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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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out of 20 shaheds, it was not possible to shoot down four g-22 cruise missiles, it was not possible to shoot down three iskander ballistic missiles and five s-300 guided missiles. these missiles were directed precisely at cities where we do not have air defenses with anti-missile capabilities. now about the features: on the one hand, the attack was not too massive, because in fact it was not the maximum that was used. the number of missiles that were used there literally in the first launches at the beginning of the year, but in twice the number of missiles than this it was two weeks ago, when we are talking about kha-101 missiles, while these kha-101 missiles were launched in such a way that one of the groups was actually moving towards poland, in front of poland there, without reaching the border about 50 kilometers, these missiles there turned around and then they were shot down over western ukraine, and... the poles
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raised their fighter jets in order to secure this risk of a possible flight into the territory of poland. it is possible that these russian actions were aimed at testing the counteraction algorithms of the polish air defense system. now about the capital. was not the use of h400 missiles on kiev, as was the case in previous strikes, there were no north korean kn-23 missile strikes just yet. although the police submitted photos that there is confirmation that out of five missiles fired at kharkiv , two were actually korean kn-23 missiles, there is even a certain video where this police showed the fragments of these missiles, more about the most important, the main one touch of this attack, right now we still... see these
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north korean missiles that have been transferred to the russian federation, and the us intelligence reported that, in general, on the territory of ukraine in previous rocket attacks , up to nine rockets were used, we have seen evidence of wreckage in at least three cities, namely the dnipro, near kharkiv, and the wreckage was, by the way, on the airfield in kyiv during the previous attacks. and now. the main intrigue of this missile strike by the enemy is that there are fragments of missiles that the enemy had not used before, but this time used for strikes on kiev, we did not want to give this information first, remembering the moment when defense wrote about what the patriot shot down dagger, but now these photos have already appeared on other media resources, and there... these fragments have the index of the missile
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index 3m2. what is this index? this is actually the index of a new russian hypersonic missile called zircon. it became known for the first time somewhere in the 16th year, now we see the first such official tests of this missile - this is the 20th year, when this missile for... putin said that this missile has capabilities up to nine swings , the top super-hypersonic missile has a range of up to 100 km, the warhead is about 400 kg, but in fact, we do not even know whether this missile was adopted by the russians.
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officially, although there were reports that somewhere in 203 there was an order to purchase several dozen missiles for the russian side. so what we have, we have debris that is in kyiv, in one of the areas where there is an index of this 3m22, which refers to the zircon missile. we do not know from which launchers it was launched, because formally it was created for use from... sea platforms, but there were reports that it was for her a special launch system was being created and so on, what all this is talking about, in fact , it is about the latest hypersonic missile , which was created by the enemy to overcome the anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems, and in fact, its experts, the experts with whom we spoke, say that the missile was shot down, and this indicates that... during this attack
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, the anti-aircraft anti-missile defense equipment covering kyiv coped with the enemy's new, most modern missile, with another hypersonic one. rocket called zircon. these are preliminary conclusions, which are based only on individual fragments of this missile, but in any case, if the information is confirmed after the conclusions of specialists who are now studying these fragments in more detail, then we will have another good example of the effectiveness of air defense systems. who protect kyiv today and, i hope, will protect other cities in the future. well , once again the destruction of another. the bellows of the myth about the most modern russian weapons, this is the story connected with this next missile attack enemy on the capital and the results are related to the work of our air defense, which even go beyond the optimistic indicators announced today by the
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air force command. and then we will talk about another topic, which is also related to technology, in particular, first of all, there is the presidential decree on the creation of unmanned... troops and about other things related to technology, with mobilization and other things that affect the effectiveness of our society in resisting to the enemy, who aims to destroy ours country completely, and now we have a guest joining us, this is pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces of ukraine, deputy commander of the army division, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, mr. serhiy, good evening ukraine, and i will also remind our viewers that you are also an active participant in the project called the accelerator, which was directed and is now directed to ensure that the ministry of defense actually implements all the projects when the best
