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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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twister, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499. with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need. call greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. they killed the deputy mayor of nikopol. in the morning, on one of the streets of the city, unknown persons were shot with firearms. the car, in which was
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the deputy mayor, reported in the prosecutor general's office. the car caught fire, in the cabin, found the body of a 59-year-old man. the police established signs of the attacker. currently , investigative actions and operational search measures are ongoing. a young man died in kyiv from the explosion of an unknown object. as a result of the detonation , a fire broke out on the first floor of a nine-story building in svyato. during the extinguishing, the rescuers discovered the body of a 17-year-old young man, the state emergency service reported. emergency services evacuated 100 residents of the building. the fire was extinguished. law enforcement officers are determining the cause of the tragedy. arranged terror for ukrainians in the temporarily occupied part zaporizhzhia region. the security service detained the collaborator. in june 2020, the russians appointed a resident of the vasyliv district
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as a so-called precinct officer. the man, on behalf of the kremlin, suppressed local resistance, was a member of punitive squads that kidnapped and tortured people, and also robbed residences under the guise of searches. last year, the man left for lviv as an internally displaced person. he moved in with relatives and was preparing to illegally cross the border with the eu. he is currently in custody, facing up to 15 years imprisonment. two patrol policemen were injured during the night attack of shahed militants on odesa. law enforcement officers were on their way to the place of impact during the second attack, and received mine-explosive injuries. they are currently in hospital, their condition is stable, the southern defense forces reported. the russians hit civilian infrastructure with mortars, an unfinished high-rise building was partially destroyed, as well as a damaged educational institution, the roof was pierced there, the ceilings were destroyed, knocked out. - said
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oleg kipar, head of the region. more than 20 residential buildings were damaged in mykolaiv due to the attack by the shaheds private homes, office premises, a private enterprise, and a sports infrastructure object came under enemy fire. this was reported by the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. a fire broke out on the territory of an industrial enterprise and a private house, the flames were extinguished. cleaning in progress. lamki, fortunately, there were no dead or injured, defenders shot down 11 attack drones, air defense forces worked in the mykolaiv, odesa, vinnytsia and dnipropetrovsk regions, the air force reported. the attack was repulsed by anti-aircraft guns missile units and mobile fire groups. the russians injured three residents of the kherson region. in particular, a man was injured during an attack on the outskirts of kherson. he was in the car during the shelling. mobile is now in a serious
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condition in the hospital, the city military administration said. a woman was injured during enemy attacks on the village of zelenivka. she was in the yard. she is currently in a moderate condition in the hospital. during the day, the russians shelled the region 60 times, fired more than 230 shells from artillery, mortars, mlrs, tanks, drones and aircraft, aimed at residential quarters. one person died and... seven were wounded as a result of the night shelling of selidovoy in donetsk region. a six-year-old child is among the injured, the head of the region, vadym filashkin, said. the russians attacked the city seven times at night, seven high-rise buildings, three private houses, three educational institutions and an administrative building were damaged. eight cars were gutted. the local authorities continue to clarify the information. the russians are trying to break through our defenses in the chasov area.
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the enemy is resorting to local actions in yaru in donetsk region small assault groups under the cover of drones and artillery. this was announced by the commander of the ground forces oleksandr syrskyi. he visited'. of the military in the bakhmut direction, together with the commanders , planned scenarios for repulsing the aggressor. the main efforts will be focused on threatening directions and the use of fire maneuvers. the situation at the temporarily occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has become more threatening, said the head of the zaporizhzhia regional military administration, ivan fedorov. by according to him, the number of specialists is currently insufficient. at the as, because approximately 120 employees of the station were not allowed to perform their duties, all because the employees refused to receive passports of the aggressor country. avdiyivka is the main direction for russia at the front. the occupying
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army is attacking the city in the south-eastern part, there are street battles, the intelligence of great britain writes about this in its report. in the last two weeks, russian troops have transferred an additional one. forces in the avdiyivka sector, increasing the pressure on ukrainian forces positions the armed forces of ukraine are counterattacking in order to preserve the main supply route. the russian federation will continue its offensive in the area over the next few weeks, actively using tactical aviation, british analysts suggest. meanwhile , great britain will continue duty-free trade with ukraine until 2029, reuters writes. the agreement provides much-needed long-term economic support to ukraine, which is critical to recovery, said deputy commerce secretary greg hance. according to him, officially the agreement on continuation of liberalization measures with the deputy prime minister yulia sveredenko,
