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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 4:00am-4:29am EET

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evacuations are constantly coming to us, from us, these are new patients, new wounds that need to be examined, investigated, helped, operated on, and moreover, these operations are not the same as with pendicitis, you operated, discharged and that's all, these are staged surgical treatments, which constantly need to be repeated, to reassess the situation, to reassemble the same vacuum systems. to look for debris, but for traumatologists it is a deep wound, it is work with stumps, it is work with stomachs, breasts and so on, that is, one patient, he, unfortunately, does not have the opportunity to recover in one operation is a set of measures that must be carried out in order to stabilize and enable this injured person to stand on his feet.
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all the efforts of the wounded and surgeons and nurses and all the staff, they gave their positive result, now we have a boy who came to us at the beginning of the 22nd year with an amputated limb with a severe wound in the stomach, and we fought for quite a long time with... a complication from the side of the abdomen, then he went through a long path for prosthetics, this is the upper third of the thigh, it is quite high, now he has a biomechanical protest, he continues his service, he came to us now, we steamed him for a hernia that developed after surgical interventions on his stomach, and he is very motivated to serve, and he does not plan to stop his work. the army
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was such that surgeons worked 24/7, and in principle this continues now, especially those surgeons who are now directly near the contact line in the east, they really work there. time to rest, you don't have the opportunity to go out, first of all, this it is dangerous, and secondly, a situation may arise at any moment when you will need help, so these guys and girls work literally every second, there were several mobile hospitals under my command, especially surgical ones, and it was that
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this is also practical work , and again the organization, and rotations, evacuations , admissions of seriously ill patients, provision of this or that, here is the personnel policy again, that is, it is life on wheels, the assistance provided in mobile hospitals is of a high level, the modern equipment we have here is often found in mobile hospitals. we are talking about x-ray complexes , we are talking about endoscopic racks, about laparoscopic equipment, about an artificial kidney, that is, about cell savers that allow you to take blood, filter it and give it back to the patient under certain conditions, suturing devices, modern suture material, tools, microvascular surgeries, vascular surgery, traumatology again.
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the difficulty is that, firstly, we have a lot of this work, but secondly, it is never you don't know what you're going to face , so it's hard to predict the nature of the injury, and when you get a critical patient , you have a short time to get your bearings and not a lot of time to... help stabilize him if we we are talking about mobile hospitals, about true surgical groups, then he helped, stabilized, evacuated, and this happens all the time, that is , this is the work here, patients were accepted, they were looked at, and again we are not able to bring them to a logical conclusion, to the removal of sutures , we can them again...
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someone comes cursing, well, because he believes that he cannot serve, but according to our canons, he is suitable for military service, someone comes with thanks, the most important thing is that they join the army, for us this is the most, thanks to great experience in military surgery, hryhoriy prokhorenko's team from... set up successful work in the hospital during the war, and thus save hundreds of lives of our soldiers. khrystyna porubiy, nazar malnyk, espresso tv channel. good evening,
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congratulations, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project espresso tv channel and ukrainian foam. today we will talk about... state awards, in particular about state awards, whether state awards can be independent of the state, of the ukrainian authorities, in our political culture, when the authorities have always not disdained what they oppressed or in some way i tried to influence the jury, the committees and somehow determine my people for awarding, in my studio yuriy makarov, writer, journalist, former chairman of the shevchenko prize committee, i congratulate you. hello, we are also ready to talk will be joined by tamara gundarova , a literary critic, cultural expert, doctor of philological sciences, who currently teaches ukrainian literature at harvard university, but it will be in a few minutes, we will start talking about awards specifically from
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the shevchenko prize, from the same state award, which is yuryu, how much . i remember shevchenkovka, there were always suspicions around her that the committee was bribed, or suspicions that the authorities were somehow putting pressure on the committee, or something was wrong with this award, and in the end even you were forced to do so for several years therefore, to resign from the position of chairman of the committee, say, i was forced to resign because i made a fool of myself, now you will tell everything, that's it. let's start with what happened in your specific case, and what kind of curse hangs over the shevchenko prize, over the state prize. let's, let's tell very briefly what happened. last year, already in the winter
