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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EET

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unfortunately, we have yesterday's vote. who is guilty, who is to be considered guilty, is currently unknown. someone says that it was trump who intervened, that it was trump, again through his means of influence, who somehow convinced them to divert more attention from ukraine, although i believe that the republicans are using ukraine to the full to achieve their goals. and also, right now, at this moment , they gathered. senators once again to try to vote aid to ukraine for the second time, but this time they simply divided this bill that was passed yesterday, and there was a package, there was help for ukraine, israel, and taiwan, today they will vote separately only for ukraine and israel, and it will be 95 billion dollars, of which, again, 60 or so should go to... to
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ukraine, and like yesterday, it will be necessary to first conduct a procedural or signal vote, if it passes, then they will already vote and continue, so far they are just gathering, i went in before the broadcast, watched, at the moment there is no solution, we are waiting, because it is important for us, even though after that, final approval will be required in the lower house of the us congress in the house of representatives, which is... controlled by republicans, the speaker of the house of representatives is even a pro-trumpist, mike johnson, and how they will vote there, well, that is a big one, but the senate will not vote and what's next, that bills will be redone again , bills will be redone again, that is , look, american legislation is interesting, can the senate submit this bill, it was submitted, can the president, can the house of representatives, what is needed, what is needed most importantly, that both houses of the american congress would vote for then. and
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it is going to be signed by the president at some stage it may become unnecessary, well, that is, what are you going to talk about today, and well, i will say two more words, yes , if even a european leader understands that it is necessary already now and is going to ask for ukraine, well , listen, so the situation is such that it needs it immediately, especially since the usa has these weapons, they do not need to be manufactured somewhere, they are in warehouses, i just have to take that, this money will go mostly to the production of these weapons in the american economy. then you have a clear understanding that this is simply being done in the interests of our enemy, in the interests of russia, and you know what i remembered just now, and now the republicans will look at what is happening in ukraine, in particular with the release of general zaluzhny, and they will also think there, maybe it is not worth giving money in ukraine, others will say, but maybe on the contrary it is worth it, well, in a word, difficult times, difficult days await, i would even say, how could it be weeks, now about chancellor olaf sholtz, whom vasyl already mentioned z... mentioned: ukraine defends itself with everything
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it has, but what has been promised in europe so far, as well as the decisions of the american congress , are not enough. this is a quote. german chancellor olaf scholz said this before leaving for washington today. by the way, he is going to the usa firstly to meet with president joe biden, and secondly, he will try to convince congressmen to unblock aid to ukraine. before departure, the bundeschancellor called on the leaders of the free world to consolidate support for ukraine, and at the same time , olaf scholz emphasized that putin it is necessary to send a signal that the aid to ukraine from the west will not simply decrease, it will last long enough and will be big enough. well, by the way, the americans really cooperated, when it comes to weapons, specifically with general zaluzhny, they have many years of trust and confidence in the fact that these weapons will get where they need to be, right? well, now one more argument... maybe i’m not saying
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that now, the economist criticized the republicans today with the help of putin, the economist is a publication that is controlled by, well, the rothschild family, it’s just a reminder that to understand who invests money in this, but this is a powerful publication, quite influential and it says unequivocally that you support putin, there is no need to look for any beautiful words here, and there are no beautiful words here, everything here is clearly black and white, well, there is there are aggressors, in the united states of america they will also look and think, but they will still see putin at night now, well... night will be day for them, they will listen to this international criminal, that’s right, by the way, it’s vasyl referring to the interview that the american took from the international criminal to the main terrorist of the world journalist tucker carlson, he should publish it on his website at 16, at 18:00 on the american east coast time, it will be 1:00 a.m. in washington dc time, in ukraine, but tomorrow even the russians are planning... it with a russian translation from
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the very morning to make it public, but i will listen to the russians in english and maybe i will write something about it on facebook , so yuriy, i'm just for a second. i will make an announcement, we have such an air today that is saturated and a little unpredictable, but this is a special air and we here, as they say, we are performing our own, modest functions, we will be joined in just a few minutes by ivanna klympushensadze, people's deputy of ukraine, well, actually, the head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the eu, but as soon as possible, and now yuriy , please continue, and one more quote , ronald reagan would have turned over in his coffin if he had known that yesterday, ah... american senators failed to vote on a package bill that included $60 billion in aid to ukraine. exactly polish prime minister donald tusk wrote on his page in the microblogging network x. this is the former twitter and this is how he commented on