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developments really come in the army and strengthen the potential of our armed forces, so to say, when you probably heard that zelensky signed a decree on the creation of unmanned... let's say troops, or rather a separate type of troops that relate to unmanned topics, i think for you on the one hand it could be certain optimistic expectations, and on the other hand, we understand that the unmanned commander is beginning to destroy those initiatives that have already been implemented on the ground, so let's go for now, i wanted to hear your evaluations of this decree, pluses, minuses, how it will affect the situation of the army, well, actually, i i expect a lot from... this decree and its implementation, i hope that the mobilization of this type of troops will also be successful, we need people with higher education, people who want to master the latest modern weapons systems. moreover, we hope that
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not only unmanned systems will be included in the equipment of new units, but also automated systems, which will be operated by one or the other... to be controlled on the battlefield, under this, in the near future we will see a decision signed by the minister regarding combat use of this type of troops, because without their own according to the statute, such units will not be very effective, especially since the question of decommissioning, for example, equipment, such as modern artillery in the form of fpv drones, and this is partly... hundreds of pieces of equipment every day, this needs urgent order, and this process should be minimized , the accelerator insists that these should be the days, if we involve some
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third-party organizations in the process of writing off equipment, such as the sbi or nabu, then these organizations should provide their representatives to the relevant commissions at the stage of document preparation, in order not to delay... in months, and often in years, the processes of writing off these consumables. mr. pavle, i will interrupt you a little, because in fact there is a law on write-off, which was supported by the parliament, which i don't know anymore, it has been waiting for the president's signature for a month or two, and all the commanders of the military units are simply crying out, sign this law, because each of them now has a lot of property that they cannot write off, for them it is a significant problem , it is actually something such a horror, so... the question arises, why the president does not sign, somehow, after all, it is necessary to listen to i wish you, as it is called straight to the point, this question is not the number one question for the commanders of the middle and higher ranks
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up to and including the brigade commander, and this is really how you say we call, call and will call, moreover, i insist on the fact that that during the great war already from february 24, 22nd year. no reform has taken place in the management system of the ministry of defense of the state of ukraine and the apparatus of the glavkom, but now you are a military expert, tell me what reform has taken place, none. the reform did not take place, despite the fact that hard work, laws, orders of the minister, everything written, drawn up, we have questions about mobilization, well, someone would come out and say that from today we adopt the relevant normative legal act, and from today we do not accept men into military units, body units, personnel work units, from today 27.60 , that's all, this is also a reform, this is also a significant step forward. we mobilized one or another part of the people with our own efforts, mobilization from the outside, i insist that
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the mobilization of human resources must begin with the state apparatus, with the states, these are more or less prepared people, these are people who pass service in the state bureau of investigation, the nabu, the ministry of internal affairs, accept by order or corresponding decree that from today you will not accept men for certain categories of positions. 2760, this will be a real mobilization revolution, but showing a movie for russian television where someone is packed up and put in a busik is definitely not an option for an open society. moreover, the proposals that are being worked on are the creation of a de facto second army in the form of volunteer units. we believe that such units are technically equipped, as, for example, in unmanned areas flying machines, on automated ones. systems, this can be an example for these units
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to function according to completely different principles, other systems of management and involvement of people work, we have good examples, the same third assault, actually a reflection, a real reflection of this reform that i am talking about you, that is why the army must start with itself, carry out internal mobilization, the state must carry out technical mobilization. mobilization, in order to save our people, robots must fight, we have such developments in technology, but for this we need to speed up, to maximize the flow of the production of your developments, the ministry of defense, the commander-in-chief and the supreme commander-in-chief have this opportunity, using your signature, you can order and quickly put into service these latest modern developments of the ukrainian military industry. we have dozens of manufacturers waiting for long-term contracts,
