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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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to organize in order to overcome this opposition. mike johnson, for him this is not just a question of the border or assistance to ukraine, taiwan and israel, but a question of how much longer he will sit in this chair, because he is already threatened that as soon as he puts ukrainian issues to the vote, then he will repeat it, which means the fate of the previous, previous, predecessor of his, who was expelled from there by the republicans, because he actually also wanted to... put aid to ukraine to the vote, if we are talking about the interview, i his watched the whole thing, and you know, i really liked it, i liked it for several reasons, well , first of all, we see the progressive, mixed, bipolar-effective disorder of the fuehrer of the russian peace, and he said a lot of such things there, which, well, in principle, do not go to the head, what is it called, he outraged the poles and i think the germans and... he didn't say anything
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new, and i think this is the best thing that happened during this interview, because he would, if he prepared better with his propagandists, with kedibists, they could would launch into the american information space, those things that the trumpians would play out, and he actually had several ideas there such that he is ready for negotiations, which means that it is biden's fault, since he does not want to put pressure on. .. zelenskyi , so that there would be negotiations, well, again, they mentioned boris johnson, who allegedly stopped zelenskyi from signing a peace agreement, mentioned arakamiya, and of course this is the problem with this surname, we will still have trouble for a long time, especially certain comments, and that's why this interview is very good, it showed an inadequate old man who lives in his conventional world, he can be a contented story. which he, well, of course, this
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is historical, or rather, sorry, pollution, but on the other hand he is not satisfied with the fact that the united states has always not taken into account the interests of the russian federation, and by and large the trumpian propaganda can take little from this interview, already a large number of memes have gone and it is a great pleasure to read how americans perceive it, well i have intellectual americans, not those who drink six cans of beer every night, so that's it. times could be a lot worse, and to be honest, mine was, let's say, i was a little worried, i thought that tucker clarkson might bring certain messages for putin, from trump, and that already happened, remember, michael flynn, a general who, well, actually he was convicted of trying to negotiate from another country before he was appointed to the post, and it seemed to me that yes ... had such
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a mission, but according to the results of the interview , it was most likely not and most likely more than this picture, there was nothing behind this picture. chairman of the bundestag committee on international affairs, michael roth, in a comment to chevel, expressed concern over the delay in providing ukraine with new military aid from the united states of america, i quote michael roth. blocking aid to ukraine in congress. only the first harbinger of what may still happen if donald trump is moved to the white house in november, then immediately the security of europe will no longer be guaranteed, the future of free and independent ukraine will be in the greatest danger. actually, carlson himself, this tucker clarson, sorry carson, he's a trumpian, he's one of those he calls. the next vice president
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of the united states of america, i don't know if it's a joke or if it's really what trump plans to do, and what he did in two hours with putin, i mean, just let putin talk and all this historical nonsense , excuse me, voice over, for 25 minutes putin talked about the pseudo-history of ukraine and russia, it was just great. it's unpleasant to hear, but do the americans understand something or not understood, maybe for those who drink six cans of beer in the evening, it is not so important, the main thing is that tucker interviews him, shows something there, but the fact is that the republicans in the congress are now trying in any what a way to delay the vote on aid to ukraine, it's tucker's interview with putin to play along. and to trump, and in this situation
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to the republicans, does this mean that we will have the most difficult period until november. 2024, because it looks like we thought the hardest part would be when they're already elected, or let's say in the interim, when they elect a new one the president and the inauguration will take place, whoever this president will be, that is, we thought that it would be at the end of the 24th year, but everything that is happening in the united states of america in the framework of the election campaign, it started much earlier, and it affected exactly ukraine, you know. trump himself is chaos, he creates chaos, and of course, this is his factor, it is difficult to take into account where he can still shoot, and on the one hand, for four months , senators of both parties agreed on a compromise solution, and it is a pretty good
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solution, and that they say and a large number republicans, but political expediency, it prevails to vote this document. and actually we see that, well, if there is a war, as the trumpians say, there is a war in the south of the united states, there is an invasion of all the bad guys, that is, refugees, then it is logical that we must do everything possible to stop it or start to control it , but no, it is better for trump to leave this problem, and of course, then more people will vote for him, well, trumpians, of course, they will vote for anything, but conscious republicans and... then try to solve it in a different configuration of the congress, because of course trump hopes that he will get more votes there and control something there, so this factor could not be predicted that he would start to work like that. the second point, of course, is the signals
