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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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what happened in the world will be told in more detail yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy. of ukraine was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. this is the second part of our issue. my name is serhii rudenko, today in the program. sbu under
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the cap of bigus. the case of illegal surveillance of journalists is being investigated by the sbi. what could be the consequences of the scandal. underresignation deserving ukraine is waiting for the announced reset of the government. who else will fall under the rotation? servant of the people reboot. the scandalous deputy bezugla left the party, will she be expelled from the defense committee? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. i remind you that we work not only on the air of the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please like and vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether you support zelenskyi's idea of ​​restarting the government. yes, no , please vote on youtube with the appropriate buttons, or write your comment under this video. if you... watch us on tv
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pick up your smart phone or phone and vote if you support this idea of ​​rebooting the government 0800-211381 no 0800-211-382 all calls to these numbers are free please vote we care know your opinion so, today on the air of our channel, political experts, maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences, mr. maksym, i am you congratulations. good evening, and oleg sahakyan, political scientist, head of the united coordination center platform. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. mutual, glad to see and hear. well, since we are asking our viewers what they think about zelensky's idea of ​​rebooting the government. gentlemen, do you support the reset of power from zelensky and do you understand what kind of reset it is. perhaps, on the contrary, it was necessary to ask the question whether. do you understand what
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zelensky's reset is and do you support this reset, sir maxim, please, well, it is obvious that we need the details, so to speak, of this reboot, then we can talk more objectively, but first we need to understand what the government itself is, in its current state, that is, is it about a known construction of five or six people? or about which one can only guess who these people are, whether they are still state institutions, and how they relate to this structure of power, that is, there are still many questions, but answering the second question, it is obvious that i support such reboot, if of course it will bring clarity to what the government is today, and...
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actually, how it functions, so that it becomes clearer to the public. thank you, mr. olezh, and do you understand what kind of reset zelensky is talking about, and is it only about the reset of the military leadership of ukraine? as far as i understand, no, not only about the military leadership, at least several tsovs will also be reloaded, in fact, we have already seen the resignation of mrs. laputina, yes, the minister of veterans affairs. but next to then, if we talk about a reset, then the question arises, and for what, for what, because the reset of the government is just a mechanism, a tool that can be used to change something, and this is an open question for me, i that i did not hear, apart from general phrases, any normal, understandable plan of action or new challenges or new tasks for which this is being done, but in particular from the ministry of veterans, we did not hear what exactly... was not done by ms. laputina, why
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the resignation actually took place , which should be done and, accordingly, who will do it, who will be more relevant for these new tasks, and the same in other directions, because at the moment... the question is not so much about restarting the government, but now there is a challenge of reconsolidating ukrainian society and the government, moving from consolidation in a short war, when we could ignore a lot of things, not pay attention to various problems, they did not seem critical to us in order to achieve victory, but now we understand that this is a long war, and it is already a completely different regime, and those problems which yesterday seemed insignificant or uncritical, they can become for us a cinder block or an unacceptable obstacle on the way to our victory, and accordingly we need to consolidate and develop new institutional, normative and informal models of how to achieve victory by ukrainian society and
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the ukrainian government all together, because only united elites and united societies are well organized, win in the blink of an eye, but this is the story of the reboot of ukraine's leadership. she appeared after the story unfolded valery zaluzhny last week with the head of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, how this information appeared, then how this information was supported there by telegram channels, bloggers, journalists, how it was later refuted, then how it was confirmed by foreign mass media and then by the recognition of zelenskyi, what they say, well yes, maybe, maybe. such an option, but we are talking not only about one personality and not only about valery zaluzhnyi, is this a large-scale personnel revolution that zelensky is talking about, or a mini-revolution, isn't it derived from the fact that
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it is necessary to solve the issue of zaluzhnyi, but not to do it in such a way that there is only a confrontation between the zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi teams, but it is about what we will now sort out. the whole apparatus, let's see how it works, it will work in a completely different way, and this is the reason, or let's say, it is the background for the resignation of the hard worker, mr. maxim, how do you evaluate all these information campaigns, the very first, because this is information campaign, support, information support, because so far apart from information support, there are no solutions, except for the statement that major general laputina herself wrote on... and submitted her resignation. so, actually, the idea of ​​restarting the government, it somehow arose very spontaneously, that is , until recently, in the rhetoric
