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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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hitler had no choice but to implement his plans to start with poland, these are putin's words in an interview with the odious american journalist tucker carlson, how was this interpretation of the beginning of the first and second world wars perceived in poland, i'm sorry. well, what can i say here, it’s nothing new for us, vladimir putin said it no, not once, that this is exactly what started after... at the same time, poland did not want to give its territory to germany, yes, but this, how, how, well it 's really hard to comment, but it's this type of, let's say, stupidity, well, it's hard, it's something in fact, it is very sad to say, and it is very strong, a lot of people, almost all of us emphasize it, it is very sad that in this case such an instrument of russian propaganda.
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or to tell someone else from the russian federation all this nonsense, this is all that could be heard in the framework of this interview. mr. dariusz, thank you, dariusz materniak, polish expert on international issues, head of the poland-ukraine center was in touch with us. thank you, dear friends, for being with us, we will be back on the air on the 14th, i thank you for the plus 16 hryvnias that were added to our account today, please do not stop, we, our military, need your help, and we... need
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to collect 1 million in total, and we are completing the first part of our marathon on the amount of uah 427,840 and 63 kopecks. thank you, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working this day today for you, stay with espresso, we tell you for now. there are 15% discounts on icelandic lozenges in the psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occur spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgita antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without subduing ionism in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. in the joints and spine,
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know
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what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. in june 2023, the russian
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occupiers blew up the kakhovskaya hpp dam. this caused significant losses to farmland downstream of the dnieper. part of the fields was flooded. in addition, systems were affected irrigation, which delivered fresh water to the fields. some local farmers, despite the challenges , began to restore production in their native land. among them are viktor sviderskyi and yevhen vashchenko. mykolaiv entrepreneurs who created a whole defense system to save the fields from flooding. in addition, viktor swidersky advises local farmers to solve the problems that arose after the russian. how the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam affected local farms, how entrepreneurs saved fields from flooding and what needs to be done to restore the agricultural sector of the south of the country? says farmer viktor sviderskyi. i am
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viktor volodymyrovych svidersky, candidate of agricultural sciences, graduated from the university, studied for 10 years. i have practice both with foreign specialists and with ukrainian specialists, and my goal, my dream, is for ukrainian farmers to have a higher yield than dutch farmers, or at least the same, i remember when the dutch came to us and they said, we we grow carrots 120 tons per hectare, for us it was unreal, at that time we grew 40 tons there, 50 tons, well, a maximum of 60, you could still believe, eh, when we learned to grow 120, the dutch say, i am like that, you want to brag, and they say, but we already reach 180 to 200, and this is an area where you can always develop , this is a field where new obstacles are always encountered, and when you
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overcome them, you realize that you are really strong, and we talked to many farmers today, and we see that they are very strong people. in general, my work, my goal, is to help the farmer get the maximum yield, to recommend the soil on which plant, recommend water, which is better to water, but everything starts with the seed, if there is soil, water, you need a good seed, then you need to grow it, grow a plant from a seed. it is the same as giving birth to a child, raising it, you need to take care of it first as a small child, then as a teenager, then as an adult, and if you want to get a harvest, to get thanks from the child, you need to invest, if
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children of children are not nurture, then there will be weeds, just the same, if the plant is not grown, too there will be weeds, she will give herself a few fruits or a few seeds in order to give her offspring. everything, she is no longer interested. the plant doesn't, er, the plant doesn't have the goal of giving you maximum yield. you must assign this goal to the plant. how did viktor and yevgeny's farm face full-scale war? on february 23, i was at home with my wife and child. and the woman tells me that that's it, the war will start, 100%. i say, don't worry, there won't be any war, it's pointless to fight, and on february 24 i'm sleeping, there won't be any women, he says, the war has started, in us
