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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EET

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to all mariupol residents not to participate, even if they want to vote against the main sinkhole of russia, not to participate in this farce, because it can be dangerous, because the russians will arrange the provocations themselves, so that later they will tell how and why there were no mariupol residents, so which was very scary, because provocations are arranged, mr. dmytro, thank you. dmytro zabavin, deputy of the mariupol city council, told us some news from occupied mariupol, dear friends, and now news about ukraine and what is happening in the world will tell kateryna shirokopoyas, she is already ready with a fresh selection. katya, i congratulate you on your word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the statements of the white house regarding the financing of defense assistance to ukraine and the updated information about the trial of the former intelligence officer roman chervinsky.
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greetings, it's news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night , russia attacked ukraine with 17 missiles. the drones were launched from the temporarily occupied crimea. our defenders shot down 11 strike drones. air defense forces worked in mykolaiv, odesa, vinnytsia and dnipropetrovsk regions, the air force reported. the attack was carried out by anti-aircraft missile units, as well as mobile fire groups. at night, the enemy hit the civil infrastructure of odesa with mortars, a partially destroyed unfinished high-rise building, as well as a mutilated educational institution. there, the roof was broken, the ceilings were destroyed, and the windows were broken. this was announced by the head of the region oleg kiper.
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fortunately, there were no dead or injured. the russians wounded two residents of the kherson region. a 56-year-old man was injured during an attack on the suburbs kherson he was in a car during the shelling, and is currently in a serious condition in the hospital, the city's military administration said. a 47-year-old woman was injured during enemy attacks on the village of zelenivka. she was in the yard. the woman is in a moderate condition in the hospital. at night, the russians shelled the city of selidove in donetsk region, educational institutions were partially destroyed, a watchman is under the rubble, the local military administration said, a search and rescue operation is ongoing, and multi-story residential buildings were also damaged. and to operational information from the front, 92 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the russians spent. unsuccessful
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assault actions in seven directions. the hottest near avdiivka. the ukrainian military repelled 40 attempts by the enemy to withdraw from the city. on the marino direction. our soldiers stopped 22 attacks by the occupiers, the general staff reported. the occupiers do not abandon their attempts to knock out the defense forces from the left bank of the kherson region. the armed forces of ukraine repelled four attacks there. our aviation and missile forces struck at nine positions of the russians and two battalions. passed the enemy. and to make it easier for our soldiers to fight, the espresso tv channel invites you to join the gathering for fpv and fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aviation complexes of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy, thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressors. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for
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flying weapon remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. the us senate has failed an attempt to strengthen border security, to provide aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the senate did not approve the $118 billion package to begin work on the legislative initiative by a vote, more than a dozen votes were missing, but the congress decided. to try to pass a bill on financing aid, in particular to ukraine, but without migration reform and border security. voting will take place today. and us president joe biden sharply criticized the republicans in the senate after the failure of the bill to help allies and fund the protection of the southern borders of the us, writes cnn. the american leader said he never thought he would see anything. biden
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accused former president donald trump of blocking an important bill. suspension of finance. aid to ukraine from the united states of america is causing a shortage of shells in the military armed forces of ukraine at the front. this was stated by the coordinator of the national security council of the white house, john kirby. it is known that some units are already redistributing ammunition stocks, which are rapidly running out. the russians are trying to use the moment to attack ukrainian positions and peaceful places more. former. spy roman chervinskyi was again kept in custody without bail. this is the decision of the shevchenko district court of kyiv. in order to testify, the main witness, an employee of the sbu, had to attend the court session. however, he did not appear, he was unexpectedly sent on a business trip. the
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defense said it would appeal the decision raisud, because chervinskyi's suspicion is unfounded. we will remind, roman chervinskyi is accused of exceeding. official powers, which led to the missile attack on the kanatove airfield in the kirovohrad region in the summer of 2022. today we really proved the unfoundedness of the suspicion, today we proved the fabrication of the case materials, today we proved the fact that the pre-trial investigation authorities influence the witnesses and actually do everything so that... the prosecution witnesses , whom we are trying to question in court, directly, they actually no, they are deprived of the opportunity to appear in court. instead of libraries, gadgets, digitization of young people became one of the reasons for refusing to read books. what kind of literature
