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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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national team, until suddenly in january 19, in the sixth year of the war with russia , he decided to join the same club where the traitor tymoshchuk of zenit st. petersburg plays. with such an act, rakitsky caused not only a negative reaction from ukrainian fans, but also from experts. because of his performances for the team whose main sponsor is gazprom, rakitsky was no longer called up to our national team. after all, gazprom is one of the main sponsors of the russian war against ukraine. in general, representing zenit at... various cups and championships, this ukrainian one the football player took part in 108 matches. rakitsky boom, goal yaroslav rakitsky, yaroslav rakitsky puts the ball into the net in the hundredth game for zenit. as part of zenit, rakitsky was the winner of russian cups and super cups for several years in a row. fame turned his head so that... even kissing the logo of zenit
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was not disgusting to him. i am proud that, indeed, i played 100 games for the great club zenit. thanks a lot to the fans. i am proud that i was accepted in this way. from the first match until today, they at least respect me, and i also respect them. for for many, rakitskyi became one of the symbols of a football player who is a football player or a football player who is a traitor. however, with the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, the man suddenly changed his position, at least publicly. in february. in 2022 , the following post appeared on his instagram page: i am ukrainian, peace to ukraine, stop war. after that, the football player left russian zenit and played for the turkish club adana demirspor from july to december 2022. and so in january of last year, the football player, who was called a traitor, decided to return to ukraine to his native country miner the donetsk club announced the signing of a contract with this defender, and since the majority cheered. yaroslav
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rakitskyi was never forgiven, the publicists had to put in a lot of effort to reflect the footballer's reputation. they even taught him a few phrases in ukrainian . i am very happy to return to shakhtar. previously, rakitsky was often criticized, they say, playing for the national team of ukraine, he preferred not to sing our national anthem and even grimaced during the performance. now the football player himself declares that it will be an honor for him to return to the field under ukraine has not perished. the man helps with the ssu and has taken on reabi'. tation of one of the wounded servicemen, having spent more than 1 million hryvnias on treatment. we hope that this reshuffle of rakitsky will be final, and no gazprom millions will interest him anymore. and who are we to take away a person's chance to renounce the swamp and work for the victory of ukraine. and those who still haven't realized their mistakes and haven't repented of their betrayal, let them come to their senses. sooner or later we will have to pay for all the crimes against our state.
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answer. it was the program collaborators and i , olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of yours. time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news
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feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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greetings, my name is tetiana vysotska, and we are in the palace of europe, the headquarters
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of the council of europe apartment in strasbourg, and we have the opportunity to talk with the secretary general of the council of europe, maria pejchynovych burych. let's talk with ms. maria about ukraine's path to the eu, about how. europe can help ukraine on this path, as well as how to bring the bloody aggressor putin to justice and how to build a compensation mechanism for the damage caused to ukraine by the war? dear madam secretary general, thank you for this conversation with us, you have been the head of the council of europe for almost 5 years, and during all this time the council of europe, and you personally, have always... a lot to support and help ukraine. reflecting on these years, what do you consider to be the main achievements? in fact, i started working in this position even before the start of this
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terrible full-scale aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. from the very beginning , cooperation with ukraine was very active and important, but our kyiv office... became the largest office in the member states. this is evidence of how important it was ukraine remains for us. speaking about achievements, i would start with a few areas in which we worked, and already now you can see tangible results. one of these areas is definitely improving the protection of human rights for internally displaced persons and those returning home. another direction is the new law on media, and in general... the sphere of media and the public broadcasting system in ukraine, also another direction, and i am very proud that ukraine has made huge progress here in the last 5 years, is the fight against domestic violence, violence against women and children, including the ratification of the istanbul convention, our
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gold standard in this area, which ukraine very bravely ratified, even despite the war that was already ongoing in 2020 , the second year that the convention was ratified. i think this is a huge and important improvement of the measures currently being taken in ukraine to help ukrainian women and children, and not only those who are in ukraine, but also those who, for known unfortunate reasons, are outside its borders. we also improved together legislation in the field of social human rights, protection and promotion of the rights of minorities and the lgbtiq community. and that. a few more examples where we see very, very tangible results that we are very proud of. another aspect that is very important for every citizen of ukraine is that we have worked hard and achieved a better policy and a better legislative framework for the reform of local self-government. actually
