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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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spare me, here i am ready to give up something, for the sake of which she would feel her complicity in the family budget, in planning, feel that she is important, and what could be better in life than feeling important? greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. at night.
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the enemy hit the civilian infrastructure of odessa with mortars, a partially destroyed unfinished high-rise building, knocked out of the wedge, as well as a damaged educational institution, a broken roof, ceilings, knocked out windows, oleg kiper, the head of the region, announced this. fortunately, there were no dead or injured. air defense units successfully worked on the vast majority of enemy targets. in mykolaiv, due to the blows of the shaheids, there was a fire in the private sector of the victims. fortunately, there is no. the russians wounded two residents of the kherson region. a 56-year-old man was injured during an attack on the outskirts of kherson. he was in a car during the shelling. he is currently in a serious condition in the hospital, the city military administration said. 47-year-old woman wounded during enemy attacks on the village of zelenivka. she was in the yard, the woman is in a moderate condition in the hospital.
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at night, the russians shelled the city of selidove in donetsk region, partially destroyed educational institutions. storozh is under rubble, the local military administration said. a search-and-rescue operation is underway at the site, and multi-story residential buildings have also been damaged. the frozen assets of russia and those associated with it should be confiscated and work to protect against terror. stated in president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in his evening video address. it is fair to respond to the terrorist, fair to destroy the terrorists and fair to make the terrorist state pay for what it is doing. and we are working with our partners as energetically as possible so that the decision regarding the russian assets is as soon as possible. today about...
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held a meeting with the head of european diplomacy borelam, in particular we talked about the confiscation of russian assets. indeed, what is needed is a unified and strong decision, one that demonstrates our mutual respect for international law and complete contempt for the terrorist state. the us senate has failed an attempt to strengthen border security, provide aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the senate voted not to approve the $118 billion package. more than a dozen votes were needed to start work on the legislative initiative. however, the congress decided to try to vote on a bill on financing aid, in particular to ukraine, but without migration reform and border security. voting will take place today. and us president joe biden is sharp criticized republicans in the senate after
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the failure of the bill to help allies and fund the protection of the southern borders of the united states, writes cnn. the american leader said that he never thought he would see something like this on the capitol hill. biden accused former president donald trump of blocking the important bill. former scout roman chervinskyi was again left under. in custody without the right to make a deposit. such a decision was made by the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv. in order to give the main witness, an employee of the sbu, was to attend the testimony of the court session. however, he did not appear, he was unexpectedly sent on a business trip. the defense side stated that it will appeal the decision of the raisud, because the suspicion against chervinskyi is not justified. we will remind you that roman chervinskyi is accused of exceeding his official powers, which led to rocket fire. to the
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kanatove airfield in the kirovohrad region in the summer of 2022. we really proved today that the suspicion was groundless. today we proved the fabrication of case materials, we proved that today the fact that the pre-trial investigation bodies influence the witnesses and actually do everything so that the witnesses of the prosecution, whom we try to interrogate in court, directly, they actually do not, deprive them of the opportunity to come to court. about half of the total is in ivano-frankivsk. of educational schools switched to distance learning due to numerous reports of landmines. the educational process in this form will continue at least until the end of the week. our carpathian correspondents will continue in more detail. notification of mining educational institutions in ivano-frankivsk
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received even during the holidays. the emails continued to arrive late last week. when warnings about possible landmines became more frequent, the authorities decided to implement. this is distance learning for at least a week. the lesson started at 8 o'clock, a letter was received, the headmaster takes the children outside, calls the relevant services, waits for an inspection, the institution is inspected, the children go, return to resume the educational process, and again a similar letter, that is, it is no longer possible to conduct the educational process, to conduct a lesson, that is why it was decided to switch to a distance form of education after all, from last thursday to the e-mail address of our gymnasium... messages about landmines were received, taking into account the fact that the instructions for actions regarding landmines and air raids, they completely different, when during a flight alert we bring the children into the shelter and stay with them, then during such replacement notifications we have to take the children outside to an open space.
