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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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i monitored what was written about, how the hungarian and romanian media wrote about it, and most of the media just condemned such a statement by torodskaya, and they clearly wrote there that it fits into the narratives of russian propaganda, and my main recommendations, what should we do in this situations, it is also better to understand and study information. the territorial space of hungary and romania, neighbors in general, so that there are no such unpleasant surprises, because ukraine really wants to develop and become a leader in central europe, and i think that all these statements, they are exclusively populist and official and the societies of these states themselves,
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they do not support the theses expressed by these populist politicians. mr. yehor, thank you, our airwaves will feature the historian and serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine , oleksandr alfyorov, with whom we will actually talk about all kinds of historical moments that putin tried to distort. oleksandr, watched two hours of this interview of tucker carlson with putin, and has something. reason to say, but it will be later, after a short pause we will continue, stay with us, there is 10% discount on bronchialik in psarynskyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. stiffness in the joints and spine, osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. with all these problems, you will find a means for external use of dicrasin. consultations by phone. 0800 250. 349 calls are free
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updated espresso and thank you for your trust. separate consents of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the spresso tv channel are asked to join the fundraising. crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in there will be some katsaps in ukraine, on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world you dream of, mr. norman. we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at
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espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio event with anton borkovsky. hello, olena kryvets is with you, i hope that you are safe despite the wartime and regularly do the ox test, you didn’t hear, it should be done at least once a year, it’s scary, maybe, but it’s scarier not to know your status, give a challenge to the disease. breakfast and infect loved ones, therefore
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, the ox test is about love for yourself and others, about the opportunity to save their lives and your life, because with modern medicines and... ox is not transmitted and not scary, knowledge about complex things is important, but knowledge about the ox save lives dear friends, our espresso marathon continues, we will continue it, now we will talk about the war that is going on in israel, we will talk about it with vadym polishchuk, a historian, political observer who is with us from israel. well, the latest news from israel, in principle, basically nothing has changed recently, there is fighting in the gaza strip, around the last city that
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is fully controlled by hamas, this is the city of rofeh, and there is a sweep in the city of hanyounis, and unfortunately, the fighting continues in the north, which... it seems already liberated israel, but through the tunnels and with those local residents who return to the north, the hamasites also return, and because of that israel is forced to again, let's say, take control of those territories that were already supposedly liberated, that is the north , the city of gaza and around it, and there are also certain processes where soldiers and soldiers die. israel is also suppressing this resistance that is taking place there, well, the main news around israel is that they did not reach an agreement with hamas regarding some kind of agreement on the release of hostages and on some
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exchange, ceasefire, due to the fact that the demands of hamas are already, you know, completely unacceptable, from the point of view of the leadership. to israel, this, well , when there was a storm in the press about this, it looked to the israelis like, you know, capitulation, it's like ukraine now agreeing to denazification, demilitarization, and all this delusion that the leadership of russia is telling, as well as the demands of hamas, when you read, the impression is that hamas is winning on the battlefield now, and not israel, and therefore, let's say... now it's all back on track a pause, there are some negotiations going on, but we can expect a ceasefire and the release of some hostages very soon, now , no, it is not possible, or now, or
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is it already clear what the end of this war should be, that is, what the victory of israel in this war will mean ? well, the two main conditions for... israel are, firstly, the destruction of the rule of hamas and, preferably, the physical destruction of hamas on the territory of the gas sector, and secondly , the release of those hostages who remain alive, because according to the information that comes in, there are a lot of those hostages who were considered alive, unfortunately, they are not, now israel is actively exhuming corpses. on the territory of gaza, in order to identify possible dead hostages among them, and also , well, information, to interrogate those who are now being taken prisoner by the hamasites, that is, these hostages are being sought, and in fact, well, no one knows,
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for sure, who is still alive there , who are not alive, because they are really accused by hamas of watching the shelling and bombing from israel. that the hostages die because of it, but in fact there are a lot of elderly people who not the kind of medical care that should be provided, and the hamas themselves , they treat the hostages, let's say, not so humanely as you would expect, and those people who were released, they tell terrible things, what happened to them was happening, there was sexual violence, and a lack of food. and staying in the dark in such and such unsuitable conditions, well, let's say, it does not contribute to the hope that everything is fine with those hostages who are still left there. how many hostages are left? well, near there
