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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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there is no mobilization, there is a mobilization , there is simply no draft law, it seems to me that this is the eighth or ninth time that it has been continued for two years, well, the terms of the mobilization, so in principle there is nothing to speculate here, because the mobilization in ukraine is already going on and for you, you know very well that russian propaganda, unlike soviet or tsarist propaganda, in principle does not need something to manipulate, and we call it black and white and the like, but it is a fact. well, that is, if the verkhovna rada fails the law on mobilization in general information spacious, what does that mean? that's right, mobilization has failed, ukrainians cannot , do not want, have no desire to go to defend their country, and this completely closes the thesis that earlier tens of thousands mobilized a month, now thousands of people are mobilizing, and many of them voluntarily, that is, this indeed, the process is quite long, i really hope that now...
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in fact, this period is without hope of a countersperm, and this period will not be spent again on pushing for a solution, because the world is collapsing, but a constructive work and the amendments will be taken into account, because i emphasize once again, the right will be very, very many, and even if it is possible to get to some reading in the committee, which is very squeaky, despite the majority of the representatives of the majority in the committee on national security, this bill was adopted in this way. it is far from unanimous, so, for the second reading, i am not sure that it will be possible to gather votes, if all the issues that are reasonably raised are not settled, will there be a lot of populism around it, there will definitely be, unfortunately, politics returned, and now very often you can't see the trees for the forest, as well as the fact that the mobilization that is still being carried out in our country is carried out... by the mechanisms of civilian time, from
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the moment of the full-scale invasion, the mechanisms of mobilization have not changed even once. we accept the continuation of mobilization, but we use the mechanisms that were in place before the full-scale invasion. volunteers, volunteers are already at the front, honor and praise to them. in the rear , mostly those people who either hesitate or will expose from the fence from kosovo remained women and not to mobilize, whether peacetime mobilization can provide at least a reserve to replenish what the ukrainian army is losing, and it is necessary to have a reserve in order to be able to win back our territories, well, that is a big question. zaluzhny spoke very clearly at the conciliatory meetings, now this procedure does not work, a new procedure is needed. did he talk about the procedure described in the law? no, because in his role. to describe
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the procedure, this is the role of the government and politicians, whether he is satisfied with this procedure, i think we are we will hear in the near future when he will be able to talk about it, but the fact that without changing this quality law, it will be much more difficult to gather votes for it, and there will hardly be three approaches to this, i can guarantee you that, thank you, sir yaroslav, another question about biguusinfo and about the report. malyuk on this issue regarding the monitoring of the bigusinfo journalistic team, will this report, well, a carpet, relatively speaking, be for malyuk in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, how do you see this situation now? in fact, it should have been today, because according to the regulations, it is called to the next meeting, but there is a certain and , shall we say, trick, because in principle we are sitting in the format of one of the... meetings, that's why, but
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purely technologically, if there the majority wants to listen to the head sbu , for which they voted, in principle they can say, well, we have the next meeting of the next session, they have such, by the way , technological things were already there, but today we from the faction, because it was our initiative to invite mr. malyuk, turned to the head of the verkhovna rada council on the issue... so when, the answer was the resolution was sent to the security service of ukraine, they were warned that when the conciliation council of factions and committees is determined, then accordingly there will be a hearing, i really hope that in the 20th, when we have a logical there should be the next meeting, we will hear mr. malyuk, and the answer to the key question, so who for... who
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, in your opinion, should resign in this situation? here, in principle, an analysis of the situation is required. with more data than we have, aa mr. malyuk says that the resignation, semenchenko, the head of the department, who actually carried out the surveillance, whose employees carried out the surveillance, has already been dismissed, well, the big question is how he was dismissed, and, that is , whether criminal proceedings have been opened for the recovery of his official position there, since, as the sbu says, this surveillance was illegal, and is it... as it is very popular in our country to make a personal statement, without a report, without any explanation as to why it happened, so here the first question is to mr. malyuk, but no one questions the importance of the security service
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of ukraine , the heroism of the employees of the alpha unit or those who carry out assassinations on the territory of the aggressor country. does a-a work in the rear there to minimize the influence of the so-called moscow patriarchate, but did the gentleman himself know, a-a, whether it was done to bypass him, here he should be maximally interested so that such incomprehensible influences cut it off, as many of your fellow journalists, especially journalists, are saying now. vavachev, this could not have happened without, let’s say, coordination with the curator of the law enforcement structure in the president’s office , the infamous oleg tatarov, and who else known from the days of the maidan, who spoke
