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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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and velikiy lviv speaks on the air of the espresso tv channel. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. dear friends, we are back on the air, we will continue our marathon, and now dmytro lazutkin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine and a poet, will be with us. mr. dmitry, good morning. how many broadcasts will last somewhere? is mr. dmytro already us, no, he is not ready yet.
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dmytro is now somewhere in the avdiivskyi direction, if i am not mistaken, mr. dmytro, welcome, hello, yes, indeed, i am in the vdiivskyi direction, what's the news from there? but news, well, actually the situation is very complicated. and the situation is quite alarming, because the enemy continues to attack , their artillery has intensified, they are also dropping missiles on the city, during the day there were several dozen missile launches, that is , they are bombing avdiyivka, and the kosochemical plant and the surrounding areas, yuriy butusov visited there a couple of days ago and posted a video of the city itself, it is almost so badly mutilated, gutted. and also
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reported that somewhere on the outskirts russian troops had already entered avdiivka, to what extent there is a danger that the city will not succeed at all, will not be able to be held, well , there the issue of logistics plays a decisive role, the road that goes to avdiivka through lastochkin, it has been shot through for a long time, and actually where yuri butusov took the photo, there too,... it flew in more than once, and there are destroyed cars on the side of the road, and the vandalized areas are generally expensive, but less so, the issue of logistics is the key to keeping the avdiivka at the moment, because the occupiers did not manage to enter through the village of stpv from the north, berdychi, where he holds the 47th position a highly mechanized brigade, and now they are trying to bypass the avdiyivka chemical... plant from the northeast and go to
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the territory that is the entrance to avdiivka, and thus cut the logistics, they are currently unable to do this , the route is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, but at the same time, it is shot through by the invaders, so this is a very important moment in the defense of avdiyivka. those russians who are now in avdiivka, who are they, how many are there, how many are armed? they are armed quite well, we saw destroyed modern equipment, there were also armored cars, terminators, tanks breakthrough, that is, everything they have is the most modern they have, they use it in avdiivka, and in fact, if we talk about the personnel, it is several motorized rifle brigades, plus these are tank divisions, if we mention again storm z and storm b, then these subdivisions are also present. they often
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go forward and try, they try to either expose the fire points of ukrainian units, or to break through the defense, smear some weak points in it, that is, they use all the forces and means available to them at the moment, accordingly, the defense forces track the movements of the occupiers, destroy them with fpv drones , bradley pronemachines, yesterday... a video appeared of how the 59th brigade also destroys one of the russian tanks with a skid, that is, also, with what the ukrainian defenders of the city of avdiyivka can do, that is what they are trying to stop the occupiers, and at the moment, we can say that in most areas around the perimeter of avdiyivka, the line of combat does not change, but there is no need to calm down, because in very difficult... conditions
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, our servicemen are now heroically holding the defense and the enemy is suffering huge losses, but is not getting the job done avdiivka, he continues to push and attack from different... areas, mr. dmytro, literally yesterday the verkhovna rada voted for the law on strengthening mobilization in the first reading, at the same time there are already many comments on it, and it is interesting that in the end even the deputies voted for the law of the former opzh, for the most part, it was thanks to them that he was finally voted in, at the same time we see various such stories, such as, for example, in dnipro from special police officers who say that let the armed forces of ukraine fight, we are policemen, not soldiers, or, for example, this story in cosmo, or when the women masked the roadblock to prevent tsc employees from entering the city, and
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it is obvious that, too, there are also questions that are not voiced on live broadcasts very often, but are we at a nationwide marathon, but obviously there are some after.. . dispersed very hopefully for a quick victory and a quick end to the war, a successful counteroffensive and so on and so forth, surely there must be some new, new tonality or a new, new method in the principle of communication so that people in kosmocha understand that this is not a war for donbas, not for crimea, but this is a war for kosmoch as well, do you also feel that something is a little wrong in information policy now? well, when you say that you voted thanks to the opzh deputies , it is already worrying, to be honest, i will point out that the deputy, to the deputies, i apologize , to the military personnel, of course, who are now in the trenches, who are on the front lines or nearby, well, of course, not to proofreading the nuances of draft laws, that is,
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if we talk about the attitude of the military, it should be said that people want one thing first of all, they want everything to be fair, to be justice, so that they... let's say that they don't carry out the mission that the whole country is carrying out, now at this moment in the period of a full-scale invasion, because many eventually get tired, many are psychologically, morally, above all , exhausted because of this defense is quite long and 24-hour in fact, and i want that, well, i talked a lot with many , in fact, guys who are directly infantrymen, and sergeants, everyone says that , well, they are fighting there, and it is their choice, and they understand that are fighting, but should be indeed, some kind of rotation, some kind of replacement, for this there must be a replenishment, and it is very unpleasant to see such videos that appear where people evade, flaunt the fact that they evade