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will be signed today. the bill on financing aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, the us senate will consider today around the 19th in kyiv. sometimes. the draft law without migration reform and border security will be put to a procedural vote. this was reported by the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, oksana markarova. according to her, the day before, one version of the draft law was expectedly not supported due to the lack of understanding regarding the agreement on migration reform. that is why even before after yesterday's vote, the appropriations committee released the text of the document instead. this bill provides exclusively for international aid to ukraine and other allies. the us state department has agreed to sell balloons with radar stations and early warning radars to poland. the maximum amount of the deal is estimated at 1.2
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billion dollars (a decision that must be approved by the us congress). these aerostats can conduct more effective monitoring than ground stations, because the radius of action reaches 400 km. the polish military will be able to detect air targets, for example, russian missiles that have been flying over polish airspace in recent months. the draft law on the mobilization and possible dismissal of commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny, and not only that, will be discussed in the studio today at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv says. the authors of the program will traditionally gather an expert environment in the studio. with often unexpected and original thoughts. marta zanyuk, the project's journalist, is already in touch with us. marta, congratulations, who can we expect in your studio today, says velikiy lviv. congratulations studio, i greet the viewers of the tv channel. today we really have a lot of important and interesting topics
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to discuss, in particular, this is the topic of mobilization, the day before the verkhovna rada passed the draft law in the first reading, however. will show that there are still many questions before this, according to the faction of the servant of the people of arakhamiy, a specialized committee will work on it until the second reading, so we will talk in the studio with military personnel and lawyers and figure out how the final bill on mobilization might look like, and we will discuss this topic as well with the secretary of the national security council oleksiy danilov, he will join ours. ru via skype and also with him, our presenters will talk about what challenges ukraine is primarily facing now, how events on the front may unfold in the near future and, in general, what to expect from the war, and among the guests who
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will join via skype will also be a journalist and a publicist vitaly portnikov will discuss the topic of the detailed scenario of the attack in our pre-event interview. and russia on nato, which was published by zelegraph, as well as the interview of the american will be discussed journalist carloson with russian president putin. what could be the danger of this conversation, because this is the first interview of a western journalist with the president of the russian federation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and of course we cannot avoid the topic of the head of the armed forces valery zaluzhny, we will find out how his potential dismissal can affect the situation in ukraine in general and the situation at the front, so we advise you to join our broadcast, it will be interesting and full, thank you, i pass on the word. thank you, it was
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marta zanyuk, the journalist of the project says velikiy lviv, and they talked with her about important topics that will be discussed in the studio today, so don't miss the start at 21:15. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website. see you glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. unconstitutional provisions and corruption risks. the controversial draft law on mobilization was approved in... the first reading. peculiarities of the government's information policy.
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drainage tanks against journalism. who will be responsible for the pressure on the party. 61 billion at stake. the us senate may fail a bill with aid to ukraine. why are trump and the republicans playing along with putin? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, the people's deputy of ukraine. journalist tetyana nikolayenko and volodymyr tsibulek, a political expert. in an hour we will have political scientists olek sayakyan, maksym rozumny and oleksiy holobutskyi. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of the consequences of today's terrorist attack by the russians on kyiv, fragments of rockets hit a high-rise building in the holosiivskyi district, four people died. about 40 injured, shots of the aftermath of the impact, let's see,
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i woke up to the fact that everything was shaking, i look up, the chandeliers are shaking, my brother runs into my room, says that our window was knocked out from the other side, and here i go everything... all the glass suddenly flew out and covered everyone
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the refrigerator, everything was revealed so that they would sigh all the katsaps, what i think is grief in ukraine, grief for people, what can i say? friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also take part in our vote, today we are asking you this, do you support zelensky's idea of ​​rebooting the government, yes, no, please, everything is quite simple in youtube, either yes or no. if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video, support this video on youtube, well
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if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you support zelensky's power reset, 0800 211 381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up of this vote, and we are on the phone... we have our first guest, this is yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our program today. good evening, so. today, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted in the first reading the government draft law on strengthening mobilization 1049 and the day before the anti-corruption committee of the verkhovna rada recognized the updated draft law on mobilization as containing corruption risks. there were comments on this draft law both in the specialized committee and in the commissioner of human affairs
