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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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after the full-scale war began, my unit was ordered to defend mariupol, my unit was engaged in intelligence, as it were, but our main task was as a drg group. we came close to and discovered them. came into contact with them, coordinated the actions of our artillery, transferred their positions so that our guys could pull up and we could attack them. our eyes informed us that another group of drgs was moving in our direction, we were the first to open them. and then they wounded my commander that
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evening, we repelled their, their attack, how we worked close, it was 50 m , it must have been like that somewhere, maybe it was enough somewhere, it was a dark night, and it was very strong, i even ran out of ammunition then, i shot everything, everything i had, and my friend . " don't forget about you, the battle was going on, i just heard my commander shouting, the commander is wounded, the commander is wounded, i immediately ran to the side to the screams, through the landing, he was there 50 meters from me, and i already ran up, already alone one of my brothers, who, unfortunately, is now missing." he was already imposing on the commander
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a tourniquet on the leg, i remember it well, there was a lot of blood, we had to remove the bulletproof vest from the commander, and so we dragged him by his things, grabbed his jacket, dragged him through that landing , dragged him to the nearest shelter, stabbed him in the thigh, that we didn't have anything else, and we quickly sank him during the battle. even there, i and my comrades loaded him onto the truck we had and evacuated him to the checkpoint, the commander was very cool, you know, when, when all this movement began, he told us that guys, we will fight to the last, and said, i did not leave you, in any case, he, unfortunately, died during the evacuation from mariupol, the helicopter in which he was flying was shot down.
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fought until we were completely surrounded, the command came to break through the encirclement, and we followed the order, left mariupol and ran into russian and dpr troops, and that's how we were taken prisoner. they interrogated us, put us in a cell, some detainees were still sitting there in the cell, can i smoke a cigarette, because i can't remember it calmly, then, somewhere in the middle of the night, some people came to us, introduced themselves... as representatives
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of the chechen people's republic, and immediately started asking questions, who knows, who knows what akhmat is, well, of course, we were silent, because it's the first time i've heard such a thing, i know that akhmat is tea, and they just started beating us with sticks, smashed our bloody heads, there was generally all the face covered in blood, the whole head was covered in blood. then they left, bob's employees came, put us in some kind of bus, took us away, well, we started going to the hospital, they put a pm on my head and they said that if you complain about your health, you will give it back in the obobtyn, they took us to a hospital, one of the donetsk hospitals, they wrote down our data, the city officials didn't want to go there yet... the doctor on duty
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sewed up my colleague's head, because he said , that i will not sew dill, but he was ordered to sew, he sewed. then they took us to obop, and with obop , we were taken to olenivka, colony number 1020 , after a few days. it's just that the boys peed blood, that's all some really just wore out. i remember one such moment when our guys were brought in, a new stage arrived, and when they were running through a hot corridor,
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one of our soldiers shouted: glory to ukraine, after which he was immediately shot on the spot. a lot can be said about the captivity, but it is unpleasant to remember it. we survived there as best we could, at first we slept on a baton, just on a baton in the isolator, then later we were given pallets, that’s how they are, you can see, then we slept on those pallets, well, the conditions were simply unsanitary, for 50 people in a cell, a bucket of water per day, and that bucket might not reach you. after i went through all the horrors of captivity , i was exchanged, thank god, i thank all my relatives, friends who prayed for me,
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who believed that i would pass it, i received, well, after the exchange, medical assistance, for 45 kg i went into captivity. now i have already recovered a little, but i decided to continue serving, now i am serving in one of the volyn units of the national guard of ukraine. i am currently serving in my specialty the sanitary instructor of the company, having combat experience, i can say that the success of the task depends not only on how to conduct combat operations, but also on how... how timely medical aid is provided to the wounded, their evacuation, the combat medic must have excellent training and physical strength, because sometimes it happens that you have to push a much bigger person than you, it is very difficult, especially when a person
