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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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new effective immigration procedures are in place for those seeking asylum at the border. now this project, this process takes 5-10 years, and it is too long and irrational, the new measures will provide more than 400, 4300. new border officers, and it will speed up this process to six months, instead of the 50 years that it is now, also we will speed up the issuance of work permits, so that those who are here, who have the opportunity, can work faster, the whole country is going for it. request, it's opportunities for families, it's
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opportunities for business, it's opportunities to hire additional workers, for the first time in 30 years, this bill allows more efficient border crossing for those who legally, legally cross this border, and small children will have. at the border, also, i get emergency powers to stop people from crossing the border, those who do it illegally, it would be done now if i had those powers, so there are important reforms to the immigration system, that's the biggest thing.
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the fairest legislation we have had, certainly not all things considered, which i would wanted, there is no path to legalize some categories, not all things considered, which i would like, there is no path to legalize some categories, there is no possibility of obtaining citizenship for those who... entered the country legally when they were children, the so-called dreamers, but at the end of the day, this legislation will still improve the efficiency, humanity and security of our borders. that's why the border guards support this, this bill, they really work on the border, they're not some congressmen who...
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take pictures on the border, they do it every day do that work, and it's the border guards who have to make the decisions, this bill will give them the tools to make those decisions, and the chamber of commerce supports this decision because they know it's not only good for the border, it's good for american business, for the american economy, that's why the wall street journal supports this bill. it is written that these are reforms that trump has not even come close to, and that they should be approved, this is what was written in the article, this bill also provides emergency funding for ukraine, you see, my crib, my badge, contain elements of the ukrainian flag, this country. suffers
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a brutal invasion every day every month, delays mean they have less artillery, less ability to defend against a russian attack, that's what putin wants. ukrainians are fighting bravely, i know that many people in the room are following this issue, we mobilized a coalition of 50 countries, and we... nato, remember, when we came to the presidency, what happened, now we have increased the number of allies in nato, we cannot turn away, supporting this law, bill, is opposition to putin, if you don't support this bill, it will help putin if we don't stop it. his appetites,
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he will not stop in ukraine, he will not limit himself, and the costs for the usa and partners will increase. history watches, history follows, the support of ukraine at this critical time will never be forgotten, and the new york times wrote in its headline: trump is the first, putin is the second, america is the third, this cannot be so. this arrangement also provides the necessary assistance to israel in order to defend against hamas terrorists, and it provides life-saving aid to palestinians, to oppose, to disagree with
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this bill, is to deny aid to people who are suffering. i know that i need to work further, but i say clearly that doing nothing is not an option. republicans have to decide, they 've been saying for years that they want to secure the border, this is the most powerful border bill ever, and i understand that the former president is trying desperately to stop this bill because he doesn't want to solve the problem, he wants take advantage of it, the american people want a solution to... stop the political rhetoric that we can't do much for a long time, so if you look at the republicans, who do they serve donald trump or the american people, they want to solve
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the problems or use them as a weapon with a political purpose. i serve the american people, i'm here to solve problems. only a month ago, the republicans asked for such a bill that would reform immigration reform, give aid to ukraine, israel, now they move away from it. we must abandon this toxic politics, stop playing games while the world waits and watches, and indeed the world waits, watches what we will do. to do, we cannot continue with this petty, politicized politics, we are a great nation, let's act like a great nation, if, if the bill is passed, i
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will sign it immediately, but if it is not passed, i will be with... will clearly convey to the american people who, who opposed, i will say that the republicans, who did not support this bill, they are just afraid of donald trump, and let them know that the only question is why there is no border protection, it is donald trump, his friends, maga, friends. you have to make it clear to the american people that you work for them, not for anyone else, i serve the american people, and you have to remember who we are, we are the united states of america, nothing is
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impossible if we do it together, and i hope and i pray that they... don't undermine that arrangement, so that was the joseph biden to the congress of the united states of america, which should consider the issue of funding for the adoption of additional appropriations for emergency situations in the field of national security, including ukraine, joseph biden was dressed in a blue and yellow crib, he had a with the flags of the united states of america and ukraine, he said that ukraine needs to be helped, because putin will not stop at ukraine, and then there will be shortages for the united states of america and the next president,