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taking into account the weather conditions, for the purpose of protection children, both physical and psychological protection, because the children alone were worried, cried, worried, it was the first time for them. schoolchildren have gotten used to the new and old conditions of the educational process, yuriy, a sixth-grade student of the 10th ivano-frankivsk lyceum , also sees advantages in the so-called home lessons - he likes the high-quality video material prepared by teachers to interest students. in general, i prefer going to face-to-face classes, because you can meet friends, but distance learning is more for me, well, i also like it, because you can go, well , you will always be in class, you can study without... and also the teachers come up with various good presentations and interesting videos. if there are no more reports of landmines, it is likely that the educational process in schools will resume from next monday. if the threats continue, students in ivano-frankivsk will continue to study
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remotely. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, for the tv channel. the espresso tv channel invites you to join the collection of fpv drones for... a separate drone platoon of the sapsan aviation complexes, the state special transport service, these courageous soldiers are actively conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. remember, the best investment in our freedom is funding for the armed forces of ukraine. now. you can see all the information you need on your screens, so scan and don't forget to donate. a separate platoon of drones aviation complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the tv channel to join
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the fundraising for drones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. glory to the heroes, that's it. you can find all the news for this hour, more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso, we will see you later good morning, dear friends , we wake up, turn on the espresso, brew espresso, americano, cocoa, tea, or whatever anyone can brew for themselves, or just water, and start
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watching our marathon, which we continue for 715 days, that's how long the full-scale invasion lasts muscovites to ukraine, that's how many they are... trying to steal our peace and our country from us, and we 'll just start with our traditional morning roll call. regions where it is most difficult, where there is a russian occupier nearby, today is no exception , we will start with donetsk region, we will start with luhansk region, precisely with the north donetsk community, which unfortunately is almost completely occupied by the russian federation, it still remains, what is life like there, what is the situation at the front there now, that's all shall we speak, too... what more shall we say? and i have something to say? yesterday
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, by chance, i saw a video where handsome, handsome guys dance hopak, hopak to the tune of shchedrik, shchedrik, i think so, how is it here , hopak, to shchedrik, how does it go together, i started following this link that i used to see this video and it took me off the page. we can eventually watch a snippet of this, so you don't think i'm making something up, that hopak are dancing to the generosity, to leontovich's generosity, leontovich is turning over in his grave somewhere, here's the video, and you can provide the sound, yes.
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i followed the link to this video, i think, who is dancing it, the hopaka podshedryka with whom somehow it goes together strangely, incompatible things, i went in, and it says that this is a ballet by igor moiseyev, i think, i don’t know about us such a ballet by igor moiseev. i know another ensemble that dances very well, hopaka , in which even chapkis danced, he was a soloist once so that the whole world looked up to him, and when they traveled, this is me now about the virskyi ensemble, when they traveled abroad on tours back in soviet times, they checked them , of course, that sometimes they didn't say something bad or unkind about the soviet union abroad, so they looked at chapkis to see if he had a motor installed in his lap, because... he danced so well, but no, no, this is not our ukrainian ballet at all,
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this is the state academic folk dance ensemble named after ihor moiseyev, that's how it's written, this video is captioned with a good evening, i hope you have a good evening, but you know me, here it's all the video we see, like this navka or how her wife of this russian spokesperson who stole her music. loviy and they staged evening fur, biz dekanky staged it on the ice , she staged this show and there is our mavka, there is a forest mavka, not her, there are also mavikas, there are such drones it would also be good if the mavics flew there for their ice show where they decided to steal our oksana and our vakula. vakula was really dressed in a moscow braid, because they don't have their own embroidered women. they don't do it just like that, dear friends, because you and i know that hopaky is an ancient ukrainian dance that... originates from zaporizhia sich, we know that shchedrik is a ukrainian shchedrivka that has been processed
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leontovych, and then she, the košice choir went on tour abroad, and this generosity became known to the whole world, but the whole world to the end does not yet know that it is ukrainian, and the muscovites, stealing it and signing it as their own, do it for a reason, because they steal our history and pass it off as theirs, and then they will show the world, look... we are a few hundred years ago this they were still dancing, but then there was no mention of ukraine, they have been doing it for a long time with confidence, and they steal not only washing machines, so if you suddenly see such a video somewhere, come to the comments under these videos, send complaints, that's how social networks work, say it's stolen, say it's ukrainian, write in ukrainian, write in english, well, if you don't already know, then write in russian, but at least tell them that they stole it, not the fact that they won't ban it. this comment, well, but we have to win back our own, because they want to do everything to prove to the world that ukraine is
