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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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statements of our politicians and thus lost the main basis for victorious actions. we thank you. serhii zgrets, military expert director of the defense express company was with us, but now there is a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiv, and we are starting our broadcast, it did happen, zaluzhno is no longer... the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, he will now head the armed forces in his place general sirskyi of ukraine. how did the ukrainians accept such a decision of the authorities and what could be behind the resignation in reality. let's discuss. opposition factions and volunteers criticize zelenskyi for the decision to resign zaluzhnyi, will such a decision cause an even greater split in society? it is a sovereign decision of the ukrainian authorities in the white house also reacted to the replacement of the commander-in-chief in ukraine.
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the world press is also actively discussing this personnel rotation, and there are more reactions to the resignation of the ex-head of the committee. i remind you of your preferences and comments, they are important in order to popularize this video, and share your impressions in the chat under the broadcast, what do you think about the events taking place in ukraine? ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi dismissed general valery zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and appointed a general in his place. colonel oleksandr syrskyi, who until now was the commander of the ground forces and at the same time the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortyts troops. decrees on the release of zaluzhnyi and sirskyi's appointment has already been published on the website of the president's office. in the address , zelenskyi did not directly explain what exactly he has claims against zaluzhnyi, but spoke about the need for a new approach to front management, rotation, mobilization and recruiting. the president says that this year, ukrainians began to talk less about victory, and the feeling of stagnation in... daily directions and difficulties
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in the battles in donetsk region affected the public mood. however, ukraine still has a historic chance, says zelensky. in general, the president announced the renewal of the entire management teams of the armed forces of ukraine. let 's listen to a fragment of his appeal. i decided to renew the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. it's not about the family name and even less about politics. this is about the system of our army. about management in the armed forces of ukraine and about involving the experience of combat commanders of this war. every soldier, every sergeant and every officer who sees the front, understands what decisions are needed, the significantly greater technological efficiency of the army's actions, the reboot of the generalship, the headquarters of all levels must know and to experience the front as well... as the soldiers at
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ground zero. zelenskyi also says that he has already held talks with brigadier generals, whom he considers candidates for leadership positions. in particular, these are the deputy commander of the dsh ihor skibyuk, the former commander of the 58th motorized infantry brigade and the separate command of the kherson troops mykhailo draptyy and the chief of staff, deputy commander of the military operational command for the south andriy hnatov, as well as the commander of the 93rd mechanized brigade pavlo palisa and commander of the 59th motorized infantry brigade. vadim sukharevskyi. zelensky also said that he offered general zaluzhny to stay in the team and would be grateful if he agreed. i would like to point out that the first official to inform about zaluzhny's release was the minister of defense of ukraine , rustem omerov. half an hour before that , zelensky and zaluzhny himself simultaneously published posts on their social networks in which they announced the meeting. both posted the same photo, where they are shaking hands and smiling. i mentioned that 50-year-old general valery zaluzhnyi... for the position of commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of ukraine six months before the start of a full-scale russian invasion in july 2021. yevgenia kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine. the deputy of the main faction of the servant of the people is currently joining the broadcast of svoboda ranok. my greetings to you, mrs. evgenia. good morning, congratulations. tell me, please, how important was the need for valery zaluzhny's resignation right now, where, perhaps, zaluzhny was wrong and in what, at least, what do you know, as parliamentarians and actually representatives of the pro-government majority? well, i do not think that this is such a correct statement of the question specifically for me, because i am a people's deputy, not the supreme commander, and a citizen. ukraine first of all, and obviously we have to thank valery zaluzhny first , and both the president and the minister of defense did it, and in principle, ukrainians there in social networks, someone mentally thanked, and then see how
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the tasks he spoke about will be implemented the president, that there should be a rotation so that everything is for the front. meant for this first line to inside the armed forces, they understood this number, because there are a million people who are currently serving, but it is the minority on the first line, so on the front, and well, obviously, some actions must be taken so that there is a fair rotation, again they showed and named these combat brigadier generals, young, motivated, who will obviously rise higher in this army yes hierarchy and obviously the results of this should also be only created by the presidential decree, a new type of drone troops and have to go there
