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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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i don't know about rights restrictions, for example, on managing tools and so on. especially when this summons comes to you on your electronic account, which you have or does not exist, works or does not work, and 10 days from that time count down for the tsc to sell the court, but in my opinion the main main story and idea in this draft law, which was actually born back in june, it was a question, in particular , about demobilization, and it is a question of justice not only for those who enter, how they enter. in the armed forces in the defense forces, we understand that an unfair story is going on, because the corruption of the tsk, vlk, msecs, there and so on, of this whole line, it seems to me, in principle, impossible, or in ukrainians at the level of the mentality of ukrainians, but there is also the question of justice for military personnel, and when we talk about demobilization, i believe that it is incorrect when we comment or compare with the wars of the 20th century, we already live in a slightly different informational world, somehow, people also want to manage their time. and understand that they will not
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return from almia, they simply will not go to almia and return, or they will already be in a coffin with with news for loved ones, about tragic news, limited to suitable, or in principle not at all, and when we talk about even 36 months, the law says 36 months plus a rate decision, and that means a presidential decree, when we talk about this rate decision, and from so showing the president, it means that it can be an unlimited amount of time, which will depend. from many factors, perhaps even from political ones, yes, i don't want to touch on it, because i believe that the draft law should not have, should not contain politics, it should be state-owned and fair, because this is what the ukrainians want and what does not work like the muscovites, but eh , especially in our country, forcing it will not work, and these thefts, yes, on the streets of people, they, they do not encourage and do not motivate, and it seems to me that the only motivation we have left, if the financial factor doesn't work for us, we don't work... the ideological, ideological factor,
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because this factor is not being worked on, only separate teams are working on it, what remains is understanding, that a person goes to perform military duty, with an understanding of how much time she gives to the state and military duty, if this is difficult, then let 's think about 36 months and we are afraid that there will be an outflow of people, then let's think about smaller contracts for those who will come from the next month or six months or a year, or let it be a contract from one to one and a half to two years, so that there is some pace and flow of people who understand what they are signing up for and where... they go, no matter how they indicate that mobilization is a priority, it is important, and you saw what was done with the tcc in the first months of a full-scale war, even in the first year, but with forceful methods only a whip, er, without any responsibility on the part of the state, which does not think through veteran policy, social policy, very often, sorry, the question is also with the army, when the brigade does not communicate with the blue families , dead, captured, disappeared...
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missing, and as a result, there are problems with payments, it doesn't work like this, it doesn't work for ukrainians, that's why this whole story should have started without this, that we honestly offer you this and this, so i call the state, then there is less time to mobilize these people again, who have the experience of combatants, and launch them again in both armies, but this is exactly the subject that should be calculated, shown and thought out, and not just be dragged out by force, accordingly, i believe that here are military personnel, who are even more... non-cadre military for life, who will only give to the armed forces or defense forces, they have a right to know how long they go, sign a contract, are they eligible to come home and then go back to service again because the majority, the majority are military personnel more than i am convinced, i think many of you have experience with this, returning to your boyfriends, to the units, it is difficult for them to return to such a civilian life and have heard, well, that is clear,
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please, but was it possible to discuss these changes, maybe from the cabinet of ministers , on the committee, that is, what you say is correct, people are also talking about it, they also think so, but the other side of it is that this law was also needed, perhaps these discussions and these proposals would have somehow listen and reach a certain compromise so that the entire verkhovna rada is ready to vote for the document, and, accordingly , then bear responsibility for it, because it is also... important, someone has to take it upon themselves, look, i want to tell you once again that this is not just a bill about only one thing, we can pass electronic, electronic cabinet of the conscript, or there the opportunity to see people in the state by another bill, or , for example, when this bill finally cancels the insurance service, but introduces basic mandatory military training, and then there is service from the age of 18 to 25, when a person chooses for himself and necessarily completes this service for a period
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of up to 5 months during martial law, and this is done on the 25th of the year . our male population, women if they wish, will serve in the ranks, it is forbidden to undergo basic military training and professional service, and so on, but here the question, the question about the prisoners, was about the right to their release from the column for one and a half years and it was not resolved in their decision to introduce this array, and when you talk about what we discussed, i will tell you that neither the minister of defense, nor the general staff, nor the commander-in-chief came to the committee on the day of the vote, and it is these people who make decisions of statesmanship, not technical ones, how to fix the problem to a point. those who can explain why this is so and not so, why those proposals for decisions that the committee prepared after the first and second draft laws were not included in this draft law, this discussion did not take place, we were simply dragged into the hall by this draft law, it happened there two-hour discussion in the committee, then we'll see each other halls, from these exercises that i emphasized, from