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on behalf of the ministry of internal affairs about the fact that maidan residents shot themselves there, that's why there are more questions than answers, in fact, why should the parliament show its subjectivity and invite the chairman. saturday to submit a report, but this story from bigusinfo, in fact, it reminded me of another story about a possible wiretapping of the office, attempts of a possible wiretapping of the office where zaluzhnyi was supposed to work, and it was, if i'm not mistaken, in the month of december, when there are horrors they looked out of this office, and at that they publicly stated that someone wanted to eavesdrop on someone there, that is , there are a lot of questions, and if, for example, the same kid... the head of the security service of ukraine did not know what they were doing in the press supervision department, or how he there it is called, well, this is the former fifth department of the kgb of the ussr, which was always engaged in security, yes, security , if he did not know this, then this is also a question
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for the head of the sbu, if he, if he does not know what he has in the department happens, so he is also basically responsible for it, i.e no one downplays the role of the sbu. in the current war of security service employees of ukraine, they have proven themselves both as fighters at the front and outside the front in the enemy's rear, but in this situation, the editors of the bigusinfo project simply took and undressed all of these security departments, that is, how it happened, do we really have such weak cadres in the security service of ukraine that the journalistic... collective simply took them there for a week or two and prepared them, well, once or twice. well, there is an explanation that i want to believe, and there is an explanation that is most likely realistic. i want to believe that the best personnel of the security service are now fighting
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against russia and its agents, and therefore in this department as a defense against... in reality , it seems to me that the very definition of the tasks of this department, i.e. trying to find enemies of the government, assumed that in it remains people who did not prove themselves very effectively in other directions. who are ready to take on any business, but the key question for us, mr. serhiu, is exactly what you said, whether it self-activity, and then mr. malyuk and the sbi, who are currently investigating this case, must show why such self-activity is possible in the structure
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of the sbu and must definitely bear managerial responsibility, well, at least the deputy who managed this department, or... then the situation will be even worse , if the security service will continue to try to find some fantastic explanations, ala what they were watching. there behind some big drug cartel and the like, although in fact it is the jurisdiction of the national police and clearly not the security services of ukraine, but by chance actually got into the hands of journalists, well , let's understand that, unfortunately, since the murder of georgy gongadze, not much has changed in the law enforcement structures, because let me remind you, the first version after the body was found. was that he was killed by drug addicts, because they did not share,
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they were looking for the dose that was supposed to be in george, also hinting that all these journalists, they are drug addicts, they should not be trusted, understanding what trust is to george, there were many versions, and they are not among these versions, thank you paneroslava for conversation, it was yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on freedom. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us there, please do not forget to like it, it promotes our video in the trends of youtube and facebook, and of course, take part in our vote, today we ask you this, do you support zelensky's idea of ​​a power reset, yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, or yes or no, and accordingly, write a comment if you have a different opinion. if you watch us on tv, if you understand what we are talking about, which reboot of zelenskyi's power,
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0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free of charge, our colleague tetyana nikolayenko will be in touch later. journalist, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine. tatiana, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, you know, we are with yaroslav yurchyshy, i don't know if you heard what we talked about until now i can't understand whether this department for supervision of national statehood is so weak in our country, or whether we have such strong journalists that they are so easy. these sbu employees were taken and placed on the shelves, how do you look at
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this case and do you not understand who is the customer of this big case in which three dozen people were involved, maybe even more, these are the three dozen who got into the film bigusa, i think there are probably a dozen more who are sitting on the bank street, and yes, well, actually, probably the most important thing in this story is who in fact, he is her customer. because we remember that this story was first published on some telegram scum, the obscure website narodna pravda, it seems, something like that, ah, and from here it already looked like a certain order to sell journalists, investigators, it is quite organic -e also fit into the information policy that unfolded around journalists, when there again... they were sorting through the things of sivgil musaeva for some reason, and anonymous telegram channels began
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to attack other journalists there, this happened alongside the pasting of yuri's door nikolov, that he evaded, that is, it was such a part of the company for discrediting journalists, and the fact that the bigus worked so well and, well , just impiously destroyed the relevant department of the sbu, it is simply an honor and we praise, rightfully the best detective of this year. and it would be possible to present an oscar , an oscar would be presented, but unfortunately, the situation is very deplorable in the sense that we are returning to some kind of 2002 and temniki, or 2013, such an era of ukrainian wrongdoing, if anyone still remembers, yes, when they again tried to intimidate and discredit in every possible way journalists, and the fact that this is happening in the second year of a full-scale invasion, when... instead of really catching saboteurs, protecting the state, investigating the crimes of corrupt people, and checking how they