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the current and the next president, whoever he is was not. well, you can watch biden's full speech on our youtube channel, there is a separate stream, you can go and listen again. this, a report, or rather, a speech and address. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on. youtubers, please don't forget to like this video so that it goes up in youtube trends, and take part in our vote, today we are asking you about this, do you trust the security service of ukraine, yes, no, maybe a trite question and unusual, but at least we decided to gauge your opinion and see what you think about it, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote 0800 211 381 if you believe, no 0800 211 382 if if you don't trust me, please vote, at the end
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of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and then we will be in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, journalist, author and host of the large youtube channel of roman tsimbalyuk, which has over a million subscribers, so subscribe to roman's youtube channel tsimbalyuka, roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, serhiy, hello, let's... not about biden, because biden said what was expected in principle, he did not say anything extraordinary, it was the address of the state leader to the congress of the united states of america, as it should be, and he was dressed correctly in a blue-yellow tie and an american, american-ukrainian badge. let's talk about the informational component of what has been happening for the past 10 days around the head of the armed forces of ukraine. from the fact that... that happened on january 29 and until now there is no clarity in the communications of the authorities regarding whether
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or not zuluzny will be the head, you were one of those who wrote that such a decree could be on facebook, then you said that there is some certain, you took down this post and said that there is no fait accompli, but the president's office made everyone around guilty, but... explained what actually happened, and whether this resignation will happen or not, why don't you think the president's office communicated with journalists, with bloggers, with ukrainians? well, why didn't he communicate, v interview with our italian colleagues, he said that he was thinking about replacing the commander-in-chief, what i wrote on facebook, well, actually, such things do not come out of my head, and - actually... after that, probably everyone western newspapers wrote about it to one degree or another. my opinion is that
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the political tyrants that we have here, ah, this is the impression, you know, that the war is over, that our servicemen are not being killed, that avdiivka, donetsk, sevastopol are already safe, and we need to sort this out, so , our supreme commander is the president, he... he asks this question and is already asking it publicly and so on and so forth, you, please, not you, of course, but you, you make a decision, or don't make it, because it's kind of strange, a little, strange, not a little , a very strange situation, because i want to tell you that even my friends and acquaintances who are currently in the army don't like this mess, they want clear... understood schedules, who gives orders, who plans military operations
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and so on, this is an important thing in this particular aspect, well, about what i wrote, well, you see, there are many people who influence the final decision, the most important thing in this story is that the war does not pause , and it is necessary to constantly carry out the appropriate action. military planning, well , that is, it seems that zelensky is inclined to sign the decree, so a week ago this decree was already ready, the only thing is that here the surnames change from time to time, and as it turned out, there are not so many people in the place of the zaluzhny, that is , there are people who are ready to take... well, on the other hand, this is her order, well, the situation is clear, there is really nothing to do here
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to add, to be honest, yes, we just need to see what kind of reset was announced by zelensky in an interview with italian journalists, italian journalists and italian society, they just wanted to hear that we will have a personnel reset, and it was necessary to explain to the italians, what do you see, we have the head of the armed forces of ukraine, which zelenskyi is not very happy with, and of course, as and in the situation, among other things, this very story with surveillance is a coincidence, yesterday denys bigus and his team published a film about how a team of 30 sbushniks installed bugs there, installed video cameras where they rested or worked, including the training they had there, and today again everyone throws up their hands, they say, well, in principle, we have freedom of speech, kostin said, that there is
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freedom of speech, the prosecutor general, the head of the sbu said that there is freedom of speech, and i... well , absolutely logical questions, who, who should answer for the fact that during the war, 30 sbu officers lead journalists, install cameras, act unprofessionally , and of course, if we are already talking about freedom of speech, then why does no one ask the question that since april 22, the spresso tv channels are not present in t2 either, we were simply turned off, well, this is also a threat to freedom of speech, but you see, bigus made a film , the whole... world is listening, the ambassadors of the big seven are meeting with ukrainian journalists, and this is also indicative, what does this story with the bigus show? ah, well, first of all, it is beneficial to the authorities that only the telethon works, well, let's
