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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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the europeans could, then scholz would not have flown to washington, sat down with macron, tusk and others, and they would have developed a plan of what to do next. unfortunately, while there is no such initiative, i believe that this is currently very lacking in european security policy. i think over time this will become a bigger subject of discussion as the military situation in ukraine will become more and more complex, especially in the eastern part of the front. the europeans have already lost their chance when it comes to industrial capabilities and... the roots of production, so presumably the subject of discussion could be if congress doesn't approve the aid, can european money be used to buy american munitions and equipment from industrial partners in the united states to give to ukraine, because i think more and more europeans have a problem that they have money but no production opportunities and of course, another topic of conversation between olaf scholz and joe biden will be the topic of "
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the next nato summit here in washington. we know that germany and the united states are two countries that so far are not sure whether nato should provide a clearer plan about ukraine's potential membership in the alliance, and this will be an opportunity for the two leaders to agree on their positions ahead of the munich security forum, where this topic will be one of the most important, as well as the topic of security guarantees for of ukraine. thank you julia, we will definitely follow this topic, i will remind you about the visit of chancellor niemeyer. yulia armolenko told us about olaf scholz. former fox news host, anti-vaccinator and conspiracy theorist tucker carlson took interview with the russian president. observers in the west point out that the conversation became a platform for putin's monologue and a pr campaign, not journalism, and warn that putin used the opportunity to sow doubts about american aid to ukraine and the policy of the united states in general. my colleague tetyana vorozhko watched the entire two-hour interview and will analyze it. him, and
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we will talk with her in more detail. tanya, hello. congratulations. tell me, please, putin's interview began with this big excursion into his version stories. what could and did the american audience understand in this? well, actually, i think he surprised a little bit and even surprised tucker carson himself, who had to explain to his audience before the interview started, says that we initially assumed that what in this way he was trying to, shall we say, eliminate, say yes, slow down this conversation, there's philip busterov. he used this word, but we supposedly realized later that it all made some sense, but it was clear that even he himself somehow lost the meaning of the conversation, he at some point asked in which this is the century we are in, putin answered in the 13th, well, if we look at the reaction actually, how the americans react, how the viewers of his show react, on the one hand, we can see that those who watch, those who are supporters of the show, i take for myself not historical facts, but the fact that putin...
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maybe he is able to speak for so long, he says how smart he is, he can, what a memory he has, he remembers, all two two millennium of history, and compare him with president biden, and even wrote about it one of the congressmen, and the others draw attention to the fact that, in fact, this is hardly interesting to the american audience, it is unlikely that it can really answer the question, why did putin attack ukraine, they point to the fact that it actually gave, this showed that there is no real reason for putin. was to carry out this , to start this war, that he is guided by some of his ideas, historical, and whether they are right or wrong, well, of course, that historians say that all this is a twisted story, a falsification, and well, his version history, tanya, the experts told us that the interview became such a platform for the spread of putin's propaganda, please tell me what impact this interview will have on the audience, they really talk about it a lot, they pay attention to the question, which carson did not ask, for example
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, he did not ask why the russians are shelling ukrainian cities, why they steal ukrainian children, and why they subject prisoners to torture, but they pay attention to the questions that he asked, and in fact, it was not for well, there were no tough questions at all, and actually analysts are trying to understand, and what, how, how did putin try to use takir karsyn, what exactly did he want to convey this opinion, and we see that the opinion that putin probably wanted to convey, as written, for example, by the research institute. war, that russia is a party that is ready to negotiate, and that is open, they say, ukraine does not want, in the same direction, he says that he is ready to negotiate, that he is ready to talk, negotiate with the united states, and whether will it have, will it have an effect on the actual opinion here, well you can see that those who listened to vladimir putin, those who, let's say, well, that is , it is very actively, actively discussed, and many agree with these theses, and many... rebroadcast these theses, and actually
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today my colleague oleksiy kovalenko talked with the former president of poland. by the way, a lot of very strange statements were made about poland in vladimir putin's interview with putin, and this is what he thinks. that russia will win the propaganda war. the russians are now winning the propaganda war. even putin's interview yesterday shows how they are win in the world. you know, their narrative wins. so let's talk about this , because even if ukraine wins this time and defeats russia militarily, russia will regain strength and attack us again in 20 years, but if we help the russians change their system, they will not attack us again.
