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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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there and so on and the like, but so to speak, it should be a continuous effort, not those efforts when some people came for a long time, negotiated with others, now other people appear and everything starts from scratch, and so then we are put at the end of some queue at a time when we need to be ahead of this queue in view of the urgency of providing those forces and means. which we need right now on the battlefield, mr. mykhailo, given all these risks, challenges that you mentioned, which at times and to a large extent generated by our own actions from the point of view of optimizing the defense system, what is your internal forecast for the situation during the year and on the front line and in relations with our partners, what to hope for, what to fear?
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and here, hardly anyone can make a forecast, because, so to speak, this is an equation where there are more unknowns than known quantities, and we perfectly understand that the 24th year is the year of elections for almost half the world, and even more so in our key partners, partner countries, and the united states, and in the european union, election, elections to the european parliament. that is, the configuration may or may not change fundamentally, but one way or another , this factor of turbulence will take place, and we already feel it, so the main thing here is to hold the line of defense, and what concerns, yes so to speak, actions outside the front line, then this is... what concerns
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the build-up of diplomatic efforts to get what we need for the front, and asymmetric actions to defeat the enemy in his strategic depth, that is, the war should be transferred to his territory, and here is mine it seems that it is necessary to act in this way, and then the prognosis will be positive, and we cannot allow the fact that they say that everything is lost, so... they will not give us money, they will not give us weapons, and of course there are those who incline us to a capitulation model of behavior, and they promise a cease-fire, that is the first step, they say, there and then it will somehow be there, how it will continue, we already passed it in the 14th and 15th years, 10 years ago, when the russian aggression began, so ee ... this is, so to speak,
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stepping on the same rake, if someone has the illusion that it will somehow be possible to come to an agreement, of course, in the west there are such politicians, ah, but nevertheless, especially in europe, it still seems to me that there is a not yet fully realized, but already clearly present feeling that this war is a war in europe, and this it is very important for our diplomacy to communicate this. to the european political community, so we have to do our own thing, as they say, there is nothing new here, resist and beat the enemy, including on his territory. mr. mykhailo, thank you very much for these professional comments, for the time you found for our viewers, i will remind our viewers that it was mykhailo gonchar, president of the center for global studies strategy 21. and then we will talk about how information and its interpretation are rights. to the lie is related to the events in
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the trenches and to the use of conventional weapons, but more on that after the commercial block. there are discounts on resistol of 15% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. professional cream against fix is ​​an extra strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses. protefix. german quality. at an affordable price. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel espresso. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and...
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poland are topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. process analysis. that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima , and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let's talk more, serhiy zgurets
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is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy will talk in more detail fizar, yury, good evening, please, i have two hours to catch up on economic news, time to talk about money. during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. those who care about espresso in the evening.
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we continue our program, then about the confrontation with the enemy in the realm of the battle for meanings and for the truth, it is precisely about the information front, which is relevant to
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the events in the trenches, and about how information and its interpretation affects our enemy, and how it affects on us, and now... we are joined by hryhoriy lyubovets, he is one of the heads of the communication and content center security mr. grigory, welcome to the espresso channel. good afternoon, i greet you. i would like to start our conversation with the fact that, one way or another , we sometimes perceive the events that are happening in ukraine through the assessment of foreign media, and in fact, this has become a kind of standard, now, even when it happened. the situation with the removal of general zaluchny from his position , everyone immediately ran to read what the foreign media were writing about this situation, i would like to ask you why this happens, whether
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such secondary perception carries risks own vision and trying to perceive everything through external evaluations? here we can say first of all. that the perception of information and the perception of meanings, which you are talking about, is precisely the culture of statehood. you and i, unfortunately, understand that ukrainian statehood, in its restored version, was a short-lived story, as the russian federation was created for almost 30 years, yes. and ukrainian statehood was also restored 30 years ago, and before that there was soviet rule, and this soviet rule practically did not provide culture free confession of meanings, categories, processes, discourses, and therefore
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, unfortunately, what you are talking about today is just a stereotype and a defect of the past. of the past in management, because this is precisely what can be called conditionally soviet, and not only in the management of our state. and for an average citizen and even an intellectual, for some reason we do not see our discourses and run to foreign ones of any quality, and this is precisely one of the defects, i will not talk about losses, namely our defects, and here the question arises, how from here to come out, very simply, we have to...discursively present the country, and especially its specifics
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of struggle, we have a great, very specifics, but your previous speaker spoke about the fact that we are at war, in our center and practically in our research environment , scientific expert, we are content with this term not from the standpoint of the legal norm. namely , we are fighting with content, because this is where all the problems come from, practically ukraine is leading the ukrainian civilizational struggle for the perspective of world civilization, we lawyers are sent to the field of war, conventional war, historical war, any war, and you and i are practically there. in a unique precedent situation, because we are confronting
