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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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if you have an ox, with modern medicine, you can love, cherish, live, and give life. get checked, protect yourself, get treated. knowing about complex things is important. knowledge about the ox saves lives. have an informative day of the tv channel. well, the key event, the key events are big changes, personnel rotations in the general staff and command of the armed forces of ukraine. so, according to the information of the mirror of the week , oleksandr pavlyuk will be the new commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, instead of oleksandr syrskyi, the deputy minister of defense of ukraine. the mirror of the week learned about this from its own sources in the ministry of defense, and at the same time , the interlocutor of the mirror of the week added that...
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they plan to appoint the commander of the territorial defense forces, anatoly bargelevich, as a member of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. well, in the meantime , today zelensky named general zaluzhnyi the hero of ukraine and budanov as well, but now we will talk more about the figure of valery zaluzhnyi, because he is already without exaggeration a historical figure, he has already made his invaluable contribution to our history, and man is, without exaggeration, already historical. and i remember the main quote that ukrainians now remember when they share their thanks to a hardworking person, they write him this very famous quote: "if it wasn't difficult for us, but we certainly wouldn't be ashamed," and that's a fact. in general, we suggest that we now remember and watch the material of our colleagues about who valery zalushny is and what ukrainians will remember him for, so let's watch it together: july 29, 2021. president
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zelenskyi presented the new head of the armed forces to the staff in zhytomyr oblast forces of ukraine. this is the commander-in -chief of the armed forces of ukraine, major general valery fedorovych zaluzhnyi. you all know these people very well, you know that they are really powerful combat officers. the most important thing is that the patriots of ukraine, who have experience, courage, great authority among our military. a hard-working general of the new generation, he is the first head of the armed forces who did not serve in the soviet army and was formed as an officer in independent ukraine. the president drew attention to him back in 2020, when zaluzhny led the joint efforts 2020 in the mykolaiv region. then the armed forces had to demonstrate, in particular, what the javelin anti-tank systems handed over by the americans are capable of. but something went wrong, and the javelin...
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didn't fire, and the gunner had to make an excuse, this issue needs to be studied, maybe it was the operator's mistake, maybe some kind of mistake, but i can't say anything for today. despite this, it was zaluzhnyi who took over the position of chief of the armed forces of ukraine a little more than six months before the full-scale invasion of the russians. according to the information of the western press, in particular the british bbc and the american magazine the new yorker, even... from zelenskyi and his entourage, the head of the armed forces had no doubts about russia's attack and was actively preparing for it, hiding his plans from the political leadership and the united states. in order to save kyiv, zaluzhny was ready to cede territory for a while so that the russians would stretch their supply lines and become vulnerable to the strikes of the armed forces. this plan worked. the enemy was forced to retreat from the ukrainian capital. on july 28, 200., in the verkhovna rada, the head committee
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was applauded by the president, deputies, and foreign guests but if the same western press is to be believed, already then there was tension between the political and military leadership. the president's office was worried about zaluzhnyi's extremely high popularity among ukrainians, as evidenced by this. closed surveys. after the failure of the ukrainian counteroffensive in the summer of 2023, the situation only worsened. the conflict began to emerge in the fall after the publication of zaluzhnyi's article in the economist magazine. in it, the headman declared that the war had reached a dead end and turned into an unfavorable one for ukraine positional phase. the general was denied in the president's office. zelensky himself refused to comment on the alleged conflict. why should
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someone help and develop this topic? i have a working relationship with the employee, he must be responsible for the result on the battlefield as a leader. together with the general staff, there are many issues there. at the end of 2023, public attacks on zaluzhnyi were launched by people's deputy from the servant of the people maryana bezugla. it was she who at one time headed the tsk, which had to prove that the president and head of his office andriy yermak not involved in wagnergate, the scandal regarding the failed operation of the central intelligence agency to detain the wagnerites in the summer of 2020. offensive posts by bezugly y... on facebook began to be used by hostile propaganda against the head of the committee, the opposition and even most of the people's servants demanded her dismissal from the position of deputy chairman of the committee on national security and defense, but the leadership of the parliament blocked these attempts, contrary to the regulations. on january 29, a number of
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politicians, journalists, and telegram channels started spreading the topic of resignation golovoma, which seems to have already happened. according to information of ukraine. zmi zelenskyi actually met with the employee and offered him to write a report on dismissal himself. he refused. the same evening, after rumors of his resignation, zaluzhnyi published a photo with chief of the general staff serhii shaptala. later, a number of western media reported that the resignation will definitely take place by the end of the week, and either the head of gur, kyrylo budanov, or the commander of the ground forces, general oleksandr syrskyi, can lead the armed forces instead of zaluzhny. among the reasons for the dismissal were mentioned disagreements about mobilization. the president publicly says that he sees no reason to mobilize an additional half a million people and the suspicions of the president's office about the political ambitions of the tyrant. well, we can thank
