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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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hello, this is svoboda live, we are talking about the massive russian attack on ukraine, the latest details about the victims and the consequences of the shelling, drones, how a new line of troops, why and how it will help the armed forces, and we will talk about the situation at the zaporizhia as. my name is serhii stetsenko, please like this broadcast so that more viewers can join it. well , let's start with the massive attack on ukraine, at least 40 people were injured, several died as a result of the combined air attack of the russian army. the russian federation launched 64 means of air attack, the air force command reported. among them were drones, cruise missiles of the xa type and calibers. ukrainian air defense managed to destroy 44 targets, the agency reported. in particular, the russian military attacked mykolaiv several times during the night, some of the shaheds were shot down.
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air defense, however, was not without hits, in particular , a rocket hit residential quarters of the private sector. about 30 houses were heavily damaged, a 70-year-old man was taken to the intensive care unit with injuries, but he died there. six more people, all of them, received various injuries civilians i slept. i heard the arrival. i was sleeping, i heard the arrival. well, i understood that it was a flight, bang. and i fell behind. i rolled off the bed and lay down behind the bed, and everything fell on me , there was a husband, a niece and a 12 -year-old child at home, they started shouting, they are alive , zhenya is alive, yulia is alive, tom is alive, let's run, run, everyone to the garden, and we pulled , who could, naked, undressed, they threw their coats on and jumped out, they threw their coats on and jumped out, the doors are oynye, the doors are double, they are bigger, but they were pushed in there by this wave, as if the traffic jam... people were injured as a result
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of the attack on the capital, around 7 in the morning the first explosions rang out in kyiv, as a result of the missile attack a fire broke out in one of the residential high-rise buildings, the details of the shelling of the capital are further in the video from rfe/rl correspondents. i woke up to the fact that everything was shaking, i looked up, the chandelier was shaking, my brother ran into my room, he said that our windows fell out, i stood, went in there, well, everything was in pieces from the windows, we started to gather, took one cat, the friend was not found, and when we left the common corridor, everything was in chaos, and it was impossible to breathe, we just went outside and are waiting to be told.
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so we were leaving the house and at that moment, when we were near the letters, there was a very loud noise, we realized that our house was hit, because the box stuck out a little in the neighboring door , as if, a lot of such dust rose and. .. i returned to the apartment, because my mother was at home there, i saw that the lock had fallen off the metal door, and the door was locked, my mother could not get out, and the rescuer was already rescuing, then we will have a place to live, with us child, it won't be possible there either, the cat stayed in the apartment, and what a ball, the cat didn't find somewhere behind... hid, where he
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hid, it was impossible to find anything there, that's all, i'll do exactly that. kyiv was and is the target of the russians to this day more than 200 dead, i am talking about civilians, seven children, just in kyiv and more than 450 buildings, residential buildings were destroyed, and we are talking about the civilian population, this is a residential building.
