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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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of the sapsan pilot aviation complexes of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. we continue the chronicles of the war and continue the conversation with oleksiy hetman. major,
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reserve major of nsu, and we were also joined by denys nagorny, major of the national guard, chief of staff of artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade, i congratulate you, mr. denys, good evening, studio, good evening, dear viewers, denys, well, let's ask you a little there were reports about what was actually happening near bakhmut, and you know such things at the beginning of the week, what is there... there is a little bit near bohdanivka, we managed to knock out the russians from some positions, but it is not completely clear whether it was possible to gain a foothold there, what can you say about it in general, whether there really were any , now there are some advances today ours , if you take it in general, where our fourth brigade of operational frontiers is holding defense, it is a little bit further north, and in general the whole line, the line is somewhat static, like such cities, for example, the same bohdaniv, they can be considered no longer existing,
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as well as banging, banging, because of him it just stagnated, the line itself is not moving yet, but in some places the enemy continues to actively concentrate efforts, it is in particular the same bohdanivka, it is the same klishchiev heights, railway, cheerful and a little higher than the disputed one, that is, it is trying to probe the line in those places, where he thinks... that he will be successful operationally, while using a large number of personnel, it's mainly storm units, it's mobilized units, it's some use of armored vehicles from closed fire positions, that is, it does not approach the line a combat clash and the same with the massive use of artillery and tactical aviation, why tactical aviation, because day by
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day, according to our calculations, the number of strikes by pubs, cabs, from umpk, as well as drone strikes, the number of drones currently on the line is increasing the collision is very big, both on our side and on the side of the enemy, which gives , for example, certain results, but if we take it in general, if we take it in general, on a certain shade of the front, according to bahmut, yes, let's take, for example, this is the northern one. .. for for a month, our drones, the drones of the defense forces , took away an entire artillery division , i.e. 18 communities went under siege, let's call it that, i.e. there are successes, but you cannot give up artillery in general , because it is the main means of supporting the infantry, i.e. in any case, well i just thought , you're an artilleryman, so you're probably a bit out there with drones right now... you're competing for
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targets to shoot at, but you know, well, everyone notes what happened, well, there's definitely a hunger for shells, there are all these conversations, well, that's it can you somehow compare, maybe for a little longer perspective, if you compare with the summer of the 23rd year, with the fall of the 23rd year, how much this projectile famine is so directly critical and in general. it grows exponentially, uh, let's put it this way, for example, for defensive actions at the moment, roughly speaking, there are enough shells, plus they are compensated by the same joint actions with minesweepers, that is, companies of unmanned attack systems, but if you put it all together to a certain to a certain angle, let's call it roughly like this, then... for tactical actions,
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for example, the same offensive, or repelling certain positions, there, for example, on the front of the battalion, this is not enough, the enemy on... for example, if we take, for example, the army of the russian federation, they all have an advantage, they concentrate a very large number of forces and means of fire, artillery, mortars, aviation, drones on certain and certain sections, due to which they sometimes manage to knock us out of position, and then these positions are also difficult to return, it happens, if they don't have time to rush there half... that is, the main one the key is to destroy the enemy's infantry before they get close to the front, but the war has reached such a stage that if you take the 23rd year, the 22nd, the number
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of artillery shots on both sides decreases every day , incapable military industry, even of such a large country. how does russia at the moment take such steps to the number of fired shells, which there are 20-30,000 shots, as it was last year, if we take the ratio now, then it is somewhere around 3,400 shots from our side and somewhere up to 10 thousand shots from on the part of the russians in general, well, it’s still very big, you know, it’s still a very big advantage for them, of course, but that ’s all... it’s compensated by the use of drones, ugh, that is, it’s gradually moving from the use of massive artillery to point strikes by drones , which, by the way, we collect, if there is an opportunity for the studio, and we collect