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, these achievements are significant steps on the path of european integration of ukraine. last year, the european council and the european commission agreed to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. how the council of europe can now help us to harmonize our legislation with european legislation, in particular, through the approved action plan regarding ukraine. first of all, let me congratulate ukraine on obtaining this candidate status and the start of negotiations. because it is a great achievement and in my opinion a significant change in the paradigm of the european institutions regarding enlargement, when a country suffering from an aggressive war against it gets such an opportunity. this is a huge signal for ukraine and ukrainians, that we see that this war must end and
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that ukraine has a very clear european perspective. at the same time, ukraine has long been a member of the council of europe, and we are very glad that thanks to our the new action plan, the implementation of which began last year in 2023 and will last for four years until 2026, we can help ukraine in... in this direction. the plan is called resilience, recovery and reconstruction, which means that we want to focus on the immediate needs of ukraine and ukrainians, as well as on the medium term to help ukraine, both during the war and in the post-war period. in this regard, we have the largest budget within the framework of one action plan among the member states of the council of europe, approximately 50 million euros, which we allocated for its implementation. and i am very happy about the support of the action plan for ukraine from other member states, which make
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voluntary contributions, and which is very large. as you mentioned, our action plan aims to help ukraine in those areas, in particular in the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which will be screened, as it is called in jargon of the european union, and which will be important for negotiations on the accession of ukraine. to the eu. in fact, many of the so-called political criteria for membership in the european union also belong to the key criteria of the council of europe. so we can say very clearly that a number of areas that we are working on as part of the action plan will directly contribute to the accession negotiations, starting with major reforms such as judicial and constitutional reforms, continuing with work in the field of media and also the development of local self-government.
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after the full-scale invasion began russia to ukraine in 2022, the council of europe became the first and in fact the only major international organization that almost immediately excluded russia from its membership. but now the question of responsibility is becoming increasingly acute: how to punish the leaders of russia and belarus for unleashing a war against ukraine and crimes against people. what can the council of europe do, what is it already doing? the word responsibility has become key since the morning of february 24, 2022, when this terrible morning began with the illegal aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. it was very obvious that the council of europe had to send a signal or russia would stop its aggression and withdraw its troops. or she is kicked out of the organization, of course they didn't listen to anyone and were kicked out in record time. this is
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the first time in the history of the council of europe that such a decision has been taken, and i am very proud that our organization has shown unity on this issue. this is one of the areas where we demonstrated what responsibility is. another direction is to immediately start assisting the prosecutor general of ukraine in gathering evidence that will be in the future may be you'. used in legal or other proceedings, as there was a serious threat of losing part of them. in the meantime, we created a damage registry, which was and remains today the first international accountability mechanism, that is, we backed up our words with actions, the registry is designed to collect evidence of losses, injuries or damages that have been caused to individuals or the state of ukraine, terrible actions of course, the loss register should be part of the overall
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compensation mechanism, this is only the first part, there are two more others that need to be implemented, we are working on it with the international community. the issue that was on the table from the beginning is, of course, the crime of aggression. the council of europe was a participant in the initiative when the first reflections began on how we could best contribute to the creation. i think that the fact that the international criminal court has taken some steps to issue arrest warrants for putin and his cobbler and the children's cases is one of the right directions in the way of prosecution, but going back to the special tribunal, we we have been working together with our experts for some time as part of the main group of countries interested in the idea of ​​creating a tribunal. we have particular expertise in evidence collection, procedural matters,
