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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm EET

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in pharmacies psyllium bam and save to the espresso audience, we continue to discuss the topic of how we should perceive the dismissal of sirsky's appointment. natalia tsyplitska, combat medic of the volunteer medical battalion. what is your position i think that this change, which has taken place, will be most noticeable precisely for those people who serve in the armed forces of ukraine, accordingly, their opinion should be oriented, their mood should be measured, because their fighting spirit, now provides us all with a stay, including here, but i do not i can speak for how it is perceived in general, i... to say my opinion, the opinion of my
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entourage, the people with whom i could have had the opportunity to discuss this topic, without a doubt, general zaluzhnyi enjoyed great authority among my entourage, that is what i would like to believe , that the changes that have taken place, they will be positive, or at least will not lead to any deterioration of the mood in the army, because... because, as i said, the mood of the army, the mood of our soldiers, ensures us victories, or whatever -what successes at the front, that's why there was even information about what was just here this uncertain period, how long it all lasted, it also affected the military, because, well, because it violated a certain hierarchy of giving orders, who to listen to, whether they have the right to say this or that now, so now, when there is a new commander-in-chief, it is obvious that it will be easier, mr. oleg mytsia.
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you have a word on this topic and we will continue to move on to other topics, we will give more remarks, but i want to turn a little to mr. micka, we will talk about mobilization with you, and now we are also expected to have a debate and deputies from the voice and servants of the people, who were absent or voted for mobilization, one of those criticisms that are now being written on the internet against syrsky, that he is a person who can treat personnel harshly, sacrifice people for the sake of results, and they continue to write, that now you will see a real mobilization. and i have a certain dissonance here, i.e. president zelenskyi, who once publicly even objected to zaluzhny that there is no need to mobilize so much, and he is now appointing syrskyi, who will mobilize even more people, even tougher, well, there is no logic in this , although what, well, this is a war, let’s understand that this control over the poor was artificial, the president announced in advance half a million people who are needed... in fact, our system
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will not miss 100,000 and it will be a step-by-step, multi-stage work. zaluzhny probably had the imprudence to count until the end of the war by two years, and this was issued in order to stir up society, probably, either to a political competitor or to a more sympathetic person in society. question completely different: the commander, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces has nothing to do with... well , the territorial manning centers that are in the structure of the ministry of defense. a significant part of the powers belongs to the authorities, which were supposed to ensure this, but which have always artificially evaded it. please pay attention to what is written on the people in these substitutes or registration cards, he is not released due to mobilization, but has... the right to a postponement, not
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granted a postponement, because this is a function of the authorities, the military commissions only stated, and until now because this interaction was not established , you know, we were talking now about valery fedorovich's farewell, everyone is waiting for the words that one politician once said, i am going to return, i am convinced, he will not say them, because he loves the state, and he understands that this is not possible at this moment. you remember the words of butusov in one of the posts. before appointing a lieutenant, he says, we should all know that taran and khomchak, the minister of defense and the general staff, do not speak to each other for six months, this was in our country, in which there was an anti-terrorist operation, formally a war, these people could allow yourself to do so. valery fedorovych, how long has it been since he was provoked into some phrase, some statement, he has not said a single sentence about his attitude to this, he will not do so. one of zelenskyi's merits for the entire... history during this
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time was the choice of a good man for appointment as the head of the general staff, he was a general of the second echelon, serskyi was already the commander-in-chief of the ground forces at that time. valery fedorovych was only recently appointed to the command of the southern operational command there, and before that to his behind his back there was a very unpleasant situation with a broad clan, who might know these questions of valery fedorovich, there were legal problems in this regard, and i realized, my god, what level of thinking zelenny has, because really , maybe no one heard, i don't know, i am read about shiroky lan, two words, valery fedorovych was the deputy commander for combat training. of the southern operational command, or so it was called, and this story with the swamp was attributed to him, well, you understand, well, as a person, i once told my boys, young people who were not served in the army, our military leaders