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not only for drones, but also for reb devices, if there is an opportunity for the studio to post a qr code, i will be very grateful, well, if there is and well... if you if you give it to us, we can certainly do it too it is necessary to publish and join your gathering, and now we simply draw your attention to the fact that the fourth brigade of the frontier is gathering for drones, and please, friends, find an opportunity, find the fourth brigade in social networks, will join this gathering, because guys, well, important direction and on the first line, and well, this is really very necessary, mr. denys, one more such question, you know, you already started talking about it a little... and about the fact that there is no way without artillery anyway, but tell me, how realistic it is to conduct, well any offensive actions, at least limited to the recapture of certain positions only by the use of drones and infantry, as far as we can afford it in general, absolutely
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realistic, quite realistic, because there are certain cases when an entire platoon stronghold was knocked out by the use of drones. and the infantry could enter there without any problems, but i still emphasize that there is no way without artillery, it is a symbiosis of troops, just like reb, just like air defense, just like other forces and means that are used, the troops cannot fight there purely as infantry purely by drones, this is a complete set of measures that must be carried out for an offensive, for example, to take the same summary. the point needs to be reconnoitered , the same reconnaissance drones must be released , see when people come, when they leave , how many of them have accumulated there, when the reserves will arrive, what is the time of these reserve approaches, fire to prohibit the advance, to prohibit the deployment, here i am i say, you can’t, you can’t
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say that they took purely infantry, they took purely drones and everything, they occupied a certain certain area there, then... so far we don’t have that number of drones and we still do not have, unfortunately, that amount of ammunition to carry out such operations, it is difficult, it is quite difficult. well, i also want mr. and oleksiy to also express themselves on this matter, because look, what specifically concerns this direction that denys is talking about, bakhmutsk. it seems that at least there now, neither the russians are particularly capable of conducting offensive actions, nor our troops are capable of conducting offensive actions, and if the russians have this, it may be due to the fact that that they are conducting offensive actions in another place, then for us it is not enough in the first place, as i understand it, there are simply
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enough forces, neither artillery, nor ammunition. it was very nice to hear from a person who is directly fighting in bakhmut, i am there a lot. i've been there, i'm also from the national guard, only from the 27th brigade, i've been there once, they immediately smile , they know what they're talking about, well, i was in the battalion of the kovchytsky command force support, so i perfectly understand what we're talking about. what is that , we don't have what is that, well, we don't have artillery there was, but, well, in short, okay, that ’s it, we drove through, the fact is that now the russians are accumulating additional forces near bakhmut, they have almost doubled the number of troops, well, according to official information , the number of troops stationed there is 40,000 goes to 80,000, will it give them something to advance to, well, we understand where they want to crawl, in general... they want to go to kostiantynovka, because we all know how important this hub is and we have been on these
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trains many times well, they didn't go on their own, but when there was an urgent need to go to kyiv and back, that's why well, that's it, okay, we drove through again, so whether they succeed or not, well, the problem here is that they use those groups, which they are assault groups, they have a reserve, this is the so-called tactical rotation, that is, a group can come, she was torn, she left and is leaving... a group in the same place, well, well, for example , in a certain area there, there are 100 people , for example, 20-25 people, but they tried to pass there, the groups did not pass and were repelled and are trying to get them out so that the russians would take them out so that they would not come even physically close to the newest assault in groups and the newest group goes, it is fresh, that is, it is full of bull, they are fully equipped, they are repulsed, they are coming back again, they are the same here... people are holding the defense, that is, such tactical rotations, such a number of people that it we don’t have much to do, so this is exhausting
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both morally and psychologically, and what a colleague is talking about, well, not a colleague, it’s better to say to the brother-in-law about the artillery, well, when they fall asleep, well , right then and there, it’s very important that every shot hits the goal, but the russians, they make and take sectors, take squares... you start to put them to sleep and it’s just , well, well, well, where do we have to leave, of course, and then if they managed to leave and we had to leave, simply leave, leave, get out of the shelling, get out of the fire, of course, if they saw it through their eagles there or in some other way if they had to retreat, they can quickly drive their infantry there, and then we will have to knock them out, but we cannot pour artillery like they do, so there are, there are certain difficulties, regarding drones, well,
