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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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the congress is successful, that is, in the senate it needs more than 60 votes, because it is not a simple majority, it is not necessary 50 plus, because it is an allocation of funds, in the house of representatives, it can be a simple majority, but in the republicans it is very shaky, so actually speaker johnson didn't really want to put it to a vote at all, and even if he didn't put it to a vote, the fact that there would have been... votes, if there wasn't such a general compromise, that's why it's actually so complicated , and there's a lot to say and speaker johnson, the trumpists are threatening that they will to initiate the question of his resignation, trump really intervenes and says that let's wait in general, let's wait until the election to get all the political dividends from this issue, but... again, the main thing is
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always in such cases it's a compromise between the parties , that is, if it is not even there over 95%, then most likely the vote will not be successful, so it is not actually a matter of nuances, but a matter in general of meeting all the needs of basically all parties, both republicans and democrats in both houses of congress, and of course administration well, the us senate will today re-examine the so-called clean bill on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan without migration reform. to be brief, what are the chances that votes for such a bill will be found? well , in principle, they can find votes in the senate, yes, because after all , there are more moderate republicans in the senate, and it is not so difficult, say, and only 10 votes of republicans are needed, because the democrats have 50 votes, in the house of representatives is a bit more difficult, i don't see the signals yet
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that the vote in the house of representatives can still be successful. if there are no votes and neither the second draft law, the first one has already passed, the second one has a chance of not passing. what then? ukraine remains without help, how high are the risks, or will the vote simply be postponed somehow , will it be presented under a different sauce, maybe another draft law in the future? well, look, in principle, as they say, one unsuccessful vote does not put an end to others, yes, to further ones. therefore they will actually try even before that time, i repeat, until they find the optimal compromise between the parties, that is, in fact , no one tells us no forever, yes or no this calendar year, but of course we cannot ignore the fact that each time, with each such vote, to seek votes will be more and more difficult, so here, in principle, as they say, if they try conditionally 10 times and...
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times it does not work, then on the 11th it will be very difficult to hope for a successful vote there, if they are not found on the 11th, the administration has some kind of plan in, i don't know, c, d of the white house so that support for ukraine continues. in principle, several plans have already been partially implemented before, are partially being considered, and there i see, if you look at it that way, if plan b, then it can look like the united states ... turns to its allies and partners in the world and not only in europe and appeal there to provide ukraine with certain weapons and equipment that they can, and it is not a fact, of course, that it will be exactly the weapons there in the modification there that ukraine needs now in 204 year, this must also be understood, and plan c is, in principle, the use of those proverbial frozen assets, but to the right.
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this is such a not very fast scenario, despite the fact that there are a number of bills registered in the congress, it is not yet actually a fact that they will be voted on, so one of the bills, it passed the committee, but let's say, before it was brought to the floor and before a compromise, again well, regarding this vote, it's actually very far, so that's basically the plan. but we have another important question in literally 30 seconds, if possible, very briefly carlson's interview with putin, which announces how much it, considering what may be heard there, can influence the perception of the americans of the events in ukraine, and in particular, i would say that the most important thing that it can influence is can leave certain messages unanswered in the minds and heads of americans, particularly conservatives, because they are very bigoted, unfortunately, they have become about trump and carlson, and they can just... not hear
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an alternative opinion and then broadcast these messages and among themselves, yes, and then a lot it will be very difficult to explain to them the importance of american support and why, for example, it is not possible to end the war with... there in one day. i thank you for your analysis. vladyslav haraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analyst of internews ukraine, guest of our broadcast. in the future, my colleague katya nekrecha has something to say about eurovision news. millions of views, thousands of positive comments, hundreds of reviews from foreign viewers, and so far the first place among bookmakers. tereza maria's song will represent ukraine at this year's eurovision song contest. observers in many videos with reviews are published in different countries.
