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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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beris, i hope, we showed him earlier in our program, there were some of his speeches, but he was positioned in russia and for an external audience as, you know, an anti-war candidate, but i want to say that just listen to what this anti-war candidate says , which seems to be kremlin, well, just to understand that it does not differ at all from the fact that the same symanyan, for example, speaks regularly in solovya. russia and ukraine? такой вопрос is not easy, you agree, right? if i understood correctly, it follows from your sentence that this is the border must pass there.
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where is the front line now, plus or minus, this border should be where we agree, i don't know where it will be, i can only say one thing, all these issues will be resolved, first of all, in full accordance with the constitution russia, i am elected president of russia, when i become president, i will take an oath on the constitution of russia, not on the constitution of the european union, certainly not on the constitution of ukraine, as you know, so i will fulfill the constitution of russia. if it is necessary in accordance with yes , the second important, of course, the most important, most important moment is where the people who now live or used to live in these territories will want to live, and so he was nominated, he collected signatures, he collected these signatures like this , that it turned out that there were people standing in queues to sign, although, for example, the same signatures that were collected for putin, it was generally unclear at what exact moment they
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collected these signatures and where it happened, no one saw this moment, then they were transferred to the center by selection and somewhere on the 5th, that is literally in february, it became clear that he would not be a candidate, it was already heard, and today it became absolutely clear, today, the cec, the central election commission of russia, refused to register for him, rejected a small number of signatures, but this it was enough for him to have signatures... it wasn't enough for you, and you can also appreciate how he left the meeting of this voter center with the words that he has no complaints against anyone at all, i will continue to develop our party and take part in the elections , i will help the elections, of course, volodymyr volodymyrovych, what decision do you think suits you, when you appeal the decision, hope is the last to die, let's see, we were scared.
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well, you see, such an anti -war candidate, he has no complaints , everything was done correctly, everyone is doing their job, such a job turns out to be, as he said, such a joke in the circus at the central committee, in fact, to reject such a candidate, vitaly, what was up with the nomination? er, and actually, and well
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, in fact, with the fact that they were not allowed to vote, and that's all, it's just stupid, so very simply not allowed to vote. well, there are two versions, the main ones, this is the first version - this is the one that there was one scenario that it is worth running some candidate, who can be conventionally called the last hope of a russian liberal, they found such a symbolic candidate of knadezhdyan, a plush liberal, and decided to nominate him and channelize everyone disagreed, and then when they started, when they entered, the situation entered the pre-election process, and such cases as bashkakistan, as there in yakutia, as in general not so easy instability, and the towers began to find out relations between themselves, decided that even such manual, controlled, plush opposition is not needed. in the elections, because
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the situation can get out of control at some point, i'm not talking about the elections of the most reliable, no, of course, that there are no chances, but they talked about the fact that... that he will not be allowed, that this , well, an attempt to analyze , to measure, we saw that it may hypothetically be not so much a light option, that people can simply vote for fun as a protest, they have already called to vote for him, and he will receive not 0.5%, but 2%, for example, and decided to remove it from the ballot altogether, to prevent a reliable election and to create a completely warm bath for... holding the so-called elections, because if earlier in russia there was an imitation of some kind of election process, now they have given up from imitation of imitation, first they cleaned the information space, and now they have already taken away any possibility
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of anything other than putin's systemic stavlyniks in this bulletin, nadezhdin himself , he does not represent anyone, he is not a symbol he cannot mobilize any protest vote, he does not have any system, he is not even a sobchak who can ask any questions or make any sharp statement, no, he is within the framework, he constantly emphasized, i am within the framework of the action within the framework of the constitution, if he still could declare that he supports volodymyrovich putin in every way, he would say that, but he had a certain image, and this image had to be removed somehow. voting, well, now there is no need and we will talk about it tomorrow, i think that everyone will forget any court even after there will be no trial, well, what do you know about me here, i think that it was rather not the fact that he will have 2% there that scared him, because, well, they would
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count how much is needed, even if he had 25%, they would still they counted 0.01, but rather the fact that there was this one... the number of signatures was a surprise for them, that there might be some kind of people who could hang out with each other and see it all. and it also seems to me, the second nuance, this symbolizes the general collapse of their strategy, which they thought they would have in the elections, like voting for putin, it's the same as voting for war , but now that they didn't let nadezhdin in, they in fact... themselves thwarted this way of legitimizing the war, because there is no anti-war candidate, and accordingly there is no vote that shows military sentiments. everything, there is nothing to compare it with, they just removed it, that’s the story, actually speaking , a rejection of such a scenario, it happened
