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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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for our unit, thank you, glory glory to ukraine, heroes, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, the inclusion is live , we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, my name is igor, i am a soldier of the national guard of ukraine, i entered the service in the 19th year, my civilian profession is paramedic, which i received at one of the colleges, is passing. service as a gunner,
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after full-scale war broke out, my unit was ordered to defend mariupol, my unit was engaged in reconnaissance, but, well, our main task was as a drg group, we... got close to and identified them, made contact with them, coordinated the actions of our artillery, transmitted their positions so that our guys could pull up and we could pile on them. our eyes told us.
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that another group of drgs was moving in our direction, we were the first to open fire on them, then we wounded my commander that evening, we repelled their, their attack, how close we worked, it was 50 m, it must have been like that somewhere, maybe somewhere enough, it it was a dark night, and it was very strong, i even ran out of ammunition then, i fired everything that... everything i had. and my friend, don't swear , don't forget about you, the battle was going on, i just heard my commander shouting, the commander is wounded, the commander is wounded, i immediately ran to the side to the screams, through the landing, he was there 50 meters from me. and i already ran up, already one of my
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comrades, who, unfortunately, is now missing, he was already putting a tourniquet on the commander's leg, i remember it well, there was a lot of blood, we had to remove from the commander a bulletproof vest, and so we dragged him by his things, by his jacket, grabbed him, dragged him through that landing, dragged him to the nearest shelter, stabbed him in the cheek with what... we didn't have anything, and quickly we sank him into during the battle, i and my comrades loaded him onto the truck we had and evacuated him to the checkpoint, the commander was very cool, you know, when, when all this movement began, he told us that guys, we will fight to the last and i said, i will not leave you. no in
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in any case, unfortunately, he died during the evacuation from mariupol, the helicopter in which he was flying was shot down, a battle was launched until we were completely surrounded. a command came to break through the encirclement, and we followed the order, left mariupol and ran into russian and dpr troops, and that's how we were taken prisoner. they interrogated us, put us in a cell , some detainees were still sitting in the cell, can i smoke a cigarette, because i can’t remember it calmly, then somewhere in the middle of the night, some
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people came to us, introduced themselves as representatives of the chechen people's republic, and they started for... the whole face was covered in blood, the whole head was covered in blood, then they left, the employees of the bop came, they put us in some kind of bed. they took me, well, we started going to the hospital, they put a pm on my head and said that if you complain about your health, you will not be given back to the hospital, they took us to a hospital in one of the donetsk hospitals, they wrote down our data, and the stomachs there
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the doctor on duty still didn't want to sew up my colleague's head, because he said... he said that i wouldn't sew dill, but he they ordered us to sew it up, he sewed it up, then they took us to obop, and with obop, we were taken to olenivka, colony number 1020, a few days later. they beat us constantly, constantly , reception is a sacred thing for them, they just destroy you there, the boys are there peeed with blood , just some of them, really just wore out, i remember one such moment when our guys were brought in, a new stage arrived, and
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when they were running through a hot corridor, one of our soldiers shouted: glory to ukraine, after which he was immediately shot in place. you can tell a lot about being a prisoner of war, but it’s unpleasant to remember it, we survived there as best we could, at first we slept on a baton, just on a baton, in an isolator, then later we were given pallets, that’s how they are, you can see, then we slept on those pallets , well, the conditions were simply unsanitary for 50... people in a cell, a ladle of water a day, that ladle might not reach you, after i came all the horrors of captivity, i
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was exchanged, thank god, i thank all my relatives, friends, who, who prayed for me, who believed that i would get through this, i got… after exchanging medical aid for 45 kg, i went into captivity, now i have recovered a little, but i decided to continue serving, now i am serving in one of the volyn units of the national guard of ukraine. i am currently serving in my specialty, i am a company sanitary instructor. having combat experience, i can say that the success of the task depends. not only from how to conduct combat operations, but also from how timely medical aid is provided to the wounded, their evacuation, a combat medic must have considerable training and physical strength, because sometimes it happens that
