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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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in this relationship, people who are ready to stand up for dignity, stand up for the truth, and it is necessary, it is necessary to say all the time, the truth exists, yes, white and black exist, the light side of power and the dark side of power, this is unconditional, this is not fiction, it exists, and if there is an opportunity to unite... decent people should do it, and there is an opportunity, there are forces in society, despite the fact that society, well, many decent people have left, just physically, they are not in ukraine now, and in general, supposedly in ukraine not before that, but at the same time, if we don't do this, we will blush from time to time for shame, during the war - it is harmful for the country. for the state, for our
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mental health, well, in general, it's not a question of victory, it's defeat. thank you, thank you, yuriy makarov, journalist, writer, tv presenter, our colleague, was a guest of our own names, thank you for being ready to talk about it, thank you for watching us, these are our own names, see you next week. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima. we begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail about what happened in the world, please, you have the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about...
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as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for... and those who don't care in the evening over espresso. last fall, we received a message from the police of the kherson region about the search for a 16-year-old boy who, according to the investigation, disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory of the left bank region at the beginning of the full-scale war. during all this time, we prepared a lot of programs about the search for a teenager, connected here...
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specialists - these are specialists who look for information from open sources, and in the end, with their help, we managed to find a small clue, an actual page of the missing boy in social networks. all this happened at the end of last year, and of course we immediately texted the teenager, but he didn't respond for almost a month. imagine our surprise and joy when we suddenly received feedback at the end of january. missing boy the guy said that he is still in the temporarily occupied territories, so for security reasons we do not mention his name and surname. at the same time, he agreed to talk with us via video link. let's watch a fragment of our conversation. i am very glad that you are all right, that we are with you got in touch today is the 26th. it's the 24th year and
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i'm fine, everything is fine, it seems, i'm in distance learning in the second year, since the guy is still in the temporarily occupied territory, no more details, the main thing is that he's alive, healthy, and as he himself assures us , is safe and well. many children have disappeared since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, particularly in the kherson region, and we have prepared more than one program about their search. of course, we don't always get feedback from people who probably do saw a missing child, but this story once again proves that you should never lose hope, it is with your help that it is possible to find the missing. i understand that ukrainian tv channels are not broadcast in the temporarily occupied territories, and the local residents see the children's search service. except in
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social networks, which is why your reposts of our videos are very important, and literally a few minutes of your attention, these are 11-year-old artem abramovich, one-year-old maksym kravchuk and six-year-old oleksandr kulish. all these guys also disappeared on the temporarily occupied territories of kherson region. and where they are now, no one knows. therefore, i am addressing first of all the residents of the kherson region. artem abramovich looks 11 years old. he is thin and has blond hair. he was last seen a year ago in the village of dudchany in beryslav district of the region. maksym kravchuk disappeared in september 2022. now he is... almost 13 years old, a guy of medium build and has light blond hair, and this is oleksandr kulish. he turned six years old at the end of last year, the boy is thin, he also has blond hair and dark eyes, he disappeared it is in the village of stepne, this is the berislav district
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of the kherson region. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of artem, maksym or oleksandr, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere... let us know, even a small piece of information can be very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to the chatbot service search for children in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you only a few stories of missing children due to the full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and
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everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the "missing children of ukraine" section. you can view it here all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. professional anti-fix cream is an extra-strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses against fixation. german quality at an affordable price. there are discounts on emolium of 25% in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on perfect till original, 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. separate
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consent of unmanned aviation complexes sapsa of the state special service of transport. appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with please join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our individual. thank you, glory to ukraine. to the heroes. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two o'clock. to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the
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espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who discuss and... the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, there will definitely be topics. espresso. topical, guests, special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday, 5:10 p.m. on les pr hoje!