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of president zelensky himself, his, so to speak, main speakers, there was no talk of the need to restart the government, on the contrary, it was about the fact that all right. power is good, power is effective, and therefore it is natural that suggests a cover operation, i would call it that, that is, an operation, well, such a spin-doctor, which allows, so to speak, to hide the true motives and present the situation in a favorable light that will appeal to the audience, including, er... the media, so to speak, the actors, and there is a lot to it indicates, but perhaps , perhaps, there is a really great need today, well , to shuffle a little, what is called the cards, or
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to shuffle the personnel, and quietly, under, so to speak, under this sauce, carry out those personnel reshuffles, which actually on... mature , we understand that zelensky's team, the team of servants of the people, she, so to speak, came to authorities in this, well, let's say, in a not very consolidated form, that is, people were gathered from different spheres, from different corporations, i mean in the broad sense of corporations, and some have taken root, some have fulfilled their mission, some are no longer satisfied, and of course... such rotations, they are needed from time to time, purges, i would call it that, and, today, well, a very good, good-looking, such an excuse to fire the deserving one, and, so to speak, to reshuffle personnel, until now, these personnel
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changes were made, but it was not under the slogan of rebooting the government, today, since we are talking about a high-profile step, the dismissal of the commander-in-chief, a war on which very high hopes are placed in society, it is clear that some very serious reason for this and a serious informational cover are needed. when zelensky talks about rebooting the leadership of ukraine, i always remember the statement of the president of ukraine that there are five or six powerful managers who run the state, and these are five or six managers around zelensky, and this is actually the leadership of the ukrainian state , mr. oleg, will it touch the big one rebooting these five or six managers , including, because it is not necessary for... what 5 years of zelenskyi's presidency, that is,
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the finish line of the five-year period is already ending, and it is obvious that zelenskyi needs to demonstrate the unity of the team, or let's say, the renewal of the team , because the same blinked, the prime minister of ukraine for four years, the minister of culture is no longer there, how many 7 months since the resignation of oleksandr. to be honest, i don't remember the names of many ministers, because even if you kill me, i won't name them the minister of ecology, i don't know who the minister of ecology is, i don't know the name of the minister of social policy, except that i visually remember what she looks like, but this is a unique experience in general, including political experts and... journalists , that they , well, simply, really, probably five or six managers remember everything and that's all, although the power in
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ukraine is quite large, yes, well, that is, it is also state committees, ministries, and vice prime ministers , and in the end the verkhovna rada is a large enough legislative body, the highest legislative body, what are these, what changes are we talking about? i would like to understand your opinion, whether in the conditions of this concentration of unlimited power, because monopower, it implies monoresponsibility, and here, in principle , it is obviously necessary to say that if power is in the hands of five or six people, then what kind of great reset are you talking about , and what these people decide in this system of power, well, you know, monopolies are always stereo corruption , because... absolute power is always absolute power, but they used to say that they would like
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to live in a country where you don't know the last name or a deputy, nor a minister, nor a president, well , this dream has half come true in ukraine, however, as always happens in our country, it comes true somewhat differently than we would like in form, but not in substance. if we talk about the closest managers of the president, then it is clear that currently there is no reason to expect a real reboot in the near future. the field of these persons, but the problem is that it is not even in the figures, let's say, the personalities of these managers, in the model itself, because in a short distance the mobilization of public administration in the manual mode management, it makes sense, okay, with our weak institutions, with the fact that part of the apparatus coincided, all other defects that you and i know very well, ending with regulatory and cultural ones, they could really thicken to the point that... then take took matters into their own hands and put the ship from autopilot mode to manual control mode, but this is for a short
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distance, and we see that the war continues, the country has to live, and what we see with the absence of a whole number of top officials, in particular ministers, that there are discussions about the release of those or other ministers, starting with the head of state, or ambassadors, or reaching the head of state, and instead of discussing replacements and not... what exactly are these replacements for? this speaks of a crisis of a holistic vision, that is, the old model has exhausted itself , but they do not have a new model of a holistic vision, and accordingly, in these conditions , it is very, very difficult to talk now about which departments will change, where new leaders will come, because we we don't understand what tasks, we don't understand, but what will come instead, and accordingly then these five or six managers are not a matter of replacement them, it's a question of what... what, if we go into a debt regime, then we need to resuscitate the government, as an institution that has to
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manage with a certain horizon of planning and distribution of efforts longer than in a manual regime, accordingly, should return there is a certain level of subjectivity, it is clear that this will not happen at the same time, and now we will not get the administrative balance that was before the war, it is obvious to everyone that there is a rate of the supreme commander, it does not exist in times of war. time there is an increased role of the president, a fraction of the supreme commander, all this is absolutely clear, although it may be unacceptable to some, the majority may argue with it, we can give arguments for and against. but the government needs to regain greater subjectivity, just as in this case we see that the parliament is facing more and more complex, ambiguous issues and challenges, and the parliament needs to have a greater level of subjectivity and autonomy, at least to be a lightning rod for all authorities, and this was not completely throughout the state, but as
