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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. there is a large-scale air alert in ukraine, we are working. from the shelter and urge you also not to neglect the danger and stay in the shelters until the end of the air alert. currently, all regions are under threat of attack, the ukrainian military reported a massive missile attack from russian tu-95 strategic bombers, as well as tu-22. according to preliminary information, explosions were heard in kharkiv, mykolaiv and kyiv region, it is known that air defense is working. and what...
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the russians struck four more blows in the kharkiv region, explosions rang out in the slobitskyi district of kharkiv, damaged non-residential infrastructure, so far there are no victims, said oleg synogubov, the head of the region. the information is still being clarified, the enemy attack continues. and president volodymyr zelenskyy signed a decree that begins the creation of a separate type of troops in the defense forces of ukraine, the forces of unmanned systems. according to him, the creation of a new type of army. should give a very specific result in the near future, he said about this in his traditional video address. now the list tasks are clear, special full-time positions for working with drones, special units, effective training, systematization of experience, constant scaling of production and attracting the best ideas, the best specialists in this... sphere, this is a task for the army, and for
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the ministry of defense and the government, in general, and to give the necessary coordination in the defense forces, to ensure the proper level of planning and the quality of logistics, an unmanned systems force will be created in the structure of the armed forces. under kiyomi, the construction of the plant began produced by bayrektar, this was confirmed by the general director of turetska. of the bicar company. it will take about a year to finish the construction, after which they will proceed to the installation of machinery, equipment and organizational structure. they plan to produce about 120 drones per year. about 500 people will work at the plant. the plans for the construction of the plant will be implemented despite the war, - noted the general director of the turkish company bycar. us president joe biden
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called trump the main problem in providing aid to ukraine. he urged the congress as support the draft law on support of ukraine as soon as possible and send it to him for signature. biden emphasized that if congress does not support the bill, then all voters in the united states will know that at the very moment when the authorities were going to secure the border and finance support for ukraine, donald trump and the republicans said. no, if you look at the republicans, who they serve, donald trump or the american people, they want to solve problems or use them as weapons for a political purpose. a month ago, republicans asked for one the draft law, which reforms the migration reform, provides assistance to ukraine, israel. now they are moving away from it. it is necessary to give up this toxic. youth presents the future
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in lviv organized public speaking courses for young people, what skills students acquire and how to sign up for training, our kateryna oliynyk will tell. rostislav trach, a first-year student, completed the public speaking course . the boy signed up for this training to improve his public speaking skills. of course, the impressions are positive, and it is especially cool that there is a cookie, a good team, a good coach who knows how to criticize and praise and say what is wrong, and in general , here i found some people with common interests, with whom you can continue communication, so it was very valuable for me, how to present myself, for what structure convincingly conveys? ideas and how
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to interact with the audience. such knowledge can be mastered on a public speaking course in just a month. lessons are conducted by a trainer with five years of experience, yaryna mirko. the course was built as practically as possible, because such a skill as public performances are acquired only through practice, so the main part of the class was working out certain material, i gave a little theory, and the participants learned independently from their mistakes and being able to give feedback to each other. courses from the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum, free of charge for young people, thanks to funding from the german marshall fund, united states of america. this is a good opportunity to... sharpen your skills, how to speak in public, how to create cool presentations to present yourself, ideas, to be able to move up the career ladder, since the project was implemented, we have already completed two courses in public speaking and two courses in creating presentations, in total, about 50
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participants have completed both. training takes place live at the lviv coworking center ayhab for a new public speaking course, which has already received the required number. however, those willing can sign up for the third stream of the course, how to effectively present your idea on instagram on the project page. registration will continue until 6 p.m february kateryna oliynyk, vitaly kolekha, espresso tv channel. the armed forces of ukraine raised the flag of ukraine in the village of krynky on the left bank of the kherson region, deep state reported. in their propaganda, the russians constantly claim that the krynks. are under their control, and they rejected everyone for the dnipro. however, the fighters of the 36th marine brigade do not think so. and now the ukrainian flag draws attention to our defenders. however, fighting continues in the settlement. the enemy is constantly raising reserves and trying to displace our fighters. tv channel
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espress announces a new fee for fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial vehicles. of the sapsan complexes of the state transport service, these courageous soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications, as well as the manpower of the aggressor, so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the fundraising for drones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine!