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, including to putin, because it is quite possible that this idea will stop the aid to ukraine, and then start negotiations that it will be broadcast to carlson. na na na na trumpians, and by and large this is what trump said he would enable 24 hours for putin and zelensky to solve the problem, if not, and because of the fault of whoever does it, then there will be corresponding consequences, either ukraine will stop receiving aid, or on the contrary there will be a lot of aid, that is , we do not know what is happening there, so it is difficult to say that the senate is most likely to vote next week for aid to ukraine, it seems that because 17 republicans have expressed their desire and they have already voted in large numbers, and how will it be possible to strategically change the situation in the house of representatives, it is difficult, for big accounts, we have to prepare for four
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years of trump, and those four years can be bad or very bad, just bad - it's the end of all aid to us, but ... with the possibility that we can buy weapons from american corporations and that trump will not to make some kind of resistance, and in this context , of course, it would be very good if the biden administration would hurry up and actually create a legal framework for the policy to allow the frozen russian money to be given to ukraine, and then we have more than 300 of this money there billion, we can buy weapons, there may be an even worse option, these are attempts to... put pressure on the ukrainian president to agree to the so-called new territorial realities, and of course, then there will be neither help nor the opportunity to buy weapons, this is the worst option , well, of course, ukrainian society must first of all prepare for this in order not to give
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us the opportunity to break us and actually record the occupation of ukraine, an illegal and annexation, without the possibility of somehow replaying it later, if... such a window of opportunity opens in future, so we have to prepare for the worst, of course we wish nikki haley would step up a bit, but the opinion polls show that trump has a huge lead, and we can only hope that the courts of the united states can allow, say nikily won this race, she cannot become the nominee of the republican party, but ... if, for example, she is convicted under the criminal article of trump, then a certain number of republicans will not want to have their own yanukovych and will vote for somebody else, some are already saying that if there's trump, they're going to vote for biden even if he's dead, there are republicans like that, of course, what's important, what
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happened last week, sorry, this week, is the decision of the appeals court of this district of columbia, county. columbia's argument that trump's activities are not covered by absolute immunity, meaning he is liable for criminal offenses he may have committed, is a half-step. to the point that he would be accused of inciting disorder, of seizing power, what happened on january 6, and then this criminal article can be applied to him, although according to american law, he can even be elected president from prison, but this factor that a certain number will not vote for a person with a criminal record, he can play his role, well, of course, other courts can play a role , first of all, so that his last name is not you ... on the ballot papers, i am not talking about other black or gray libids that may
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happen during this time , which can harm trump, but it will most likely be the new reality, at least for four years starting next january. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watching us on... live on youtube and facebook , don't be stingy, please like this video so that it is trending on youtube and facebook, well , take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you understand the reasons for the resignation of the employee, yes, no, if you vote on youtube, or yes or no , you can write your answer option in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone and vote if you understand the reasons . resignations for alkaline 0800-211381 no 08021382
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all calls to these numbers are free , vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote further on our broadcast pavlo klimkin, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19. mr. pavle, i congratulate you. thank you for being you with us today greetings, mr. serhiy, it's always a pleasure to be with you and... your viewers, each other, mr. pavle, so let's start with carlson, the one who tucker and the one who interviewed putin, because putin through tucker said, that americans should not support ukraine, and called to do so, it is in the interview of carlos, tucker carson, let's listen to what the kremlin dictator said. you have nothing to do, you
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have a lot of border problems, migration problems, national debt problems, over $33 trillion, nothing to do, you have to fight in wouldn't it be better for ukraine to come to an agreement with russia, come to an agreement, understanding the current situation, understanding that russia will fight for its interests to the end, return to common sense, start treating ours with respect. the country and its interests and look for some solutions. that is, putin publicly invited biden to negotiations regarding ukraine, do i understand correctly, mr. pavle? well, it's not the first time he's done this, but he 's not inviting biden personally, he's inviting republicans as well, and actually, if you hear. look at his arguments, these are arguments that are heard in the part of the republican party,
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that is, they are not dominant, but nevertheless they are discussed, so are the problems on the southern border and the large debt, which is believed to put pressure on inflation, pressure on the macro economy, that is, in my opinion, putin's arguments are unlikely to appeal to... our sympathizers, hardly, i say in quotation marks, but they can, of course , appeal to some of the republicans, they are well prepared, like an interview, actually a preparation, i think putin i prepared for it and prepared for a long time, somehow tried to work out the arguments so that they go precisely to the part of the republicans. fittaker, who is super popular among trump supporters, particularly among