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bookmakers changed their bets and now teresa maria has taken first place, great britain is in second place, and italy is in third place. this year the competition will be held in sweden in the city of malmö in may, and what else? to express a duet from ukraine, now let's talk, and we will do it together with alyona alyona, a ukrainian rapper, songwriter and influencer and a member of the duet created for the national selection of eurovision 2024 alyona alyona and jerry hale. welcome to ours ether, thanks for joining. good day everyone. i would like to ask you about your emotions immediately after winning the national selection, and what are your plans, how do you plan to submit your number, maybe you can tell us a little something when you open it. secrets, maybe something will change in the costumes, in the staging, in the visual design? well, i don't know how much i was somehow hooked, i don't know how to properly say this, this emotion, i just, i just all the words and all the letters in my head rattled in different directions,
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well, but still realization probably passed the next day when i started write a lot of people with whom i once worked in former jobs, even before i was famous, about the fact that... they voted, supported, worried, but i realized where such a large number of people came from, and we already we spend a lot of time in various calls, with teams in order to analyze all that feedback from the jury, from people who wrote comments on various social networks, everywhere on youtube, on tik tok, on instagram, with the fact that if they saw what flaws they saw in the room, and we would certainly like to change this number, we have our own visions. and then we were preparing it, relying on many different people responsible for it, now i want to take a little more part in it and add more of my own personal one, maybe then the vision will be different and the number will look different, but we are all in the process of preparation , because
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i want to live up to the expectations of the bookmakers, as you have already shown, who simply put us first, and this kind of support and evaluation from the bookmakers and... the international public, and the ukrainian public, is completely unexpected. viewers, that is, about the international audience , it is so unexpected, but yana and i can now really see how and what fruits our being in europe has given, a lot with her, especially in 2022, we traveled to all the volunteer centers of all european countries, singing songs there for free, or collecting funds for ukraine, getting to know local activists who helped organize and rent these volunteer centers, and we saw that the ukrainians there in europe remember us, and the europeans found out about us, and that's how expressed their support to us in such a way, and this confirms the theory that everything in life does not happen for nothing, but there is always some
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consequence that can catch up with you even after a few years, let's say so, so we are very pleased, it is unexpected, and we we are very happy, it is very motivating and... it gives us faith that it is still possible to bring victory again, we want to wish for that, of course, alyona, in general, did she surprise, well, the noise, this noise around the eurovision is always there, always there is scandals and this year scandal scandal just among all this criticism, or found you are some kind of rational and including criticism from the jury, which somehow suited you, let's say that you agree and will adhere to it, well, they wrote in the comments that the sound was not the same, the live performance, for example, was not the same , the jury seems to have not really liked the direction, in any case , now we are talking about the fact that we will go abroad and lead the team, and we are thinking whether it is possible there it is worth ... to look at the backing vocalists, whether to take them or don't take, and so on, maybe some subtleties, those that
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the jury just said, regarding the sound, and regarding visualization, take into account, and thank god that we have time for this, to think, weigh everything and make these big fundamental decisions, which will affect both the appearance of the malmo number and its sound, because it is possible that sound engineering point. in terms of leading many vocalists, it is more difficult , especially when we are not a permanent band that travels, you know, there, for example, like kalush, who has already toured a lot and has experience, but who was formed exclusively for the competition, so, well, we will still accept many different solutions. alyona, tell me, you and jerry hale of course, you have more than one duet, they are all still quite famous in ukraine, but still you are two creative units in the same process, is it not easy, do you have such different views, maybe even disagree. of course, i generally call our process of union the process
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when two hedgehogs decided to hug, you know, but in order for them to hug, you have to poke each other a little with needles, and it turns out that way, of course, but our ultimate goal is to hug, our goal is to bear music to europe, so of course at some stages i am there i perceive it very emotionally and i am surprised, i always express my emotions very vividly, she is not like that, for example, something on the contrary, but she does not understand and drowns the whole thing for something of her own, and then she understands and says that, well, let's change, that's why we are always on, well, here is our main basis, on which we converged in work, it is still love, and each of us, it is filled with love, and above all , it is more important for us that the other is well, that's it i think that everything is felt, that's why so many people supported us, next i want to talk to you about an important topic that you raised in... your social networks, your instagram, hate, pressure, bullying, you spoke out against misogyny, wrote a post: i will not be
