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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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and after the interview was announced, and eventually it appeared, tucker carlson, where he talked with putin for two hours, said that zaluzhny, even after being released, still fired such a shot at russia , because the western press began to discuss exactly the resignation and dismissal of zaluzhnyi, and not this interview where putin uttered three bellows, god knows. why did some story go back somewhere in the 14th century, in the 10th century, god knows where, did you watch this interview and what should ukrainians still pay attention to in this stream consciousness of vladimir putin, and what will the americans hear from that interview? come on, i love thrills, but please, you don't have to cat me hard, so hard, i'm two hours, i just couldn't bear to watch it, i'll be honest.
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i gave you such a serious look from the interview, because in reality there was nothing interesting, anything extravagant, there are people who, by their specialty, by their profession , were forced to watch, and they shared the feeling, that is, something like wow, they did not heard, did not receive any additional there information, just another explanation of why he is in ukraine, i.e. a retelling of some story there and about lenin and there picheney, well , what is there. it was all, all that the americans will see, not ready to say whether they will watch all these two hours, as far as i know, they don't like such long interviews, for them they need something very small, ee slices there for a few minutes and they perceive it more, for us, i agree with mr. mykola, in principle, this is not news, and many people noticed that this news simply overshadowed the interview itself, news, or rather, about the dismissal of a meritorious employee, appointment. she simply
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blocked this tucker carlolson interview with concrete concrete, despite the fact that it collected, it seems, 70 million views only on the former twitter, but it really did not cause such a furor, which was expected, and what is more interesting, ukrainians responded to this interview with a lot of photo frogs on this topic, how tucker carlson looks at him, at putin, here are the memes of his surprise when he says that ukraine is an invention. ukrainians answer, well on the information front, for this interview, they are trying to humiliate and demean him in every possible way, and the fact that putin appeared there, putin's answer appeared that negotiations were possible, well, he has been talking about negotiations for a long time, but once again, the negotiations consist in the fact that the fixation, what we have seized is ours, what we have not yet seized is yours, but for now, this is the whole essence of the negotiations from putin. and what's more interesting,
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talking a lot with europeans, i constantly raise the same topic, theoretically, i say, but if, for example, today hostilities are stopped, ukraine theoretically signs something with the russians, what about sanctions, and there is no understanding of how to lift the sanctions from the russians, so somewhere conceptually they say, maybe let's get rid of them and let's work as before, but no one was able to inform me of the procedures of the mechanism, that this one... is not a snake, that is, we have come to the conclusion that even if the hostilities stop, even if conditionally, we fantasize, ukraine recognizes the loss of 18% of the territory, then the sanctions remain in the russian federation. mr. ivan, thank you to you, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine, an employee of the security service of ukraine was in touch with us in 2004-2015, we are going for a short break, andriy said he would show one caricature, but he forgot. so we will show
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you this caricature later a caricature based on the interview of putin to tucker carlson to the odious american journalist, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you can cut trees and bushes with ease , its so comfortable can also be used for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home. garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with the consultants: you can cut heaters, cut a beam, chop firewood, all this in one movement, with a strong saw. just look how quickly she copes, even with thick branches. once it is ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use it in hard-to-reach places. in power sets. a wrench and a screwdriver, as
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external use decrasin useful. consultations by phone. 0800 215 349. calls are free. there is a 15% discount on the table. travel book, memory and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who... have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more
