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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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available places, includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call! greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. russia launched 64 missiles and drones over ukraine. the enemy used, in particular, attack uavs, cruise missiles and anti-aircraft guided missiles. air defense forces shot down.
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44 targets, including 26 cruise missiles, three caliber missiles and 15 shahed missiles. the attack was repulsed by anti-aircraft missile forces and fighter aircraft. units of mobile fire groups and means of electronic warfare have been reported to the air force. two people died as a result of a russian missile attack in kyiv, president volodymyr zelenskyy said. ten people were hospitalized from a high-rise building in holosiivskyi district. among them, a pregnant woman in an 18-story building caught fire as a result of shelling, caught fire in several there is destruction on the floors under the rubble, there are probably people, cars and service station premises are on fire, also three injured people in the dnipro district, two of them were hospitalized. two high-voltage lines were damaged by the debris of the rocket, some residents on the left bank are without electricity, mayor vitalii klychko said. also damaged.
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heat supply main, repair works are ongoing, air defense in the capital was hit by approximately two dozen enemy missiles. our journalist dmytro didora works at the site of enemy strikes. dmitry, congratulations, have you been able to talk to the victims and what are people saying? i congratulate kateryna, i also congratulate our viewers, so we can talk to the victims. it succeeded, they all describe only one emotion, it was fear, because there were several explosions, and some of the residents did not even understand that it was possible that there were explosions, because today in the morning in kyiv there was a very strong wind, we can now hear with you, how the residents reacted and heard this morning attack, the area of ​​the 18th floor.
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a fire broke out in a residential building from the 10th to the 14th floor spread of fire, and we also have a partial reconstruction of the facade, rescuers are currently extinguishing the fire, as well as searching for victims, currently 40-52 people have been evacuated, fresh air has already been evacuated, 13 people, eight people were saved, 13 people sought medical help, windows were blown out boxes, including the door. i couldn’t get out, the door was ajar because of this, the rescuer was knocked out to me, i already got out, the polisnitze ran, hoping that she would catch the bed, the house is full, water, shutters, and father, we can show you this multi-story building, which was injured today as a result of falling debris, this is ulam... we can see that
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the rescuers have already managed to control the fire , the state service reported from naz that there is no open fire in the building, these debris fell from this part of the high-rise building, they damaged several floors, and because of the fire started to spread, in the rest of the house it is quite big, here... the entrance, it goes like a huge one like this house, people's windows were broken, there is a lot of glass under my feet, i just have to put my apartment in order , while rescuers are working, they will... still
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look for people, as we were told by the state emergency service, as there may still be people there, the area is not cleaned, rescuers are also on duty at the site in... in the event that, if people can also show signs of life, doctors are also on duty to provide the necessary help, the red cross also helps people who have suffered, whose apartments have been destroyed, they temporarily provide shelter in their homes, give necessary things, warm tea, since it is quite cool outside, and works are on site, they continue, they continue, as we have already heard, 13 people managed to be saved, they... sought medical help, including a pregnant woman in the holosiivskyi district, where we are right now, we will inform you of updated information to you already at 12 o'clock. thank you, dmytro, i will remind our viewers that it was our journalist dmytro didora, he spoke with the victims at
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the site of the russian attacks in kyiv. as a result of falling fragments of downed russian rockets in the buchanskyi and fastivskyi districts of kyiv region two people were injured, 14 private persons were damaged. and two high-rise buildings, an educational institution and cars. as the head of kyiv regional military administration ruslan kravchenko reported, thanks to the work of air defense forces, there were no direct hits on residential and critical infrastructure objects. in total, falling debris was recorded in eight settlements. all operative services are involved in eliminating the consequences of shelling. and in mykolaiv after... a man died, who was hospitalized for intensive care, after shelling, he had severe mine-explosive and craniocerebral injuries, the mayor oleksandr sinkevich reported. other wounded were treated on the spot, about 20 houses were damaged , there was a fire on the territory of the infrastructure object and
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on the technical building. also, a fire broke out in the section of the underground gas pipeline, water supply networks were damaged, repair work is ongoing. the fire at the industrial facility in drohobych, lviv region, was extinguished. there was a hit during the morning enemy attack. as a result of the fire, the roof on the square was damaged 500 m2 and a garbage truck. the building is partially destroyed - reported the head of the region maksym kozytskyi. and we eliminate the consequences. at the moment, there are no data on victims or dead. also, one of the missiles was shot down over the stryi district. a huge thank you to our anti-aircraft defense. a 52-year-old woman received minor injuries as a result of the russian attack on kharkiv. in the morning, the enemy bombarded the city with s-300 missiles. explosions rang out in the slobitsky district. it was not