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120-130, but this figure is quite conditional, and no one really knows how much, it can be said that we think it is that much, and there... some relatives have already been informed that they probably died maybe a dozen or two of their relatives are there, but the rest is final, you know that, like in the war. after every war there are many people who simply died, disappeared somewhere and no one knows, because no bodies have been preserved, there are no witnesses to what actually happened to them, then maybe the same situation will happen with some of those hostages, because according to this the beginning of the war, that's it the first day is terrible, on october 7, there were a lot of people who simply burned in their cars, and because of that, an unprecedented decision was made. that they will simply bury cars , well, they know that this person’s car and
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most likely she died in it, but there is almost nothing left, and according to jewish law, you have to bury everything as much as possible, even the blood is collected there, somehow her too they are hiding, and these cars, they are like that, you know how sarcophagi are like that, they are simply buried, like that person, mr. vadim, this war is dragging on and... and in the tsehal they want to increase the length of service, how do the military react to it, the military, and how can they react, it seems to me that this is all discussed with the military leadership themselves, because the political leadership, they can accept such things , but still there are some recommendations, the needs of the military, which are already being met by the political leadership, well, it’s the same as in ukraine, these are mobilization figures, yes, the military says we need that much, the higher leadership already there says
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how much we can actually provide you , the same is the case here, especially since the so -called war cabinet, which is narrow and precisely manages this war, includes two people, they used to be in the opposition before the war, now they have entered this cabinet, and they are former soldiers , one of them is the former minister of defense and chief of the general ... staff, and the other is hans and azinko - he is also the former head, well, chief of the general staff, that is, they are knowledgeable, it is possible that someone does not agree with their positions, especially from the right side, but what they know about military affairs, have such a powerful experience in this sense, it cannot be taken away from them here, in fact, if we talk about the aid that we are currently expecting, which is blocked by the congress of the united states, there is also this package of aid for
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israel, they actually found themselves in such a situation i wonder what they are saying about this in israel itself, whether the israelis don't, i don't know, don't think it's bad for ukraine, for ukraine, that it's because of ukraine that they ended up without help, well, you see that in fact the political circles are american, they shared, alone more oriented to help. of ukraine, the other of israel , but, unfortunately, there is no understanding that all this is from one berry field, and in israel, ukraine are actually fighting with one, the same world forces, and to divide this issue, let's help israel, we will not be in ukraine, or vice versa , this is a ridiculous position, and many people understand it, but these are the extreme extreme positions that are currently in the congress, first of all, they are a hindrance in the first place. to the united states itself, because their, well, their weight in the world
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is greatly reduced because of that, because many countries that are oriented towards the united states, they understand that under certain difficult conditions, they will also not be able to count on an appropriate reaction from the united states, and indeed in israel it is hoped that this issue will... will be resolved, because israel needs help, israel is now forced to adjust its budget very much and taxes are rising, and well, it is becoming more difficult for the people of israel, because of this the mds rose, and one day medical money was withdrawn from all israelis in favor of the ministry of defense budget, and there are very large cuts in some sectors. well somehow, well, they would be redundant this money is for israel, and
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military aid would not be superfluous, because everyone understands that one day of war costs a lot of money, and it takes a lot of various military equipment and ammunition, mr. vadim, finally, i wanted to ask you in ukraine, what by the end of the week, the violent emotions surrounding eurovision had subsided, but nevertheless this week a discussion began... of how this selection for eurovision took place, and someone said that the wrong ones should go, and that someone said that the voting was taking place not in this way as it should be, but you see. that in israel this selection would also have been quite stormy, and now, as it turned out , the singer eden gollan will go to represent israel, i don't know if i put the accents in her name and surname correctly, as it turned out, she lived in of russia, returned to israel, just
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as russia began a full-scale invasion of ukraine, and the ukrainians are throwing up. and in particular the fact that she performed in the occupied crimea, did this girl somehow communicate, her performances in the occupied crimea, and how in general in the israelis are reacting to the fact that some countries , musicians, for example, from sweden, iceland, finland, wrote an open letter, in which they actually call for the removal of israel from this year's eurovision contest and say that this shows striking double standards. standards that undermine the trust in the organization, in the european broadcasting union , which organizes eurovision, and also that this , that is, the participation of this girl, a representative from israel, makes the suffering of the victims invisible, whether they talk about it in israel, how much in israel, the eurovision song contest is the kind of thing that is being discussed, because it is quite hot in ukraine, it is being discussed, it is really being discussed,