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important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion. at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. well, gentlemen, we will continue our broadcast and just now we will talk with roman gapachil, actor, volunteer, we will talk. about what is currently happening in the fields of volunteering, so to speak, how people are volunteering now, what is being done now, whether they are continuing to work, so to speak say, banderamobile supply to the front , which is noted, in particular, the work of roman
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gapachyl, a famous actor first of all, but we also know a great ukrainian volunteer, well, we will also discuss some, probably the most alive ones. because now the story is such that literally everyone still wants to talk about zaluzhny's resignation, and this is also a certain phenomenon, you know, i tried to understand for myself why zaluzhny is so important, because there are some people who are now saying, listen, well , but be that as it may , well, syrsky too, in principle we know him, this is this adequate, completely professional general, eh, yes, it’s true, well , despite all the remarks that we also mention here out loud, but it seems to me that there was still such a moment, you know, that he... which was your boyfriend, you know, and for those who voted for poroshenko, and for those who voted for zelensky, for those who did not vote for anyone, or for those who voted for zelensky and did not want to vote for him, or for poroshenko did not want to vote for him, he was simply such a wise and sincere ukrainian, as they once said in the 90s, you know, how they made fun of this
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term later, but it was so real, and it gave such a feeling, you know, that our people are in power, fair, patriots one hundred percent, honest, with their own opinion, not some idiots and so on , here is his resignation, it became such a signal, so not very good , in fact, not very good, because if we had such a... you know, a rule of law, fair courts, an understandable parliament and so on, a cabinet of ministers , and in this system, when everything is like this, then, you know, it became what it is with such an unfortunate signal, some really wrote, as myroslavze wrote, for example, yesterday, i have a feeling very similar to the one on february 24, 2022, just such a shock and a bit of misunderstanding, what 's next, roman gapchyla is already with us , volunteer actor, mr. roman, congratulations. did you, if you had any feelings yesterday when you heard the news, about the resignation, what were
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those feelings, share with us, well, i think everyone had feelings, congratulations to everyone, yes, because this is an important event for us and for ours of the volator team of bandera mobile, we exchanged thoughts inside our chat, who thinks what, i agree with the fact that mr. zluzhny, probably, this is his humanity. and probably the most important thing for ukrainians was during this period of these two years of war, because you understand that there is a person whom you can trust, and these character traits, well, now in the world it is very difficult to trust someone with something, even more so potentially with your life, life country and their loved ones and so on, and i think that this is a very important trait in people to be human, and in this is such a difficult time for the country. and therefore, when a person is taken away from a person, everything can start to panic, fear, and what will happen next, like, how
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, who will protect us, and what, what will happen, yes, and there, there is that mr. syrsky, of course , he had successful operations and so on, but he does not evoke that emotion, and , accordingly, there is no such trust, and it is not a fact that we are being built, because now people have very different attitudes to such things as trust, it is being built. it's been years so it's it's necessary to go through some kind of crisis together there with with mr. sluzhnym, we went through a crisis , we went through the beginning of such a full-scale war, and you went through it with him, and then you already start to trust that person, and with mr. setsky, we have not gone through such a thing yet, and we only hope for the best, today our team sent four cars, as usual on friday, so we just have a working day, four cars, as usual on friday, that is... two years of war already on the nose, everyone says, and already full-scale, everyone already says, and already
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it's so hard to get people to donate something, but you mean everything without changes, we have everything is changing on the contrary, in order to stand still, we need to constantly change, that is, we have completely changed our format, how we work now, but in fact, few people donate to us, but we have all donated cars, that is, in fact, we... our own brand in ukraine we have a mobile phone, in britain we have a brand called car for ukraine, which is well-known, and we are given from three to five cars a week in britain, our people who are simply, well, british people, who see this advertisement in gle or somewhere some of our articles are there for telegram or there business insider, they read about us and make donations, and who doesn't donate their cars, and these four cars are donated today, one of them, by the way, is an expensive car, mr. 70,000 mileage, only mr.