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a maximum and in order to produce higher quality decision, better and faster, more dynamic response to public opinion. feeling, depending on her, because the deputies will be beaten not according to the mandate, and they know it very well. accordingly, in these conditions, when we talk about a reset, we need to carry out a concentration of powers that were informally concentrated during the war in several institutions and to several surnames, not absolutely, but gradually, and unfortunately, this is not visible at the moment, then i would talk about the names of these five or six managers. and in what section and in what form can they still be useful, effective, or even more effective, or on the contrary, should they be replaced, or simply go on vacation? petro poroshenko has his own version of a possible reboot, let's listen to what he said from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, addressing zelenskyi. i would like to support
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zelenskyi's initiative, the initiative. about the reset of the government, and here we are definitely not talking about laputin, because in two weeks, the tenth anniversary of the execution of the heavenly hundred, and the council in memory of the first victims of russian aggression, all state institutions, first of all, the office of the president, should be cleansed of the unillustrated shortcomings of yanukovych's team. protégé of partnov, i tremble at the fact that we will be congratulated on the anniversary of the celestial hundred, here are those who now also have a voice, dare to please. reshuffles are also necessary in the cabinet, up to replacing it with a technocratic government, and i really hope that this will be done by
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forming a government of national unity. mr. maxim, technocratic government and government of national unity are two different concepts, because the government of national unity is , after all, a government to which the political forces delegate their nominees. we saw today how the verkhovna rada of ukraine voted for the law on mobilization in the first reading, and we saw that zelenskyi and his team voted together with the revival. yum for the future of the former opz, even though the former opzh does not exist, well, mps from the opzh, it was a prototype of the majority in the imagination of the current government, is a national government possible now unity, if not, then a technocratic government, and whether the government of denys shmyhal can be considered
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a technocratic government in general, as a political scientist. i must say that the very option of a government of national unity, it is taken from situations when there is a great split in the country, when there is a great confrontation on ideological grounds up to the point of civil conflict, and in such situations the idea of ​​a government of national unity arises, which should stop this opposition, include... the main, so to speak, these groups in power and thus reconcile the opposing parties parties today in ukraine we have the exact opposite situation, there is a big one, it is probably not so clearly visible now, but there is a big consolidation on a patriotic basis, on
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a civic basis, and here the very idea of ​​the government of national unity is rather a euphemism. which the opposition operates in order, so to speak, to advance its own political agenda and its ideas and its wishes, as regards the technocratic government, so according to the idea, according to the principle of formation, how it happened, the government, the current government of the prime minister shmegalya, he looks like a technocrat. that is, it was built according to the principle that, they say , professionals get there, no one has heard of shmyhal as a politician, as a strategist, a visionary who sees some... idea in the development of the state, everyone knows that this is a person who came for the performance of purely administrative functions, and
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it is as if it is self-evident that he has the technical training, qualifications, skills and so on for this, but it is such a technocratic government, people, so to speak, cogs people, people who can perform well given function, it today... also does not quite correspond to the current situation, today's situation should correspond to a government of responsibility, a government of political responsibility, and here, so to speak, there are talks about governments, some others, which are of national unity, technocratic and all others, they can have these conversations, they can only cover up either the unwillingness to take this political responsibility, or... the actual lack of competences for this political responsibility, so i think that civil society and the expert community should ask questions about
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restarting the government, on its part, before the government, and precisely in the context of strengthening political responsibility, that is, as a colleague absolutely rightly said, give us a vision of how you are going to get out of those crisis situations that today... have arisen in the state that you you make decisions, how do you understand all this and what tools will you use to do it, this is the kind of government, you can call it anything, but the government of national responsibility, i think it was right, mr. oleg, or whether zelensky needed it, because well, judging by his rhetoric, he does not need this, because he has complaints against both poroshenko and tymoshenko. and to other leaders of the parliamentary forces that are, and obviously, obviously, he can take such
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a step, if it will threaten his future, or his future political prospects, he can say: well, i am ready to share the responsibility with other political forces, and together we will be responsible for what is happening in the country, for what is happening in the economy, for... what is happening at the front, and in this way to transfer this responsibility, although, with what he says, obviously he still wants, he wants to be the president of a country that will defeat the russian federation, and he aspires to this, and obviously this is connected with this discussion with the zaluzhny and with the vision of how it should be further on front and in the eyelashes'. is zelensky the type of psycho who is ready to share power? it is difficult for me to say about