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to appoint a commander, that is, we will look at the results and follow this logic that the president spoke about, and ms. yevheni, i can simply say that we are always with... to the specialized committee of the parliament on national security, defense and intelligence, where your colleagues on factions are also represented, there are several people there, but they are always in them, well , the schedule is probably tight, they cannot join our broadcast, so we will try to ask you questions, even sharp ones, and the next question should be about in fact, yesterday mykhailo dkach, a journalist of ukrainian pravda, stated that president zelenskyy had a closed meeting with journalists, and in particular, one of the issues he raised there was related to the resignation of the commander-in-chief, and with the faction or, for example, with president zelenskyy had such a meeting the day before with the leadership of the faction , perhaps he explained it because we have a parliamentary-presidential republic and although the presidential vertical allows him to dismiss and appoint the actual commander-in-chief, still the deputies also have influence on certain things in the country, was there a meeting with a faction? no, there was no meeting and i don't
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really see the point of gathering 200 or 30 people's deputies there who do not vote for this resignation, because these are all personnel changes and appointments. of the new head of the committee, this is absolutely the prerogative of the president of ukraine according to the constitution, but it is obvious that the colleagues from the specialized committee have more of this information, moreover, they have access to more of such sensitive information, and they listened to the generals at their meetings very often, and indeed, colleagues said that there were problems. which should be decided in the army in order for us, well, we have already moved, you know, from such a war on adrenaline to some kind of war that needs to be very well planned and very carefully used of all the absolutely available
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resources, and of course that in the first turn to value human lives. you also follow how the network, in particular, reacted to the resignation of valery zaluzhny, opinions differ, it must be said right away, many criticize president zelensky for this. solution as in general, do you think there are risks from such a decision as of now, because the war, it is in an active phase, continues, hostilities continue, can there be risks and how personally did you perceive this decision for yourself, that is, well, if we talk about social networks , it seems to me like this, after all, a kind of bubble, because everyone has someone there whom they read or who they have as friends, and this sometimes creates such a false effect. that absolutely everyone thinks so, but it is broader, and what i would like to pay attention to already here as a specialist of the profile committee and from the information politicians, that there are already bot attacks, and it is obvious that these
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are russian bots that spread quite typical such messages, pictures, especially there with criticism, for example, of the same syrsky and there with various stereotypical... labels, so it is obvious that where he was born, about the place of birth, i understand correctly, because about the place, yes, about the place, so birth and not only there, such in... other things, i think that people saw how in social networks, just remember that russia will look for every painful point, every dividing line, in us pluralism in society, in fact, if you look at the statements there, well, everyone writes everything he thinks, here it is another matter that these people are mostly not military experts, they do not have access to relevant information, but they want to express their opinion and show something prove yourself that is why we have to keep our emotions
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in check, keep a cool head, because especially this year , russia will use various psychological special operations with an impact on the ukrainian population . understand, that we absolutely have ukrainians, yes , who want to live in ukraine, one goal - to win and preserve our state, so we... can't quarrel like that inside, because this unity of ours is the biggest thing that russia fears, putin fears. well, you mentioned your profile committee on humanitarian policy issues, in particular, and here i have a question for you as well, as a specialist, in this direction, but do you agree with the leading assertions put forward by experts that ukrainian society is actually , the president's office, for example, and the government, warmed up to of this resignation, what i mean, the telegram channels that are affiliated with the office of the president, unaffiliated, over the last few weeks have been very active and abundantly reported... that the person involved is resigning, he made this decision himself, then it was denied
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officials, that is, you know, this tension, which could have been caused by a sudden resignation, has essentially disappeared in society, to what extent do you agree or disagree with this, and how can you generally assess the communication of the ukrainian authorities with ukrainian society in this matter resignation of valery zaluzhny? i can only evaluate official sources, because i am not actually subscribed to all these anonymous telegram channels and i do not wish you to, because well... in this information stream, anonymous sources of information will definitely not add anything good to you, and it seems to me that it is just very it is important that this communication came from zaluzhnyi and zelensky at the same time, i.e. at the same time the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief left the communication, then there was the address of the president, and obviously we we will see the continuation, because as... they said , this is a comprehensive approach, there will be communication about new appointments, obviously
