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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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the state department noted that personnel reshuffles are a sovereign decision of ukraine, the same was confirmed in the white house and they also testified to their readiness to interact with the new military leadership of ukraine. president zelensky, the supreme commander-in-chief of his armed forces, it is up to him to decide who will be in the military leadership. this is what civil control is all about. we are aware of this, and we will work with whoever leads the ukrainian forces. we will continue cooperation with our ukrainian colleagues. on this side of the ocean, a replacement for neither the top european generals nor their offices have yet commented on the key positions in ukraine , well, we will be able to find out how officials responsible for security policy in the european union view such a personnel decision at the traditional lunchtime briefing. as for nato, the headquarters of the nato apartment is also in brussels, secretary general stoltenberg commented here on possible changes in the military and political leadership of ukraine, literally on the eve of zaluzhny's resignation and appointment. sky, respectively, and noted
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that it is up to ukraine to decide, that is, it also stands on the position that it should be the sovereign choice of the ukrainian political leadership and it should be evaluated by the alliance, noted stoltenberg, agreed with dmytro kuleba's statement that these changes will not affect ukraine's relations with its partners and assured that support will continue despite personnel reshuffles. in the us, meanwhile, they have come one step closer to allocating funds for ukraine's military needs, if we talk about support. the corresponding draft law is being considered, but there are still questions about its support by republicans in the chamber congressional representatives, and the american media , quoting their interlocutors, also write that, given the delays in western aid to ukraine and russia's superiority in manpower and equipment, there is, they say, a real risk that the russian federation will continue to advance, exhausting ukrainian forces, until kyiv will not volunteer for negotiations from an increasingly disadvantageous position. the publication de... where zaluzhnyi published his
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column wrote that his release marked a new stage of the war, in which zelensky risks making a mistake, the syrian new head of state was called a controversial figure with a controversial reputation that can sacrifice both people and equipment in battle. olezhe thank you very much zoryana for telling us what the world's reaction is to the replacement of the commander-in-chief in ukraine. zoryana stepanenko, european correspondent of radio liberty. this is svoboda ranok, and further on in our broadcast you will see the following topics in particular. ukraine returned 100 people from captivity, most of them defenders of azovstal. i will tell you everything that is known about this exchange as of now. denazification of ukraine and prohibition of neo-nazi movements. that's what putin called the goals of the war in ukraine in an interview with the american journalist tucker carlson. it is said that russia wants to end the hostilities through negotiations against kyiv, allegedly refusing dialogue with moscow. on instructions from
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washington, don't miss the analysis of the russian president's theses, and don't forget about your likes, it's important for this video to remain popular on the network, and also subscribe to radio liberty's youtube channel. the most experienced ukrainian commander, this is how president zelensky described general syrsky when he reported on his appointment to the post of head of the armed forces. this candidacy was not unexpected. because in the last two weeks, western ukrainian media wrote about the fact that syrsky, as well as the head of intelligence, general budanov, are the main candidates for the position of the new head of the commissar. so, what is known about alexander of syrsky? at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , it was syrskyi who was responsible for the defense of kyiv, for which he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. in the fall of 2022, he was one of the commanders of the counteroffensive in kharkiv oblast. oleksandr syrsky is one of those experienced officers who are preparing for all unforeseen circumstances, even for... scenarios that he himself considers
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extremely unlikely, as the washington post newspaper wrote about oleksandr syrsky in 2022. at the same time, both before the appointment and on the day of the appointment , profiles of na syrskyi with non-complimentary headlines appeared in the western media. so, for example, the politiko edition came out with the headline in the article "zaluzhny left, the butcher came in". the authors ask the question, what will he, that is, syrsky, bring to the war. for example, general syrskyi is known for the fact that he brought in troops in the meat grinder in bakhmut, sending wave after wave of troops to the fire of the army against russia, and the city was eventually captured, the politician writes about this with reference to unnamed military personnel familiar with the situation. the publication notes that because of this, the new head quotes a very unpopular figure among the rank-and-file of ukraine, because on the front line, syrskyi is perceived as a strict soviet-style general who exposes his people to danger, as if that is why he has the nickname butcher or general 200. british bbc also writes that low. with
