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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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they broke through our redoubts and wedged themselves between the coke-chemical plant and the sand pit, and also expanded the zone of their control east of the pit to the village of kamyanka. the situation is quite threatening, as the russians are constantly pouring new forces into their assaults, trying to widen the wedge driven into our defense. their main task is to get to the t-0505 route, which in the city turns into hrushevsky street and industrial avenue. thus, they will be able to cut through. logistics for the military, which defends the strategically important position of the zenith, as well as the central and southern regions of avdiivka. it is obvious that the general staff understands this threat and is taking measures to neutralize it. it is here in these days and weeks that the fate of avdiivka will be decided. will it be able to withstand the onslaught of the occupiers until putin's election, or will the armed forces have to withdraw troops to prepared positions outside the city. luhansk region - offensive on kupye. the estuary
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continues. after avdiivka, it is in luhansk region that the russians have the largest grouping of 55,000-60,000 troops. their offensive has been going on since may. however, he did not have serious success. while in the armed forces did not experience a projectile famine, due to which the defense forces began to lose some positions. fighting has been going on for the village of tabaivka for the second week, and the village itself is in a gray zone. at the same time, the enemy is trying to advance in other directions in order to break the front line and enter. to our soldiers in the rear. so, part of it advances in the direction of krokhmalne pishchane from the south, while others attack the village of ivanivka from the north. finally, the third group of troops tries to break through along the r-07 road leading to kupyansk. that is what they want to cut off the defense forces that are fighting in kislivka and kotlyarivka. during a week of offensives , the russians were unable to accomplish what they had planned. instead, a little further south in the direction of the liman, the enemy continues to attack villages.
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cerny and yampolivka, despite the fact that the ukrainian brigades fighting on this part of the front boasted 40 destroyed units of armored vehicles in a radius of 3 km2, the enemy still managed to push the front line several hundred meters in the direction of terni. coal mining front. meanwhile, bloody positional battles are being fought under bakhmut without any line changes front in the direction of ughledar. occupiers make a bet as a spare after the audio. a breakthrough to ughledar can be no less a tactical success for the occupiers than the occupation of avdiyivka, so they also moved a significant amount of resources to this part of the front. this week, their attacks were mostly concentrated north of novomykhaivka in the direction of pobida and paraskoviivka. in addition, the invaders began to attack the village of pobeda from the side of the occupied maryinka. also, from maryinka , stormy actions continue to be carried out in the direction kurakhovoy here they managed to push back the defense forces by several. meter north of
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georgiyvka. to the south of novomykhaivka, the enemy was advancing from sweety on the water, but here, in one of the assaults, the 72nd brigade managed to destroy a column of 11 enemy tanks and bmps. deoccupation of crimea. on the night of february 1, six naval drones attacked the missile boat ivanov, which came out of lake donuzlav, and completely sank it along with the crew. at the same time, the 324th air force of the armed forces of ukraine was released. here it flew to the command post, the communication point and died on the planes the commander of the fighter squadron, lieutenant general tatarinka, 10 military personnel, and three aircraft were significantly damaged this week, the armed forces launched missile strikes on the intelligence base in the rozdol airfield in saky. the commander of the ukrainian navy , the same pope, expressed confidence that the crimean bridge will not be ready by the end of 2000. we win every day, death
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to the enemy, well, this is the situation, and let's talk in more detail with oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national university of ukraine, a veteran of the russian war in ukraine, and congratulations, mr. oleksiy , good evening, and let's, you know, begin directly from avdiyivka, because this is currently the most, well, threatening situation, and there, well, objectively, the most now. the russians are carrying out assaults, the greatest activity of the russians is taking place, and especially, if they show us a map, then we will be able to see it, especially, let's still focus on the threat to our anti-aircraft position, which is located half south of avdiyivka, and where we see such two breakthroughs, one near the restaurant, this is a royal hunt, the other is like a wedge that goes closer to our logistics. tracks to the actual road, which
