want the team of the previous minister of defense mr. resnikov and directly to him when he was in this position of the head of the customs department of our country, but effective, meaningful and , most importantly, effective communication was demonstrated, precisely during the term of office of oleksiy reznikov, ukraine de facto... received about 100 billion dollars in the equivalent of the corresponding military and technical assistance, which ensured the current and medium-term needs of the ukrainian defense forces. there was a rotation, the rotation happened due to a certain number of reasons, but nevertheless, the team of the newly appointed minister of defense mr. rusty umerov was already in contact with the organization of less than three romsteins, i.e. 16-17, respectively. were these ramsteins so meaningfully filled and effective for meeting the needs
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of the ukrainian army. the answer to this question can be given personally by everyone involved in the information support of the current war. it is obvious that the level of reduction in military-technical assistance for the needs of the ukrainian army has de facto decreased. we have seen in open sources information that the military itself has decreased by 90%. technical assistance for the ukrainian army, is the key factor between the personalities of the communications between the previous commanders of the previous secretary of defense and the current one? definitely a certain element of influence on these processes was indicated, because any communication, it also happens due to interpersonal relations and the finding of a certain understanding, because we remember the saying that was repeatedly heard by... the then minister of resnikov's defense, when he spoke about the following: the word no from our western
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partners, i do not perceive as a refusal when i ask them about certain options supplies of military equipment or other equipment, i perceive the words from our western partners as a challenge that we have to overcome, in fact, that team succeeded, because even at the beginning of the full-scale war there was definitely no question that... the ukrainian army would receive armored vehicles, in particular, the british challengers or the american leopards or the american abrams or the german leopards, at that time there was no talk at all about the hymars and the missiles corresponding to them, there was no talk about much that the ukrainian army later received and that allowed our troops, first, ensure the implementation of certain tasks for the de-occupation of part of the territory of our country, and then prepare for the scale. the offensive of the ukrainian defense forces, which took place during the summer and early autumn of last
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year 23. therefore, communication options are an extremely important factor that influence the course of events, including in the framework of ensuring the current and medium-term needs of the ukrainian defense forces. well, if we are talking about possible one or the other, i don't know, personnel perturbations or personnel reassignments. we understand that the enemy extremely active. will study all this, and i am more than sure that for each of our commanders, let alone generals and perhaps even some gifted colonels, in the main department of the russian general staff in the federation there will be a corresponding folder, or even two, well accordingly, what should we expect from the enemy now taking into account, so to speak , short-term prospects, yes, about which we cannot talk, because we do not yet know what and how it will be, therefore, i think that for the next two months, at least, we will be constantly face that enemy will constantly attack along the entire 1,350-kilometer line of combat confrontation,
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looking in this way, well, at least for some layered in... in the ukrainian system of defense and protective structures, of course, that putin's army will dream of giving putin some kind of such a present to his next re-election to the post of president of the russian federation. of course, such challenges and risks exist taking into account the rather serious intensification of hostilities, in particular in the kupyan-liman region, i am not talking about the situation of the past or the day before, but about trends, besides, we see. what barbaric processes are currently taking place in the area of ​​avdiyivka and south of it, and of course, that the enemy still dreams of being able to stabilize the situation on the southern face of the russian-ukrainian front, in particular in the rabotino area, by eliminating the very bridgehead that the ukrainian army on this part of the front, and having eliminated the bridgehead of the ukrainian defense forces, which they hold on the left bank of the dnieper,
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for the third month in a row, the enemy has a lot of plans, but the key... question is in that, will the harvest of the army of resources be enough? unfortunately, we have to understand the following: for the current 24th year, the russian federation has allocated an amount equivalent to approximately 120 billion dollars, will they get at least the same result with regard to the financing of ukrainians. defense forces, the answer to which is still up in the air, so we have good news on the results at the meeting of the representatives of the countries of the european union, we received from the same americans 50 billion euros for the next four years, but not all of this money will be directed specifically to ensure the military needs of the ukrainian defense forces, so we are waiting for contractual
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news from the ocean, how quickly is it the question will be... in a certain way dastamina is not known, but it is obvious that the ukrainian army is facing a serious lack of everything that is needed on the battlefield right now here and now. i think that it is not for nothing that general zaluzhny wrote his publication for cnn, yes details what exactly the ukrainian army needs, including in the context of the fact that certain resource capabilities of our western partners are exhausted, and they definitely will not be able to. provide all the needs of the ukrainian defense forces at the level of the 23rd or more than 22nd years. thank you, mr. colonel, for this extremely interesting and meaningful conversation. and i would like to remind our tv viewers that the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, vladyslav seleznyov, ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was currently working on spresso. our program has run out of time,
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stay with espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones.