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precisely genocidal aggression, which is not measured only by the trench, it, by the way, if we talk about the trench, it is measured in the trench, what is in the hands of our hero fighter, and what is in his head, and that , what is in his head and his perception and spirit are becoming today. perhaps the most important thing is what general zaluzhnyi appropriately world-level discourse showed the world, and this is a very correct line, it is not just a public application of a person, it is practically, you saw, yes, that they began to discuss the world of the industrious, or some foreign author. or an interviewer who goes to moscow for some reason, it is clear why, but
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it does very little, because the result of this action is global, we have to contain the global discourse, we have something to do, who to whom, and today it is not just ours a right, but a duty, because we are the first, that is, in fact , we now have to raise the perception of... this war to the level of civilization, that is , on an order of magnitude higher than what we are currently operating in in our formulations of journalistic or of experts and create mechanisms for broadcasting our messages at the world level, and zaluzhnyk, as i understood from your message, created precedents when fundamentally important things were discussed, they resonated with our foreign partners and they probably... ensured a certain backlash there in political decisions , military decisions, and this mechanism has been worked out,
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and if we don't take advantage of it now, then we will actually lose some opportunities, right? i would add here that this is such a wide line, because on the one hand, the president deals with it, ours the diplomatic mission is doing very well , by the way, and on the other hand, mr. zaluzhnyi did just that, and in this synergy... we must also talk about synergy, because the combination of qualities gives scope, depth and primacy, and we had that, we should not lose today, yes, the decisions made, the decisions of martial law are correct, because this is martial law, and the question is now to keep the topic, and here in front of me the speaker spoke correctly, it cannot be allowed that... arguments, scale arguments and perception of our arguments, ukrainian, and
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zaluzhni - these are not his arguments, these are the arguments of ukraine, these are the arguments of those heroes who laid down their lives so that we formulate these arguments, understand them, perceive them as a mistake, and move on, that is why this level must be maintained, and therefore the level of discourse. and we are just talking in our institute and in the center about the fact that we practically have one more technology to raise, in addition to the robotic system, but now... the topic of the robotic system as a type of weaponry is being raised, this is the theater of communication and content confrontation, it is the same rate with the same scales as with we have to act, and this is not an allegory, this is a front of wide action, because the modern world
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is glocal, simultaneous and horizontal... thesis information and content theater of military operations that you have begun to use, and i would like you, for example, to explain to our brigades what, how it works, because you and i had a discussion that our military brigades that create their own content on the battlefield, when they put together a video, when they show how they destroy the enemy, and that video becomes... mass, when based on these video fragments the meaning of war, the possibilities of this war begin to be correctly perceived , it becomes the driving force of the unity of society and the army itself and even resonates in the minds of our partners, is it possible
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to make this element, using the information potential of our combat brigades, a mass element that will be tangential to those qualitative changes, which... was also talked about by zaluzhne, and which, well, zelenskyi partially mentioned there? first of all, that's right. because the brigade is not just maintaining the perimeter. the brigade produces not only the results of the actions of the military, it practically produces style, energy and spirit. and we know various brigades that have these parameters. different scale, but, and here i would still give up now, no, not like that, you don’t have to give up, i expanded the understanding of unity, synergetic potential, synergy, that is, a combination of large-scale, let’s say, potentials that give a new quality of potential, yes this synergy is
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exactly preparation, action, and results. but these results, if we give them at the brigade level, then we show what 800 is, and almost 1,500 km line of active defense, it does not become conditional, it becomes real, because these are all the exclusives of the brigades, what you are talking about, and these videos that you are talking about, they just need to be turned into a communique. tion-content flows of different tempo-rhythms of its perception, submission, formats and filling to the world level, because ukraine is fighting for a world perspective, and this is not an allegory, this is reality, and therefore the conversation
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will give us something or not at such a time production, there will be questions... who gave first, and why didn't someone give? because now it is necessary to navigate already now, when the elites , practically our diplomatic corps, the authorities, i.e. the administration of the supreme commander-in-chief, have led them into the mode of understanding the importance, now it is necessary that this importance be again in the horizon of communities and people, so that without liquidating the regime that i will spill. there is an environment of our peoples and practically where it is present, we must create opportunities and conditions for peace and humanity in the dimension of civilization. mr. hryhoriyu, but under these conditions, the enemy also understands these potential threats from the ukrainian side and begins to act with a lie, and it does not matter
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whether it is true or false, here is the visit of this scandalously famous person. journalist tucker carlson to russia, and this interview, it's all a complete lie, but the scale of the lie is also, well, it creates serious challenges for us to be able to push our own agenda, what are your assessments of this story, how to counter it, what might be consequences, this is just an example when lies rise to the highest level, from which ... cynicism generally began, it began with the fact that the terminology of the right words was transformed into a demonic weapon. just the weapons of the regime, a very simple example, the understanding of the word russia, peace, negotiations, elections - these are all weapons of this