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congratulations, since the beginning of the year, the uva center has been in the spotlight. of russian propagandists there is such a global company, the goal of which is to reduce
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the supply of weapons to ukraine and in general, well , ideally, as they set this as their goal, to completely block the provision of the latest weapons systems to the west, it does not work out very well, but we can observe a whole series, you know such various special operations of the russians, which are not only informational, but also military. one of them is already enough, well, a few weeks ago, a blow to donetsk on the market, then the downing of il 76 in the same place, well, this week they added a few more things that the russians are also trying to disperse, well, first of all, it must be said that in the last two weeks, the messages of the russians have changed. are spreading around the downing of the il-76, apparently, that the initial campaign that
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they conducted that ukraine specifically shot down the plane with its prisoners, that is, this message had absolutely no success, this campaign completely failed, it became it is clear that during this week, she failed out of several reasons, well, first of all, because it didn’t matter who shot it down... even who shot it down, but they shot down a military transport plane and this cannot be canceled in any way. crime, and so the attempt to disperse it through some un sites or something, was not successful for the russians at all, so this week, they basically transformed that message and now they say that ... the main thing is that they shot down the patriot , and it is already clear that now this company will be targeted
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exclusively, or shall we say, mainly at the american audience, moreover, not just at the american audience, at the american audience in the eyes, well, with the aim, you know, to somehow influence the election races in the united states, that's why they say about the patriot, and that's why this patriot is said to be like this. you and this, in principle, i think, is the basic message that is now being spread by russian propaganda. so, in a dry remnant over russian territory , a russian plane was shot down by an american missile of the american patriot system, they charge and aim the patriot system, and also press the start button, the americans in it, the ukrainians are not trusted here, if the americans shoot, then on... they do not receive from the ukrainians. i don't want to say that president biden, who is suffering from
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dementia, or from a hospital bed, secretary of defense lloyd austin, gave a direct order to shoot down a specific il-76 over russian territory. but what happened still means that the american military deployed to kyiv and those who are remotely waging a war against russia by ukrainians, a priori given broad powers. actually. here is a weapon with these characteristics, and do whatever you want with it, without any restrictions. since the scale of the possible consequences , as they say, is deliberately not about your salary, as a result, the responsibility is not on anyone, well, not on anyone, and in fact they did agree that the responsibility is on
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biden, but you know what is interesting here, well, it is not the first time that we generally of course. we hear all the talk about the fact that the americans, then the poles, then the french, then someone else is fighting, and with it turned out to be very inconvenient for the french, because at first they tried to arrange, to summon the french ambassador there, to tell him that 60 french mercenaries had been killed, this week the russian ambassador to france is being summoned to tell him that the russians in kherson actually carried out a terrorist attack . and they killed the french volunteers, and it turned out somehow , you know, not pretty with this summoning of ambassadors, because, judging by everything, now it can go, you know, such a series of simply summoning russian ambassadors around the world, in order to tell who where else have they killed in ukraine, what other citizens of other countries, which happens very often when they shoot at residential buildings or
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hotels, as was the case very recently, so you see... kysialev had the sense to say that he he does not insist and as if he does not assert, but the very next day the editors or i don't know the host of 60 minutes did not have enough of this sense, he directly told that biden was to blame for everything. old man biden, at the age of 82, wants to break the national record and surpass all his peers predecessors since the beginning of the 24th year, joe has already managed to inflict damage on ...
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this kind of company, and i will not be surprised if in a couple of days we hear something similar from tucker cartson about the fact that patriot is shooting somewhere in the wrong place, although in principle all these conversations, well, they are quite dubious, because all that the russians are trying to confirm with is all the conversations about the fact that patriots shot somewhere, at a plane somewhere, they are literally based on some very funny such footage, it is not known where it was filmed, you see , that is, she was filmed there black girl, here she suddenly looks like a redhead, and then they start showing footage of 1981, 2014, some other training or some kind of conversion, saying, you see, the patriots were painted exactly like that, and the training
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patriots were not real, and that's probably why this is what it is, this is everything. in principle, which they state, there is no more other evidence, accordingly, because of this, there is no international investigation and in fact there will not be, because the russians will never let international investigators either to the place of the plane crash, or to the real any evidence, in principle, after no people were allowed to the place of the plane and it is not known what was carried there and it is not known what was done there, to talk about any more or less well... a normal investigation is simply not possible, and in fact , everyone understands this , moreover, when one of the journalists, i understand, charged with russia somewhere, tried to ask something about these patriots at a briefing in the white house, then the russians say something there, they were told very simply , you know, russians
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always lie, we can't say at all, what happened there, because everything russia says is falsification, everything they show is falsification, because let's just not discuss it, because there is nothing to discuss in principle. and since there is nothing to discuss the investigation, there is nothing to discuss any conversations and arguments put forward by the russians, so it remains only for kiselyov to discuss how they will strike back, what russia should do, let's imagine. situation with the territory of mexico. a russian officer is shot down by a russian missile an american military transport plane to the territory of the united states. what is the reaction? is it good that they are sitting in the kremlin? not nervous people, and i thank putin personally for his patience, we always first warn and explain for a long time, but in the usa for some reason they believe that quickly,