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republicans in general, and was chosen to push his arguments once again on the american people. this is actually an offer not so much to biden, but in general, it is possible for the republican administration, or part of the republicans to negotiate through our head. this is what putin always says, he just repeated it again and repeated it directly. well, in this conversation, putin said that nato must... recognize, well, for peace negotiations, it must recognize the territories currently temporarily occupied by the russian federation as russian, and it is also ready to negotiate with zelensky, only zelensky does not want to, because he has someone there decree, well , i don’t know where he got this slang decree and the word decree, he constantly talks about the fact that
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zelensky has some kind of decree, well, we don’t have decrees, there are presidential decrees, and this... the decision of the nsdc was implemented by a presidential decree zelenskyi, but he constantly talks about that we are ready for peace negotiations, but he adds that everyone should accept what has already happened as an absolute fact, that there are territories that have come under the control of russia, he will not give them up, for this he told this pseudo-history of ukraine for 25 minutes and russia, and talked about the fact that we are generally on our own land. and what is happening in ukraine is a coup that began in 2014, then neo-nazis, nazis, the jew zelensky came to the presidential chair, it is of course neo-nazis and nazis in ukraine, do you understand from that the rhetoric that putin has now that he
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ultimately wants, or is he simply making an offer to the incoming administration of donald trump. conditional, which can win and come to power in a year, or is it about the whole world, with whom he is ready to negotiate something, and he has simply matured to tell tens of millions of people through tucker that he is ready for such negotiations, because this interview was watched by a lot of people in the world, more than 60 million, and these are actually those who... look at tucker carchson, he's just 60 million plus, and i think that this interview will continue to spread, and on the accounts of the republicans, and i think that russia will help this a lot, as for the decree, if i remember correctly, they were issued just
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after the july coup in some... early soviet times, so prime minister kuchma definitely didn't have decrees yet, he had superpowers, do you remember when the verkhovna rada did not have time to pass laws, there were decrees, by the way, about trust societies were, you remember, by the way, this is an interesting moment, really, really was in the history of ukraine, but putin is doing what he has already done. with many western leaders, with macron, scholz , he told them about the story for a long time, and i think that in his own way, in a putin-like way, he sincerely believes in what he is telling, and sees himself as the one who actually tells this story for russia trying to create i watched part of this interview,
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i didn't have time to watch it, i'll have to ... watch it, but nevertheless, as far as i'm concerned, carson doesn't understand the whole story, he 's trying to pretend that he has some nuances there after all, he understands, but it is extremely and extremely difficult for him, that is , he does not understand putin's logic by definition, but what putin is doing is a very dangerous story, he repeats his theses that the... country does not have , there is either russia or anti-russia, that there is a single people, civil war, and all that, all that madness that always echoes in the historical sense, there are no ukrainians, there is no history, there is no language, the world does not really come, but it is important for putin that it came down to part
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of the americans, in order for it to work, for so that... the republican voters, they will never be pro-russian, but so that they don't become pro-ukrainian, so that they don't put pressure on their congressmen, so that this story never comes up, so what he's doing is absolutely deliberate, deliberate preparation , a conscious preparation, he knows why he is speaking, and to whom, to whom it is addressed, as for whether he is... ready to negotiate? yes, but only with the americans, and only on the terms he sets out, and as far as i'm concerned, this is by no means a negotiation. and something is an attempt to advance one's purely putin point sight and start some kind of more or less
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conscious conversation from this, i don't mean the one we have with the russian regime, but also the american one with russia, well, it actually looks bad, although we see that putin is also trying to sneak into the nuclear sphere, trying ... to say that russia will defend its interests as best it can, as putin himself understands them, and that there are issues related to, for example, strategic stability, control over nuclear weapons, and that these issues do not matter will have to talk, and then our question will become only part of this logic, therefore, this interview should not be underestimated, i do not think that it is in... but nevertheless, putin is working on his task, and it is very important for us now to somehow reach those who
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watched this interview, and you yourself say , that now it is more than 60 million views, and reaching those people is also a matter of national security for us, but mr. pavle, putin repeats again, well, almost repeats. the same thing that he said or wrote in the ultimatum, which was in december of the 21st year on the eve of the war, when he marked some geographical uh, the points where russia should have influence there in eastern europe, of course it won't happen anymore, that's for sure, but he talks again about the fact that we were deceived, that the united states of america was deceived, that nato was deceived, that is. .. these mantras, which he repeats from speech to speech, from article to article, he constantly says that the world and, well, the united states of america in particular, should