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silent, it spread quite well in social networks, and you spoke out against the statements of bloggers such as petrov and ivanov . why do you think this is important, why you could not remain silent and most importantly, will you really file a lawsuit against these bloggers? i think that our conversation with them will remain between us personally, and if i have the air on... the opportunity to talk about something important, then i would talk, for example, about our prisoners of war, who were sentenced to many years yesterday, and about more than 20 thousand civilian prisoners who are in russia, this should be talked about and reminded to everyone, so that people do not remain silent and call on our state to talk about their return, because this it is important, because captivity is not an option for survival. alyona, taking into account both eurovision and what you write about in social networks, and also, there was also one on the eve of the finals, the national selection... there was another such scandal, where your words were taken out of the context of masha frosinina's interview on instagram , about coverage, about
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how difficult it is to deliver socially important information, collect donations and at the same time retain an audience. i want to talk to you about this, how you still manage to balance and why it is important to continue collecting donations and writing about the war, because the war is not over, it is here, it continues, and i am sorry that people are getting tired, and the usual a repost of some kind... where people close it on their own, some wife of a military man, who does not have a large audience, asks for a repost, i do it, and she expects a stream of funds to pour in on her, and no one will report, and she just feels shock and despair and a desire to give up , and people just swipe these meetings, because they are not interested, because they are not presented in such a cool, cool, fun way, it is very difficult, but like, i can't stop doing it and i've never stopped, my instagram... so the confirmation and continue to do it now and vice versa i think what
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happened and what people started talking about it hit people's conscience a little bit, which somewhere stopped donating, i will not say that i organize meetings myself very often, i earn funds, and i close these meetings to other people, i have a lot of all kinds of evidence about this, but reposts also play a role, maybe someone does not trust someone, but trusts me as a person and trusts that if i make a repost, then it means that repost a person who really preaches, will close this car or rap, or some other means will transfer to the front, really to those who serve, that's why, i urge everyone, please don't buy a meeting if you don't have one. give opportunities, because life is so different, make a repost, put a like, go to the page of the person who is making the collection, write a comment to promote this collection, maybe the person who just happens to have a charitable amount will see it later, and she just doesn’t know which trustee, to whom she would like to donate, this is very important, that's why i'm all god's will, if a topic is raised like this, then it must be talked
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about, then it must be reminded to someone, it's very cool that you and i talked about music, and about eurovision, and about such socially important topics, and about. .. a war that is really going on, and not you have to forget about it. alyona, alyona, good luck to you and jerry hale at the eurovision song contest, thank you very much. morning freedom, every morning, watch us live, thanks for that, and see you tomorrow. dear friends, good morning to all those watching espresso, this is marathon, this is lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, and we continue ours. until 12 o'clock we are working for you today, we want to remind you that we have a muster going on, the muster is important, we are collecting for the 141st brigade, which works in the orichiv direction, this is the zaporizhzhia region, if suddenly yet someone will not study this ukrainian geography, which we were pushed to teach by our neighbors in quotes to our enemies, the russians,
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who are now teaching the whole of ukraine different names. from small and large settlements, dear friends, i want to thank you, because from the beginning of this week until today, we have collected uah 100,000, uah 100 for this week, this is a good result, i am incredibly grateful to you everyone who contributed to these 100 hryvnias, but what else did you collect the fee for, show it again, because we must continue to collect, dear friends, we now have 376 thousand. 60 kopecks 54 oy 376 0060 hryvnias 54 kopecks we started this week from the mark 276 00 respectively and we need to collect as much as 1 million, this seems like a large sum of course and unsustainable, although you and i have already raised much larger sums, but if we proceed in small
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steps, then we will succeed in everything, i am convinced of this, we are collecting on all kinds of walkie-talkies. to them for starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other equally important equipment, gadgets that are needed at the front in order to destroy the muscovites, and up to 400 thousand, we have 23 00 with a tail, 23 with a tail, dear friends, this is not much, for yesterday we collected 38 00, i hope that this in a week you and i will reach the mark. half a million, i really want to believe it, but for this we all have to work hard, it doesn’t have to be large amounts, the main thing is that everyone, everyone who is watching us now, somewhere around 20 on youtube are definitely watching, there are still people who are watching us near the televisions, everyone is looking at this one qr code and scans it and transmits it, or if