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are removed from money, money goes separately , decisions are made separately, you can imagine, they bring a brigade to you and plant them in a swamp, send excavators to collect land, ecologists plant you in log cabins. the forest, where do you take 10 wagons of crushed stone, these things are decided separately, unfortunately, we have an assessment on someone, someone always extreme happens, but they violated all this and appointed a person who is very, well, why did he bypass the syrian shoblakh, because he was completely different in communication, he was an accessible and open person, i can't be objective with him, i knew him when he was still a captain, i can... i was already a lieutenant colonel then, we were together for a long time, it's just that we are a little different in age, but he , he served in volyn, in the volodymyr volyn brigade, once, he is quite, well, he is a very specific person, very specific, because he is interested, you said well about the soldiers, there was once such a case when people in the ranks
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of one very such force structures entered the zaluzhnyi site with the wrong password, they the soldiers put in the swamp, they called the password of the neighboring site, and i and he asked me what will happen to the soldiers, i say: "i wonder what will happen to you, you understand, i remember this story very well in the 16th year, completely a different type of thinking, interests, and i am very pleased that he was once raised, seen and appointed, well, having said that, this is the merit of zelensky, yes, yes, well, frankly, he then changed an absolutely useless battering ram into a very interesting person, the minister of defense , the next one, who is now, but he is like a person, was this very one, a very unique and interesting previous minister. and all this was a good decision, but let 's say the main thing: valery fedorovich will not say the words: i will return, he will not declare his political, any ambitions now, because it will lead to further confrontation, who he will remain, it is difficult for me to say, i don't know what place will be found, because it is very difficult
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to hide such a figure of an elephant under a school desk and try to fit it somewhere into that system, it is difficult, i think it will be somewhere from afar. advisor maybe once upon a time, they said about a politician, appoint her as the minister of some village cleaning, and it will be a central ministry , no matter who appoints valery fedorovych, it will become noticeable, and that is why i think that there will continue to be conflicts about this, about, really i agree with everyone, the president did not state the reasons for the dismissal, what mistakes and what should happen, whether there will be a tougher mobilization, i think that the president is now. will stop blocking the adoption of the law on mobilization, and all this will be translated, and syrskyi will accept it silently and will not argue, he will accept the burden of certain negative moments for the recruitment of the army, i heard today, lidia and i talked before the broadcast, i heard the financial times
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publication, ukraine's fronts are cracking in certain places, we are asking, washington post , we are very similar to the situation when summer... in the 22nd year, zaluzhnyi and syrsky walked through the russian rear, when there were simply no people in the trenches, and if this issue is not resolved now, i read this publication, well, very negative expectations of those watching, ms lydia, you wanted a word, please, a remark, a small remark about the betrayal you talked about, well, the fact that we are loved very much, and i paid attention to one moment, the diligent could the diligent zelensky. and could send him to resign tomorrow morning, for example, at 9:00 in the evening, but the information about the dismissal of the employee was made public an hour before the vote in the senate, that is, the issue that was extremely important to us is extremely important, it is
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wonderful that voted in the senate to allocate funds to us, but of course they could be our opponents or supporters of russia or trumpists who would say: well, you look: well, to whom, to whom to give money, well, what is happening with it, that is, you are talking about the fact that the time was not chosen very well, by the way, well, i do not know whether it 's a question of whether it's appropriate or inappropriate, well... i think that the moment when the issue of such a huge amount of money, which we really need help with, is being decided, to bring such confusion into the political process and give our enemies and opponents arguments about not giving us weapons and the senators who hesitated to vote for it not to vote for us, i would consider it an extremely unreasonable move. i agree with mr. oleg about what i really think is in the textbooks. it will be written that the correct decision of zelenskyi was the appointment of general zaluzhnyi,
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the commander-in-chief, and his fatal mistake, his political career, a fatal mistake, was the issue of his dismissal, because syrskyi will now be perceived, let's not say where he was born, that he did, because this is a question, well, you know, there are things that do not depend on us, but she came, said, us pleasant surprises await, well, we will have them.
