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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm EET

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asked about this, do you support zelenskyi's idea of ​​restarting the government, 18% yes, 84% no, these are the results of a television poll, it was the verdict program, it was hosted by serhii rudenko, tomorrow at 20:00 we will have valery chaly, don't miss it, the broadcast will be interesting, bye. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lacal active. lacal active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens. gums. lacquer active - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lacalot active plus with two-phase technology and plus active ingredients. for even more active protection lacal aktiv++. there are discounts on power pairs of 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occurs. spontaneously and worry you.
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tried to stay in office. my mother is not is a member of my family. on thursday , february 8, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. he appeals to the viewers of the tv channel with a request. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks.
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political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and not biased, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. a large-scale attack on kyiv and ukraine in general. how many missiles managed to shoot down, what new missiles the enemy used. in the united states of america , the fate of aid to ukraine will be decided by whether we receive the necessary billions to have, first of all, weapons. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 45 minutes. this is the great ether program.
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my name is vasyl zima and we start with an announcement about the collection. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are calling join the fundraiser for our defenders from the 141st brigade. they perform tasks in the orihiv direction. this is zaporizhzhia region, infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to buy radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, drone detection and many other equally important things. there is no less important equipment at the front, every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, so this time too we ask you to support our military, our goal is uah 1 million. to the assembly of iryna kovel, for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help, glory to ukraine, glory, well, actually, let's start talking about today's night-morning enemy attack on ukraine, the main thing. of course, the rockets flew at
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the capital of our country, the city of kyiv. yuriy ignat, with us, the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. yuri, i greet you, good evening, i greet you, well, i have not been here for a long time. well, for a long time there was no such mass attack, the enemy struck, here are more than six dozens, if i'm not mistaken, of missiles that flew in, it can be called a medium -power strike, a high-power strike, how can it be assessed, if, if it can be assessed? a strike like a strike, which we have already seen several times, 64 air attack vehicles, among them there were 20 unmanned aerial vehicles, so there are less than 60 missiles, of course, a total of 20. rather , 64 air attack vehicles were shot down, 44 of them, well, by the numbers, you probably already oriented your spectators so that 15, in total, attack uavs were shot down, as well as 26 of 29 cruise missiles kha1x555 and
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also three cruise missiles caliber, the rest of the missiles - this is something that hits on... ballistics, on a ballistic trajectory, why do you need certain means to shoot it down, well, but after all , we say that not all those missiles are ballistic and achieve their goals, alas , today we also have destruction , today we also have victims, indeed even dead, unfortunately, the consequences of such strikes are not without casualties among the civilian population, that is why we always call for that cover, well, the rockets today were of different types . as at other times, starting from december 29, so in our i remember those strikes on december 29, then on the night of new year's eve, 90 drones, then on january 2 , such a strike was combined with many means,
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and on january 8, now we have something similar, well , a lot of materials are actually included, now other types are also used missiles, about which the air force is not saying yet. we are talking about those targets that could potentially be, these are the c300, x22, iskander m, well, actually, this is what flies according to ballistics, so everything that appears somewhere on the ground, more specialists should talk about it , profile, these are explosives technicians of the national police, this is the institute of forensic examinations, which will determine what kind of debris it is, and where it came from, and possibly from which country, if it is real. of a different origin and will provide this, document it all, record it and provide it for further action to certain authorities, that is, it is important that you explain, we see that after the missiles are shot down , debris can fall into a residential building, especially if it is a multi-apartment
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high-rise building, let's say this 18-story building in kyiv, there is a high probability that that the debris can hit, what is the specificity here, why should people still, if a rocket flies somewhere in their direction, or at least in their city, it is desirable to go down into... cover or at least somewhere away from the window to move away, occupy there between to sit on the walls, here are these ballistic missiles, missiles, if there were supersonic missiles, i don’t know if they were there or not this time, why exactly the work against these missiles of anti-aircraft defense systems, it assumes that this is how they can be shot down over the city, and so these wrecks can to fly along an unpredictable trajectory, well, the question is usual, well, why do fragments fly , so... the rocket crashes, maybe on the approaches somewhere, but in the light, how the rocket can be hit by it into certain affected elements, and it can continue to fly, the explosive part it may explode, it may not explode, the rocket has already been shot down, but it still falls