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regime. now, the example you are talking about, when the lie comes from the highest political level, many people in the world do not imagine and do not know that it is possible for such an official to speak about it. why? because they, for example, in the countries of the free world , believe that they, through democracy, everywhere mass media, everywhere should bring someone to justice for lying, by the way, here it is today, the global problem is that it is necessary to establish a norm of verbal crime at the international level, precisely verbal crime, because lies are at the global level. this is practically a crime against humanity, and therefore the question of this particular example, it simply shows the scale of actions,
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we very often speak, they speak lies, stupid, stupid, and in general it is somehow incomprehensible, why, because we are prepared, we understand, and there are many countries in the world, here is a very simple example of grain... receipts from ukraine, about that, as it were an obvious thing, few people knew, in fact, where the bread was from, the bread was from ukraine, and the putinites in africa said that they were bringing it because they had given instructions to ukraine to supply something, therefore the topic of lies, disinformation and fakes are technological things, these things , which are a challenge for modern. example, a big , big round of elections begins in europe, and the european union says that we need to engage
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in education in order to explain to our people, people are good, it's late, or then do it on a very large scale, horizontally and uh, well , qualified, but don't just deny something because the refutation of... a lie, apart from the result, also gives interest in the lie, and therefore we know that, for example, conspiracy theories of various authors, yes, have a very large profit, why, and interestingly, and what is it, and what it is interesting, because a rocket does not fly at you, and your relatives or loved ones are not in the trenches, and then it is very interesting, therefore the topic of understanding that ukraine is fighting absolute evil, and this evil in the cradle is presented at the american level, it is the same crime , a verbal crime, against everyone, starting with
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the occupied peoples of the russian federation, ending with expansions on the eyes of the audience, where it is, for example, an interview, now very much, you see, thank you very much for these. explanation for the time that you found for our viewers, i think that these are extremely important conceptual things that we need to realize, and i will remind our viewers that it was hryhoriy lyubovets, the head of the communication and content security center, these were the explanations about that , that the war with russia is multidimensional and each component of the military, economic and informational sector has its own technologies, its own models, and our advantage it will be when... when we actually master these technological solutions, we will use them both on the battlefield, and in negotiations with our partners, and in counteraction with our enemy. stay tuned to the espresso channel.
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12-year-old andriy myroshnychenko and svyatoslav volchasty and 14-year-old anatoly ilyashenko. all these boys disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region , and no one knows where they are now. so i really hope for your help. first of all, i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region. i know that in ukrainian tv channels don't broadcast you now, but i hope that maybe you are watching this program on social networks, so please look carefully at the faces of the children. andrii myroshnychenko. he turned 12 last december. the boy looks his age, he is thin and has light blond hair. he was last seen on february 23.
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year on the left bank of the kherson region in the village of velyki kopani. sviatoslav olchasty. he will turn 13 in march. he is of medium build and has blond hair. the boy disappeared in february 22nd on the territory heniche district of kherson region, which was occupied almost from the first days of the war. and this is anatoly ilyashenko. he turned 14 at the end of last year. the guy is thin, has dark hair and... cariochi, looks maybe a little older than his age. tola was last seen in the village of baltazarivka, this is the chaplin district of the kherson region, which was also occupied almost at the beginning of the full-scale war. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts of andriy, svyatoslav or anatoly, is it possible, simple saw these guys somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important. on duty. in search of magnolia children
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, you can call at any time of the day at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of only three children who disappeared due to a full-scale invasion of russia. in general, since the beginning of the war. we have already received several thousand requests for help in the search, of course, the vast majority of children have been found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, everyone can help find them, believe me, just a minute of your time can become decisive, go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the "missing children of ukraine" section. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you
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will recognize someone and in the end... help to find them. at the same time, children also disappear in the territories controlled by ukraine, as the experience of the magnolia child tracing service shows. the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of involving children in solving family issues. involve the child in the development of a family plan. to the solution of some problematic issues, because sometimes we make some decisions, and these decisions are difficult, difficult, we ourselves are very worried and we worry about it, and we only inform the child about the result, and she perceives it as a personal insult, well, for example, the child was expecting a new phone, but due to some family events we do not have money for it, and instead of explaining , to decide together with the child how and in what we can save and when we
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can still save. for that new phone, we just bring her this idea that there will be no phone, how then we are perceived, well, as an enemy who just wants to destroy everything a calm life of the child, to break all the dreams and so on, and if she knew the whole process, and if she participated in the discussion, and if her voice was important and she could say that let's save a little here, here i am ready to give up for the sake of something, she would feel her sympathy. fairness to the family budget, to planning, felt that it was important, and what could be better in life than feeling important.
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greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. man received a shrapnel wound due to the night attack of the shaheds on odesa. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration. oleg kiper. the izmail district was also shelled by drones. information about the consequences of the attack is currently being clarified. at night , 15 private houses burned in kharkiv due to enemy shelling. five people died. there may be two children among them. there are also victims - reported oleg synigubov, the head of the region. the occupiers hit a local gas station with mortars. due to spilled fuel , a fire broke out on an area of ​​more than 3.5


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