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the results of this failed vote. well, the letter from the head of the polish government is verbatim. dear republican senators of the united states , ronald reagan, who helped millions of... regain freedom and independence , would turn over in his coffin, don't you be ashamed, and these are serious words, did you hear him in the states, well , we'll see by today's vote, but i want to emphasize again that it is not we need to create some illusions, because even if the senate votes today, the house of representatives is ahead, which , unfortunately, is controlled by republicans, and the speaker of these republicans is trumpist mike johnson. and how this bill will pass through the house of representatives, well, everyone can imagine how many additional questions there will be to it, i don't remember which of the american presidents, but definitely someone, whether it was washington or lincoln, i don't remember, who said it but a very good phrase that evil wins when
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when people of good will do nothing, well, actually now is the situation when people of good will, as it should be, the leader of the western world, where there is an unequivocal story about the aggressor, the victim of aggression who needs to be helped, does nothing and simply does nothing. but they do it contrary to common sense, in fact, and here a lot of questions arise in people's minds: well, what will happen next, what will happen next with the help of the free western world for ukraine? probably, this question also arises for many western politicians, well , really, they look at what they are doing the ukrainian government, and here is a question even for the ukrainian government, god bless such a government, that they or they... are ready for what may happen, yes, we will actually ask ivanna klimpushinsadze about it now, she is a people 's deputy of ukraine and the head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. ms. ivanna, i congratulate you, good evening. yuri and i will communicate with you, well, i am talking about what our western partners and our government think about this, we will move on,
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the decision was made today by president volodymyr zelensky, comment on it, your opinion, your impression, the expectation is the most important? well, unfortunately, i believe that this is a serious blow to... the statehood of ukraine, and i believe that the entire communication and the process of making this decision, it definitely shows that it is the ratings that are eating the mission, today, and not at all , not what the commander-in-chief should have been guided by, led to this decision, and i, unfortunately, belong to those who believe that it is a big and serious one. the supreme commander's mistake, well i hope he is ready to take full responsibility for all further actions and reversals, military, with which we will have to deal further. mrs. ivan, i have a question, and please tell me, what should we prepare for if there is
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this reaction from the western world, how can it react to it? well, look, you and i all have to realize. the commander-in-chief has the right to dismiss the military leadership, but in exercising that right, i believe that a society at war has, when a commander-in-chief exercises that right, a society at war should have the right to understand why it happened because of what, with what reasons, on what grounds, and here i think that our partners will obviously talk about what is the right... the political leadership of the country obviously has, but the challenge for us will be how to establish new relations with the new commander-in-chief of our partners , it takes time to build
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trust, to build a working understanding and mutual understanding with our partners, and this, unfortunately, is very critically necessary for us, because not only... political connections, not only political dialogue is fundamentally important now in this, in this war, and here is this trust at the level of the military, and it will not happen in a day, it will not happen in a month, it will not happen even in... a few months, and it is a loss, a serious loss of time for ukraine, so it is not a question of , how our partners will publicly comment , they will refrain from public comments , but for sure , you and i will shake the trust of our partners in us and in our absolutely heroic army today, indeed, on the eve of the vote on aid to ukraine , this decision had to be made, obviously .. i don't understand, maybe on the contrary they thought that now they will give some perspective for our partners
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, they will say, you see, we have changes, give us money, now everything will go much faster, but it is difficult to imagine such a question of a worse time for such a replacement and from the point of view of the strategic decisions that must be made today, well, today, i mean, which ones we would like to expect from the united states in the near future , but you may not answer, but i will ask if maybe someone from your colleagues, partners, has already written to you? friends from abroad, politicians, officials, ex-politicians, etc to ivan's question, what happened, explain , it was not clear, and i already have several such messages from current high-ranking politicians and not only parliamentarians, but also representatives of the executive structures of various countries, who ask, what should we make of it, ivanna, that , how should we understand it and what should we, well, how should we ... interpret it, and how, how should we, how should we really respond, they have it,