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to the ground in one form or another, even if it exploded in the air, there is still rocket fuel and a pile of metal, well, what can damage it , to impress... there are buildings different, if it is a panel house, then even minor debris or even the same shahed is enough to destroy the entrance of some khrushchev, let's say, or some other building, so we always urge, indeed, you are right, if people even, well, not too much they follow the signals well, they don't give alarms, they don't think about safety, since someone follows them to the letter, then at least the rule of those two walls really doesn't stand. on the balcony, do not remove the anti-aircraft defense, at least go down to the lower floors and use it the rule of the same two walls, as the bearers say, it can really effectively help save life, so we urge everyone
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to observe at least such elementary things, it is better to seek shelter and think where it is safer, even if you stay at home , well, not knowing it there... already addressing you, not revealing there, not revealing any secrets or strategic stocks, well, before that there was talk that ukraine needed missiles for air defense systems and... our partners said in the west, that they also have unlimited warehouses with these missiles, especially if we are talking about missiles for petriu there or for us or some other such modern powerful systems, then how can we say based on the intensity of enemy shelling that we are observing now, we do not know what will it be in the future, does ukraine still have enough forces and means, first of all, missiles to resist enemy aggression, enemy strikes from the sky, and here it is important... well, i don't know whether it's good or bad, but today high representative of the eu josep borel actually survived the attack on kyiv
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, such a weak attack, i think that after that, returning to brussels, he will once again tell his partners about why it is necessary to give missiles to ukraine, because life depends on it, please, look, missiles we receive from our partners as we spend them, an application is made for one or another type of weapons, not only missiles , it is not only the air force, but also other types of weapons. eh, of course, we are conducting intensive combat operations, both in the sky and on the ground, spending a considerable amount ammunition, in particular for repelling an air attack, so all this information is provided to partners, it is clear that we are now completely dependent on supplies from the west of air defense systems and ammunition for them, both soviet-type missiles and foreign ones, so it all comes together, respectively it is supplied to us, and on the live broadcast we will not discuss the question of whether we have enough or not... enough, i think, information is not for the press and not for the enemy, our partners
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supply us as it is needed and in that quantities that ukraine needs in one way or another moment, you partners see everything very well, they are informed, how many missiles we have spent on repelling air strikes since december 29, it is already the fourth such big attack of russia, they know everything very well. well, just a few days ago, even last week , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that we will acquire two more air defense systems from our partners, he actually said himself that we will not specify which systems, where they will be located, but they yes, they came or should have come there on and put into service for air defense forces, how important it is, again, and will there ever be such a moment when we will say, well, we already have enough of the system, we have all cities closed. the front is enough to the sea there is half covered, or
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is there still a long way to go? of course it is long, it would be ideal to take it, block it, as the president said, with something that knocks everything down, block the entire front line, well, where are they attacking us from, well, the front line is huge, i will tell you, they have already calculated that, if you also take transnistria, and belarus, and russian border and front line, it is 25 km. is the radius of the patriot system, which can shoot down ballistics , that installation is 40 km, do you understand how big, how big the front line is for us and how many systems are needed to cover completely so that a fly does not fly, as they say, so they will actually cover locally not only patriots, but also other air defense systems that will create the future, or rather... complement the current one and create the future anti-aircraft defense system, which
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will be called echeloned, echeloned air defense with cover by generation 4+ fighters western ones, such as f16, which will also become part of air defense, everything should work in a complex in cooperation with air defense of ground forces, naval forces and other defense forces, not only patriotism, this is a whole system that should work, it is best to create such a... system in collective security, together with nato countries, and to have such a reliable anti-aircraft defense, well, actually, about nato countries, today they wrote about the fact that our neighbors in the republic of poland and their army, the polish army raised in air fighters, when it became known that rockets were flying to the lviv region in the direction of poland, because there have already been cases when russian rockets flew into the territory of the country there. there were also explosions and other bad things on the territory of poland, polish planes were taken up
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, this is the first time this has happened, is it a permanent permanent page, you know, i asked an expert today, and i say, well, could you help us the poles to shoot down a missile by launching it with poland, he says: well, ukraine today is at such a level and with such experience combating air targets, that obviously we can still help nato countries to protect themselves from one or another air targets in the sky, but still what... this indicates poland's determination to repel, repel enemy attacks, and not such, you know , a mediocre position, as if it is not too relevant, well, an adequate reaction of a normal country, which... but cares about its own security, about its own borders, the security of citizens, and so on, flies in their direction as a means of air attack, the security of own borders, safety of citizens and so on then flies in their direction in an air attack with four hundred kilograms of explosives, well , it is obvious that it is necessary to react somehow and raise the interceptors in order to
