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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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we are very proud, yes gentlemen , it has ended in our time, thank you to mr. oleksiy hetman, thank you to denys nagorny, i remind you to support the fourth brigade of rubizh, find mr. denys or his brigade on social networks, they are collecting for drones, they really need them near bakhmut , in order to protect the time and yara, in order to actually be able to restrain the positions under bakhmut, our time is over, further news, take them to the studio. uh, well, see you in a week in this format, we received a message last fall from the police of the kherson region about the search for a 16-year-old boy who, according to the investigation, disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory of the left bank of the region at the beginning. full-scale war.
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during all this time, we prepared a lot of programs about the search for a teenager, connected a lot of specialists, these are specialists who search for information from open sources, and in the end, with their help, we managed to find a small clue, an actual page of the missing boy in social networks. all this happened at the end of last year, and of course we immediately texted the teenager, but he did not answer for almost a month. imagine our surprise and joy when suddenly at the end of january we received feedback from the missing boy. hello, everything is fine with me. the guy said that he is still in the temporarily occupied territory, so for security reasons we are not giving his name and surname. at the same time, he agreed to talk with us via video link. let's watch a fragment of our conversation. i am very glad that... you are all right, that we
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contacted you, and today is january 26, the 24th year and i'm fine, i'm fine, apparently, i'm in distance learning in the second year, since the guy is still in the temporarily occupied territory, no more details, the main thing is that... he's alive, healthy, and, as he himself assures us, is safe and well. many children have disappeared since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, particularly in the kherson region, and we have prepared more than one program about their search. of course, we don't always get feedback from people who may have seen a missing child, but this story once again proves that you should never lose hope, it is with your help that it is possible to find the missing. i understand that
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ukrainian tv channels do not broadcast in the temporarily occupied territories, and local residents see the children's search service, except on social networks, so your reposts of our videos and literally a few minutes of your attention are very important. they are 11-year-old artem abramovich, 12-year-old maksym kravchuk and six-year-old oleksandr kulish. all these guys also disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and where are they? now no one knows, so i am appealing first of all to the residents of the kherson region. artem abramovich looks about 11 years old, he is thin and has blond hair. he was last seen a year ago in the village of dudchany in beryslav district of the region. maksym kravchuk disappeared in september 2022. now he is almost 13 years old. the guy is of medium build and has light blond hair. and this is oleksandr kulish. at the end of last year, he fell out. six years old,
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the boy is thin, he also has blond hair and dark eyes, he disappeared in the village of stepne, this is the berislav district of the kherson region, if suddenly anyone has information about the possible whereabouts of artem, maksym or oleksandr, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere, let us know right away, even a small piece of information can be very important. magnolia children's tracing service can be called at any time of day by short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. or look for us on facebook. i have told you only a few stories of missing children due to the full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. of course. that the vast
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majority of children were found and now they are all right, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and everyone can help find them, believe me, just a minute of your... time can be decisive: go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. you can view all photos here disappeared perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. there are 10% discounts on bronchalik in the psaryznyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on hepargin of 10% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues
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to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. they remain unchanged our values ​​and the ukrainian point of view. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of crown and technical funds. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also
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say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a dream world, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events and analyze them. modeling ours future every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sundays at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format with even more analytics, even more important topics, even
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more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion out of spite. of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present their own name project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who? will be a guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso.