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with whom the media communicated , spoke negatively about syrsky, as a person who does not care too much about saving the lives of soldiers, that he, they say, likes to violate the vertical of power and interfere in the management of the unit down to the company level. the bbc also writes that syrsky allegedly has a good relationship with the president's office, and talks about his appointment instead of zaluzheny began in the spring of 2022. oleksiy hetman, a military expert, is currently joining our broadcast. my greetings to you. good day. thank you for the opportunity to join it is actually an important topic for discussion, expected, one might say so, because the media also constantly monitored the updates that appear in this topic. resignation from a military point of view. alkaline , it's bad, good, neutral, does it take time, it takes time immediately, at first glance, well, it 's bad, let's go, it's bad in any case, because during a war it's very dangerous to change the commander-in-chief, because a certain time the best person should master this
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position, which, which, which she should get, well already received, and after that, it is necessary to choose people, yes, so to speak, a team, with whom the newest commander will be. will cooperate, this provides a window of opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of this moment, it cannot be said that there will be disorder in the troops, but the vertical command, well, it will change a little, well, this is obvious, when it comes to any unit, even to a company or a senior commander comes to a platoon or a battalion, it takes a certain amount of time for everything to settle down properly and everything to start working, this is the first thing, this is a window of opportunity for the russians, the second, the second negative. perhaps, please, stop at this, this is simply an important moment when you say the window of opportunity, my question, it should have been the next one, after all, to what extent are the russian forces this time of trumpeting actually in the ukrainian command can use to their advantage and how they can use it, well, syrskyi has a good idea of ​​what was happening in certain areas of the front, exactly where he was in command, in relation to others,
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how much time it takes, a month, a week, a few days, how about you appreciate let's go, let's go right away , let's go, first of all, you shouldn't think that syursky is a bad commander, if... i didn't say so , to go like that, i have a lot on you, if he goes that way, then that's the end dangerous, we are talking about the danger itself, not the surnames, but the replacement procedures during the war, this is dangerous, what can be, what is the window of opportunity, the russians can now start larger-scale offensive actions, just do a few mi, well, listen, they don’t need prompting, well, we have already started, and in such a way that we will experience at least some small defeats on the front. well, tactical defeats, and this will immediately rely on the fault of sirsky, because many will say , say that he would have been diligent, this would not have happened, you understand what the danger is, now any - any - any failure on the front will be be translated to syrsky, as a person
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who leads the armed forces, but if he had been diligent, then this would not have happened, this is a burden that he will have to bear to mr. syrsky, that is, general syrsky, that is, this is the first thing that is difficult, secondly, they were respected in the armed forces general zaluzhnyi, no one says that they do not respect general syrskyi, well , somehow we are starting to emphasize in a different way, respect syrskyi, but people do not understand the military, why they removed zaluzhnyi, what exactly were his shortcomings, what exactly , what exactly did he blame that he had to be replaced, because when a person is replaced, he is removed from his position, then he did something wrong, so the question is what he did wrong, it seems to me that the communication is a little... with our authorities and the armed forces have violated it a little, it is necessary it was more clear to explain exactly why and what and how , why it was done, and this pause, for several days it is filmed, then not filmed, then it is filmed and by and large they say thank you, he remains in the team, says the president, but what was filmed , no one explains, and
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certain thoughts, certain conversations begin, in the armed forces the same people as you and me, and civilians, i mean, and they discuss among themselves what happened, what is happening. this, of course, did not raise the moral level of our troops, on the contrary , it rotted it, so this is a danger, and what directly concerns general zaluzhnyi, oh general, you see, general syrskyi , well, we will see what actions he will take and what and what he will succeed in, what he will not succeed in, here, well, let's do it, the armed forces will continue to fight, no one is going to to make some kind of riots inside the army. everything will be, everything will be, everything will be fine, but the big problem is directly with the morale, as far as i am concerned, mr. syrsky, because any failure on him will be triple, tenfold the pressure on him, because there will be constant comparison with his predecessor,
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that is why there is a danger here, whether he succeeds or not, well, where the hell is it, my lord, it should be noted that we do not evaluate the actions of syrsky, syrsky, nor what, in fact, what... the general syrskyi, he is actually the most experienced general, one of the, at least this is how president zelenskyy presents him, which, excuse me , are the strengths in command on the part of general syrskyi, well, he is more, well, this is both a plus and a minus at the same time, he is tougher in command, that is, he tries yes rigidly rigid command to command the troops, it is sometimes, well, in some issues it is beneficial, in some issues it causes opposition, morally at least opposition. and this can have a negative effect. here you know, well, commander, which are tough,