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you have to push a much bigger person than you, it is very difficult, especially when a person is injured, he is weakened, you know just like a log, and there are very stressful situations. in which it is very difficult to make such decisions, because the battle is a non-standard situation, it is not at all what you are taught in the unit or in educational institutions where they are taught at all. civil medicine, or even military medicine. our fight is not over yet, it continues. we have to hold on, learn and do everything for our victory. congratulations. it happened to us the absolutely shameful situation in space yesterday, the evasive attack on a woman, a child, well... all this is also related to information wars, and well, so that you have no doubt, not everyone
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in ukraine knew about it last night, in the studios of the russian propaganda channels have already discussed this, so the people who arranged all this acted directly, you know, in the worst stereotypes that have been broadcast for three decades from the kremlin and from the russian police departments, see for yourself, when you know, they have now shown these... footage also terrible, in fact, this indicator of value, since the inhabitants of the village of kosmachiv of the ivano-frankivsk region, in the hutsul region, the heart of the hutsul region, that is, in fact, the core of the lexi dobush uprising , at one time was, as they used to be, a witch to smoke, here it means new ones, war mothers appeared in vienna, that is, a ukrainian p' emont, the heart of ukrainian patriotism, nationalism, is this the place where all these maidans come from? sewed, but you see, when in the spirit they suddenly came to take away their husbands in order
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to put their own lives on the line because of these values, so here is something that has grown, i have it, don’t touch our husbands, let it be there, so other muscovites are dying in donbas, we are not needed, what are you, what are you, this is where patriotism, this very ukrainian , ends, and all these values ​​are revealed. a russian special operation, absolutely not, eh , there are cases when the russians simply use
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what is already there, well, unfortunately, when in the heads of those people in space, well, this very idea arose that it is necessary to go fishing, as they called it, gunners of military commissars, well, how much crap do you have to have in your head to think of such a thing in principle, well, you know, these are the same as those paid by the russians to know the people who in... in 2014 in crimea and donetsk were crying about the bander trains that are going to kill boys in panties, there is no difference, for me personally, these people are the same as all these scoundrels, and including in russian television studios. there is no difference, and those others are deliberately harming ukrainian statehood and independence, no matter how they try to justify themselves, to say that they did not understand something there, they were influenced by something, but i don't want to talk about it anymore. just people who knowingly harm, period. on this let's finish this topic. yes, and actually, in addition to
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the fact that it is being discussed a little, the main topic that russian propagandists have been discussing for probably, well, a little over a week. this is the trip of the russian, american, well, you can say, yes, now freelance blogger, tucker carlson in russia, well, how they met him there. how they all ran after him there, those russian journalists just in crowds, they caught him around wherever possible, there in the big theater, he groped some ballerinas of the big theater there, they told what did he buy in the store, look, he bought a loaf of bread in the store, well, you know, it ’s like, well, i don’t know, they didn’t meet every star like that, and it’s certainly scary, the secondary nature is such, it’s just deep... the secondary nature is actually russia , any visiting american causes some
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kind of excitement there, that is, no matter how much they say how sovereign they are, but some bright figures in america should come and that's all, and they all run after him, i don't know, well, just for for something so very, very important, well, except that in reality. still there somewhere, probably since last august , they were talking there, especially in the studio, well , actually in the studio solovyov was talking, it was margarita simonyan, about the fact that... he is asking for an interview with putin, and he has been asking for an interview since august last year an interview with putin, and as a result, in fact, just at the moment when it was convenient for the russians, they let him in, used him, and you know, well, in general, like an ordinary russian propagandist, an ordinary russian pusher, they got away with him , and i'm not talking about the fact that he
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on this occasion, he told me that he was not the only one, you know. who is interviewing putin, well, such a strange version, well, let 's see what he said and what was the answer to him? not a single western journalist has bothered to interview the president of another country involved in this conflict, vladimir putin, most americans have no idea why putin invaded ukraine, or what his goals are now, they have never heard his voice , well, you will laugh, but about how the americans in... the west did not hear putin's voice, well, even solavov actually denied this statement by tucker carlson, and in addition to the fact that he denied it, he also said a lot of interesting things, you know, he tried to justify such people in general, why did they call him after all, and it was so very sloppy, so sloppy way to tell that russia
