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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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mdsndu in full force, or even buy a jacket for the capitol, it must be done, because nothing threatens the national statehood of ukraine more than rotten russian traditions. mr. colonel, denis said that these are new technologies, it seems to me that they are not new. well, it seems so to me, but what do you say about this biguzgate, how could the sbu ... that a team of investigators took and laid out an entire department just on the shelves, you know, my great-grandfather was shot for a bad, bad joke about stalin, then the very article that the representatives of the fifth kgb administration in the ssr used to conduct is anti-soviet agitation and propaganda, and now we see that their descendants are doing the same. but
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they are doing it extremely unprofessionally, what is bad is, well, the highest degree of unprofessionalism, let's approach this situation from the other side, which biguus did not approach, but imagine that in this ukrainian yard, ukrainian village, a subversive intelligence group of the enemy, or a meeting of intelligence officers was scheduled, and these people ... were instructed to carry out wiretapping and operational measures against real enemies, real scouts, a real sabotage-reconnaissance group. imagined, right? here is this group of people, they will be counted out and destroyed by the enemy, well, within half an hour, just on a flat spot, this is what we...
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can say about this whole situation, that is, the work of journalists should not be theirs, but they should to be ready to work for real spies, for real scouts, for real sabotage and intelligence groups, and here the question is, how will they then fulfill this task, for which the state pays them money, that is people, man, what kind of opera is there, this ihor, who filmed... video cameras on houses, who taught him, where, when? that is, it is not only a question of monitoring journalists, it is a question of the unprofessionalism of this unit, absolute unprofessionalism, and of course, the use of budget funds, how to pay for all this and so on, this is a question that should also be raised, who paid for this banquet, or it was cash, then... the question is, who is the customer,
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and from which article were these funds withdrawn, or were they budget funds, and this is also a question, further one more question, who authorized it, this is a professional question, who authorized this event, semenchenko is only a marksman here, he is a courier who carries documents to be signed by the top management, he could have authorized it as... at least one of the governors, the deputy heads of the security service of ukraine , one of whom, well, this should already be sorted out, but these documents, they are completely secret, that is, it will not happen that easily, it should be created an investigative commission on this situation in the verkhovna rada, a temporary investigative commission, which which should include deputies who have access to completely... secret information, they
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should see which of the deputy heads authorized this special operation, i'm sorry, but semenchenko is a postman, he's a pure arrow, in this case he's just handed over documents and nothing more, that is, the structure of the security service, so friends, this situation is extremely, extremely tough. not only because bigus was being followed, but also because the funds that were supposed to go to professional counter-intelligence agents are being used for this circus, these are clowns, which, well, acted extremely unprofessionally, well, of course , you can blame it on their low salary, when, of course, they never had the opportunity to visit such institutions. such
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recreation centers, they don't know how everything is arranged there, and they come and look, like in a zoo, where they got into, i.e., a question of absolute unprofessional... analysis and absolutely incorrect use of budget funds. mr. colonel, in this situation , it is clear that the head of the rifle department, the kid, will be summoned to the verkhovna rada of ukraine to report there. the temporary investigative commission may also be a parliamentary one in my memory, in 30 years no temporary investigative commission has given any results, please excuse me, because i was a witness to all that, sorry, the temporary investigative commission for... is needed for that the deputies, people's deputies have the opportunity to review the secret, completely secret, and well that is, that the admission was, of course, yes, and who, who should be responsible for, well, for this disgrace, which, which we, which we are now witnessing , well, i don't
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know, the person who started it should be here operative-investigative case, or whatever it is called now, then... that is, it was carried out , accordingly, there was a court order, there was clearly a court order, otherwise the technicians would not have worked, they know the articles too well, er, they were operatives who wrote documents that received a court order that in the order that they wrote there, how they fabricated it there, all this must be checked, and checked quite carefully and... the technicians have nothing to do with it, so to speak, they have done their job , they are brought, they make and leave, but that's all they had to ensure the operation, that they ensured that they wrote it, and in the end it is their fault, because they did something there, rather