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do ukrainian teenagers prefer today and how to encourage them to read, my colleague daria ruban will tell. according to research by analysts of the program. according to the international assessment of students, less than half of ukrainian teenagers read only when they need to get certain information or when they have to. in addition, they do not consider this occupation important, despite such disappointing statistics and military reality, more and more new ukrainian publishing houses are appearing on the territory of our country, which are aimed specifically at children and teenagers, notes literary critic and editor ilya rudiyko. but it is more valuable as a flagship. still considers foreign bestsellers. a lot of literature is currently appearing, which is called young adult, that is, it is ordinary teenage literature, in fact, it is just a new fashionable word, one might say. these are usually romance novels, these are usually novels in such a
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fenty setting, in such a medieval setting, perhaps entourage, a lot of this is now being published in our country, a lot of this is being written abroad, they are quite actively appearing here. translations of such literature. ukrainian authors are now aiming at somewhat more serious literature that reflects current events and tries to make sense of what is happening in our country now. and it is also in great demand among readers. in addition , science fiction from ukrainian authors, including svitlana taratorina, max kidruk and pavlo derevyanko of bilotserkiv, appear on the shelves. but according to the book blogger anna polehenko, the example of fathers is important for teenagers. and peers. last year alone, the 16-year-old girl read 145 books, and over the past three years as many as half a thousand. a child will not like to read if his parents do not give him the right example. i was lucky because my mother and my sister read to us since childhood, and then we
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always had literature at home that we could take to read. here the question is not that you need to move them away from social networks, but how you can bring books and social networks together, well on my own example, i read books, but at the same time i talk about them on instagram, in other social networks, that is, i am not weaned from it, but i learned to combine and combine it with benefit for myself, for other children, teenagers who read me. fantasy, romantic comedy, adventure, children's literature and a variety of other books. young people take their love from bookshelves. manga, which can be a good start to a great reading, has been attracting a lot of attention lately. as the literary critic ilya shares, currently, books have to compete with video games, movies, and tv series. you have to fight for the attention of teenagers, and here literature
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clearly loses, but at the same time i can say that in the last 10 years , teenagers are really children, they have started to read much more, and in particular they read a lot of ukrainian classics. however, the literary choice depends on the preferences of the reader himself, his mood and needs. the main thing is that ukrainian youth remain educated and always raise their level of intelligence. daria ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your preferences. next, my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. see you good morning, dear friends, we continue our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio, and
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now we want to thank you, i don't know how you do it, but for the second day in a row we have exactly 38 uah it accumulates in a day, it's a good pace, it's good results, that's what i'm for i am incredibly grateful to you, grateful for the fact that you contribute your hryvnia to support our army, and in fact i remind all those who want to... support the army, but have not yet done so, or did it yesterday, but still want to do it today, i remind you about who we are collecting for and for what, we are collecting for the 141st brigade, which is currently working in the zaporizhzhia direction, eh, and we are collecting for them narratives, batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, detection drones and a lot of all kinds of necessary equipment, gadgets that will... help destroy moskal. now you see all the necessary information on your screens. first,
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you can see who is collecting the espresso tv channel together with the iryna koval charitable fund. iryna koval is our host and our volunteer. we need to collect uah 1 million, dear friends, we already have uah 371,805 54 kopecks. there are about 29 left to make 400,000. well, if... we keep this pace, i think we will end the week at half a million, maybe even more, who knows, at least keep the pace, you are good , we from time to time we will still show qr codes with which you can transfer your funds, and we hope that you will not lose this pace, because our military needs your help very much, and there is already a huge queue of all those waiting for our meetings, for our support, especially you from... know that now it is more and more difficult for the military to collect what they
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need to destroy moskal. well, we include our guest, serhiy bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. sergey, good morning. mr. serhiu. glory armed forces greetings colleagues, but there are some technical misunderstandings, i can hardly hear you. that's right, now it's good, now i hear, thank god, your prayers. uh, great, although we know that the news from odesa is not very great, mr. serhiy, tell us, well, actually, why not great, because as a result of an enemy attack, of course, there is the destruction of civilian objects, civilian infrastructure, first of all we are all talking about an educational institution, there is a study of the shahed, the roof is broken, the ceilings on the floors are broken, and it is clear that there are also window frames flew, and... glass everywhere, also the unfinished building was damaged, non-critically, well, as far as it