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is injured, he is weakened, knows just like a log, and there are very stressful situations in which it is very difficult to make such decisions, because what combat is not... a standard situation, it is not at all something that you are taught in a unit or in educational institutions that generally teach civilian medicine or even military medicine. our battle is not over yet, it continues, we have to hold on, learn and do everything for our victory. so, dear friends, we continue our broadcast, our marathon from our backup studio in... covered, because as you can see the map of ukraine is red, there is an air alert, we urge you to be in a safe place, and we urge you also to watch the espresso , our guest is already near me, with whom we will finish our morning part of the marathon, this is anatoly hrabchynskyi
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, the deputy general director of the company mil-tech tech, so an aviation expert, while we will be talking with mr. anatoly, and we will talk with him about planes, and about drones, and about everything that... should destroy moskal so as not to destroy the lives of our military. i urge you to also join our collection, it is ongoing, we have already reached the 400 uah mark, and we need to collect as much as a million, but i offer you at least the morning part to finish with an equal amount, because now we have 406,610 hryvnias 69 kopecks, as many as three sixes. i propose to finish our morning at 410,000. you can now see on your screens the qr codes of monobank and privatbank, we are collecting them for the 141st brigade, which is currently performing a task in the orichiv direction and needs your and our help, because they need walkie-talkies, batteries for drones, and starlinks and binoculars, and rangefinders, and rescans, and drone detection detectors, and
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many other equally important things, so write down the card numbers and scan them, on the right, the qr code to be scanned scanner, which can be found in the privat-24 application. this is necessary. information for you, well, we are continuing our conversation, actually mr. anatoliy, we had such a small, small small talk here while we were moving, because we were supposed to start the conversation in that studio, but in moskal we were interrupted a little by ours. plans, and i found out that mr. anatolii was a military man, and therefore ukraine has been discussing what is happening in the military and political sphere for the second day, one way or another, it does not affect political life either, because yesterday, volodymyr zelenskyi dismissed valeriy zaluzhny and appointed mr. oleksandr syrskyi as its head. mr. anatoly, people are all a little shocked, scared. what is your reaction as a military man, what kind of man, who further helps the army
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to do so that there are fewer muscovites, well, of course, this event is incomprehensible to me, because zaluzhnyi was a star of the modern military, who supported, we know, even, let's remember the article by the economist, when he started talking about high-tech weapons that can to help and significantly influence... the course of events on the front line, that is about preventing a positional war into what russia is trying to throw us into, so, for example, it is difficult for me personally to understand the actions of the president's office regarding this withdrawal, here, but again after all, it is necessary to say about some conclusions , we will have to see how it will happen now, but again, this may be a sign for the start of the appearance of new soldiers, new generals, new commanders, who will be significantly involved in... on decisions and cleaning up this outdated the soviet union from the armed forces of ukraine.
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nevertheless, it does its job to us, yes , i mean what your company does, you manufacture radio, radio electronic warfare, electronic warfare, the russians are quite successful with their rebs, the russians, whom we laughed at a little, made conclusions about mistakes, and drones already. are now being produced and we know that in the occupied territories, even children, our ukrainian children, are involved in assembling drones, what can we do to surprise them and kill them? well, actually, if we talk about surprises, then we have a lot opportunities to surprise, in fact, because we have and yet, let's face it, we have access to more interesting markets where we can buy. assembling, so the russians turned out to be much smarter and
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due to access to chinese and iranian platforms, they can also bypass sanctions and so on, yes, that is, they also have the opportunity to get high-tech things, but i would still like to note , that most russian weapons are overrated, why, because, for example, returning to the same dagger, which is not meets its tactics... technical characteristics, going back to electronic warfare means, well actually they have a lot of them. first of all, russia actively developed means of radio-electronic warfare and made of them large stations on chassis, on kamaz vehicles, and this is inappropriate in view of such challenges as are happening now, i.e. from those fpv drones, from those drones with skids, from kemikaze attack drones , it is not effective, because... a mobile operational-tactical solution is needed here, i.e. a small tool that can be placed