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unprofessionally, then who authorized it, the question is quite serious, that is, it is a sanction of a rather large level, someone signed the submission. .. before the court, the judge only examines the materials that were given to him, and if it says what is happening, for example, there is espionage, treason, something else, then the judge cannot but give a sanction, the conduct of secret investigative actions, according to them conducted, and this whole complex is a very serious thing, and use this, well, simply, let's say, such a tool as the security service of ukraine. to work on journalists just because they're not inconvenient for someone, it's, well, it's very similar to the situation that happened with the murder of gonganz. unfortunately, history does not teach anyone anything. well , that is, we are, i hope that we will still
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find answers, we will wait for these answers, the time is a little different, and which of gongadze, we do not all know the answers to which questions. exist after his murder, but we will still wait for answers those people who will have access to secret documents and find out who actually authorized this special operation. mr. colonel, thank you for the conversation, it was mykhailo prytula, the sbu colonel in the reserve, and we continue our conversation, do you want to wake up rested and full. but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't turn around on the sofa, you can't find a comfortable position, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet the casper ortolight mattress topper from mattress tv experts. an instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or old mattress at a good price, only
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knowledge of ox saves life. greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. this is the second part of our program today, in today's issue. personnel revolution. from zelensky, a number of resignations in the military and political leadership are expected, what changes can be expected in the president's team? us aid in question: the us senate could ... scuttle a bipartisan deal on national security, what to replace us weapons on the battlefield? unacceptable actions: the head of the department protection of the nation-state is dismissed due to illegal surveillance of journalists, who else should be held responsible? friends, we are not only live on the tv channel,
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but also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please do not forget to like us. and vote in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you trust the security service of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv 0800 2011 381, if you trust the sbu, no 0800 211 382 no, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. people's deputies of ukraine are visiting us today, this is yevhen. kravchuk from the servant of the people, mrs. yevgenia, i greet you, good evening, oleksii honcharenko from european solidarity, mr. oleksii, i congratulate you, and another oleksii, oleksii kuchurenko from the homeland, so you, mrs. yevgenia, between two oleksiis, you can guess desire. yes, come on, let's start with a blitz poll, because we are asking about trust in
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the sbu in connection with the scandal that is currently raging out of the gate. can you call eavesdropping, surveillance of journalists, do you, ladies and gentlemen, trust the sbu, mr. oleksiy, i trust the sbu, which attacked the crimean bridge, i do not trust the sbu, which eavesdrops on political opponents of the authorities and journalists, unfortunately, we have and such sbu, and such sbu, these are realities, and of course, it is very sad that at a time when some sbu officers are great. part, huge respect to them for that, protect homeland, risk their lives, others carry out criminal orders and engage in things unacceptable in any normal country. thank you, mr. oleksiy, ms. yevgenia, eh, i trust the affairs of the security service of ukraine and those matters that, well , they definitely need to be paid attention to, and for the work
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that, for which you need to thank, and uh... definitely since february 24, especially a lot of things , which officers and employees of the sbu did and do, and by the way, the same department that we criticize is not without reason, and indeed the behavior of these employees is shameful, but in the same department has people who, for example, work on the topic of the moscow patriarchate, that is the same department, the security service. it is often called the service of god, for a reason, so you cannot devalue the work of those who work well, but of course, when there are such flagrant violations, you cannot be silent about it, and it seems to me that no one is silent, thank you, sir oleksiy, what is the sbu, it is the security service of ukraine, that is,
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where they are engaged in the protection of the security of ukraine, according to the law. basis according to the functional with other normative and legal with their internal documents , of course i, well, i want to trust them, i hope that they really protect the security of ukraine within the framework of their powers, but for me, unfortunately, as for many of my colleagues and ordinary citizens, there are many other factors when, to put it mildly, the sbu is not engaged in its core business. this definitely also applies to the scandal, which, well, another one, i was not particularly surprised, the only thing that surprised me was that it was not professional, how unprofessional they acted, it was childish in general, it concerns certainly, interference in the field of business redistribution, raids on business, here i have some advice for them, even i don't want complaints, now advice, guys, go
