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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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another opinion that does not claim that war is the most correct way out for the development of russia, but when he began to collect even votes for the fact that, well, there needs to be a certain number of 1,000, it seems, to become a candidate, he was still dropped at the last moment with these all the train, because they understand that he can then gain more than those. in principle , pocket or should i say such manipulative communist parties, there are three parties that they have now admitted to the elections, that is, they planned five candidates, even they could not do it, so in principle it is clear where there will be a twisting of the situation, there will be no such recognition, of course there will be some countries that even now play along with russia, unfortunately, in the world, big countries among them are giving russia the opportunity to do just that.
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but after that, there will be a serious analysis of the political parties in the kremlin itself, because their task now is to seize another 6 years of power, they, i mean from the wider circle of putin's entourage, what will happen after that is quite difficult to predict, because they roughly understand also at what price, including theirs, not that their wallet, no, they have another level, yachts, planes. and billions, but they calculate that out of the 20 billion, well, i gave two, well, five, well, seven, well, it 's already much further, so there will be interesting processes, but to this day, no interesting ones nothing will happen, the maximum that the russian protest is capable of is to postpone the voting for 12 hours, more precisely, to come to the polling station at 12 hours, and not the first, this is what they... now
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called, well, what can i say, they they missed their moment when they could influence, and so the situation will be like this, but with external, external evaluations, yes, as you ask, if something were to change and be called differently, i would not call it self-proclaimed, maybe so, but here it is a criminal who unleashed a criminal war in europe, well, yes, here beyond all sadness... the status of a criminal is much more important than the status of a self-proclaimed president or a president who rigs elections there, because no one has canceled the warrant of the international criminal court. there have been decrees on the dismissal of zaluzhnyi and the appointment of syrsky, i will tell you that in the decree of the president of ukraine on the dismissal of zaluzhnyi did not say about the reasons for the dismissal, simply to dismiss zaluzhnyi valery fedorovych from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, zaluzhnyi left.
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they are of their own free will, because i think that it would have been indicated in the decree, as far as i understand it, and syrskyi was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, here accordingly, too, well, what is the reason, there is no reason, but in zaluzhnye there is no reason for dismissal, and this question in principle was left open and obviously this question will be asked later to president zelenskyi, and we will actually conclude our big conversation, thank you for being with us this evening, thank you for an interesting conversation, it was quite such an informative day and especially the evening regarding resignations and appointments to the high command of the armed forces of ukraine . i would like to remind you that today president zelenskyy dismissed valery zaluzhny from the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, a decree has already appeared on the official page of the president of ukraine, and a parallel decree on the appointment of a colonel-general of the armed forces of ukraine has appeared alexandra. syrskyi, the new
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, until now syrskyi commanded the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, he is 58 years old, he was born in russia, graduated from the moscow higher military command school, after school he worked in ukraine, well, then still in the ssr, then in the independent to ukraine, well , actually, he became a ukrainian general, a hero of ukraine for the defense of kyiv, well, let's keep an eye on how and what general syrskyi will talk about afterwards. and in a new status, well, we will wait for some explanations from volodymyr zelenskyi, which became the reason for the resignation of valery zaluzhny, because this question will obviously be asked to him repeatedly. this, my friends, is the end of our conversation. thank you all for being with us today, i wish you all a good evening, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. there are discounts
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on acc long 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and there is savings. there are discounts on emolium of 25% in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on penger and herpavir - 15% in psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft of the sapsan complexes of the state special transport service. he appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request. join in collecting funds, crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory,
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congratulations, i'm olga len, these are the chronicles of military operations, and we have already, well, consider it, the second month. when the russians conduct sufficiently active offensive actions along the entire front line, and let's see, well, where is such a summary of what they succeeded or did not succeed, especially in the last few days, a map of combat operations for the period of february 1-7, 2024, will february be the last month of yevdiivka's defense, a shell famine at the front, rumors of the resignation of the main... commander of the zaluzhny and constant russian attacks along the entire length of the eastern front. so passed the first week of february. on february 10, the fifth month of defense of avdiivka will begin, counting from the time when putin ordered to take the city until the day of his re-election. as a result of the four-month