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alone is probably cooler than cnn, it's not the first. the interview given by the president of our country to foreign journalists, there were many, many such interviews, no western journalist managed to interview the president of the other party involved in this vladimir putin's conflict is a lie, serious news agencies, including cnn, have asked for an interview with putin many times, over and over again, you see, the fact is that no one knows this girl, including her own parents. as the channel has not been interesting for a long time, what do you know about the fight against nazism, what do you know about the thirsty citizen, what do you know about bandera, about shukhevych, what do you even know about oun upa, why is putin giving an interview to tucker carlson, because one from the conditions that everything that is, that goes to the ether, what you fear like fire, you do not
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able to work live, you are not able to work live, at the same time. you don't have ratings, and this is being told by a person who hosts this very program not live, moreover, he is telling this to cnn, which is just famous for the fact that it works live, live includes all events, was generally the first tv company that included some events live, but just the broadcast of the attacks on dubrovnik by the serbs, for example. or over there in iraq, well, it was all cnn, it was not salavi, not russian television, you you know, but what's even more ridiculous is that putin's interview will not be broadcast on any live broadcast, it was recorded three days ago, and it will be shown tonight, that is, such a live broadcast, and as they say,
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tucker carlson gave his questions, they were so , you know, nice... they crossed them out, they wrote in theirs, he just stupidly agreed to voice what he was told, and that's how it actually happened, but here, you know, i wonder why they did, well, let's see in principle, because in the same russian studios tv channels, they expressed the main idea, why do all this, well, in principle. and i guess we don't have that right now, okay , then you know what, let's get in touch with our guest right away, who i can already see that we have on the phone, this is vitaliy kullyk, a political scientist, oh,
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congratulations, vitalika, congratulations , and you know how you feel about that? what exactly will they be trying to achieve with this interview with takor carlson, well, it's no coincidence that it comes out at the exact moment when the actual vote in the senate on aid to ukraine is taking place, well, yes objectively? well, there is a conspiracy theory that this is superimposed on this whole story, so to speak, the interview was specially suggested as to a certain extent the task of not allocating aid to ukraine. that there is a separate opinion, and that president putin justifies the attack, we have not yet seen this interview, but most likely he justifies it. the aggressive position of nato and the united states, the biden administration, and it is necessary to review the position of washington in relation to this war and
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ukraine in general, what should be said about ending the war and satisfying russia's fair demands for participation in the global security architecture, roughly so, already in favor. some republican prompists are retelling what may be in the interview and what may be after that tucker calson interview, so i think it is really politically ordered, it justifies to some extent one of the trumpian lines of behavior, and there is another the thing that is important for trumpists, this is the news of traditionalism, said that look, putin is protecting traditional values ​​somewhere in eurasia, and here we are in the west we protect traditional values, and the whole world
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is flying somewhere, it is not known where, and uh, this war is a war of uh actually, uh, of traditional values ​​and traditional, everything that destroys, some established gender tradition. i wonder, well, now, you probably also heard this discussion about the fact that the same tucker carlson wants to talk there, as if with zelensky, should zelensky give such an interview to this person, and in general, can he somehow change it any opinion of anyone in the united states, no, but i think that... like if president zelenskyi would give such an interview, then by and large he would not be able not to show it. ugh. because even for him,
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although no one considers him a journalist, even for him there is a certain standard, that is, if you took an interview, you must show it without notes. of course, he can accompany it with some of his comments, questions, they can be provocative, frankly rude. but this is already a question for zelensky before... his strategic communication, how they will choose a strategy, in the grand scheme of things ukraine, well, it is open about its, its motivations, we are fighting for our own independence and identity, there are issues related to the genocidal policy of russia in relation to ukraine, if tucker wants to come to ukraine, then it was worth taking him to the cities that the same goes to buchva and to cities and to show houses, for example in kyiv. who were recently attacked by russian missiles to be taken to kharkiv, for example, so
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perhaps there is a sense in such and such a meeting, but of course, it is certainly interesting here that he will show it at all, well, firstly, and secondly, is he will come, i have such a skepticism about it, but the real motivation may simply not be there. and he agreed that strakism was preparing for me and potemkinsk village, i am planning to go there, but i will discuss the issue, let zelensky tell me something over skype, well, it is not in this case, it definitely should not be done, it seems to me, of course, of course, if it 's an interview, it's an interview, as they say, and come, let's show, tell, have something to say to mr. tucker, the journalistic community, i think, colleagues and ukrainian. have something to show therefore, will he do it, this, this is already a question, in my opinion, this is a propaganda film that does not need any other point of view, so yes, for about for prevention there,