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see this week in the collaborators program. sport outside of politics. who exchanged the army of football fans for the army of the russian federation? train at zenit schools, train with champions. but as a player who was called from... i am very happy to return to shakhtar. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who began to serve the rashis following the call of their soul and wallet. today's issue is about salesmen, football players, those who betrayed the blue and yellow flag, under which he gained world fame, millions of fortunes and an army of thousands
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of supporters. today, these people glorify a completely different army, the enemy, or simply refuse to talk about the bloody war in ukraine, those who successfully changed their shoes and suddenly became patriots, the country should know all of them face to face. during his career, this football player set a real record, playing 140. four matches for the national team of ukraine. we are talking about anatoly tymoshchuk. born in 1979 in lutsk the takeoff of his career took place in shakhtar clubs, where tymoshchuk came in the late 90s and later became the team captain. and bayern, where he was a finalist in the champions league in the 2011-12 season. sports ability and good preparation brought the football player worldwide success and recognition. many foreign football clubs were interested in him. such as juventus and roma, but tymoshchuk decided to sell himself to the russians, went to play for the gazprom-funded club zenit, where he later became an assistant coach and moved
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to st. petersburg. well, zanit did what had to be done in the first half. arshavin's serve and tymoshchuk scores the ball into the goal. i don't see any problems with my life in st. petersburg, because people love me there. all with respect to me , as for the language, it is my native language, in the family with my parents, with my children, with my wife, i speak the ukrainian language, but as it turns out later, tymoshchuk will forget his native language, and also at the beginning of zero he was one of the key players of the national team of ukraine. he received the lion's share of fame during the world cup in 2006, when ukraine reached the quarterfinals. then tymoshchuk received the title of player of the match and was the captain of the team. already in 2011, he was recognized as the best football player in the history of ukraine and the football player did not want to support the state that gave him everything. with the beginning
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of the full-scale russian invasion , the majority of current and former football players spoke negatively towards the aggressor and called for an end to the war. however, tymoshchuk chose to remain silent, refusing to comment on the situation and only once saying that everything was not so clear. from tymoshchuk's interview fanatical movement of st. petersburg zenith. i do not feel the difference between the peoples of ukraine and russia. we all have the same mindset and mentality. zenit is my home, and i'm not going to leave here as long as everything suits me. the fact that i am silent about svo does not mean that i support it or condemn it. each person has his own position. mine is that not everything is so clear-cut. that's why i try not to talk about it. the reaction of ukrainians to tymoshchuk's hope was sharp. many fans. and experts called him a traitor who chose interests of russia. later, information emerged that tymoshchuk allegedly cooperates fruitfully with the fsb. the document with the agreement to comply with the laws
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of the russian federation and the footballer's signature was made public by his former manager vitaly yurchenko. so the ukrainian football association decided to deprive tomushchuk of his coaching license and exclude him from the official register of ukrainian national team players. in addition, by decree of president tymoshchuk. he is forbidden to enter ukraine, all his assets on the territory of our country are blocked. all sports titles and tymushchuk was also deprived of state awards. this is how the path from a real legend to a petty russian sycophant turned out to be, and fortunately, it is a one-way street. shakhtar has to blush for one more of his pets, this is oleksandr rosputko, who fled to russia and is already applying for a passport with a two-headed chicken. oleksandr was born in the city. in 2004, he graduated from the shakhtar academy, where he began his career, later became the champion of ukraine in various age categories and played four matches for the
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ukrainian national team. the contract with shakhtar was to expire in june 2024, however, the young man decided to betray both his native team and the state. oleksandr rozputko did not return to his homeland at the airport after the away meeting of the uefa youth league with belgian antwerp on october 4 last year. only a neatly folded uniform was found, which he took off while dressing, after which he deleted all his posts on social networks and stopped answering calls. from the comment of the shakhtar press service of the uafbol website. we confirm the fact that oleksandr rozputko did not return to ukraine after the match with antwerp. the player received a boarding pass ticket, handed in the suitcase and did not show up for boarding the plane. as it turned out, rozputko fled to russia, where he allegedly requested political asylum. despite his young age, this... letter was always a supporter of the ideology of the russian world and often clashed with his teammates on this basis. he allegedly planned in advance to escape to the russian federation by transiting through istanbul