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and the transfer of criminal proceedings. time will tell how best to approach this, but the council of europe is already part of an international effort to prosecute and establish a special tribunal for the crime of aggression. what's the latest on the loss register when it goes live? creating a register of losses. it was from may reykjavík, which made a decision in may last year, has taken several more important steps. the first is the creation of a conference of participants, a body that includes 44 participants, 43 member states and the european union. it is important
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that among these 43 states are all members of the big seven. the second important body of the registry is the board, which consists of seven members chosen from among leading lawyers nominated by the conference of participants, is chaired by the former president of the european court of human rights, robert spano. of course, we have there is a director nominated by the conference of participants, and we have also identified the location of the registry in the hague, because the city of the hague is the center of international justice. the netherlands expressed its desire. to have our own registry, and we did it, also from the very beginning we wanted to open a representative office of the registry in kyiv, and now we are already on the way to that. we hope that the registry will be able to accept the first applications already in april. it is very important that the registry starts working now, but it is equally important to think about the next stages now. the first step is registration
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complaints, but then it is very important to create an appropriate commission for handling complaints. and the corresponding fund for reimbursement, according to the applications submitted. accountability is an absolute prerequisite for achieving a just peace in the future. and the registry is one of the extremely important steps in this direction. and where do you expect to get these funds for compensation? will it be frozen russian assets or something else? gropy leads and will continue to lead the work on the management of the register of losses, but regarding the creation of a general compensation mechanism, the decision should be adopted by the participating states of this process in a broader context. we would very much like to be part of this process as well, since its connection with the registry is key. i think
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that the participants who will work on creating a common compensation mechanism will find funding for it in a way. speaking about the international tribunal for putin and lukashenka, are you discussing with the un or other international organizations the question of what form it might take. this discussion is now taking place at the level of experts within the framework of the main group of states i mentioned. it has not yet arrived. the moment when the members of the core group will finally decide how and when to establish the tribunal. it is always important to involve as many international organizations as possible in such a process, including judicial institutions such as the icc and others. i think that a wider discussion about what would be the best solution and how to move towards it, once
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agreement is reached, will lend legitimacy to the future tribunal when it is formed. therefore , it is good that the discussions are thorough and that really all possible ways of establishing the tribunal are considered, this is necessary so that once the final decision is made, it can begin to function effectively. good evening, congratulations, my name is myroslava berchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and ukrainian foam. today we will talk about state awards, in particular about state awards. can state awards be independent from the state, from the ukrainian government,
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in our political culture, when the government has always not... happened to be tysla or something somehow tried to influence the jury, the committees and somehow determine their people for awarding. in my studio, yuriy makarov, writer, journalist, former chairman of the shevchenko prize committee, i congratulate yur. hello, tamara gundarova, literary critic, cultural researcher, doctor of philological sciences, who currently teaches ukrainian literature at harvard university, will also join us in the conversation. but it will be in a few minutes, we will start talking about the awards from the shevchenko prize, from the equally state awards what is yuri, as long as i remember shevchenkovka, there were always suspicions around her that the committee was bribed, or
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suspicions that the authorities were somehow putting pressure on the committee, or something was wrong with this award, and in the end even you had to a few years ago to resign from the post of committee chairman, please tell me i was forced to go to... so let's start with what happened in your specific case, and what kind of curse hangs over the shevchenko prize, over the state prize , come on, let's be very brief, what happened, last year, already in the winter, it became clear that there will be laureates in all nominations here as well. there were simply no worthy people who applied, because they had already applied during the war, and many people left, many
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people were thinking about completely different things, it was not about the prize, and when we looked at everything that had already been thrown at us, it was it is clear that we have two awards and... on march 9 of last year , volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi convened a meeting of cultural figures with the entire sinclit, so the chairman was also there the administration of sori's office, and the minister of culture, and the workers are different, there were 20 people there on this holiday and saints. yes, in the operating room of the president's office, i finally got involved, and there were many people on a video call, and there was