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the residential infrastructure that was damaged, oleg sinygubov, the head of the region, said. also the day before terrorists attacked the village of pishchane. an elderly woman was injured, she received blast injury, her fingers are amputated. in vovchansk , the commercial premises of the private house enterprise and a car were damaged. varvarivka was fired upon by the russians with three cannons. mutilated, school. ambassador of the united states in kyiv brigitte brink reacted to the morning missile attack on ukraine. according to her, all over the country, men, women and children have woken up from the rush. massive russian attack, i quote: we rely on the air defense of ukraine and the heroic military personnel who will protect us all. brink emphasized that time cannot be wasted, because ukraine needs help from the united states. the us house of representatives did not
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support speaker mike johnson's bill on providing military aid to israel without aid to ukraine. as. according to reuters, most opponents called the house bill a political ploy by republicans to divert attention from the bill, which combines an overhaul of us immigration policy with new funding. border security, as well as money to help ukraine, israel, and partners in the indo-texas region. espress tv channel announces a new fee for fpv drones. for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan, the state special service of transport, these courageous soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower
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of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. remember, the best an investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your preferences, we will see. dear friends , we are coming back, we are continuing our marathon, this is our final hour with andriy saichuk, with lesia vokulyuk, we say good morning to everyone, to all those who are already watching us and to all those who are just joining us, we remind you that we have a collection going on , which is run by the iryna koval charity fund, iryna koval, you know, if you watch espresso, she is our presenter, and at the same time a volunteer who has already started and
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closed more than one gathering, with the help of the audience, of course, without you, we are nowhere, dear friends, i want to thank you for those 348,849,894 uah 54 kopecks, which you and i have already collected, 15 uah were added this morning, well, in general, we need as much as one. million to 350 thousand and a half hryvnias remain, to 400 thousand and a half hryvnias remain 51 00 and a half hryvnias, i think we can do it all at least to get close until the end of the day to this mark, we can do it with you, yesterday we collected 37 00, today for the fact that the muscovites arranged such a morning for us, with such losses, with such experiences, we have... this anger of ours and to somehow turn our sadness into donations,
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it doesn't matter that these are huge amounts , it's important that there are many of you, well, now we'll talk about the investigation of our colleagues, journalists, investigators from bigus-info, who work better than the security service of ukraine , at least, than one of its departments, for sure, and we are already in touch there is... and alina yurchenko, we will talk with her about this investigation, alisa, i’m sorry, oh my god, the deputy editor-in-chief of bigus-info, who, alisa, good morning, were you on that video that was leaked by these employees of the security service of ukraine? good morning, no, i'm not in that video, i didn't go into this particular room that day at all, because again, it's one and... out of ten rooms, one of the ten rooms, in which the employees lived for one night, actually ,
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i don't have it on the video, but i lived in another one house, but we can say that we are convinced and have evidence that hidden cameras, the security service of ukraine installed at least eight rooms and a sauna. what are your impressions now after that investigation by your journalist. which you spent, how much time did it take in the end to get to the truth, to find all those who decided to follow you and trace their path, so to speak, it seems to me, i can’t hide it for sure, we have about three weeks it took that, or maybe even less than two dates, or two and a half to do all this, we were lucky that we were able to get faster than the security service... a copy of the video from the security cameras of the complex itself, on which all those who committed
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an official crime against us, then, of course, we watched, watched for several days, this video was completely interviewed by a complex of their employees, what they saw and remember, well, in fact, we just spent a few more days under the department, when it was already clear that... a specific security service department of ukraine, was actually the curator in the field of this operation, and then we saw other representatives of this department live, interviewed them, well, actually from this group that installed cameras or was a mask to cover their pseudo-corporation. ms. aliso, the fact that you got this video so quickly, the fact that you got the phone of one of the employees who participated? from this operation against your colleagues, you, this igor, some people assume that it
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would have been impossible without the presence of, let's say, your informants in the service itself without limits, this is also called sources, oh, believe me, we have a lot of sources in the security service of ukraine, so i thank you very much for not generalizing, the security service of ukraine is a very large body and there are many cool people working there who.. . lives for the sake of you and me, so the fact that some representatives committed an official crime does not mean that all bad people work there, it would be absolutely wrong to generalize, we have very ... many sources of service in the security service, but of course there it's absolutely clear, we don't hide it, we didn't get the video from the service, on the contrary, the service did everything, we checked to see if the security would give us a copy of this video, they didn't give us one, and that was right on the mark for us, one of the first signs that the security so quickly registered