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so i stated that he is ready to take in zelenskyi, but it is unlikely that he really would like to do this, he would like to do this , although, again, i do not rule out that he, he has a blank for plan b, and here is the film itself, which he shot an interview i am with putin. this is really propaganda material, from which they will cut, from which they will make additional propaganda videos and use for certain cool holes in the trumpian environment, it is no secret that these trumpian holes, they are focused on certain issues, some believe that this whole war is a fake, others believe that russia is protecting traditional values, which i have already said, orthodoxy is the people, others see in this... it is from the language of the vatican or some gay group and similar things, and everyone will see putin's answers to these questions that annoy them, that putin is not an enemy, putin
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almost for one. same as trump. and why us? then we have to help ukraine, this is like a justification for trump's isolationism. at the same time, my colleagues who sympathize with the republicans claim that this is only one of the groups of influence in the circle of trump, that it was not trump who sent tucker to moscow, but only one of the groups that is oriented towards trump, and no, not all trumpists are like tucker, but it seems that this... wing is becoming more and more dominant now, and that's how this film will become one of the most often quoted and propaganda videos in the trump company to mobilize this part of the electorate. well, in general, it should be remembered that tucker carlson is the same person who said that bucha is a production there, literally like this, well word for word, exactly like russian propaganda, back in november 2019 there was such a case, when he
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was still on his show... then he was working on fox news, he said why should i care what is happening in the conflict between russia and ukraine, i'm serious, why can't i root for russia, which i do , and an hour after he left it was just so, well, massively negative reaction, and it must be said that, in principle , this mass negative reaction of viewers, even fox news at... in principle, indicates the mood of the americans, which does not coincide with this agenda, which trump already tried to push at that time. so he was forced to say after an hour that he was joking, i only root for america, well, in short, when he gets into some ass somewhere and says some stupid thing, he says that he is rooting for america, he immediately starts rooting, well and in march 2022 , he also said exactly that he was not understands that we, we have to support.
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country, not russia, it may be more profitable for us to support russia, that is why these thoughts of his are not, it must be said directly, he is not a person who can be called independent, but he simply has already formed opinions, and therefore the fact that we we will see there, it will be roughly the same, i think , the same thing that could be filmed and if the same nightingale could record an interview, the difference is small, this is my opinion, well, in fact, yes, i do not think that there will be any detainees standards, that there will be some... technical remarks from trump, everything from tucker, everything that he can afford, some questions there, could it not have been otherwise, as you see the end of the war, and whether or not peace is better than war, these are general pacifist things that completely fit into their narratives , but this will be a complimentary interview, obviously, and strictly speaking, the whole activity is aimed
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at... well, justifying russian aggression and being like a translator of russian narratives, in some issues he is even more of an outspoken propagandist than rush there there is such a thing, well, there is another topic, by the way, it may converge somewhere, because it is obvious that all these trains, these shuttle cars and everything, russia arranges all this, well, with some such, you know, purpose somehow... to find a way out of some agreements with the americans, this is another such attempt to show some way out of an agreement with the americans, i think it was an attempt to run for such a candidate for the presidency of the russian federation, well, you know, there will be elections there literally in a few days two months, and this is boris nadezhdi, we
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it was shown before. in our program, there were some of his speeches, but he was positioned in russia and for an external audience as, you know, an anti-war candidate, but i want to say that just listen to what this anti-war candidate, who seems to be of the kremlin, says , well, just to understand that this is no different at all from the fact that the same symanian, for example, speaks regularly at solovyov's, let's take a look. ukraine resists, because it receives more help from nato, which means america, there will be heavy ones negotiations, there are a lot of difficult questions , who will restore all this, where will the border pass, among other things , recognized by all the states of the world and the un, the border of russia and ukraine, such a difficult question, agree, yes, if i understood correctly, from it follows from your proposal that this border must pass where


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