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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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dad, mom and daughter, dad, mom and daughter, for whom, who were settled in a specially built house, well, that is, it is such an orwell that comes to life, well, i think that the same situation was in mariupol, it is unlikely, well, it is impossible, believe me , it is impossible to put a camera there in the middle of mariupol, to turn on the live broadcast , to speak in german, and to you, and no one called the fsb or the national guard there, well, it is simply impossible, so if this happened, well, it is necessary from this, from that and. .. the jostling broke up, which means there was agreement, he could not without the agreement of the fsb to end up in mariupol, and if they agreed on this with the fsb, here and to zydeif , by the way, and to the main office of the channel, well, it’s easy to pretend that you don’t know anything, but how things are going on in moscow, well it's not like that, for sure , it seems to me, all the moscow offices, all the big zmi, who have moscow offices, know for sure, if they agree, with whom they agree and with whom it has to be
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agreed... that's why this reaction , well, it's a shame, honestly and shame at the same time. mr. peter, finally, we are approaching february 24, until another anniversary of the anniversary, i would say so, because this word is more suitable for what ukraine is going through, uh, but the russians in mariupol, they are preparing for february 23, i saw this on your telegram channel verse. which you posted, you say that now children in mariupol are learning this en masse, it is not a poem, it is a song, and there are such words, i congratulate you, please forgive me that i am in russian, i understand that we have law, well, but i can't automatically translate right away, i'm sending you congratulations on the 23rd февраля, when i grow up a little , i will also become a soldier, and i will serve in the army, they will protect their homeland, they will guard our borders, they will not give
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mercy to their enemies , but such... ? well, everything is obvious, you know, unfortunately, i can't publish the message with which it came, because the security issue will be clear, from where, from what class, what kind of person, just the person who sent this poem directly, they served all the bombing in the basement, there a lot of people died, really, huh? now in front of these children, and now these children have to learn such songs, then sing them, and they will not sing them anywhere else, they will sing them in front of the occupiers and thank them, there will be a whole event about this, to be honest , you’re just holding back so you don’t start saying everything that can’t be said in the ether about it, well, you just know, every time i think, cringing at what they ’re doing there with the children, that something is actually broken, but not ... every time they are something
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they invent, they do something so new that you think, listen, well, it’s an abyss, there’s nothing there , well, nothing from people and human, and a separate, you know, again history, but that ’s what our educators do, well, they carry out these instructions , it is clear that the russians are making this up , and these are the people who worked for us, they were pulling the embroidered shirts, they were always ahead , we know who did it, well , it’s terrible, there are a hundred or so people who ... and now they teach our children, and i say, today they talked there, at night they talked with our resistance, where did it actually come from, they say, well, that’s all, that is, for us after that, one, well, all the teachers, this is military , as they say, yes, if before that we were just hoping for sentences, now it seems to me that well, it will be different, well, retribution will reach everyone , no one will forgive this kind of treatment of children, peter, thank you
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for these stories about occupied mariupol, we wish you a peaceful day, petra andryushchenko, advisor to the mayor of mariupol, joined us , you know, i remembered the story in fact, the children of roman shukevich , the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian pavstan army, who were also taken to donbas, and there , for example, his daughter was raised as a communist, that is, their perverted idea was that the child... madovych upa became a communist and did not remember her own parents and disowned them, so this is not a new story at all, the truth is that nothing worked out for them, it must be admitted. dear friends, we are moving on, kostyantyn denisov, spokesman for the legion of freedom, will be with us now, meanwhile, a message from kyiv in the holosiivskyi district, cars are burning now and the premises of the service station, mayor klitschko reports. well, there is kostyantyn denisov, the spokesman of the legion of freedom, mr. kostya. glory to the heroes,
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they complete the task. kudos to the heroes of the zaporizhia region, mr. konstantin , where are you, what news do you have, the situation is tense, the russian occupiers are trying to recapture the positions, squeeze out our guys, regain control of the territories that they lost in the last month, everything is coming in, this is arta, what the russians have, their attack aircraft, infantry, their assault, marches, shooting battles are constantly taking place, and with half-drones, kamika drones. is trying to smoke out our guys from those trenches, strongholds, where they got stuck, uh, they are constantly hunting our sappers, who are trying to carry out appropriate engineering and sapper work there, if, well , it is difficult, a difficult situation, the russians, they have,