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, it became clear that there would be no laureates in all nominations, and we simply did not have worthy people. which were submitted, because they were already submitted during the war, and uh, a lot people left, many people were thinking about completely different things, it wasn't about the award, and when we looked at everything that had already been thrown at us, it was clear that we have two awards, and on march 9 of last year i collected them. .. at a meeting of cultural figures volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi, quite a synclit , so the head of the administration, sori’s office and the minister of culture were also there, so the actors
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are different, there were 20 people there on this holiday and saints, and in the operating room of the president’s office , finally i joined, and it was many people are on a video link, and there is a proposal that we should give a special award, additional nominations for contributing to the victory, and then just now, it doesn't sound so sharp anymore, and then just then there were a lot of such manifestations, when cultural diplomacy . to public opinion and, accordingly , to literally help ukraine from the west, i can cite as an example when the kyiv
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kyiv symphony orchestra played at the summit. laid nato countries, played berezovsky and skoryk, and it was so obvious, you see, here, well, here... that point where the destinies of the world are decided, and the ukrainian collective of ukrainian composers is playing directly in front of these people, and boris johnson is standing there jumping, macron is standing there, plugging in and enjoying himself , it was obvious, and when it sounded, i said, come on, and why not, in fact, and this came from the mouth of the minister of culture, correct? no, it came from the mouth of the director of the odesa opera, and the minister
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picked it up, and i, in turn, picked it up, well, i, it ’s called, how to put it so delicately , simple-minded, and in this way, and in this way in a way, it gave arguments, yes, to those people who were always suspicious, yes, that is, this inertia of suspicion about the shevchenkovsky committee, yes, it worked here, and you immediately. to suspect that you are working with the authorities, the authorities are pressuring, so was i then, of course, which i am in favor of and the main thing is that i was detained in connection with this, and i did not have the opportunity to consult with my colleagues, i then already understood that there was a certain combination, it was not for nothing that this proposal was made, but not for nothing. it was picked up by oleksandr tkachenko, well, that is, but
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i am all these combinations, i do not buy them, neither in live broadcast, so i picked it up because it seemed right to me, but in fact it was wrong, and when my colleagues stood up and started saying that from the committee, yes, and there all the people are... very difficult and very independent, and it is simply impossible to put pressure on them , well, i repeat it all, i repeat it many times, these are very worthy people with bad characters in the best sense of the word with reputations, they said: no, this is wrong, because we are undermining the trust of the award , which is already very weak trust in society, and here is mine the question is, is this... in your opinion, actually such a fate in these state awards that there will always be,
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there will always be arguments from people who suspect, there will always be these suspicions, or if you had not made this mistake, and the award would still be reputable undamaged beyond suspicion and it would have functioned properly, because the previous awards, which, come on, i was still there in... in the previous composition under the chairmanship of yury mykolayovych shcherbak, a holy man, i am absolutely without any, without a price there some kind of irony, a holy man, he is a diplomat, he is very so intelligent, methodical, precise and , at the same time, highly moral, and he made sure that there were no such inconsistencies, but there were different people in that committee, but i am not responsible for any of these decisions of the previous composition
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i was not ashamed of what i was involved in, but it was possible to place slightly different accents, and when our composition of such, you know, revolutionaries came, then we started to brawl, we started to promote avant-garde projects, not according to the totality of merit, but for what drives ukrainian today culture, well, like me, huh. i understand that, and there were a lot of insults, there was an insult that, let’s say, the third round of romayan did not take place there, our brilliant director, who made not his best film, but how could you insult a living classic, or how could you not to give a prize there to, say , a composer from grabovsky, a representative of this ukrainian musical avant-garde of the 60s, but these are the works that were presented,
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they already, they were already, so to speak, by inertia, instead things were heard that perhaps in a different context they would not sound, there, like valik vasyanovych, this is atlantis, or, i don't know, a program, actually a production program, of modern ukrainian music in... well, and many more, but each of these awards evoked the power of the universe. rage , and, well, a bad streak of rage, such a simple , well, hate, in the pure, yes, original meaning of this word, because on the one hand, it is embedded in this award, specifically, because there is