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offensive, the russians were unable to implement what they had planned. in the south, from the water and experimental front, the front practically did not move. if you do not take into account small local changes, then from this flank they will not even manage. come close to cutting logistics. from the northern flank, the invaders had somewhat greater success. they knocked out the defense forces from the territory around the terekon, and also cut off the difference in the area of ​​the village of stepove. however , the enemy has been stuck near stepovoy for more than a month. his attempts to break through our defenses further north in the direction of novokalinov and ocheretin also failed. therefore, the rashists involved their favorite plan, dug up sub-copies. came to us in the rear fierce fighting continued throughout the week in the vicinity of the tsarska okhota restaurant and several streets with one-story buildings on the southern outskirts of avdiivka. however, the armed forces did not succeed in completely knocking the enemy out of the city. the breakthrough of the occupiers in
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the north of avdiivka was an even bigger blow. here they broke through our redoubts and wedged themselves between the coke-chemical plant and the sand pit, and also expanded the zone of their control east of the pit to the village of kamyanka. the situation is quite threatening, since the russians are constantly pouring in new forces in their assaults, trying to expand and drive a wedge into our defense. their main task is to get to the t-0505 highway, which in the city turns into hrushevska street industrial avenue. thus, they will be able to cut logistics for the military, which defends the strategically important position of the anti-aircraft guns, as well as the central and southern regions of avdiivka. it is obvious that the general staff understands this threat and... measures to neutralize it, it is here in these days and weeks that the fate of avdiivka will be decided, whether it will be able to withstand the onslaught of the occupiers until the elections putin, or the armed forces will have to withdraw troops to prepared positions outside the city. luhansk region: the offensive on the kupyansky liman
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continues. after the invasion, the russians have the largest group of troops, 55-60 thousand, in luhansk oblast. their offensive has been going on since may. however, he did not have serious successes until the shelling famine began in the armed forces, due to which the defense forces began to lose some positions, battles have been going on for the village of tabaivka for the second week, and the village itself is in the gray zone, at the same time, the enemy is trying to advance on in other directions to break the front line and get behind our soldiers. so, part of it advances in the direction of krokhmalne pischane from the south, while others attack the village of ivanivka from the north. in the end. the third group of troops is trying to break through along the r-07 road leading to kupyansk. by doing so, they want to cut off the defense forces that are fighting in kislivka and kotlyarivka. during a week of offensives , the russians were unable to accomplish what they had planned. instead, somewhat further south in the direction of the lyman, the enemy continues to attack the villages of terny
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and yampolivka. despite the fact that the ukrainian brigades who are fighting on this part of the front, boasted of 40 destroyed units of armored vehicles in a radius of 3 km2. the enemy did manage to push the front line several hundred meters in the direction of terni. coal mining front. meanwhile, bloody positional battles are going on under bakhmut without any changes. front line precisely in the ughledar direction, the occupiers make a bet as a spare after avdiivka. a breakthrough to ughledar can be no less a tactical success for the occupiers than the occupation of avdiyivka, so they also moved a significant amount of resources to this part of the front. this week, their attacks were mostly concentrated north of novomykhaivka in the direction of pobeda and paraskoviivka. in addition, the invaders began to attack the village of pobeda from the side of the occupied maryinka, as well as from... they continue to conduct assaults in the direction of kurakhovo. here they managed to push back the
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defense forces several hundred meters north of georgiivka. to the south of novomykhaivka, the enemy was advancing from sweety on the water, but here, in one of the assaults, the 72nd brigade managed to destroy a column of 11 enemy tanks and bmps. deoccupation of crimea. on the night of february 1, six marines drones attacked the ivanovets missile boat, which left lake donuzlavy. completely sunk him and his crew, at the same time three su-24s of the armed forces of ukraine fired six stormshade missiles at the scalp eg at the belbek air base. here , the commander of the fighter squadron, lieutenant general tatarinka, flew into the command post and communications post, and was killed by the planes. 10 military personnel, three aircraft were significantly damaged this week, the armed forces of ukraine launched missile strikes on an intelligence base in rozdolno airfields in march. the commander of the navy of ukraine, pope neizh, expressed confidence that the crimean bridge will not be completed by