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commander, which are soft, well, who is better, well, differently. zaluzhnyi had one management method, sirsky had another, slightly different, although in the grand scheme of things, they worked for many years, well, for several years, at least during the war, they worked together, zaluzhnyi was the commander of the army, the syrian land forces troops, well, if there were disputes and... a significant misunderstanding between them, i am sure that then they would not have worked together for so many years. the only thing i would like to ask is that a wave of information is starting to rise, and there is information about the fact that syrsky has prepared an operation to liberate kyiv, syrsky has prepared an operation to attack kherson, kharkiv, excuse me, and in this way they are trying to somehow raise his authority in the armed forces forces, well, firstly, the armed forces and everyone knows who did what there, and secondly, well it looks a little, well... well, it's funny, no less, well, it's like the general staff, the chief of staff is in command, they were sitting,
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having a smoke break in the smoking rooms, the syrian was planning an operation to liberate kyiv, well, it didn't happen, he was there, he was involved in the planning of the operation and he was responsible for a certain area , well, how does it happen when it is planned, well, the brigade plans some combat operations, there are battalions and the battalion commander receives a certain task and fulfills this part of the task and when, for example, planning some actions. the brigades of the battalion command are also present , well, to say, well, i’m just translating to make it more clear, well, to say that, for example, there are three battalions, the commander of the first battalion that fell, it’s on him, he planned everything and he did it, well it looks like, well, listen, well, i don’t know who it’s intended for, maybe people who are very far from the army, well, in the army, people are so shaken that what is this, that is, the general staff, the staff of the general staff have deleted everyone, who is this did together, it was social, everyone did it together, to do a lot do. we literally have a minute
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left to let you go, i know that you have a lot of broadcasts today, in conclusion, just in conclusion, there is also a thesis that is on the network and that you need to react to and i want you to do it for example , as an expert , whom we turn off, the bbc, who spoke with the military, says that some military personnel negatively evaluate the candidacy of the syrian, as a person who is too careless about the preservation of the lives of soldiers, because of this, they call him a westerner. how much is it corresponds to the truth and what it is about, well, it is about bakhmut, of course, where they say that he gave commands to make zero-strength assaults, well, that, well, you know, that is not entirely true, because the cruel and harsh manner of leading, well, giving commands and reference to local assaults, well, yes ... again, well, childish, well, the commander of the ground forces cannot send a company
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to local assaults, he is planning an operation, the operation is carried out by the teams of those units that have received a combat order and according to which they should act, well, there is none such that syrsky came and said, so everyone got up and ran to the machine guns with bare checkers at the tanks, as in that time, there was no such thing, the fact that he is a tough communication, that’s right , the fact that he leads the teams tough, that’s right , it 's not too bad either, i have to interrupt you, i can continue... we thank you for your opinion, it 's important for society to understand, actually, how things really look, i remind you once again oleksiy hetman, a military expert, a guest of our broadcast . 100 prisoners of war returned from captivity on the territory of ukraine in within the framework of the 51st exchange, this was reported in the coordination headquarters for handling the military. among those released from captivity, the majority are soldiers of the national guard, as well as border guards, military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, and
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teroborona fighters. 84 of the rescued soldiers fought for mariupol, the rest performed combat missions in the donetsk and luhansk directions, in particular, a medic was returned from captivity, who in extremely difficult conditions rescued the wounded at azovstal, says the coordination headquarters. 28 people are injured. everyone welcome home, glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine. good morning, thank you. the land is ukrainian, you see, you are already home, you are already home, that's all.
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next, a brief overview of the news in minutes from my colleague kateryna nekrechi. my greetings, this is news in a minute and further about interesting news that will be discussed, including in social networks. so, australian army veterans and engineers who once worked on the taipan helicopter fleet volunteered to restore these helicopters to...send to ukraine, they appealed to their defense minister to stop the scrapping process, saying it takes a month to restore the taipan helicopters. earlier, the ministry of defense of australia began to dispose of mrh90 taipan military helicopters, which were decommissioned in september 23 , despite kyiv's request to hand them over to ukraine. queen
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camila of the united kingdom spoke about the state of health of king charles ii, who was diagnosed with oncology. under such circumstances, he feels. very good, he is very touched by all the letters and messages from the public from all over, it is very encouraging, camila said. the british monarch is currently recovering at his sandringham estate in east anglia, after his first treatment for an unspecified type of cancer. buckingham palace announced the monarch's illness in january of this year. in the south-west of iceland , a volcano erupts for the second time this year. fountains and lava erupt from a three-kilometer crack. flash. in the same place as the eruption that took place on december 18 due to the eruption of the volcano, part of the country remained without heating and hot water supply, there is no immediate threat to the local population, flights were not affected. it that's all for today, look for more news on our social networks, facebook, telegram, twitter.