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important for the defense of avdiyivka, mr. oleksii, please tell me why, why are we talking about such a threat now. and in general, what is the threat of the loss of the zenith for the entire defense of avdiivka, that is, what could be here, why exactly such attention to this moment? to the t-0505 highway and to the highway and to this position itself, i.e. will there be a threat at all to the surroundings of this position now, well, in the grand scheme of things, this highway itself is very important, because we all understand that it is a logistical route for supplying everything that we need the garrison, which maintains the defense there, is a track... and so it is under fire control of the enemy, well, we can see on the map, the distance there is small, it can be fired upon with, well, with any weapon, artillery, grenade, mortar, even rifle , but m- well, on certain nights there without light, you can
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transport, well, with great danger, something , what, everything that is necessary for the garrison, that is, ammunition, including water, food, medicine, take out the wounded, therefore, it is through this track that our entire group there is fueled, if the road is cut, it will remain grouped into avdiivkas, the garrison will only have what they have, well, as they say, on their own, and that will be enough for a few days, no more, then, if you do not constantly carry out transportation of everything, what is necessary , there will be nothing to hold the defense, of course there are small warehouses there, they are camouflaged, they are mostly in kaksokhim, but... well, it’s a day or two, that’s what i said, maybe more, maybe enough for longer, maybe for a week, well, no more, because yes, well, we already understand that there are large warehouses, no one does it, because they can to be vulnerable and god's harrows will fly there, detonation will also suffer from
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the fact that our own warehouse was blown up, so without this road it will be impossible to keep the defense there, who likes it there or not , we will have to withdraw. the garrison, well, there is no other way out, there will be no way out, and taking it away, too, it will be quite problematic if the russians control this road, we will have to retreat through the fields, as they say, well, this is also extremely dangerous, and the russians can use this for that , to be from the army when they are withdraw in order to cause maximum damage, so the situation is really extremely extremely difficult, the russians, well, how do they conduct an assault there? you just said it, but yes, let's go a little deeper, what does it mean that they are constantly deploying these assault groups, constantly deploying, it means that they have a certain reserve in that direction, and they are doing so-called tactical rotations, that is, some unit, group, well
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, it doesn’t matter what they call them there, it does the assault action, we repel the attack action, they return to themselves there to himself. there they are supplemented, they provide us with appropriate help, they give us the opportunity to rest, the next assaults are made by a new group. the new group was torn apart, the third new group is doing it, even the russians want these groups that are leaving not to cross physically with those groups that are already ready for the next offensive actions, that is, there are constantly fresh forces with full ammunition, fully prepared and, and in our defense is held by the same people, i.e. the russians are three or four... groups, for example, during the day they carried out some assault actions, constantly new ones groups, in our country the same people do, well , they give up on these offensive days, it is exhausting both physically and morally, and even weapons are exhausted, because they need to be periodically put in order, well
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, simply put, weapons need to be cleaned, at least so that there would be time for this, and the way the battles are going on there, sometimes there is not enough time for this, even for this, weapons are needed, well , when you talk about the route and the threat... that you will have to withdraw the defenders from there from certain positions, well, first of all, this is again about the position of zenit, which it is wedged like this in the south, it is enough now that you can see it on the map, but also well, for example, if you look, there are positions there further north, or this route is also live, it means that there will have to be a departure from there, or it will be some kind of independent a story from... avdiivka itself, again the same koksokhim, is it possible to hold positions on the koksokhim, if this
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route is still somehow blocked there from the southern side? how do you rate it? we took the worst option, that they would control this route if we could continue to hold it there yes, the defense, and they won't be able to control it... we can't physically control it, then this allows us to do these things again, well, to constantly deliver everything that we say, everything that is necessary, everything that we just talked about, to support this garrison and even. can make small rotations, especially if someone is already extremely exhausted, then it is better to take such a serviceman away, replace him with the newest one, because there is no point in a person who is already overtired, then he cannot conduct combat operations effectively, should we keep this defense ideal, well, of course it is worth it, because, first of all, these commanding heights are a convenient position, a tactically convenient position, as said... even the same institute of war research wrote that the loss, for example, of this settlement on avdiivki, will not
