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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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[000:00:00;00] and the fact that the bigus worked so well and, well, they just ungodly destroyed the appropriate department of the sbu, it is simply an honor and we praise it, probably the best detector of this year, and it would be possible to present an oscar, an oscar would be presented, but unfortunately, the situation is very deplorable in in the sense that, well, we are returning to a certain year 2002 and the temniks, or 2013, such an era of ukrainian wrongdoing, if anyone... still remembers, yes, when they once again tried to intimidate and discredit journalists in every possible way, and is that it takes place in the second year of a full-scale invasion, when instead of really catching saboteurs , protecting the state, investigating the crimes of corrupt people, and checking how things are arranged there, the security forces spent their time
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watching journalists who, well... well, we don't say about the drug cartel in bigus, which manufactured and distributed drugs, and even if someone used something there, then these are completely different articles of the criminal code and a completely different investigation, so this is a very deplorable situation, it was not for nothing that it caused such a feedback from the ambassadors of the european union countries, and it happened meeting with baby, i think not by chance, so this is a very bad signal for our government. and unfortunately, this is another discrediting of ukraine in general in the context of receiving international aid, which we now really, really need, well, we see this photo, today the kid met, the head of the security service of ukraine met with the ambassadors of the big seven, although officially they talked about , that he talked about the successes of the security service of ukraine during the large-scale invasion, is actually one
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of the main issues. this is the very monitoring of journalists and why all this was happening, malyuk talked about the fact that they fired the head of the department of national statehood protection of the sbu, but i suggest now to listen to denys bigus, who explains his own conclusions about what the sbu did around journalists and around his team? the very fact of this surveillance, the very fact of these cameras in the bedrooms is a transition to a fundamentally new level, the level of a rotten russian tradition, and if in order for such a thing not to be repeated in the next 10 years, a reaction from society is needed, or for the national police, which also opened an investigation, arrested the dzndu department in full, or even buy a jacket for the capitol, it must be done, because nothing
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else threatens national statehood. of ukraine than rotten russian traditions. denys went a little too far, because when he spoke about rotten russian traditions, they are definitely such rotten ukrainian ones, they are rather rotten soviet traditions that remained in the security service of ukraine, and we have been watching this rottenness for, well, there for 20-30 years, when someone behind someone followed someone, someone made someone public compromising material, some recordings appeared, video recordings. sound files appeared, now the prosecutor general's office suddenly decided to take the case against the investigation of its own department in the sbu from the sbu, and the sbu is oleg tatarov tetyana again or something, well , that is, they went back to where they came from, as they say , the main thing is to stuff ourselves during the investigation, i think it's the same
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case, and ... i think we mention certain characters in the office of the president for nothing, because we understand that the bigus filmed more than one story, which concerned in that including oleg tatarov, and it is unlikely that the security service itself had such an interest in studying, and even with such a number of executors, well, even if it is the best journalistic investigative team, well, honestly, yes... if only i will say again that the risks of drug addiction or the spread of drugs were clearly exaggerated, so it was obviously a political manipulation, and now it is necessary to understand whether or not anyone was involved in it, i think that , unfortunately, we will not find out about it, unless that someone will just come out with an incriminating statement, ah, but
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i believe in it very little. and that's why we will limit ourselves most likely to knowing this unfortunate igor, we will poke our fingers at him, but really the customers... er , we will most likely not find out about this such a disgusting case, at least under this government, and that's why i would like it, it's really good that criminal proceedings have been initiated, well, they will be a bit hindered by all kinds of red tape, but i would really like it if someday we had independent law enforcement officers who would investigate real crimes, and not what they are ordered to do, that's why what, for example, when i look at how the national police investigated the case of lviv... arsenal for six months, i really want to cry, and because in reality , journalists did much more to investigate this case than law enforcement agencies did, by the way i should be looking for real criminals who threaten national security, and not to do