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react, because, unfortunately, there have already been precedents with the polish republic, where actually... in units against anti-aircraft missiles killed two citizens of poland, it is understandable and this is such a reaction, to raise planes that can deter a russian missile in the event of something, well, this is probably normal, and here, too , the attitude is really important, finally, what should be done in the event of i don't have an answer for what, but at least not to make big eyes and think that it fell on us there, it is clear to everyone that it can fall. and who runs it. thank you very much for joining. thank you for your expert comments. yuriy ignat, spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, about today's rocket-propelled grenade attack by the enemy on the territory of our country. unfortunately, again, you know, if things were a little different. you can talk about it more positively, but we can't talk about it completely positively, about the broken ones
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rockets, because, unfortunately, there are victims and, unfortunately, there are dead in mykolaiv and in kyiv. well , we will actually talk about kyiv, mykola povoroznyk is in contact with us, he is the first deputy head of the kyiv city state administration. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. according to the latest information, 40 were injured and four died. has something changed in these statistics or not? currently , another 13 people are in medical facilities. i really hope that this will be the final figure. yes, well, actually, let's go we. let's talk first about what happened in the morning, how immediate was the reaction, what were the problems, well , again, we talk about what can be talked about, maybe there are some moments that shouldn't be voiced, that's why you don't voice them , but in general, how fast was the reaction, and whether it was possible to understand whether people used the shelters, whether the people of kyiv were already hoping for some attacks on the walls of the apartments or
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thought that it would not arrive, that is, the very moment of the attack and overcoming the first overcoming of the consequences, please. well, you know, there was anxiety announced in kyiv somewhere around six o'clock, if my memory serves me correctly, it was 5:55 and a large number of people also used the points at the metro stations and underground stations, but as practice has shown, especially at the place of departure in the holosivskyi district, many people were directly and in apartments from there and a large enough number. affected, as for the reaction, we definitely have an immediate reaction to such things, the appropriate headquarters are deployed, the appropriate people are deployed in order to to provide any assistance to the people who have been affected, you know, i would like to say that this is probably already, unfortunately for us, such
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a common practice part of just deploying operational headquarters to provide appropriate assistance to people. this time, a headquarters was deployed in one of the nearest schools to provide assistance with food, with the work of relevant specialists and social services, doctors, the police are performing their work, generally united, in addition, we had problems today, this morning, as a result of of these attacks and attacks were in the provision of electricity, we managed to fix it quite quickly, because... that there were about 30,000 homes without electricity, thank god for a short period of time, there was damage to the transport network, that means, for example, the tram tracks, this is also let's say, it has been repaired, appropriate repairs have been carried out, without heating, but the house that suffered the most in the holosiivskyi district, there they must now carry out an expert
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assessment on whether it is suitable for further use, in which reasonable whether completely, or some entrances, and the mayor of the capital, vitaliy klitschko , said that they will urgently try to repair those parts of the building that were badly damaged, there are windows, some boards, and whether it is funds provided in the budget, or it is a reserve fund, and again, for this, do people need to apply to have their apartment or part of the apartment repaired there, please, there is a combined approach, for such cases, of course, this is a reserve fund, because they have to be planned in advance. e-e impossible reserve fund c kyiv was formed for precisely, first of all, for such things, which relate directly to the repair of apartments, windows, er, there are options and, er, there is restoration, there are options. that will be repaired with the funds of the city budget, we have by and large chosen practice, we now need, first of all, to carry out
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appropriate studies in the part of the load-bearing structures of this building in order to understand what kind of work and what needs to be done directly in it house, preliminary estimates say that it will be possible to repair, but work is currently being carried out, which was flown out in order to return to those apartments where you can live today. because they have one question for today, that is when to return home, it is clear that everyone ran out and an urgent evacuation from the house was carried out, everyone ran out, who was wearing what, no documents, no money, no clothes and the like, now the police are finishing investigative and operational actions and we will allow people to theirs accordingly, well those people who ran out without money, without documents and where, let's say, we see burning apartments, well, it is unlikely that it will be possible to go there in the near future, it will be possible to return there. where is it, or have all the people applied to be provided with some kind of temporary place of stay, maybe someone has friends, maybe someone has relatives, well, someone maybe has another apartment, everything happens,
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but those people who maybe do not have where to spend the night in the near future, are they provided with any conditions, we will provide everyone who needs it, of course, you are absolutely right, most of them take advantage of the opportunity there temporary accommodation with relatives, with friends , who, who does not have such... opportunities, we have appropriate dormitories, we have a session of the kyiv city council allocated an appropriate apartment fund in order to temporarily accommodate such people, ugh, well, i can you will comment on this story, i read it, many of our viewers have already forgotten about it, at one time in the desnya district of kyiv, if i am not mistaken, people could not get to the shelter, the reasons are still being studied there and the culprits must be punished there, but she died, people died near this shelter, that's it there was... a medical facility was not untimely opened, so here is the guard, who, well, they said that it was allegedly his fault, but there it turns out that he is not entirely from yehovyna, he was released from custody, it's me