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our colleagues for the provided information, they refreshed our memory, well, a whole layer of ukrainian history. and we are going further and will also inform you about all the most important things that... dear tv viewers, so, well, the president has decided on a new commander of the ground forces and chief of the general staff, this is reported by the mirror of the week, so according to the version of this edition, they plan to appoint the commander of the territorial defense forces, anatoliy bar bargelevich, as the head of the general staff, and the new commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine will be the deputy instead of syrskyi. of the minister of defense oleksandr pavlyuk, these are the news, but it is not yet official, according to the sources of the edition of the mirror of the week, but the publication is solid, so we will observe and inform, yes, and in principle, yesterday's rotations in the military leadership, without
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exaggeration, made the evening just such that all ukrainians were talking about that yesterday and already started comparing zaluzhnyi and syrska. which of them is better, why syrskyi, because we remember that a week and a half ago, when there was a leak of information about the possible resignation of zaluzhnyi, then two surnames were called: syrskyi and budanov. it turned out that these, so to speak, gossips were not groundless, and it was syrskyi who became the chief commissar instead of the scumbag. zelenskyi himself, by the way, says that syrskyi is one of the most experienced ukrainian commanders, quoting zelenskyi. he talks about what syrsky had successful experience. under protection and conducted the kyiv defense operation, he also had successful experience in the offensive of the kharkiv liberation operation, but in the meantime, several ukrainian officers with whom the bbc spoke said that syrsky is not too careful about preserving the lives of soldiers and sometimes violates the vertical of power, but
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the washington post wrote that part of the military considers syrsky a soviet-style commander, and of course our colleagues could not help but research his biography, so... we suggest you watch the story of our colleagues and about general oleksandr syrskyi, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. oleksandr syrskyi was born on july 26, 1965 in the village of novinky, volodymyr oblast, russia. in 1986, he successfully graduated from the so-called soviet westpoint, i.e. , the moscow higher military command school, and began a military career. new main. the commander passed all levels from platoon commander to deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces. started in 1986 with the commanders of the motorized rifle platoon. already in 2002, he appointed to command the 72nd mechanized brigade. as of 2013, he was the first
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deputy chief of the main command center of the armed forces of ukraine and was involved in cooperation with nato. thus, in november of the same year, sirsky on behalf of the ministry of defense at the nato headquarters. discussed changes in the ukrainian army in accordance with the standards of the alliance. with the beginning of hostilities in the east of ukraine, sirsky headed the ato headquarters. he was one of the commanders during the battles near debaltseve. and the ukrainian one, and also coordinated the bars group, which covered withdrawal of ukrainian troops from debaltseve itself. for this operation, oleksandr syrskyi was awarded the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi, third degree, and later he received the rank of lieutenant general. in 2016, he headed the joint operational headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine, in 2017 he commanded the anti-terrorist operation in the east of ukraine, which was later changed to the operation of the united forces. from may to august 2019, sirskyi was the commander of the joint operational headquarters
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of the armed forces of ukraine. on august 5, 2019, he became the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. early full-scale invasion of russia, it was syrskyi who was responsible for the defense of kyiv, for which he received the title of hero of ukraine. in the fall of 2022, syrskyi was one of the commanders of the counteroffensive in kharkiv oblast. the ministry of defense of ukraine named him among the creators of the victories of the armed forces of ukraine, the atlanteans who carry the operation on their shoulders. in 2023, sirsky commanded the eastern group of troops, which fought in the hottest areas of the front. at that time, he called the offensive battle near bakhmut, where thousands of ukrainian soldiers died, a matter of principle and a matter of honor. syrian said that the armed forces could surround the city captured by the russians. however, this did not happen. from the fall of 2023, he was in charge. operational-strategic group khortytsia, which is responsible for the section of the front near
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kupyansk and lyman. here, the russians attack powerfully, and the ukrainians hold the defense. oleksandr syrsky often goes to the front line and personally meets with the fighters at the hottest areas of the front to analyze the battle tactics on the spot, identify problematic issues and support the fighters. thank you colleagues. well, it has already arrived message. from the new chief of staff of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi. i quote: new chief. new tasks are on the agenda. first of all, this is a clear and detailed planning of the actions of all the military management bodies of the associations, connected parts, taking into account the needs of the front in the latest weapons, which come from international partners. the fastest and most rational distribution and delivery of everything necessary for combat units was and remains the main task of the military. and logistics. there is no need to know everything without exception the front and to own the situation in each