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it at night, but i wanted to ask about the lviv arsenal about li liev, he did not pass the polygraph twice in my opinion, and well, that was also a funny story about that polygraph, because... out of seven questions, only one caused him difficulties, whether he received an instruction to enter into a contract with the lviv arsenal from the heads of the ministry of defense. we have seen these demonstration performances with the polygraph more than once, and dubinsky passed the polygraph there, and arakhamia in the 19th year, do you remember this story about the extra payment in envelopes to deputies from the servant of the people, it seems to be september. and what about the left one, i.e. he decided to repeat, i.e. make a remake of dubinsky and arahamiya? i think he is trying to justify himself in any way in
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this story, he therefore used such a move, of course, even from the point of view of any lawyer there, this is absolute profanation, when a person knows in advance the questions that will be asked, then of course he is ready to answer them and already... in came up with this version in my head, iliev excuses himself more than once, although even as a person who has been researching this topic there for more than six months, i am not sure that it was liev who submitted an application to the national police regarding the lviv arsenal, and these letters that are there internal correspondence, and the tax, rather, that it is already nahur, and turns they appealed to the court and to the law enforcement agencies, and since this was signed... or was it some other management of some other bodies, but to sign a contract with such a company as lviv arsenal, having
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an intermediary who did not fall out of the previous contract and did not having a second license from the country of manufacture, and it was too risky, which means that there was either a motive. make good money, we know that literally in the first withdrawal , 4 million euros were cashed out, so unfortunately this is a story about what the law enforcement officers did not do their job properly, well, that is, we can wait for some kind of verdict on this case, or it will sink again, liev will walk... endlessly on these polygraphs and say that he is not guilty of anything, and it is not clear at all, who is zbitniev , zbitniv is probably sitting abroad, i think so, this is zbitniev, he even has house arrest here, horshaev is most likely
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abroad, i think that now this case will be handed over to nabu and imagine the situation nabu detectives will have to go through in some appeal there and now prove with a lot conflicting people gathered before... we blame oliyev or bitniva, well, i honestly don't know, that's why it seems to me that a sad fate awaits this, the case of memory. thank you tetyana, this was tetyana mykolaenko, my colleague, journalist and member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense of ukraine. friends, we are live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching live there now, please like this video to... so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook and vote in our poll , today we ask you about whether you support zelensky's idea of ​​restarting the government, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if yes, then yes, no, then no,
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if you have your own opinion , please write a comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if yes, then 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will match here are the results of this vote. volodymyr tsybulko, political, will be on our air next analyst and people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, today, russia struck again a big blow on the ukrainian capital, the enemy struck a combined air strike on ukraine, and it was 29
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kh101 cruise missiles . kharkiv s-300 missiles damaged the company's building, three workers were injured, one person died in mykolaiv, there are injured, residential buildings were damaged, and as reported by our armed forces of ukraine, an experimental hypersonic blast hit kyiv. which zircon missile and accordingly the markings were noticed on one of the wreckages, the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy ignat, noted that specialists are currently examining the wreckage of the missiles, first examinations will be made, and then it will be possible to say what types of missiles the enemy used today, probably, we will listen to what yuriy ignat said, many are already going around, in fact, the material is now being used by others as well. the types of missiles that the air force is not talking about yet, we are talking
