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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20. to 22. for espresso.
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well, gentlemen, how do you like this picture, i will show you with pleasure, this, this is a question, and how did you start this morning, could, stop, stop, stop, stop, not that, but that, that, that, how did you start this morning i started actually exactly the same as and as... that is, in fact , in the bomb shelter, you see, he is facing us, so to speak, with his back, but with ukraine in front, so how, since you know that zaberel arrived in kyiv, stayed there for the night, and in the morning he was caught by a full-scale russian missile attack, but most of the missiles were shot down by our anti-aircraft forces. ivan uz,
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candidate of economic sciences, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies is already joining us, mr. ivan, good day to you, and i congratulate you, mr. andriy, greetings to all tv viewers, mr. ivan, let's start with the unpleasant, if you don't mind, it's such a morning today, with the unpleasant, but i mean the economy in particular, i read a post by daria koliniuk from the center here. anti -corruption, and i think she's right , i'll tell you, i'll read a bit of this post of hers, which she wrote an hour ago, she writes like this: it's time for a grown-up conversation, the americans will not vote for the aid package for ukraine, it's already becoming not a likely, base scenario, she then says that they have been warning about this since the fall, and now is the time to launch plan b, but do we have it? plan a, let me remind you, it was 60. united states. and without direct
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budget support in the usa, in our country, a new program with the imf is under great threat, kalyniuk writes. and we have nothing to cover the hole of more than 20 billion dollars in the budget for this year. what shall i do? what to do, mr. ivan, how serious is this threat, do we need plan b, or as they said, we have plan a, but there is no plan b, then we don't need it. well, first of all i will say that when mr. kuliba mentioned that... we don't have a plan b, it was very, in my opinion stupid statement, because in any situation you need to have not only a plan b, but also a plan c and further down the alphabet, because there are so many different possibilities, so many, let's say, options for the development of events, and you have to be ready them ready so that they don't catch you off guard, so really in the united states of america there is a big problem with accepting this help, actually i will reveal some insight, during the last few
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weeks i talked with, let's say, the entourage of hanna gobko, our former head of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in foreign affairs, and she said that you know, well , most likely there will not be this help, we need to gather at least round tables, consult with economists about how to actually be in this situation, so we really see the united states of america, which is unlikely today this package will be voted. although yesterday the us president biden was very nice, i want to note that he was in a blue and yellow shirt and with a badge, and with the flag of the united states of america and ukraine, that is, he gives a signal in every way that he wants to support, but we we see the position of certain forces in the congress of the united states of america, who do not accept these arguments, and it seems that the warmongers...
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interesting concessions, they decided that if they give aid to ukraine, it will be a plus for the democrats, because on november 5 of this year they will elections for the us president, then it will be negative. for a republican candidate, at least the one that a certain wing of the republican party is expecting, i mean donald trump, so there's a question there, but that doesn't mean we're not going to have that help, because you know, just yesterday , biden's speech had the opportunity to be commented on live on egyptian television, and there with experts from cairo and washington, we discussed it, i noted that, you know, after all, we understand what is... certain political currents around former president trump who don't want this aid to be, but that doesn't mean that's the position of the republican party, i still expect that there will be a certain coalition, i call it a coalition between the democrats and the reaganites,
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that is that wing of the republican party, which is actually advocating for ukraine's aid, even more, which sometimes even criticizes the current government, the democrats, for the fact that this aid is not enough, so there is no need to bet on that. second, in the end, the european union showed leadership, and now we see that the european union has already accepted the aid. yes, it does not cover all the needs of our budget. let me remind you that according to the project, not even a project, but the state budget itself, we need 41 billion dollars to cover the deficit that is included in the budget, which is true recently, people's deputy zheliznyak said about 37 billion, that is, the number is already a little less. no less, it remains significant , the european union will not be able to fully cover them, even if they accept the proposal of the government of ukraine that it should no longer be a balanced aid for four years, the emphasis should be on this year, maybe on the next one, and two 26-27 is already
