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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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military, but we will start with svetlana glaz, we often see her with pleasure, a journalist from israel, we ask her what is happening in israel, it is very important, we have approximately the same grief, and they have a war, and we have a war , and they have terrorists, and we have terrorists, good health, ms. svitlana, thank you for finding time for us, i congratulate you, mr. mykola, i congratulate the audience, look, and this often happens precisely because we have with you... with terrorism, israel's ambassador to the russian federation supported ukraine and condemned support for hamas, and she was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of russia said: "ai-ai-ai." how much is known about this in israel, how much is it, what is the reaction of israeli society to such things, and when an ambassador in a non-hostile, in fact, country, speaks out, and then he is called to
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the ministry of foreign affairs, it is very difficult for me to say about the reaction in israel, because i honestly did not hear a particular reaction, the only thing about, the only thing that was heard was that indeed simona halper, who began her tenure in russia on january 1, and the first interview that she gave, in fact, it was in the first interview she gave, she said that uh, how, how can it be that israel, a confirmation, israel confirms the integrity of ukraine, condemns the attack of hamas on israel, and russia in principle she kept silent about this, about the attack of russia and hamas on israel, and the fact that until now russia has not included the terrorist organization hamas in the list of terrorist organizations, that too, she said in this interview, of course, that it was me so i think that... the russian government did not like it, and
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she was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs, what they talked about with her and how they talked with her, well, i think you and i can only guess how it was and what was said to her there, but i want to say that this woman is not a novice in diplomacy, she has been around for a long time works, she was also the ambassador in kazakhstan and was in other republics, and was in some pacific... er, countries too, she started with such insignificant positions in the ministry of foreign affairs, but now she is an extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador, so this is a very good position, and well in everything by the way, as a citizen of israel, i am pleased that she made such a statement and that she defends israel, in the areas where she currently works, i want to say that ms. simona was born in... the baltic states, came
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here still a young girl, graduated here, has an education, by the way, she has five children, and she is still a young woman, she is 55 years old, i think that god forbid she will have a good job there, and she can defend israel in this country, not simple. thank you, mr. svitlana, and friend, let's move on to current affairs, prime minister netanyahu said that israel's victory in the gas sector is close, he somehow deciphered this closeness. we , we understand, do you understand, we are not even here, but you are there , what should this victory look like and what is so close, how can we count in meters, kilometers, in casualties from hamas, sorry, in casualties from tsahal's side, well, how is this victory measured, which is quite close, the victory is quite close, well, look, he can talk a lot, he is the prime minister. the minister, he is not, he says
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that he holds the situation in his hands everything is seen right and left and as well as in the center, how it all happens is what he says here at a very recent press conference that he gave just a few days ago, he said that we are fighting, the army fulfills all the tasks that we, which the government set after the 7th of october 23 of that year, this is the destruction of hamas and the return of the hostages, as if everything is going well, we are all working, he named the numbers even, 18 battalions of terrorists were destroyed from the 24th, this the number is really big, we have 20,000 terrorists destroyed already, how many are left, again we don't we know because of the fact that if we now take the situation on the border with the sector in the north.
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on the border with egypt, there is a very difficult situation, the prime minister declares that a new military operation is being prepared. in this sector, and there are about a million people who want to cross the border to egypt, egypt does not want a war, does not want the palestinians who want to cross this border, but israel said that they are ready, the whole situation is ready, the plans are ready, and in this part of the gas sector, a military operation will begin , very, very serious, like this... it will end and how fast it will be, we don't know yet, whether it will last two months, or it will last two sundays, in any case , netanyahu said that before the big muslim holiday, which is due to start on march 10, he would like for all of this to end with us
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, how it will be, i don't know if it will end in the gaza sector, and if it even ends there, and it is very difficult, then we still have the north of israel, we have... this is also hezbollah in addition to hamas, and how quickly it will happen here, we do not yet know, but look, let's talk about netanyahu, what i am constantly surprised by is a lot of criticism against him both before the start of the war and before october 7, and after october 7, but he is re-elected and re-elected, he is the president, prime minister and prime minister, and again the prime minister and again the prime minister, how can it be explained that on the one hand there is a lot of criticism, and on the other hand... he constantly appears at the head of the government, well, yes, it happens , sometimes, sometimes we think that how are we going to go on some protest marches, again, here near his house, near his residence is being prepared,
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again, a large number of people want to come out, with black flags, to express no confidence, well, let's not say that it's... already some kind of impeachment, but it's no confidence, and there are a lot of such people, including family members, hostages who are in hamas , and by the way, we don't know where they are, how they are, and because of that, there are a lot of questions for him, there are a lot of problems, but you see , now is a war, and probably again i say that they don't change horses at the crossing, so i don't know how correct it is, eh, as you can see, in in ukraine, they are changing in ukraine, yes , they are changing in ukraine, and we also don’t know if it is right, maybe i don’t know if it is right, maybe, look, israel takes something from ukraine, ukraine from israel during these terrible wars , but you see, he holds on, he holds on at the expense of his