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thank you katya for a brief overview of the news, and in the meantime, ukraine will discuss the change of commander-in-chief in russia. another topic on the agenda: yesterday and today they are discussing putin's interview with the american journalist tucker carlson. carlson specifically came to moscow to talk to putin, because, as he himself said, when announcing this conversation, the americans should know the truth that is allegedly being hidden from them . tonight carlson published this interview on his platforms, on the x network alone it gained 55 million views in 6 hours. in the morning , it also appeared in translation on the website of the russian president. the conversation itself. more than two hours, and during this time putin, of course, talks a lot about ukraine and the war. in particular, the russian president devoted as much as 23 minutes to an excursion into the history of russia and ukraine, showing some alleged copies of archival documents signed by bohdan khmelnytskyi. former russian president dmitry medvedev believes that with such a historic prelude, putin once again proved that there was and is no ukraine. as for the war,
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the russian president says that russia did not start it, on the contrary, it is trying to end it. in general, maidan is to blame for everything, and the goals of the so- called. special operations, that is how the war against ukraine is called in russia, in particular the so-called denazification, have not yet been achieved, putin tells carlson. the invasion was allegedly triggered by ukraine's non-fulfillment of the minsk agreements, and also in response to carlson's question, why not just call biden and say: let's stop this, putin is appealing through carson to the usa, they say, stop helping ukraine with weapons. if you really want an end to hostilities, you need to... cut off the arms supply and it will be over within a few weeks, that's all, and then we can negotiate some terms. putin also says once again that russia is not giving up on negotiations, but zelensky did it, but russia will not attack nato, putin says, these are allegedly just scaremongers of western politicians. they
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are trying to intimidate their own population with an imaginary russian threat, it is obvious. fact and thinking people, not ordinary people, but thinking people, analysts, those who are engaged in real politics, just smart people perfectly understand that this is a fake, they are trying to warm up the russian threat. observers have already noticed that carlson did not ask critical questions of putin, did not mention the bombing of mariupol or other crimes of russian troops. volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. i congratulate you. thank you for the opportunity. well, without a doubt, the topic that everyone has been talking about since the very morning in for ukraine, this is the resignation of a good man. how much do you see in this resignation of the politician, or indeed in the president's office, because... they were afraid of zaluzhny's ratings, do you think? listen, well, zaluzhny's ratings were a challenge for the presidential team back in the 22nd year, and last year as well, the situation
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changed in the fall, that's how the public mood in ukraine began to change in the fall, after it became obvious that, unfortunately, the offensive , which, well, whose attempt was in the south, did not give the expected results, but they started after that... public sentiments are changing, and unfortunately, it was during this period that a serious rift arose in the relationship between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, zelenskyi critically assessed the situation at the front, was waiting for some other strategy, more concrete plans, what to do, how to change this situation, well it was precisely the political factor , it also worked, but as an additional, as a background, because... against the background of dissatisfaction with the military situation, political, shall we say, discussions in which they began to discuss the prospects
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of zaluzhny as the next president, the future president of ukraine, of course caused irritation in the presidential team, so these two factors overlapped, they created a certain psychological and emotional crisis in the relationship between zelensky and zaluzhny. and in the end led to this decision, but i would especially like to point out, i think that valery fedorovych did the right thing in a very responsible and statesmanlike way, that in the end he left voluntarily, and well, the tone of his appeal, after his resignation, she just shows that we have a war going on and we need to keep unity, we need to fight the external enemy, not... ourselves, this is very responsible, i believe, this is a very correct act of valery zaluzhnyi. please tell me, taking into account the situation that exists now, and, in particular, what
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was written about on social networks, how opposition deputies express themselves, how the resignation of valery zaluzhny may or may not affect zelensky's rating and whether it will give an example of the so-called no i know there is carte blanche for a hard-working person to start a political career, or is the fact that a hard-working person can enter politics is what is attributed to him? but not that what he stated, well, you know, for me the situation around the industrious, it is difficult for us to say for the industrious himself, only practice will show us what will happen, but what is happening around the industrious reminds me a lot of what happened around yushchenko at one time, i think that he will be doomed, i mean valery fyodorovych zaluzhnyi, doomed to further political prospects, and in the near future and especially... well, when the prospect of the end of the war, the prospect of elections, will be obvious, they will simply beg him, put forward in presidents, most likely around him, i don't know, with his participation or