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a little earlier, when they were doing zamiriological and the first place was not the war, but the social problems, and they will be about social problems now, and it was visible from this. after putin's speech, you remember his big conference, where he looked at the world with such hopelessness, such a burden , let's talk about heat supply, in short, thank you, thank you, vitaly kulyk, this is the director of the center for social problems of civil society, and we are with you see you next week. there are discounts on sinus hot and sinus cups with 15% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. shakhtar marseille exclusively on mego. in the battle for 1/8
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of the european league, the miners are preparing for the french score 45. cheer for the victory of the miner, turn on football on mgogo. there are discounts for pairs of villages. 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai, we are starting. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us and yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you
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very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the arrival, as well as distinguished guests. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, look at saturdays. club every saturday for espresso. fear of an opponent is something
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i have felt more than once, and that is normal. to recognize fear, study the opponent, teach your body to defeat him. it's like fighting with veel. if you don't do regular tests because of fear, the ox may go into the breakfast stage. you may not feel the symptoms, and he will win. it is not easy, but science has learned. your enemy for you, with regular antiretroviral therapy , your body will learn to keep it under control and you will live a full life, without fear. knowledge about complex things is important. knowledge about the ox saves lives. see this week in the judicial program control with tatyana shustrova. judge maidan on the way out. whom did you kks send for dismissal last week. consciousness also threw us into the garage. but how did the unscrupulous judge otrosh try to stay in office?
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greetings, this is judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. during all the years of independence, the judicial system of ukraine has repeatedly undergone changes. this year, despite the full-scale war, the judicial reform gained considerable momentum. meanwhile, a new composition of key judicial authorities is being formed, which should be formed. about an honest judicial corps, the courts are still corrupt, controlled by oligarchs and politicians. today we will tell you about another unscrupulous servant of themis. but first to the news. the supreme council of justice stopped the consideration of the disciplinary case against judge tandyr, who killed a national guardsman at a checkpoint in kyiv. the complaint to the judge was submitted by the public integrity council, and contains from. which may be grounds for dismissal of the tandir from his position. vitaliy salikhov, a member of the vrp
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, said that he did not have time to draw up a conclusion on the case, they say, because he waited a long time from prosecutor's office for the requested information. according to the law, the conclusion must be submitted for consideration 30 days after the filing of the complaint in the case of the tandoor by february 10. we will remind you that on may 26, the head of the makariv district court oleksiy tandyr drove a lexus car and ran over a serviceman. of the national guard vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv. the military serviceman, who was originally from cherkasy and raised three children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the judge's car was moving at a speed of 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated . the former head of the supreme court , vsevolod knyazum, was released from prison on bail. we will remind, last year in may the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office. exposed the most extensive corruption in the supreme court of ukraine, the scheme of receiving a record bribe of
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almost 3 million dollars, by the management and judges. the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, was arrested with the alternative of posting a bail of more than uah 107 million. almost every month, this amount, at the request of the prince's lawyers, decreased until it became six times smaller. on january 31, unknown persons paid uah 18,160 bail for the princes, and the ex-head of the supreme court was released from custody. he cannot leave kyiv without permission, he must surrender his foreign passports and wear an electronic means of control. on february 6, the supreme council of justice suspended knyazum from the administration of justice until april 6, 2024 in connection with criminal prosecution. higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine. continues to purge the judicial system of unworthy representatives through evaluation of judges for compliance with strict
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requirements, professional, ethical and anti-corruption criteria. the assessment is conducted for the first time after the full restart of the commission's qualifications, in accordance with high international standards of justice, so not everyone passes it. last week , several judges failed the evaluation at once, two judges were sent to the maidan for dismissal. judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, maryna. in the maidan the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, maryna lozynska , during the revolution of dignity, sent her to play 20-year-old student oleksandr sydorenko. he was captured by burke fighters on the square. everything that happened, even stones, a concussion