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we talk about the consequences of the attack on kyiv further, mykhailo shimanov, the spokesman of the kyiv city military police, joins ether administration mykhailo, congratulations, congratulations. mykhailo, please share with us the last details of the information about the victims and the dead, perhaps it has already changed by now. no, thank god it has not changed, as you said, four people died as a result of the rocket attack, this is precisely in the holosiivskyi district, well, in this house , police rescuers evacuated more than
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40 people, 26 were saved, 35 in the holosiivskyi district received various degrees of injuries, that is , these are both cutting wounds and paralysis of the limbs. and poison gas, and an acute stress reaction, most of them were hospitalized in the morning, emergency services teams are still working on the spot, and three more victims, on the border of the dnipro and dysyan districts, there , as a result of the fall of soldiers , high-voltage underground electric cables were damaged, there was a short circuit and the transformer substation was spared. without a fire, but as a result of this, as a result of the fact that in particular the debris damaged the power grid, more than 19,500 residents in the dnipro and disnyan districts were without electricity in the morning, but as of noon, the power industry already
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everything was restored, well, actually, due to problems with electricity , there were also problems with electric transport in the morning, with public transport in general, because... certain areas were blocked there so that emergency teams could work, that is, a total of 38 injured, four dead, if you say about the holosiivskyi district, a headquarters was immediately organized there at the school, this is the conduct of emergency and rescue operations, we literally returned from there a few hours ago, people there began to take down warm things from... i am all that is needed for the people who suffered in this house, well, if you say, there is a school sports hall, it is almost completely covered in these things, that is, or people, having learned about the grief of their neighbors, decided
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to help them in this way, that is, they, in particular , there are doctors working there, psychologists, children's psychologists, police officers and commissions work there. the paradise of the state administration, which compiles lists of both the people who suffered and the apartments that suffered in order to later pay them compensation for housing repairs, in particular, work has already begun there, that is, they have begun to issue people of the regional state administration, representatives of the regional state administration began to issue all the necessary materials in order to at least close the place where the victims were beaten. the shutters are closed, these windows are closed, in order to preserve the heat in this and in several houses around. ugh. in addition to the already mentioned power grid, which you already mentioned, was any other infrastructure damaged during
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this shelling? well, in fact, the infrastructure facilities were not damaged, i said there that according to the information of the ministry of energy in... because of this , the power was turned off in two districts, about which dniprovskyi and dosnyanskyi already said , but the energy workers fixed everything very quickly, ugh, the mayor of the capital klitschko, when he was at the scene, said about 200 kyivans who died since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, i just want. to clarify, this is specifically about the consequences of missile strikes? i honestly don't know what the mayor said and which 200 kyivans he meant, so it's difficult to comment, that is , we rely only on our data, uh, how, do
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you have information on how the air defense system worked in capital, because we know that in general the figure not all were shot down. aerial objects that flew over ukraine, is there information about kyiv? the capital remains and will be one of the priority targets of the enemy, because here... are concentrated, in particular, decision-making centers, infrastructure facilities, transport hubs and air defense forces and means, according to western models, which actually protect decision-making centers and objects of infrastructure, and in general from the lives of kyivans and guests of the capital, this is already the third missile attack this year, this time the enemy used cruise missiles kh-101, kh555 and 55, groups of strategic tu-95ms bombers from the territory of the russian federation, at night the rockets entered
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the capital from different directions and in several waves, well, actually, as the rashists practice it, by air defense forces, according to the head of the kyiv city military administration, colonel general popko, over kyiv and more than 20 air targets were hit in the area of ​​the capital, and... but no matter how well the anti-aircraft defense forces work, unfortunately, one way or another, the ranks fall on the capital, so we always we urged and will continue to urge people to head for shelter when air alerts are announced, we understand very well that the enemy mostly attacks, in particular the capital at night or early in the morning, and very often people just don't want to get out of their warm beds, but we.. . we understand that safety comes first , that is, if you can't go to shelter, at least you follow the rules of two walls, mostly