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donated, you can look at me there there is on facebook that they did not start, so we gave up, the guys said not to paint, they just said, in fact, now we have more jeeps than pickups, where we put turrets, so now we are on the defensive and the guys do not order turrets, turrets the guys ordered mainly when we were attacking, when we were in defense, you just need to bring up the bc, get people in positions and so on, so... now most of our requests are simply either a pickup or just a jeep, so we actually have both pickups and jeeps, we send three to five cars a week , and you go on, you go on booking them , of course , that is, we always book pickup trucks in full, that is, we also put morels, the jeeps themselves do not, because they will lose speed and , accordingly, they will be, i don’t know , 140 can go there now, will drive 70, so pickups they pass. 130 will always go that's why right now we have a focus on this, well
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, our big project right now is ules, it's a low emission zone in britain, and where we work with the mayor of london, as they say, a little bit of his challenge so that he still gives these cars, now 40,000 cars, they took the british because of this law, and they just stand there, and the british demand that these cars be given to us, and our team is lobbying for it, that is, we wrote a letter from klitschko to the mayor of london and from... of the mayor of london, and now we are pushing this story completely in london to to give those cars that simply, if they were, well, if they were commissioned there through say. to this new ules law, which is in britain, that they are not a low emission zone, and those cars must be disposed of, all those that emit a lot of co2 there, as well as those that are already quite old, but we say, give it give them to us, ugh, give them to the ukrainians, we need these cars,
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so now we have to pressure the mayor of london, who was the first to refuse, that is, our volunteer richard. issues, had contact with klitschko, klitschko wrote the first letter and he refused, we took the refusals and the telegraph , the business insider showed them, and the british began to do things like yes, like, the cars just stand there, and you don’t give them to ukraine, and then john johnson, johnsonyuk, also got involved in this story, so now it is necessary to work around this project, to convince the mayor of london that after all he gave these cars to ukraine, it is realistic to do it, it is realistic to finish the project, so everyone who... works in the legal field in britain knows, maybe, how it is make this noise right, let's unite, write to us at carfeyu ukraine or me personally, and we will actually do this project, i think that if this project is implemented, we will not have problems with cars, those people who donate will join you abroad, foreigners who support your project, they well
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, for sure, i don't know, maybe they wrote to you yesterday and asked, what's going on? they follow the news from ukraine, maybe they watched tucker carlson's interview he did with putin? well, in fact, they come here, yes, we have the opportunity to talk with them, we tell the real situation, they have very direct questions, and what is next, as you plan, we are ready to help you there, but to understand, for example, how or how you can win this war in general, so there are such discussions. each of them has some connection with ukraine, some minimal connection with ukraine, he had acquaintances there or something, there are people who simply, simply saw this advertisement, the car is standing in the yard, and what does the woman say, and why will it stand in our yard, let's give it to ukraine, and yes, that is, there are actually a lot of stories like those cars reach us, and in fact i can
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say that britain, they still support this information connection with ukraine. they remember what it is like to defeat the enemy, and by uniting, this is a very strong partner for us today, we are trying our best, of course we have people who help there from germany, from holland, these are rare such cases , but by mass, we see that these are the british, and we try as much as possible to popularize our project there so that they can donate them to us, because it is really possible to collect donations and buy a lot of cars, so five a week, during which there are already 373 cars. and it's not easy, i'll tell you, yes, there are teams that can make it happen, we did it because of the cars that are donated to us, our task with the donations that we received is to drive the car from london, repair it here, book it here, put a turret, paint and send all ukrainian hryvnia donations, it goes precisely to these expenditure parts, and
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we actually cover the purchase of cars at the expense of donated cars from britain, how to... collect recently? here, too, the question is so difficult, i will tell you honestly, there are not many donations, but we are changing again, we have actually become such an uber for cars , in fact we have made a marketplace, we guys are not stupid, market place, that is, in fact we have a car, there are military personnel, who say, we need a car, we say, look, in order to drive it from london, this one we need a certain amount of money, and this one, to collect it there, for example, uah 50 00 there, and to drive it, this, you also join, we will collect, but you also join, and often the military also collects about actually under this car, there are five of them, for example, they each have some social networks and so on, and they also start collecting, and in this way, when we attract a larger, wider audience for a specific car for specific brigades, we