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or on armor, or put next to a trench and defend an area with a directed certain sector to protect from the impact of enemy drones, and here it should be noted that, in principle, like russia, like us , we faced the same problem, that is, these fsemi-drones, which are highly accurate, which due to their cheapness can be mass-produced, that's it... here we need to contrast exactly such mobile solutions. until now, the russians had more such large stations, and we see now how the same nashidrons destroy these stations. ugh. ot. if we talk about rap, let's go let's understand that, in fact, our republic has implemented anti-aircraft defense. as you can see, now there are more photos of shaheds who survived and just landed lightly. ugh. ot. therefore, back. rap is very big, and if we talk about rap in general , the first thing we can say is that the first cases of using
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rap were during the first world war, and this is such a high-tech direction, because thanks to reb, we can also suppress missiles, due to which they either rise at a height available for air defense, or they are destroyed, because they have an error and so on, that is, there is such a... great powerful direction, which, by the way, mr. zaluzhnyi supported, but at the expense of this, and constantly said that it is with high technologies that it is possible to defeat an enemy such as russia, and what powers? we have it, do you produce it, or does anyone else in ukraine produce it, and how much does the military need, how much does our air defense need, in order to confuse these russian shahedis or russian missiles? and well, we have quite a large number of companies, what for this one has increased significantly over the years, which
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directly produce means of radio-electronic warfare, we have quite old companies working in this field. direction, yes, and they also have a long period of work there, yes, that is, our company has been working there since the 14th year in general in this direction and in general in electronic warfare systems, in communication suppression systems and so on, that is why the institution, by the way, regarding the creation of a certain institution, ms. berlinska constantly says that it is necessary to create an engineering department within the armed forces, which could essentially advance the development of this technology, yes, i keep saying. that we need to add another institution that would set a certain vector of development in this direction, because in order for, for example, well, we can say, we need uavs, yes, okay, well, what kind of uavs do we need, we have a need to destroy deep in the rear of the russian federation there are certain areas, certain combat points, yes, we need, first of all, to break through the air defense of the russian federation, here we need reconnaissance drones that
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will cover far into the depths of russia and monitor whether the task is completed, and it can do this in principle. there are two or three bopola squadrons that come in, one distracts the air defense , the other takes out targets, the third confirms whether the targets are destroyed, and so on, we continue, we need bopolas, which are of the shock type there, which operate there at a distance of 40 km, 300 km, and all this is of significant importance and limited in function, and it is correct, because it is not necessary to make one big bepila, because it will already be an airplane, and it will already be more visible on radars, it will already perform. a bunch of functions, you can to make a platform on which you can equip or shock missiles, or make it shock , or make a reconnaissance station, but you don’t need to do everything from one thing at once, ugh, and here it is necessary to say about this development that it is necessary to create an institution that would set the vector , would understand and analyze the events at the front, would communicate with the military, with the commanders
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of the brigades, with the commanders of the brigades, and understand in which direction it is necessary to develop and in which direction. it is necessary to go to the engineers so that they propose a solution, that is, i want to have mine the drone was guided by itself at night, and the engineers should already do it, ugh, and here i have hope, maybe the newly created direction in the armed forces of ukraine, the forces of unmanned systems, will be able to close this issue, because , as far as i know, and possible people at who will be appointed to these positions, quite a powerful military staff, which is so modernized, i would say. is there any communication between you already or is it still a very strong communication so far, for example, well again , me being in the military, i have access to a lot of military people that i communicate with, so that these are either my colleagues, or we studied with them, or they taught me, and here
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it should be noted that the great powerful is so, so powerful. the unification took place due to the creation of certain platforms by the ministry of digital transformation, ibreivan and the army of drones, they helped us to unite with each other and they established communication between the armed forces of ukraine and manufacturers, and here we can already say that there are a lot of solutions , which are now appearing, so, for example, we are uniting there, we are creating a reb tool there, which will work in the air, yes, then people were found there. which helped us, closed some issues, and we are now actively developing the direction of radio-electronic intelligence, that is , air defense, a radar station, and this allows us to exchange experience and look for new solutions, to unite in order to make it easier to implement these solutions, the people who work for you in your company, are they military people or are they civilians, come