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the end of 2024. we win daily, death to enemies. well, this is the situation, and let's talk in more detail with oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, veteran of the ukraine -russian war. and congratulations, mr. oleksii. good evening. and let's, you know, start right away from avdiyivka, because... this is currently the most dangerous situation, and objectively, that is where the russians are currently carrying out the most assaults, the russians are most active, and especially if u.s they bring out the map, then we will be able to see it, especially, let's still focus on the threat to our zenith position, which is located in the south-south of aviivka, and where we see two such breakthroughs, one near the restaurant, cer... hunting, the other is like a wedge that goes closer to our
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logistics route, to the road itself, which is important for the defense of avdiyivka, mr. oleksii, please tell me why, why are we talking about such a threat now, and in general, what is the threat of loss in general here is the zenith for the entire defense of avdiivka, i.e. who can here to be, well, why exactly such attention to this moment? to the t05 05 track and to the track and to this position itself, that is, is there any threat at all to the surrounding of this position now, well, in the grand scheme of things, this track itself is very important, because we all understand that it is a logistical route for supplying everything that our garrison needs , which holds the defense there, this route is already under fire control of the enemy, well, we can see on the map, the distance there is short, it can be fired at with, well, with any weapon, an artillery grenade... well, at night, you can transport certain things there without light, well, with great danger
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, anything, everything, everything that is necessary for the garrison, that is, ammunition, including water, food, medicine, to take out the wounded, so it is through this route that our entire group there is fed, if the road is cut, it will remain a group in avdiivka, the garrison will only have what they... have, well, as they say, on themselves, there, and that will be enough, well, for a few days, no more, further, if constantly not not to deliver everything that is necessary, then no, no, no there will be something to hold the defense, of course , there are small warehouses there, they are camouflaged, they are mostly in kaksokhim, but that’s it, well , a day or two, that’s what i said, maybe, maybe more, maybe enough for longer, maybe a week, but no more, because... well , we already understand that there are large warehouses, no one does that, because they can be vulnerable and
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the barons of god, fly something there, a detonation, we will also suffer from the fact that our own warehouse was blown up, so without this road it will be impossible to maintain a defense there, whether someone likes it there or not, it will be necessary withdraw the garrison, but there will be no other way out, and withdrawing it will also be quite problematic, if the russians will control this road, it will be necessary from... the fields, as they say, well, this is also extremely dangerous, and the russians can take advantage of this in order for the troops to leave when to inflict maximum damage, that is the situation. it's really extremely, extremely difficult, the russians, well, how are they doing assault actions there, you just said about it, but yes, let's go a little deeper, what does it mean that they constantly these assault groups are targeting, they are constantly targeting, this means that they have a certain reserve in that direction, and they are doing so-called tactical rotations, that is, some
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unit, group, well, it doesn’t matter what they call them there, assault actions, attack actions we we fight back, they return to themselves, there to themselves, there they are supplemented , they provide us with appropriate help, give us the opportunity to rest, the next assaults are already made by a new group , the new group is torn to shreds, a third new group is doing it, even the russians want these groups, which leave did not cross paths physically with those groups that are already ready for the next offensive actions, that is, there are constantly fresh forces with full ammunition for... fully prepared, and our defense is held by the same people, that is, three or four groups of russians, for example every day there were some assaults, constantly new groups, in our country the same people do, well , give eightych tstupa days, it is exhausting both physically and morally, and even the weapon is exhausted, because it needs to be periodically
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brought into order, well, simply put, it is necessary to clean weapons, no matter what time, and since the battles are going on there without adj. sometimes there is not even enough time for this, even the weapons are squeaking, well, when you talk about the track and the threat of having to remove defenders from certain positions, well , first of all, it is again about the position of the zenit, which is wedged yes , it is enough in the south, it is now visible on the map, but also, for example, if you look, there are positions further north, right? this route is also live, and this means that there will have to be a departure from there, or it will be some kind of independent one the story is from this one, well, we can see over there behind the railway, if we look there further east, north of avdiyivka itself, again the same koksokhim, is it possible to hold positions on the koksokhim, if from the southern side this