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the majority, for example, if you talk about previous attacks, the vast majority of injuries, yes people got from glass, and from blast wave, and accordingly it simply means that a certain part of people wanted to watch how the air defense power works, or if... worse, try to capture it on video in order to post it on social networks. let me remind you that this is a criminal liability, first of all , secondly, by posting such videos, you help the enemy to find out the exact location of the air defense forces in kyiv. last winter , the russian federation, we remember, concentrated its strikes on infrastructure, and... directed them to leave ukrainians without light, without heat, if
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you analyze this winter, which is already coming to an end in a few weeks, there were supposedly no such strong blackouts, what do you think, it was russia that stopped hitting these objects, whether the protection of ukraine has become so good that it was possible to avoid such blackouts, which were mine. year i think several factors were at work here. first, the experience we had last winter, and secondly, during this entire period we worked on strengthening and, in particular, uh, infrastructural objects, in particular, physical strengthening, fortification. er, we have to thank our western partners for modern air defense systems, which are becoming more numerous. but we all understand, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, has repeatedly
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said that air defense systems are not enough, yes, i’m sorry, they are not, and we understand that the enemy is trying with all the tools they have, missiles, ballistics, with cruise missiles of various types, tries to hit objects as well infrastructure, and... the decision-making center, and transport, transport, which have collapsed, of course, that there is a constant hunt for air defense systems of western models, well, that is, thank god, they do not hit, but one way or another it can be analyzed from their propaganda broadcasts , that is, they keep saying that they're trying to hit exactly that, but unfortunately, you see, the debris is falling on residential areas and every time people are getting hurt in the... streets, and it's basically a war crime, for which in the end - the rest is russian
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the federation must respond. thank you very much for your comment. mykhailo shimanov, spokesman of the kyiv city military administration, we talked about the consequences of shelling of kyiv. thank you. in ukraine, a new kind of troops, forces of unmanned systems, will appear. such a decree was signed the day before by the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. in his address, he said that he instructed the cabinet of ministers together with the general staff to fix the issue of creating unmanned systems as a separate type of forces in the structure of the armed forces and , based on the results of the work, to introduce positions for consideration by the nsdc. as stated in the text of the decree, a new type of troops was created with the aim of increasing the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine in the use of unmanned and robotic air, sea and ground systems. this year should be decisive in many ways and obviously on the battlefield. drones, unmanned systems have proven their effectiveness in
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battles on land, in the sky and at sea. ukraine. has really changed the security situation in the black sea, thanks to drones, the repelling of assaults on the ground is largely the work of drones, the large-scale destruction of the occupiers and their equipment is also drones. earlier about important the role of drones, commander -in-chief zasio valery zaluzhnyi spoke in his column last week , emphasizing that unmanned systems, along with other new types of weapons, contribute to increasing the awareness of commanders around the clock. ensuring strikes both on the objects of the russian army on the front edge of the front and in the rear. i note that the turkish defense company bayraktar has already started construction of a plant near kyiv for the production of tb-2 and tb-3 drones. it is noted that 500 people will be employed there. and about the role drones in russia's war against ukraine and
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how effective the creation of a new type of military is, we talk further, maria berlinska, head of the support center, joins svoboda live. air intelligence , ms. maria, i congratulate you, can you hear me, ugh, now we will wait until ms. maria zmo can hear us, and we already hear you, ms. maria, congratulations, congratulations, i am not only the head of the air intelligence support center , it's a story of... intelligence support that started in late 14, early 15, it was the only volunteer institution at the time that systematically engaged in the training of the armed forces. now all this has been reincarnated in the victory drones project, a dignitas charitable foundation. we are implementing the largest project on the technological militarization of society. thank you for the update, ms. maria. regarding
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the decree, in your opinion, is it timely and will these newly created forces in... the armed forces of ukraine be able to become, well, or come close to an analogue of russia's strategic aviation? look, i don't think they're comparable things because there is, there's little sky, so-called, there's big aviation, and they're not interchangeable, so that's right just like there, drones cannot completely replace artillery at this stage of the war, and when, for example, i am told that i am the biggest adept, let's say so, of the development of unmanned aviation since the 14th year, that i'm also campaigning for drones to replace artillery, it's not like that, just like drones can't replace there, for example, aviation, it works in a complex, but what does it give us and what has already been given to us by unmanned aviation, if you even look at the track not only since '14, the last two years, we see a key impact
