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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. greetings to all espresso viewers, i am annevamelnik and the news team will tell you about the most current events at the moment, terror cannot remain without a just answer, and russia must pay for every life it destroys and destroys. only then can security for all become part of reality again. with these words , president volodymyr zelenskyy reacted to the enemy shelling of kharkiv, which took the lives of seven people. president. he added,
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the aggressor country must lose in this one war, and expressed his condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims. the number of victims in kharkiv has increased, now there are 57 of them - reported the mayor of kharkiv, ihor terekhov. there are seven dead, all of them burned alive in their homes. the whole family died in one house. young parents and three children. the youngest was 10 months old. in another house, rescuers found the bodies of... a 66-year-old man was paralyzed. along with him, his wife became a victim of the russians. at night, the occupiers hit the local oil depot with mortars. fuel spilled and a fire broke out in the square more than 3,500 m2. 15 private houses burned down. firefighters managed to save four people. fifty more were evacuated as a result of the attack without power supply to more than a thousand consumers. some houses without gas supply. informs the head of the region
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oleg synyogov. search and rescue operations at the scene of the tragedy are ongoing. about 3,800 tons of fuel were stored in this depot. in fact, the entire street turned into a hellish, molten mass because the fuel mixed with the snow and started burning. because of this , the houses that were located caught fire along this street. due to the state of the bodies, they are very badly burned, we will and will use the dna method. from each body, from the remains of the body, we select biological material, conduct and derive a dna profile. and for this we establish and compare with relatives. there is still a risk of a refuel leak , one tank is still completely filled with fuel there. currently, our units of the state emergency service have localized the fire, but the danger remains. is still
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preserved, therefore, the place of the event, it is guarded there at the moment, and if necessary, of course, we will expand it evacuation zone there. four guided aerial bombs were dropped by the russians on the druzhbiv territorial community of the shostky district, the regional military administration reported. according to their data, residential buildings, a fire department and an enterprise were damaged as a result of the attack. previously, people did not... suffer. evacuation in the kherson region. the police and volunteers managed to get three more residents of beroslav district out of the shelling. the situation there is becoming more and more dangerous, the regional administration informs, from russian attacks two residents of the village of kachkarivka and one man from odrad kamianka have already been taken out. anger and people who are angry. in our country, russians can
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be turned into donors, the collection of a tv channel for fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft complexes sampsan, the state special service of transport, continues. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower, so we have a goal - to collect 1 million hryvnias for flying weapon remember, the best. a contribution to our freedom and independence, it is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. more than a thousand residential buildings were left without gas supply in transcarpathia, all because of damage to a high-pressure gas pipe. in the village of ternovo, tyachiv district , a tree fell on the pipeline, - announced the head of the region viktor mykyta. currently without blue fuel, residents of three villages are partially one more. in addition to residential buildings, gas was left. kindergarten
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and two bakeries, flew past on the occupied in the kherson region, a ukrainian drone blew up the house of a local gauleiter, this... it happened in the village of nova mayachka, writes the center for journalistic investigations with reference to its own sources in the occupation. the drone hit the house of gennady kolomoyets, nicknamed the tanker. the 54-year-old collaborator survived, but his house and car were damaged. a state of gratitude, what it should be, whose rights to protect and what services to provide to the population. these and other important questions. politicians, military and public figures discussed during a special forum, on our correspondents also visited the event. they protect us at the front, and we must protect their rights to social services. at the forum
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we will stand for victory from the resilience of citizens to a state of gratitude, the participants sought answers to the challenges facing ukraine today. one of the most pressing issues is social justice for veterans. russian-ukrainian war. after returning from the front, they should feel protected. it is obvious that the state does not have money for social services in the amount currently provided. no need again lie to veterans. our main task is to be honest. in public policy, it is necessary to clearly say that we can definitely give and give it qualitatively. and secondly, to say through which state. the body can understand the full range of these services. the state of gratitude is a demanding institution that cares for citizens who have stood up for the defense of their own country. therefore, the government should develop such a veteran policy so that every military man understands that after completing his mission, he will have opportunities for rehabilitation