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this girl, she just belongs to the so-called last aliyah, that is... people who came after the war started, they even managed to get its own name, it's the so-called pumpkin aliyah, because one of those russian women who came to israel, she longed for a pumpkin latte here, which she couldn't find in israel, and because of, well, because of certain memes like that, that whole alia, she is it is called, and these people, they really, well, there was putin’s liya here, who... before the war still came here, who did not agree with putin’s policy, they were more oppositional, this liya is more like that, let’s say, well, they don’t i like life in a totalitarian country, but it is not so obvious that they condemn putin there, they often go to russia there, they solve some of their affairs there, and therefore, well, we can expect that
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the representative of this won't it be somehow connected or something? well, here in israel, not everyone knows these intricacies, so what this person went to the crimea, so somehow it is necessary to take a closer look at her, most likely it was simply not taken into account, they did not know about it, and somehow it already started to rage already or in some final stages, but or already when she has already become a representative of israel, but what about these countries. northern and spain, and ireland , and the scandinavian countries, they are somehow also the political forces that are in power there, they are constantly somehow trying to put israel on the same page as russia, then it is precisely this leftist narrative, which is manifested everywhere, and he
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now, in the united states, some sanctions have begun to be imposed against the israeli uh... well, citizens who are in the territories of the west bank and are placed in some kind of clashes with the palestinians, it is everywhere in the western world, it interferes with everything israel, it is constantly trying to make israel look like this, you know the image of some colonial state that oppresses some unfortunate people, these are the palestinians, they are... so unfortunate, they must not be done, they must be understood and forgiven, and israel , he is always guilty, and well israel understands this situation , there are many such people within our countries who are ready to condemn israel, to run ahead of any enemies and vote, well, raise noises, watching what israel is doing,
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that's why the dogs are barking, and the caravan is going, israel. first of all, the leadership and what prime minister netanyahu says, he, israel , is determined to win this war, and these are all attempts to put something in the wheels, some extraneous objects, well, let's try somehow, let's say will overcome the russian language, let's say so, and in hockey, too tried us somehow remove, well, these issues were resolved, or somehow this girl , the participant who will represent israel, or somehow she explained her performances in the occupied crimea, well, i didn’t hear, i didn’t... milaman, somehow she explains it, well, they fool for in such cases include, we didn't know, we were small, stupid, and
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now the war has just started, but now we understand everything, and now this is how we condemn, or sometimes this is how, you know, they condemn, some peace-loving, something they say that there, but not calling things by their names, and as in that one good russians... it often happens that some of them call things by their names, and some try to tell something about a situation or the like. mr. vadim, thank you for the conversation, vadim polishchuk, historian, political observer, from israel was with us, we talked about what is happening now in the gas sector, we talked about how the war is going on in israel, we also talked about , how the selection for the eurovision took place. and will represent eurovision from israel, a girl who lived in russia, who performed in the occupied crimea. and now we
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will move on to discussing tucker carlson's interview with putin and what putin said there for two hours. oleksandr alfrov, historian, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, watched this interview and is ready to analyze it for us, mr. oleksandr. we add you to our airwaves, we congratulate you, good health, glad to see you, and is yours, how is your health after two hours of watching what putin has woven there, i will use, i will use new technologies, well, you know, it's somewhere like that, yeah, it's clear , actually, it was such an interesting interview in the sense that putin from the very beginning, as far as i understood, he said, i 'm going to talk about the historical...excursion and you please mr. carlson, who lives on the roof, don't interrupt me, carlson isn't cool after all, the fan is cool, and i'll throw up,
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yes, but, but carson still couldn't stand it, because he thought, stop, i in my opinion , i have never interviewed such an abnormal person for all his punishment, he also likes to believe all kinds of bullshit , tried to somehow interrupt putin three times, but putin stopped him very strictly, made him sit and listen to what i said. yes, somehow , but i think, now everyone says that millions of people have watched it one way or another, that is, we are laughing, and in fact, if you go to english-speaking twitter now, well, in mine, at least in my twitter bubble, there are just dozens very funny, very witty memes, some caricatures of this whole story, well, i already published a caricature even there by this famous chinese cartoonist, who is now in australia, he had to, no, it no not this caricature. less so, yes, but, but, but gentlemen, well , it’s simple, but none the less, we can’t show her, no, she ’s very, she can, we can show one second