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of its areas, the tasks of the headquarters of all levels, it is the qualification of the personnel of the military management bodies that is decisive for the development and successful implementation of ideas and plans, the introduction of new technical solutions and the scaling of successful experience, only changes and constant improvement of means and methods of management hostilities will make it possible to achieve success on this path, and certainly reliably. the rear is one of the main components of overall success in the war, he also thanked the head the previous team, in particular, it is about commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi. well, we wish success to oleksandr syrsky in the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, his team, and hope for new achievements of our army. and, as they say, victory to us all. god forbid, god forbid. now we will go for a short break and after it we will return to ours. we will continue to inform you about all the most important things, so stay with us, nothing has happened yet, not yet, screw it,
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this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analytics, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two o'clock. of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, events of the day in two o'clock, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for
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smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. polish farmers today. doctors started the announced blockade at the checkpoints on the border with ukraine. so far, the protesters have blocked the checkpoints of medical centers of ravaruska grebenne and dorogusk yagodyn. colonel andrii demchenko, spokesman for the state border service, reported this in a comment to ukrainian pravda. well, let's now ask our special correspondent, kateryna oliynyk, who is at the border. glory to ukraine, kateryna, congratulations. to the heroes glory, congratulations, indeed, i am in the very , so to speak, heart of the protest, perhaps you can see approximately 100 polish activists behind me, there are also tractors here, they blocked the road to medica and as they said, they will only allow one vehicle at a time vehicles of all kinds in both directions per hour, this means one
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passenger car, one truck and one bus, promised that they would not... let fuel tanker cars pass without queuing, as well as cars carrying humanitarian aid, which well, if we talk about protest itself, we spoke with its organizers, in particular roman kondrug, as he said that the poles gathered for this protest because they were not satisfied with the fact that ukrainian grain flooded the european market, and they came out in order to the truck drivers were given back their special permits for... coming to europe, this is their main demand, they hope that the polish authorities will hear them and be able to settle the situation, what about the protest itself, here , as we hear, sirens, clappers, stand tractors, people, maybe you can see that there are always round-robes behind me, thereby blocking the road itself, and i want
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to note that first of all , ukrainian drivers will be affected by the protest, who will be forced to stand for kilometers at the border. and secondly, they will suffer from this, our economy will suffer very large losses, but this is the information i have, the poles have permission to protest until march 12. katya, tell me, please, are there already long enough queues, or not so much yet? yes, of course, i have this information, as the spokeswoman of the lviv border guard reported detachment, oleksandr kuchka. the pov queue on the side of medica on shagyna reaches about 250 trucks. i would also like to inform you that there is almost no queue for buses and passenger cars, you can literally see 10 cars waiting for the entrance. and how do polish farmers and builders behave in general, that is, are they
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pseudo-builders, or are they real farmers? these are real farmers, they want to defend their position as much as possible, what does not satisfy them, but they say that they have demands, first of all, for the polish authorities and not to the ukrainians and ask for understanding, so to speak. the organizer of the action got in touch with us and just told us about the goal, that the ukrainians should return, that the polish authorities fulfill the agreements that i signed on november 16, when the last protest ended. katya, have you ever asked them why they don't protest under the polish government, but why exactly at the border, because it's a strange situation, they want to deliver. to the polish authorities, at the same time blocking the border with ukraine, well, such a situation, er, they they chose this particular location , i understand that it was chosen in order to cover up
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the news to the ukrainian tajiks, this is the main goal, i want to note that not only ukrainian drivers are standing in the queues, we, for example , talked to a polish driver who said, well, i’m standing in this queue, they ’re standing up, farmers are standing up for their rights, or rather, it’s not difficult for him... in the blockade, uh, yeah, finally we wanted to ask you, and what is the situation with the provision of the most necessary things at the border, well, we we understand, there should be a or other hot food, there should already be toilets and so on and so forth, i wonder how it all works, at the moment this situation has not been resolved, we can say that unfortunately there are no toilets in the toilet, and there is also no hot food , unfortunately, i have not yet seen the volunteers i sold. drivers stop one by one, leave their cars and go to the store, provide for themselves, well, they understand that they will most likely have to stand for a long time,