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are like uber, we connect the car and the military, we are a marketplace like r&bnb, you can say that. where there are people who donate cars, there are military people who need them, and they must be connected and cover these expenses from the moment when they they gave it as a gift until the moment when she got to the front, and this is all an expense, because they often donate cars, they think about the war there, we will move some kind of vehicle, it happens, and she needs to move this vehicle, sometimes it is 500 dollars, sometimes 100 dollars, the engine can handle that car, and in fact we are with such a marketplace, where we connect the car with the military and they... also the military helps us collect those donations, so now we have transformed, of course, there are changes, but this allows us not to stop, it allows us continue to make three to five cars a week, how many cars are you now in the interim total... 373, 373 cars went to the front today, serious volumes, you can say, i don’t know, the department of the ministry of defense is probably not
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everyone doing such things, especially there there is the one who is currently under investigation, thank you, thanking the team, i’ll be honest, there was a decision to get to the people who came, a lot of people came there only at the beginning of the war , let’s help, help, and then all the people leave, leave and stay only such... already verified fighters, here is ivan oleksii from kherson, here is the leader of the project, nazar kravchuk, who actually manages the entire process, such as our backend, and repair that car, make documents, and now the act of acceptance and transfer for each car, charitable funds, how is it supposed to go to the charitable fund, then the act of acceptance of the transfer, which must be stamped by the head of the military unit, these are heaps, and these are five documents every week that you must... have, and then the sbu calls and he asks, show us that act of acceptance of the transfer, and you show him, y everything is fine with us, we have everything, please , look, if it weren’t for all my colleagues, i would be sitting, honestly, that is, and they do everything,
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and they do everything clearly, in a human way, for every car, act, for everyone, but today we arrived there, everything is clear with us, we have our own drivers there, everyone came in their car, sat down, each car already has an act, everyone knows what needs to be done, to arrive, to whom sign, take a picture of a military id, take a picture of an order about mobile phones. stamp of the military unit and return to lviv whole and unharmed, although we have already had cases when there were volunteers and injuries, but that is for another interview. mr. roman, thank you for the conversation , what you say, we would be sitting already, if it were not for those guys who monitor how to follow the letter of the law, this is both a laugh and a sin , there are many such stories, and the military also asks for help , for example, my land. says that they bought a car specifically for the front line, he is a military medic, and now they are being tried by a court that does not even know what the front line is like the front line looks, and there are also problems,
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we will also talk about it somehow on our broadcasts, roman gambachela, an actor-volunteer was with us, and now we will move to the border of ukraine with poland, what is happening there, is there a blockade that was announced , our journalist, kateryna oliynyk, works there, and now we will find out from her. what are the queues at the border , what did you see there, what do the polish drivers say , if we managed to talk to them, what do our drivers say, we will ask kateryna about all this, and she is already with us, katya, congratulations, katerina, can you hear us, can you hear us, yes, let's go. what is the actual situation at the border now, has the blockade resumed again , what is the volume of ukrainian freight transport to
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poland, to the polish border, we will now find out from katrina, who , let me remind you, is just there now, well, actually, the blockade was announced by polish farmers, they said that from today for a month they plan to block all checkpoints and roads and highways separately. khvoivodship, voivodeship - these are roughly equivalent to something like our oblasts, but they are slightly larger, actually this was announced the day before by the independent self-governing trade union of individual farmers solidarity, actually did they implement their plans today, kateryna oliynyk, espresso journalist, is there, katya, we welcome you, tell us, is there a blockade? congratulations lesya, congratulations andriy. yes, we are now at the crossing point of the medica massacre, and indeed, the nationwide
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protest action of polish farmers has not yet begun. as the border guards informed us, currently the border post of sheghini medika is working full-time, in normal mode, trucks, cars, and buses are allowed in both directions. so, i want to say that the nationwide strike... the poles announced today that it will start at 10 a.m. and they also emphasized that the strike will begin at 11 a.m. on ravarusk grebene and on yagodin dorogusk. well, the protestors were determined to let one truck per hour on shagina, and one truck per hour on yagodyna street, and two on ravaruska street, but they promised that even buses without obstacles so, we can say that the situation is free at the moment, and what provoked a new nationwide protest was
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the european commission's decision to continue. poland, you stay with us, we still have an hour of the marathon of our part in it. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then straw saw. from rozpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily trim trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is all from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw
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11:01 am
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