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moving from one verton window to another and provoking russia more and more, this is not enough for them, this is it will continue to blink, but then where will it stop, what is the braking mechanism, if only military-technical methods remain, then as an option... we have already seen it in the 22nd year, literally at the beginning of the same year, there are all kinds of nightingales and so, you know, the circle happened, now they are talking about it again, well , it's funny to listen to it once again. well, that's all, all the threats that were able to be voiced: we're going to hit poland, well, okay, let's see, and you know, in general, this is once
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again not an isolated attempt to talk about american weapons, because they also talked about american weapons, and this was also the main topic when talking about the attack on the lysichan restaurant, where, well... actually , a whole bunch of them were liquidated, well, you can even prominent figures of the local occupying administration said, there the main focus was also on the fact that it was probably an american weapon, that the proheimer was dismantled or collapsed on the spot, this is confirmed information, that it was hit by an american missile. mykola says: obviously, the sound does not reach us. come on mykola, let's start over. according to the information we now have,
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it was indeed hymers. well, of course, what else can you hear, if this campaign is going on now, and now hymers and patriots will push everyone in general, everything that will happen. well, actually, we are talking about february 3. the russians said that an attack had been made on the temporarily occupied lysichansk, well, the occupiers then declared that they hit a bakery as if it were a civilian object, and they, this word bakery, they use in a circle, trying to literally emphasize that it was only a bakery, well, you know, immigrants from lysichansk recognized the cafe on the video of russian names. adriatic and this institution was located on the outskirts, there are no houses, others of any kind, there was nothing there they are breaking, from the side of the oil refinery,
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the occupiers actually used it for food and meetings of their occupation administration, and there was indeed a bakery there, but not as they say, that they baked social bread, well, they did without the fact that they baked bread there and maybe the locals who remained there, there are very few of them, something yes... but basically they baked this bread again to provide for their own army, so it is absolutely a military goal, and it is not surprising at all, and only some russians continue, you know, to blaspheme and say that when they hit a ukrainian hotel, it's one thing, it's a military target, but when they hit a place on the advice of the russians, it's something else, and that already means some kind of civilian. on target , well, you know, this trick also doesn’t work, but this absolutely does not mean that the russians will not talk about it, they are talking about it, moreover, they are trying to inflate
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some kind of talk from this again that ukraine is literally using terrorist methods, poor a russian woman who is currently occupying ukrainian territory, is trying to get out of this occupied territory, a terrible terrorist attack... hit the bakery, it would be better for kyiv to remain silent, as it has been doing for the past two days, not knowing why, this morning they announced that the bakery is a legitimate target, because the bakery bakes bread , and in the bakery this bread can be purchased, in particular , by the russian armed forces, therefore everyone who is in the bakery, collaborators, therefore the bakery, a legitimate goal, to invent a more ridiculous explanation for the terrorist attack. probably impossible, not only were they killed, but they are now dancing on their bones, as if mocking them. in this context, we have to go to the end, to supplant, to suppress.
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they practice terrorist attacks, well, if the russians try tonight, it will be somewhere closer to midnight to hold a meeting of the un security council regarding this incident in lysichan, i think that we just have to every time the russians do it again, like it was yesterday. got into a hotel and killed a child, we also need to call a meeting of the un right away, and that's all, and just demand, it doesn't matter if this meeting will take place, it won't, it flew in, civilians were killed, right away we announce, that we want to hold some kind of meeting as well , it just has to be non-stop, i think that when it happens every day, this whole story about the fact that something flew somewhere, well, actually, who is it?
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a very interesting story also died, because suddenly two days passed after this attack and it turned out that as a result of the attack on this restaurant in lysuchansk, the so-called minister for emergency affairs of the occupation administration of luhansk region, oleksei poteleshchenko, and two municipal deputies: trostyanskyi and zhushma, died , and zhushma has this for some reason, a birthday was happening in the bakery. why did it happen there, you understand that, socially, they probably ate social bread there, well, it is not known, but the fact that all these people died was not told by anyone, it was written by the tas state agency, it was local people, announced that all the occupation administrations, in addition , several well-known military personnel also died there, well, you know, another such boys in panties came for
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social welfare... and it suddenly turned out that a bunch of them were local collaborators, deputies and so, well this is already a literally traditional story , absolutely, and it is clear that nothing will come of it, and that is why the russians are trying, you know, now, well, on their own, they have long been telling that something is wrong, but outwardly they are now posts... insist on the fact that terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks, well, well, let 's see how they tell it, in general, they try to tell their own why they talk about these stories at all, if for two years they were absolutely not interested in what they are there regularly, well, they get into houses, hotels, somewhere else, when their own bombs fell on their own territory and someone died there, well, no one was particularly interested in it,
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here suddenly. in the end, what do we have, that is, what is the conversation about, that the ukrainian state openly uses terrorist methods, well, someone here may not answer, answer, how much can you cling to in general, what kind of stupid conversation is there, as if you yourself you talk about war, yes, i'm talking about war, even our detractors, people who definitely stand. on pro-russian positions, categorically, on non-russian positions, however, great understand the difference between missile strikes, on military or even infrastructural objects, that is, what they explain, that in general, as if, it fits into some kind of logic,
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although it does not fit, that is, a strike on an anti-aircraft missile system. and a bunch of others said that the attack on the cafe in kramatorsk, the attack on the cafe in pokrovsk, is an attack on military facilities, because they could even... not that they came, but the military could come, so things suddenly changed , well, the only thing that has changed is that now, apparently, it will be the russian trunk line propaganda, and they will now go around telling that everything that is literally on the territory of russia, ay-yay-yay, these were civilian objects, where the boys came for social bread, and what about the fact that the boys suddenly turned out to be wearing military uniforms. ..


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