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how should they interpret it, and what and that we can say that we can answer them to these questions, what are they asked you, help guys, to answer these questions, and how, how important and important for the country, and obviously this is a very difficult, difficult question for us, because we... well, i belong to those who absolutely do not share such a decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, and i think that these are only the first swallows that i have now started to receive, i can already see that there are also messages from foreign journalists, and it must now be such a very difficult communication between us, the ukrainian all over the world, and i'm sure i 'm also looking at this network z or i... crazy joy, if you analyze it, then
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there is the crazy joy of moscow trolls, and this is very, very disturbing, i do not believe that the ukrainian leadership has prepared a serious systematic, informational, understandable explanatory campaign of this decision in the world, if it did not succeed at all even communicate adequately with ukrainian society. and give a clear, clear answer, on the basis of which, and this decision was made, because when it comes to what they say, there will be some new strategic plans for the war, which, which now if the president also demands full provision of troops with weapons, then i would like to remind the president that it is the direct responsibility of the political leadership of ukraine to provide the troops with weapons. and when some military tasks are set, then from the military we can hear, okay,
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we have planned operations, and to fulfill this task, we need so many weapons of such and such a type, such and such, such and such a number of human reserves, everything depends on the political leadership of the state, and i hope that finally the president who started his tenure from what he said, we are all presidents now, will finally start to take responsibility, there is no one else to point to. mrs. ivana, i have one more question, today, for example, i spoke about it before you joined, olaf scholz, the chancellor of germany, flew to the united states of america in order to convince the american congressmen to allocate such important money for us , he wrote down, went to the journalists, before getting on the plane, even before he learned this news, you must have told him this news in plane, it will arrive in a completely different situation, and i can't imagine a change, a change at all. even what he will say and how he will act in this situation, but the question is not about that, but whether our ministry of foreign
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affairs should not, in this case , come out with some, well, i don't know, at least a statement on facebook, well we saw that the minister of defense of ukraine came out with a statement, and we also saw that the president of ukraine finally came out with some kind of statement after his silence, after hints in the international and western press, and not in communication with ukrainian. society and , well, in such an effort to pass between the drops without taking on this responsibility, i am first of all grateful to chief komomovych zuluzhny for what he managed to do, protecting... ukraine, i would also like to thank him for the fact that he did not agreed to voluntarily sign his letter of resignation, as demanded by the commander-in-chief, supreme commander-in-chief zelenskyi, and i am grateful that he, by his actions, actually forced zelenskyi to finally start taking
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responsibility for his actions, but you and i live with the consequences of that decision. and you and i must stay in line, because our ukraine does not change because of this, and our goals and our tasks to survive and win do not change because of this, and this is a serious challenge for the disturbed and such burned-out ukrainian society, very briefly , the very end is already not well deserved, here they write that yermak will almost be made the next prime minister of ukraine, do you believe in such a possibility? i will not be surprised, but it seems to me that it is much more convenient for mr. yarmak not to bear any responsibility and run the country the way he does today. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, ivanna klypushinsadze, she was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the european union, well, we wish you success, now mrs. ivana will comment, reply to her friends abroad and comment for foreign media, this is a solution, because
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everyone asks what happened? yes, yuri, thank you, well, what's up. that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, there will be more tomorrow, well, as you understand, there will be more in our further broadcast, so do not switch. well , we continue, and now i will announce the list of tasks, or the block of tasks, which the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the supreme commander-in-chief, set before the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, general oleksandr syrskyi. present a realistic detailed plan for the 24th year once: equip every front-line combat brigade with western weapons, a fair distribution of two. solve the problem with logistics, especially with drones and for audio equipment, three. every general should know front-4, build an effective one in the army system of rotation, improve the quality of training of soldiers, correct the excessive number
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of personnel in the headquarters. the first commander of the unmanned systems forces, a new one, is to be appointed. has to present his team in the coming days, yes, once again, once again , i have something, this is how i see the news now, so, yes, what is there, the senate voted for, the senate voted for support for ukraine, yes, come on, yura, you will help me figure it out. i only see the announcement of this, yes, yes, yes, no , i wait, i do not see, tell me my friends, because i on this news, no, no, i, as far as i understand, the vote has not yet taken place, it is only an announcement of what is to take place, and whether i did something wrong, i kind of discovered what i should have discovered, but, well, in this, in this