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syrskyi will talk about something, again, this does not, will not mean that syrskyi should come out there and say, yes, i will rotate this brigade here on this brigade, well, we cannot broadcast any military secrets live, but in the case of such basic media literacy, it is still worth trusting official sources or at least official media... yes volodymyr zelenskyi, what did you say to the journalists correctly? collected, why, because this same topic will continue, it will be written about, well , there will be some interviews, that is, there must be a context, there must always be, yes, people who work with information have this context . ms. yevgenia, i will briefly talk about telegram channels, well, society trusts them and starts to trust them even more after that, for example, the president's office there agrees to the accreditation of individual telegram channels. at a big press conference with the president, so there are also a lot of questions for telegram channels, to whether
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or not there is a bet on them in the president's office, but that's not up to you, because you don't work there, you're still a parliamentarian, and the question to you will probably be final, given the criticism that, in particular echoes in social networks, from what i have read, perhaps you have also read about this decision and fears, what will happen next, how to preserve this unity in ukrainian society, which is actually so important and about which the ukrainian authorities speak, that is, how should we work now and the president's office, and the ukrainian... parliament and to the general staff so that the military understood this personnel change in the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian society understood why it was necessary more possible communication from the president or his advisers or how should it work further? it seems to me that the key word , you named it yourself, is to work, everyone should do their job well in their place, i.e. to adopt those laws and make them fair to... society, or to communicate to society why these or other laws are adopted, or
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why, well, the bill on mobilization will be just like that and for that, and demobilization will be then and then, it is clear that the military will fight, do you think that something has changed in the trenches after tonight, we see it as bruises under the eyes they did not sleep there , they read social networks, but it is clear that the military, well, they will... fight and obviously, of course, they will wait for those changes that the president spoke about, which should be the middle ground, because these same changes should be for what, for that the military should have weapons was, assembly, and they also felt this, justice, business must pay taxes, oh, well, there are people who, for example, wrote words of support there, and it is correct that they wrote words of support, it is just interesting, they all went to the tsc , they have updated their data, or they are writing from various other places somewhere,
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so everyone has to do their job, because that's the only way we can win, of course, but still. the position of the military in the context of actual personnel changes, this is also important, and some of them also wrote their posts. mrs yevheni, i thank you very much for joining in and explaining what is currently known, yevheniya kravchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy head of the servant of the people faction, guest of our broadcast. providing a strategy of warfare for 2024, great popularity and different views on warfare. the times magazine cites such reasons for the layoff, citing unknown sources. that's right... by the way, in 2022, valery zaluzhny was included in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world, calling him an iron general. in particular, the times magazine notes that zelensky followed a more optimistic approach, and the general called the situation on the patov front, this is a direct quote. according to the times, zaluzhny reported that ukraine needs to mobilize another half a million soldiers by 2024, but the president
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allegedly rejected this request. also ukrainian truth, referring to three non-names. sources report that on january 24, the president's office ordered a study from one of the sociological services. in particular, the study showed a simultaneous drop in support for the government and the president aggravation of the ratings of the chairman of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny and his party, which did not even exist yet. in addition, ukrainian pravda writes that the president's office doubted the reliability of the survey. and in a few days, as the publication notes, the president suggested that general zaluzheny find a new position for himself in the team. president zelenskyi offered the hard-working and. after the publication of information about his dismissal, the adviser to the head of the office mykhailo did not comment in detail on the resignation for good reason in the office of the president already after the dismissal decision, podelyak wrote on the x network that the president decided to systematically update the armed forces of ukraine. the decision is due to the need to review the tactics of action, which did not fully provide the proper results last
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year, to prevent stagnation on the front line, which negatively affects public sentiment with... find new functional and high-tech solutions that will allow to maintain and develop the initiative, as well as the importance of launching the process of reforming the principles of management in the army. in general, during this time there were few criticisms of general zaluzhnyi in the public sphere. a member of the committee on national security and defense, a people's deputy who left the servant of the people party, maryana bezugla, was almost the only one to publicly criticize zaluzhny. she is perhaps the first ukrainian politician to announce that they plan to replace zaluzhny at the end of november. wrote a post with open criticism of the commander-in-chief of the ssu. in one of the publications , it was claimed that valery zaluzhnyi, i quote, was unable to provide the plan with a plan for 2024, therefore the military leadership of ukraine must leave. rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine, representative of european solidarity, is currently joining our broadcast. congratulations. good day, glory to ukraine.