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you do not know how to deal with those qr codes , go to the website, and there is a section espresso volunteer or espresso volunteers, that's the correct name, or now you also see card numbers on your screens, quickly write them down and tell them, by the way, this qr code that you see, if you look at the screen, this is the qr code of privatbank, it must be scanned using the privat-24 application, find it there, go to the application itself, find it the qr-scanning function, and only then you can, actually, by clicking on this function, hovering over the square and... that's how you can cancel the funds. well , now we will talk with the people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, solomiya bobrovskaya, and we will talk about yesterday's vote. there are several topics, ms. solomia, we are glad to see you on our airwaves. glory to ukraine, glory to heroes, glory to heroes. as a matter of fact, yesterday in the first reading, the deputies voted on the draft law on mobilization, and
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the votes were cast. the people gave their votes representatives of the now former pzh or whatever it is called, well, and various such factions for trust, for a good life, for the future and so on, there were several votes also from the voice, but your voice was not among them , and why, ugh, this that's right, there you would hear these convictions of opzzh, why should we vote for this bill, and this one of theirs is so... hmm, the maximum turnout in the hall was very surprising, they all cast their votes, i mean opz, restoration, there and these i will name all the following, and these couples are relatives of e. moskalska columns, but i honestly have great doubts that most of the deputies who voted at all read this bill,
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which reaches more than 200 pages, and i doubt that even all the deputies of the specialized committee of our security and defense read the whole of it, the whole this bill, because i was very sorry, and i spoke about it and wrote that yesterday i did not come to the committee to deliver this bill to the minister of defense in the first place, just like the person who came. assured that the invitation was, although i have the amount, they were declared in our lists guests, but did not come, people came who are responsible for technical things, for writing for the draft law, but who will not be able to give answers, fundamental, state, political, whatever you want there or vitally necessary in this draft law, i would comment on a few things , which are the most... painful, because this law, it is hardly about mobilization, it is, i would say, such a hodgepodge of many things that fell into various draft laws, combined it all into one
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such background, and decided to sell this the law on mobilization, and first of all, we have one of of the most painful issues that i would consider, and i insist on this insistence, because i believe that the servicemen who serve, their voice should be heard, this is the issue of ... about demobilization, and when we talk about what is written in the bill, the bill clearly states that a serviceman will be entitled to demobilization if he completes 36 months of service, then his report is required for this and a decision on the rate of the commander-in-chief is required, the rate decision is then a presidential decree, first of all, it is not functional rates, and secondly, it will mean that there is actually an unlimited amount of time, just like today, for example, insurers, where there was already a decision of the president, but it is still there. guys, girls will be waiting for an unknown amount of time, it will be the end of the legal regime of martial law, or it could be a month
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after the decision, who knows. accordingly , there is no such definition, and the people who come in the army when we talk about motivation, right? we take financial security only. then it is very difficult for all of us in society to work, with motivation, where there is no moment. if we take away, because it is not enough, the financial factor, the ideological factor, because no one works with the idea and ideology, and this is a component that only three brigades pay attention to, which go out for recruiting, but it is absent as such in the security forces and defense, then we simply take away a person who does not know how long he will serve, and let 's be honest those who are not in the rotation, or who do not have vacations for two years, there are such cases and we are supportive. we have them, the question is how many this person joins the army and survives at the front or in the crimea, in principle, for 36 months plus is absolutely impossible, this is the first, second, as i
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understand it, it will not change, because previously this is the decision of the president's office, and the second point, it is already such technical details, but they are also authorized issues of the conscript's electronic cabinet, or military obligation, where they rush. everyone, with military conscription checks, their offices, which we do not know how will function, there is no by-law, we do not know how this base will withstand the number of people who will go there, and which should act already in the first days of the adoption of the law, but there are no by-laws, there are no programs, and let's be honest, the internet, a smartphone and a computer, far from all people in our country, if we will see what the front-line zone , the border zone is like, there is no communication, not even a basic mobile phone, then i already see these, these, well, these efforts to fill the prez behind the office, and what's more,