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have a significant, strategic effect on the entire front line, tactically, yes, it will be a tactical advantage for the russians, a tactical failure on our part, well, nothing more, why does it want, why does it want to be there, why does the enemy do this, well, for 10 years, it has been trying to knock us out of there in various ways different number of people because from this distance we can shelling... with the artillery systems of the city of donetsk, we did not do this, but we did not shoot at a civilian object, of course, but such a possibility exists, and therefore the russians cannot build some powerful military hub there, that is, some headquarters or some warehouses, because they, they understand that they will be vulnerable to our artillery, not only rockets, although it would be very necessary for the russians, it would be very very useful, because in donetsk, well, there is electricity and gas, and everything that is not... water, that is, all communications are present there, and well
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it is possible, it is possible to do something more or less serious from the point of view of communication, they do not do it, because they understand that our intelligence will immediately know about it, and he will be destroyed by our artillery, besides, if we talk about withdrawal, then from it will be necessary to move away not by several kilometers, but perhaps by 15-20 km, because further to the west of avdiyivka there is already a lowland, that is, avdiyivka is at a... height, of course, there is a lowland around it, so leave for kilometer-2 and take positions in the lowlands, well, no one will do that, because that well, an extremely, extremely unsuccessful position from a military point of view, the next, well, relatively, well , not relatively, incomprehensible heights, but simply the next heights, if you look at the map, they are somewhere 15-20 km away, that is why the defenses will have to be held, and fortifications will have to be made already , certain that they have already been made there in that very place, so it is also not very pleasant, because... for the russians, it will be, well, in their propaganda channels,
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well, there will be a lot of talk about how they pushed our troops to a great distance, they advanced almost 20 km there, they will must count the square meters, tell how much territory they liberated and so on, well, this is what they like to do, although in fact any army would do it, because there is no point in being down there, why do we still need to hold avdiivka, because the enemy is throwing a lot of manpower there. and technicians, well, you already said about it that they need to show some progress on the front line before the elections, well, the so-called elections of president putin, on march 15-17, well, that's their deadline, well, most likely they will want to to do this at the beginning of march, so that there would be a few days or weeks to disseminate this information through their media channel, this is the third deadline they have already set for avdiivka in the last six months. because starting from october 10, they set a deadline until december 14, october 10 last year, until
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december 14, just when putin's press conference was held, where he said that he would run, well, run for president, then the second deadline was until january 1 until the end of the year, and now it is the third deadline, they are suffering heavy losses there, and the tasks of any army are under during the war to destroy the enemy's army, and there we succeed, well, we see what losses in the period from october 10 of last year to... today they lost more manpower in the avdiiv direction than the soviet union lost in the entire afghan war, that is, in 10 years of war with the soviet union - the soviet union lost approximately 14,500 servicemen, near avdiivka, the russians already lost 17 servicemen, that is, not comparable losses, insane losses for the russians, but if there is a political basis, of course they will not stop and will throw further storm z, storm b, from the north, from the south they are attacking there. donetsk , the donetsk people's republic, their armed forces, well , the so-called donetsk people's republic, there
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is the spartak battalion, the roasted petuch battalion and so on, that is, these units are conducting combat operations there, that is why they have a particularly great desire of these people to destroy these troops, so we will to stand there as long as there is an opportunity to maintain turnover and destroy the enemy, there are no other tasks there, and the russians, of course, on the contrary. this month will definitely be extremely tense, especially for avdeivka, well, by the way , let's talk about kupin to kupinsk, i understand, i'm just saying that they will go in these two directions. well, at least they announced that these are the two directions, they should release, as they say, before the beginning, before the presidential elections, before the voting, already, let's put it this way, and there will be very powerful offensive actions both there and there, well, what do they it will be possible, well, we will see, but we must remember that, first of all, we have a hunger for shells, a hunger for ammunition, and not such a large number of military personnel compared to