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welcome to the espresso channel. today in our program we will of course talk about front and weapons. but is there a front in ours? with the russian federation , there is, of course, a limitation of the enemy's ability to generate or restore its energy there or industrial capabilities. if so, is it possible to undermine russia's capability? continue the war only with strikes on its industry, energy and defense enterprises. and whether information is a weapon in its delivery in the form of either truth or lies, and how this weapon is used by our enemy, and how we use it, and whether there are any new technologies that have a powerful effect in the conditions of this war. so, the front and weapons are now multi-dimensional, and about how it works. are ukraine and our partners on various fronts and with what consequences, we
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will talk about it with our leading experts in the war and weapons program, and of course, including in the context of changes at the head of the armed forces of ukraine. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with the espresso channel , seeks to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense industry, the military and international cooperation. and now... we are joined by the president of the strategy 21 center for global studies mykhailo gonchar, one of the best, in my opinion, experts in the field of energy and military security, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, good health, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy and the viewers of lviv expresso . there are many questions related to the events of this month, this week, and even the last few days, and there are important accents and points of nada
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that ... the fact that within a month, at least seven facilities on the territory of the russian federation that are related to the energy sector have been hit by our unmanned systems, causing losses of more than 100 billion or 100 million, rather 100 billion dollars for... of the russian federation, and the question arises whether this is such a significant new trend that can really significantly weaken the defense capabilities of russia and whether it is possible to make a single bet there in order to, well, force the enemy to refrain from further aggressive actions. thank you, good question, well , it is undeniable that there cannot be a bet on one type of weapon that... will bring victory, and in the same way, you cannot bet on defeating
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something alone, which will also ensure victory, that is, the classics must be here, complex the use of means and defeat of the enemy not only on the front line, in its operational depth, so to speak , but also in the strategic one, and in principle, the objects of the fuel infrastructure began to be affected. in the depths of russia, the european part of russia, this i think it is just an indicator that there has been a transition to such a more comprehensive approach in the war of attrition, because since russia has switched to this format of a long-term war of attrition, and from the very beginning it is shooting at our entire territory, at all its strategic depth, and we limited ourselves, so to speak. on the front line and near the state border, then actually this asymmetry is,
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i would say, unnatural, so now there is a corresponding compensation and use of those new opportunities, i have long arm that appeared with the advent of new, more powerful and longer-range strike- type unmanned aerial vehicles, so this is absolutely correct. the strategy, as a matter of fact, has now acquired such a more complex character, because if we remember that in the 22nd year, in the second half and in the 23rd year , attacks were carried out, including against those objects that were attacked even now in region of the south of russia, but the peculiarity of this year, so to speak, is that they reached both the baltic and the continental depths of europe. parts russia, that is, here everything must be continued, there must be a system and sequence. i finally
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understood why i was confused about these metrics? it is said that last year this trade in hydrocarbons brought russia about 100 billion dollars, that is, in fact, in fact, the sanctions that we talked about there in various formats, after all, russia bypassed, and this way of living on hydrocarbons, it seems to be preserved, or there are some solution steps. which can limit this maneuver of russia in this segment, which decisions can be made and how then are sanctions working in the energy segment and in other directions, have they not exhausted themselves, or have they? mechanisms, means, well, do they really make it an effective way to put pressure on russia? well, first of all, i doubt that the figure of about 100 billion dollars is correct, according to our calculations a much larger amount was received, another matter is that part of this money, well, if there are petrodollars, but
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there are petroyuans, petrorupies, which, so to speak, reduce the ability to maneuver for... land, but we see that the war budget is provided, and it is not only at the expense indicator of russia's gdp growth for the past year, because according to the idea, sanctions should stop this process, not just stop the process of gdp growth, on the contrary, collapse it, we do not see any collapse, so we see serious problems that are brewing in the russian economy, but yes so to speak, roughly speaking, there is enough money for the war, for now, at least, and the russian budget... for the 24th year, it is completed in such a way that in the first half of the year, as much money as possible is thrown into this furnace of war, and they are doing it, and therefore emphasizes it once again the relevance of strikes by the defense forces of ukraine on strategic russian enterprises, in this case i mean not only the enterprise of the fuel and energy complex. now for the sanctions? well, yes, they