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glory to heroes. and we have updated information that several cruise missiles continue to move in the direction of kyiv and are also maneuvering. in khmelnytskyi and lviv regions. the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy klitschko, reported on the explosions in the capital, and air defense is working against them. for now, that's all the news for this hour, please stay in shelters, and do not neglect your own safety. if you want to know more, follow updates on our website, as well as in our social networks, join, put your preferences. see you later. kratle contains natural components that take care of your heart. kratal
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max of 10% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. and foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you
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can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions. finding solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important - every thursday at 21:15 in the project says velikiy lviv, on the espresso tv channel. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with
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disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about the disabled. medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all of europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of ours. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable
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me ukraine.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. maidan judges on their way out, who did the vkk send for dismissal last week? she lost consciousness and threw us to the garage. but how unscrupulous judge otrosh tried to hold on to her position. my mother is not a member of my family. on thursday, february 8, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, thank you to everyone who met this morning together with the espresso tv channels and with our telethon, which is just now continuing. the russian massed missile attack on ukraine continues, it is already reported that explosions were heard in
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kharkiv, kyiv, and mykolaiv, the russian public reports that, as they write, the tu-22 has already been operational, strategic bombers are going to land, meanwhile, cruise missiles are just now attacking kyiv and lviv, the lviv region. re-launches are currently not confirmed, there are also reports about cherkasy, in other words , difficult zaporozhye, the missile is also fixed in ternopil oblast, well, you know these. the latest news, in a word, just now the whole country, the whole map of the country is red, well , now we will talk about what is happening in kharkiv, it has already happened, maybe bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council , will join us, mr. bohdan, good to you good morning, i greet you, please tell me what the situation is now, what can be heard in kharkiv, well
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, the situation was like this at 6 in the morning, the city was attacked by four rockets, how about them... i personally heard the explosions and provides information the khaizgar military administration confirms four explosions, another explosion occurred somewhere almost at 7 in the morning, there is no information about it yet, but it was audible, it was quite loud, i.e. five blows, what else can be added, there is information that cruise missiles into other missiles that flew over the kharkiv region and went on to kyiv, to... how far is it confirms the information, there are such telegram channels that provide such information, whether it is true or not, whether it was hit by missiles that were launched over the caspian, i cannot say, but such a combined strike may have taken place, as for the victims,
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there are none, the information is provided that there is... warehouses, some production facilities were damaged in the slovitskyi district, as for the explosion, which happened almost at 7 in the morning, there is still no information about it where and how, well, actually, i also read that there are some infrastructural facilities that were hit, in particular in slobitsky district, slobitsky district, this is, tell me what kind of district it is, is it densely populated. yes, this is an area that stretches from the city center to the south, east, that is , this part of the city of kharkiv, this is the slobitsk district , it is a little stretched out there, but it is difficult to say exactly where they were hit, because these areas in kharkiv are quite large and they such, the center and
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the south, this is how it is, traditionally, traditionally. well, but this time the rockets are flying all the way to the west of the country, in short, a serious and quite big attack, it is still ongoing, we are still waiting for some first, already official reports about how the air defense system has been worked out, it is obvious that it is still ongoing, and what is the general situation at the front right now, what? they say the same thing about the kupinsky direction as heard from there, mr. bohdan, the assaults are going on without much change, this is the same senkivka and further south, they are trying to get to the line of the oskil river, the assaults are repulsed, there is a counter-battery fight, what
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our guys told me, now they have it in some quantity, it's hard for me to say. ammunition, and that's why they fight back, fight back, and there is such a serious, serious fight for every stronghold, the russians don't have any serious global advances there, but it's all difficult, ah, because the forces involved, tank units, the first tank army there are very serious , the taman division, other units that rush into battle, there is still such... information that has now decreased a little, well, at least in the direction of senkivka, attacks with the involvement of equipment, more attempts are being made to storm the infantry, with such assault groups, but, well, progress so far and i hope in the future no, well, thank you very much for this conversation, bohdan
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tkachuk was with us, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, we talked about what is happening right now in kharkiv, here , well, we will continue, we will also find out what is happening now, in zaporizhzhia, in general, throughout ukraine , the air alarm is sounding, it is still sounding, the whole map remains red, and yes, what about you and me now we are also in safe shelter facilities, well, for example, you can definitely say that about yourself, that's it... i want you to do the same, and we hope that this attack from it will also pass with minimal consequences, not the first, this is an attack, probably not the last, you can assume, in this one... no, but who knows, maybe this is the last, just like that, i would like it, it would be nice, of course, yes, for that to happen , we must help our army, dear friends, this is precisely the moment when we are all
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in shelters with you, when the russians are attacking our country with their moscow rags, this is the moment when we must attack our army, and for you there is now is a great opportunity to do that for the 141st brigade, we we collect for them, we collect all kinds of different ammunition that they need on... at the front, actually in order to defend our country, they need walkie-talkies, batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, drone detection and many other equally important things, this is iryna koval, our leading volunteer, who has been volunteering for a long time, helping these guys, now you see two qr codes on your screens, i will explain a little bit how to scan which one, because what is the matter if look at... the screen is located, they can with it you will have problems, but there will be no problems if you have the privat-24 application, you will open it, find the qr-
