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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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and it's true, i deeply respect every person who works for us, and i'm sure that they work for, let's say, not a market price, probably somewhere else, for their work, but they understand what they're doing, for who do they do it and why do they get such a salary, we basically searched for these people all over the country, we have people like us, just a diamond. found even in the east of the country, in the front-line zones, in other parts of ukraine. also, we are essentially looking for people who understand microelectronics, optics, know how to solder properly, by the way, we have this now there are also such schools that are mandatory, and in reality people who know how to do it skillfully and especially know how to work with microelectronics are very, very few, they are unique. kivtsi, there is now a huge
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struggle for them, due to the fact that we have a very well-developed component of the development and development of uavs, which also requires highly qualified microelectronics engineers , therefore, there is now a certain competition in this market, and we, of course, appreciate the choice of our colleagues who came to us and work with us, and how do you get them in large numbers? salary or other components? i think you know, it's very difficult to get a big salary when you have a charity fund, and i think a lot of my fellow volunteers now understand that every penny is very hard, everything that any charity fund has now - this is his reputation and efficiency indicators, we try to keep both of these indicators at a high level, to meet the requirements... that our
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donors, sponsors put to us, so uh, i think that this is a certain type of motivation, well, in general, it not needed, everyone understands the current state of the country, uh, and that we, especially men, have two options, how we can be useful in the war, that is to directly take up arms , someone will take up a soldering iron in their hands and restore not not one device, hundreds, hundreds of millions... hryvnias, we now, for example , restore 70-90 million hryvnias a month of various optical, optical-electronic, drone equipment, i believe that this is also a good indicator of efficiency, mr. igor, we now have an opportunity to address our viewers which now your laboratory needs help from the point of view of finances, component people, where they can implement this... through which
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platforms? you can find all our details on our website, on our social networks, on our pages, we need not only finances, we also need parts, we need and ask for military personnel who have devices of any importance, which have microelectronics in them, and we can use them as components. send them to us, we will find a use for them, don't throw them away our slogan, don't throw it away, i also wanted to say something else, about the donation, about the financial support, i hope everyone understands that we have to pay for labor, and these workers still can't work for free, we try to maintain a salary level that would... satisfy
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at least the minimum requirements of workers in such a field, and that is, any of these components will help us, and of course, through us, help the army, and i would also like to ask about what i know you are analyzing and russian and belarusian devices, you see there are foreign-made components that should not get to russia, what are the subsequent actions, are you really helping our structures so that sanctions against russia act more effectively, using the information you receive while working with russian devices. yes, of course we help, we cooperate with the relevant authorities, especially at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we came across many different samples of optical-electronic equipment, radio communication,
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radio-electronic warfare systems, even we all this the equipment was disassembled, we looked at what components were there and, of course, shared this information with our... power structures, to form lists of foreign components that are there, and we have such cases, we cooperate very fruitfully, i would say that for for these last two years, we no longer receive samples of russian or belarusian military equipment in terms of the fact that we do not know something, that is, we have already seen this equipment. we studied it, and in the same way , all the information we have gets to ours immediately law enforcement and law enforcement agencies. mr. igor, thank you very much for your work , for what you are doing for our country, i would like to remind our viewers that it was igor fidyrko,
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co-founder and head of the vector optical laboratory, in my opinion, a unique team that, due to its own efforts provides reproduction, repair and return to... and optical devices, and thermal imagers, and cameras for drones, this is extremely necessary for our military now, therefore, in order not to buy new ones, it is sometimes possible to effectively restore what was already in the hands of the military before that, to support you can follow the work of this team on the facebook page of the vector optics laboratory, by the way, there is a lot of interesting news there, as well as in the continuation of vasyl zima's great broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. military summaries of the day, thank serhiy zagrats, thank his guest.
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hi! it's. daranok information project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news. of sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso, but we continue, there is more to come
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a lot of interesting things, let me for those who joined, maybe only now and i don't know all the news and details of the last hour, let's say yes, i will quote, first of all, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the supreme... supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, he said that he was grateful to general zaluzhny for two years of protection, grateful for every victory that we achieved together and thanks to all ukrainian soldiers who heroically drag out the entire war, from today a new management team will take over the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, they want the vision of the war to be the same for our soldiers, the chivdiivka, and in the general staff and on the battlefield. i had dozens of conversations with commanders of various levels, including today. spoke with brigadier generals andrii hnatov, mykhailo drapaty, igor skibyuk, and colonels pavel palisa and vadym sukharevskyi. all of them are being considered for leadership positions in the army and will serve under the guidance of the most experienced ukrainian commander. well, this is from the president's evening address, the more relevant information , which was after his previous post.