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regarding the constitutionality of some provisions of this draft law. i understand that you did not vote for this bill or did you vote? voted, and three of the votes voted, all of them others did not vote, explain the logic of those who did not vote and those who did vote, those who did not vote had all the circumstances to talk about the imperfection of the draft law, about the fact that certain of its norms, which were mentioned by mr. lubinets, do not correspond to the constitution, because they narrow constitutional rights, and in accordance with our constitution, but i want to emphasize the peacetime constitution, if a certain age of mobilization is written in the laws at the moment, then reading the constitution directly to lower this
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bill is debatable from the point of view the constitution, since it limits rights, and with this... positions, the argument, why this norm actually exists, this is the position of the ombudsman is debatable, well, first of all, the constitution directly determines that during the state of war in which the country is now , certain rights may be limited, and secondly, the ukrainian constitution will be effective only in those territories that will remain under the constitution, under the jurisdiction of ukraine, in crimea, luhansk, unfortunately, the constitution is not in force now, and mobilization is in full swing there, but on pity, those who will fight with us. ah, actually, what would my colleagues who voted against want, adequate work of the government, adequate work of the general staff. ah, this draft law
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should have been appointed, presented by the minister of defense, he was present. glavcom was not present, and this is quite logical, because if there are no longer rumors, but actual facts that glavcom will be changed, well, i apologize, but what is his role in this process in principle, he is just an ophir flail , it is logical that he was not, in fact, i am enough positivist in the fact that this draft law will gain enough votes. the number of votes in the second reading, i predict that there will be a lot of amendments, my logic to vote for is connected with only one thing: and now the mobilization is severely slipping, we saw the events in space, and we now, we will now watch these events, because this very important, let's see and then you
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will comment on what happened in kosmocha, this is a story that happened in kosmocha, a woman was driving. with a child, and the women of the potential mobilized blocked the road because they believed that she, like, what, what she, seems to be a gunner from the tsk, i.e. military commissars, they stopped her and started talking about the fact that she should be responsible for the fact that she came there to hand over their men, some kind of potency, some kind of sound going on in parallel? exclude it, please, please, well, this is the story, this woman was almost beaten, or they beat her with a concussion, they beat a little girl, a daughter who was there, well, that is, this evasive riot, it happened in kosmocha, far away from the border with russia and from the front, but this is the obvious thing that can happen after the adoption
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this bill also or not? sergey, this happened before the adoption... i am not referring to the draft law that was adopted in the verkhovna rada, i am talking about the fact that what kind of reaction the law can cause already in the form of a law, let's be as sincere as possible and not, well that is , regardless of the fact that i represent the political class of our country there, i would like to say that we have run out of volunteers. all the people who had the good will to go to defend the state are already there, some have died, some are wounded, they are now forced not to to serve, although most likely they would immediately return to the front if possible. now in the country, in the vast majority of cases, those people who need to be additionally motivated remain in the country, what could, how could the government do it?
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and special companies, such as, for example, the mobilization company for the third assault brigade, which has now virtually flooded the entire media space, where it is shown that... that service in the army is both status and respect, and, in principle, the opportunity to inscribe oneself in history , these are additional training courses so that people who they are afraid, but they assume that they are ready to fight, they went prepared, and they understood when, how, in what condition they would get into the armed forces, that in fact they would be able to defend themselves, they have enough weapons, they have enough training, thirdly, what is extremely the important thing is that the terms of demobilization are clear, this is what the government bill is most criticized for, it is about the fact that mobile
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demobilization is prescribed for 36 months, and in principle those who went to serve in the 22nd year in february can already count what is left not so much, well, although of course it always is there will be a lot, but there is an additional, additional circumstance that the final decision is taken by the bet, and this is already a problem, because the bet may accept, may not accept, there are no categories, that, relatively speaking, if they did not accept in 36, then at the maximum at 42 , demobilization automatically occurs, and a person can, after agreeing with the leadership of the military unit, leave combat positions, because people really have to recover, but - why is it extremely important that there is a new law on mobilization? first, we are talking about him already a quarter, despite the fact that mr. zaluzhnyi
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repeatedly said in direct text that he needed additional forces, so he did not name the number, at least at open meetings, but he very clearly said that if we want, it is not even about deoccupation there until the 91st year. but to hold the borders and give the possibility of a high-quality negotiating position when and if, and the peace plan offered by ukraine will still be on the agenda, and the world will force putin to sit down at the negotiating table so that we have favorable positions, for this we need, we need equipment, weapons are needed, but unfortunately, a human asset is needed, so new mobilization rules are necessary. aa, accordingly, now to give a lot more material for russian propaganda, that the verkhovna rada once again chaired the mobilization, well, maybe someone is ready to take on such responsibility,