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by the russians, who, for the time being, have enough equipment, shells, cartridges, and people, and... there are not just enough people, there are an insane number of them, let's remember that now in the russian-ukrainian there is almost half a million and half a million russian army in the war, so compared to our military personnel , those who hold the defense, well, it is many times more, many times more russians, well, tell me, and if we talk now about what, well , we are talking about that it is necessary to somehow strengthen the ukrainian armed forces. forces in these are key points in avdiivka , i.e. it is not a question of somehow withdrawing from there and solving this something, it will not solve any issue, of course, but if we talk about strengthening, what can this strengthening be, that is, whatever it should be, because, well, there were and are well-equipped positions, after all, there is
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a fairly high density of drones, of course there are not many drones here, but... nevertheless, there are a lot of them, objectively speaking, what else could be done to make such breakthroughs impossible, or at least when they became possible, it was enough to quickly knock out the russians from there, well, first of all, we have certain reserves, that is, we did not use all the reserves that are in the interior of the country, well, it is obvious, if we used all the reserves, then it would already be the situation is extremely dangerous, we are pulling up reserves on some areas in the kupina direction of the pull-up. ee reserves about whether the ee reserves are being pulled up to avdiyivka, there is no open information, but i am sure that little by little our garrison is being strengthened there, what must be done in order to hold the enemy, well, you know, these are quite simple answers, but the difficulty lies in the fact that such simple
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answers do not provide solutions to such questions, ours... simple at first glance, well, it is extremely difficult, sometimes almost impossible, that it is necessary, - first, we need to build , we should already build, powerful fortifications where we can, well, the first or second line, if the first line broke through so that we could withdraw to the second or third line, the russians managed to do it while we were preparing our spring offensive, summer, or rather he became, then during the spring and summer of last year they built between... we remember these lines of surovikin, these two first, third, second lines of defense, and they built not just dug a trench and put dragon's teeth, they built reinforced concrete structures there, that is, there are dugouts that are two, even three stories underground, there are a lot of underground communications, that is, they made powerful ones, if i am not mistaken, i may be slightly wrong in the number, but they
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made something like 600 km of trenches and did not just dig tractor, and made them equipped, that is, with pillboxes. with with reinforced concrete and with very well-fortified trenches, well, those cities where they have all the defense, unfortunately, we have such powerful fortifications behind avdiivka, behind kupinsk, well, we didn’t have time to make them so powerful, and we don’t have there was the possibility of such a technique, such a number of people, that it was possible to do it, there is something, there are some fortifications, but they... are bathed in russian, and therefore, well , it is necessary, while there is time, as long as there is a hold on kupinsk and near kupinsky and under avdeivka, and we understand that if the russians have to settle down will leave, well, there needs to be somewhere to go, we hope, i hope that this is being done now, what else is needed, well, more
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people are needed, because in addition to weapons, there must be people who use these weapons, that is... if the russians are outnumbered by multiples , then in order to gain defense, well, skillfully hold the defense, it is necessary that there be at least, well, if not as many , then much less of our military personnel than the russian ones, well, a platoon cannot hold the defense if the divisions advance, well, it is obvious here , i'm not saying that it is there is a difference, but in some areas it is roughly like this, that you still need, you need shells, definitely, first of all, you need shells in order to allow counterattacks... the enemy, well , of course, what you said about , we need more drones, more means of radio-electronic warfare, drones cannot yet completely replace artillery, but they could... significantly help, and it would be good, of course, well, these are already such big, distant prospects, it would be good to have more aviation, we are from the 16th, but we are very,
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very because, because practically the entire line the front is suffering from russian cabals, and this is a serious problem for everyone, it is being done in the trenches, we just have to go on a short advertising break now, we will come back and talk in detail a little about bakhmud, a little about kupyansk. so stay with us after the ad, and now a little bit of a commercial on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is none no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now yuriy fizar will talk more about what... happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please. word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy. of ukraine was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we continue the chronicles