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you know , well, people who, well, start the man just told my brother very well that drones are also important, artillery is important, that is, it is a big serious complex in order for a battalion, troop, or even a platoon to take any actions, it is necessary that there be beve orders written there, what was prescribed, how to do what there, i am silent about what reports, journals, what needs to be filled in, well, that's it. and then some person comes out, who is somewhere very far from the front line and starts telling us, here we are now there with drones or there now with something else there and we will defeat everyone at once or we will fly in on the 16th everyone will be bombed there, well , well, listen, well, it annoys the guys who are there, when a self-confident person starts to tell that she was only a guest in the army, starts to tell how to conduct combat operations, that everyone there is stupid, and she such or such? together, well, it's simple, i don't know, it's so annoying that i can't even, well, many of my friends
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come, well, you know, right there from those cities, some people began to be let go sometimes on vacation, well, there even , well, not for 15 days, but here we are we meet all the time, i ask what i'm asking, i was kicked out of the army for bad behavior, well, i'm just old, i've reached my organic age... a year ago they said goodbye, they say i can still goodbye and that's it goodbye and good-bye, and now people come and tell me what happened there, missrubka , how was it? i say no, it’s not missrubka, there’s already a blender there , everything has become much worse, so you know, it’s better to let my brother tell me, because i’m watching, i only know the stories of such brothers and i'm watching from kyiv, well, i'm there i analyze a lot, look at the documents, and the person who sees it directly is better able to tell what is happening there because he sees it with his own eyes, i think it is better to give him more time than me. mr. denys , then let's give one more thing, you already
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said a little bit about the fact that technology is mostly not moving in your direction, well, it's really so, because we see when these are their breakthroughs in technology, it's there in in the area of ​​bilogorivka, in the area around kupyansk, in the area of ​​avdivka again, there are constantly dozens of armored vehicles being destroyed there, because they they drive there. you say, you mostly don't have equipment like that, but do you see the accumulation of this equipment, or as mr. oleksiy said, they will still accumulate and try to move to the side. time gap, or are you already seeing any signs that this might happen? i absolutely support the words of my brother , of course, there are many such nuances, especially regarding the meat grinder and rotation, the people remain the same, and the orcs are new and new, that is, it is a little difficult, well, morally, morally
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a little difficult, but i will say, we military we are waiting for war. so that since the 14th year we have nothing to fear, well, that’s it, i’ll say it like this, they simply don’t catch up with the equipment to the front edge, two or three bmpshkas left, yes, they left for the line of deployment of platoon columns, worked out, left , the tank left, it does not approach the direction of the attack, it fires from closed firing positions, they also do not allow it... to simply hit our anti-tank weapons at a distance or hit them with the fpv means that are available, of course they accumulate, they keep the equipment, roughly speaking, at a low start, but away from the front line so that it is not affected as much as possible, because the dear
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accumulation of equipment there immediately, so to speak, cures the star of the willow. and people, these people are hustling, running, it’s all burning, we like it, everything is wonderful, well, so that they accumulate, yes, they have a lot of personnel here, an extremely large number of personnel, and the main operational task for the russians at the moment , it stands chasiv, that is, let’s call it this, this donetsk fortress, this is bakhmut, it is... chasiv, kanstakh, druzhkovka, sloviansk, kramar, kramatorsk , siversk, that is, this fortress for them is somehow a source of pride for the acquisition of all of donbas, and most likely they will drive the majority of the people here, that is, continue the same tactics of wagner, it is here for now the moment has not changed, if you take bohdanivka,
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where the group is 15, 20, 30 people, well, how much fp is not enough. artillery is also used there, the main tool that my colleague commanded, this is a fire support company, these guys are such that sometimes they give such a thing at once, and the artillery is jealous, we are very proud of the guys , yes, gentlemen, our time is over, thank you to mr. oleksiy hetman, thank you to denys nagorny, i remind you to support the fourth brigade of rubizh, find mr. denys or his brigade on social networks. they are gathering for drones, they need them very much under bakhmut, in order to protect the time of ivyara, in order to actually be able to hold positions under bakhmut, our time is over, more news, welcome them to the studio, and see you later week in this format. good evening, we are
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of ukraine. volodymyr zelensky met with general zaluzhny, offered to stay in the team, thanked for two years of work. so what this means, whether zaluzhny remains in the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, or whether he will resign by presidential decree, we will find out obviously by the end of this day. i will first read what was written on the official page. the president met with general valery zaluzhny in a telegram, thanked him for two years of protecting ukraine, discussed what kind of update needs of the armed forces of ukraine, they also discussed who can be in the renewed leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. the time for such an update is now, says the president. i offered valery fedorovych to continue to be in the team, we will definitely win, glory to ukraine. after that, there was a post and, as