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a flavor of the soviet award, which was born, although , she... was born in the times of the league, it is called the stalin prize, no by stalin, this, if not that, then this is the khrushchev prize, the 64th, i think, or the 61st, but i think the first laureate was kornichuk, by the way, from literature, well, no, well, this, well , she is soviet, the tail is very difficult, but the main thing is that, ah, there are always suspicions, eh, that something... is moving with us from the mountain, and there is always a suspicion that any of the public people can be or bend, or bribe, this is spilled in society, and when i was that year, when i, therefore, gave up my authority,
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i had such a marathon, a micro-marathon interview, and i keep getting asked, well... tell me that you are there, you were influenced from the office, and i say, well, i wonder how i can be influenced, well, what can you offer me, if i, as i have in previous years, so to speak, have not acquired anything, but in what way, well, what? look, that is, you are now saying that the mentality of our society is the same, any state award will always be under...under scandal, and there will always be people who will not trust, and if it is not a state award, they will say that it's a cross-country fight, there are laureates, that's all for some reason, the bbc book of the year, well, because it is the bbc brand, it does not cause such doubts, but still, well, people say, well, they have agreed
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among themselves, of course, that there are their own, of course, that there is what was called at one time . in the russian word groupism, where will you go, because all of us, all cultural figures, one way or another stomp on the same platform, and you know everyone, or at least through one handshake, you once worked with someone, you once were in the same room with someone can be found, there would be a desire, yes, but, but when it begins, especially, when you touch... let's talk for sure, because this is a very interesting story, this is a collision of new and old worlds, but in fact
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, many of the people who are watching us now have understood that talking about state awards is not only talking about shevchenko. prize, and above all our conversation, our dialogue here is connected with the translation prize, with the oldest, very authoritative translation prize of maksym rylskyi, which is more than 50 years old, and which, as they say, is stagnant even at that time , when the shevchenko prize was given there for works of socialist realism, the maksym rylsky prize was equally... awarded to very worthy people, very worthy translators, that is, this prize is very important, very authoritative, and last week the maksym ryvsky prize committee announced the names of the laureates of the 2023 prize, the prize was awarded, in particular, to dmytro drozdovsky, of literature
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to a literary scholar and andrew shepard, a translator from russian. for the translation into english of the collection of texts by irpin children, irpin is my home. the problem is that a literary critic, a researcher dmytro drozdovsky of the institute of literature has been accused of plagiarism more than once, and there is a conclusion of the commission of the institute of literature that 60.64% of one of his scientific works is plagiarized. and the problem. in the fact that this andrew shepard , who allegedly translated together with dmytro drozdovsky the works of the irpin children, is a translator really from russian and is... the editor of the journal of the british-russian society east-west review, this publication is a vernacular of the views of the so-called good
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russian , that is, until now this publication remains a platform for the representation of russian culture abroad, the position of a translator , editor of the universe, which drozdovsky remains, remains, you understand what is the matter, when this story with plagiarism began, at our institute, i will simply remind, during the discussion of dmytro drozdovsky's dissertation, which was completed was in the doctoral program of our institute, er, the fact of borrowing was discovered, er, a whole commission was created, which included not only us, as employees of the institute, but also, but we also invited our colleagues from other universities. from other universities, and we, in fact, did not even suspect, in general, what awaits us. in fact, it can be said that this is such a unique fact of such total, total,
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total plagiarism. er, the whole work, in fact, when you talk about or mention about 64% of borrowings, actually the situation looks like we have analyzed 64% of this work, it is, you know, a manuscript, more than. 300 pages, and there are actually 90% of those borrowings, that is, it is a borrowing that can be called total, here it is not about borrowing some pieces, you understand, of the text, the texts of others, here we are talking about articles, for example, articles published in western publications in english, rather poorly translated, which from the beginning, from the first line, from the first word to the end, are inserted as a section theses. drozdovsky, you can imagine, so, uh, right there, actually, it turned out that, you know,