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are doing there, the security forces spent their time on , to monitor journalists who, well, excuse me, we are not talking about the drug cartel in bigus, which manufactured and distributed drugs, and even if someone used something there, it is a completely different article of the criminal code and a completely different investigation. so this is a very deplorable situation, no wonder she caused such a feedback from the ambassadors of the european union countries and a meeting with the baby took place. i think, and not by chance, that is why this is a very bad signal for our authorities, and unfortunately, this is another discrediting of ukraine in general, in the context of receiving international aid, which we now very, very much, well, we see this photo, today the kid met , the head of the security service of ukraine, met with the ambassadors of the big seven, although
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it was officially said that he talked about the successes of the security service of ukraine there. during a large-scale invasion, in fact, one of the main issues is the surveillance of journalists and why it all happened, malyuk talked about the fact that they fired the head of the department of protection of national statehood of the sbu, but i suggest now to listen to denys bigus, who explains, actually draws his own conclusions about the fact that what was the sbu doing around the journalists and around his team? the very fact of this surveillance, the very fact of these cameras in the bedrooms is a transition to a fundamentally new level, the level of a rotten russian tradition, and if in order for this to not happen again in the next 10 years, a public reaction is needed, or for the national police, which also opened an investigation, to arrest
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the entire staff of the dzndu department, or even to buy a jacket for the capitol, it should be. done because nothing threatens ukraine's national statehood more than rotten russian traditions? denys went a little too far, because when he spoke about rotten russian traditions, they are definitely such rotten ukrainian ones, they are rather rotten soviet traditions that remained in the security service of ukraine and we have been observing this rottenness for, well, there for 20-30 years, when someone behind followed by someone someone released some compromising material, some records appeared, video recordings of journalists, sound files appeared, now the prosecutor general's office suddenly decided to take the case against the investigation of its own department in the sbu to the sbu, and the sbu is oleg tatarov again, tetyana or
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how, well, that is, they again came out on those from where they came out, as they say, the main thing is not to come out on themselves. myself during the investigation, i think it's the same case, and - i think it's not for nothing that we mention certain characters in the office of the president, because and we understand, that the bigus filmed more than one story, which included oleg tatarov, and it is unlikely that the security service itself had such an interest in studying the work of such and such with such subcontractors, well, even if it is... the best journalistic investigative team, well, honestly, well , if i should say again that the risks of drug addiction or the spread of drugs were clearly exaggerated, so it was obviously a political manipulation, and now it is necessary to understand whether who
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was involved in it, i think that, unfortunately, we we won't find out about it, unless someone just you... with an incriminating statement, ah-ah, but i believe in it very little, and therefore we will limit ourselves most likely to the fact that we will know this unfortunate igor, we will poke fingers at him, but we will most likely never find out who ordered this such a ghetto affair, at least under this government, and that is why i would like, it is really good, that criminal proceedings have been initiated, well a little... all kinds of corrections of the vine will interfere, but i would like of course, if we ever had independent law enforcement officers who would really investigate crimes, not what they are told, because , for example, when i look at how the police investigated the case of the lviv arsenal for six months, i really want to cry, and because in reality the journalists did
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a lot to investigate this case again more than the law enforcement agencies did, well, by the way, i am you... real criminals who threaten national security, not because they work at night, but i wanted to ask about the lviv arsenal, about liev, he passed twice, in my opinion, a polygraph, and well, that's it too there was a funny story with this polygraph, because out of seven questions, only one caused him difficulties, whether he received an instruction to conclude a contract with the lviv arsenal from the leaders of the ministry of defense, we here... we have seen demonstration performances with the polygraph more than once, and dubinsky passed the polygraph there, and arahamia in the 19th year, do you remember this story about the extra payment in the envelope. deputy from the servant of the people, it seems september 19th year, yes, and what about the left, that is, he decided to repeat, that is,
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to make a remake of dubinsky and arahamiya? i i think he's trying to justify himself in any way he can in this story, that's why he used this move, of course, even from the point of view of any lawyer out there, it's absolute profanity when a person knows the questions they're going to be asked, then, of course, she is ready to answer them and has already come up with this version in her head. liev has justified himself more than once, although even as a person who has been researching this topic there for more than six months, i am not sure that it was liev who submitted an application to the national police regarding the lviv arsenal, and these letters that are there for internal correspondence, and for datak, rather, that it is already a nakhur, and they applied for a nakhur. and to the court and to the law enforcement agencies, and since this contract was signed , it is obvious that, of course, i do not know whether this was an instruction, again from the leadership
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of the ministry of defense, or whether it was some other leadership of some other agencies, but to sign a contract with such by the company as the lviv arsenal, having an intermediary that is not the case of the previous contract and not having a second license from the country of the manufacturer. and it was too risky, which means that either there was a motivation to earn well, and we know that literally in the first withdrawal of money, 4 million euros were withdrawn in cash, so, unfortunately, this is a story about the fact that the law enforcement officers did not do their job properly, so we can wait for some kind of verdict from... from about this case , will it sink again, liev will go endlessly on these polygraphs and say that he is not guilty of anything, and it is not at all clear