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and resocialization. the state of gratitude is about justice is about providing dignity with practical things, not just saying how grateful we are. veterans, and how we reinforced it with articles in the budget in order to provide for veterans who, after everything they have experienced, returning to their homes, returning to communities, they understand that there are already all mechanisms, including financial support, in order to they continued service and a dignified life. local self-government bodies, thanks to the decentralization reform, play a significant role in the democratic stability of the entire country. early of the great invasion of the russian federation, ukrainian cities were able to act promptly, without waiting for instructions from the central government. the participants of the forum came to the conclusion that ukraine should continue to work in this direction and improve this reform. mykolaiv was awarded the status
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of a hero city. we stopped the russians on the approaches to the city, but again, it was possible due to the fact that we did not have a centralized government and we did not wait. some instructions from the center, and they began to cooperate on the ground with the military, and with the police and with the national guard and began to form territorial defense battalions, and thanks to this , they responded promptly and the russians were unable to invade the city. the participants of the event exchanged ideas and experience on other important issues, in particular they discussed the demographic crisis, the interaction of business and government, educational and cultural projects of ukraine. the event took place within the framework of the program to stop public activity, get involved with the support of the united states agency for international development, organized by the public organization anc. the voice of my soul, ukrainian artist ivan marchuk presented
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the largest exhibition of his works in vienna. the exposition contains about 300 works from different periods of creativity, from early paintings from the last century to watercolor compositions. over the past year and a half. the oldest work of 1965, the newest, the author completed a few days before the opening. the organizers also plan to celebrate the winners of the children's drawing competition based on the artist's works. the competition was held among students of the ukrainian saturday school in vienna. because of the war , about a thousand children study there. works of the winners will take place among the general exposition. there are about 10 different routes here, because each cycle has its own technology and, as
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they say, materials, etc. important not only for ukrainians in austria, this is an event... to which all austrian friends should be invited, this is the art and culture that should be shown, glorified, told about our genius while they are still alive, to give them joy... many visitors at the exhibition and he himself enjoys what is happening here. that's all i have, i'll see you at 6 p.m., i'm on, stay with espresso, because the informational marathon continues with mykola veresny.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen , my name is mykola veresen, we will talk with you today, now i will tell you about what, about ukraine, then again about ukraine, then about the united states, then about poland, then about israel, and then about nato, well, again about the war. so, ivan stupak, first he will tell us what is happening in our place military branch, i hope he will appear before us now, and we will ask him, he appeared, thank you very much, mr. ivan, for finding time for us, congratulations, always a pleasure, well, look, the question is, you know, i will be fired from my job if i don't ask you anything about zelensky zaluzhny, i will just be thrown out immediately, that's why i'm asking... apart from speculation, mr. wang, there is something rational in the events
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of yesterday, that is, the resignation of mr. zaluzhny, so what, what i see and what i read on the networks, when i get there, i don't often i arrive, the shore of the army is empty, and the assyrian new commander-in-chief is not guarding, there is something, but we, we, none of us are there. we know in the stake, we just think that maybe they were near and didn’t hear the words, we don’t think anything is right, it seems that zaluzhnyi really played a very important role, and indeed many operations were successful, and what role did syrsky play, maybe he also performed very important roles, none of us know this, but we know everything, well, we ukrainians, we know everything, in medicine, military affairs, football, well... so where are we great experts, that tell me, sir, the question is clear , let's start with the general, i always start with
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the general, the president had the right to fire, this is completely his right under the constitution, he did not violate anything here, he had the right to fire, he fired, the other question is who was replaced, many were outraged by this, as we believed in the general of victory, mr. zaluzhnyi was changed to another person here, and it is not clear why, it is unclear how, what exactly became the basis. personally, i am very, well, satisfied, i am satisfied with the communication, at least at the end, you clearly show this picture, when two people, we know that between them there is crazy tension, political tension, human tension, military tension, but they found the strength to meet, shake hands, at least okay, play, that everything is plus or minus it's good that mr. zaluzhnyk remains in the team, at the end he was awarded a star... at least it was really well played here, now about mr. syrsky, so many of our
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soldiers, i saw my information bubbles, the military is outraged, the military community is outraged, the volunteer community outraged, as it is, but on the other hand , and the team that there seems to be five people, whom he proposes to appoint to key positions, at least the reviews on them from the military themselves, oh, not bad, these are normal people, they ... 10 years in the war , they understand military affairs, they understand mutual relations with subordinates, that is, well, maybe it’s not so, it’s not so bad, my personal opinion is, give his syrian team a month to take the first step, and then, first of all our soldiers from the fronts, they will say whether we were all wrong about the occasion syrian and his team, or vice versa is happening as it was understood and well, further prospects. well, what is not, they are bad. yes, well, i read mr. butusov, who