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a little less, but it also does not cover all our needs, so it is also necessary to talk to all our partners. and there are a lot of them, by the way, here we must first mention the countries europe, which is not part of the eu, great britain, norway, switzerland, other countries, it is necessary to talk with japan, with australia, with new zealand, i.e. canada, countries that refer to the term collective action, which support ukraine, and in the end it is necessary think about your own situation, because you know, we ended last year with a negative external balance. trade in goods in the amount of 27.5 billion us dollars, that is, in fact, we buy 27 billion more goods than we sell, and here we must really limit ourselves in these expenses, because they are not all are related to the military sphere, i understand
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that it is impossible to limit what we spend on defense issues, but you know, if you look at how many new cars were purchased in ukraine last year, civilian cars, which are not pickups for... . front, and what is driving on the streets, here, as i think, citizens should understand that in this situation, when every dollar is important for the country, and it is desirable to keep it in ukraine, and not send it abroad, it is necessary to limit their , our own consumption, and this will allow us more or less find an opportunity to pass this current 24 year. also, we are now waiting for the package to be submitted to the parliament for consideration. laws that concern the provision of mobilization, and here one of our military men correctly reminded yesterday's ethereum that mr. heitman, that in fact mobilization is mobilization specifically for the army, it is there in some strategy, it is some seventh point or
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something like that, that is, mobilization begins first of all with the mobilization of the economy, and in our country , somehow, the opposite happens, and this law first of all, it is intended to somehow... ensure the influx of men of draft age into the ranks of the ussr and, in particular, different measures such as to push those who do not want to go there, so to speak, with economic, including various whips, and yesterday they were just talking about this too, well for example, there are ideas there to block the accounts of everyone there, somewhere they sent him some kind of electronic summons, it is not known where the person can go and did not see it, but she will know for sure because once... all the accounts are blocked, and yesterday we also talked with the deputies that it can actually have very serious economic consequences, but if people just all rush after that, learned from acquaintances, something like that happened, what will everyone do, go to the banks, withdraw everything that will happen to the banking
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system then, the second moment, if there is such a thing , all the people will say, let's give in cash, let's give only in cash, we don't want the bank then, bank secrecy is proposed to be abolished, well... some such, how calculated things are, what can they lead to? in fact, i don't think they were much miscalculated at all story with the law about the draft law, let's talk about mobilization for now. reminds me of, you know, the hot potato that everyone wants to get rid of because everyone is afraid to have it in their field, as they say, because there is a lot of political responsibility, there is no clear understanding of how much it will contribute to the promotion, how much it will contribute to the positive dynamics, everyone these proposals, you know, they are closer to an authoritarian management system, but it is normal for russia to do such things, because more, you know, i often remember the end of last year. when the minister of finance of russia siluanov even said such a phrase that russia has a resource of 40
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trillion rubles, this is all the money of russian citizens that are in bank accounts in the russian federation, that is, in the grand scheme of things, the minister of finance of the country said that you know, everything , that you keep your savings in banks, we will take it all away. i wonder how the russians didn't run to get their money from the banks after that, but it seems they don't believe it yet, but as you know, as he said. russian economist lipsitz, what he thought russians will come for their money in banks in 2025, but this is similar to the issue of the current year, but i emphasize that this is for countries with an authoritarian regime, for democracies, to which ukraine belongs, in my opinion, this is not the best decision, because after all we need a balance, when they said that the economy should be led on military lines, i said that listen, for an autocracy it is normal, for a democracy it is not so good, that is also why... there is no question that the economy should be mobilized, it should be oriented more towards the military sphere, but no
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transfer to military rails, because in our understanding, military rails are when absolutely the entire economy works on a frock, but a similar, let's say, a similar approach can actually repeat what happened to germany during the first world war, when germany worked in a lot of , let's say paid attention to the front and eventually lost the first world war, although no one will remember berlin. there were no hostilities there in general, and especially on the territory of germany, but precisely because the economy of the country did not hold up, in after all, germany turned out to be the party that lost the first world war, but ukraine should not repeat this unsuccessful example, because a complete, let's say, orientation on the military sphere, it can lead to the collapse of the economy, the collapse of the economy can also lead to defeat in the war , that is why it is very important here... to treat such proposals for statements regarding the blocking of accounts, to listen to the article by the head
