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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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russian propagandists are actively spreading theses of putin's interview with tucker carlson. did it make an impression on western audiences? information presence of ukraine in europe against the background of russian ipso. what could ukrainians do? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching live. we are there, don't be stingy, please like this video, and also vote on youtube on our platform, today we have a question for you, do you understand the reasons for the resignation of the employee, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, you can leave your own version or your own comment under this video, and today we have a guest journalist club, journalists, my colleagues, i want to introduce them, this is... from strasbourg, france.
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tatiana, i congratulate you. congratulations, sergey. glad to see you on the air. oleksandr golubov, zbona. alexander, i congratulate you. greetings, glad to hear. glad to see and hear. and maria gurska from warsaw. maria, greetings. thank you for joining to our broadcast. greetings colleagues, greetings dear tv viewers. i congratulate sergey. thank you. well, at least two out of three of my colleagues today. these are employees or former employees, like oleksandr golubov, of the tv channel, the third participant tetyana vysutska started working with espresso, so all of us are espresso employees, either former or current. colleagues, let's start our conversation with a survey, because since we ask our viewers whether they understand the reasons for zaluzhny's resignation, maybe it's easier for you. will respond to this in view of
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the fact that you are abroad, maria is in warsaw, tatiana is in strasbourg, oleksandr is in bonn, maybe you see the situation in ukraine in a different way, and this will be valuable for our tv viewers, because we are cooking in the same informational one is in one informational cauldron, maybe, maybe our perception will be a little different. er, is yours a little different than ours? maria, let's start with you. well, i would say that we have only one bubble, actually, because i, in addition to collaborating now with espresso, continue to be journalist espresso, i, together with other colleagues, journalists from ukraine, launched such an online magazine here for ukrainian migrants all over the world, in connection with migrants in connection with the war, and not only for all of ukraine. around the world and at home as well, which
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is called, and here in this online magazine we give both qualitative analysis, and interviews, and blogs, above all political analysis, and also, of course, this, information for those people who left ukraine due to the war, need help, platforms, associations, who want to join, fight for victory where they are, with what you can. in fact, we try to monitor the main trends in ukraine and what is being said about ukraine in europe, in particular about our path to the european union, we collect interviews with european politicians, conduct interviews, in particular in poland, we communicate a lot about ukraine, and of course, we follow what the main ukrainian media write about certain events and we follow the statements of ukrainian politicians that...
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zaluzhny's resignation, for me personally this situation it seems that the cornerstone was not even the popularity of the commander-in-chief, which obviously annoyed the bank for a long time, but the approach to the question of mobilization became the cornerstone of this conflict, and if the commander-in-chief proposed to approach it more harshly, approach it realistically and... actually apply, use all levers and in order to activate all ukrainians of mobilization age who are at home and above all to use all possible mechanisms for return ukrainians of mobilization age, men from abroad, from eu countries, and i felt from my conversations with employees in poland, with apologies, with politicians in poland, from such previous conversations very much their views on the law on mobilization in his... in the previous
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form, they talked about the fact that the european union is ready to use mechanisms in the event that there is such a political will from the ukrainian authorities, well, we see that in... nevertheless, the ukrainian authorities did not decide to go with a tougher scenario , this law is now being considered in a new form was voted on in the first reading, and we can see how the rhetoric of european politicians is changing along with this, they are also becoming more cautious in their statements and in particular they say that the issue of mobilization, the issue of the return of ukrainians from abroad, is primarily the issue of the ukrainians themselves and ukrainian... authorities, we can't do much here, i think that thank you, thank you, maria, during the program we will talk about how ukraine and the situation in ukraine are perceived, now we are going through whether you understand the reasons for valery zaluzhny's resignation , oleksandr, please, and as for me personally,
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i only have hypotheses, because in my opinion, all official communication regarding this comes from the state authorities, from of the president , i don't know if it can be said that it failed, maybe just in the office of the president they are satisfied with the way they heated up this topic, spread it and then, when they got tired of it , they did it anyway, ah, that , which, i understand, has been planned for a long time, but no one openly names the real reasons for what happened, accordingly, again, i, as a person who can only rely on information from open sources, can only ... build hypotheses, and i imagine that if even i, as a journalist, a person with experience in working with information, to put it mildly, i don't understand everything and i have a huge pile of questions about what happened, i can only imagine what
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kind of shock, what kind of misunderstanding it causes for those people who... who do not have such experience , and secondly, from whom it is very easy for me to talk about it, but for those on whom a person depends, a person commander-in-chief, it's actually a matter of their lives for ukrainian soldiers, for those who live in ukraine, it's a matter of life and death, and when it's left with so many unknowns, it's a very fertile ground for speculation. and for russian information special operations in order to increase tension in ukrainian society, it does not benefit from this , it seems to me that no one among ukrainians, and unfortunately, i can state that all my hypotheses,