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very often informs us from the front, he says: the new leadership team of the armed forces looks encouraging, well, it’s great that it looks encouraging, let me ask you, sir, here is what i have written, that the russian occupiers had a starlink, and this could affect the course of the war, what does the appearance of a starlink mean, it means that this american... famous began to help russia, or did they have a starling, did it not exist, or did it just appear, or was it a gift from the americans to the kremlin, or did i get confused, i don’t know, the russians have an old starlink at the front, yes, there really is such a story, very unpleasant , we saw, we saw, first of all, confirmation in the photos, how the russians use starlink on the roof of some building, they use it, plus there is a map of active, active staring coverage on the network and in the occupied territories of the luhansk region,
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it is there, it is true not that hopeless, but such an unpleasant, unpleasant surprise at... because at of our military on certain directions staring , its speed is simply insanely low, it’s just almost zero there, it’s unpleasant , we saw, unfortunately, that mr. musk, he plays along with the kremlin, by the way, here’s an interview with such a journalist tucker carlolson with the dictator of the russian federation, and elon musk said that in my social network x former twitter, i generally block. i will not broadcast this interview, on the contrary, i will help its distribution in every possible way, but the russians are showing off on the second day that almost 100 million views of this the interview is only on this social network, so unfortunately elon musk plays along, i would really like to see some reaction from the united states state department, from the pentagon to this story, but well, this is business, unfortunately, i
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don't know how they will be able to click on elon musk. you already mentioned mr. carlson, who lives on the roof. and expressed their opinion on this matter, and i am asking you about this opinion of yours, as for me, i did not see anything there at all, except the desire to scare someone, well, for example, the poles, the same ones we have today there will be a polish guest, we will ask him , of course, but yes, such a dictator who wants to scare the world, but it seems to me that the world has already, so to speak, gotten used to what, what, what putin says, have you found something new? were in putin's answers in this conversation between carlson and putin? the only thing, an extremely offended person, if you can say so, offended at everyone, at everything, history, poking around in history, and what happened before, but everyone abandoned us, resentment, well, such a small person sits and tries to somehow explain his actions,
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his murder by the russian army, of the ukrainian people, in some way... with such small insults or big insults, that's all, i personally did not see anything interesting, by the way, the europeans also reacted, well, okay, well, yes, we saw this interview , two hours of torture, moral torture, suffering, is watching, listening, well, the only plus is from our citizens, they watched how putin's leg lives a separate life of its own, it dances something there, 100-500 memes were created on this topic, and tucker carlson and putin. but once again seriously or well, he didn't say something new, just an insult and an attempt to somehow compensate for his half-life complex. one more important question will not be understood if i do not ask it, i have written here that you were an employee of the sbu from the fourth to 15 years, that is, you worked there for 11 years, and
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now we see the work of the sbu around mr. bigus, bigus- info, and they, that means... found sbu employees who listened to them, so to speak, that's enough the usual story, eh, now not only the sbu can monitor, not only the special service can monitor journalists, but journalists also monitor the special services, at least in russia, there in israel, in european countries, then you can understand why it was, it is some kind of initiative on the bottom, or is it like, you know, like sheepdogs, they have to hunt somewhere, if there are no spies, we will hunt not spies, but journalists, i just have a hard time imagining what the sbu can find in journalists bigusinfo , which usually make public, it is their job to make public,
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in general, journalists work not in order to hide, but in order to publicize various facts, whatever you say, look at it like this, well, i have to admit... no matter how unpleasant i am with my former colleagues, but they were exposed, cracked, really , journalists, guys, girls who work in the bigus team, correct me, it seems less, less than a month, they did it without the use of special technical means, without wiretapping, without lam e-mails, open sources, open tools all exposed , surname, first name, photos of them, cars, everything ... wings and even came to the place of their work and tried to conduct an interview with them there, unfortunately, this is a fact, all the special services are wrong, and the massad is wrong, and mi-5 , mi-6, and... bru are all wrong, the system is characterized not even by a mistake, but by the ability to react to this mistake, i say it is not a question of improving, following