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graduate students, the electronic office, then it is about blocking accounts, seizure and suspension and so on, the possibility of use, they are all, they are all correct. but the issue of demobilization is the most painful thing that is not ready to be discussed and not ready to be explained when you enter the armed forces or the defense forces, how many years you have to give to the state, i understand that there are issues of experience and so on , but we cannot symmetrically, we understand that, in the number of people, including our economy, cannot to receive simply an additional array, which, moreover, mathematically cif. not shown, not explained and not proven, why so, so, so and so. oleksandr fedienko, you voted for, like the majority of the servants of the people faction, your argumentation, and in particular, probably, the argumentation after hearing what your colleague solomiya bobrovska said. well, let's start with
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the fact that, look, there are a lot of controversial things that are in this bill personally, of course i have already prepared the amendments, of course we need to remove those things that relate to the limited will. what are the things of citizens of ukraine that is, we are talking about the same accounts, traveling abroad, there are cars, there is a lot of other things, yes, i don't like it either, of course, how to remove it from this draft law in general, i don't like, for example, the story that related to graduate students, because we still need to preserve science, because if we destroy science, who will eventually rebuild ukraine, we talk a lot about technologies, about innovations, but who will then develop these technologies and innovations. but i want to emphasize that, to reassure the society a little, that this one the draft law is the object of a legislative initiative that took place after the first vote, and a military one, it was the military that asked us to support it, because i want to remind you that there is a war going on in the country, that is, if there was no war, then maybe we could very
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talk a lot about the fact that demobilization is needed, that a person needs to serve a specific term, i agree with this, by the way, so that you understand, but once again i want to emphasize that it is not the deputies who are fighting, they are fighting... not on facebook, our ordinary people are fighting guys, our citizens of ukraine, let's provide this one war, we, the economic part , we legislative changes, and we must listen to the military, to the command staff who come and say, look, well , we need to fight, i do not agree, for example, with the fact that a huge mobilization must be done, i i don't like it, why i'll explain now, because i know , i'm often at the front, i know how many of our guys are on the... on the front line, i know the total number of armies, and i don't understand why, for example, not there is rotation, rotation of east, west and so on, yes, we can, by doing rotation, we can slightly slow down the physical load of the guys who are constantly now on the front lines, besides,
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we can definitely find one hundred percent, perhaps in order to carry out the future demobilization of resources within the armed forces forces of ukraine , because indeed, if we are going to... talk about additional mobilization, this is a huge financial burden on the country's economy, and we do not have money in the budget, so many issues that need to be worked on concern the disabled, in us there was a committee, the head of the specialized health care committee came, we had a story when there were 10 guardians for one disabled person who took care of them, you know, so on the one hand. we must, of course , leave disabled people with guardians, those who will take care of them, and on the other hand, this should not turn into a scheme when there are nepotism, adbraat and so on, and everyone is there, so they walk next to that disabled person, disabled people of the first, second , i will not mobilize the third group, here i want to calm down
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and remove this issue from the agenda, so once again i want to emphasize, there is a lot of work ahead on this draft law, i want to remind you that first and foremost, after all, deputies are representatives of society, they have... representative mandates, and on the one hand they must, of course , take care of the citizens of ukraine, and on the other hand don't forget that there is still a full-scale war going on in the country, well, they are already saying there about... a world war can somehow be compared to this issue, so we will continue to work, after all the corrections arrive in 14 days, the corrections will come as from deputies from the committee, all other deputies, deputies of alternative bills, they have already stated this today that there will be these amendments and they will continue to work in the committee, we will watch, thank you for this position, we heard from the deputies, maybe stay with us on skype if they are ... discussion points from our studio, mr. mitsku, well, your topic is mobilization, you talk a lot about it,
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think about it, analyze it, the new law, how come i personally did not see something so new and revolutionary there, and indeed , it is coming this mobilization, what is this law it differs from the fact that there was an electronic office added or something else added, let's ask what are possible questions for the people's group. let's talk about other things, what? look, i absolutely agree with solomiya bobrovska that this is a law, this is an archaic accumulation of issues, there are three wagons and 15 trolleys, well, good people, it was possible to adopt changes to the code on administrative offenses in the summer, where to strengthen or where to clarify responsibility, clarify liability in the law on liability for evasion of. mobilization, and the most important thing is to introduce norms that regulate the way military commissions work