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he will not declare his political ambitions , so as not to bring this very confusion, which the russians were desperately waiting for, that is why he was not perceived as a political protege, perceived as a general who took on a heavy burden, to repel the enemy from the capital and continue to act. and syrskyi is perceived now exclusively as a person who is managed by zelenskyi, and regarding mobilization, i would like to mention one more point here, and before such debates about mobilization and the need for mobilization began, zaluzhnyi allowed himself only one remark, i.e. there were no complaints, he said that the issue of mobilization is a matter for the ministry of defense and... the country's leadership, i.e. it was an attempt by zelenskyi, who is extremely dependent on
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social public support, on likes, as schuster also writes about , yes, from the support of the applause, and zelensky very much wanted to transfer to zaluzhnyi the responsibility for the issue of mobilization and this issue, which is extremely painful in society, now he can safely transfer it to... although according to ukrainian legislation, this is entrusted to the political leadership of the country, this will be an attempt to translate into syrian things that zelensky does not want to voice, as he did not want to voice the issue of dismissal, but the question is not only why he fired zaluzhny, when such a powerful figure as zaluzhny is released, then it is necessary to say, we change and show. what is called a picture of the future, a vision, we will do this, yes, yes, and for this we have general
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syrsky, it was not said here, it was like this, let's remove it and forget it, and we will live further, well, such a childish position is opposed to the position of an adult, hard-working, such an opinion really exists , i will only say that in a few minutes we will have people's deputies on skype, just as we are going to talk about the updated pro... about mobilization, voted in the first reading, there will be such debates, discussions about this, regarding the appointment, as you said of sirskyi, then it follows from your words that every next step of sirskyi will be the responsibility of zelenskyi, definitely, definitely, because in the conditions in which it was appointed for society, society until appointment of sirsky. the view of political psychology, perception, saw a general who did not allow himself political statements, who
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constantly emphasized that he was acting, within the scope of his powers, and the political part, and there was a lot of talk about it, current actions are not explanations, but if they said that if they would have taken off the defender when the counter-offensive had not taken place, in the current conditions it was a late decision. therefore, all subsequent actions will be perceived by society exclusively as a mistake by zelenskyi, well, then it turns out that zelenskyi made a mistake even now, and then he did that... he is clearly doing himself, well, this is a powerful minus, he has conspirators who could tell him not to do this, that is, there may be something else, the responsibility is not to do this , the politician is not only a sphere of interests , it is a large field of psychology, so many books have been written about it, zelenskyi well, we saw
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the ratings of trust support, everything else. zelensky pushed out with his actions, and zelensky's entourage definitely contributed to this, i don't know who the five or six managers he was talking about, but the actions that the powerful group was doing, just what zelensky was talking about, and they were pushing this political plane out of the hostage, into which he did not go, and it reached this moment when for the greens, for... zelensky, as the president, the figure of zaluzhny with a huge level of trust, and with a balanced policy, with an adult position, with the support of society, it already looked like a position of threat, that is, now i think there is an attempt, well, we once had such a heroine, you remember, nadiya savchenko, and i
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think that there is , well, i assume this, that there is an opinion that... zaluzhny will be a step towards his forgetting, but the fact that this is a mistake and this mistake will be more manifested in the future, i am convinced of this. mr. pavlyuk, you promised your word , thank you, i will have everything, i also wanted to remind you that since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, president zelenskyi has done good things, visited the parliaments of the world, and the entire ukrainian people were really happy, glad that we have such a wonderful president, and this the truth, it was true, and that the appointment of the valiant, he showed himself to be a really... a wonderful, wonderful commander-in-chief, and today i am sorry that the removal good man, this is not treason, this is not perhaps a terrible tragedy, we will see, but the fact that our people are underestimated, uh, our people are so, you know, they counted again, what do you understand, we told you, at night the information was presented, that's all, accept