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scanning function there, put a square on this black and white picture and tell how sorry you are. the qr code on the left is a monobank, it's easier with it, you can just open the camera, point it at it and it will take you to the appropriate link, where you can also donate as much as you like. your soul desires, i think that today it is precisely during the russian attacks that the soul desires to help to our army, i want to thank you for the fact that you took an active part in the process of adding funds to our account yesterday, i would like to remind you that we need to collect as much as 1 million hryvnias, we are still at the mark of 333,599 hryvnias and 54 kopecks, and yesterday we added ... yesterday i counted, uh, yesterday i counted and i got something somewhere, yes, 37 00, it came out 37 00, because late in the evening i still monitor whether
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the amount on our account is increasing, and so it is increasing , it's growing, thank you very much, it's a good pace if we keep it up this by the end of the week, then i have such hope, we will reach the mark of uah 5,000, and uah 5,000 is already half of the amount we need in one month. so please join us, the sooner we close this collection, the sooner we will start the next one, and we have a long queue and it breaks my heart that we have so many soldiers to help, so we have to do it together, dear friends, if you don't have time to do it while there is an ad while you see it on your screens, you can also go to the espresso tv site, on the site, in addition to what you can read news, read interesting materials, you can also find in... section volonteri. espresso, actually a list of all those assemblies, because not only andrey and i announce the assembly, but also other presenters also on their broadcasts, also announce other assemblies for other
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military units, and they announce information, and there you can find the one, the exact one, which you want to help, which you want to join, and you can also see information about those meetings that have been closed for a long time and maybe you have already joined them before... then you will see where your money. well, thank you everyone for every hryvnia, thank you for staying with espresso, thank you for staying in the shelters because the air alert continues, and meanwhile we are conducting and continuing our marathon and our roll call, and serhiy lyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is already with us , we are moving to zaporizhzhia, mr. sergey, good morning, good morning, mr. sergey, is it quiet and peaceful in zaporizhzhia, are there explosions in kharkiv? like zaporizhzhia, did they let moscow sleep? in general, zaporizhzhia very rarely happens together with ukraine, let's say, in
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danger, and very often the situation , in general, for example, i remember one or two cases when it flew to us together with the whole of ukraine, when the enemy was either bombing ukraine, or zaporozhye, for some reason this happens to him, so we had martyrs who flew past the zaporizhzhia region. well, we tried to shoot them down, and some were successful , some were not, but in general everything was quiet, but unfortunately, on behalf of the whole of ukraine, listen, let it be so, so that zaporizhzhia, in the zaporizhzhia region is quiet, but unfortunately, part of zaporizhzhya the region is occupied, and what is happening there, we understand that the enemy does not allow our people to live in peace, moreover, he is bringing in his people so that there are more of them now, the enemy is actively replacing the population, and which left with specialists from the russian federation, and for
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according to the available information, there are certain , conditionally speaking, preferential programs for people who move from the russian federation to the zaporizhzhia region, well , the same situation is actually in the kherson region, in the luhansk region, in the newly occupied territory in mariupol, that is, the enemy contributes to this , so that people move, and attract certain russian money and create conditions for the creation and reproduction of business there, including farmers. and the former ukrainians, who began to cooperate with the enemy, well, accordingly, where there is money, there is a need for labor, and russians are also recruited for it, so there is a smooth combination of the population, the involvement of people from the occupied territory, with territories of the unoccupied russian federation, and we have the corresponding consequences, i think that if this continues for a certain period, then these people will already begin to assimilate locally, and what else
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there is news from... melitopol, from berdyansk, from the occupied territories, well, from such, to be outstanding, these are several interesting, let's say, there were explosions last day in tokmak, so far the details have not been reported, but we have , as it were, handed over to warehouses, and melitopol , berdyansk live an ordinary life, prepare for the elections, ah, with the appropriate ones, let's say. yes, the procedures , there was nothing so significant that i would like to announce it on the air, and maybe that's a good thing, maybe that's really a good thing, i read to you that berdyansk is currently preparing for february 10th, february 10th is pushkin memorial day, special events will be held in all schools, children will recite
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pushkin, and then what... but what about those children who go to school, and there, the fact is that similar events, similar events, in the occupied territory, they take place almost every week, that is, they constantly come up with some kind of holidays, they superimpose the calendar of ukrainian holidays on the calendar of russian holidays, and they come up with new holidays
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, there all the writers were made fun of, that's where... so almost every week some events are held, and actually, well, it's quite like that a telling moment in terms of the fact that propaganda among children and schoolchildren works en masse, they celebrate all the significant victories there, as they say, of the great patriotic war, all some significant dates, all this is there, and with this they brainwash children, conduct lessons of courage and so on and so on, it is done with only one. the goal, taking into account the realities of the time, to wash the cities of these children as soon as possible and, let's say, mentally join them to the russian federation. mr. serhiy, and andrii told about these days of the cannon, a in memory of pushkin, in zaporizhzhia, there is pushkin street, there is a monument to pushkin, pushkin square, a monument, there was a monument to pushkin.
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pushkin square was demolished and renamed to vernadsky square. finally, how long did that pushkin stay in zaporizhzhia until what year? oh, until the 22nd. by the 22nd, you see, the square, and pushkin square was renamed the 23rd. well, at the next session of the city council , a package of decisions on the final de-russification of nato is presented, i.e. everyone there is renamed to khimov. ah, conventionally speaking, aleksandrevsky and so on and so on. in fact , the situation with jubilee avenue in the khortytsky massif of zaporizhzhia remains quite debatable, because the name jubilee avenue sounds like nothing of the kremlin, but it was named in honor of lenin's table. so it is necessary to rename it or not, because the fact that it is lenin's centenary is known by a few, in itself it is the avenue of jubilees.


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