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, they adopted this law, they wrapped things up, which i did not listen to today only from the words of the deputies, a gross violation of equality in public service, they will not be able to accept people who did not serve in the army , in israel, forgive me, there you cannot access the state benefits of the civil service without completing military service, but certain factions are already clinging to it. that the law cannot be adopted, let's forget it, or it would necessarily be necessary to regulate the issue of conscript service in this law and how it is now called basic military service is not an issue that needs to be settled today, it was necessary to resolve the issue of conscripts and goodbye, to set the terms of their release, so let's forget about the disabled, someone will name the number, tell me how many people as a result of this law, as a result of the decrease. the volume of postponements will become a mobilization resource, how many of them will become, how many
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evaders there are, who, forgive me, swim like in a hole and have never swam to the shore, and the military commissariat, well, the territorial center was never able to access them, because they do not accept summonses, they do not live at their place of residence, they do not communicate with anyone, in the event that they are stopped on the street, they raise trash with videos from by shouting and social networks and that... what we read is a small percentage of people, others fall into mobilization, so let's ask this question, if we were to establish, it seems to me that the number of those, when the right to postponement is reduced, is much, it is a tenth from those who should come under mobilization only by virtue of the establishment of certain rules, according to which the tsc will be able to work, as of today in our country. all this is blurred, i am asked where they have the right to serve a summons, but in our country it
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is not regulated by law, but by some normative act for conscription i'm reading, you know, i have all the bills in order with paper clips, and i'm reading, the rule was perfectly written, the summons can be given in the premises of the military commissariat by an employee. on the street, in a public place , it was removed from this current version , it turns out that it cannot be regulated, we have to continue to work in the shadows and call every step of the tsc illegal, i don't know , question it, why is this, why did this norm fall out , i personally, as a lawyer, cannot understand, now let's do something else, you know that in the draft law of december 25, post-graduate students in general were subject to all mobilizations, the word was master's degree. there were no doctoral students, post-graduate students, one of the people's deputies shouted about the limitation of rights? no, not a word
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, i even thought that i don’t know the law on education, that it is definitely a higher degree of education and it is a continuous education, again the bill returned postgraduate students, that is, you understand, we are talking about certain groups of people, the diligent said, i don’t want to the army of the disabled of the third group, i want them to be seen by military medical commissions, do you know which one? the number of disabled people has increased since the beginning of the war, how massively the mseks are giving permits, and i am convinced that it will be like in the joke when the prosecutor asks the person who committed the traffic accident, and where is the driving school where you studied is the key question that he cannot answer: believe me, some of the people who received the msek certificate will not be able to explain where the hospitals where they were treated are, and therefore this question, it , by the way, are in the transitional provisions, and one more thing i want to say about the draft law, there are a lot of norms, we will not be able to explain them, the big problem of this
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draft law is the vagueness of the wording and the lack of understanding of what it is for, well, for example , in the transition all persons who after february 24 there wrote in these provisions they wrote in the 24th year, this is a mistake, we understand, in the 22nd year, they received disability of the second and third groups, during the year they have to appear before the military medical commission of the military commissars, after that the question becomes, what will they do with it further , they will find a person who does not have a single document except for a certificate from the msek, she has never been treated, she will not be able to show her medical records, what to do with her, the law does not allow? answers, what happened to them, the military commissariat will send a message to the police to investigate, well, what is the point of making a change in the law, if it is not further refined, and what is the purpose of bringing disabled persons of the second group, well, these are such details, the bulk of the people's deputies' comments are the first, 36 months for service to the people, for those
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who are mobilized, or should it really be 36 months only in the calendar? calculation, should there be a day in three for those who are at zero? well, i believe that there cannot be a person who is mobilized and sits, excuse me, on baturynska street in the city of lviv, who came for mobilization, and someone who did not get out for a year and a half from scratch, this time cannot be objectively the same for them, and for some reason about this speaks only at the level, not even at an expert level, but at the level of someone who communicates with military personnel, everyone talks about the fact that it is not clear, as it should be.