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about your business, thank you, mr. oleksiy, i'm already in favor of... about this matter team , journalist team bigusinfo , surveillance of the team, yesterday denys bigus and his team released a film about how 30 people tried to film illegal information about journalists, camera operators, those who were there at the training and corporate party of the journalist team, now the verkhovna rada of ukraine summons the head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk, to give a report that... before the special service intercepted the journalists of the bigusinfo project, malyuk himself had already announced the dismissal of the head of the department for the protection of national statehood, expressing his indignation at the actions of: some of his employees, i will quote malyuk. unfortunately, the implementation of measures to combat organized drug crime led not only to receiving information about the involvement
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of one of the newsroom operators in the distribution of narcotic substances, but also to the public distribution of video materials. i emphasize that such actions are unacceptable and have already caused a number of personnel decisions. among other things, i submitted a request for the dismissal of the head of this department, and the president of ukraine on the 31st. signed the relevant decree. mr. oleksii, i am addressing oleksii goncharenko, but in my memory there were many temporary investigative commissions. obviously, this case can also end with the creation of a temporary investigative commission so that those who will be in this commission have access to secret materials in order to understand, and what what actually happened with this team of bigus and why 30 people were engaged in this and quite unprofessionally, because the journalistic team took and dismantled an entire department. on the shelves about, well, just like children, excuse me, and in this situation, well, a completely logical question arises, in fact, who, who instructed them to do this,
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that is, it could not be the case that 30 people filmed themselves, came to install cameras, video cameras, state property, with state funds, apparently they rented these rooms, with state funds, children were taken out there. and they bought a carrot for those raccoons to whom the case of these children did not reach, because they were part of this special operation, that is , why only one head of the department was fired, why why is there no answer to who from the sbu leadership authorized this, who gave instructions to the sbu leadership , and was there a court decision regarding this, well, it’s a perfectly valid question, we have an investigation, there the national police investigated for... as far as i understand, the prosecutor general’s office announced that the sbi is involved, let’s hope that we will hear answers, although i am pessimistic here because
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i have my own experience, when two months ago an unknown internet repairman came to my apartment in odessa, before that , the internet did not work for me for several days, and suddenly it was still sunday, a storm, a snow storm, a natural disaster happened in odessa, but a person calls and... says: well, i want to come, i want to come, and such persistence surprised me, and i called my provider and asked, did you send us a master, they say, but you did not leave a request, i say , i did not leave, they say, we are nobody to you they sent me, and i called back a couple more times, clarified, in the end this person comes, he behaves strangely with such a push-button phone for 100 hryvnias, all this is recorded on video, everything i say, anyone can go to my youtube channel and look how i then explained all this, i called the police further by the way, it was very funny at the moment when i called the police, i told this master that i was calling the police, then he takes out another
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phone from his pocket, a smartphone like this, calls somewhere and says: he is calling the police and hangs up, i say, who is this not a video with, i say, who did you talk to, he says with his manager, well, i say, well, yes, well, this is a normal conversation with a manager, but that ’s how we imagine it for sure , in general , he didn’t do anything... he was surprised, that’s all, then the police came, they found that he had a fake id, so for a second, the national police opened a criminal case on the fact of illegal wiretapping, establishing, therefore, the relevant one, but so far, here two months have already passed, well , there are no results yet, although everything is there, well, man, everything, documents, videos, everything is recorded and so on , so, unfortunately, this is not the only example when the sbu tells us: "oh my god, what are you doing, they are doing this, so sorry, well... they have to make absolute fools of us and to say that this means they were investigating, and here the department for the protection of national statehood before the investigation of drug trafficking, as they say, how did he