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a proposal that we should give a special award, additional nominations for contributing to the victory, and then just now, it doesn't sound so sharp anymore, and at that time there were very... many such manifestations, when cultural diplomacy, in the pure form of cultural diplomacy, when the mere presence of our artists on international platforms influenced on public opinion and, accordingly , on literally helping ukraine from the west, i can cite as an example when the kyiv kyiv symphony orchestra played at... the summit of nato heads of state, played berezovsky and skoryk, and it was so obvious , you see,
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here, well, here is the point where the destinies of the world are decided, and a ukrainian collective of ukrainian composers is playing directly in front of these people, and boris is standing there. jumps up, stands there, macron sticks in and enjoys it, it was obvious, and when it sounded, i say, come on, why not, actually, it came out of the mouth of the minister of culture, that's right, it came out of the mouth of the director of the odessa opera, and the minister picked it up, and i in turn picked it up, well, i call it, if it's so delicate. to say simple-minded, i am, and in this way, and in this way, it gave arguments, yes, to those people who always suspected, yes, that is, this inertia
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of suspicion about the shevchenkivskyi committee, yes, it worked here, and you immediately began to suspect that you were working with the authorities, the authorities pressure, yes, and i then, of course, that i am for and the main thing is that they were detained in connection with this, i was delayed... and i did not have the opportunity to consult with my colleagues, uh, i realized later that there was a certain combination, it was not for nothing that this proposal was made, but it was not for nothing that oleksandr tkachenko picked it up, well, that is, but i all these combinations, i don't buy them, neither live nor... well, i picked it up because it seemed right to me, but in fact it was wrong, and when my colleagues stood up and started saying:
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the committee of to the committee, yes, and all the people there are very difficult and very independent, and you can put pressure on them well, it is simply impossible, i repeat it all, yes , i repeat it many times, these are very worthy people with bad characters in the best sense of the word and with reputations, but they said, no, this is wrong, because we are undermining the trust in the award, which so trust in society is very weak. and here is my question, do you think this is actually the fate of these state awards, that there will always be, there will always be arguments from people who suspect, there will always be these suspicions, or if you had not made this mistake, and the award would have continued was notoriously not damaged beyond suspicion and it would have functioned properly, because the previous
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awards, which... come on, i was there in the previous composition under the chairmanship of yury mykolayovych shcherbak, a holy man, i am absolutely without any, without the price of any irony there , a holy man, he is a diplomat, he is very intelligent, methodical, precise and, at the same time, highly moral, and he made sure that there were no inconsistencies, but there were. different people in that committee, but i was not ashamed of any of these decisions of the previous committee, to what i joined, but well, it was possible to place slightly different accents, and when our group of such, you know, revolutionaries arrived, then we started bickering, we started promoting avant-garde projects not based on the totality of merits, but because of what is moving today.
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. er ukrainian culture, well, the way i , uh, understand it, and there was a lot of resentment, there was resentment that, let's say, the third round of roma balayan, our brilliant director, who shot his not-so-best the tape, but how could you insult a living classic, or how could you they could not give the prize there, let's say , to the composer hrabovsky, a representative of the latter. those of this ukrainian musical avant-garde of the 60s, but these are the works that were presented, they were already, they were already, so to speak, inertia, instead things were heard that might not have been heard in another context, such as valik vasyanovych, this is atlantis, i don't know, a program, actually
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a production program. er - modern ukrainian music in the ear, well, and and and many more, but each of these awards caused the power of the universe to be so furious, and, well a bad streak of rage, such a simple, well, hate , in the pure, yes, original meaning of this word, because... on the one hand, it is embedded in this award, specifically, because there is a flavor of the soviet award, which was born, however, it was born in the times of the league, it is called the stalin prize, not the stalin prize, it is, for that matter , the khrushchev prize, the 64th, i think, or the 61st,
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but the first laureate, i think, was kornich. by the way, from the literature, well, no, well, this, well, the soviet tail is not easy, the tail is very difficult, but the main thing is that there are always suspicions, that something is moving in our country, and there is always a suspicion that any of the public people can be either bent or... bought, this is spilled in society, and i once upon a time, when i, therefore, composed of authority, i had such a marathon, a micro-marathon of interviews, and they ask me all the time, well, tell me that you were influenced from the office, and i say, well, i wonder how i can be influenced, so what, what can i do for...


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