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the metal-plastic windows are standing, this , nothing is heard, i say, what a war, you must have dreamed something, i say, go to sleep for 5 hours, well, it was almost 5 hours, uh, she says, look, the window, i am standing looking in window, i know so well where the airfield in mykolaiv is, where the air defense is, if i knew all these places, there are our fields near them, and i see that everything is breaking down. airplanes are flying, rockets are flying, everything is on fire, smoke is coming, and i understood that the war had begun, of course, it was a tragedy for me, as it was for all ukrainians, we immediately decided that we would stay in the city and we will do whatever we can to help, but my wife began to worry about the children, all our workers came to our... house, even friends, even friends and relatives came to our house,
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there was such a crowd of people in our house, we were nowhere we were going at first, i said we would go home, but still, you know how people worry, are afraid, children are all at a loss, they don't know what to do, so i made the decision to take the family out after all, then i already returned with... sanitary cargo, we worked in mykolaiv, helped people, even in our own house, where we rations were handed out to all our neighbors, because there was such a situation that the young people all left at once, only pensioners remained, people, well, who have nothing to live for, who say, we grew up here, lived our whole lives, if anything we will die here , i came to the city, the city was completely empty. the traffic lights didn't work, nothing worked, and we started doing
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humanitarian work, fixing these chains, organizing, and when we ran out of money, i made the decision that we had to work, we had to work, somehow provide for the family, especially since we were sitting guys without work, their families need to be fed somehow, you can't live on one humanitarian worker. and we started working , doing what we were doing, supplying seeds , supplying fertilizer, setting up these same chains that worked before the war and which did not work at all at the beginning of the war, and i also forgot to say that even before that i called farmers and i was very surprised, there were a lot of heroic people who... remained under fire and worked and said that somehow we need
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to feed the city, we need to feed the people, we stay, it is necessary to grow something, if people had such a strong enough responsibility, uh, and there were such cases when i called farmers, and they were abroad, i said, come back, it is necessary to grow, it is necessary to do something, it is necessary to raise our state, i have convinced many people, they are very satisfied with it, and i am satisfied. er, because the guys actually invested in that year , er, many people say that they made money because the prices were high, but i always say, can you imagine, if there were no such products at all, then there would be no watermelon 40 hryvnias each, he was would be uah 200 each, and what would we do then, yes, these farmers earned money, but as i said, if they invested money at that time of greatest danger. then the following year they invested all their money, and
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a watermelon already costs uah 10, and i am happy about that, of course, that if a watermelon costs uah 5 or uah 7 there, with the right technology, you will still make money, but i reckon this is the limit that should not be crossed, because if there is a surplus of products, the price will drop and the farmer will start losing money. if the farmer loses money, he does not invest it, he begins to keep it somewhere with him, well, roughly yes, there are some in banks, some under pillows, well, i ’m talking roughly, nobody saves money like that now, but he will keep it with him, so very it is important that the farmer earns, that people eat quality products, and in order for there to be a mutual, so to speak, synergy, everyone is profitable, it is necessary that the farmer receives the maximum... yield and that this yield is high-quality and environmentally friendly clean, ah, people will get cheap quality
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products, if the farmer does not know how to grow, or he has never grown it, or somewhere he has seen how someone grows, and invests, grows, i usually say that the first year do not be afraid to burn out, or find a godfather or a best friend , who will tell you what to do, eh, because not everyone will tell you, if they even know. and those people who find agronomist friends are successful, because we are moving towards intensive cultivation. of agriculture, like the whole of europe, how the russians' undermining of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam affected farming economy of southern ukraine. with the beginning of the war, the production of vegetables in the south was completely destroyed, well, in general, it is mykolaivsk, it is
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khersonsk, zaporizhzhya, partly dnipropetrovsk, where people left. destroyed very much, kherson is generally the number one vegetable region, which produced products for the whole state, it is gone, yes, now because of the explosion of the kakhovskaya gez, we have no irrigation, big problems, i think that this is a big ecological disaster, and i was very surprised when foreigners do not understand it, for example, i correspond with french. journalist, i tell him that the mykolaiv region was also affected by the kykhovskaya hpp, he says: well, look on the map, where is the kakhovskaya hpp, and where is the mykolaiv region, and it is difficult for me to explain that the kakhovskaya hpp is not what hes is there in your state or somewhere