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journalists, but making it so that more there were no such mistakes and the journalists were not monitored, i mean in connection with the performance of their official duties. now question, what could they be looking for? unfortunately, at all times under all presidents , the special service was used to find out about bias. what is this or that team working on now in order to get at least a team of journalists a head start in a few days and try to, i don't know, destroy some evidence or somehow remove traces of the illegal activities of certain officials there, so that journalists cannot publish their investigations or spoil it completely investigation, by the way , your colleague also has mykhailo tkach, it seems that someone also did it a few years ago unknown days they made a well in the ceiling, i don’t know, they were looking for oil, gas, they wanted to install a video camera, no, no, they didn’t have time, they were exposed, unfortunately, well, there are such
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cases, but mr. malyuk, he really did a good job , informative, said, i am not satisfied with this, and there was such a phrase, it was said separately by his subordinates, that we will disband the unit that was involved in this for three letters , so that such a thing does not happen again in the future, that is, well, this is not a bad reaction, at least now. officially, well, you, you, you, and you can in two minutes to answer a very tricky question , why the ukrainians managed not to turn the sbu into the kgb, and the russians did not, they actually have the fsb now, well, the kgb, the nkvd, something, well, this is very sinister, and the ukrainians, well, not so much we are afraid of the sbu, let's do it periodically in a closed room. it is necessary to open the windows and ventilate, in the russian federation they did not ventilate, in ukraine they periodically ventilate, and this does not allow the air to stagnate, that is, there is no stench, but in the russian
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federation there is no such thing, the windows are closed, the doors are closed, well, this is how they live, and then this this explains that we will gradually, so to speak, hide, and they will gradually sink into the nkvd area and into the area of ​​the 37th year, i am 100% correct, no joke, really without state ones. they are moving here, because the further in depth, the further, the further this dictator sits, the stricter measures are needed to control the system, the mechanisms are all state, and the more employees, the more decisive steps, even up to that, i don't know , you need to resort to physical violence to maintain that regime, thank you very much, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine from the fourth to the 15th year, was in touch with us, we are very grateful to him... thank you, after a while we will also start thanking oleh sahakyan, who will appear before our bright eyes, but that will happen only after the commercials, which will start right
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1,499 hryvnias with the option of free delivery deliveries, check with consultants, powerful saw strong, what you need, call , exclusively on the air of our channel, greetings friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: the war between russia and ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between'.
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project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and the invited experts soberly assess the events and analyze them. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, as i promised, oleg sahakyan, political scientist, co-founder of the national platform for stability and cohesion. and we
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will talk about the importance of good health right now, because i have written here: the confrontation between zelensky and zaluzhn, and the process is disunity, which split ukraine, bloomberg writes, and in general, if if you read western sources, everyone praises zaluzhy, and many criticize syrsky, in fact, my point of view is very simple, we know nothing, we simply know nothing, everything, everything that happens, is based exclusively. on speculations, some things that may be known to someone, but none of those who discuss them have definitely not been in the headquarters of the ukrainian army and did not hear, well , what is the main difference - the syrian protects people, and the zuluzh does not protect people, and and who heard it, that the two of them are sitting and the industrious one tells everyone in attack, if they die, let them die, the syrian says no one to attack, because they will die,
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and pity the soldiers in... who heard this, where did it come from, i don't know what you will say, mr. oleg, i will say that politics is always only about speculation, because very often very few people know what actually happened, and what's more, very often few people care about it, if politics were only about facts, then instead of us and you there would just be online cameras , which would broadcast the situation, either now or with a recording, there would be no need. neither in political scientists nor in journalists, nor anyone who helps to understand what is actually happening and to separate the wheat from the chaff, in politics the point always rules, not the fact, the perception of what happened, and therefore the fact that this is how the situation is developing at the moment is also part of the responsibility the political community and, in particular , the communications that were or were not conducted, because the situation around... it is perfectly
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clear that the external media also reacts primarily to what is said internally, internally this situation developed extremely poorly, with poor explanation and communication around the labor force, in which we have not just an individual and some ordinary manager , conditionally a minister, that is mrs. laputina, with all due respect to her, but she is gone now, and especially no one noticed this among ordinary ukrainians, what is changing in us, or rather, the minister is retiring... on veterans' issues, we don't even know who will replace him, for what task and when, but the hard-working is a legendary personality, because he is associated with the perception of the first months of the russian invasion and that that ukraine has done impossible, survived when everything seemed to be against us, and zaluzhny managed to organize this process, it is clear to everyone that we survived not only thanks to zaluzhny's master, but...


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