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her own criminal proceedings without our application, without our statement, without recognizing us as victims, she... er, in our opinion , they registered it so quickly precisely in order to be able to rush into the complex and seize server after server with these video evidences against some of their employees, and we received the video from the complex, they helped us in every way, because they themselves were shocked by what the security service of ukraine did. how do you feel about the reaction to your investigation of ordinary ukrainians, and those ukrainians, or whom? was this investigation about? the reaction is extraordinary from the audience from ukrainians, from people who understand that a large-scale, grandiose official crime has occurred, a large-scale interference in the private life of dozens of people, and a violation of many, many points that are guaranteed
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u.s. with you constitution, actually, unfortunately, i cannot say that we are satisfied with the reaction of the security service and actually those who gave this instruction to the security service, because we understand that this is not an initiative of the security service as such. let's return to this question now. yevhen bodyratskyi, deputy chairman and editor-in-chief of ukrainian pravda, wrote about the need to understand the context. what is this department that organized this surveillance of you, and he says, writes about what it is, in fact, this department, what is its correct name protection of national statehood, it was formed in 1992 on the basis of the so-called fifth department of the kgb, which in the soviet union was engaged in monitoring dissidents, and in russia its analogue was the second department
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of the fsb, which is responsible for such cases as the murder of nimtsov , poisoning the opposition. including navalov, navalny and karim murza, and so on and the like, is this context really important in your opinion, and why is this department needed in such a case, if it is, in fact, what does it do then, does it continue case, conditionally speaking of the historical context, well, of course we understand that now the people who worked there are not the same people who worked in the kgb, they are, as you all saw, quite... young guys, but what they did, at least, in relation to our teams, this, of course, it's just a shame and a disgrace, and it absolutely falls under, should fall under criminal responsibility, in my opinion, because they did it in an illegal way, in general, they should be doing important things, including looking for
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collaborators, in particular, to study the media space and... to do something with those who actually play along does he work for russians by spreading russian narratives, works with russian money and so on, we see that, by the way, they are engaged in checking journalists, cameramen, drivers who go to cover events on the front line, and actually they. as an idea, but what they do in practice is actually just serving political interests, for the sake of those who do not like what they do, for example, anti-corruption organizations, anti-corruption journalists , those who somehow criticize
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authorities for certain mistakes, but you say that... they act in the interests of certain people, who could be the person who gave the order, then he already went down these steps to this, how are they there, nd, yes , the new acronym that we've learned now, look, we've got a lot of insider information, but i'm going to try to just stick to the facts right now, because... first of all, we need to appreciate the scale of this operation, it's just incredible and unreal, and the resource of the state special service was used for it, that is, it is about... about months of listening to telephone conversations of more than one person, more than one member of our team, about the transcripts of these conversations, about their analysis, about the many-day preparation
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of a huge operation by dozens of people , about the installation of these cameras, then about the transcription of conversations, about the editing of this video , and so on , this is an incredible use of service resource and tolerance. that many people in the country can give such an instruction, i in principle cannot the office of the president could give such an instruction, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and it seems to me that these fingers are only two, two, uh, yes, some even believe that this finger is one, there are so many, which should be.. . in that case, the reaction actually from what we're seeing now, there are direct analogies to the watergate scandal that cost president nixon his office, although i
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think there are differences here, because there was surveillance of the opponents' campaign headquarters, here it's a slightly different story, here the story is much, much worse for democracy, because if it turns out that, for example, it is only assumed that president zelensky authorized it. in this case, it will literally be a sanction for finding compromising material in order to blackmail journalists later? unfortunately, it pains me to say this now, but we are trying to move precisely in the legal sphere, we would very much like the law enforcement agencies to investigate this criminal proceeding, which was registered illegally according to the facts. interference in the private and professional life of the editors, but unfortunately, i do not really believe that we will be able to get out somewhere further than the names that
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have already been announced, but it should be so, and the only problem is that which law enforcement agency will not look at, and there are many articles for different law enforcement agencies, that is, it could theoretically be the national police and the sbi. and it is possible that there are still some law enforcement agencies, but the problem is that, one way or another, they all proceed under the influence of the very authority that we all suspect that the instruction did not come from, so there is not much faith that the investigation is indeed an investigation law enforcement officers will come to the customer, but at least we will fight. aliso, at the beginning of the invasion, we will soon have the second anniversary or second hand of this full-scale invasion, there was a call from the government to