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unfortunately , microscopic successes, microscopic, i emphasize that they simply overwhelm their prison guards with artillery and bodies, and what are their tactics now, are such offensives large-scale, or do they attack in small groups? they advance infantry under cover armored vehicles and artillery. well, president zelenskyy recently visited podrobotono, where he presented awards and actually held some meetings there, or what were the results of this visit, maybe he visited you somewhere? no, to us. did not visit, what are the results? the guys repel the counterattacks of the russians, using various tactics and using the experience they have acquired, well, we will not discuss the tactics, because not only patriots watch your broadcasts, in general, the russians, if
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we are talking about the robot, are the wrong ones trying to restore fire control over it now, and in the future, they have a desire to regain complete control over this population. point, unfortunately, only the name remained there and charred walls from civilian buildings. this settlement, about 500 inhabitants lived there at the time of the full-scale invasion of the russians, and the russians, having mined everything there in 22-23 in three rows, pushing a bunch of equipment, having an advantage in the air, still lost control over it, and of course their rim is somewhere there is inside, they really want to return it back, but they... nothing works, the russians have prepared well, it must be admitted that in order to prevent us from breaking through in the zaporozhye direction, we now have fortifications, as far as we were prepared for this winter, winter offensive of the russians
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, which, it is believed, has been going on since the end of autumn, in fact, they were not only preparing, they were actively monitoring the information space, where... everyone could not miss the pro-ukrainian so-called counter-offensive in the zaporizhzhia region, except that the maps did not show the offensive, although we remember some unicoms who showed it on facebook maps of the offensive from the time of the anti-terrorist operation, the guys are digging and digging for fortifications, it’s very difficult, sometimes you have to do all that in an open field, well, figuratively, maybe there were some forest strips, tree plantations somewhere, but the russians spent the last two months in... weapons, tactics, simply burn everything there to zero with artillery, they can’t knock out our people somewhere, do they see some kind of forest plantation there, they drive the sunbird , they just laid everything, knocked out so that there is no place to even hide, hide, if, i say,
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what to those guys it turns out to be somewhat simple to conduct defense in the middle of the main field, uh, it inevitably leads to losses, well... there are losses, of course, this is war, you and i have repeatedly talked on your broadcast, there are casualties, there are losses of equipment, there are guys with injuries, serious , amputations, but the doctors are working on that , the evacuation system has been established, zaporizhia doctors have a lot of respect, my brothers were really brought back to life, there they simply pulled out the fragments and put them on their legs and carried out rehabilitation, the guys really went to churches there... he barely has legs they dragged themselves along, but after work , after the golden hands, professional hands of zaporizhia doctors , they are already walking without churches and without grace, and they are already walking, in the future they are undergoing rehabilitation, here of course respect, attention and great thanks to the zaporizhia doctors, although
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of course they have been and unfortunate cases, i still remember one doctor, we told him that we would just throw him out the window the next time, because in my opinion he does not give a damn about who came to him and what he was asked for. to help and treat wounded ukrainian soldiers, by the way, from pedrrabotin, and so on happens, so maybe the person is just overtired already, also has no strength, although it's hard for me to imagine. which means there is no strength when someone is wounded, but no, the person is just tired, having been in his position for several months, has already put on a crown, included a big boss, well, we found an even bigger boss who is standing over this person, who simply explained that with it will be, that's all, how the army perceives rumors about the resignation of a veteran, this is not discussed, the guys are busy with the execution of... tasks and with first of all restraining offensive efforts the enemy, and secondly, to push through
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his defense line as much as possible and push there into the temporarily, temporarily occupied territory of the zaporizhzhia region. the verkhovna rada recognized the new bill on mobilization as containing corruption risks and inconsistent with the constitution, what do you say about it? mobilization is necessary, there are enough motivated boys and girls, i judge solely by my environment, it is quite large and extensive, it is necessary to create opportunities for motivated people to get into motivated units, when i personally apply, i provide contacts, recruiting services, our units that are part of the legion of freedom, please go, take... those positions for which you have the talent, experience, you will perform those tasks where
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you will be more crush i am very grateful to the command, which entrusted me to deal with those areas where i have experience and i will be more useful, more useful and will make a greater contribution to the ukrainian victory. konstantin denisov was with us, thank you very much for this conversation, the spokesman of the legion of freedom from zaporizhia joined us from zaporizhia region direction, well, we are now going on a short break, then serhii zgurets. the military expert director of the defense express company will allow us, will help us sum up, in particular today. it's still early today, i mean this morning. dear friends, stay with us, we will come back and continue our marathon. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient. can also be used for carpentry, this an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499,