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i suppose that in the united states the interview itself will not change the political calculations too much, frankly speaking, there are a significant number of americans, including american politicians. maybe not are necessarily sympathetic to the kremlin's point of view, but they are critical of the current administration's policy of providing military aid to ukraine indefinitely, so i think an interview like this might strengthen the views of those in the united states who believe that we are not should provide unlimited security and military aid to ukraine, so i think the interview is potentially good for the russian interest in that sense, but i don't think it will necessarily bring more americans to it. look at the world, i think that carlson's audience is mostly like-minded people, so people who already have this worldview will tend to take putin's words at face value, while the rest will probably take it for what it is and reject these theses. tanya, thank you, i
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will remind you that tetiana vorozhko told us about vladimir putin's interview with the american blogger carlson. meanwhile, the united states continues to analyze the resignation of ukrainian commander-in-chief valery. zaluzhnye, member of the us house of representatives jason crowe, who is part of the bipartisan of the congress delegation is in kyiv, believes that president zelensky is looking for updates and other approaches to the conduct of war, and this is his right, american congressmen support. the united states and ukraine share a common value, civilian control of the military. civilian leaders have the right and responsibility to choose military leaders to move forward. this value has been tested by time and is very important for any democracy, the congressman emphasized. at the same time retired. us army colonel robert hamilton believes that the newly appointed commander-in-chief general oleksandr syrskyi is an experienced commander and can change the course of the war. he told about this in an interview with my colleague andrii borys. how exactly will syrsky change the strategy of the war and whether he will succeed in becoming as popular among the people and among the military as luzhny. later in the interview.
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mr. colonel, congratulations. tell me, please, will the dismissal of general valery zaluzhnyi from the position of commander-in-chief have any effect on support? america of ukraine. first of all, the support of ukraine from the usa has problems due to american reasons, not ukrainian ones. we have our own issues that have kept support from even coming this year. everything is stuck in congress and the biden administration has not been able to shake it out of congress. after all, this is a war that has been going on for two years. general zaluzhny held the post of commander-in-chief of the defense forces for 2.5 years, starting in july 2021 . the dismissal is not an unprecedented phenomenon. the united states also took such steps in the middle of the war. sometimes it happens for political reasons, sometimes for military reasons, sometimes you just need a new approach. at least this is what president zelensky said. he said that the war has entered a new phase and we
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must approach it differently. do you think war needs a new approach? i would ask another question. so, general syrsky takes over the command. we know that zaluzhny was very popular both among the ukrainian public and in the armed forces. will general syrskyi be able to maintain this popularity and support of the ssu with his war strategy, which, by the way, remains to be seen. zaluzhnyi was a prominent figure in in many ways, but again, is a new strategic and operational approach needed? and this entails other questions: what type and amount of assistance ukraine needs, when and how this assistance will be integrated into the armed forces of ukraine. how it will be used to introduce war. we are so focused on the land war that we forget that there is a naval war going on, which ukraine is very good at dealing with. lacking a navy, ukrainian forces pushed the russian black sea fleet out of the western part of the black sea and almost from crimea. some ships
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are located far to the east, in particular in the port of ochamchora in georgia, more precisely in abkhazia. ukraine and its partners should start looking at all areas of this war, on the ground, in the air, in the black sea. i think that general syrskyi will be able to combine a multi-sectoral strategy and change the course of the war against russia, achieving the military goals of ukraine. regarding the issue of aid to ukraine, they will receive an additional argument against the allocation of this aid, they say, ukraine itself does not want to fight, why would we give it money? people who are against supporting ukraine in congress the us will find any. reasons not to help ukraine. the replacement of general zaluzhnyi is not necessarily a good process, but i also
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believe that we should not panic about it, because it will not disturb the processes within the ukrainian national security apparatus. this does not mean that ukraine will stop waging war seriously, that the ukrainian armed forces are not serious about winning this war. this may mean that there is a difference of opinion about the approach in the conduct of the war. general syrskyi and president zelenskyi will probably want to take a different approach. and how about yours what is the opinion of the lunatic or the syrian in the pentagon? i doubt that personalities matter here. i know that general zaluzhny had very good relations with many representatives of the military command of the united states and the west. general syrsky is an experienced commander, an experienced general. i suppose he can do the same. i would like to draw attention to the matter of the general. in the early stages of the war, due to the way he
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empowered subordinates and junior commanders. you mentioned at the beginning that zaluzhnyi deservedly had great trust in similar cases happened in the usa, can you give an example? what immediately came to mind was president harry truman's firing of general douglas macarthur during the korean war. truman and macarthur had disagreements over strategy. the president is the commander in chief and he disagreed with his field commander on strategy, he had the authority to replace him and he did. macarthur was fired and replaced, even though the war in korea continued, i can't remember how many generals were replaced during the war in iraq and afghanistan, but quite a lot, sometimes it's just because of differences in policy and strategy, sometimes it's because of work failures, but it happens. thank you for the interview. it was an interview with retired us army colonel robert hamilton.