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society and to all its members, that we should be united and stay united, this call in particular applied to journalists , that is, you and i, that we should do everything in order not to shake a person internally. we are in the second year, and we see, let's say, that this special operation is being organized to track journalists who came to a recreation complex, conduct a training there, something that is combined with some barbecues and so on, and a part of the civil service is involved, and then it turns out that there is no unity, or is it somehow one-sided? in addition, we also hear calls to stop criticizing the government, because it is against unity, or should we continue to preserve this
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unity, or what should this unity be, in your opinion, what should it be, so that it is like this common on all sides but not only one goal game, thank you very much for this question, i think a lot about it all these two years, in fact, when we take part in some foreign conferences, we talk all the time and know that it finds a response, we talk about the fact that as long as we have real journalism, as long as we show some problems in society, in particular, the problems of corruption character and there is a reaction of the authorities to them, this is just... a sign for our western partners that we, as a country, are a democracy, that we are capable of correcting our own mistakes and that we need to be supported, even
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in... our newsrooms will be closed soon we will stop working in this direction, immediately we will stop criticizing the government and getting a reaction from the government to correct mistakes, then, then we will actually start to turn into russia, and those who believe that unity is threatened by journalists who simply point out mistakes and want these mistakes to be corrected, they are very ... are wrong because the movement towards autocracy, that's the biggest problem, it's just the way that will be paved if we're pushed and we stop doing what we're doing, so i think we have to understand, as part of our unity, yes campaigns of our unity, we have understand the role of each institution correctly, in particular journalism, as a profession that, among
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other things... should point out some erroneous processes in society precisely for the sake of correcting these problems. i am also talking about the reaction, just what kind of reaction do we expect from, in particular, president zelensky, regarding this whole story, because so far he has only said that pressure on journalists is unacceptable in one of his so-called addresses, and it even looks quite weakly with the statement of mr. kid, at least he mentioned about some democratic values ​​and freedom of speech, and from what we, what we expect, of course, first of all, an honest investigation, for some reasons we doubt that it can come, and in fact, it seems to me, and the absence, the absence of any a more obvious reaction of the president, will just point to the global nature of the problem, which
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has arisen. lives in power and journalists, and this applies not only to our editorial office, i really want the bank to review its attitude and understanding of journalism, and understand that we are not enemies of the government, but that we we are really all working on the same side, for the sake of ukraine's victory. alisa, and one more question, because in addition to the fact that there was a huge support for the journalists of bigus-info, in connection with the fact that... it was found out first that you were being followed, and then we conducted our own investigation and people saw how it was all organized, there were, there were also those people who said, they say, what is it, when people use drugs, then they must be punished and the security service officers who watched them did the right thing, finally we found out , what in biguz infonarcom, this is not my opinion, i quote literally what i read in the comments, even now one commentator came to
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our... youtube broadcast and tells about drug addicts and the terrible crime of journalists, bigusinfo employees , because there are not only journalists there, there are also operators and drivers , this is this, this is the bigus-info team, so what would be the answer to people who are now receiving all the information around this, before this , around this scandal, like this way, let's talk about it if the service security was investigating something, and this is not her lack of a trace. she investigates only smuggling within the framework of some drugs, we understand that staying in the room even with something is possible, i don’t know, i wasn’t in that room, and this is not smuggling, that is, it is definitely not under the influence of the security service of ukraine, but even if talk about the fact that the security service allegedly investigated something, then no, it did not investigate anything, because first of all, we wrote
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to all law enforcement agencies to see if... any of our current or former employees in any criminal proceedings and have not received any confirmation that, as of now , any of us or our former employees are involved in any criminal proceedings, in particular related to article 307 and something related to narcotic substances, secondly, we they sent a request to the security service whether it had a court order, and only with a court order did it have the right to install these cameras. to one or more numbers, each number had to have a court order and a prosecutor's sanction, and the security service simply ignored this question, accordingly, this indicates that all this happened completely illegally, and there is no investigation, even if you pay attention to the wording used in the press release of the security service of ukraine, it says that they simply became...


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