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of the war and continue the conversation with alexey hetman, a reserve major of nsu. and denis nagorny also joined us. major of the national guard, chief of staff of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade. i congratulate you, mr. denis. good evening, studio, good evening, dear viewers, denis, well , let's ask you a little about what is actually happening under bakhmut, and you know, there were reports at the beginning of the week that there was a little bit near bohdanivka, they managed to knock out the russians from some positions, but it is not completely clear whether they managed to gain a foothold there, what can you say about it in general, whether there really were any advances there today any of ours? if we take it in general, where our fourth brigade of operational assignment of the border holds defense, it is a little bit further north, and in general the whole line,
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the line is somewhat static, as such cities, for example, the same bohdanivka, they can be considered no longer existing, as well as the same bang, bang, because it was simply erased, the line itself is still not moving, but in some places the enemy continues to actively concentrate. tries to push the line in those places, vesele and a little above the controversial, that is , where he thinks that he will be successful operationally, while using a large number of personnel, these are mainly storm units, these are mobilized units, this is ... some use of armored vehicles from closed firing positions, i.e. it does not approach the line of combat engagement and also with mass use
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artillery and tactical aviation, why tactical aviation in particular, because every day according to our calculations, the number of strikes by baboons, kababs, from umpk, as well as drone strikes, the number of drones at the moment... on the contact line is very large, as from our sides, yes from the side of the enemy, which gives , for example, certain results, if we take it in general, if we take it in general, on a certain shade of the front, according to bahmut, yes, let's take, for example, this is the northern flank, in a month our drones, drones defense forces an entire artillery division was removed, that is, 18 guns disappeared, let's call it that. that is, there are successes, but you cannot abandon artillery in general, because it is the main means of supporting the infantry, that is
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, complexes, but if you put all this into a certain to a certain pile, let’s call it roughly like this, then for tactical actions, for example, that the same offensive or repulse of certain positions, there, for example, on the front of the battalion, this is not enough, the enemy, for example, if we take, for example, the army of the russian federation, in them this is the advantage, they concentrate a very... large number of forces and means of fire, artillery, mortars, aviation, drones on certain and certain sections, due to which they sometimes manage to knock us out of position, and then these positions are also difficult to return , if they don't have time to rush the infantry there, that is, the main sine of the lock is to destroy
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the enemy's infantry before it gets close to the front edge, but uh, the war has moved to such a stage, if we take the 23rd year, 22nd, that is, every day the number of artillery shots from both sides is decreasing, the military industry, even of such a large country as russia , is unable at the moment to take such steps to the number of fired shells that there are... 20-30 thousand shots, as it was last year, if we take the ratio now , this is about 3-4 thousand shots from our side and somewhere up to 10 thousand shots from the russian side in general, well, it’s still very big, you know, it’s still a very big advantage they still have, of course, but it’s all compensated for using drones, i.e. gradually
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goes from... the use of massive artillery to point strikes by drones, which we are collecting, by the way, if there is a studio and on and collecting not only on drones, but also on reb means, if there is an opportunity to post a qr code, i will be very grateful, well if there is one, well, if you give it to us, of course we can also publish it and join your collection without fail, and now just with... we draw your attention to the fact that the fourth frontier brigade is collecting for drones, and please friends, find an opportunity, find it in social networks the fourth brigade, will join this gathering , because guys, well, in an important direction and on the first line, and well, this is really very necessary, mr. denys, and one more such question, you know, you already started talking about it a little, and about the fact is that there is no way without artillery, but tell me how realistic it is to carry out well... any preliminary
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actions, at least limited to repelling certain positions only using drones and infantry, to what extent can we afford it in general? absolutely realistic, quite realistic, because there are certain cases when an entire platoon stronghold was knocked out by the use of drones, and the infantry could enter there without any problems, but i still emphasize that there is no way without artillery, it is a symbiosis. troops , as well as rep, as well as air defense, as well as others for the forces and means that are used, the troops cannot fight there purely with infantry purely with drones, it is a complete set of measures that must be carried out for the offensive, for example, to take the same summary reference point, it is necessary to develop, it is necessary to release the same the reconnaissance drones themselves, to see when
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people arrive, when they leave... how many of them have accumulated there, when the reserves will arrive, what time it is for the reserves to approach, fire on...


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