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and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is the president and supreme commander-in-chief appointed general-colonel hero of ukraine general oleksandr asyrskyi. after. this, i will briefly quote what the ex-commander of the armed forces of ukraine, valery fyodorovych zaluzhny, said. now one second. in the first days of the most difficult war, we stood against a vile and strong enemy, we stood together. our battle is ongoing, changing every day. the task of the 22nd year is different from the tasks of the 24th and 23rd years, respectively, so everyone must change and adapt to new realities, also to win, also together. we just met with a horse. commander in chief an important and serious conversation, a decision was made about the need to change approaches and strategy , the ukrainians will definitely win - said the general, and he thanked every soldier and all those who died in the fight against the enemy, all soldiers, sergeants and officers, bowing his head to everyone, who gave his life for
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ukraine and freedom, we will remember and take revenge, for everyone, and rustem omerov, actually he then put such a logical point in this story, but we already know that the actual decisions that were made, now in we briefly describe the plot let's remind who valeriy zaluzhnyi is. valery zaluzhnyi's fate was confirmed. or a little more, because he was brought up in a military family, already at an adult age he passed all the stages of his dream career. in july 2021 , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , appointed valery zaluzhnyi as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. zaluzhny became the face of our struggle and the main terror of the russian invaders. out of desperation, the invaders invented fables about the disappearance and death of zaluzhnyi. since 2014 , the general has participated in the battles in donbas and more then he was sure that a full-scale offensive by russia was inevitable. american media policy
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wrote that the commander will become a legendary figure in the history of ukraine, because the successes of the ukrainian army surprised the whole world. american general mark milley was of the same opinion. when the history of the war in ukraine will be written, zaluzhny will play a prominent role there. he was part of the ukrainian leadership that spent years transforming the army. the country from the clumsy soviet model to a modern combat force, hardened by years of struggle with russia on the eastern front, he belongs to the new generation of ukrainian leaders. zaluzhny, the first ukrainian commander-in-chief without a soviet education, his vision of the ukrainian army meets nato standards, so western colleagues and partners especially respect the ukrainian general, consider him a strong and influential ally. in october 2022, general zaluzhnyk. was included in the hundred most influential people in the world according to the version of an american magazine, although he
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is called an iron general, the ukrainian military respects and trusts him: everyone in the family is friendly, you and he and i, our father zaluzhny, from ssu, a family, we have a powerful spirit, god is in our head, zaluzhny will give an order, we will be in power! we discuss and continue to discuss the main news of this day and this evening, the resignation of general zaluzhnyi and the appointment of general oleksandr syrsky , colonel general and hero of ukraine, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. it is interesting that the syrian hero of ukraine is still not a hero of ukraine. so we include pavlo keshkar in the conversation. he is the deputy commander of the artillery division, major, project manager. accelerator office the ministry of defense, mr. pavle, i congratulate you , i hope that i said everything correctly about
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good evening, mr. vasyl, good evening ukraine, good evening, well, actually, here is one question, the decision that was announced, the industrious commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi, now commander-in-chief, have you somehow managed to discuss this news with your colleagues, how do you perceive it personally and what changes do you expect most importantly, well, first of all , i will note. about heroes, i insisted that heroes of ukraine can be distributed only posthumously or after the end of the war, and my opinion has not changed at the moment, but regarding the appointment of the syrian, the troops are eagerly awaiting further personnel decisions, the team of generals you named and the same andrii ignatov, and mykhailo drapaty, with whom i had the opportunity and had the honor to serve, this is... a good progressive team of young ukrainian generals, i think that such a team will definitely move the issue
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of technical mobilization of ukraine, technical re-equipment, construction, including a new type of military created by presidential decree, regarding unmanned aviation and control of automated systems in the field battle, i think that this... work, including that started by syrsky, will be reflected and will continue, and in the near future we will see new, unexpected solutions on the battlefield, it is with such expectations that my unit, and many, many guys who are now at the front. i, you know, want right away, well, when i talk to people who are at the front, they know better, and either... worked themselves or have contact with people who worked under the guidance of certain generals. we know,
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where, let's say, general syrsky distinguished himself - this is the defense of kyiv and there the operation in the kharkiv region, also other operations, bakhmut again, a big battle, very bloody, and different people say different things about him. i want you to express your opinion, and again, what should we expect other than technological retooling? please. well, i personally look forward to it. i am waiting for the first decisions, not only technological ones, this is something that just hurts me, i will talk about it right away, but also personnel decisions. we wait, i insist on the fact that not a single reform has been carried out in the troika of the ministry of defense, the general staff and the apparatus of the glavkom, and it is precisely this lack of these reforms that is filling kyiv with new and new military personnel, instead of saturating combat brigades, i think that