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this is how i can express them now, but they they will not be confirmed, and this is probably the worst thing in this situation in my opinion, because a clear understanding of what is happening, a clear understanding that the leaders... the country, both military and political, is guided by rational reasons when making such decisions, it could calm many, so far we have almost the opposite, people are fighting with each other in the comments in the comments, about who syrsky is, because of which he was released, what disaster awaits us all now, i don't think , that we are in for a disaster because of this, but communication commune. politics about how it happened, it's actually, well, if not a disaster, then a rather serious failure, well, of course, during a war, people have a right to know, including what happened to the previous head, especially if there were complaints against him, and
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today he was awarded the star of the hero of ukraine, well, it looks a little strange, to be honest, because it is not clear why he was fired, but the hero of ukraine was given today, tetiana, how do you see the situation from strasbourg, how does it look, or do you understand the reasons for zaluzhnyi's resignation or not, because one argument, that it is some kind of political jealousy or zaluzhnyi's future political competitor to zelenskyi, well, they do not sound unconvincing even now at this moment, because in principle the head of the armed forces of ukraine is, of course, in favor of... . is engaged in politics, because on him, he leads the army , the future of ukraine and the future depends on him, whether there will be elections or not, whether ukraine will exist at all, or not, and in what status it will be, and yes, in fact, i can't say that i'm 100% from here either
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strasbourg, i understand what is happening now in ukraine and why zaluzhny was released , but actually, returning to the question of the political justification, the release of zaluzhny, about political reasons, about the fact that he has a growing positive image and not only among soldiers, not only among personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, but also among ukrainian voters, that he is... peace for many ukrainians, and actually today i spoke with some european officials here in strasbourg on the sidelines and also spoke with the brussels a colleague this position that zelensky considers zaluzhnyi as his possible political competitor or a possible political competitor of his party, these hypotheses are heard on the sidelines of european institutions, because the europeans themselves cannot understand why... he was fired if he is a successful commander-in-chief and if he is worthy of the title of hero of ukraine, and that
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is why the version about the political basis is actually the one that cannot be rejected, well, you have already mentioned colleagues about the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi, we have a little reference, let's take a look and show it to tv viewers, and we'll discuss what to expect in ukraine with... you, the head of the armed forces of ukraine. oleksandr syrskyi was born on july 26, 1965 in the village of novinky, volodymyr oblast, russia. in 1986, he successfully graduated from the so-called soviet westpoint, i.e. , the moscow higher military command school, and began a military career. the new commander-in-chief passed all levels, from platoon commander to deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces. started in 1986 with commanders motorized rifle platoon. already in 2002, he
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was appointed to command the 72nd mechanized brigade. as of 2013, he was the first deputy chief of the main command center of the armed forces of ukraine and was involved in cooperation with nato. thus, in november of the same year, syrskyi , on behalf of the ministry of defense , discussed changes in the ukrainian army in accordance with the alliance's standards at the nato headquarters. with the beginning because of actions in the east of ukraine, syrsky headed the ato headquarters, was one of the commanders during the battles near debaltseve and uglehirsk, as well as coordinated the bars group, which covered the withdrawal of ukrainian troops from debaltseve itself. for this operation, oleksandr syrskyi was awarded the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi, third degree, and later he received the rank of lieutenant general. in 2016, he headed the joint operational headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine, in 2017... he commanded the anti-terrorist operation in the east of ukraine, which was later changed to the operation of the united
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forces. from may to august 2019, sirskyi was the commander of the joint operational headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. on august 5, 2019, commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia , it was syrskyi who was responsible for the defense of kyiv, for which he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. in the fall of 2022. syrskyi was one of the commanders of the counteroffensive in kharkiv oblast. the ministry of defense of ukraine named his name among the creators of victory of the armed forces of ukraine. atilants holding the operation on their shoulders. in 2023, sirsky commanded the eastern group of troops, which fought in the hottest areas of the front. he then called the offensive battle at bakhmut, where thousands of ukrainian soldiers died, a matter of principle and a matter of honor. syrskyi said that the armed forces could surround. the city was captured by the russians, but this did not happen: from the fall of 2023, he led
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the khortytsia operational-strategic group, which is responsible for the section of the front near kupyansk and lyman. here, the russians attack powerfully, and the ukrainians hold the defense. oleksandr syrsky often goes to the front line and personally meets with the fighters, in the hottest areas of the front, in order to analyze the tactics of the battle on the spot, to determine problematic issues, and support fighters. god grant, of course, that the new head of the armed forces of ukraine succeeds in everything, because the future of us, our country and , in general, the future of our children, who have to live in ukraine and enjoy life in it, depends on it. on this, of course, personnel note, this week will probably end in ukraine, because there are a lot of comments about it. to the one who is syrian, that he was born in russia, that he is an ethnic russian, well, it is possible that if