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i remind you once again that annual contracts will not work, dear friends, we accept two-three, four-year contracts in the ministry of security and defense, and let's make our robots, its automated systems, its unmanned systems, in order to defeat and protect its people as much as possible, well, then the question arises that, relatively speaking, then the appearance of this... uh, kind of unmanned troops, it should then force, on the one hand, to create full-time structures, develop methods of use, accumulate combat experience , communicate with industry, refine developed samples of equipment and thus scale to the practice of use in the troops, and then in any case it should carry, then the positive component in this decree, but on the other hand, what i am afraid of, in particular , we have companies of strike drones already in the existing ones. in the brigades, there is a division in the naval forces, which takes care of
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naval platforms and unmanned , surface, and underwater platforms there, that is, in fact, so that this new decision does not kill the efforts that were made until now, it is possible to protect yourself from this in some way , insure? the question is how to form a separate species, this is a question for those people who will lead this structure, of course? we hope that the current structures do not will be involved, because that resource is human, including pilots, people who work with reb and reb systems, they should not suffer, moreover, the created units will be units at the disposal of the senior commander, they will not be units that will be subordinate to certain brigades, i.e. a brigade cannot hold drones. it is clear, these are the assigned forces, respectively, and in this way the regulatory framework will be
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formed in order for these units and forces to be the forces of the senior commander. i think these reserves in as an application, strong in addition to those units that already exist in combat brigades, will coexist and function harmoniously and will help the commanders of the respective units holding the front to fight back. to return the ukrainian land under the control of the ukrainian government, mr. pavle, we mentioned the law on mobilization, today the parliament apparently passed it in the first version of this law, or those things. which you are talking about, which relate to , well, additional resources, opportunities to strengthen mobilization, can the format of the amendments be made before the second reading and thus still make it more effective compared to this model, which is now embedded in this bill? i don't believe it, but i would really like to believe it, unfortunately,
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the proposed draft law is a reflection of a purely soviet one. the system of recruiting the army, unfortunately, only one of our proposals regarding the impossibility of booking men 17, 27, 60 who are in civil service or are in local self-government bodies was taken into account, this was taken into account, the only thing taken into account is that it determines everything anyway the cabinet of ministers, that is, it is taken into account, it is not taken into account, i do not know how to convince the cabinet of ministers that this should not be done, but it is determined by the law in our country. crisis situation, we will not have more men 27-60, that's how many of them there are, how many of them there are, that's all, they can be trained qualitatively or poorly, if you tell us, well, these guys who are currently in other state bodies will not join the army , we don't have enough mob resources, listen, it doesn't happen like that, fiction doesn't happen, there are people who are, and
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we need to start with the mobilization of people who... there are men who are on civil service, that's it, period, there is no other resource, if you don't want to take this into account, well, you will soon see the result of this at the front, because we are talking about rotations, then it cannot be, you are deceiving people who are currently at the front with this law, you can create new divisions, fill them with qualified personnel, only starting with yourself. from those people who are currently in the civil service, because if we lose the war, god forbid, it means that no nabu or militia will be needed anymore, and today we use people who are not are subject to mobilization, to replace them, to offer them work in these state bodies, in state enterprises, in
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the management of state enterprises, and men, all men 27, 60 must go... to the front, prepare, train, master military specialties, we are up to that ready, if such a decision is made, i think that the creation of a new type of troops from unmanned aerial vehicles and other automated systems will be prepared, qualified, and we will become a real driving force for change. mr. pavle, thank you very much for yours clear explanations, i hope that the parliamentarians will at least partially hear you and me. before making additions to the existing bill on mobilization, i would like to remind our viewers that it was pavlo kishkar, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, deputy commander of the ardivision and previously a people's deputy of the eighth convocation. these were the main results of this day, then more international and economic news on vasyl
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zima's broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhiy zgurets, thank you to his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. my name is igor, i am a serviceman of the national guard of ukraine. i joined the service in the 19th year, my civilian profession is a paramedic. which i received in one of the colleges, served as a rifleman, after the full-scale war began, my unit was ordered to defend mariupol, well, my
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unit was engaged in reconnaissance, but well... our main task was as a drg group, we came close to and identified them, came into contact with them, coordinated the actions of our artillery, transmitted their positions so that our the guys could pull themselves up and we could pile on them. our eyes told us that another group of drgs was moving in our direction, we were the first to open fire on them, but it was too early. my commander that evening, we repulsed their, their attack, how close we worked, it was 50 m, it must have been like that somewhere, somewhere it can reach, it