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of ukraine zaluzhny about the fact that, after all , technologies should play a greater role, that is, technologies should also be understood minimization of the use of physical force, while maximizing the use of drones and other modern technical means, which would demonstrate at least at sea that a country that by and large does not have its own fleet now... will win the battle for the black sea, ukraine, in which this fleet is quite powerful, because you know, i was just last october in turkey and on the sidelines the turks said that you know, we liked it so much that ukraine drove russia out of sevastopol, that is, hinting that the russian black sea fleet, he now he is not in crimea, he is now in the east of the black sea, he is afraid to be there, and in turkey it was perceived, accepted, so that you managed to expel them from the body, i understand that there is a very long... history of wars between turkey and russia and precisely for the black sea, and for them this is a special
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song, as they say that russia will lose the black sea, but nevertheless we see that there are technical possibilities, how a country without physicists of physical strength, thanks to technical means , can actually win a certain battlefield, now it is necessary to transfer this situation to land and see, as for the minimum, let's say, well, not that the minimum... soldiers are definitely needed, but as long as it is not a large number, it is better, it is better to take quality, not quantity, so that thanks to technical means we can demonstrate our capabilities to russia, well, let's yes, we started this morning with a morning shelling, there were 64 as reported by the armed forces of ukraine , but i remember the beginning of the year, when there were more than a hundred of them, here i am... that to a large extent, maybe we are not so comparable had many means of expression with
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air, why? because we already have at least one recorded case when it was possible to eliminate one pilot in wengels, and the more pilots we manage to eliminate in this way, the fewer missiles will fly over ukraine, that is, we need to work in this direction. well, we literally have a minute left. we are waiting for macron, and he will come, i don’t know with what, well, i just want to say that although france’s economy is twice as big as russia’s, but... russia spends 6% of gdp on war this year, and france, i read to you 0.02% for aid to ukraine. will europe be able to replace the united states if the united states cannot help us before the elections? very briefly. well, actually ukraine is going to be an eu country, not a us state. therefore, it is important that europe is
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more, let's say, directed to this work. france will most likely bring, if not the final version, then the project. decommissioning agreement and following the example of great britain, that is , this is what we are waiting for macron, and the fact that europe will be able to gather, i have no doubts about this, because, after all, in europe, in the end , they understood that the war between europe and russia - it's not in theory, it is after 6 dashes of 10 years, as the german council on foreign relations wrote on the outside, so i believe in europe and think that even if the states cannot accept this package, still europe precisely because it needs it, for its security will help ukraine. pass this period, well, thank you very much, ivan us was with us, candidate of economic sciences, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, well, we are just now moving on to our next guest, and this is mykhailo shamanov, spokesman of the kyiv city of the military administration, mykhailo, congratulations, congratulations, mykhailo, well, what is the situation in
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kyiv now, how serious was the attack, what is happening now, by the way, with lighting and water in the districts of kyiv? let me, let me, let me start now with the fact that this is the third missile attack on kyiv in the 24th year, the enemy used cruise missiles kh-101, kh555 and kh-55 of strategic bombers that took off at night, strategic bombers t -95 ms, rockets entered the capital in several waves from different directions, according to the chief. of kyiv of the city military administration , colonel-general serhiy popkosyly , with anti-aircraft defense means, approximately two dozen targets were destroyed over the capital, but unfortunately, as a result of the fall of the ranks there are casualties, destruction in the capital, in the holosiiv district, a fire in the building of the 18 floors, there are several
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floors on fire, accordingly , 50. approximately 60 people have already been evacuated, eight were rescued, 12 people were injured, emergency services units continue to work on the spot, ah, it is previously known about two dead people, but again previous data, also in the same area , a service station was on fire and approximately 40 cars were damaged there, the fire has already been extinguished, emergency services workers will continue to work on the spot, in total, according to preliminary information, 14 people were injured in the capital, two more, these were injured in the dnipro district , in particular, in the dnipro district , power lines were damaged as a result of the attack, repair crews of energy workers are working to restore power supply, and