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get there to investigate drug trafficking, well, this is all the estate, the sbu, unfortunately, in our country, during the war he is engaged and spends his strength and efforts to politically prosecute opponents of the government, oh, that's what you're showing, thank you. this is an internet repairman who came to me, so this is exactly what he is saying, this fantastic conversation with the manager, it seems, yes, and this means that he is engaged in the field of collecting incriminating material on political opponents, persecuting journalists who investigate corruption, that's it this is a reality, is there a temporary investigative commission needed here, i think it would definitely not interfere, it is impossible to create it without a servant of the people, with us on the air the deputy... head faction of the servant of the people, i would like to hear, ms. yevgenia, how the servant of the people supports the creation of a temporary investigative commission to investigate the right of bigusinfo and not only that, but also possible other
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use of the service. security of ukraine for anti-political opponents and journalists. actually, that's what i wanted to ask ms. yevgenia, that is, to put the full stop to this story, how do you see how it can develop? i 'll be honest, i don't treat this tool like that, well, i haven't seen such as tsk, which were really added to... or replaced itself is what law enforcement agencies should do, here after all, if the sbi opened a case, this already indicates that it is an excess of official powers, that is , it will be necessary to ask them, and in general, what should be the tool for control, parliamentary control of the special services, it should be a separate committee, and in fact, well, i 'm sure that already in the next convocation of the verkhovna rada, such a committee
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will appear. i am not sure that according to the regulations it can be done now, but it is possible now, because it is such a standard, including in nato countries, which are special services, they are under the control of a separate committee, and not somewhere there is a law enforcement committee, somewhere a defense committee and so on, and this is correct, and we really need to complete the sbu reform, because let 's be honest, it has already started. yes, we voted there in the first reading of the law before the full-scale invasion, well, it is clear that during the full-scale invasion we already decided not to make any such big changes there, but it is obvious that yes, and all these economic crimes should not be in the service of security, and it is obvious that what we hear there about drugs is, well, maybe some, if it is drug cartels, there is some kind of smuggling on
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a large scale, but obviously it is not... no , not this case, but really the continuity of the national there should be police, but again, we have two committees that will actually continue to deal with the demo, this is the committee on freedom of speech and our humanitarian information policy committee, and we have received the first answers to our requests, but it is obvious that we will is to continue, and in fact, i think so society will also be on this topic and journalists will keep this topic under control, so the whole parliament is better. will do this than just inventing some other tool. well, by the way, not only journalists and society will be interested in this story. yes, and our western partners too, oleksandr kornienko talks about how this case will be perceived abroad, and what could happen as a result of this? let's listen. for our partners, it is not the events themselves that are decisive,
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but our reaction to these events. that is, when we for example, from these or other events that cause, well, questions in society and , perhaps, in partners, although we do not fully know it, just there, well, we do not draw anything, yes, no conclusions, it is certainly bad when we draw conclusions , we change the legislation, or carry out personnel decisions, or both, it creates a better image for us as a country that draws conclusions from its problems, from its... mistakes and learns from these mistakes, everyone has drawn conclusions, communication it was all there, we saw it all from the side of the sbu, quite so serious, and of course we will continue to wait for the next steps from the sbu in terms of internal, if more qualitative work, oleksandr kornienko says everything correctly, but i would like
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today, for example, in the evening address... to hear from president zelensky what he thinks about it, because he is the guarantor of the constitution and basic rights , including the right to freedom of speech, and journalists, this is the marker, you, mrs. evgenia, mentioned that it is very important for nato countries , it is important for european union countries, yes, it is very important, and this control is important over the forces structures, but there you probably can't imagine that 30 special agents are after some journalists. in some complex where they rest, they spy on them, and the journalists take and just simply take these special services, well, like children, i can’t say it any other way, they just put them on the shelves, and this is probably a shame in general for those people who work in this department, mr. oleksiy, i am turning to kucherenko, mr. kucherenko, what do you say,


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