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what we told you, and i'm sorry, yes, i don't want to say something, you know, bad words, but in fact, it's the same in russia. they could have said, i changed, i said, that's it , it's the same, i'm sorry, because the people, the people trusted, the people believed, the people saw that this is really one team, we are really defending the country ours, we, we are fighting, and now it so happened that it is you, and it is us, here you are, you are listening to what you said, and that's it, this is a big problem, a big problem, two lines, first, i will exhale today, when syrskyi was still appointed, i was terribly afraid of the adventurous option of appointing him personally. not familiar with syrian personally? no, no, no, about budanov's appointment option, absolutely swearing, this is a very dangerous moment, he would fit into such a picture of a lightly controlled person. it's good. the syrian is calm as a boa constrictor. i know this from people with whom he works, he is able not to panic and work. and the second thing that no one
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said about: the case of the dpr, the dbr about the seizure of the south, which was reported to be ending, was reported for some reason. that it is being completed, i am afraid that they will try to send valery fedorovych into oblivion by bringing him to justice, god forbid that this will not come true, but this is a very dangerous step by the authorities in this direction, hypothetically this could be in the context of investigations, why the south, why is the south so fascinated by it, and somewhere there it appeared that he could be there, maybe how witness. but the issue of political or military decisions, they talk about naev , they mentioned the hard worker in this direction, the extremes will be the generals, clearly not the politicians in this situation, we will live and see, we are a democratic state, we are not russia, the people are still there, i believe, i i believe, war is war, of course, we will fight and we will still restore order in our house, we
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will not wait for someone to come and restore order, we will not wait, but in my opinion, in my opinion, every step of our authorities only for the benefit of attract. so, certainly, if he plans to be a politician, because why do i say that this is zelensky's fatal mistake? because any actions, us, the situation is now difficult on the front line, we know it, yes, any actions that will take place now, and zelensky will be blamed, because he removed the zaluzhny, and any attempts pulling zaluzhnyi into... the political plane will be harmful, but i think that zaluzhnyi will not go the way that i will return, i will return as a politician, so the situation is when zelensky will already... not have the opportunity not to take on this responsibility, society will transfer to him the responsibility for everyone for the entire situation that will be on the front line. the only
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thing that can stop him is yes, you know, such a colossally big success, then he can say: see, i made the right decision, the majority of the population will say, it's with the industrious, so the question is, if the industrious went alone, it would be another, and it was removed. and that's why i say that this is zelensky's fatal mistake, and it was removed without arguing for it. well, we are still waiting for some kind of argumentation there will be, maybe there will be an interview with the president , international media, i would like it, of course , to us or to the ukrainian media, because we always ask him about it, we would like to hear more information from him about his decision, indeed, one of the experts also told us, that it is very important for the president to trust his people, that is... to trust him, and it seems that there is a little bit of trust in nastya now, now it is absent, at least that full. oleksandr fedienko is with us, he is a people's
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deputy of ukraine from servants of the people, a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. oleksandr, welcome to our broadcast. glory to ukraine. hero of glory, good evening, country, good evening, studio. the day before, the verkhovna rada supported the government bill on mobilization in the first reading. we also talked a lot about this, because the adoption of this important document for our country also took a long time, so far there is still time for the second reading, and the chairman of your faction spoke about the fact that there are numerous amendments that need to be made, changes, charging, who else is joining us solemiya bobrovska is here, you are also on the air, mrs. solemiya, people's deputy of ukraine, voice, member of the committee also on issues of national security and defense and intelligence, let's move on, well... kudos to the heroes, let's not do it, i would still oleksandrudienko, as a representative of the servants of the people , i would like to comment that the dismissal is meritorious, and
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the mobilization is important, we here in our studio now have many opinions and in general there are many opinions on the internet that zaluzhny can one way or another start a political career and the beginning of political punishment yeri zaluzhnyi can be the beginning of the end of president zelensky's political career, what do the servants of the people think about it? i don't know what all the servants of the people think, because i learned about this, about this news, that's exactly how i think, like many citizens of ukraine, but i have my own opinion, look, valery fedorovych, with all due respect to him, he has done enough a huge number so that ukraine does not lose, but the issue of the commander-in-chief, this issue still belongs to the powers of the president, according to the constitution, he himself determines who will be he has a commander-in-chief, so of course. this issue was not discussed with the deputies, and taking into account everything that exists, now we do not have one to demand. and you lack the president's explanations,