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in the mountains, or somewhere, that they just blew up, washed away one village and that's it... a large-scale ecological disaster that affected at least four regions, in terms of drinking water, in terms of irrigation, in terms of provision of labor resources, water rose in price very much in the south, of course people try to make wells, to make some wells, but this is not an option, because in the south we have here... water, groundwater, it is salty, the dnieper water was fresh, it was of very high quality, and therefore farming in general is from the south now is moving to the center of ukraine, the center and west of ukraine, in western ukraine, well, i did not see any farmers who were engaged in growing watermelons,
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or peppers there, well, if there were attempts, well, this is one. attempts, well, not massively, but now it is massively, in western ukraine people are already trying to grow the entire vegetable line, which was grown in kherson, er, agriculture is shifting, they have better water, and yes, the soil there is not of such quality, but if the water is good, there are fertilizers, the quality of the soil can be improved. when i saw this, ah, perspective, i already started calling farmers, yes, there, mykolaivskyi, khersonskyi. to tell them that you better move, zaporizhians, i say leave and work there, and if everything goes well , come back, but, well, i will say, maybe one or two men have moved there, everyone has stayed, everyone is trying to work here, a lot problems with water, many problems with shelling,
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with the fact that there are no people here, but because of the shelling, people are all leaving, no one wants to live here. how did the events unfold after the explosion of the kakhovskaya hpp? when the kakhovskaya hpp was blown up, i was on a business trip to western ukraine, working there. and for me, this news was comparable to how the war began on february 24. that was exactly what it was for me. it was a tragedy for me. i understood that the region was completely destroyed, if there was any hope that it would ever recover. somehow it will work, this one hope was lost, and after this news i usually started calling people and said: it is better for you to come, transfer the equipment, if there is anything left, transfer your resources and work in the second place, because this is a huge problem, because watering with wells, or in general, if
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the soil is not irrigated, it's salinized , it's degraded, and ... you have to do remediation, of course, i was calling my friends, asking who was affected, what the situation was, and i was, you know, a little surprised when i called some farmers who hadn't even heard of i was the first to hear such news i told them, the guys blew up the dam, they and you, what can’t happen, i say, yes, i say, and at that moment i immediately... started to go back to the mykolaiv region, because, you know, the yevheniya field, it is located near the river, i understood that the water would go up now. and i call him, i say yevgeny , something needs to be done urgently, and we had this idea to build a dam, he is certainly a good man, a really strong
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person who did it, because he calls me at night, he says, that's all, i don't have enough strength, i won't do anything anymore, he says they specially took three tractors, all of them are working , people are working, then one breaks, then the other, the parts are impossible to ... we cling from one to the other, we somehow get out of the way, we drive during the day, buy, repair at night, and i supported him morally as much as i could, because at that time i hadn't arrived yet, and when i arrived and saw all this, i told him, well, you're just a real hero, you're handsome, you're great, and i remember he's building a dam, he says the water is rising, rising... already flowing, that's it, i say, probably, we can't hold anything, nothing, i say, we'll hold, let's build further, how the farmers saved their land from flooding, it was a huge embankment, a huge
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embankment, more than a kilometer long, plus all the channels were buried, so much machinery was working, and you know, in the beginning, when it was all being built. er, they made small ditches to hold back the water at least for a while, so that we could make this embankment, because the water was coming very quickly, and this, well, i will say, is compared to if the river flows on you, well, like water hold, here sometimes in the channel the lock cannot be held, but it is 50 cm high there, the flow of water and you can't just hold it, you're like this... of course we 're at a greater distance there than the other farmers were, we understand that, we made it, thank god, the people who
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were affected, i have a lot of sympathy for them , we also suffered from shelling at the beginning of the war, and we lost both property and resources , we lost a lot of things, this is sad, i want to support all these people, uh, in principle, my idea is to help not only the affected people, but to help everyone, but if there is an opportunity to help the victims more, even financially, materially, with connections, it is better to help them more, er, because they have not lost a year, they have lost their financial potential. a man who climbs a step every year, he climbs further, and a man who climbs, climbs and loses everything. some farmers told me that it feels like we