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representatives of the tsc, if we talk about the general information policy, also, so as not to delay , so to speak the answer, but not only people in space. kozmoch people , i think that the whole of europe should understand that here in donbas there is not a local military conflict, what is going on here, well, i don't know how pathetic it would sound, but a war of civilizations, you can to say, a war for the future, because we see that the russians are mobilizing and mobilizing in the occupied territories, that is , if you do not defend your home, your loved ones, your relatives, then in the end you can fight in the army. of the russian federation and then go to the same space or further to poland, romania, hungary, i don’t know, well, that is, to hungary, probably with the least probability, but still, that is, i think that we need to work with information policy and
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it is more flexible to somehow rearrange it, therefore that it should still meet the demands of society, that part of society that is in the rear, and... certainly the military personnel who are defending here now, including the events in ukraine. dmytro , when it comes to the justice of mobilization, what does this justice mean , you know what many people say, well, today we talked about it again with a deputy from the dniprovsk regional council, who said that until the deputies go to fight, then neither will i i'll go, or for example, now they're just writing in the chat, hey... the host is going to fight, then maybe i i will go, well, who else has to go to fight in order for someone else to want to go, well , it seems to me that these are some such throwaways and part of the russian police, in relation to the deputies there, in relation to, well , presenters, this is already such an analogy, yes, its
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continuation, the continuation of this informational and psychological special operation, which has actually been going on for quite a long time, in my opinion, and... this should also be opposed, justice is primarily about the fact that there is someone who declares that he wants to live his life there . life, that he is not a citizen there, he feels, he does not feel himself a citizen of a particular country , but feels like a citizen of the planet earth, so there is no point in defending some borders, and various such very disconnected things from life, someone at this time, so to speak, allows this person to express himself on this topic, sitting in a cold trench under in the rain, with the wind so crazy, and also under fire, and you're still being watched by fpv. well, that is, a reconnaissance drone, and then an fpv drone arrives, you understand, that is, it is very uneven conditions and a very even
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different position in order to, so to speak, to form one's worldview in the future, and for those soldiers who are in occupation, it is clear that such a position looks unacceptable and very, very dishonest, that someone can afford, so to speak, to somehow abstract from this situation, to build. its system of values, regardless of what is happening in reality, in reality there is russian aggression, where ukraine is now defending its statehood, independence, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is protecting its homes, its families , and its future, no matter how loud it is didn't sound but in fact it is so, we did not choose this war, and it is not our desire to go to war, that is, we... all of us not because we like it very much, because simply, well,
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someone took a responsible approach to this , someone from the first days he took responsibility for this, and he is still fighting here and he does not know how much longer it will last, he does not know how long he will fight, since he will be sitting in the trenches and whether he will in principle live to victory. dmitry, you said that there is no time for the military to read draft laws, and that is understandable, because it is not to that, not to reading. even the bill on mobilization, but is there a moment when you can trace what is happening in the political plane in the country, how the military reacts to what concerns them as well, to some misunderstandings between the country's leadership and the military leadership, well, i will say this , very painfully, very acutely, the military reacts to... corruption, that is, when it comes to the distribution of some funds that could now
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be used for the purchase of the same fpv drones, the same means of the rep, because now the enemy has a lot of fpv, they increase the number of attacks both day and night, accordingly , rap means are also needed to install trench rap on the equipment, that is, this is what is needed here and now already, already a... it turns out that some the funds are used, well, let's say, not for the intended purpose, that's very annoying , and many people just say such things to me sometimes, and i understand that it is very sincere, if we talk about e - about some kind of political gossip, or about the fact that now uh, it is often talked about and well, and there are many conversations in it the principle is the same with regard to possibility. or a rumor , or, well, i don’t know how to say that there are resignations of the commander-in-chief, then it’s clear that there is quite a lot of trust in er, valery