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because, let me repeat, one truck per hour passes. thank you katya for the detailed information. kateryna oliynyk, correspondent from the press, which is currently at the medica shagyna checkpoint, where polish farmers are currently protesting, but in the meantime, we are adding leonid kozachenko, the president of vsu, to our ether. ukrainian agrarian confederation. mr. leonid, welcome to espresso. good day. so, if you had the opportunity to hear the inclusion of our correspondent, then you could hear her, in fact, the information that she obtained for us about the fact that these are not some, as they say, artificially driven farmers, she says about that these are really polish farmers who want to reach the polish authorities, first of all. what do you think, such a... reception regarding the blocking of the border in order to get to one's power, it is generally justified in this case, so what should we do? i think that this
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is not the first time this has happened, and currently it is not creating such acute problems as existed three months ago, when the black sea grain corridor was blocked in our country. and now we supply 90% of our products to che... through this corridor, and this 1% of the total volume of products that we could supply to poland, even less than 1%, it does not create for we have problems, there are a few problems related to the fact that not only the territory of poland is blocked, we cannot baltic countries, we used to do it through the territory of belarus, now don't do it, we can't do it and we won't do it, but through the territory poland does not allow us to do this, and here it is more... they put pressure on their government, demanding that it increase subsidies to farmers, because they understand, especially
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they are afraid, i will give another example now, it is very important, they are afraid of our entry into the european union, they realize that the war will not last forever, and we will become a member of the european union, and this worries them even more, and i wanted to give another example... of what you obviously know, a week ago there was a statement by french president macron that he addressed the european parliament to immediately block the supply of meat, poultry, chicken eggs and sugar from ukraine to the territory of the european union, but then on to the next step. this considered the issue of returning to the quota of other products that supply, are delivered to the territory of the european union, why is it did because polish farms.
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well, let's say this, they passed the conditional initiative to the french , who also blocked the streets, both in their capital and on other major highways, demanding an increase in state support, because they cannot compete with us, here i was personally hurt, because for some reason they do not block supplies sugar from brazil. and brazil exports more to the european union than ukraine, and neither quotas nor restrictions were ever introduced, but the truth is, it was later explained to me that more than 30% of the enterprises that produce this sugar in brazil are owned of french companies, and other arguments were given there, not products from argentina are blocked, but ukraine, which now needs the support of the whole
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world. there is a war, then after the war, even we will strengthen the european union at the expense of this, sorry, sir, look, we would like to ask you in general about the model that brussels can offer, we understand that when the polish are strikers, then the farmers start long and boring to chew on one's interests, this means that it is about european funds, whether about certain financial subsidies for development or not... of the non-transportation and agro-industrial sectors in poland, and accordingly, they strike, of course, in our interests, they strike in the interests of the european community, but do you think that official brussels will go to meet the farmers, or this history does not foresee a certain financial compromise, and they will violate, well, the legislation and attack our interests, er, you see, for... all the majority
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of ukrainians, this became unexpected what is happening, for me it has been known for a long time, even 15 years ago i spoke in brussels, namely on this topic, the discussion was about how to develop agriculture, and they said: it is not a business in our country, it is a tradition in our country, in poland, for example, the average allotment of a farm plot is 11 hectares, three piglets and two cows, but this is the way to go go, we you... grant funds, billions of euros, we will give public structures of ukraine so that ukrainians can reform their agriculture, make it like this, because these are traditions, this is history, this is everything else, my argument was one: let's go another way , if it is jobs, history, nature conservation, then we will ban it use airplanes, passenger trains, let's get on these...carriages, as they
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were once called, a cart with horses, and we will go, whether from warsaw or from paris, we will go to kyiv for two weeks and we will admire nature, we will create ten times more jobs and we will live like that, but at the same time, tens of thousands of people will die of hunger every day on the planet, so... i am asking you, i told them, let's reform, create, unite cooperatives, create joint-stock companies, just don't make those mistakes , which we are now, unfortunately, did and we are not correcting it, don't monopolize this field of activity, but industrialize, ugh, and they didn't want to hear, now they say that we are almost 50% of the budget of the european union, as you spend 50%
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on war. and we spend to support farmers, our farmers are more terrible than your war, thank you, but we have to finish, mr. leonid leonid kozachenko, president of the ukrainian agrarian confederation, former espresso, in the meantime, we are already passing the floor to anna yevilnyk, who with the news editor has already have prepared a fresh issue and are ready for you to inform about all the most important things, so anna eve, we pass the word to you. congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working, about the most important thing. let's say, and i will start this issue with the fact that lithuania handed over another aid package to our country, what exactly, details in a moment, lithuania handed over a new aid package to ukraine,
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this time weapons... the country's forces transported for the ukrainian military


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