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tsirskyi, who as a man from the field, a person from the battlefield, she, he will be more oriented. on the combat component itself, so all that depends on us is to suggest, help, explain how his decisions will be implemented in practice, i think that we have such a channel of communication and communication, and we will continue to support. thank you so much for taking the time to chime in and explain more. polukashkar, deputy commander of the artillery division, major, head of the project office of the accelerator of the ministry of defense. of the armed forces of ukraine, and now we continue this conversation, actually about the resignation and appointment of oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i understand that now everyone is quite careful in their statements, but in any case we have a fact that is useful in retired, let's say, well, that's right and
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retired, we have a new commander-in-chief, the hard-working thanked the president, the president thanked the hard-working, there will be... the team will be changed to a certain extent, why do you think today, did the discussions last so long and the adoption of this decision was expected and the appointment of oleksandr syrskyi, colonel-general, hero of ukraine, please, why did this happen, what happened between the military leadership, the leadership, many things had to be agreed upon, and most importantly, they had to be agreed among themselves. i mean the president of his entourage and his entourage, so that this resignation, which could no longer be avoided, so that it passed without any internal tension in our country, so that it did not cause any resonant actions among the people, so that it passed, well,
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as saw, alone, it doesn't mean that this, it doesn't mean that... everyone will continue to be satisfied and take it calmly, but i just heard so many comments and conversations during these half hours, including with my brothers , which conduct combat actions, i i want to use the opportunity through your channel, many people watch it, ask everyone to calm down, mr. hetman, we are now on a bad connection a little, well, okay, let 's not waste time, continue, here is your opinion, continue, please , well, i think that, well, i will speak a little louder, maybe this way the communication will improve, eh, i am asking all my brothers who are not satisfied with this decision, and we already know that there
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are many such people, first of all, calm down, no, don't write anything in various... social networks, until which they are relevant, and to wait until tomorrow, with this thought calmly, as they say, you need to sleep peacefully with any thought, because these worries, they will definitely not give us anything useful, but what to do next, how to relate to this situation, well, those who have a negative attitude, well, it means that it is their right, so be it, let there be such a negative attitude in the future, but they splash... emotions outside, it's a little bit, well, first of all, we don't need now during the war, and secondly, well, if there are any desires there, something somehow to change, i mean exclusively for the better , exclusively for the good of the country, then there is no need to release all this energy, i absolutely agree with you, especially since now for sure no one will affect anything, there is a decision, a decision made
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by general zaluzhny, made the decision by general syrsky, the decision made by the president, the minister of defense, actually , in your opinion, from what he said, and what result can general syrsky really give, because we know him from certain operations, what can we expect, please, well - first me i want to tell you again for those who listen and see us, there were rumors that syrsky was planning an operation near kyiv, syrsky was planning kharkiv... you know, well, let's not bend the stick a little in one direction or the other side, because he cannot independently plan an operation by commanding troops. in which, in which all the armed forces of ukraine take part, he may be, he, he was 100% involved in the development of these operations, but when they say that
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he planned these operations, in what way, is the chief of staff, there is a whole large number of generals who plan, there is a commander, he quietly sat quietly and planned the operation, while everyone there was smoking in the cot, you can’t say that, he is, he is a hero of ukraine, he is a man, and to who is respected in the armed forces, but i ask those who start these conversations about the quality of syrsky, no one doubts his quality as a specialist, but to start saying that he planned the two most successful operations on his own, this only increase the irritation of people who are unhappy with what she was replaced by general luzhny, so i turned to my comrades, i have to worry, and i want to turn to those whom i cannot call my comrades... because they are not my comrades, they have a different business, so that they don't start either to disperse a wave in another direction, because it is this wave from any side, if it rises, then this
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wave can cover us all, so there is no need, let's calm down and first call things by their names, and then we will see, how the situation will develop, we all wish, both for sirsky and for the rest to the all-new commander-in-chief, the chief of the general staff, as well as to all our armed forces, we consider the content. exclusively for negotiations , but well, as they say, they remembered , look, here is general syrskyi on the one hand, that's what they said about him, that he actually took, we lost contact, yes, but oleksiy hedman was with us, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, now maybe he will return to the conversation, there is, on the one hand , they say that general syrskyi actually liberated kyiv and kharkiv this kupitka raisin operation. well, on the other hand, to him they say about him that this is how he was engaged in an operation on bahmut last year and yes, and in
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the army they gave him such a nickname, which was allegedly hypocritical, i will not voice it, because again, these are only separate opinions, i am not an expert here, because as it is plus, yes, there is a minus regarding syrskyi, well, plus, he was born in russia, studied in russia, there are also some moments there, so i want objectively... your opinion about him as a specialist and where in zelenskyi's team will he find a hard worker in your opinion, please, mr. oleksiy, are you with us in touch? that's all, okay, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, i will very briefly tell you what the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, general valery zaluzhnyi and the minister of defense of ukraine rustem said today. the president thanked general zaluzhny for two years of work, for the fact that he was in office during the most difficult period of the war, he helped repulse