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what does our expert say? no why i didn't say that, i said that i'm ready to listen, but at the same time, when i'm on the air, i have to work on the air, these are different things. well, please, you have the floor. for what i am ready to answer questions. you say that we don't give you a word, well okay, there were just lines from the musician, maybe you have a comment, your reaction, right, i i support this people's deputy who said that it is good that the law passed the first reading. great, now all deputies can make amendments, because when he is not in the verkhovna rada, there is nothing to work with, but they have already started, believe me, i raised a list of constitutional norms that can be limited during martial law, there are no unconstitutional norms, the only unconstitutional norm, this is the entry into the register of violators, it has been completely removed, all the rest are issues that may or may not be limited
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by law, and it is precisely the law that decides, it is logical is it illogical? because if we impose seizures on funds, the mass of people will not only give up their phones, they will give up their bank accounts, and finally, we have killed the labor market, now we will kill the market for banking services. oleksandr fedyenko, well, you heard something just now, and this is his fame, from the fact that, well, what can be used, let's say this, i make a decision, vasyl pavlyuk, you have a word, if there is one, i wanted to appeal to mr. people's if possible. i can address you, mr. pedienko, but i can't hear you, but let's adjust the sound now, because we can hear you in our ears, or viewers hear on our air , now, that's why it's wrong, it needs to be corrected, because we still live in a constitutional country, so there are many issues that need to be corrected, i agree, by the way, i just don't see the screen , i don’t have a screen
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, i don’t see the studio, i’m sorry, i don’t know who ’s speaking, so i agree with the speaker who just said that there are a lot of things in a non-legal legal format, a little in such a declarative- emotional format. well, nothing, he has now become an object legislative changes, and the deputies will work and change. regarding the register of military obligations, look, i want to explain, first of all, by the way, this is not a bad story, because now everyone is complaining about the tsc, look, today i was stopped by the tsc in the city of kyiv and began to be rude to me, a representative of the tsc in a balaclava with a machine gun , no descriptive symbols. in general, who is he, maybe this one, well, i don't know there drg, well, then his commander came up and said, well, we are such and such, i say, why do you have him? ok, let there be no last name here, but chevron should be there, the armed forces of ukraine should be there, yes, a balaclava, well, it definitely shouldn’t be, yes, and when we talked, he told me, look, can
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we make a separate uniform for the representatives of the tsk, well , he found out who i am , of course , i say, why, he says, look, a year ago, when, he himself came from the front, he was wounded there, he, of course, er, was sent to work in the central committee, he says, a year ago, when i talked with citizens of ukraine there, well, i was proud of this... form, because no one from me i ran away, and now people are running away from me, that’s why my fellow boys are suffering , so let’s make a separate form of fire prevention for the representatives of the tsc. must perform it, yes, but at the same time once again want the format of performing this work, it definitely does not stimulate and motivate the defenders of ukraine, which are provided for in the constitution of ukraine, it is an obligation, yes, nevertheless. and this is a job to work on the front line. about registries, look, i agree completely with my colleague, ms. solimi, that this should not be an obligation, we must make
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the appropriate distractions and we must make the appropriate additional mechanisms, for example, if a person wants voluntarily to have a military service register, or as it will be now to call a certificate according to another law, there it is called a military serviceman something. er, what is this for ? look, here it will work with registers, for example, others, if you have three children, minors, then they will immediately be included in your register of conscripts the information that you have three children, the appropriate reservation mechanism will automatically be distributed to you, the same applies to students and so on, the same applies to skills, now how does the tsk work, they take you old, some soviet, what do you have there was a cart like mine. for example, there was a truck of the soviet era, yes, a military specialty, and i have been there for 30 years, i do not know that truck, but i have other skills, i can apply the principles of the armed forces of ukraine,