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of medium severity, you see, i was left with shin splints, with... however, maryna lozynska obviously had no questions about such injuries, as well as about the formulation of the suspicion itself. you were not embarrassed by the fact that there is no specific objective aspect of what he actually did in the suspicion regarding this suspect, but general phrases that were used are used. in hundreds of such cases that came before the judge. me, based on my own understanding of the law, came to the conclusion that the suspicion of the application of such a preventive measure was justified. marina luzynska also traveled to moscow and crimea several times already after the beginning of the occupation of the peninsula in 2014 . on the same day that i luzynska was found
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unsuitable for kateryna vasylieva, the judge of the svyatoshyn district court of kyiv. she has a super'. abilities and, after being appointed in 2013 as a judge of the chutivsky district court of the poltava region, was able to obtain a positive rating in 9 days in order to transfer to sviatoshynsky district court of kyiv and in two weeks already received the decision of the higher qualification commission on transfer, well, a very rapid promotion. i worked in kyiv for a month before the appointment after winning the competition, i liked it, i was interested in the work. if the law provided for a competition, how did you end up in the toshim court without passing the competition. that's the question. kateryna vasylieva does not remember whether she took the exam or, in general, how exactly the competition took place. the public virtue council has a version, why? everything that was before
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said, in my opinion, in our personal opinion, in our opinion, as gerda, the competition did not take place, judge. theoretically, she simply received this certificate and either not a certificate, or found out through the vvks apparatus and got into the court she wanted, maybe we made a mistake in the indicator, maybe family or friendship ties were not used, or maybe it was just banal corruption, and this is already known to us as inna otrosh jr., she tried hard to avoid this qualification assessment, they say she passed it already in 2019 and was not going to repeat it, but she did not succeed in... potrozh, a judge of the commercial court of kyiv, and the civic council of virtue has a lot of questions for her. i declare that i appeared voluntarily, as i was summoned to the plenary session. at the same time , it is my opinion that there are no legal grounds for holding a plenary session after the grp has been submitted to the president of ukraine. in 2013, former president yanukovych
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appointed the couple as judges of the economic court of luhansk region, but only 26 days after the appointment. she was transferred to the commercial court of kyiv magically, considering the fact that judges usually wait for such a rapid career jump for years, and inna otrosh managed it in less than a month, but it was not without breaking the law. the transfer to the capital took place without competition, inna otrosh herself did not have the necessary experience at that time. there is a certificate in the case that you have considered mo? maybe it was like that, if i worked there for up to two months, maybe it was like that. looking at when the subpoenas came, could the subpoenas come for a few days or weeks, well, you just took the oath on the fourth, on the tenth they filed an application, and on the ninth the chairman of the court gives you a description, that is, 5 days after you took the oath, not a single case was considered, and the description
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is that you proved yourself competent while working in luhansk, in the guest court of luhansk region. an experienced specialist. experts believe that the rapid career jump of inna otrosh jr. was not without the help of relatives. i personally submitted an application, as far as i know, there were no other contestants. inna otrosh, daughter of the odious ex-head of pechersky of the kyiv district court during yanukovych's time and ex-member of the supreme council of justice. in 2014, she hastily left ukraine, and the news spread that she was allegedly a senior ot... received a russian passport, moved to crimea and headed the occupation yalta city court. however, later the news died down, and the otrosh reappeared in kyiv. inna otrosh answered the question about her mother. refused to give, my mother is not a member of my family. meanwhile , the younger inna otrosh also visited the territory occupied by the russians. since 2014, he has been a judge nine times
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traveled to the occupied crimea, as well as twice to st. petersburg. my trips to the russian federation were made exclusively to the city of st. petersburg, and exclusively, well, to the autonomous republic of crimea, exclusively for the purpose of communicating with my people. by such persons, for me it is an urgent need, it is about trips to the autonomous republic of crimea, first of all, regarding legal, any legal restrictions, regarding such trips. citizens of ukraine have the right to free and unhindered entry and exit. and this is true, but there is still no ukrainian judge an average citizen, and constant visits to the occupied territory do not contribute to strengthening trust in the servant of themis. however, inna otrozh does not agree with this... i think that outside observers do not know such information at all, firstly, secondly, they can find out, only because we
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are talking about it live now, but i think that no one except judges looks at us, as practice shows, because no one is interested in it, the judge of the commercial court of kyiv, inna otrosh, even before assuming this position, managed to become the owner of a house near kyiv on 360 m2, two apartments in kyiv, only one of which reached... 46 square meters and cost about 250 thousand dollars, as well as a lexus car. immediately after her mother inna otrosh, senior, left kyiv for crimea in 2014. she gave her daughter another apartment in the center of the capital of 139 square meters. all the property that was there, which had already been explained to the relevant board of the bps, all the property was acquired before i became a judge, except for the apartment that was given to me by my mother. in 2014 this one the apartment was purchased by her in the 12th year, so it was declared by her accordingly, all other property was accumulated before occupying the position of a judge and