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the psychotype of zelensky, after all, i am not a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist in order to give any conclusion now, but in my opinion, it is worth sharing power when you are in a strong position, then you can to really share responsibility, and then you set the rules of the game, and actually then you can include others. without fear for yourself, and this is an indicator that you are ready to engage in politics and play a political struggle of a much higher level, to set the rules of the game. when the situation already smells fried, then at this moment it is time to create some consolidated forms of division of responsibility, then what is this song, at this moment all other subjects already feel the blood and, accordingly, no one will be included in such constructions, and... if and they will go from the very beginning, in order to play aikido the day after tomorrow and still eat a lame duck. politics is very tough in this regard,
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a very tough game with tough rules, so for zelenska, if you really want to take such a step, you need to go now, and go well even earlier. i completely agree with mr. maxim about the government of national unity. the only thing i would add is that either if societies are going through their own crisis and... it is necessary to give everyone the opportunity to be represented, or if these are stable democracies where there are, for example, two parties, or two and a half, so-called parties, and accordingly there is a government, governmental, powerful, and there is also an opposition structured world government, there are also ministers, each of whom is engaged in his own direction, and for every proposal of the authorities , they always come up with their position, because the watershed is ideological or value-based, and then a government of national unity...makes sense because in fact it is formed to consolidate the nation that is represented. in our case, when the parliament is essentially a battery of anti-rating, then from
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the leaders... of anti-rating as deputies as a whole it is difficult to create the image of a government of national unity. shmyhal is definitely not about a government of technocrats, it is a government about techno-executives, because technocracy implies the very greek word, kratia, kratos, it is management, states, it implies that they have power, this government does not have power, they only execute, but subjectivity needs to be returned there. in this case, both political forces and other non-governmental entities can become a source of legitimacy. for such as shall be delegated to the government, or whence they shall be taken, or with their name, or relying on the name and support of a certain political force, it doesn't matter where they come from, the main thing is that these people are professionals and have a sufficient level of legitimacy in society, but such people will need greater subjectivity, because they will want to make decisions, they will be ready to risk their reputation only when they can realize something, and in other circumstances they simply will not go there, so
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today it is not a question of inviting everyone to the table and saying: let's live amicably and let's sit down to work together. it is a matter of putting forward a certain proposal , what we are doing, why we are consolidating, under what task, and then we can choose from a wide range of precedents that world political history gives us, and even just sit down and fantasize and come up with our own ukrainian know-how , there is definitely no need to be ashamed here either, but the question that needs to be asked... or asked outside of kobyla, and not the other way around. well, you mentioned ratings, how politicians, well, are now trying to gauge there, their prospects, i think that president zelenskyi's team does it regularly, there are no questions here, because they live like television people, and we are television people, we live from day to day and look at the ratings
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we had. television viewings of the past day, so i basically understand how zelenskyi’s team lives, they probably live the same way, but the razumkov social research fund says that the trust rating of president zelenskyi has decreased slightly over the last month, in january it was 69% against 71 in december, well, it's not like that a catastrophic drop there, but still there is a decrease, mr. maksym, very briefly, if possible, what could be connected with the fact that confidence in zelensky fell by 2%. well , to be very brief, you just need to understand why it was high, it was high because ukraine, after all, began to resist the attack, but this is no longer news, then it was high because ukraine could
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... . to defeat the enemy in certain dimensions, to date the front has stabilized and there is, so to speak, the question of what will happen next the situation developed, and the rating grew, and the rating was high, because people's eyes were, so to speak, turned away from the political kitchen, today this situation has also changed, everyone is looking at personnel appointments under a microscope. everyone is watching the zelenskyi conflict, in this situation all the weaknesses are obvious in the current government and president zelenskyi, they are becoming more visible, more obvious, more relevant, therefore the criticality of the perception of the president himself and the government itself is growing. thank you, mr. maxim, gentlemen, we will do it a little break, let's go back to our studio,
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literally in... minutes, there are discounts on tantum verde - 10% in pharmacies psylsnyk, bam taschat, there are discounts on psyk - 10% at pharmacies psylsnyk, fam and oskad. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. maidan judges. on the way out, whom the vkk sent to release last week, lost consciousness and threw us into a car park, and how unscrupulous judge otrosh tried to hold on to her position, my mother is not a member of my family. watch the judicial control program with tatyana on thursday, february 8 at 5:45 p.m shustrova on the espresso tv channel.


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