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can be generally non-critically, and the most important thing, why i say that in principle we are happy about it, because there are no victims, there are no dead in our country, this is the most important thing the result, well, actually mostly the majority of air targets in odesa were destroyed, destroyed, destroyed five komikat drones of the minecraft type, in mykolayiv oblast, our neighbors also had a rather difficult situation, and. three drones were destroyed, and they also destroyed two uavs in vinnychyna, so the result of air defense is of course effective, normal, there are also hits, but there are no victims, and i say this again, the most important thing is that the night is not calm, by and large, i will say frankly, we expected this attack, predicted it, because it is already some kind of tactic or tradition of mohshan, that they try to continue after the missile attacks. well, excuse me for making such a comparison, how they polished something from above,
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they are actually attacking with kamikaze drones, just like in the southern areas of our country, and you see, we were not mistaken in this, and they are coming in from the sea again, trying again to use the surface of the sea to make it harder for us to catch them, and actually harder to work on defeating these targets. yesterday in the parliament , the law on mobilization and strengthening of mobilization was voted on in the first reading, and i simply cannot count correctly here, because there are different data from odesa, there are either 14 or 12 deputies, and of them... accordingly more half did not support this draft law, well, in particular, from well-known deputies, this is, for example, solomiya bobrovska, who will be on our air today, by the way, to explain why she is not in favor of it voted, or, for example, oleksiy goncharenko, who has his own draft law on mobilization, mr. serhiy, how is this bill viewed in odessa, and how
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in general, and your thoughts on this, what is happening in kyiv now? well, the fact that the law on mobilization is needed, although actually for me, you know, for almost two years of a full-scale invasion, it sounds strange that we are only now returning to this topic, we all remember very well that it started in our country on february 24, and those who really remember that everything started on the 14th remember even better full mobilization, well, for this we need some clearer rules, perhaps that is why this draft law is now... and in the first reading it was adopted, how successful it is, time will tell, of course, because the main thing is to fulfill it, we need mobilization, we need people at the front, and there are enough of these positions, rear, as they are called, or front, and today there is simply a unique opportunity to even choose the place
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of service, which brigade you will be in, so you know, i think i am a little politicized by this ... saying, question mobilization, we need less politics , we need unity, i may say some banal things now, but otherwise we will not actually carry out the mobilization, as the time demands, of course, we can talk about the fact that today ukraine maintains defense on its territory, comes in russian, and it 's true, it's such easy trolling, but on the other hand, it's the life of our people, it's not trolling, it's the reality of what's happening, which we've already returned. the war, where did it come from, and mobilization is needed, there are not enough people, the relevant recruiting companies now our units of the ukrainian volunteer army are also conducting it, and of course we will invite people, we have, let’s say, a slightly different approach to motivation, first of all, but motivation here is necessary for every person, and therefore
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there must be clear rules of mobilization as well, well, it is already the duty of deputies to adopt the best possible laws. but less about politics, you say that unity is needed, but how to achieve this unity, you must have seen the video, we also discussed it today on our air with a deputy from the dnipro days, how police special forces in dnipro say that they will not sign up for the assault brigade, or you have probably seen a video of a woman who ended up in kosmachi driving with a child. were interrupted by other women who had set up such a roadblock, because someone somewhere had told them that she was coming to them, that actually women would distribute summonses, and then they thought that this woman was actually the gunner for the military commissar, and well, we see such separation between people of different e different
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statuses, different professions, different sexes, how to achieve this unity? well first of all communication, it is somehow put away in a long box there, and we do not return to this question, well, i am not actually talking about us now, we have communication, well, thank god, i think, but here i am about space now, i think, there communication is at least absent, it is so deliberate and correct on both sides, including regarding the policemen, by the way, there are clear rules for each situation and frankivsk, you need to... talk to people about everything, not persuade, but explain that and how it will take place and why this mobilization is needed, well, tomorrow they will be to stop the russian tanks there in the frankiv region in this way, well, i think that they will not stop them in this way, that is why people must also draw conclusions, and regarding this video, well, i already said that they do not want
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to join the offensive brigade, well, please, let's go to other brigades, they have a choice, in general, for me it's... tequency, well, honestly, you know, grown people, write out a summons and let them enforce the law, the more they serve, there's no need to translate such episodes on all our structures and in the plan there for everything the national police, the entire security service of ukraine, you understand what i'm talking about, to the main intelligence department, to other units, a lot of comrades from there are fighting, some of them, unfortunately, have died, have injuries, but i won't, well well... let them join us, we will accept, we have places to fight, a lot of locations, very much, mr. sergey, you talk about communication, but, well, even, for example, foreign ones... colleagues say that time to stop, for example, the telethon only news, but no one listens, the telethon continues to work, and he communicates some other picture, well, i