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read more about the reactions of western commentators to valery zaluzhny's resignation on our website voice of america in ukrainian. at the very end , a story about ukrainian bloggers in america. for some, a blog is a full-time job that helps support a family. someone creates content to support. ukraine and shame those who have not yet switched to ukrainian. ivanna pidborska knows how ukrainian bloggers in the usa live, how much they earn and what they say during the war. my, i met your exes here. about sexism and racist narratives, raising children without stereotypes and news from ukraine. folks, i heard here that aristovych is running for president, and what i want to say is, i'm running too. why are you sitting here? - says kateryna berel, better known. from a good point, the russians became a nation, all over
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the world, sometimes harshly and with obscene language, but always with humor and honestly, such are video bloggers from rivne region, who now lives in california, hugged and winked erotically. katya treats the blog as a job that brings her a small but decent profit. what needs does closing your blog help you with? considering the fact that i live in the usa, i will tell you that i do not earn as much as i would like, my advertising activity allows me to build a fazenda in ukraine, 10% of my income, i transfer to the armed forces every month, although, he admits blogger sometimes... burns, because she feels responsible, since almost
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200,000 subscribers are waiting for her daily stories, i constantly feel the weight of someone's expectations on me, although, first of all, this is probably the rhythm that i myself chose, so sometimes katya allows herself to disappear from instagram , but then he always comes back, because the most important thing is that he gets a huge circle of like-minded people there, especially when you read i... at some moments, some of my posts supported women, these are real stories, it's inspiring, well, hello, hello, hello, oleg balyuk from ternopil, works as a real estate agent in chicago, yes, people, look at what a wonderful apartment, nine-foot ceilings. stories from the car have already become his calling card, where oleg comments on current news or gives advice to newly arrived ukrainians about life in the united states. why is there a nice asphalt here, why is there order everywhere, precisely because everyone observes order and you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer. although he has almost 150,000
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followers and he does not earn money from this. unlike other bloggers, i did not... see you don't have any advertising integration, or you create maximum credibility for yourself as a brand, and then people perceive it in a completely different way, or they look for subtext, what are you, now bloggers have become very clever and you don't know what the story is about , while this may be a lead-in to the next advertisement, which will be the day after tomorrow, and if any information is already perceived a little bit through the prism like this, it is probably some kind of advertisement, it is possible some kind of collaboration, maybe i am just so paranoid, that is why oleg with... his blog is a place where he can declare himself as real estate expert and attract new clients. how many times has your customer base increased because of your blog? the first year is good, if you make at least 5-10 sales, it already counts as fantastic. i made about 48 sales in my first year, which was, which was very, very, very, very cool. and with the increase
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of customers and subscribers , the responsibility for what has been said also increases. if i am in company. my colleagues and we go for a walk somewhere, play golf, whatever we do, i have to filter what i will shoot, my wife he constantly remarks to me that i am there, i might somehow slip into the stories, if i want to say something, i think like this, okay, well, what is the political situation, and what can those think about it, what will others think about it , and what does it look like in general, then i think, i shouldn't say it at all, but oleg considers it rather a positive moment that motivates me to discipline myself, drag sofas around manhattan, life did not prepare me for this. and hey, this is a sofa, in short, to fight cockroaches, just a bunch of them and they just don’t get out, and to record interviews with the most famous ukrainians in the usa and ukraine. who organized all this? after moving to the united states in the 22nd year, anna olytska began to tell not only the stories of famous people, but also the story of her victories and defeats in
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america. i would like to share my difficulties that we experienced and went through. together with my son here in america, everyone wrote well, finally olytska is a real olytska, not the one who asks some questions, just sits, is silent, does not express her position, but the more anya started to open up, the more negative comments she began to hear in her direction, she considers this to be the biggest drawback of blogging. 50% are haters, if i sat on the couch like that and listened to my hero in silence, then i probably would too... my son's classmates watch these episodes and read the comments and so on, and he already knows, even, even got used to it. anya has a large team that helps work on issues, advertising and her women's club, because the blog is her main source of income. for today, it is enough to pay all the bills, pay everything
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loans, well, life is shorter here in america, because it is a minimum of 700 . so i wake up at night, i check my cards, do i have enough money for this month, or not enough, if not enough, then i will go somewhere else to work, oh, tima, my son tells me, he will go, the woman is happy that her own blog, to which ... she is conscious, has been going for over 11 years, introduced her to many people and gives the opportunity to do what you love. i am a happy person because i continue to do what i did in kyiv. okay, jerry hal just followed me on tiktok, ferka serlyuchka followed me on instagram.