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of technology on the battlefield, but we see that cheap means... can effectively burn expensive equipment there and actually decide the course of entire combat operations, the operational situation in the hottest areas of the front, so definitely, well, for our listeners, i will explain in very simple language, even for people who have never dealt with drones in their life , when you have a drone that costs there $400 or $500 fpv drone when you have a mavic that costs there two or $2,500. and you, at the expense of this civilian equipment, because both mavic drones are used there mostly for tourism there, fpv drones have always been used in the world there for hobbies, for racing sports, and here you, having actually attracted two civilian drones, can successfully crash there, find a russian tank with this mavik,
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crash into it with an fpv drone or even with several fp drones and burn the tank , which costs 3 or 4 million dollars, here... the mathematics of war speaks for itself, and it is clear that at such, shall we say, rates of technological growth, and with the fact that the enemy is just as actively building up its technological capabilities, of course timely decision it is important, i assess it as positive, and of course, that we are there with our expert environment, which, unfortunately, in ukraine is still quite narrow, here it is, it is small, but it is already there, it is being formed, if there as a state... on in the 17th and 18th years there, i don't know, the 20th, there were several dozen of us such city crazy people from technology in the whole country, now there are more and more of these people, which in a few years. pumped and began to understand more and more deeply what technology is, of course, we will follow it and will contribute to it as much as possible,
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to fight, well, in simpler language , robots fought, not people, yes, that is, to keep the enemy at a distance as much as possible and to liberate our territory only after we have cleared mines with robots, scouted with robots, struck with robots at the tactical level , at the operational level. destroyed their warehouses, command posts, logistics points with drones, barrage ammunition, and only after that we can send our people, because the central point of all this has to be that we protect the life of every person, every ukrainian soldier. joseph borel , who is currently on a visit to ukraine, most likely yesterday visited a drone production plant and wrote on the x social network that this plant produces 1,500 ukrainian drones per day, and wrote that this is very incredible, but please explain do you know or
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understand these 1500 per day, they can immediately go, relatively speaking, to the front the next day, and is this rate of production sufficient to cover the needs of the armed forces of ukraine at the front. no, look, i'm not so impressed with... only borel , probably because i've been doing drones for the 11th year, and borel doesn't do them, no, 1500 drones is absolutely not enough, moreover, and we can with together live on the air, count how many drones ukraine needs, because there was a figure that ukraine can produce a million drones, it's just a beautiful figure and absolutely realistic in fact, but what is a million drones, so let's count only one drone at a time, which are fpvs. with which the attacks of the russians are now restrained on whole areas of the front, for example, on the same avdiivka, here we count, we have trained about 200 specialists there,
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only we at viktor drons, the dignitas foundation, respectively, but we are not the only ones preparing, yes, of course, that there are initiatives that are preparing , perhaps on a smaller scale than we are, but they are also preparing, but if we take even the most conservative estimate, 200 specialists, each of whom uses literally five drones a day there, yes, that is, not a lot as in magyar, on richer forces, villages, as i from i'm kidding, 15 drones each, there, five each, and 20 multiplied by five - that's 10,000 drones per day, multiplied by 30 days, that's 300,000 drones per month and about more than 3.5 million drones per year, this is only fpv, we do not count bombers, we do not count airplanes, we do not count dipstrikes, airplanes, we do not count nrk, ground robotic complexes and much more. therefore, when they talk about beautiful numbers about a million drones, it is absolutely realistic to do it, but it is critically insufficient and the 1,500 that you mentioned and were so impressed by
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borelt, of course, it is ridiculous on the scale of such a war, but we are at the moment when we have to catch up with the russians, because the russians are also running this marathon according to the rules of sprinting and for speed and endurance, and we must give credit, but it is necessary, you cannot underestimate the enemy, the enemy understood... moment their mistakes, they studied these mistakes, which they made in kyiv region, kharkiv region, kherson region, and now they are actively learning, in particular with us, and now they have started to apply more and more actively technology, military industry works in three shifts, components are taken from all over the world, primarily through the direct border with china, but we find components from canada, from the states, from the countries of the european union, i recently returned from denmark, where i directly told them in their parliament that we find components in including. from the countries of the european union in russian drones, missiles, and so on, so our country has actually turned into the largest testing ground for technologies and weapons from around the world, and it is clear that we cannot