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glory to the hero, thank you for joining. yesterday, your colleagues from the faction publicly began to criticize the authorities' decision to resign valery. dear, why and what arguments in particular do you have? well, first of all, of course, the correspondence, or rather the inconsistency of the declared goal and the obtained result, because if we hear about some kind of change in strategy, tactics, about some kind of compliance of actions with new conditions, well , actually valery zaluzhnyi in an interview with the times and later cnn clearly. told what such changes should be, and it concerns fortification, it concerns unmanned systems, it concerns counter-battery combat, eh, strengthening of air defense means and eh normal rational work with mobilization, fair, as it can be said now, but effective, and actually it is necessary would be to move
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in all these directions, and moreover, most of these directions do not depend on them both from the commander-in-chief and from the system. security, i.e. the entire political system headed by the president, so if you want to change something in essence and strengthen your position , you should probably start not with the resignation of the commander-in-chief, but change something in your approaches and the quality of your work, so it seems that this is the solution , as it is justified, it is unlikely to achieve the stated goals, and secondly, thank you very much for this briefing with mr. podaluk, because is it really? the only such official or semi-official or whatever its status may be to determine the comment, but there it was cut by the public mood, that is, you are guided by the personnel policy regarding the military... by the mood, and you will set tasks for the military, based on what is good or bad for you for the soldiers, well, this is a very irresponsible policy, and i would very much like
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it to be mr. podalyak's personal opinion, and not what we will soon see, god forbid , on the battlefield. i just want to note here that according to ukrainian legislation, it is the president who has the right, as the commander-in-chief, to actually appoint and dismiss the commander-in-chief, well , in fact, neither we nor you have, probably enough information about the current situation. the state of affairs in the military sphere, but it should actually be noted that marina bezugla, your colleague from the znatsbezpeka parliamentary committee, also criticized valery zaluzhnyi for allegedly not providing an action plan for 2024, assuming that were there really questions from a military point of view before the brave? well then, it's a question of communication, and really then you have to say no that we need winning relays. and that the strategy and tactics at the front should correspond to the dynamics of public sentiment, well , this is delusional, and it is a very dangerous delusion, because such an approach, it can cost
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people's lives, and it is simply unacceptable, so for this there is a stake, for this there is a discussion of different plans , it is difficult for me to imagine that the supreme commander does not know how operations are planned, how they are carried out. that our otti is going to bet, if we later hear that there were no plans and the like. it is not a fact that mrs. bezugla should know about it, here, but the supreme commander-in-chief definitely knows about this, but we have seen very little of his position here, and we practically do not hear the position of the president on the extremely important issue of mobilization, although both the constitution and the law clearly refer it to his sphere of competence, actually the president of ukraine should submit to the parliament. changes to the rules of mobilization and so on, that is , strictly speaking, all possible levers for solving problems, if they were, were actually in the president's office, instead we saw a personnel
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decision, well, now we will see how it will be implemented, and the last comment is literally, you raise the question of communication very correctly, including talking with my colleague there, but we see that the impression remains that the authorities are trying to say: you don't understand anything, you don't need to understand , visit the page , we will invite someone here to a closed meeting, maybe we will tell them something through their teeth, and enough of you, well, this is definitely the wrong approach, and i really hope that it will be corrected somehow, and in order for it to be corrected, so it is necessary to pay attention to it and ask these questions. well, in the context, i will add that the government draft law on mobilization has already passed the first reading, the deputies will carry amendments and it will be voted on in the second reading, this is actually the second attempt. not the cabinet, to change the approaches to mobilization in ukraine, regarding the new head of the committee, he is actually well-known to the leader of your party, petro poroshenko, how do you assess this candidacy, which
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i mean well-known, in the 19th petro poroshenko appointed him commander of the ob' operation of the united forces, actually the lieutenant general, who was then alexander sirsky, how do you evaluate this candidacy, what do you have, i don't know, wishes for an example of how he should behave in this position? well, you know, i don't want to actually do what i already criticize the government for, i don't want to fly from the position. to evaluate the military, the only desire here is to remain a professional military man and do his job, regardless of any interference there and the desire to respond to the public mood, the public mood is one, we need victory, the military did everything for this, are doing it and i am sure, what to do, you as a faction would like to have a separate meeting with mr. syrsky, for example, in order to talk with him about his plans, not those that cannot be voiced, but at least general ones, well, i really... hope that he will find time to communicate with the deputies and clarify those positions that he can clarify. there is another very important point on which i would like to emphasize, in fact, there was a lot of criticism yesterday