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track is still somehow there blocked, how do you rate it? chose the worse option, that they will control this route, if we can continue to keep such a defense there and they will not be able to control it not by fire but physically, then this allows us to do these things again , well, constantly drive everything that we say, everything, what do you need, all we have just said is to support this garrison there and can even make small rotations, especially if someone is already extremely exhausted, then it is better to take such a serviceman away, replace him... with the newest one, because it makes no sense from a person who has already overtired, then he cannot fight effectively, should we keep this defensive ideal? well, of course, it is worth it , because first of all, these commanding heights are a convenient position, a tactically convenient position, i said, even wrote the same institute for the study of war, that the loss, for example, these
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of this settlement on avdeivky, will not significantly affect, strategically will not affect the entire line. front, tactically, yes, it will be a tactical advantage of the russians, a tactical failure on our part, er, well, nothing more, why does he want, why is there a desire to be there, why is the enemy so, well, for 10 years, he has been trying to knock us out of there in a different way, by different numbers of people, because from this distance we can shell the city of donetsk with artillery systems, we did not do this, but we did not shoot at civilian objects, of course, but there is such a possibility... that is why the russians cannot build some powerful military hub there, that is, some stands or some warehouses, because they, they understand that they will be vulnerable to our artillery, not only rockets, although it would be very necessary for the russians, it would be very, very useful, because in donetsk, well, there is electricity and gas, and everything that is necessary, water, that is, all communications are present there, and well
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, it is possible to do something more or less serious from a military point of view, they they don't do that. understand that our intelligence immediately it will know, and he will be destroyed by our artillery. in addition, if we talk about departure, then it will be necessary to move away from there not several kilometers, but perhaps 15-20 km, because further to the west of avdiivka there is already a lowland, that is, avdiivka is at a reasonable height, of course around it lowland, therefore, to retreat to kilometer-2 and take up positions in the lowlands, well, no one will do this, because it is, well, an extremely, extremely unsuccessful position from a military point of view. points of view, the following, well relatively, well not relatively, not understandable heights, but simply the following heights, if you look at map, they are somewhere 15-20 km away, that's why the defenses will have to be held already. to make fortifications, i am sure that they have already been made there in that very place, so it is also not very pleasant, because for the russians it will be, well, in
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their propaganda channels, well , there will be a lot of talk about how they pushed our troops to a great distance, they advanced almost 20 km there, they will necessarily count square meters, tell how much territory they liberated and so on, well, this is what they like to do, although in fact any army would do it, because it makes no sense in the lowlands... there is no place, why do we still need to hold avdiivka, because the enemy is throwing a large amount of manpower and equipment there, well, you have already said that, what they need before the elections, well, the so-called elections of president putin, 15 -march 17 to show some progress on the front line, well, this is their deadline, well, most likely they will want to do it at the beginning of march, so that there will be several days or weeks in order to disperse this information through... their media channel , this is the third deadline they are already setting on avdiivka for the past six months, because starting from october 10, they set a deadline of december 14,
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october 10 of last year, december 14, just when putin's press conference was held, where he said that he would run, well, run for president, then the second the deadline was until january 1 until the end of the year, and now it is the third deadline, they suffer heavy losses there, and the task of any army during the war is to fight the enemy’s army and... we succeed there, well, we see what losses the period from october 10 of last year to today they lost on in the avdiyivka direction, more manpower than the soviet union lost in the entire afghan war, that is, during the 10 years of the war, the soviet union lost approximately 14,500 servicemen, near avdiivka, the russians already lost 17 thousand servicemen , that is, not comparable losses, crazy losses for the russians, but if there the political background, of course they... will not stop and will continue to throw storm-z, storm b from the north, from the south there attack donetsk, the donetsk people's republic, their armed forces, well, the so
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-called donetsk people's republic, there the spartak battalion, the battalion named after the roasted rooster, and so on, that is, these units are conducting combat operations there, that is why these people especially have a great desire to destroy these troops, so we will... stand there as long as there is an opportunity to keep pace and destroy the enemy, there are no other tasks there, and the russians, of course, on the contrary, this month will definitely be extremely stressful, especially for avdeivka, well, by the way, kupin to kupinsk is also there, and we will also talk, a little, i understand, i just i say that two is two directions they will be, well, at least they announced that these are two directions, they should release, as they say, before the start of the presidential elections, before the voting, let's say so. and here and there there will be very powerful offensive actions, well, we will see what they will succeed in, but we must remember that , first of all, we have a hunger for shells, a hunger for ammunition, and not