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news, i don't see it now. yes, one second, now we will open it, because here is important, important information, i see and read everything. the united states senate voted to consider a $95 billion aid deal for ukraine, israel, and taiwan. it was necessary to collect 60 votes, but it must be remembered that this is not yet the final decision, from this moment the process of exhibiting on consideration of the issue of aid of 95 billion to ukraine , israel and taiwan in the house of representatives of the united states of america, well, here we are with... with yuri fizer, we have consulted, we will believe that it will still be possible to pass this second difficult but important stage, and we can count on to the aid of our true partners the good united states of america. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about
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ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express. your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. fear of an opponent is something i have felt more than once, and that is normal. recognize the fear, study the opponent, teach your body to defeat it. it's like fighting with veel. if you don't do regular tests out of fear, the ox may pass. in the stage of breakfast, you may not feel the symptoms, and he will win. it's not easy, but science has studied your enemy for you. with regular antiretroviral therapy, your body will learn. have it under control and you will live a fulfilling life, without fear. knowledge about complex things is important. knowledge about the ox saves lives. what can happen, we believe
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that these will be positive developments, but good, good news for us came from across the ocean from washington, where the senate voted, this is the upper house, the senate or is there a lower house, this is the house of representatives. voted for the allocation of aid to ukraine, but today since we have the resignation of general zaluzhny, let's remind once again who is general zaluzhny and why ukrainians really love him so much? valery zaluzhnyi's fate was determined from an early age, because he was brought up in a military family, already at an adult age he passed all the stages of his dream career. in july 2021, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy appointed valery zaluzhny as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. zaluzhny became the face of our struggle and
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the main terror of the russian invaders. out of desperation, the invaders invented fables about the disappearance and death of zaluzhny. since 2014 , the general has participated in the battles in donbas and even then he was sure that a full-scale offensive by russia was inevitable. american media politico wrote that the team. will become a legendary figure in the history of ukraine, because the successes of the ukrainian army surprised the whole world. american general mark milley was of the same opinion. when the history of the war in ukraine will be written, zaluzhny will play a prominent role there. he was part of the ukrainian leadership that spent years transforming the army country from the clumsy soviet model to a modern fighting force. hardened by years of struggle with russia on the eastern front, he belongs to the new generation. ukrainian leaders. zaluzhny is the first ukrainian commander-in-chief without a soviet education. his vision of the ukrainian army meets nato standards. therefore, western colleagues and
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partners especially respect the ukrainian general, consider him a strong and influential ally. in october 2022, general zaluzhny was included in the hundred most influential people in the world according to the version of the american magazine. although his called an iron general, but ukrainian military. he is respected and trusted , everyone in the family is friendly, you and he and i , our father, hard-working, zsu, family, we have a powerful spirit, a great dane is in our head, we will give an order from zulushny, we will be in moscow, according to the senate some clarification, therefore what do you know... a lot of different information, it is not always updated so quickly, so the united states senate voted to consider an agreement for 95 billion to help ukraine, israel and
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taiwan, 60 billion is provided for ukraine, the necessary 60 have been collected of votes, this is not a final vote, but it speeds up the consideration of the document, but this is news for 1954, but here they write, let's say the operative zsu writes, the senate voted for the agreement for 95 billion, but again it is for consideration, in order to continue the vote, i think that if they voted for consideration of the agreement for 95 billion, then obviously they are still ready to talk about it, there is nothing to talk about, they have already talked for so long that everything is clear to everyone, but you are helping ukraine, which is a victim of russian aggression, without weapons from the united states of america it will be difficult for ukraine, let's say this, very euphemistically, scholz flies to the united states of america to say that friends, let's help, because we ourselves are not... pulling, well, because germany is really the leader of the european union in terms of finances , according to the economy, according to the size of the economy, and so on, that is why germany is taking a leading position now in helping ukraine, as well as britain and