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what kind of life do i have? zack nelson is a ukrainian by choice, lives in vagayo. but became a real star in social networks among ukrainians. he feeds american friends with borscht. my friend trevor has never tried borscht. and teaches native ukrainian words. happy thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving. some people zak lived in in kyiv, and when he returned to america at the beginning of covid, he wanted to maintain a connection with ukraine. that is why he specially settled in the town. where one of the largest ukrainian communities in the usa lives and started a blog in ukrainian to learn this language, palyanitsa, palyanitsa, two. years ago, and now she's a bitch. zak does not earn money on the blog, he runs it for fun, and if someone offers him to advertise something, then he buys it with his own
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money in order to support ukrainian business. i have money, i live in america, i earn normally, i live comfortably there, like, i don't you need special money from tiktok, it is better to buy from ukrainian than to advertise. zak likes to communicate with ukrainian subscribers. and increase the amount of ukrainian-language content, talk about what i like, about what i think, sometimes make ukrainians feel ashamed for not having learned ukrainian yet. the guy is proud that he has access to, as he says, the genetic code of the nation, and can thus support ukraine in the war. be proud of your beautiful ukrainian culture. and switch to the ukrainian language. as me, thank you all! ivanna pidborska, maksym sholga, voice of america. this is the life of ukrainian bloggers in america.
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see more of our stories on the voice of america ukrainian youtube channel, read our website, switch to ukrainian, we'll say goodbye. good bye. there are 15% discounts on acc long in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on pector onep in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. professional cream against fix is ​​an extra strong fixation for all types of dentures. protefix is ​​worn on wet prostheses - german quality at an affordable price, there are discounts on perfectil original 15% in the pharmacies psyllanyk bam and oschad. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings,
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friends, politclub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right start negotiations on accession to the eu. vitaly portnikov. and guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let 's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second trump presidency will be
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terrible. a project for those who care and think, political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the espresso channel and the ukrainian pen present the project of their own names. slava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. which it is the news that will analyze the guests of the project this week, and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health,
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we will talk for the next two hours. about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program. syrsky instead of zaluzhny, the new head of the armed forces plans to improve logistics and introduce new technologies. how will the situation at the front change? putin and carlson. the russian dictator spent two hours explaining to a scandalous american journalist why ukraine should not exist. what conclusions will be drawn in the usa. right to destruction. kim jong-un, following his senior comrade, promises to attack a neighboring country. what other dictators will the kremlin free? for the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with political scientist ihor reiterovych and two diplomats, oleksandr hara and pavel klimkin. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, will be
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tatiana's journalism club. maria gurska and oleksandr golubov from three european countries, from beaune, from strasbourg and warsaw, will be in touch with our studio, we will talk about how events in ukraine are perceived in western europe, how do they comment on the rotation of the top military leadership of ukraine, well of course, how the interview is perceived, putin's two-hour interview with an american journalist. to tucker carlson, well, before we start our big talk, let's watch a how-to video on the occupied coast of the kherson region, ukrainian forces dismantled a russian msv with full ammunition, the video was released by fighters of the 501st separate battalion of the marine infantry of the armed forces of ukraine. let's see.
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as well as the telecast, we are working on youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching live there, please like this video, subscribe to our channel. youtube and facebook pages, and take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you understand the reasons for the resignation of the volunteer? yes no, please vote on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you understand the reasons for the dismissal of the employee 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 380 .. all calls
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to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we already have our first guest on the phone, this is political scientist ihor reiterovych, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you you are with us today good evening. well, since we are asking our tv viewers whether they understand the reasons for zaluzhny's resignation, i will ask you too. do you understand why general zaluzhnyi resigned yesterday, and today he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. i understood the reasons for the resignation of the former commander-in-chief , but look, they are subjective, that is , they are not objective, they are purely political, and it is precisely because of this that we saw such a format, when on the one hand there is a resignation, very well arranged indeed, everything is media
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properly balanced, today there is... an award, but the aftertaste remains and remains very much like this, you know, bad in the sense that we did not receive adequate explanations, and i'm afraid we won't. and why, in your opinion, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine could not articulate why zaluzhnyi is leaving and why syrskyi is coming, how syrskyi is better than zaluzhnyi, or why zaluzhnyi is worse than syrskyi, and in fact. well, what will happen next with zaluzhny? he couldn't articulate it because he didn't have an answer to that question. do you understand when we if we are talking purely about, for example, the military component, then it is absent in this dismissal, and if you look at all the statements of our military, well, many did it that way, you know, yes, well, anonymously, because in principle they cannot express their position very strongly there , then they were generally in a slight shock.


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