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they say, from the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. the first ones are the most difficult. th days of the great war, writes zaluzhny: we stood against a vile and strong enemy, we stood together, our battle continues and changes every day, the tasks of the 22nd year are different from the tasks 24th year, so everyone must change and adapt to new realities, also to win together. we just met with the supreme commander-in-chief of the valery volodymyr zelensky, an important and serious conversation, a decision was made about the need to change approaches and strategy. i am grateful to everyone around me, the general staff of the ministry of defense, the president of ukraine, i am proud of everyone in the armed forces of ukraine who protect the future of our children. and yes, now i still, we will see. let's see what he wrote about this, now for a second, what ustem rustem umerov, minister of defense of ukraine, wrote about this, general valery zaluzhny had one of the most difficult tasks
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of managing the armed forces of ukraine during the great war with russia. the armed forces of ukraine , together with all the people of our country , demonstrated to the whole world that ukraine will fight for its own and for its own, regardless of the enemy it is dealing with. our soldiers repelled the onslaught of the aggressor, defended our statehood and continue to defend our... independence every day, but war does not remain the same, war changes and requires changes. the battles of the 22nd, 23rd and 24th years are three different realities. the 24th will bring new changes, for which we must be ready, new approaches, new strategies are needed. today, a decision was made on the need to change the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. i am sincerely grateful to valery zaluzhny for all his achievements and victories. glory to ukraine, well , it is more clearly spelled out in rustem umerov's post, obviously. valery fedorovych zaluzhny was thanked and now we will wait for the decree on his resignation from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, if it is possible to interpret these words of umerov in a different way, then obviously i would like to, but
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i do not know how to interpret them differently. change of management and thanks to valery fedorovych. so, we are waiting for the decree, obviously, if there should be one, or some other explanations will emerge, well , obviously for new strategies, new approaches and new leadership, and his... strategies, in fact, changes are taking place. well, we start with the announcement of the assembly, well , we continue: in order to move quickly and perform combat tasks, the 25th separate airborne brigade of sicheslav needs a car. they are constantly under the gun. the occupiers are trying to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders firmly hold their formation in the eastern direction. we ask everyone who cares to join the car fundraiser. don't be left out. every hryvnia brings victory closer. our goal is uah 300,000. please report the details you see on your screens. well, actually, we will wait for the continuation of the topic about
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the resignation or not of zaluzhny, it will be under the control of the great ether and the verdict of serhii rudenko, this evening. i think we are let's get all the answers. well, now we will talk about the enemy attack on seridovo in donetsk region, vadym filashkin, head of the donetsk regional state administration. mr. vadim, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. we don't have much time, i 'll actually ask briefly, the enemy struck a mean blow on the seridum, they wrote about the victims and one person died, as far as i know, if i wrote everything correctly, as of now, what are the consequences of overcoming these consequences, well, in general, about this a vile enemy attack on a populated place, please, tonight the enemy released four celeriacs in the city north korean kn-23 ballistic missiles and four s-300 missiles, one person altogether. all were injured, among them one 17-year-old child, all injured were provided with medical assistance, 53 high-rise buildings, 10 private houses,
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houses, seven administrative buildings and 24 cars were damaged, power lines were damaged, now our power engineers are restoring the damaged power grid, on site ... the humanitarian headquarters is working after the tragedy, we are issuing all the necessary construction materials and all communal services are working and providing all the necessary help our people. in the morning , generators were connected to restore mobile communications. i would like to remind you that there is not a single military unit in the city of silidova. the enemy cynically fired ballistic missiles at sleeping people in the middle of the night. i understand that ballistics fly so that they do not have time, or people do not have time to hide, and whether, say, there is no way to shoot down these