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a fictional country, a country that did not exist, in fact they did not exist, and we are already starting our roll call, oleksandr stryuk is joining us , the head of the severodonetsk city military-civilian administration, mr. oleksandr, good morning to you, good morning, that the occupiers are stealing right now in severodonetsk, how is the situation there, you know, they are allegedly continuing. of course , they open apartments, well, sometimes it gets ridiculous, they change the plumbing fixtures in the apartments, taking out people 's valuables, putting them on... it's clear that, er, well, it's the usual marodev algorithm, as if we're repairing , but all the same , it is better to take everything, and what is the general situation at the front in luhansk region now? well, quite difficult battles, our defenders are holding the defense both near beilohorivka and near kremina,
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currently in almost all points where there is a particle free territory of luhansk region. quite complex battles are going on around, if we talk about the so-called lpr in general, then what is happening there now, i understand that everyone there is preparing for the elections of president putin, the re-election of president putin, that is, all the residents of luhansk region who are there now, they will to take part in these elections, i understand correctly, yes, they are trying to forcibly carry out passporting even without a russian passport, well, it is almost impossible for a person to get either medical care or any... to solve social issues, all this only for the presence of this russian paper, however , the problems that people have, they remain unresolved, in particular in the madhryntsi community, this is the flooding of the suburbs and these villages that are part of the community, in particular the orphanage there, a difficult situation in the military flooding, so the occupiers are trying to paint
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a picture , while not helping people to survive. ugh, well, i will also ask about the fact that i read that in luhansk they are looking for sponsors and investors to restore the amusement park on the first of may, if it is being prepared for the summer, yes the city is called a park like that, do they want to restore it on may day, no, may day is named after may day, so somehow life goes on, it goes on, somehow they are preparing, people have some kind of plan. in general, who cares, their pr-political actions look quite sad, when in a city that has been destroyed, the housing stock is destroyed, the infrastructure is destroyed, events are held there in honor of some military servicemen and so on, flowers are placed against the background of destroyed buildings ,
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well, i'm sorry, this is some kind of blasphemy, but... what now in north donetsk itself, is something being rebuilt there following the example of mariupol, as the occupiers say? well , there are no such large-scale reconstruction projects in severodonetsk, the only thing they do, i repeat, is such ongoing assembly line repair, i would say those surviving buildings that exist, which consists in replacing windows, entrance doors, and also there are supposed to be heating wiring. well, such that simply without special tension, but it can be done on a large scale, using the funds that are provided there, to the local occupation administration, they dug up half of the city, supposedly to replace the heat collector, half of it was left unearthed, the boiler house, which
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was supposed to work, until now something is being fixed there, sometimes it is not being fixed, yes. several tens of multi-apartment buildings in the city are heated, well, mostly occupied by the military or representatives of the occupation authorities, well, they are not especially heated, and two-thirds of the city is freezing. mr. oleksandr, we now see in the news that people are returning to the occupied from time to time mariupol, precisely because they are afraid that their homes will be taken away by the russians. what are the statistics of how many people left severodonetsk due to russian aggression. and how many eventually returned because they were afraid they would lose their homes? i'll tell you this, since the city was completely occupied, almost 80-85 percent of the community left the city, those people who remained and were forced to stay in the occupation, they stayed there,
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units are returning, that's even, well, not according to statistics affects and cannot be called statistics. although the threats are coming, they are saying that the apartments will be alienated, the apartments, the owners of which were evicted, evacuated from the territory of the city , are removed, distributed to some unknown persons there, unfortunately, this practice exists, well, thank you for the news of occupied donetsk oleksandr stryuk, head of the severodonetsk city military-civil administration , was in touch with us, we are going for a short one. then we will return and continue our roll call and move to dnipropetrovsk oblast, we will find out how things are there, and how, in the end, are the policemen who refused to go to the stormtroopers gone. or did they agree stay with us. kratal contains natural components that carefully
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7:22 am
hello, this is the freedom of the mornings. radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the korabelny district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, the country. and feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to
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22 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's go. the best roads will be even better with us, a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. today at 9:15 p.m.