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and even had accomplices. miner. terminated the contract with him. meanwhile, the russian media published an interview with the fugitive's father, yury rosputko, who stated that his son was very wants to get a passport with a chicken. so far, i cannot tell the reason why sashko ran away from the miner. i can say that he will definitely be safer in russia. he will simply apply for a russian passport, as he would have done in his homeland in donetsk. that's how, from the champions league, rozputko got straight into the cesspool. pit, there is a place for this traitor. i hope his football career will end there. there are those in the world of football who change their shoes in time in the air. i will tell you about oleg barkov 1987 year of birth originally from makiivka. now he works as a public relations officer in the solid football club shakhtar, and before that he went on the field himself. recently, there was a scandal in the network with his participation. the director of one of the football clubs
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in... accused the man of extorting money and collaborationism. barkov promised reprisals for our club if we do not collect a ransom for him. using his influence in the football hierarchy and holding the position of pr officer at shakhtar football club, it was clearly stated to me that he - quote: would do anything to destroy our reputation. it is surprising that he mentioned his reputation in football, because during the war between russia and ukraine, barkov managed to play in the championship of the dpr in donetsk. who is? parks and what exactly he is accused of, i will tell you now. sports journalist oleksandr gaponenko reported that oleg barkov, the former press attaché of the donetsk olympic team, took part in the championship matches of the terrorist dpr in 2016. he allegedly played for the arsenal team, which represented the occupied makiivka of the donetsk region. the journalist confirmed his words with a screenshot of the official page of the arsenal club in the russian social network vkontakte, where it appears. on saturday
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, july 16, arsenal played another match in the championship of the dpr, this time our team went to dukuchaivsk, visiting one of the outsiders of the tournament, fc dolomite. barkov was replaced. in addition to this, journalist gaponenko also presented photo evidence where barkov can be seen in a football uniform on the field and in the stands. he also appears as the author of an inspired publication about the football championship of the dpr. arsenal won the re'. victory over an outsider and continues to fight for a place on podiums, in a word, everyone with a victory and we are not stopping at what we have achieved, there are still important matches ahead, the author of the article oleg barkov. when the publication spread across the internet, oleg barkov confirmed the given facts, although he noted that he had never played in the dpr championship, he just played for the arsenal team, as he lived in the occupied territory at the time. later, the man left.
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from the terrorist dpr to the territory controlled by ukraine and found a warm place in fc shakhtar. now he is a patriot and a volunteer. with at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russian federation , he is holding meetings for our army, he himself informs and believes in ukraine. he prefers not to mention his participation in the championship under the flags of the separatists. indeed, the seat completely changes the point of view. hopefully, this is the final position. and in the morning i will tell you about another ukrainian football player who can give a real master class on changing shoes in flight, this is yaroslav rakitsky, born in 1989 in the dnipropetrovsk region, a pupil of several football schools, in particular pavlograd samara-meteorit and the donetsk academy miner. he played in the matches of the second league of the championship of ukraine in the middle of the season and eventually joined the main team of the miners. he established himself well there, represented the national
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team, until suddenly in january 19'. that year, in the sixth year of the war with russia, he decided to join the same club where the traitor tymoshchuk of zenit st. petersburg plays. with such an act, rakitsky caused not only a negative reaction from ukrainian fans, but also from experts. because of his performances for the team whose main sponsor is gazprom, rakitsky was no longer called up to our national team, because gazprom is one of the main sponsors of russia's war against ukraine. in general, representing zenit at various cups and championships, this... ukrainian football player took part in 108 matches. rakitsky boom, goal yaroslav rakitsky. yaroslav rakitsky puts the ball into the net in the hundredth game for zenit. as part of zenit, rakitsky was the winner of russian cups and super cups for several years in a row. fame turned his head so that...


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