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about those targets that could potentially be, it's the s-300, the kha22, the iskander m, eh actually, it's about what flies on ballistics, so everything there appears somewhere on the ground, more specialists should talk about it, specialized ones, these are explosives experts of the national police, this is the institute of forensic examinations, which will determine what kind of debris it is, and from here... they they took it from which possible country, if it is really of a different origin, and will provide this, document it all, record it and provide it for further actions to certain authorities. mr. volodymyr, why is there such massive terror on the part of the russians, peaceful cities of ukraine, well, relatively peaceful, why does it not cause a certain reaction and a corresponding reaction in the west, that is, if they don't already... with some statements, well, at least
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they could allocate more weapons , more ammunition, and not to think about how it will be perceived by the russian federation, and what, what ukrainians will make weapons with it, will they strike on the territory of russia, or not? well, first of all, this attack on kyiv is especially precocious, and it is abusive in its nature, because at this time , josep borel, the commissioner for international affairs and security policy of the european union, is in kyiv, that is, for putin, who hates brussels structures and generally hates european politicians, for him this is a special moment to emphatically mock, as you know, josep borel met this morning, this morning in a shelter in a... warehouse, he, with this feat, repeated the feat
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of steinmeier, and it seems to me that, well, joseph borel was already inconsistent in terms of supporting ukraine, but now he will have a special person against russia, therefore , it can be said that putin has achieved his goal. the most interesting thing here is that it seems to me that putin still wanted to take revenge on the europeans in terms of what... now nato is deploying huge exercises at the level of soviet times, and with the same legend, and for putin this is a special humiliation, that's why he is a little disgusted by the perimeter of the european union, and visiting ukraine is a special pleasure for him , i wonder if he will visit ukraine, that is, the occupied donbas... as part of his
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pseudo-election campaign, but i am very sorry that the ukrainian authorities do not appreciate the possibility of that russia is conducting its pseudo-election campaign in the occupied territories, and the ukrainian authorities do not react to it in any way, this may in fact be an element of recognition of the occupied territories by russia, so what is the problem, well, the authorities are not doing one more thing now? does not say this, but it must be said that if russia elects putin in these territories, then
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putin will be self-proclaimed. to give joseph borel also about the necessity of non-recognition of the election results in russia, pseudo elections. well, with corresponding consequences for putin. meanwhile, the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america rejected the bill of the republicans, which provided for the provision of aid to israel in the amount of 17 billion 600 million dollars, separately from ukraine. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said, that package of immigration laws. and international aid, in particular to ukraine will not become a law due to the opposition of the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson and concerns among republicans in the senate, yesterday joe biden publicly appealed to congress and asked to support a bill on support for ukraine as soon as possible and to send this
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bill to him for signature, calling donald trump the main the problem of providing aid to ukraine. let's hear what biden said. if you look at the republicans, who do they serve, donald trump or america people, they want to solve problems or use them as a weapon for a political purpose. a month ago, the republicans asked for such a bill that would reform the migration reform, give aid to ukraine, israel, now they are moving away from this, this toxic policy must be abandoned. stop playing games while the world waits. mr. vladimir, putin probably did not expect that before the end of the presidential campaign in the united states of america, trump and the republicans would play along with him so effectively, because in fact even before
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the determination of the new president of the united states of america is still almost a year before his inauguration, acquisition of powers, but now already... but in february we see that the lack of this help from the americans puts us in an awkward position on the russian-ukrainian front, and here trump's constant flirting with putin, trying to say that i will agree with him on everything, putin is nice, and here is the visit of one of his closest tv presenters , conspiracy theorists tucker carlson. to moscow and the fact that he interviewed putin, that is the impression that trump has already finally made up his mind, and he made up his mind, bet on putin, and putin bet on trump, and they began to take certain steps in february 204 to force ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table.