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zaluzhnyi is now in the army, and accordingly, well , here, again, it is necessary , it is necessary to have more information about relations, first of all, there on the mountain in order to draw some conclusions, because this vertical is built in a certain way, and a serviceman... of some brigade, who is now in the combat zone, well , it is clear that all these the nuances are unknown, the mechanism has to work, in any case , everyone understands this, and war is not a time for quarrels and discord, this is also, well, an obvious fact, as far as i am concerned. mr. dmytro, thank you, have a calm day, as calm as it can be in the direction where you are now, we wish dmytro lazutkin, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a tv presenter, as some write here, and a poet. mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine and head of the foreign intelligence service
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8:48 am
hi! it's. morning freedom, an informational project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become many like others, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. dear friends, we
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are returning to ether, continuing our marathon, mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, is already with us. of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010, mr. mykola, congratulations, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes , glory to the heroes, mr. mykola, what is the current situation at the front, in your opinion, how long will this so-called winter offensive of the russians last? , well in first of all, we see that russia has taken the main course of conducting offensive operations in winter, they even determined that winter is more effective. comfortable, they always conduct operations now, that is why they have identified several strategic priority areas and putin personally monitors that this strategic process of capturing new territories and cities and clearly moving forward takes place every day, every day a meeting is held precisely in closed formats, with the participation of
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putin, with the participation of sholgu , gerasimova, patrusheva, bortnikov, other security forces who develop different options: first, the capture of avdiyivka, voting in the direction, first of all, of kupyansk, svatovo krymina and lyman in order to create a strategic format for a breakthrough all the way to kharkiv. the third direction is, of course, to hold bakhmut and prevent the liberation of this city, because for putin this military-political format is a sign that he is holding his position, not only that, he is not surrendering, he is advancing, the loss of bakhmut is actually for him. blow, especially before the elections, and it is clear that this is a very important direction the south, where the enemy understands that the blocking of the eastern corridor, the work of recruitment, then takmak and melitopol. this is actually the formation of prerequisites for the encirclement of the zaporozhye group , especially if we conduct operations from the position of the kherson region, therefore the offensive operation
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continues, the enemy throws, i will say frankly, all the reserves that are available, because in this situation we, destroying up to a thousand people killed and approximately how many seriously wounded, we take out several brigades during the week, up to 10 brigades during the month the enemy's manpower, of course, with... units of equipment, tanks, armored personnel carriers, bmps, missile systems, drones, so the detonation is constantly going on, one of these tasks from our side is to hold positions, form fortified areas and , of course, carry out operations to destroy the enemy , it is being implemented, and it is noticeable, but the enemy has determined four directions, and today he is trying to implement any scenario with any losses, so we assume that the enemy will advance for one and a half to two months. to quickly renew the reserves , which are large for offensive operations, c today there are no forces and mobilization resources, this one foresees for another six months to increase the year by another 600 00, then even
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up to a million, this is the future 24th-25th year, where it envisages concentrating mobilization resources and, of course, increasing all fire means for the account of the military industry and international partners of such an authoritarian group as north korea and iraq. other so-called countries that help russia today either directly transfer, or russia returns what it once sold, now carries out re-exports, building up additional forces, ammunition and throwing everything to the front by force in this way, we feel it, literally last night, when it was already flying from north korea, the previous nights, well , it is clear from iran, drones fly over our territories every night, strike, try to carry out special operations, suppressing the spirit, they think, of ukrainians, that is why they are beating in all regions, from the donetsk region to lviv, of course, chernivtsi, khmelnytskyi, rivne region, well, kyiv, of course, odesa, dnipro, that is, in the entire territory
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to create such armageddon as they say so that people are afraid, so that people demand some kind of negotiations, but of course, on the terms of russia , but negotiations, as they say, at the moment, it is necessary to press the ukrainians until they are helped, for example, the west is enough, as they think, the usa first. they make the appropriate decision at the level of the senate and the congress , and it is understandable that europe, which has not fulfilled all the programs that it undertook, especially regarding the supply of ammunition, up to a million for the month of march, now says 500-600 thousand may be, that is why there are such realities, our strategic forces are oriented where these areas are extremely vulnerable , which we talked about, where the enemy tries to advance at least 100, 200, 500... m every day and at such a stage, how to advance further and further, and there to create conditions for a breakthrough, for example, near avdiyivka, trying to capture it and deploy a wide front to capture the entire