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as simple as prev' i ask the question, it is just as a fact that he was released from custody, and in general this story will be put to an end, will it still be possible to understand that he was released from custody, and in general this story will be put to an end, will it still be possible to understand, the most important thing is to understand who was guilty in this story, because... the dead people are also a plus, so that this does not happen again, you know, i am absolutely convinced that if there had not been such attacks in the morning, then there probably would not have been such cases, and that this case is definitely being investigated there, relevant investigative actions, examinations are being carried out, and i i think that the law enforcement officers will definitely evaluate all the actions of all the officials, all those who were, shall we say, involved in this situation. and will put an end to this matter, that is, there are currently no appeals that we came under shelter, and the shelter closed, let's say, or there is no security guard somewhere
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, and again, the question is also about animals, is it possible to come to the shelter with animals now, well , i mean, i don't know if we are talking about different animals there, but basically people come with cats or with dogs there with birds and so on, a corresponding explanation is provided in the part of how you can stay with animals. directly in the bomb shelters or in the shelters, this is what concerns being there, what concerns the direct work of the covers themselves, of course, that it is carried out almost daily work, partly in order for these shelters to work, the repair of those shelters is being carried out, where there are some signals in us that, god forbid, something like this happens that we practically cut the locks so that these e shelters are open two thank you very much for your work, first of all, and thank you for joining and commenting on these important topics. mykola pavoroznyk, the first deputy head of the kyiv city state administration,
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was in touch with us, and let me remind you that today the enemy hit ukraine with missiles and shahedam, many rockets flew in the direction of kyiv, over the city itself. unfortunately, we have 43 victims, said mr. mykola, there are people in hospitals, and four people, unfortunately, will die. as a result of the enemy attack , the wreckage of this aircraft, the rockets obviously hit the residential building and there we saw fires and people, people died, here of course, you know, it is worth saying again, use shelters, well, let's say, my mother lives in kyiv , well, she is already an older person, and let's tell her to run to the shelter there, well, whatever relatively speaking, to run, well, well, well, somewhere up to a kilometer, somewhere up to a kilometer, that is, to imagine, especially if the ballistics are flying, it's a minute. it is very difficult to imagine that a woman there at such a decent age will run this kilometer in two or three minutes or even in 5 minutes, it is to the question that shelters
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are not always available, it is... you cannot build them now, but on the other hand, two years of war, this does not only apply to kyiv, it applies to many other cities, and that is why people sometimes do not go to shelters, not because they do not want to live, and, or they think that they are immortal, or it will never fly to them, or they have some kind of magnetic protection, like on the death star in these in the famous movie about these war stars, no, absolutely, it’s just that a person understands that while she has nowhere to run, then she will either be killed by a piece of debris, or her heart will stop, or some other story will happen to her, so there is also a problem here. and for sure in two years, maybe it was possible to increase the number of these shelters, but we have what we have, so of course, if there is an opportunity, go to the shelter, especially it concerns more the city of kyiv, which enemy will be, which enemy will attack as long as this great war lasts, so it is worth paying attention to it, well, here are my sincere condolences to the family, to the families of those who died from this enemy attack, and the death of the enemy, and serhii, with us is the director
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of the defense express agency, the host of the military column near dnyagii, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will talk about individual details of the night enemy. putin's newest wunderwaffe has a new hypersonic missile, and it's not the dagger, it's the zircon missile. this is what we are about we will talk in our program, and we will also talk about zelenskyi's decree on the creation of unmanned troops and the law on mobilization. this is in conversation with our military. more on that in a moment. so, i will start with the missile attack, what was said officially and what remained behind the scenes and according to official confirmations. so, on the morning of february 7, russian troops struck ukraine again with the use of attack drones and missiles of various types. this is actually the fourth missile attack since the beginning
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of the year. he was in six regions. explosions in general the attack was combined with the use of shaheids, and cruise missiles, and missiles that were launched from different launchers, while our air defense worked quite effectively, we saw the inclusion of the air force spokesman yuriy ignat, who said that out of 64 air assets of the attack, 44 were shot down, that is , 26 out of 29 were shot down. kha-101 anti-aircraft missiles were shot down, all three sea-based cruise missiles were shot down, 15 out of 20 shahed missiles were shot down, four g-22 cruise missiles were not shot down, three ballistic missiles were not shot down iskander and five s-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles. these missiles were directed precisely at cities where we do not have air defenses
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with anti-missile capabilities. now about the specifics, on the one hand the attack was not too massive, because in fact the maximum number of missiles that were used there was literally used in the first launches at the beginning of the year, but in twice the number of missiles than it was two weeks ago, when we are talking about x-101 missiles, and these x-101 missiles were launched as that one of the groups was really moving towards poland, in front of poland there, without reaching it. about 50 kilometers from the border, these missiles turned around there and then they were shot down over western ukraine, and our...


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