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bam and savings. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war. but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. well, we are already on the air, as far as i understand,
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the telethon of the spresso tv channel continues, unfortunately, the air alert, a large-scale missile attack from the very morning of the russian one continues. all regions are attacking both east and west and the center has united ukraine again in this sense that danger is always nearby and this danger is called the russian federation. and also our collection continues, dear friends, i remind you that we are collecting for the 141st brigade, which is currently performing its tasks in the zaporizhzhia direction, and in the meantime we will talk with our military expert, the director of the defense company serhiy zgurets. during this time, we need to reorganize our funds, because we need to collect as much as 1 million hryvnias, and so far we have 346,584 hryvnias and 54 kopecks, 13 00, added for this morning, let's not stop, well, i'm already introducing serhiy to your attention zgurets, military expert, director of the defense express company, mr. serhiy, kind
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morning, i greet you, good morning, mr. serhiy , today's attack, which is still going on... i already see that there is a repulse in one region and i hope that it will be the same in the rest of ukraine, it seems to be chernivtsi region, and if i am not mistaken, from here, or is it vinny, vinnytsia, vinnytsia , little by little, we hope, there will be a repulse , what the russians wanted to achieve with this attack, or is it just their plan, there was a break, eh, they prepared another rocket and decided to launch it over ukraine , so that we don't forget that as... as they sometimes say, ot people in the rear forget that the war is such a reminder that the war is going on, now the air alert is really still going on, the missile attack itself outwardly resembles the tactics that the enemy used on january 23, then there was this extreme attack with the use of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles and shaheds
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, at that time, if i am not mistaken, six... tu-95 aircraft were used there, there are several tu-22 aircraft, now we have a slightly larger number of tu-95 aircraft, and there was use, as i understand it, and 101 missiles, and probably kh22, and shahedov, now actually missiles were used in several directions, they were maneuvering, we'll see what the results of our air defense will be, then when there was two weeks ago this... an attack that was similar to this, then all the cruise missiles were shot down, then 15 cruise missiles were launched , this time, i think it was probably launched in the range of 20-25, if we are talking about hasto first, now we have information about the downing of a number of missiles and the fall of debris there, in particular around kyiv, where the debris caused
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the ignition of one of the houses there, where are working now, well, the ministry of emergency situations, so in any case in this case... the situation is similar to the previous attack, and in any case we can see that i hope that the air defense measures were effective enough, especially since a couple of days ago president volodymyr zelenskyy said that we received two more new air defense complexes capable of combating, including ballistics, probably this or additional patriot batteries, which the manufacturer promised to produce for us in the 24th year, we should receive as many as five more. probably two of these batteries have already arrived for protection certain cities in ukraine, so in any case we hope that our air defense will work effectively enough this time. yesterday they did not get up to talk about it, denmark announced that it will increase the number of f16s that are going to be sent to ukraine from 24, this
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is already a full-fledged squadron, that's right, i understand, full, well, we are even talking about binary drills, but in any in any case, we understand that these are 24 aircraft, and of them +18 are going to equip the training center in romania, where our pilots will be trained, that is, in fact, this process. pilot training becomes on a larger scale, and in any case now, as i understand it, the main component is the preparation of our infrastructure for basing these planes, i understand that there should be several such airfields in different places, these airfields should be covered by means of air defense, perhaps these additional patriots will precisely cover the airfields where the f16 will be based, and the training of our pilots, it is currently underway first of all. the united states and the training of equipment, these three components, equipment, pilots for fighters, infrastructure - these are all those three factors that should be, well, converge at
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one point, and which will be determined by the very beginning of the use of f-16 aircraft. well, the second component is the actual list of weapons, because for now this issue remains behind the scenes, there is understanding and experts, there are announcements from the military, because before the f-16 there is a large... spectrum of weapons and when nayev is literally a couple said a few days ago that we would get new missiles with a range of 500 km, everyone immediately began to speculate that these are probably new missiles for the f-16 aircraft, in particular, these are the jsm missiles that they have there a range of 500 to 900 km, even on new models, this, of course, will significantly increase our ability to strike targets. the enemy in the depth of his defenses, but now we understand that the air component is still such that we primarily rely on air defense means, ground