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important, knowledge about the ox saves lives. well, friends, we're back on the air, let's continue our roll call. khrystyna kalyushak paltek, deputy. the dnipropetrovsk regional council is already in touch with us, mrs. khrystyna, we see you, but we don't hear you yet, we say good morning to you, if he is good in the dnipro, in the dnipropetrovsk region, tell us what the situation is, good morning, good morning, how , how are things in dnipro, was the night peaceful, tell us, in dnipropetrovsk region that night there was an air alert for 30 minutes, there were... er, drones flew past it there balls are a little ballistic, but in principle everything is fine, but dnipropetrovsk is recovering
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massively after yesterday. our renamed city of nova-samar was affected by the attack, this is the former novomoskovsk, i will remind you, there was a large drone attack there and , unfortunately, the city lost all utility equipment, petroschyna, that is, the city was left without utility equipment, pavlograd was also affected, there were attacks on enterprises, but fortunately without human casualties and without people who were injured, and actually i was also just looking at these pictures from the former is already novomoskovskiy , so the former can already be called that, because it is still written that way that novomoskovskiy was accepted, you know, that’s the case here, they took it for granted that it is already
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the former, but so far... the names, road signs have not been changed, and this it's like a birthday without a cake, it's like everything is there, but something is missing, well, now there's also a lack of utility equipment, unfortunately, after the move , there is a serious problem, there won't even be what the mayor of the city said to clean up if there are more serious snows , they still theoretically can to be, because there is still a little bit of february and even march ahead, and there may be some snow, yes , mrs. khrystyna, but this attack, perhaps it... pushed those representatives of the special purpose regiment, about whom all of ukraine learned the day before, who refused to be transferred to assault brigade lyud, such an incident happened in dnipropetrovsk region, in fact, we all saw this video, how they argue with
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volodymy, the head of the main department of the national police of dnipropetrovsk region. by god, and on that conversation, we can't, unfortunately, her to demonstrate, because, firstly, there is a lot of obscene language, and secondly, it turned out that most of the policemen, these special forces, speak russian, and in that video, it becomes clear from the conversation that some of them, for example , were once in the ranks of berkut, but now they say that they do not want to join this assault brigade. because they got hurt and in general, why do they have to go there, if they are the police, well, as far as i know, after all, a decision was made, let's say, a decision of the headman, or you go to assault brigade, or after all , it is this one that is being reformed. unit, how
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much it corresponds to the official information , how much it happened that it's true, i can't say, uh, but this is the information, let's say, about the passed, uh, uh, uh, regarding this case, well russian language, uh, i can say that in the dnipro, if in principle a person. is a little nervous, or it is not an official conversation, then the russian language is used, and in the case of police officers or with representatives of the authorities, when the first to start talking is the person who addresses to a police officer or to a representative of the authorities , then they switch to the russian language, because it's just that, well, we understand that there are...
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different cases, and it's simply easier and faster for a person to explain it, for example, in russian there, for various reasons . in principle, it is partly clear that if they all go, then who will stay for the right, well, here for protection in the dnipro, but for when the decision was made that who would move to this particular ee...


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