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, for example, about the story with those dnipro policemen, which everyone is actually discussing, it seems to me, but they are discussing all this must be discussed somewhere earlier in the kitchen in the soviet union, now it can be discussed somewhere in social networks, because, well, at the level, well, for example, on the website of the ministry of internal affairs. there are some reports that the police have detained someone in the dnipro, there are also a couple of news from the dnipro, but there is nothing about this particular story, as if, well, well, but there is, but i saw a comment from a deputy or patrol or national police officer, who, by the way , is fighting and has been fighting since the ato, and he also commented on it and said that the conclusions were drawn, i think that as an officer, as a person, it also affected him, it was felt in that comment koro. but it seems to me that you can read between the lines, i hope it really doesn't get lost somewhere in the bowels of the department, as it often happened, or they report that everyone left, in fact
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will stay in their places, there is a law, it must be obeyed, i have already said that there is full mobilization, there are relevant decrees of the president and laws once again, on february 24, we will remind you two years, so it causes me quite a lot of such emotions for nothing . as for the information component, everyone who works for the state must work for the state in the information field , including, communications must be appropriate, and indeed two years of war they change the information space and, let's say, the format of communication, therefore and unity is also necessary here, we have had enough specialists in two years, i am now without irony, i am not experienced experts, so they should be used as much as possible. but on the scale of the entire country, there is no doubt here, and from those who have worked hard in this regard, well, maybe we should, if not refuse,
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then there should be a reformat, that’s clear, thank you very much for this conversation, serhiy brachuk was with we are the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, we talked about the situation in odessa, which was attacked by drones tonight, well, and i also want to say that in... russia, a powerful explosion at a factory in udmurt, which is engaged in production of strategic nuclear missiles . a huge explosion of posts in social networks, a giant, these drones of ours are unlikely to go there, but it is really very far, there were tests of planned rocket engines, as reported in the official reports of the russian ministry of defense, that's what it is there, how serious the destruction is, so far... there is no information, but this is already top information now in all russian media , and we do not
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know what the consequences of all this are yet, but we will follow this information as well, and it is also interesting that putin was going to to turkey to erdoğan, but somehow his visit was postponed, postponed because of what, it's also interesting, i don't know, maybe he wanted to leave, maybe he didn't relax. by the way, there is also interesting information about the fact that the former chief of the general staff of the russian federation, who is already retired, general yuriy baluyevsky, uh, gave an interview, the russian general, this is the one who is now, now they have this one, the one who is now gerasimov, that was the same gerasimov, that's what he said. that the war in ukraine, he calls the war a war, by the way, none, revealed the problems of the key types of weapons of the russian army, artillery,
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missile systems, tanks and aviation, said that the fugitive artillery, missile complexes are significantly inferior to the western ones, and said that on the face of it, the qualitative superiority of nato artillery, that’s what he said, so tanks said too we have bad ones, nothing at all, aviation could not solve the issue of suppressing air defense, in other words, that's it. you know, since it's russia, and nobody says anything there, i think that all of this it was said only so that now let's make even better tanks, even more and even more money for this wine of course, of course, well, but none the less, that is, he concluded that 20 trillion rubles were spent on the modernization of the army, well, he did not he said, probably everything was leaked, but in principle it reads like this between the lines, i understand that the general is already retired, he is in his 80s, and he thinks that they will not reduce my pension for him anymore, but you already know the pension, no they will reduce it, for sure, or
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maybe he, too, with that one... has dug up something for himself there somewhere in the garden, so everything is fine with him, he knows what he is talking about, dear friends , we are going to take a break, come back and continue, next we will have dmytro lazutkin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a poet, stay with us, kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart, kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizing heart contractions, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on psyk, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, fam and savings. stiffness in the joints and spine, osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. with all these problems, you will find the means for external use of decrasin useful. consultations by phone. 0800, 215, 349. calls are free. shakhtar marseille
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the processes. happening in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of crown posts and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. everything is most important today at 9:15 p.m. velikiy lviv speaks in the project on espresso tv channel. i'm here temporarily,
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i'll be back home soon, live now where you are. dear friends, we are returning to ether, continuing our marathon, and now we will have dmytro lazutkin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a poet, with us, mr. dmytro, good morning, how much ether do you have, is mr. dmytro already us, no, he is not ready yet.


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