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this kind of fraudulent, not quite decent reputation, approach, appears in various areas. and what was important, it seems to me that, first of all, it was actually about the destruction of science in general and... the paradox is that, despite the fact that after this story with drozdovsky, plagiarism began to be talked about a lot, and there was even such an official order about checking at the level of student works, say, dissertations , of course, the articles are also the same, but i want to say that it will continue, and it seems to me to a certain extent that like a cancerous tumor, it permeates ukrainian, in particular. science and humanities to a very large extent, and it extends to other fields, and this one the story with the prize, it simply points to that, it points to the fact that it is this
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plagiarism, or this dishonesty, it extends to other areas, it actually destroys them, for example, it destroys the same rila prize. ms. tamara, you wrote last week that drozdovsky at the institute of literature remains... a person, moreover, they are proud of him and perceive him as an unjust victim, how can this be, you are talking about the fact that it is a cancer, this problem of ukrainian tolerance academy to plagiarism, and sorry i will ask you directly, what would happen if, for example, in a western academy, for example, in harvard, where you now teach, something similar happened, how would colleagues react? on such facts? well, i will tell you this way that in fact, dishonesty and plagiarism are not only a strictly ukrainian phenomenon, we constantly
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hear about these stories, and the recent story at harvard, a very loud story about the dismissal, about the fact that from the position of president of harvard university, she was forced to the president who was accused of plagiarism had to leave, this is a very, very big one... dal ee, but plagiarism was discussed very often, you understand what is meant by plagiarism, sometimes plagiarism is considered to be simply such well-known phrases that you cannot paraphrase in other words, you understand, it is like how to take, for example, to say that the sky, the sky is blue, let's say it is blue , yes, but you also have to resort to such things, so this is another case, but you understand what the matter is, the case of druzdovsky shows that he was not actually punished anywhere in any... sphere is not responsible for his actions, except that we did not he was admitted to the defense, he
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still... has not defended this thesis, by the way, i must say, he made several attempts to negotiate with various universities in ukraine and defend himself, by the way, with the support of mon, who wrote letters asking him to help defend , to take him to the defense, he allegedly rewrote, he changed and so on , but repeated and different, so to speak, examinations showed that nothing in particular had changed there, so that trozdovsky remained unpunished and he... remains, for example, in us in the institute, he remains, so to speak say, the victim of our attack , it is said, so to speak, how we became enemies, especially me , because i took the garbage out of the house, you understand, it is considered, i must say that not only with us, let's say, among some employees or in the directorate, but in society it is also considered that there is nothing here, everyone does that, you understand, here
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it is... they said it en masse, but you understand, at the same time we turned to the shevchenko committee, of which he was a member at the time was drozdovsky, we must give credit to serhiy trimbach, who actually reacted to that's all he asked the members , the members of the shevchenko committee, but that's it, but it didn't gain any publicity, but there is one more position, and it's very important here, drozdovskyi... was and remains the editor of the universe, you understand, he remains, among the members of the editorial board, only, it seems, strykha and oleksandr prankevich announced that they were leaving the editorial board, but it was quiet, no one talked about it, it was not so public that they knew about it, you understand, i what i want to say is that this case with shepherd, he just once again points to the fact that this is the reputation
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of science and literary studies. literature, the literary field, is actually being undermined not only within the borders of ukraine, but also outside its borders, because adrosdovsky involves in his scams, i cannot call it otherwise, many scientists from outside ukraine. we discovered, for example, that he is just faking, he is falsifying the feedback of some people who, when we approached them, were just shocked that they got into this story, because it was all interpreted in a completely different way. on the part of drozdovsky, regarding them, it's the same with heper too, they addressed me, wrote to me, the point is that i'm not going to be drozdovsky's watchman, you see, i have my own mission and tasks, but i was told that drozdovsky promises some secondary third-rate to a ukrainian poet to translate it and publish it somewhere abroad, but obviously, people just wrote to me about it and so on, that is, there are a lot of such stories, i want to say that in my opinion,
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druzdovsky is interesting and brilliant, brilliant in his own way in this way, you understand, like a literary character in a fraudulent novel, so you understand, and this story with an award, it simply showed what remains obvious, i will ask ms. tamaro, i will ask ms. tamaro, you now have an award, maksym strikha, a scientist and also a translator , by the way, the only member of the maksym award committee. who did not agree and as a sign of protest left the committee, and he wrote a text called how the rylsky award was killed, he writes that the committee can still meet and make some decisions, but it will no longer have, it will already have very little touch to actual.


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