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stop under any circumstances, because technology is ours the only possible advantage, which the enemy also understood and is now actively building up. mrs. maria, you have just brought fantastic mathematics, thank you very much, continuing your opinion about russia, are you capable? country, well, to reach the same level of zerev in the production of uavs, if you know at least approximately how many such drones russia is currently producing, and what is needed for this, well, obviously not 1500 per day, look, russia is objectively ahead of us in many respects , on certain points we are ahead, because technology is not something out there, you know, monolithic, that is, there are different types, there are different classes, there are different inventions and so on, the question is not only that... they are there now conditionally for every dollar that we invest in it, they invest there 5, 6, 7, there are 10 dollars and more, even from what we see from open sources, russia invests up to
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a third of its... gdp, which means that gdp is already in defense, in defense technology, and in the production of weapons, as such, that's just that , which is known from open sources, and may actually be much more, that is why there is a story about the war of resources, yes, that is, it is very difficult to break the fact that where , when you invest one, they have 10 dollars for it, relatively speaking, it is very difficult to overdraw, well, at the same time, ukrainians withdraw, in my opinion, on three factors, it is on ... on their heroism, on the incredible intelligence of our soldiers and commanders and our engineers, and directly on god's mercy, on some kind of miracle. in fact, in my opinion, we now perceive statehood as a given, although we have already forgotten very quickly the times when 2 years ago statehood was under great question, i believe that it is still under a big question, and that we definitely cannot relax, because the enemy knows how to play the long game, and the enemy understands that war is
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mathematics, the question is not only that according to certain parameters russia is ahead of us and has already impressed us, not only in quantity, but in quality, that is, automatic optical guidance and navigation systems, which i personally and several other colleagues from the expert environment are actively talking about now, they pose a serious danger, here they are constitute a danger because the role of the operator becomes smaller and smaller, yes, that is, it is more and more leveled, and the most important thing is that... these means of electronic warfare stop working, imagine, that is, dozens of drones flying, which are programmed for a specific target, that is, for a specific ukrainian, for the fact that this is a tank, this is a bmp , this is manpower, and they crash in any case, no matter what obstacles, no matter what radio-electronic warfare we put, but today we have not yet saturated the front with the previous means of radio-electronic warfare, yes generation of drones, and
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now we respectively... have answers to these questions, the russians are already actively using fividrons with thermal cameras, and we are already recording the first attempts at automatic optical guidance, which means that if they test before a certain point, it will go to syria , as soon as it enters the syrian language, it becomes a serious weapon, that is, as soon as we detect the first attempts to test some or other technologies, we should already think at least a few steps ahead. think about countermeasures on this chessboard, because every war is always measures, countermeasures, but we are not doing it yet, why so, why is this happening, this is a separate big question, a big conversation, not for 5 minutes with rfe/rl. mrs. maria, i wanted to clarify one last thing, i already mentioned that the turkish, turkish defense company beraktar is building its factory near kyiv, and in this context i wanted to ask you, do we remember bayraktara drones actually, which at
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the beginning of... the first invasion was very, let's say, a rumor, everyone, everyone talked about them, showed videos, and then they disappeared, where did they disappear, well, where did they go disappeared, they had their really important significance at the beginning of the campaign, when the russians made absolutely, well, i'll say it directly , idiotic mistakes from a military point of view, when they were stretching out columns, when they were just marching, you know, as if they were marching. a direct march to hold a parade on the independence square, but when they took these mistakes into account, they simply began to beat the bayraktars very actively and not let them get to a distance, which means that when the bayraktars tried, we tried to work with them closer there, of course , what the russian air defense is working, and these planes have ceased to be as effective as they were there in some first period of the invasion, so
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uh... they are now, well, let's see, that is, also , it is clear that the manufacturer takes into account, let's say , that feedback given by the front, and the best results are always given by the front, and it is important to understand that a large part of the weapons that enter ukraine from the nato training grounds are ineffective, there is a big myth that the nato weapons are all effective, not no, and not turkish and not nativska and much more other weapons that we test in ukraine, i will repeat, because we have turned into the largest testing ground. technologies, unfortunately, what works well in texas somewhere on the training ground, in a real war with the russians, in which objectively the best electronic warfare in the world and many others, unfortunately, there are good practices, but it does not work , yes, that is why it is important to understand that, it is important to understand that manufacturers must receive feedback from us, because we have the largest expertise, such expertise on weapons is only available in our enemy, and we...


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