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donetsk region, today this is the strategic perspective, we have forces and limited means, but in the strategic direction we have the resources for defense, i emphasize directly, for repelling attacks and destruction the enemy, he communicated literally yesterday , the day before yesterday, with brigade commanders or zand commanders who lead the combat... situation, he says, yes, there is a shortage, we feel it, but there are enough resources to destroy and repel the enemy, we are standing and will not retreat, so to speak , well, practically in no sector, well, with the exception of these small maneuvers, where we carry out one or another model of changing positions, retreat to some extent, but also building up from the flanks or from other positions, that is, it is a difficult, complex combat process, which really needs today system support formats. and weapons , especially the latest, the latest missile systems , respectively, aircraft and especially super important ammunition, actually the fact that american
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aid may not resume, at least until the elections, it is already becoming, it looks similar to, as daria kalynyuk says, the basic scenario, as we to act in order to compensate for the lack, or maybe? in principle, to compensate for the lack of arms supplies from the united states. well, first of all, we have the nearest reifsteim on february 14, where each country is a participant will determine what will be added, and it is not necessarily the states, although the states are looking for different options, not with a vote, how there will be a vote, what format will it be, but there are support programs, they are not as global as the package will be voted, but this is... specific programs of support in specific situations against terrorism, for example, global so to speak, support for countries of democracy, so similarly, there are funds, there are resources accordingly, that is, partial aid
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and so on. will be, although we hope to squeeze in sometime before february-march in all sectors, because i i also spoke with the republicans, especially the democrats, this is understandable support, and most of them say that we are ready to support, the only obstacles are from trump’s side, but we will press to reach a consensus after all, they predicted that it would be february , well, the beginning of march with all these perpetias, the second step, we proceed from the fact that our western allies, 28 countries, have already taken. obligations, i think, narodtimei this will be an extended package, this is the federal republic of germany (germany), which respectively provides armored vehicles and ammunition, literally sold these days air system, and air defense systems , or ammunition for them, missiles, well , demining systems and turnips, in the same way, france continues this direction, they continue right up to the delivery of scandinavia, a large package, each its own part, partly given by eastern
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europe, that is, what can the profit is not significant, but poland gives, as well as the czech republic, bulgaria, discloses a number of resources , greece partially transfers, well , the plan of exports to distant countries, north and south korea transfers to europe, and the europeans transfer to us, this is the first format, the second format, this purchase of weapons and special ammunition, which is in super short supply at the expense of the european union's support fund for ukraine, 5 billion is already there, there was literally a lot, 20 billion is announced in the near future, this is big. an amount that can greatly replenish our arsenal of ammunition and it will be easier for fighters at the front to purchase on foreign markets, i will say directly who accompanied all the processions of the sbo, then the head of intelligence, anything is possible, because these soviet and nato resources are on all continents , and including european countries, and as they rightly said, let's not supply ammunition, equipment
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from europe to third countries, or... pour into ukraine, because now there is an active process of selling various types of weapons, equipment, bopas from european countries, from nato countries, third countries are making money, let's make money here, just like that here is south-east asia, which was heavily supplied with both soviet-made and nato-made products, this is the arab east, there are enormous opportunities, i will say frankly, africa, latin america, you can buy everything and in sufficient quantities , millions, millions of b... passports, this is the second a powerful exit, which is already planned today, but we want to speed it up , we have been telling the state leadership and many partners for months, let's give this format while we are producing, while we are building factories, while the usa will decide, so to speak, what to do next, this format is closing , and the third, extremely important , is our military-industrial complex, the military-orthodox complex, they just failed it at first, now we are gradually building it up, and it is a very correct move,
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these are drones, which is very important. this is a technological solution to the introduction of war and is very noticeable to the enemy on all sectors, the front, the occupied territory and objects on the territory of the russian federation, which we cannot hit by other foreign means according to the agreements, and missile systems, these are our production, kb, beam up to 200 km, this is the entire european part of russia, including moscow, saint-petersburg, the urals, and the south perspective kbe, this is already strategic ballistic. for many years they did not build factories, although we were offered turnkey partners for eight months for all calibers, they did not do this, in the end it is difficult to do anything, this format, it just saves us, and the most important thing for the 24th year was a new
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strategy for waging war, which he recognized as useful . hey, mr. mykola, we have to finish, thank you, mykola molomush, general of the army of ukraine, was with us, at 9 o'clock, we all honor the memory of ukrainians who died due to russian aggression, with a moment of silence. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it. yep.


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