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, show the audience what you’re telling them, and they don't know what you're talking about, okay, okay , okay, now one second, i'll do it, i just wasn't ready for something, so of course, it's, it's very well known, badi ukao, that's the nickname of this cartoonist, he's a young man many, many awards. and so on and so on, that's all, thank you very much, i'm just telling you it's just not the first hour with us , and we can show it now, well, i think that our editor was just against it, she is very strict about moral principles, but not strict, she says that she also likes these caricatures, so we'll show everything this caricature , that's the word i wanted to say, that's this caricature, badiyukau just great as always, well and here... he wrote there in the description on twitter, he says that you know, just to you didn't waste two hours, you didn't waste your time, i'll give you one frame to summarize the content of this interview,
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yes, but nevertheless, mr. alexander, millions of people nevertheless watched it, and maybe just for some conditional farmer who will vote for trump or not for trump, this will be the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe story ukraine and russia, if they really understand who these scumbags are, and you know, there are some for... because this interview was laughed at by many, but first of all, there are two lines here that we should just see: the first is what putin said and what was ordered in order to let him say, here all he said is one thing, and then i would like to emphasize that the additional questions, despite the fact that carson asked about the detained journalist, an american, were the questions of the church, and this ... absolutely coincides with a previous interview of carson, which he took from a lawyer in amsterdam, which is actually leased by
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the ukrainian orthodox church of moscow. the patriarchate of the russian church is hired to protect it, and in a previous interview, amst amsterdam manipulated that ukraine is actually persecuting religion and distinguished that the ocu and oltz are two different religions, and now in the interview with him in the final positions there is this message again about religion, and this is actually a message for, say, american conservatives who... and among them there are catholics who are oriented towards this, is even in opposition to pope francis, if you take a longer look at it, those who need to know that there is a leader in the country who cares about the church, and here is one story that, unfortunately, worked against all 100, and no one from ukraine paid attention to it, and in fact this is a very important reminder of what putin
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ordered. this interview is in some of its positions, including the whole line, so there is a serious danger in this regard, because in the world, what is actually oppressing religion, as it is presented now, and not a splinter of a certain denomination, these are very serious things, and this is seriousness, well , what was really drawn there by a beautiful artist, which you showed, i will allow myself to voice a fart into the microphone, then it is clear that it happened. there is good ukrainian saying, i don't know, is it true, can i say this word, she said, the fifth point with the wind, i don't know, it is possible to say it is a ukrainian word, and i discussed it, i also read literally today yesterday's news in russia , someone was arrested there a blogger or something, in short, she is in volgograd, there is where there is an original of motherland, here, well, this is my
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position, you know it very well, i... believe that there is an original in volgograd, there is a copy in other cities , including in kyiv, where the mother's family is the original, and she allowed herself, as all such often do pictures, when there, for example, the monument is held between the fingers, well, like there, for perspective, and she allowed herself, and she allowed herself there just like that, the nipples protrude in this mother's family, and she allowed herself to touch that nipple so to speak, in the photo, the person has already been arrested, charges have already been brought. what is she about like wait now now rehabilitating nazism rehabilitating nazism now she's being accused of rehabilitating nazism for this, for this picture, because she thought she was joking, in the same now president putin of the russian federation absolutely, so to speak, in complete seriousness, as it is called, talks about the fact that it was poland that actually provoked the second world war, because it did not
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submit to hitler. hitler was forced to attack her, and then you know how it is, and this is not nazi propaganda. yes, you know, and in this interview, no matter how funny it is for us, putin made this mistake, just like putinovite , made a mistake in that he started to reflect on the zones, which have been silent in europe since 1945, that is, in europe , then in the world it is clear what the only aggressor, germany, means, everyone recognized this. the first victim is poland, everyone admitted that, but they just didn't admit that russia, for example, is an aggressor country, because there was a political schedule there then, and now putin started talking about the fact that hitler was forced, hitler resisted for a long time, and in essence, putin is saying that poland is the culprit of the second world war, trying to kill his mother-in-law, such
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the territory that poland really took from... in czechoslovakia, which was divided, but this territory was disputed for the previous 20 years, before 1938, it came several times to the czechs, then to the poles, it was a disputed territory, therefore it is separate history as a whole, everyone in the world understood it perfectly well, but hitler, hitler, i'm sorry, putin said about it, and his second point that he sent, he said, which obviously horrifies thinking people, he said verbatim that many... says that stalin had uh, well, inhumane behavior with people, many people say , and many others say that stalin had inhumane behavior, and for people it is, you know, well, it is customary to say in europe, well, listen, it smells bad, and, well, and actually putin has burned himself in two places, the fact that the europeans will never understand, and the fact that they will not be able to forgive that putin is now
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on... trying to explain the sound.


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