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should not be the subject of research. inna otrosh failed this interview at vkks and was so offended by the qualification committee that she could not contain her emotions. the next day, she published a column in the edition of law and business, where she stated that the members of the commission do not know the qualifications of judges. laws, neglect the requirements for the protection of personal data and interfere disproportionately in the personal life of judges, moreover, the entire judicial reform was initiated and implemented with the participation of international experts and, in accordance with international standards , is actually designed to create pocket judges, from inna otrozh's publication in the law and business publication. the purpose of judicial reform in its permanent state is to artificially create submissive judges who will speak only when and... only what they are allowed to do. the slogan of forming an independent court is merely a cover to achieve the opposite goal by keeping the judge in constant fear that he will be removed from office if he does not
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meet the right criteria. everything is correct, judges must meet the criteria of professional competence and integrity, which is required by the high status of the position, and within the framework of qualification assessment, not only this compliance is examined. assessment includes more than just an interview. but also careful study of documents, consideration of exam results, analysis of adopted decisions, disciplinary complaints , etc. the higher qualification commission recognized inna otrosh as not having the right to administer justice. the final decision on dismissal should be made by the supreme council of justice soon. for today, i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. report to us the facts of corruption and malfeasance. honest judges at the email address you see on the screens or write to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. good bye.
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last fall, we received a report from the police of the kherson region about the search for a 16-year-old boy, who, according to the investigation, disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory of the left bank region at the beginning of the full-scale war. during all this time, we have prepared many programs about the search for a teenager, autumn specialists were connected, these are specialists who look for information from open sources, and in the end, with their help, we managed to find a small clue, an actual page of the missing boy in social networks. all this happened at the end of last year, and, of course, we immediately ... wrote a message to the teenager, but he did not respond for almost a month, and imagine what our surprise was, what our joy was, when suddenly at the end of january we
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received a reply from ... the guy said that he is still in temporarily occupied territory territory, so for security reasons we do not mention his name and surname. at the same time, he agreed to talk with us via video link. let's watch a fragment of our conversation. i am very glad that you are all right, that we contacted you. january 24th year and i 'm fine, it's good, it's like, i'm in distance learning in the second year, since the guy is still in the temporarily occupied territory, no more details, the main thing is that he's alive, healthy and like us assures that he is safe and
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everything is fine with him. from the beginning a full-scale invasion, in particular , many children disappeared in the kherson region, and we prepared more than one program about their search. of course, we don't always get feedback from people who may have seen a missing child, but this story proves that you should never lose hope, it is with your help that it is possible to find the missing. i understand that ukrainian tv channels do not broadcast in the temporarily occupied territories, and local residents watch the service. in search of children, except in social networks, so yours are very important repost our videos, and literally a few minutes of your attention: these are 11-year-old artem abramovich, 12-year-old maksym kravchuk and six-year-old oleksandr kulish. all these guys also disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and no one knows where they are now, so i am appealing first of all to the residents of the kherson region.
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artem abramovich looks his own. 11 years old, he is thin and has blond hair. he was last seen a year ago in the beryslav district of the region, in the village of duchany. maksym kravchuk disappeared in september 2022, he is now almost 13 years old, a guy of medium build and has light blond hair. and this is oleksandr kulish. he turned 6 at the end of last year . the boy is thin, also has blond hair and dark eyes. he disappeared in the village. stepne is the berislav district of the kherson region. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of artem, maksym or oleksandr, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. the magnolia children's tracing service can be called at any time of the day for a short time number 11630. calls from all ukrainian
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mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you only a few stories of missing children due to the full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains. known, and anyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them.
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greetings, news time. on the spresso tv channel , kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio at home. 100 ukrainian defenders were returned to ukraine as a result of another exchange of prisoners. this was announced by the security service. among the rescued are soldiers of the national guards, border guards, armed forces , and teroboronvists. more than 80 servicemen are defenders of the azo. resha performed tasks in the donetsk and luhansk areas.


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