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not, political headquarters will be formed, a political force under the guise, there will definitely be some political activity around him, well, with such high ratings as he has, it simply cannot be, in this sense just, by the way, purely from political logic, it was not necessary. to release the industrious and all this, they understood that it is better to keep him in the barn, but again, psychology worked here, and not some rational political calculations, so it is too early to draw conclusions, but i i think that definitely the political context around the tyrant will work, let's see where valery fedorovich himself will be , what will be his media activity in the future, i think that the process will develop gradually, and as for the situation itself, well, there are a lot of emotions right now, and emotions definitely dominate zelenskyi’s ratings, this will definitely affect, because a significant part, a small part, even
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a large part of ukrainians, according to the polls, in particular, according to the kmis survey, which now very often cites the polls at the end of last year, so at the same time the majority of ukrainians trusted both zaluzhny and zelenskyi, certainly some part will trust both. medals, taking into account the fact that zaluzhnyi left voluntarily in such a mild form, but some of the supporters, especially those, i would say, fans of zaluzhnyi, they will be very critical of zelensky, and this is already noticeable, it was noticeable even before the resignation, and the number of zelensky's critics has already increased, let's see what the public opinion polls will show us in february, i think they will be the same district, usually an omnibus. held in february so after a certain time we will know the data somewhere at the beginning of march, what will be the reaction of public opinion, zelensky will lose from this, of course, i will only note,
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continuing your thesis, that according to that... studies at the end of december 23 year, if we take zaluzhny and zelensky separately, but zaluzhny was then still in the position of commander-in-chief, then zaluzhny was trusted by 88%, and zelensky 62%, this must be kept in mind , it is true, this is what i am saying, it is quoted constantly now, but it must be understood , valery fedorovych became a symbol of the armed forces of ukraine, the highest the armed forces had a trust rating even before the war, during the war it became almost absolute, and he is a very... figure, he became a myth, a legend, and it definitely works, in ocynka zaluzhnyi there is more emotion and emotional attitude than any rational ones evaluations, because those who have communicated with him know him as a person, and by the way, he really has such a natural charm in his relationships with people, and this helps, yes, but this will also be the foundation, is already the foundation for his
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potential political perspective. and zelensky was, shall we say, ambiguous attitude to the war as well, and lately we have seen a revival of this trend, but still, it seems to me that, taking into account the very format of the resignation, part of the people will keep trust in both zelensky and zaluzhny at the same time. we still have about a minute and a half to go, and i will have a question for you about this interview, which is being so actively discussed both in russia and in the western press, in particular putin's interview with carlson, to an american magazine. how should ukraine react to this and whether it should respond as possible in its information policy abroad and in general, how can this interview affect the world audience, it literally takes about a minute and a half for your answer, well, it will affect the trump audience, and takir carlson himself is one of the favorites of the trump audience when he was on fox news, and his narratives will influence exactly this part in europe and
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in a large part of the world it will be. the very fact of such an interview is critical and has already been perceived as critical, putin did not say anything new there, and it is obvious that putin is simply canceling ukraine, he wants peace on the condition that the west will surrender ukraine, here is a statement that do not supply weapons and there will be peace, this means, yes, give up ukraine and that's it, everything will be fine, it's the same thing, putin offers the same thing that hitler offered. western countries in the 38th year, surrender czechoslovakia and everything will be fine, there will be peace. there was no peace, a year later the first and second world wars began. it can be like that now, and i think that most of our partners will not accept it. public opinion, well , only those who, in one way or another, have populist views and tend to be critical attitude towards aid to ukraine, they can
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accept it. here, first of all, trumpists, so we need to respond not directly to this interview, we need to strengthen communication with western society and western public opinion. mr. volodymyr, i thank you very much for your analysis. volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the most important topics of this morning, in particular, the resignation of valery zaluzhny, as well as putin's interview with an american journalist. thank you again, thank you guests, who joined the broadcast, thank you for being with us during this time on our platforms. others in telegram and on the radio svoboda website, we continue to analyze these most important events, we will meet with you on the svoboda morning broadcast, we will meet from monday at the traditional morning time, and subscribe to the radio svoboda youtube channel, subscribe to our networks in order to to receive operational and high-quality information in a verified manner, this is important in order to understand what is actually happening around us. thank you for your attention, see you soon, take care, this is morning freedom, my name is oleg.
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greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the air force has warned about possible launches of cruise missiles by the russians from the tu-95. enemy bombers performed a maneuver in the area of ​​the launch lines. the estimated time of entry of missiles into the airspace of ukraine is 10:20. in the event of an air alert in your area. stay in shelters. 10 shahkheds were destroyed by our sky defenders this night. the drones were shot down within the limits.


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