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according to the information of the ministry of energy, power lines were damaged as a result of the missile strike and with'. to the substation, respectively, because of this part of the consumers of the dnipro , odeslyan district, districts, in total, it is approximately 19,500 subscribers, now without power, the energy companies expect to restore the consumers within three hours, well, accordingly, because of this and because of the consequences of the enemy attack in kyiv , traffic has been changed public transport, i.e. there may be delays in the movement of electric transport and we... i mean trams and trolleybuses, i.e. there may be difficulties with this, i understand that this attack is stronger than the previous one scale, larger, larger scale, well, you know, it is difficult to compare attacks, any attack in the century, accordingly, as a result of these missile attacks, there may be destruction and there may be
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victims, so it is probably not worth comparing the attacks. thank you very much for this information, mykhailo shamanov, the spokesman of the military administration of kyiv joined us, and with good news, the light disappeared in some districts of kyiv precisely because of damage to the power transmission line, this is not damage to infrastructure facilities, this is good information and we hope, again still for kyiv information that within literally three hours it is expected that the light will be restored or even faster where it has...disappeared, well, andrii godyk, the first deputy head of the lviv military regional administration, mr. andrii, good morning, is with us now, good morning how good is he actually, not very good, certainly for the residents of drohobych, lviv oblast in general, and where are the victims, what are the consequences of today's attack. during the morning attack,
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lviv region, as well as virtually all of ukraine , was attacked by the enemy, unfortunately hit, this is an industrial object in the city of drogobych, drogobytsky district, as a result of which significant destruction of structural elements took place, ah, it was this industrial object that caught fire on a fairly large area, but thanks to the coordinated, effective actions of our emergency workers in a fairly short terms, already about an hour ago, the fire was completely contained, at the moment where the debris is being analyzed and all the circumstances of the arrival are being established, what was the reason for the blow, and what details will be established in the future more detailed. the information about the consequences from the great advantage is that as a result of the morning attack there is no information about the dead and about the victims, this is operational information at the
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moment, in addition, the residents of lyushchyna inform about the discovered fragments of rockets, therefore, the relevant units of law enforcement agencies are working to document the facts of the terrorist activity of the borog . mr. andrii, can we tell you the number? which missiles were used, if we are talking about the lviv region, and were any of them neutralized? look, more detailed information will actually be provided by the west pmc, the information will probably be correct and verified, what we have indicated at the moment, at the object where the arrivals took place, an investigative and operational group is working there, all the details will be available later, they can from my side to report that... the air defense system worked, it worked effectively, but it will be possible to talk about the specific number only after all the circumstances have been established, including the object we have already mentioned.
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well, thank you very much, there was information, in particular from mr. kozytskyi that at least one missile was shot down in the stryi district, and today, i don't know if you can confirm it, there is indeed debris found. and the scattering is, but again, this is based on the information that is available at the moment, it is not one, but not one air target was destroyed in the territory of lviv region, thank you, more detailed information will be provided by the pmk event. thank you very much for this information, andriy godyk was with us the first deputy chairman of lviv ova. gentlemen, you and i are finishing this informational hour little by little. i remind you that ukraine today is a happy people for those who just woke up. if there are actually those who slept through today 's air alert, let me remind you that today the enemy powerfully attacked ukraine from strategic bombers with winged, primarily
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missiles, as well as shaheds, well, we can also say that this attack was repulsed, most of the missiles were neutralized, but there are of course hits in many cities , including in the lviv region, this is the city of drohobych, what about gentlemen, well, you and i will now go on a short break, i will go on a short break, but be sure to stay with us, because in a few minutes we will be back and we will talk, in particular, with alisa yurchenko, who is the deputy editor-in-chief of bigusinfo, an incredibly important, terrible, i would even say, unacceptable story and situation, and regarding the detection of surveillance by employees services security of ukraine for journalists investigating the bigus team, presumably to collect incriminating material on them. who was behind this, who are the customers, what should be the reaction,
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11:00 am
a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful saw strong what is needed, call. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel. kateryny shiropoyas works in the studio. russia launched 64 missiles and drones over ukraine. the enemy used, in particular, attack uavs, cruise missiles and anti-aircraft guided missiles. air defense forces shot down so...


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