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on, we have ex-military people, there are also civilian people, right? that's why i'm just asking, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, because we have now they are voting on a new law on mobilization , and it may happen that people who work in your company will be mobilized, you know, i didn’t want to go back to this, but what about the law on mobilization, yes the law on mobilization, let’s be honest, we have to was considered in the 14th year, we remember, in the 14th year something like that with the tsc was already, well, now the consequences of the fact that we did not do it then. ugh, but let's not go back in history, ask about how to solve these issues, yes, here, most of the manufacturers that i know, with whom i communicate, we constantly say, we want to come to tsk and say. "and please give me the demobilized ones , those with injuries, those who don't have any, those who have some problems, that is, maybe they lost a leg there, or something else, we will take them, we will teach them, and we
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will pay them a salary, they will continue to work for victory, but when we go to the tcc, we will all stay there, well, give it time , it is clear that and here is the question of trust and cooperation, because you can't hammer nails with a microscope, ugh, okay, okay, here we go again we return to strength unmanned systems, make a bet, let's call in people, engineers and everything, but this must be a guarantee that he goes there and works there, and not the day after tomorrow he turns out to be in an assault brigade and starts storming positions, yes, that's why it's a rather difficult question, and we understand that it is necessary to reserve personnel, because after all, a person who can release 300 anti-drone guns and anti-drone means there in a month is much more expedient to use him in this place than he will be sitting in a trench. it is clear that there is
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the need for people who must be in the trenches, yes, but due to the appearance of such anti-drone systems, the appearance of bepil, the issue of trenches, will decrease, because - in the trenches it will be like this, and here the approach must be understood that in each unit there must be the person who will answer. for radio-electronic intelligence, which will cover positions with means of radio-electronic warfare, it will not be a full-time shooter, which is also anti-drone, we have little time left, i will only ask about the army of drones, josé borel, high representative of the european union for of foreign policy, security policy, actually visited ukraine this week, he was shown this army of drones, i don't know if you've seen these photos, he's there looking at these drones, how successful this project is moving. i would say that what kind of economist , if i'm not mistaken, wrote about our drones yesterday, yes, and here it should be noted that ukraine actually made a significant breakthrough in this
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direction, because most states, when they created some kind of weapon, it was expensive , highly effective, there are high-quality weapons, and here we can say that an fpv drone has appeared, which for $300, plus some kind of weapon is attached to it... it performs tasks exactly as it would perform, for example, some artillery or something else, you know, because if before you had to be there for a sniper to go to a position a kilometer away to aim and hit the target there, yes, now it is enough to be within a radius of 14 km to launch that fpv drone and destroy a tank, a tank, well, we understand that we cannot deal with a tank with fpv alone, let's do it let's face it, two fpvs can definitely kill a tank that worth a lot of money sir? thank you for the conversation, it was anatoly hrabchynskyi , deputy general director of the miltech company, an aviation expert, our viewers here confused you with our host andrii seichuk,
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no, it's not him, thank you for your attention, thank you for being with us, thank you for the money that was added to our account, although it is not 410 00, we do not finish at this mark, but 407.75 hryvnias and 69 kopecks, there is our marathon, our participation in the marathon in this end. thank you for your attention and stay with espresso because ether espresso continues. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. this is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility
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12:00 pm
greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. air alarm throughout ukraine, the reason for the takeoff of the russian fighter mig-31k, which is a carrier of kinzhal missiles. the air force warned of the danger before the strike, everyone is asked to stay in shelters, we are also working from shelters. the blockade was resumed. the poles once again blocked the checkpoints with ukraine. this was reported by the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. according to him , polish farmers had previously informed about their intention starting today, block three checkpoints: yagodin, ravaruska and shegyny. traffic is blocked by about 100 people and about 50 vehicles . they blocked traffic leaving and entering poland. meanwhile, the security service
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of ukraine. does not conduct searches in kyiv-pecherskyi.


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