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was a dark night, and it was very useless, i ran out of ammunition then, i shot everything i had and man, my gun's not catching, not for... come after you, the fight was on, i just heard my commander yelling, the commander is wounded, the commander is wounded, i immediately ran to the side at the screams, through the landing, he was there 50 meters from me, and i already ran up, already one of my comrades, who, unfortunately, is now considered missing, he already. .. put a tourniquet on the commander’s leg, i remember it well, there was a lot of blood, we had to take off the commander ’s bulletproof vest, and so we dragged him by his things, by
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his jacket, grabbed him, dragged him through that landing, dragged him to the nearest shelter, stabbed him to him, the fact that we have nothing else it was, and we quickly sank it during the battle, i was still there with my brother. we put him on the truck that we had and evacuated him to the checkpoint, the commander was very cool, you know, when, when this whole movement started, he told us that guys, we will fight to the last and said: i you did not leave in any way, unfortunately, he died during the evacuation from mariupol, the helicopter in which he was flying was shot down, the battle was waged until... until we were completely surrounded, a command came to break through encirclement, and we carried out the order, leaving
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mariupol and ran into russian and dpr troops, and that's how we were taken prisoner. we were interrogated, put in a cell , some detainees were still sitting in the cell , i can smoke a cigarette, because i can’t remember it calmly, then somewhere in the middle of the night, some people came to us, introduced themselves as representatives of the chechen... people’s republic and immediately began to ask questions, who knows, who knows what akhmat is? well, of course we were silent,
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because this is the first time i've heard such a thing, i know that akhmat - that's tea, and they just started beating us with sticks just because of that, smashed our bloody heads, there was, in general, the whole face was covered in blood, the whole head was covered in blood, then they left, came. employees of the ubop, put us in some bus, took us, well, we started going to the hospital, they put me in front of the head of the pm and said that if you complain about your health, you will not be allowed back in the ubop, they took us to the hospital, some of of donetsk hospitals, they wrote down our data, and the doctor on duty there did not want to stitch up my stomach... my colleague my brother's head, because he said that i wouldn't sew dill, but he was ordered to sew it up, he sewed it up, then we were taken to obop, and with
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obop, we were taken to olenivka, colony number 102, after a few days. they constantly, constantly beat us, in them, reception is generally sacred , you are simply destroyed there, the guys pissed blood there, just some, really just wore them out, i remember one such moment when they brought our guys, a new stage arrived, and when they ran through the hot corridor, then one of our soldiers shouted... ukraine, after which he was immediately shot on the spot. a lot can be said about the captivity, but it is unpleasant to remember it. they survived
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there as best they could. at first we slept on a baton, just on a baton in the isolation cell, then later we were given pallets, the way they are, you can see, then we slept on those pallets, well, the conditions were simply unsanitary, for 50 people in the cell, one cup of water per day, that bagel might not have reached you. after i came all the horrors of captivity, i thank god was exchanged, i thank all my relatives, friends who, who prayed for me, who believed that i would pass it, i received, well, after the exchange, medical assistance, i was a prisoner for 45 kg, and now it is. i corrected myself
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a bit, but decided to continue serving, and now i am serving in one of the volyn units of the national guard of ukraine. i am currently serving in my specialty, i am a company sanitary instructor. having combat experience, i can say that the success of the task depends not only on how to conduct combat operations, but also on how timely it is provided to the wounded. assistance, their evacuation, a combat medic must have considerable physical training strength, because sometimes it happens that you have to push a much bigger person behind you, it is very difficult, especially when a person is injured, he is weakened, he is just like a log, and there are very stressful situations in which it is very difficult to make such a decision, because because combat is a non-standard situation, it's not at all something that
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11:00 pm
greetings, this is svoboda lai, we are talking about the massive russian attack on ukraine, the latest details about the victims and the consequences of the shelling, drones, how a new line of troops is, why and how it will help the armed forces, and we will talk about the situation at the zaporizhia as. my name is serhii stetsenko, please like this broadcast so that more viewers can join it. well, let's start with a massive attack on ukraine, at least 40 people. suffered, several died as a result of combined air attacks of the russian army. the russian federation launched 64 means of air attack, the air force command reported. among them were drones, x-type cruise missiles and calibers. ukrainian air defense managed to destroy 44 targets, the agency reported. in particular.


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