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work, you can't say that they don't work. because the trade between russia and the european union and the g7 countries has, in principle, collapsed, but on the other hand , the sanctions do not work as they should work, that is, they do not stop russian aggression, and the purpose of the sanctions was precisely to force russia refuse, or more precisely, not to refuse, but to make impossible the functioning of this ... engine of aggression, that is, this inflow of these cash flows that allow you to feed the war budget, but in this sense, sanctions do not work, moreover, we see that if the sanctions package on oil and oil products somehow work there, and indeed russia received much less revenue than it was in the 22nd year, but those
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revenues that came in are somewhere at a level slightly lower than in the 21st year. by negotiation, that is why this money is enough, and therefore, accordingly we are talking about the fact that sanctions should not just be improved there, holes should be patched there , some holes will be patched, others will appear, a more comprehensive approach is needed, and in particular, when we look at it, the big hole is the lack of a gas package of sanctions, not a smaller hole, the absence of a nuclear package of sanctions , moreover, nadakh reports that in general in russia, so to speak, they are mocking and proud that the united states broke the record for importing russian uranium raw materials, as much as 1.2 billion dollars bought that practically there is twice as much as usual, so to speak, the nuclear sanctions package
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has been on the agenda in the plan of macphail yermak's group since april 2000. 22nd year and in fact if it turns out that the fact that the sanctions against rosatom are ignored is sanctions against not just against some corporate structure, it is one of those, one of those backbones of russia in its expansion. moreover, it ignores the fact that precisely the largest unit of the rosatom is the military unit that occupies. production of nuclear warheads, that is, roughly speaking, the americans they themselves finance a strategic nuclear threat to themselves with their own funds, because what they buy in rosatom is ostensibly for the needs of nuclear energy, of course, but in fact it all goes to the needs of the russian nuclear industry, the russian nuclear industry and the russian
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strategic nuclear forces and not only strategic, that's why there are such things, such big ones. loopholes, they would demand a new approach, but when different discussions took place in davos, behind the scenes it was also said that it was necessary to move from sanctions packages to a policy of total economic isolation russia, from the western side is meant, because of course china, india, and turkey will not join it there, but we understand very well that if certain sectoral... restrictions from the western countries, which were introduced to russia in 22 and 23, and now the next 13th and 14th, probably 15th packages will be discussed there, but each of them... becomes more and more small and ultimately has no effect, so it is about a turn to fundamentally of the new policy, we will
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see, i think, in the coming months. well, very much it is interesting, but we understand that there are currently several ways: sanctions, changing approaches to limiting the potential of the russian federation, and on the other hand, it is strengthening our actual capabilities, and now it is somewhat complicated. if it is not a deadlock situation, when we are now very much expecting to receive american help , primarily military, financial help, and i would like to ask you how you assess the prospects, whether it might not happen that, conditionally speaking, these internal disturbances in the states of associated with reaching a compromise will last so long that it will negatively or drastically negatively affect our front line, what is your forecast, what are your estimates? well, probably, it is hardly necessary to make any catastrophic forecasts, although the situation is really difficult, and what is more,
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the problems in this situation are added by inadequate actions on the part of the top political leadership, because the most that the enemy seeks in the classics of military art is to disorganize the enemy from within, and above all... his armed forces, and when during a critical period of ukraine's defense the replacement of the high command of the armed forces is being carried out, this is a step to disorganize the defense of ukraine, practically, and accordingly, with all the resulting consequences, and our partners are also looking at it, and of course... so to speak, the enemy, the aggressor will throw information about the fact that special narratives, messages about whether
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it is worth helping those who are not ready to help themselves, on the contrary, chaos themselves from the inside, another thing is that this chaos is a consequence of the work of enemy agencies, and agencies, agencies of influence, even before... the beginning of the russian invasion , the political leadership of ukraine was very unambiguously informed that it was necessary to clear the highest echelon of state administration from agents, and immediately after the beginning of the large-scale invasion, they talked about it and constantly talked about it, whether we see progress or not, and therefore, of course, if for our partners... and in the united states and in europe, the question arises, and in terms of how we continue to help, i don't think the question will be whether to stop aid, because