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speak directly, call a spade a spade, i why in such sexual conditions, well, now during the war. i won’t say, i turn on from the car, because i was at such an event, it’s called the editorial board, you see, this is roman symbalyuk, but i even have a bit left here, and just this story, it worried everyone very much, censorship, someone there compared it to in the times of yanukovych, what i want to say, how to formulate it correctly, serhiy, well, agree, whoever planned it, and who controls it all. who gave the first basic instruction, well, in our country such commands are usually given only by managers special services, and accordingly the heads, they are subordinate to political power, we do not have a junta here, respectively the office of the president or the president himself, well, it doesn’t happen any other way, it’s just that no one can say something, who knew it, that’s how we see these boys
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now on the screen, a handsome boy with a backpack, how about eh... in the investigation it is said that one of them is called a clown in someone 's phone book, so i know a person who has him listed as a clown, and i want to say to our valiant special services, that you serve the state, and what really happened, this is the state, this is just a crime, this is the article, and if the authorities do not imprison anyone, then they have not understood anything, but in fact... it is so harsh that a group of officers committed a crime, this is a crime, these stories about drug trafficking , let them tell someone else, everyone perfectly understands why this was done, it is a crime, and for this crime they should be held responsible, that is, it should not be dismissal, trial and so on and so
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on, but what do i need it for i keep saying that life is like that... left and the whole history of ukraine shows that if you do something on someone's orders , commit crimes, for that you can at some stage answer simply, and everyone should think, well, this is a bad story about the security service, there is a good story, but after all, well, experience shows that most officers there are engaged in destroying the russian invaders, not spying. for the girls, and everyone understands everything , it seems to me that it would be desirable for the president to look at this situation in such a way that all those who want to lick him one place, but in fact they are setting him up, setting him up the president, because with him he is responsible for everything, well, that's how it is arranged in our state, it sets, if it doesn't set, then
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if it will continue or will be lowered to the right. on the brakes, it calls into question, questions such things as european integration, you know, there is already talk about a free press, there is so much written in these europes, that there is such an impression that you will not build hungary there, no hungary , neither hungary, nor the orsek modyar, well, in this situation, roman, the most important thing is that if the president does not react, then he... has no what to say, well, in principle , there is nothing to say, because he understands who it is, if he reacts and there are some personnel changes not at the level of the head of the department, those young people who were trampled there for 30 years, at the level of the leadership of the sbu, i don’t know, i think that such things simply do not happen, and such things
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simply cannot happen without agreement with the bank either, i do not believe in this, but my experience shows that if, if such resources are already taken and used, it it was definitely from the highest offices, and here the question is what if he remains silent, it will be... well, it’s just a failure of president zelensky, because it is impossible to remain silent in this situation, because the sbu rushed to investigate this case of wiretapping and surveillance of journalists, although they did it themselves, now today the prosecutor general of ukraine kostin says: listen, come on, the sbi will now investigate, and they are dragging this case back and forth, although bigus was taken from the team , they were simply laid out, i was simply impressed, i was impressed by this film of bigus, because, well, bigus is just. schedule of the security service of ukraine. there is a service security of ukraine, which is at war, which performs special tasks, and there is a security service, which
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the journalist team simply took and spread out on the shelves. this is simply incomprehensible to me, it does not fit in my head. you know, if i have nothing to add. i just want us to have some, some differentiation. if there is no next meeting. the security service, then there should be evidence, confirmation that this is exactly for the combat units, but you know, it's just a situation, it's so absurd, and what surprises me the most is the professional level of the people who are what did they do, what did they order, and that person, here’s the question, here’s me, who gave the order to this crap that they took off, that someone is sniffing something there or, or so on, who
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gave team, it's all about making it public, just if you answer who it was, some general, or i don't know if it's the president's office, the person who gave the order to make it public, she's not professional, and such people... there's nothing to do in power, because you know, first of all, journalists have never been there, never positioned themselves as a standard of some kind of behavior there, but as a matter of fact, that someone there is something, i i don't even remember if they sniff or smoke or so on, they also burned the methods of the special service, and so on, well, that's strange, let's do it again. it's a little rude, but it's called by everyone, those who ordered all this and made decisions, they just ate shit