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do you agree with his unilateral decision and even without any arguments? i want to emphasize once again that this is within the powers of the president of ukraine, he has the appropriate apparatus of the national security council, and there are appropriate advisers with whom, i think, he talked and consulted, but i want to emphasize. so that people accept it, so that it is not a shock, nevertheless, and still this shock remained for people, for many people, for many servicemen, and i receive a lot of messages and only including about
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the misunderstanding of this decision, because whether we want it or not, but we enter and in particular, by the way, this is from the position of the one who comments we have intelligence and even the army itself about what difficult months we are entering, especially for people, march is a month when we... all the more appeal, for example, to the need to accept mobilization, and explain why so, why this bill is needed, strange mobilization bill, but the question why is there a need to change the commander-in-chief in the month of february, especially on the anniversary of the beginning of a full-scale war, and why exactly at the moment when there are very acute, urgent problems, challenges and threats, and let's be honest, we are entering a very difficult period, we have already gone into it, and why, why is it necessary, i believe that this communication... and my point of view is excellent, so i accept, i accept the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, that is his decision, but nevertheless i i reserve the right
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to disagree, although i... we'll figure it out this resignation would already be inevitable, because this is the point of no return of relations, public or non-public, with the head of the chamber, unfortunately, it was passed, and even these relations that existed two years ago, they will not return, i do not want to comment on the new team, who will come, these are the people who in particular worked in the team , the commanders-in-chief, these are of course subordinates, these are the people who performed the tasks, this is , after all, the army, and this is discipline, but there is still a question of trust and reputation. relationship and also to the factors not only of military personnel, but and the civilian population of ukrainians, who relied primarily on the unity of the first and second persons in this country, well, and separately , of course, on the commander-in-chief, if we are talking about the army and the trust in him, accordingly, in his actions. mr. straw, you mentioned the law on mobilization, it was voted in the first
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reading, i understand... if i'm not mistaken, if i'm wrong, you correct me, i looked, you were absent during this vote, will you support it in the second , so your, your position on this law, because well, there are fellow party members in the voice who voted for , they will not mention three people, it seems, but still the majority were absent or against, and the position of you and your party, so in most of my colleagues are sub-factions, we did not vote for this bill and... why, first of all, this bill is a hodgepodge and hodgepodge of huge changes that don't deal with either mobilization or demobilization, if we 're being honest, because it's 200 pages of text that was meant to be read in the first place there to our colleagues, especially from the committee of security and defense, and the comments of those who read this draft law, they were all practically the same, the comments were about the conscript's electronic cabinet, which, in
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principle... despite all our desire and digitization of ukraine, is in principle unrealistic, not only because , that people will avoid it, not do it there and so on and so on, but because we still have no connection with the internet in part of the territory of ukraine, in principle, if we travel a little further, i don't know galicia, volyn and kyiv region, we see that children do not study in schools, plus there are simply huge communities where there are no, where there are problems with communication, transportation, delivery, and there 5:82. this is the first , second, discussion, i believe, at the level of technical things, which, which can be corrected and were corrected, we have already received this story, regarding, for example, graduate students or guardians, caretakers of the third group, there was a separate discussion about the seizure of accounts, about stopping accounts, transferring it all to cash, and restricting rights to, for example, i don't know,
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driving vehicles and so on. especially when this summons comes to you natron cabinet, which you have or does not exist, works or does not work, and 10 days from that time count down for the tsc, but as far as i am concerned , the main main story and idea in this bill, which was actually born back in june, was the question, in particular, about demobilization, and this is a question of justice not only for those who enter, as they enter the armed forces, the defense forces, we understand that an unfair story is going on, because the corruption of the central committee. wellcome, secov, there and so on, of this entire line, it is, in principle, it seems to me that it is impossible for ukrainians to have the mentality of ukrainians, but there is also the issue of justice for military personnel, and when we talk about demobilization, i think it is incorrect when we comment or compare it to the wars of the 20th century, we are a little different we already live informational, somehow, people also want to manage their time.


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