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you go through all the military personnel that are in russia, there are a lot of those who were born in to ukraine, who are now fighting against ukraine and such are the commanders, what is it about you, colleagues, that is what is most impressive in the biography of syrskyi, well , considering his experiences, the... meager facts that we have, that's why which is clear, if president zelenskyy replaces a stalwart syrian, it means that he trusts him with the future of ukraine and our... life, accordingly, we , like any other citizens, should obviously support the new head of state, do you have any reservations, maybe on the head, or what emotions it evokes in you, maybe in you there is some additional information about him, or how he is commented on and what is written about him in the polish, french and german press,
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if at all it is a topic of conversation for a western reader. and the western press maria, well , i can personally say that this is the head of the armed forces, yes, my heart is with my people, with my country, and in any case i will not criticize him, we expect high results and with god, yes, but if i speak as a journalist, then i will return to my previous theses here and allow myself to quote the head. the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the authorized representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine , pavel koval. since recently, we have been writing such half-hour conversations summarizing the week for the espresso tv channel, they can be watched at 10 p.m. on sundays, and from next week also at 3:30 p.m. every sunday, the main part of
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our conversations can be read on sisters, so koma on this topic, koval said that the general is industrious. really a very good reputation in the west and always good about him spoke at the event, he was such a reference point for partners in military matters, but how will the change of the commander-in-chief, the appointment of general syrskyi, according to the polish politician, be a purely ukrainian decision and it will not affect aid to ukraine in any way, but the real problem, according to pavel today, the trickster is not a vazluzh or a syrian, if you are looking for good scenarios for ukraine. then the question is whether the ukrainian authorities will be able to carry out effective mobilization, this is a direct quote, i think that in reality it looks the same for us, well i just want to say here that the words of oleksandr golubov resonated with me, who spoke about the fact that this is such a communication failure, really, and you know, i look at
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my loved ones with whom i communicate, i see the state of my parents there ... who survived this, the resignation of general zaluzhnyi is for them like a personal drama , and here vitaliy portnikov very aptly wrote in a column for our publication that in fact it is a matter of trust, and if this ukrainian dream was so embodied at this moment during these two years in zalutny, if he gave people a reason to be inspired, to believe in... that actually victory is close, you just need to concentrate maximum efforts, so i believe that they, together with volodymyr zelenskyi, with the supreme commander, formed a wonderful tandem here, and so it was also perceived in the west, i believe that it was poorly communicated, and actually it is, well, a little
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unfair in relation to ukrainians first of all, who had high hopes and believed in the wrong. therefore believed in him and well, to be honest, they deserved an explanation. we trust the supreme commander-in-chief's decisions and choices, he has the constitutional right to do so, but we would like to hear an honest conversation, and it did not take place. thank you, maria. tatyana, the most important thing in european institutions is who you trust during negotiations, that is, it is clear that the general is a coward. obviously has a trust rating, and this trust rating will not go anywhere, it was, is and will remain a trust rating for the hard-working. obviously, with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrsky will still have to be introduced to our european colleagues who are helping ukraine, who are conducting negotiations in various formats with the military
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leadership of the ukrainian state. let us know what... to expect from syrskyi, from these negotiations, how he will be perceived, and how long it will take for him to be perceived as zaluzhnyi, because one way or another zaluzhnyi has two years of the great war behind him, he was the commander of the ukrainian of the army in the worst periods of the war, starting from february 24, 22 . and yes, of course, we will not see publicly no difficulties in the communication of the new commander-in-chief. with european institutions, with european politicians, and already today there was a statement by the european commission at the daily briefing, the spokeswoman said that the appointment of the commander-in-chief is exclusively the prerogative of the president, an internal decision of ukraine, and the european union will continue to support ukraine as long as it needs it, regardless from
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the one who controls the armed forces of ukraine. but nevertheless, in the fact that there is a communication failure in the presentation of syrsky's candidacy, this is 100%, and this is even evidenced by, for example, the headlines of western newspapers that came out today, eh, it is very revealing, for example, here is an article published by the american editor of the well-known politiko publication, the headline was as follows: zaluzhny has gone, m' jasnyk came, that is, they hint that syrskyi is indifferent to losses, and when, in turn, zaluzhnyi did more to save the lives of ukrainian soldiers, that syrskyi apparently will not do this, and actually these theses are in many publications, for example , washington post. they called syrsky an officer of the soviet model, and, for example, the german hershpiegel also wrote something like, syrsky is