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i am ready to take on such responsibility, that if this draft law, about which there are a lot of questions, will not be improved to the second reading, then it will not receive the required number of votes, mr. yaroslav, but why is it the leader of this process is not the supreme commander, well, mr. serhiy, for me this is one of the biggest questions. even i will say more that when there was a discussion about the fact that people have the constitutional right not to serve, but to be engaged in the economic front and the like, now it is expedient, well, i will not quote it verbatim, but some such things slipped through, you know, well for ... those who are actually called dodgers, this was such a huge sign of type, so we can, we have the right to fight for our rights. the only thing is that the vast majority
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is a very good analogy, of course, any the historical analogy, you know, will be lame, but it is, once upon a time, the peasants of kholodnoyariv, who actually did not go to fight with the rebels of the cold ravine, but at times surrendered the rebels... one ravine , er, to the soviets, to the soviet troops, then they were forced were to eat their children. i would very much like that in cosmo or in other cities, where there is currently a discussion about constitutionality, restriction of rights and the like, in the process of mobilization, we would not have to mobilize as many had to mobilize in february 22 , when under their cities were... katsaps, then it was possible to easily mobilize within two months from an army of 200,000 to a million-strong army, but why? because... the threat did not come
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from missiles, but the threat came from the fact that your house could literally be occupied within a few days. i would not like for us to not have any discussions about the constitutionality of this process, then again there will be cars, folding sides and automatic machines for simply showing a ukrainian passport, we want that, we can discuss further about whether mobilization is needed or not, if we want such, we can have a long discussion on the subject of... whether it is possible to correct anti-corruption or anti-const corruption or anti-constitutional things between the first and second reading, by the way, almost the entire composition of the anti-corruption committee headed by the chairman voted in favor, clearly stating that we have comments, so we will submit amendments so that this law does not contain corruption norms until the second reading, and we will also mention this norm on demobilization, because the author of the alternative
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draft law on mobilization, factions oleksiy goncharenko of european solidarity criticized the government's draft law precisely for the unresolved issue of demobilization, let's hear it. it has become even worse than the last bill, because the key rule is the term of service, finally defining it. i've been doing this for almost a year now, and during this year i've heard no, no-no, no-no, no, never. then they said: "okay, 30." 6 months, and now 36 months have been added, but the dismissal is based on a separate decision of the rate, which can be waited for years, as those unfortunate conscripts who are also deceived in this bill, it is a bill of lies , you cannot vote for lies, mr. yaroslav , according to yaroslav zheleznyak's preliminary calculations, this law will enter into force, that everything
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will go as planned in the month of april, so what will change in the army, in the state , starting from april , and what will happen to all of us who fall under the mobilization law? i do not have the same confidence as my colleague, who did not vote for this bill, that it will be possible to gather votes without changing what oleksiy honcharenko said there, which were clear. without changes to actually regulate corruption risks or unconstitutionality where it is really clearly regulated, so optimistically it is april, but in fact, so far, according to the way the law was prepared, it is already the third, in fact its example, how weak the authorities
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heard the proposals will be enough. realistic, in particular about the terms of demobilization, the demobilization procedure, and i predict that there will be a lot of rules, that it will be extremely difficult to get to the second reading at the end of february, and again we remember that this bill is very important to be presented by someone who well actually has respect in society , i would very much like for mr. zaluzhnyi to have remained the head of the general staff at that time, that is... the commander-in-chief , and he could have gone out and presented so that all these obscure, obscure things would have been removed, but something tells me that this is not the case will be, and therefore i do not predict that anything will change critically in april, as of now, the adoption in the first reading did not change anything categorically, the only thing that removed the possibility for russian propaganda to manipulate the fact that the verkhovna rada failed for the third time to adopt the law on mobilization well
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it's not about the fact that we don't have mobilization at all, it's mobilization, there's just no draft law, i think this is the eighth or ninth time it's been extended for two years, well, the terms of mobilization, so in principle there's nothing to speculate here , because the mobilization in ukraine is going on like this, for you know very well that russian propaganda, as before, soviet or tsarist, in principle does not need something to manipulate, and we call it white. and the like, but it is a fact, that is, if the verkhovna rada pro fails the law on mobilization in the general information space, which means, correctly, the mobilization has failed, ukrainians cannot, do not want, have no desire to go to defend their state, and this completely closes the thesis that previously tens of thousands mobilized a month, now thousands of people are mobilizing, many of them voluntarily, that is, it really is such
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a long process. i really hope that now actually.


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