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first of all, of course, this will primarily hit us, but it will also hit the west, the western political community, it will not be the case that they say it is a separate... defeat of ukraine, it already sounds quite clear about it, that in fact, then it would mean a scenario such a dark scenario for everything of the west, and vice versa, this is the encouragement of all forces, ah, from the so-called axis of evil or coalition of evil, to continue to act exactly in the way that russia has shown, and we can see in the middle east how the iranian proxies have been activated, which, which he created for a long time in various ee... subregions of the middle east, that is, here in this case we are talking about how quickly approaches will be reconsidered in washington, in brussels, and here it must be said that in europe
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this rethinking is moving, in my opinion, much faster, ah, well, in that , that there is probably an awareness that the war in ukraine is, in fact, a war in europe, not somewhere on the doorstep of europe, as brussels officials sometimes say, but it is a war precisely... in europe, so i think that the coming weeks will indicative in this context, and yet i think there are grounds for caution optimism when we talk about, well, the most demonstrative actions, you expect, in particular, progress in certain directions, there, in particular, the unblocking of aid to ukraine there, whether it is possible to sign new agreements on security guarantees for ukraine from there. germany or france, are you talking about these components of strengthening ukrainian and european security? first of all, i mean that for
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is important. has a solution to the financial issue, ah, and here, it seems to me that the promotion can be more serious, precisely from the point of view of transferring frozen assets, because how the situation will go in the congress in the future with the aid package for ukraine, well, there, if, i still do not see any reason for such rapid progress, but from the point of view of what... what to transfer to ukraine, at least a part of frozen russian assets, this is an important point that nevertheless has chances, greater chances of being resolved, and in this context, of course, that will be important and not only the actual, you can have money, but you also need to have weapons, and ammunition, and here beyond any doubt, if
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a bet is made to a large extent... on na the help of our european partners, and within the framework of what is known today, serious efforts are being made by some countries, members of the eu and european members of nato, in order to help ukraine as much as possible. look, for example, note that finland, ah, it was recently announced there that they will be able to increase production fivefold. projectiles, that is, in principle, this very demonstrably gives grounds, so to speak, for optimism that, after all , the european defense industry will begin to act more dynamically, and since what has been holding back until now, this opc, which in principle would be ready to implement larger-scale programs for the production of weapons of military equipment, is
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, so to speak, the uncertainty on the part of politicians, or rather such a mantra that, well, this is a regional conflict somewhere in the east, a little further from europe , and that's why, they say , it may end soon, and accordingly, if you invest in some new technological lines, new capacities, then they will not be needed by anyone, and in fact, you will go bankrupt then, that's what was holding you back. the european defense industry, although he was ready, as it were, to build up, and now it seems to me that the rubicon has already been crossed somewhere, when, to do or not to do, the question is no longer to do, but the question is how to speed it up quickly, because yes, how does the european bureaucracy work, so that it is calculated, that, well, within
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5-10. years, we will, so to speak, be able to deploy new programs, implement new types there, improve existing ones, implement new types of weapons, samples of military equipment weapons, and there is no such time as 10 or 5 years, so if in this case, of course, our approach and strategy, it is important that the state policy be coordinated, and now it turns out that the ministry of defense is also uncoordinated. and the command of the armed forces as a result of those organizational changes that have taken place, and accordingly our needs, if, they are not clearly articulated, it is known that we have asked for strike aviation and more rocket launchers there and so on and so on, but so to speak, it should be a continuous effort, not... those
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efforts, when some people came for a long time, negotiated with others, now other people appear, and everything starts from scratch, and thus then we are put at the end of some queue, while we should be at the front of this queue with given the urgency of providing the forces and assets that we need right now on the battlefield, mr. mykhailo, given all of these risks that you... the challenges that you've talked about that are at times and largely generated by our own actions in terms of system optimization defense, what is your internal forecast for situation during the year and on the front line and in relations with our partners, what to hope for, what to fear?


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