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indifferent to losses in the army, that is , syrsky's candidacy and his qualities as a commander were not sufficiently communicated either by the presidential administration, or in general by the ukrainian authorities here in europe and there in the united states, and this is the problem itself. because from the start there are questions about him, although, for example, indeed, if the president decided to appoint him, then he considers him competent, and it would be possible to convey this to western partners to the appointment, which was definitely not done. thank you, tatiana , oleksandr, for writing german journalists and german publications about this rotation, as far as it is principled, because in the last two years, as we can see, germany has started quite strongly. to help ukraine and this help is tangible, we see how the position of olaf scholz, who is in washington today, is changing, but he is quite active in helping and
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trying to be one of our important western partners, and in ukraine it is noted and appreciated that germany though over the course of two years, it has made great strides towards meeting ukraine. well, it is obvious that if germany is actively helping ukraine, it is obvious that the press is also more active in talking about german politicians, and whether it is necessary or not, whether the aid to ukraine is enough, whether it is for nato aid or not for nato aid, what, what are they saying germans, well, i fully want to confirm, first of all, the words that really now germany, even unexpectedly for me, is doing a lot for... the demands of ukraine, i never thought that i would live to a situation when olaf scholz will come to washington and there actually call on the americans to help
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ukraine more, i always thought that what about berlin , he is doomed to always receive a magical pendulum from washington, in order to somehow move in this direction, but now the maps and the stars line up completely... unexpectedly, but as we can see, it's actually very poya- it's easy to explain why it happens, but anyway, that's what i'm not even two years into, but a year therefore, i could hardly believe it, but returning to the reaction in berlin and in general in german society, first of all , i want to say that in the german press there is definitely no such fervor regarding... the replacement of the commander-in-chief that we observe in the ukrainian media, this is quite understandable, because the german media and german experts who
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comment on this topic, they still keep a little distance, they don't want to, they consider this issue to be a bit domestically political, and at the same time they don't think that anything will change very much, i fully support the thesis that in principle the person of syrskyi, who was allegedly being prepared for... the position of commander-in-chief, was not , let's call it, sufficiently or correctly promoted for the western reader, that's why we really see in many especially commercial media theses about, say, myasnik or about that he does not count on losses, it seems to me that russian propaganda is also very active in this matter, which, in principle... is ready to attach any labels to any ukrainian officer, commander, that will turn away from him as a western and the audience, as well as ukrainian, i
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definitely not ready to comment on... the competence of mr. syrsky, except that i really see that this person has shown himself to be a good soldier, a good officer, an experienced officer, not only under mr. zelensky, so i'm also a little skeptical of tess that they say he will be a bank puppet, maybe i don't have enough information. but let's remember that mr. syrskyi started, his career began under mr. poroshenko, and it continued under mr. zelenskyi, so i think that writing off his competence as a military man is only because that somewhere we read something bad about him in some anonymous telegram channel, and then not very competent western journalists retold the same thing, which they
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also read on the same tv channel, it is not worth it, there are examples of more, i think, balanced and successful journalism , for example, today it is clear that there is a certain information vacuum about the identity of mr. syrsky, and for example, the german public broadcaster, erd, he published a rather long article with expert comments about who he is, where he came from, and the emphasis, in fact, i highlighted three points in this article, his successes in the defense of kyiv and kharkiv, that is, at least part of the german forces recognize him as a fairly successful commander, and secondly, not a commander, but a commander, he became a commander only now, and thirdly , this is actually how far syrsky will be able to cope, it is clear that he will not be able to cope with it, but one way or another, since during his tenure, if you can call it that,
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it will be possible to solve the issue of mobilization, because again, quoting according to mr. syrskyi, he is a supporter of military rotation on the front line, and the rotation of the military on the front line is impossible without providing the army with additional human resources, and this in turn leads us to the question of mobilization, what will it be, here already german journalists are asking themselves, because they understand that it is quite sensitive and difficult a question for ukrainian society, ah, so... i wouldn't say that the attitude towards the new commander-in-chief is immediately very super-skeptical, but i really notice the fact that, well , at least, again , i won't talk about how much he is good, bad, how much he is insensitive to losses, but i definitely notice that topics about his insensitivity to losses are spread not only by ukrainians, but also
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by people who, i would say, can be suspected of being ready to play a little along with russian propaganda, we know that propaganda it is most ideal when it distributes an extremely large problem from some real things, and where there is none, it invents it, so i think that the competence of mr. sysky should be better spoken by the military, but the fact that this topic really became a moment that the russians will try to distribute this unequivocally , it is very important for us as ukrainians abroad to oppose this and not allow this narrative to spread further, because in any language it harms us. thank you alexander. colleagues, in a few minutes we will return to our studio, a short pause. there are discounts on templegin tablets, 15% in pharmacies
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