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well, this is a very interesting situation, it seems to me that trump sent tucker carlson to moscow in order to... create the illusion that putin is not isolated from the world, because putin is really isolated from the world, he only contacts authoritarian leaders, well primordial meetings with lukashenka, lukashenko, this is his special, special joy in the international arena, but what is the problem, tucker carlson is not just a journalist, he is also one of the candidates for... the position of vice president in the new scenario of the return to power of the white house of donald trump, so this a special moment, and the fact that tucker carson does not look back at potential sanctions, for example,
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from the european union, means that, well, trump does go out, enters into a tough conflict. with the european union, let me remind you that at one time trump spoke about the withdrawal of the united states from nato, that is why recently, in recent months, we have been observing an extraordinary mobilization of the european union in terms of forming a single market for military-industrial products, and in fact, the european union is even approaching the idea of ​​forming a single armed forces of the european union. the security architecture of the european union is impossible without ukraine, and this , by the way, creates a special chance for ukraine, if we had a more qualified government, it would of course catch trump on the way and now would very, very actively enlist the support of the european union. but on
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against this background, according to the analysts of the american institute for the study of war, the kremlin is intensifying the rhetoric of the hypothetical division of ukraine in order to normalize this narrative in western discussions about ukraine, because this is how they comment on the tweet of the deputy chairman of the rada. from the russian federation dmitry medvedev, what medvedev said, the planned global railway from spain through the south of europe should end in lviv. it seems that this is the first confirmation that it will become the new capital of ukraine within the lviv region lviv-lemberg. and the point here is not that the tracks in the west and in ukraine differ in width, it's just that business is much more insightful than politicians, that is, they are perfect. the fact is presented that ukraine can repeat the fate of korea when there will be half, well, relatively speaking
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, eastern, southern ukraine and there will be central -western ukraine, that is, this division, they want to get everyone used to the fact that this division will happen, mr. serhiy, everyone bitch, well, the authoritarian leaders of our time were guided by a formula, it didn't work for hitler, but it will work for me. well, they finish like hitler, with what ended saddam hussein , what did milosevic end, well, the history of yugoslavia is like this, well, a promotion for the russian federation, get ready to repeat the fate, if you fall into the heresy of fascism, you will end up like milosevic, well, putin decided to experiment and prove to the world that hitler didn't succeed, he will succeed, he won't succeed , he won't... leave, but look, we see the deployment of nato troops, for exercises,
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large exercises, small exercises, which have recently been 90,00 personnel, there are planes, ships, well, in a word, everything is the most modern, that is the north atlantic alliance, and we see that nato makes it clear to russia that in case of provocation against ... nato member countries, the north atlantic alliance will give a worthy, worthy response to putin. in your opinion, will putin dare to test the power of nato on his army, and in some way demonstrate that he can go to war, including against the north atlantic alliance. well, we remember how putin blackmailed both poland and romania, because on... in
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principle, this was not a reason to start negotiations within the framework of the fourth point, not to mention the fifth point, and in this sense , putin allegedly felt, so to speak, touched, felt the temperature of nato, but he did not expect that nato would... return to these large systemic exercises at the level of the soviet era, and these exercises are more than preschool for russia, because as part of these exercises, in fact , the entire trade, that is, commercial shipping within the baltic sea, can be blocked for many months for the duration of the exercises, the exit from gulf of finland which is... so controlled by estonia, finland. in fact, this is a particular nervousness
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for russia, because russia can now be closed, as a result of these exercises in the framework of the gulf of finland, and block all ports for commercial activity, as the ukrainian special services did, by the way, by blowing up the oil refinery in usluza and stopping part of the export products through sports service in the baltic, so, in the south, the active activity of ukrainian troops in the black sea also creates a precedent, when it is possible to block commercial shipping for e black sea ports, and russia is panicking because of this, any, well , any brazen e brick, brick, as they say, on the part of moscow, can surrender. moscow, a complete shutdown of commercial shipping for russia in the baltic and black sea
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regions. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr. tsibulko, political expert. friends, we continue to work for the tv channel on the air of the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we continue to conduct surveys. we are asking you today about this or not do you support zelenskyi's idea of ​​restarting the government. let's look at the interim results of the survey: 18% - yes, 82% - no, on youtube we have a ratio of 22%, yes, that is, under... receive a reboot of power from zelenskyi 78% no, we will continue this survey in the second part of our program, which will start 15 minutes after the news broadcast from our colleagues at the bbc. olek sahakyan, maksym rozumny and oleksiy holobutsky will be our guests. let's talk about everything, it will be
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, february 8, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova. on the espresso tv channel. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society.
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drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club, what. sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great aether, my name is vasyl zamai, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now we will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yuriy fizar, yuriy , good evening. please, you have the word. two
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hours to keep up with economic news. time for that. about money during the war oleksandr morchevka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny postakhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, project. smart and caring in the evening for espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel espresso, program verdict. this is the second part of our issue. my name is serhii rudenko,


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