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and continue to eat it and smear the president with it, if the president, who invented it, the idea was to discredit people who conduct investigations, well, but this all speaks for itself not only about the sbu. about the part that should deal with national security and to all the questions related to this , there is some management of it, i heard that there is, i also once had certain stories related to the security service of ukraine, maybe someday i will write about it in my memoirs, back in 1997, when i communicated with pavel lazarenko, sbu officers came to me and offered to share information, impressions about what i think. and i, how pavlo lazarenko behaved, and i was found on the home phone, well , this is a whole detective story in the words of the security service of ukraine, but in this situation
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we are talking about a state, a state that is at war, a state that wants to join the european union, a state that wants help from the united states of america, we just heard that biden, biden is not against this, but it turns out that everything is always possible to say, listen , well... it is not at all clear what is happening there, journalists are a marker for all european and western democracies, this is a marker of what happens to journalists, if one journalist comes there, they mobilize yura nikalov home in quotes, for bigus are being watched, portnikov too, to there was surveillance, he found some dictaphone with a number, and with the inventory number of the security service of ukraine. somewhere under his bed he says: guys, come, take your device, because the number, you are financially responsible for it, and
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no one, not even the sportsman. did not explain anything at all, what happened, i.e. whose dictaphone was it, who recorded what there, it is also not clear, no, i asked vitaly, he said that the dictaphone was taken away, so that the material values, because it was bought all for ours, for our state, that is, with our funds, everything is in place , everything is calculated, regarding nikolov , as far as i understand it, but i asked you, who does not understand how such decisions are made, this is the same department, which, what do they do, you know, the biggest mistake of people who try to protect the president's rating in this way, and these are such actions, the result will not only be negative, it will be terrible, well, that's an obvious thing, the only nuance here is that the problem is not only in the rating
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of leaders... of the state, although we have already been told that he is not going to, well, in the sense, it seems to us that it is more to the audiobook than to the elections, the question is that such things, we see what discussions are being held in the states, yes, to give money, not to give, well of course, they have their own cinema there, but this american cinema can use such a thing that it is not a democracy. that pressure is being exerted on the independent press and so on and so forth, and this will be used so that this entire state will remain without support, i still hope that here other levers, other arguments will take hold, which biden actually said, but it's a story about them replacing the leadership with such inept things, as far as
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zaluzhny is concerned. for that matter, why am i putting here, well two two cases are equal? for the reason that, well, so far no one has explained why they want to fire the industrious one, apart from the fact that he has a high rating, usually such things should be used the other way around, especially in wartime, because trust is not the most important complaint, but to lead it can lead to negative results. and what i want to say is that we are not talking about elections, but well, they will be, they will be anyway, and this should not be forgotten, in short, thank you, thank you, roman, thank you for the conversation, it was roman symbaliuk, my colleague, journalist, friends, we work live on the tv channel, also on our platforms in youtube and facebook, and we are conducting a trust survey today, whether you trust the security service of ukraine, please vote, it is important for us to know your
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opinion. next, we have mykhailo prytula, colonel of the reserve sbu, an expert in military counter-intelligence, mr. colonel, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. colonel, we are witnessing the unfolding of this biguz gate, i would call it that, biguzgate, 30 people were watching bigus, let 's hear what bigus is about it thinks because i think you have already seen the movie, simple. we will show our viewers a small fragment of what de den said, denis , please, the very fact of this surveillance, the very fact of these cameras in the bedrooms is a transition to a fundamentally new level, the level of a rotten russian tradition, and if in order for a similar the next 10 years did not repeat itself, we need a reaction from society, or for the national police, which also
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opened a trail... to arrest the dzndo department in full, or even to buy a jacket for the capitol, this should be done, because nothing else threatens the national statehood of ukraine, than rotten russian traditions. mr. colonel, denis said that these are new technologies, it seems to me that they are not new, well, it seems so to me, but what do you say about this runner? gate, how could the sbu allow that the team of investigators took and laid it out the whole department just on the shelves? you know, my great-grandfather was shot for a bad, bad joke about stalin. according to the same article, which the representatives of the fifth department of the kgb in the ssr used to conduct, this is anti-soviet agitation and
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propaganda, even now. we see their descendants doing the same.


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