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take into account the interests of russia, because russia is a great power, it is not worth it there join the world war, he said in an interview to tucker that no no no no need to do this, because it is difficult to imagine the consequences there, for which he is constantly. it is fueled by the fact that russia should return this influence to eastern europe that the soviet union once had, although he, well, he constantly says that russia is holding a sign of equality with the soviet union, well, in interviews, i caught him several times that he constantly says that russia, well, when it was still the soviet union, well, he constantly says that russia is the sign of equality of the soviet union, and this is heredity, he always talks about it, the empire, the soviets... union, russia. for him it is one and the same, and he that's exactly how he sees it. and he will continue
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to emphasize this. that is, if he says that he was deceived, then what kind of russia, his own, as he says, a great power, if she allowed herself to be deceived. that is, here he contradicts himself, as in many other issues. but with this interview he is trying to raise the stakes and someone who listens to him, if not to count, then to convey the meaning that he is ready to go to the end, and if he is ready, then at some point we will still have to negotiate, and let's negotiate, since i'm ready to speak only with the americans, he speaks about it directly, this is a very important story, because he is trying to jump not only over our heads, but also over the europeans, and today olaf scholz
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is just in washington, and it will be a very, very important meeting in the context of the solidarity of the west, the understanding of a strong response to the russian regime, the understanding that complex discussions are currently underway in washington. between democrats and republicans, and it is unlikely that they will stop, in the near future, europe is ready to throw bridges, and if so, then it will a strong answer to putin, and his own answer that you can't negotiate through someone else's head, our european one, whatever, and that's exactly what putin is proposing. another event that took place this week, but at least the ukrainian... mass media, but still, i emphasize that the general director of magate, raphael grossi , visited zaporizhzhia jsc temporarily captured by the russians, according to him, the main
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problems ... for today - this is the end of the life of nuclear fuel in reactors, as well as a significant reduction technical staff of the station, but the russian occupiers met groshy and told him: we are glad to welcome you to the russian land in the russian federation, let's look at this fragment, because it is revealing. thanked him for his help, but he probably should have said that it is not the russian federation of georgia, because why does the general director of magat react so calmly. he won't
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say that, because he also travels to russia and has to negotiate with everyone, and he doesn't see himself as a politician, he sees himself as a hired international manager, that's of course very, very unpleasant, since he is actually trying to move away from issues that are intrinsically valuable. and what he does is simply maintaining, maintaining contacts, but he is not the only one in the west, and we also have to speak absolutely frankly, there are such and such people who, in principle, try not to understand reality, not to talk about it, but to get out of this frankly and clearly, to be...
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a person who is a communicator between someone, that's how he sees himself, but not a person and part of the event, let's say it frankly, a very short question, i hope it's short answer, in literally a month , the next presidential election of the russian federation will be held, more simply the election of putin, should we now talk about the illegitimacy of putin if the elections are held in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine? certainly, this should be one of our key topics, we should say that the organization of elections in the occupied territories delegitimizes the entire election process, and because of this, the russian government, this should be our political thesis, this should be our legal thesis, and actually our values thesis, everything is very simple. thank you, mr. pavle
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for the conversation, it was pavlo klimkin. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on facebook and youtube, please like this video, eh , vote in our poll , because today we are asking you about the following : do you understand the reasons for the resignation of the volunteer, and on youtube we can already see 20% of our... viewers on youtube said yes, no, 80%, we will continue our poll in the second part of our program, in 15 minutes we will have a journalist club on the air, tetiana vysotska from france, oleksandr golubov from germany and maria gurska from poland, we will talk about how events from ukraine are seen at the event and most importantly, evaluate them. stay tuned, we'll be back on the air after the bbc news release.
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putin obtained copies of khmelnytskyi's letters, talking about the denazification of ukraine. in general, what kind of impression his conversation with carlson made on american viewers, we talk about it on the bbc live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. in russia it is presented as an event of incredible scale. interview. it is the first time for a western journalist since the beginning of the full-scale war against ukraine, which has already been watched by millions, but in the west it was called propaganda. a two-hour friendly conversation in which putin did not say anything new. this is how his interview with the former american can be briefly summarized.


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