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france, and everything is obvious, so i think that if there was a vote for considering the agreement, then obviously they will also vote for the agreement itself, because again, well, there are issues there, senators, serious people, represent the states, each state also has its own interests , there are states that are, let's say, closer to the borders. with mexico, it has its own interests, but in any case we will believe in it. i will look at the end now, because there is so much news, so much news that i am watching. yes, now, now, now we, i will briefly tell you about oleksandr stanislavovich syrsky, who, because he was already known during this war, but before that there was little information about him, i will briefly i will say, therefore, the people. he was born on july 26, 1965, in the family of a military man in the village of navinky, kirzhatsky district, volodymyr oblast, russian ssr, rsfsr. in 1986, he successfully graduated from the
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so-called soviet vestpoi, namely the moscow higher military command school, received a military education and began his military career. during his service , colonel-general syrskyi attended various training courses, including the academy of the armed forces of ukraine, where in 1996 he successfully graduated from the operational-tactical level and the national defense academy of ukraine, where in 2005 he received a higher education at the operational-strategic level with honors. sirskyi began his military career in 1986 as a motorcycle commander. a member of the platoon, well, actually, one of the lowest levels , having passed all command levels, already in 2002 he was appointed commander of the legendary 72nd mechanized brigade, which actually defended kyiv, he gradually increased his qualifications and received badges, in 2013 held the position of first deputy chief of the main command center of the armed forces of ukraine and took an active part in processes of cooperation with nato. in the 16th, general
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syrsky headed the combined operational... headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine, in the 17th he commanded the anti-terrorist operation in the east of ukraine. later, this operation was replaced by the combined forces operation. well, actually, during the russian invasion in 2022 , colonel-general sirsky distinguished himself as a key figure in the command of the defense of kyiv and the kyiv region, as well as important operations in the east of ukraine, including the heroic defense of the city of bakhmut, where he completely destroyed the wagner pkk, well, by the forces of the armed forces of course, for ukraine contribution and protection of the state, he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. to be continued. the next will be just now, because serhiy rudenko will pick up the baton and literally in a few moments, we will talk about it further. program verdict, let's watch together in a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, i am olga len, these are the chronicles of military operations and we have them. already
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, well, consider it the second month when the russians have been conducting such active offensive actions along the entire front line, and let's see, well, where is the summary of what they succeeded or failed to do, especially in the last several days. map of combat operations for the period february 1-7, 2024, will february be the last month of avdiivka defense? shell famine at the front, rumors of the resignation of commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi, and constant russian attacks along the entire length of the eastern front. so passed the first week of february. on february 10, the fifth month of defense of avdiivka will begin, counting from the time when putin ordered to take the city until the day of his re-election. as a result of the four-month offensive, the russians were unable to implement what they planned in the south from the water and the experimental front practically did not budge.
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if you don't take into account the small ones. local changes, then from this flank they did not even manage to come close to cutting logistics. from the northern flank, the occupiers had somewhat greater success, they knocked out the defense forces from the territory around the terekon, and also cut off the difference in the area of ​​the village of stepove. however , the enemy has been stuck near the steppe for more than a month. his attempts to break through our defenses further north in the direction of novokalinov and ocheretyn also failed. therefore, the rashists were involved. your favorite plan: they dug up sub-copies, went to our rear. fierce fighting continued throughout the week in the vicinity of the tsarska okhota restaurant and several streets with one-story buildings on the southern outskirts of avdiivka. however, the armed forces did not succeed in completely knocking the enemy out of the city. the breakthrough of the occupiers in the north of avdiivka was an even bigger blow. here they broke through our redoubts and wedged themselves between the coke-chemical plant and the sand pit, and also expanded
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the zone of their control. east from the quarry to the village of kamianka. the situation is quite threatening, as the russians are constantly pouring new forces into their assaults, trying to widen the wedge driven into our defenses. their main task is to get to the t-0505 highway, which in the city turns into hrushevska street industrial avenue. in this way, they will be able to cut off logistics for the military, which defends the strategically important position of zenit, as well as the central and southern regions of avdia. it is obvious that the general staff understands this threat and is taking measures to neutralize it. it is here in these days and weeks that the fate of avdiivka will be decided. will she be able to? withstand the onslaught of the occupiers until putin's election, or the armed forces of ukraine will have to withdraw troops to prepared positions outside the city. luhansk region - offensive on kupya.


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