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the enemy attack and the enemy attack, and actually mobilized the armed forces of ukraine, the ukrainian people to the point of beating the enemy and actually drive him away from the big cities, meaning in the north, in the northeast of ukraine, and to bring the war to the phase in which it is, as zaluzhny saw this war... repeatedly laid out, starting with the edition of the economist, then there were other publications, then there was cnn, he explained everything , what he sees and how he sees it, in fact, everything that he explained, the president said about it today, the technological army, drones, even a special branch of the military on drones, on drones was a decree the president has been created, and now we have a solution, we have it decisions, we will continue this topic today, but now it is an equally important topic, perhaps even the most important in some respects, i do not know how to judge here the decision of the united states of america, the senate, the united states regarding aid to ukraine, because you can do any... to make changes, if there are no weapons and shells, it is very difficult to win with any generals against the equipped and full of resources in the russian army. yuriy fizar is with us, yuriy, good evening,
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please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us, about this, precisely about today in the column the world is about ukraine, but... not only about this, because i tried for the last hour after the information appeared that the president of ukraine dismissed general zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces of ukraine, i started to monitor, what is the reaction, does anyone abroad already write about it, politicians started to monitor their, and politicians and the western mass media, so there is no reaction at all regarding the politicians, at least i haven't found any. there is, but i did not find it, at odds mass media, it is very interesting , you know what the washington post wrote,
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the first information appeared that zaluzhny... uh, zelensky released zaluzhny in ukraine, and literally, after a few minutes, the washington post wrote, but still even faster , so that you understand, wrote the russian disinformation sub-agency tas, literally two minutes after the first information appeared in ukraine tas, well, they just wrote a statement of fact, it was immediately in two minutes, the western news agencies write in a row washington post new york times. it is very interesting there, of course, i read it mostly in english, they just write about the same thing, as a fait accompli, what zelensky did, but different words in the english language, the word free is used in different words, and here different words have different connotations, someone even uses the word fires, which generally throws away, fires, it's trump's favorite word, that's how they wrote, for example, the new york times wrote exactly fires, someone writes
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that u su'. it happens, someone writes that, one in short, a lot is being written about it now and more will be written, and over time, i don’t know, in a few minutes there will probably be a reaction from western politicians, by the way, just yesterday in the united states of america, i think it was antony blinken, i i can't remember exactly if it was anthony blinken or if it was white house security council strategic communications coordinator john kirby, they said when asked about it, and i'm sorry, i remembered it was the white house press secretary , karin janr, when asked what's up in the white house are thinking about the possible release of the employee, she said: the white house is not thinking about it, because it is a sovereign decision of the ukrainian government and the ukrainian people. well, do we have this solution? well, unfortunately, we have this solution. yes, and now to one more important point, as vasyl said, which affects ukraine yesterday...
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unfortunately, the package bill on aid to israel in ukraine, as well as the strengthening of control measures on the southern border of the united states of america, did not pass the first procedural , the so-called signal vote in senate of the us congress. the initiative provided for the allocation of additional budget appropriations in the amount of more than 118 billion dollars, of which 60, a little more than billions, the senators proposed to direct to support. of ukraine and 14, a little more to help israel, 20 billion to ensure the security of the border with mexico. the document was supported by 49 senators, 50 spoke against it, for further passage the initiative needed to collect 60 votes, but they did not. so that you understand, in the senate, this is the upper house of the american congress of 100 senators, and for
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two such votes are required to pass. thirds, that is, as i said, 60, but now in the senate there is a democratic majority, but the majority is so situational, 50, er, 50, 49 republicans and one appears to be an independent, and so, as we can see, the vote, unfortunately , not a single republican voted, and this does not surprise vasyl, frankly surprises me, because just a few days before the vote , the leaders of the democratic majority and the republican minority in the us senate talked about the fact that they had reached an agreement on the bipartisan agreement on this document that this document is important, even the republican leader, sorry, yes the republican leader, mitch mcconnell said that this is an important document, and he urged his colleagues to support it. well, of course, the democrats , represented by chuck schumer, also called on the republicans to support this document.
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unfortunately, we have yesterday's vote. who is guilty, who should be considered guilty, is currently unknown. someone says that it is trump who intervened, that it is trump through, again, his means of influence, somehow persuaded to divert attention more from ukraine, although in my opinion, in my deep conviction, the republicans are using ukraine to the full in order to achieve their goals, and yet, right now, at this moment , senators have gathered once again in order to... try to vote for aid ukraine for the second time, but this time they simply divided this bill, which was yesterday, and there was a package, there was help for ukraine, israel, and taiwan, today they will vote separately, only on ukraine and israel, and it will be 95 billion dollars, of which again 60 something should go to...


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