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taking into account my modern new skills, but usually people are like: yes, you were a driver there, although now you are a monstrous it expert or a cool financier there, and you are sent there to work as a driver or mortar operator, because you had such a wasp there 30 years ago, and here, first of all, it is necessary precisely for this... i believe that we need to gradually move to recruiting, specifically not mobilization, not what happens on the streets, but recruiting, so that recruiters are looking for applications from military units, by the way, this is the third assault unit, yes, were looking for appropriately motivated people and taking into account her skills, she is used in the armed forces of ukraine, so i think that this should also be done, heard mr. fedienko, vasyl pavlyuk, a diplomat, has a question for you, let's summarize this topic, i will very briefly minus and plus, the minus is that when a large-scale invasion began
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, it was not structured, there was no such laws were not adopted, it was all, well, it was, we knew it was, well, there is such a truth, and you are already considering it today, you voted in the first reading, it is good, of course, it is good, but not all well, look, you said now, i support you, about graduate students. because we will not have doctors, if there are no postgraduate students before that, you understand, this is the truth, and today, so that there are not so many postgraduate students in ukraine, and if we were to treat veterans well and put them on the register, say, internal organs, there is the sbu, and other other structures, and the military as well , they are today, they have retired, so who is 40 years old, who, who is 45, they know how to handle weapons and so on, it will be filled a very large number, beyond 100 00, it is accurate if the run.
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as a remedy for that situation , to send the scientific part of our society there with machine gunners, because i believe that the war, it will end sooner or later anyway, any war will end, any war is a resource story, yes, but if we destroy the scientific component of our society, then society will go back decades, so of course i believe that this is a small layer of graduate students, doctors there and so on, well, they need to be approached separately. approach and yes, we have already talked about it many times, we will talk about it in the future, and once again, it is not possible, they can make scientific discoveries while not being at the forefront, this is also a normal story, in
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the armed forces. ukraine has enough opportunities to realize itself, and maybe they just need to be postponed for a while, and i agree with you that if today there are enough internal reserves of the armed forces, why not rotate, by the way, yes, then this part of the people can be touched at all. oleksandr vedienko, people's deputy of ukraine from servants of the people, member of the national security, defense and intelligence committee, was with us on skype. it is important here, because this topic of mobilization is of great interest to society, people want to understand. what this law will be, and people want to feel justice in all this, what the deputies are talking about, to what extent they accept it, this is a real fact, that for the deputies it is to some extent a difficult test, so to speak, to please the ukrainians so that it is fair enough, well that's what they have to deal with now, so listen to their arguments, you have to understand ukrainians, do you have influence over your people's deputies whom you elected, are they in your
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regions? communicate with them, go to meetings, convey your position, we on youtube will continue, ugh, but to the viewers of the tv channel, we say goodbye until next week traditionally in the evening prime time, on thursday at 21:15, we are waiting for you on the espresso tv channel, the broadcast continues on youtube , so everyone has a 10% discount on paracytamoldarnitsa in pharmacies. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, incontinence urine can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost oro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. buy with a 10% discount at apteka ants, apteka kopiyka and apteka shar.
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general syrsky at the head of the head? of the armed forces of ukraine, how it can affect


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