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are back in 1992 and we are starting all over again. 1991-1992, when collective farms collapsed, de-soldering, nobody needed anything, and people started working, they had that feeling. i think that we should support them. moreover, i always tell farmers who have earned money, don't be afraid, you need to do charity work, you need to help, if you can't with money, help with equipment, help with some resource, help with advice, come, support a person, because it's not just about losing everything. how does viktor and yevgeny's farm work after the invasion? since the beginning of the war, yevgeny and i worked, cultivated, everything was great , we earned money, everything was fine, after the beginning
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of the war, when the russian troops were already near voznesensk, voznesensk, we had doubts whether we will be able to work, ah, when the russian troops pushed back to kherson. to the snowplow, then we realized that we could work , we started working, and we were very unlucky that year, we invested, took a lot of risk, were afraid, and a hailstorm came, completely knocking out all the watermelons, tomatoes, everything that was, evgeny he says, we will discuss everything, we will not do anything, it was necessary not to sow this year, i say, let's not give up. i say, i have several methods in practice, i think it will work, but first of all i also doubted,
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i thought it would work out, it would not work out very well... there was a lot of damage, and we made a decision to cut all the watermelons, completely absorb them all, er, put people in, these are additional costs, give stimulants for recovery, they were applied correctly, stimulants, fertilizers, means protection , the plants began to grow again, recover, gave a harvest, earned and invested in this year, well , this year... there was a kakhovka gs, which, unfortunately, was blown up, all the same thoughts, again, we are losing everything again, nothing it will work out, but we work hard, we don't give up, we get it the result, and you know, it's like in sports, when you do some exercise and you can't, the coach says, it's done because of strength, but when you do it, you do it because of strength, then you stand.
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coaches say, but when you do what you can do, you don't get stronger, that's why farmers do the same, and i recommend it to everyone , you see, that's all, you have one limitation, one dead end, there is no way out, a whole disaster is falling on you , do through strength, succeed, consult, be friends among yourselves, and i am sure, dad will not make himself expected. why did the occupiers blow up the kakhovskaya hpp? is this an ecological disaster not only for ukraine? the undermining of the kokhovskaya gez is an ecological disaster not only for ukraine, but also for the entire black sea basin. remember that video, with dead cows, things that were all floating in the odesa region, along the currents in the black sea, and this is quite a huge distance. er, it all
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ended up in the sea, of course it affects the climate, when you have a huge volume of water, there is evaporation, more precipitation, the climate itself, it becomes milder, water is a buffer, it heats up slowly , cools down slowly, it softens the climate, because the air itself cools down and heats up very quickly, so does the soil, and in the desert, what a huge... temperature difference, during the day it can be 60°, at night +4 , due to the fact that there is no water. in the same way, we will have changes in the climate, changes in the climate in ukraine, which means in the global as a whole, if a larger amount of water is stored, ah, then a milder climate, if we drain all the water, remove it, drain it, destroy it , the climate becomes harsher.
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of course, if it is a swamp, it is also necessary to carry out milioration, because when we grow plants, they also evaporate moisture and soften the climate, and when our land is simply plowed all year and nothing grows there, not even weeds, it also affects the climate negatively. how does climate change affect farming in lower dnipro? climate changes due to the explosion of the kakhovskaya gez, ah... will have a negative impact, the climate will become harsher, there is no water, more arid, and farmers, if they want to grow something, they will move to the central ukraine, they will move to western ukraine, because in connection with global warming, it is getting warmer there, it is getting hotter and drier, and now
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there are 100 people. falls, the water becomes less, and there is no such dam that held the water, if it is restored, even, restored, built, we take it, we built it, how many years does it need to be filled, during the soviet union it was filled for four years, then what was the drain dnipro, some guys tell me, yes , we have a cascade on the dnipro, dam, maybe we can share water, i say, well, you... know what volume of water is needed, you are ready with each cascade to pour 5 or 10 m of water there, i think that in the first place the population will not go for it, yes, they can share it by the meter, but it is not enough, so even if we rebuild the dam now, it will have to be collected for at least five, and even 10 years.


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