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air defense means, we use aviation in a rather limited way, although i think that even today in the repulse enemy attack, i think that our 127 and mi-29 fighters were used to fight the winged missiles and to fight against the shaheds, so in any case we understand that... we now have little aviation, the arrival of the f16 significantly improves the situation, by the way, about aviation, but not ours, but polish, today poland raised their military planes into the sky to, as i understand it, watch for missiles, lest they suddenly fly, russian missiles, lest they suddenly fly into polish airspace, but can these planes of theirs shoot down any missiles that are flying somewhere? ukraine, but near the border with poland. indeed, today the attack had one component there, when one of the cruise missiles approached the border with
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poland, then turned 180° there and began circling somewhere over western ukraine, i hope that this missile has already been shot down, and indeed, to repel this potential threat, poland raised its f16 fighters. and let me remind you that on january 23 , polish planes were taking off, that is, in fact , now the polish leadership is beginning to act more decisively in such cases, remembering the history when russian cruise missiles were found on the territory of poland and the previous military leadership there somehow had to strangely explain why the polish air defense system did not work then, now, as we can see, the new polish... leadership does not want to find itself in such a role and takes a more active and tough position regarding the prevention of the threat to poland itself, can poland shoot down those
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missiles located on the territory of ukraine? theoretically, i think that it can, because those anti-aircraft complexes of defenseless patriots, which are in poland, are partly there capture part of the territory of ukraine and f-16 fighters, they can shoot them down as well. missiles, but i think that for now the polish leadership chooses such a more balanced strategy in order to avoid this moment, more political than military, where poland begins to shoot down russian missiles, and we are getting closer there anyway, or nato is approaching a direct confrontation with russia , and this, i think, the military and political leadership of nato does not want to bring to the fore yet, gentlemen, this is almost a map of ukraine except for bila. kherson region and odesa region, that is , this russian attack is actually coming to an end
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. of their 2,000 mirages , which are already about 30 years old, it’s true, these planes, and i understand that the germans, my god, the americans approved the sale of f16 to them as a replacement, and it seems that india is interested in this, isn’t ukraine interested, or those 18 mirages would would be a good buy in your opinion? well, now we understand that the air force command wants to hit one point, get the f16 and actually effectively use one. a sample of an aviation platform, although with the networks there, now again there is a question arising against the background of the visit of the french president to ukraine, that it seems possible to talk about french planes, but in any case i understand that this will not be quite such a rational step, because to ensure two types of aircraft, two types of logistics support, different training of technicians and pilots, i think that we
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are not up to it now, i think that ... the first stage is to get the f16s, and the second stage is likely receiving f-15s, as more powerful aircraft, and this pair, a heavy, light fighter, they will precisely provide the defense of our airspace, the question now is precisely the acceleration of all measures related to the f-16, because we understand , which is already running there first, will soon be completed in the first quarter, that is, what were the first miscalculations, what could it be. already during this period of obtaining aircraft we see that if we receive in the first half of the year aircraft that will already be used on the battlefield, then this will be a very good indicator from the point of view that this will really affect the situation on the battlefield. well, thank you very much for this conversation, serhii zgurets , a military expert from the defense express company, was with us, they were talking about the fact that we are waiting for the appearance of the first f16s, about the fact that we have finished the airborne alert, by the way, and
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we are not yet we know the results, how many there were. shot down by winged aircraft, in particular missiles, what type of missiles were used this time, nevertheless, this attack was probably more powerful than the previous one, but unfortunately, there are reports from kyiv that part of the city's districts were without of light as a result of an enemy attack, hits, obviously the infrastructure facilities of the city, how serious these damages are, how quickly it will be possible to restore the life of the city, we will find out from... of course, we will follow this soon. dear friends, there ahead of us in our marathon we will turn on from kyiv, the spokesman of the kyiv military city administration mykhailo shemanov. we will ask about the consequences of being hit in the capital, meanwhile in mykolaiv. we will remind, 20 houses were left without roofs and there is a dead person, there were also hits, explosions rang out in other cities of ukraine. in
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the center, in the north and in the west of the country, we will also summarize a little the consequences of this attack, meanwhile we remind you that we are approaching 9 in the morning, at 9 in the morning we all remember the ukrainians with a moment of silence, whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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