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who zbitniv, zbitniv is probably sitting abroad, i think so, it is zbitniv here, he even has house arrest, khorshaev, rather than everything is abroad, i think that now this case will be handed over to nabu, and imagine the state of detective nabu, which they will have to go to some place... and now prove the guilt of liev or zbitnev with very contradictory collected evidence, well, honestly, don't see , so it seems to me that a sad fate awaits this case, unfortunately. thank you tetyana, this was tetyana nikolayenko, my colleague, journalist and member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching live there now , please like this video so that it can be trended on youtube and facebook, and vote in our poll,
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today we ask you this, do you support zelensky's idea of ​​a power reset, yes , no, everything is quite simple in youtube, if yes, then yes, no, then no, if you have your own opinion, please write a comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if yes then... 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. volodymyr tsybulko, a political analyst and people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, will be on our air next. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. today, russia again struck a big blow against the ukrainian capital, the enemy. carried out a combined air strike on ukraine, and these were 29 kh101, kh50, 555, kh-55 and
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shahed cruise missiles, most of them were shot down, but partially debris hit kyiv high-rise buildings, one kyiv high-rise building, and unfortunately, four people died, about 40 were injured, rockets hit kharkiv. 300 damaged the buildings of the enterprise, three workers were injured, one person died in mykolaiv, there are injured , damaged residential buildings, and as reported by our armed forces of ukraine, kiev was hit with an experimental hypersonic missile, cerkon and accordingly markings were noticed on one of the wreckage, the spokesman of the air of the armed forces of ukraine yuriy ignat noted that experts are currently investigating the wreckage. first, examinations will be made, and then it will be possible to say what types of missiles the enemy used today. we will probably listen to what yuriy ignat said.
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there is already a lot of material going around now that other types of missiles are used , which the air force does not say about yet, we are talking about those targets that could potentially be, these are s300, x22, iskander m, er, actually, about this what flies on ballistics, therefore everything that appears somewhere on the ground, they already know about it more specialists to speak, specialized , these are explosives technicians of the national police, this is the institute of... courts of forensic examinations, which will determine what kind of debris it is, and where it came from, from which country, if it is really of a different origin, and will provide this, document it all, record it and submit it to certain bodies for further action. mr. volodymyr, why is there such massive terror on the part of the russians in the peaceful cities of ukraine, well, relatively
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peaceful, why... it does not cause a certain reaction and a corresponding reaction in the west, that is, if they no longer react with any statements, well, at least i want to be able to allocate more weapons, more ammunition, and not think about how it will be perceived by the russian federation, and what the ukrainians will do with these weapons, or will they hit the territory russia or not? well, first of all, this attack on kyiv is especially annoying and it is abusive in its nature. and... already at this time , josep borel, the commissioner for international affairs and security policy of the european union, is in kyiv, that is, for putin, who hates brussels structures and generally hates european politicians, for him this is a special moment to emphatically mock, as you know, josep borel met the morning of today.
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this morning in a shelter in a bomb shelter, he repeated the feat of steinmeier with this feat, and it seems to me that josep borel was already consistent in terms of supporting ukraine, but now he will have a special person against russia, so putin can be said to have achieved his goal. the most interesting thing here is that... i think that putin still wanted the europeans to to take revenge in terms of the fact that now nato is deploying a huge exercise of such a, well, soviet-era level and with the same legend, and for putin this is a special humiliation, so he is petrifying it around the perimeter of the european union, and to die in ukraine, this is
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a special thing for him pleasure. i wonder if he will visit ukraine, i.e. the occupied donbas as part of his pseudo-election campaign, but i am very sorry that the ukrainian authorities do not at all appreciate the possibility that russia is conducting its pseudo-election campaign in the occupied territories, and the ukrainian authorities do not reacts, this may essentially be an element of recognition of the occupied territories by russia. that's what the problem is, well, the authorities are not making another point, they are not talking about it now, but it is necessary to say that if russia elects putin in these territories, then putin will be the self-proclaimed president of the russian federation, that is, a sign equality between the self-proclaimed president lukashenko and putin can be drawn, because everyone, mr. serhiu, should talk about it that way.
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day, now the situation is international, that ukraine should remind the community that putin is illegitimate after march 17, that's what the situation is, and today's strike, i think, is a good way to remind joseph boredu also about the need to not recognize the results of the elections in russia, pseudo-elections, well, with the corresponding consequences for putin , meanwhile... the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america rejected the bill of the republicans, which provided for the provision of aid to israel in the amount of 17 billion 600 million dollars separately from ukraine. leader republicans in the senate mitch mcconnell said that the package of laws on immigration and international aid, in particular to ukraine, will not become law due to the opposition of the speaker.


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