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such a large number of military personnel compared to the russians , which for the time being have enough equipment and shells, and ammunition and people, and well, not just people that's enough, there's an insane amount of them , let's remember that now there are almost half a million and a half million russians in the russian-ukrainian war... so compared to our military personnel, those who hold the defense, well, it's many times more, many times more russians, well, tell me, but if we are now talking about that, well, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary to somehow strengthen the ukrainian armed forces precisely at these key points in avdiivka, that is , it is not about withdrawing from there in some way and will decide it's something, it won't solve any the question is clear, but... if we talk about reinforcement, what can this reinforcement be, i.e. what should it be, because there were and are well-equipped positions, after all, there
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is a sufficiently high saturation of drones there, here , of course, there are not many drones, but nevertheless there are many of them, objectively speaking, what else could be done to prevent such and such breakthroughs, or at least when they occurred. it is possible to knock out the russians from there quickly enough, well, first of all, we have certain reserves, that is, we have not used all the reserves that are into the depths of the country, well, it is obvious, if we used all the reserves, then it would be an extremely dangerous situation, we are pulling up the reserves in some areas in the kupin direction, there is no open information about whether the reserves are being pulled up to avdiivka, but i am sure that little by little our garrison is being strengthened there. what needs to be done in order to hold the enemy, well, you know, these are quite simple answers, but the difficulty lies in the fact that they are so simple.
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the answers are not theirs to provide solutions to such questions, seemingly simple at first glance, well it is extremely difficult, sometimes almost impossible, that we must, first of all, build , we would have to build powerful fortifications where we can, well, the first or second line, if the first line broke through, so that we could withdraw to the second or to the third line, the russians managed to do it while we were preparing our... spring offensive, summer, to be more precise , it began, they built during the spring and summer of last year, we remember, we remember these lines of soroviks by eye the first two , the third, second line of defense, and they built not just dug trench and put the dragon's teeth , they made reinforced concrete structures there, that is , there are dugouts that are two, even three floors underground, there are many underground communications, that is, they made powerful ones, if i am not mistaken, i may be slightly wrong in the number, but something about 600 km... they
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made money and did not just dig it with a tractor, but made it equipped, that is, with pillboxes, with reinforced concrete and with very well fortified ee trenches, well, those cities where they have 20 defenses, ee with us , unfortunately, for avdiivka, for kupinsky built such powerful fortifications, well , we didn't have time to make them so powerful, and we didn't have the possibility of such and such equipment. the number of people to be able to do this, there is something, there are some fortifications , but they are inferior to the russian ones, and therefore it is necessary, while there is time, while there is a hold on kupinsky and on near kupinsky and near avdiivka, and we understand that if the russians will have to leave, well, there must be somewhere to go, we hope, i hope that this is being done now, what else
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is needed, well, we need more... people, because in addition to weapons, there must be people who used these weapons, i.e., if the russians are outnumbered multiple times, then in order to gain defense, well, skillfully hold the defense, it is necessary that there be at least, well, if not as many, then much less of our russians servicemen than the russian ones, well , the platoon cannot hold the defense if the divisions are advancing, well, it’s obvious here, i’m not saying that there is such a difference, but there in some areas they are... that’s about the way it is, that we still need, we need shells, of course "necessarily, first of all, you need shells in order to be able to do it anti-battery combat , destroy the enemy's artillery, and of course what you said , more drones, more means of radio electronic warfare are needed, drones cannot yet completely replace artillery, but they could help significantly, and it would be good, of course , well, these are already such big, distant prospects, it would be nice
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to have more aviation. suffers from russian cabals and this is a serious problem for everyone , it is done in the trenches, we just have to go on a short advertising break now, we will come back and already there we will talk in detail a little about bakhmud, a little about kupyansk, so stay with us after the commercial, and now a little small commercial on the espresso tv channel. professional anti-fix cream is an extra-strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses. antifix. german quality at an affordable price. there are discounts on sinus hot and sinus cups of 15% in travel pharmacies and savings. a separate platoon of unmanned aerial
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systems sapsan. of the state special transport service appeal to the audience to the espresso tv channel with a request to join the fundraising campaign for crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. more top guests: foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. we continue the chronicles of the war, and we continue the conversation with oleksiy hetman.


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