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a summons comes to you there, it turns on for 10 days, after which tsc has the right to submit an application to the court, to fine, block your accounts, take away the right to drive and so on and so on, that is , these things, they are not fully worked out, we understand the desire to see the state. people , the resource it has, that’s all right , we understand it, but how is it an implementation with the way it is already happening in ukraine, it is far from a general understanding of its implementation, well, of course, one of things that were broad before the discussion will definitely arise, this is the question of the selectivity of the level of education, in particular, it concerns the form of payment for postgraduate students, and the question of... pins for of the third group, this is something that we also very often hear in our discussions, because 10 days or 14 have already been included for the submission of amendments, and this will all be for discussion and for... for
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understanding, how, how, how it will be, and because there are a lot of appeals from people to include it in the draft law, well, one more thing - this is the issue of local authorities, strengthening their role, but at the same time, the issue of getting people to the conscription points, i will be responsible for that local authorities, then i do not understand how it will work, because it does not have opportunities to do so, but i released that local self-government bodies should be included more. to actively help their tccs , because one story, when it works, for example, helps lviv, another story, when it sabotages and ignores the city of odesa, and again, one of the arguments i would like to give, why this law is not completely about mobilization, why is the mobilization, legislative base for mobilization sufficient for us, because conventionally the rivne region, or the city of rivne, is the top of the best regions or cities, who are mobilizing people, why eh... i don't know
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, for example, i'll go back to odesa, to odesa oblast, to odesa, what is she, why is she, with the existing legislative base , one of the worst areas where mobilization takes place, and we hear all these constant tantrums , when people are taken from the street, stolen , whether it will be chernivtsi or zakarpattia, which are absolutely illegal things, and certainly do not contribute to mobilization, therefore there is a wide field for discussions, the osns of these is a question of demobilization, understanding how much and how long it takes to serve military personnel, well... in us there is very little time left, as far as i understand, there is a lot of criticism that the law on mobilization means only the recruitment of people simply into the army, while mobilization in the broader sense, these are completely different things, it is primarily the mobilization of the economy and so on, secondly , and speaking specifically about the economy, this is just an imaginary situation, only a whip is offered, if you, for example, did not register there in the electronic office, as far as i understand, a man of draft age, just finds out that he received a summons,
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due to the fact that all his bank accounts will be blocked. for example, this will be the first step, and it will happen, and accordingly, it can lead to the fact that our people who now pay some taxes and do something in the economy will simply go completely into the shadows, i'm just simulating the situation to a large extent and will switch to cash settlement with all the consequences that will follow from this, absolutely and to me a very strange example, why actually... the state talks about mobilization and about changing the commander-in-chief, instead of to talk about the then general mobilization and changes in the rules of the game for all citizens, because the history of why ukrainians resist and do not want this force, because they see how unequal the approach to mobilization and to the use of resources, especially human, is, because one can only through tesa, or one can pay, or give yourself a reprieve, or you will come up with the idea that you will have a critical infrastructure, i don't know, a football club, so it is a subject of critical infrastructure. that in
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critical moments the people themselves make decisions and this was the indicator in the 22nd year, but then you apply the same rules for everyone, not only selective ones, in order to legalize catching people on the street, it was in the previous version of the bill, or blocking accounts, then it’s just economics lie down without getting up for two years. mrs. solomia, we still have a lot of questions for you, but we have an on-air discipline, there will be news now, but we will agree with you on the next times on the air, thank you for joining our marathon today, it was solomia bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine, members of the verkhovna rada's committee on national security, and we actually talked about the fact that yesterday the deputies adopted the law on mobilization in the first reading, but now it's almost 10
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o'clock in the morning, which means that we are watching. a fresh selection of news prepared by our journalists, which will be presented to you by kateryna shirokopoyas. greetings colleagues, in a moment we will quickly talk about the most important thing. greetings, it's news time on... on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. more than 20 residential buildings damaged in mykolaiv due to an attack by shaheds. private homes, office premises, a private enterprise, and a sports infrastructure object came under enemy fire. this was reported by the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. a fire broke out on the territory of an industrial enterprise and a private house, the flames were extinguished. now.


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