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against president zelenskyi, everyone is talking about this regarding the resignation of the diligent, from different people, these are volunteers, and just ordinary ukrainians there, and those users whom we can read, there are fears, in particular in social networks, and i want to draw attention to this as well and ask, did it sound like that? for example, i don't know there are calls in your team to the effect that if, for example , there is a resignation of a meritorious person, then i don't know if public protests against this decision are needed, or there were no such calls and calls as well, how about in this context? look, there were no such calls, but there is a law of ukraine that regulates the martial law regime, it is obvious that in this regime the means for public action are much more limited, so it is simply a matter of common sense and... the new military command, especially the political leadership, not to try to use this situation to crack down on the position there, crack down on journalists and so on, there is no need
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to look for... some problems or reasons where they simply do not exist. mr. rostyslav, i thank you for joining our broadcast and telling about the proposal of the european solidarity faction, i would like to note that several deputies from your faction publicly criticized the decision to resign the commander-in-chief, ex-mr . zaluzhny, rostyslav pavlenko, people 's deputy of ukraine, representative of european solidarity, guest of our broadcast, the topic of conversation is unchanged, it is the replacement of the actual commander-in-chief in ukraine, i remind you , that instead of... general zaluzhnyi, general syrskyi will now lead the armed forces of ukraine, the corresponding decrees are already publicly published on the website of the president's office. and i mentioned to you that in the chat under the broadcast already a discussion has started about how you see the events that are happening in ukraine, so write, comment, it is important for us to understand what the mood is, in particular among our viewers, among ukrainians, well, besides youtube, where i urge you subscribe to our
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youtube channel so that you are the first... we had the opportunity to receive notifications about new videos that appear in our networks, i suggest you also subscribe to telegram radio freedom, to instagram, and we are online x, we are in tiktok, there are also short ones informative videos that you will be interested in, definitely watch and understand for yourself in simple words complicated things, so be sure to subscribe, this is important so that we can communicate with you, i will note that since last night the main topic for discussion is precisely the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery. in his place, president zelenskyi appointed general syrskyi, who before that was also in the context of the actual war in ukraine, and he had separate sections of the front, well, we are going to how reacted to this decision in the world, the sovereign decision of ukraine, this is how the us state department reacted to the news of the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny and the appointment of sirskyi. thus, the deputy spokesman of the us state department, vedand patel, answered
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that... at the request of the journalists themselves to comment on president zelenskyi's decision to fire him, he, however, refused other comments. earlier, even before the announced official decision to resign, the national security adviser of the us president, jake sullivan, on the air of the cbc news channel, also stated that personnel decisions in the armed forces of ukraine are a matter for the ukrainian authorities. well, in connection with the radio liberty studio, i am zuryana stepanenko, our european correspondent. it's crazy, my. question, please tell me, actually, how did ukraine's western partners react to the replacement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, how do they react, perhaps, to the new commander-in-chief? i congratulate my colleague, this resignation has really become popular in ukraine far beyond its borders: the replacement of the head of the commissar of the armed forces of the country fighting against russian aggression, this is the topic of almost all leading western changes. everyone writes about popularity in
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ukraine. valery zaluzhnyi, who, however, did not keep him in office. the publication of the politician reports on difficult relations not only with the supreme commander of the ukrainian army, but also a certain tension between general zaluzhny and the american military leadership. the reason for the discrepancy in assessments is that last year's counteroffensive was much less successful than expected, and in washington it was proposed to make a breakthrough in one area, but, let's say so, to deliver such a strong blow, but in kyiv, they have their own. in turn decided to stop at several assaults along the entire front line in order to disperse the enemy's forces, officially noted in the pentagon no dissatisfaction with the alkaline and in view of the results of the operation was not expressed. they are ready to work there with a new head, in particular the assistant to the minister of defense of the united states noted the day before that they are already doing this and spoke positively about oleksandr syrsky, calling the commander experienced and successful, and in the state department
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noted that personnel changes. this is a sovereign decision of ukraine, this was confirmed in the white house and they also confirmed their readiness to cooperate with the new military leadership of ukraine. president zelenskyy is the supreme commander of his armed forces, it is up to him to decide who will be in the military leadership. this is what civil control is all about. we are aware of this and will work with whoever leads the ukrainian forces. we will continue cooperation with our ukrainian colleagues. on this side of the ocean instead. in a key position in ukraine, while neither the top european generals nor their offices have commented, well, how do the officials responsible for security policy in the european union view such a personnel decision, we will be able to clarify at the traditional lunchtime briefing. as for nato, the headquarters of the nato apartment, it is in brussels, and secretary general stoltenberg commented here on possible changes in the military and political leadership of ukraine, literally on the eve of zaluzhny's resignation and appointment.


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