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ballistic missiles, again, without revealing any details, i understand that there is a strategy in anti-aircraft defense, but how dangerous it is to strike again ballistics, and what is more, it is such a close distance to and to the front line and, in general , to the territory controlled by the enemy, it is not even possible to fly to lviv or kyiv, please, you said correctly, we are very... close to the enemy, and donetsk is an outpost of our country, unfortunately, there are such settlements that are near the enemy from 15 km and a medal, so no air defense has time to shoot down ballistics, and ballistics is a very, very dangerous missile, well, i will ask briefly, also about donetsk areas of the enemy they said to me, that the enemy is hitting the temporal ravine, is it possible that there is information, again , from what can be said, because i always ask. more, but i understand that not everything can be said and not everything can be shared at once, but is there such and such information? each day the enemy from 1,500 to 2,500 fire as a
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front line. as well as donetsk region as a whole, they are trying to break through the line of defense in all directions, but our defenders restrained them and will restrain them, and we, for our part , will do everything possible to strengthen the defense capability of the region. and now very much a difficult situation in avdiivka, but now i will not talk about the military execution, well, they already say , i don’t have time, well then maybe tomorrow we will talk about it with another guest, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your work, first of all vadim filashkin, the head of the donetsk regional state administration, was in touch with us there for a short time. the situation is such that the local residents, who remained despite the request to evacuate in avdiivka, now remain under rubble in bombed-out houses and it is impossible to evacuate them from there there is practically none, the situation is very complicated, and people cannot be blamed here, on the other hand, we understand that when there is such an active war on the streets of the city, it is very difficult to talk about some kind of conditional security even for civilians, and we will talk about domestic political topics and problems.
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of course, the main topic is today's statement by volodymyr zelenskyi and valery zaluzhnyi and rustam umerov. mykola knyazhytskyi will be in touch with us now, so i will say once again that three posts are in fact simultaneous appeared on the network from the first supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi , then the commander-in-chief, and as far as i understand, the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, and later. of the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov regarding personnel decisions, possible strategy changes, and tactics in actions on the battlefield, so now, let's go, since this topic is now, as they say, overripe and ripe for valery zaluzhny, we have material to give you more to tell
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to tell about this person, about him with... and his path, let's see the fate of valery zaluzhny was determined from an early age, because he was brought up in a military family, already at an adult age he passed all stages of his dream career. in july 2021, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, appointed valery zaluzhnyi as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. zaluzhny became the face of our struggle and the main terror of the russian invaders. out of desperation, the invaders invented. yki about the disappearance and death of the soldier, since 2014, the general has participated in battles on donbas, and even then he was sure that a full-scale offensive by russia was inevitable. the american media politico wrote that the commander will become a legendary figure in the history of ukraine, because the successes of the ukrainian army surprised the whole world. american general mark milley was of the same opinion. when the history of the war in ukraine is being written,
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the hard worker will sit there. prominent role he was part of the ukrainian leadership that spent years transforming the country's army from a clumsy soviet model into a modern fighting force. hardened by years of struggle with russia on the eastern front, he belongs to the new generation of ukrainian leaders. zaluzhny is the first ukrainian commander-in-chief without a soviet education, his vision of the ukrainian army meets nato standards. that is why western colleagues and partners especially respect the ukrainian general. they consider him a strong and influential ally. in october 2022, general zaluzhny was included in the hundred most influential people in the world according to the american magazine. although he is called an iron general, the ukrainian military respects and trusts him. everyone in the family is friendly, you and he and i. our father is industrious, zsu-family. i have a powerful spirit, a toga
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in my head. zalushny will give the order, we will be in moscow. so, this is about valery zaluzhnyi. mykola knyazhytskyi is with us, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. there are many topics to talk about, but i will still start with this news, which, as they say, has swept ukraine like a queen. we read the posts of volodymyr zelenskyi, valery zaluzhnyi, and erustem umerov. and many people still do not understand, and what actually happened, is the resignation, where is the decree, or are we working on it, explain your understanding of these posts, everyone has been talking for a long time about the resignation of valery zaluzhny, and based on the fact that defense minister rostem omerov thanked valery fedorovych.


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