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party, at the expense of his like-minded people, although - we hear such and such a conversation and there are rumors that there are not very good relations there. between the prime minister, the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff, they hold separate press conferences, and that too they are not talking about the fact that there is no stability in the government itself, and this greatly affects the economic situation, and the war, and the lives of israeli citizens, you will understand that it is very difficult, but my question is precisely for you, to the citizen of israel, to everyone citizens of israel , do i understand correctly that... the time of the left, the time of appeasement, the time of trying to flirt with hezbollah, with hamas, with the arab world and so on and so forth, it, it is passing, and the jews in israel will not want to have the kind of governments that
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will be flattering to terrorists, or really that kind of left, left movements, they are reducing their impact on israeli society. of course, i think that they are reducing, and in connection with the fact that such a terrible war took place in our country, due to the fact that so many people died, civilians and soldiers died, soldiers fighting in the gas sector, an extremely large number of them died, and because of that, the view on what and how to do it will change, of course, no one is saying now that hamas should be flirted with, that it was a mistake of the government. uh the previous years that did it, even after the lebanon second lebanon war, it is 2006, since then it was already clear that there is absolutely no chance of finding a common language either with the terrorist organization hamas,
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which operates in the gaza sector, or with hezbollah, which operates in the south of lebanon, it was obvious, but we thought, maybe and suddenly, we eat this, and we eat that, and they will look at us with a positive attitude and be such sympathetic and good neighbors for us, no, it doesn’t happen like that and it probably won’t happen like that anymore , and if... now we are talking about the fact that, well, in any case, biden said that america really wants, in order for there to be the creation of an independent palestinian state, and they will defend this version of themselves and want to make it so, then in any case it must be without the leaders who belong to hamas, it must be a state, even if it is created with completely new people, but you understand that the children who were born... and who are now 5-6 years old, they are already traumatized somewhere,
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genetics, it cannot be reworked, it is, we re-educate it, but it is not re-educated, then it takes how many generations, how many moses led the jews through the desert, so that the last one who is still a slave died, and here too, it takes many generations so that we can create and provide this palestinian state, so that it has in the classrooms completely new... programs for which we studied, which did not have , we hate jews, we will kill them, we will die, we are martyrs, we are such heroes, it will take a very long time, but i think that in israeli society , the idea that you cannot flirt with hamas, it must still be liquidated, but those people who really live there, as they say, civilians, children, women, it is necessary to... give them, well, humanitarian aid, and maybe somehow direct their education, well, somehow,
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thank you very much, svetlana glas, a journalist from israel, was in touch with us, thank you thank you very much, ms. svitlana, now we will have an advertisement, and then a military analyst , a senior researcher at the center for european political analysis in the united states of america, mr. mark voyager, but anyway, let's look at the advertisement first. there are 15% discounts on icelandic lozenges in the psyllium bam and oskad pharmacies. oh, and got wet. maybe you tea mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc. and the main thing is quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule. four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin and mu. yes, oh, there are no potatoes, you’ll bring them, but my son has caught something, i remind you,
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unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the tv channel to participate in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. watch news at 21, summaries of the week. he dared, after almost two years of full-scale war, president volodymyr zelenskyy replaced the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. ice from the chair: the us senate came close to consideration of the draft law providing for
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assistance to ukraine. zircon - the newest weapon of the russian federation, what is it and did they hit kiev with a missile, and what other wonder weapons does russia have in its arsenal? about this and not only, look at espresso 21. and good health again, my name is mykola veresen again, and we are waiting for our guest mark voyager. a military analyst, a senior researcher at the center for european political analysis in the united states, he is not there now, for some reason we are told that he is somewhere, i don't know if he forgot or he whether he will come or not, we do not know all this, but at least i have a cheat sheet here, i will be able to start saying something about what is happening in the military sphere
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between ukraine and the north atlantic bloc, very interesting news here . well , for example, nato wants to head ramstein and coordinate the supply of weapons to ukraine, it is in german that handels blood wrote the publication, well , it is really worth discussing how rational it is, how profitable it is for ukraine, my point of view, which is not very profitable, because you understand, nato is a collective body, and the united states is not collective, they decided that. they can make this decision quite quickly, and when you're dealing with nato, you're obviously dealing with dozens of countries with whom you have to coordinate all of this. on the other hand, i do not rule out the possibility that this idea arose because trump may come to power in the united states, and then it is not known what will happen with
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the supply of weapons, and then, if nato really, if it were to take over. self supply management, it can make life easier for ukrainians and ukrainian soldiers in the first place. on the third hand, we do not know how the production of weapons is developing, this is also an extremely important moment, this moment is such that we feel and have some information, some arguments, which they say accelerated in 22-23 years, now i will remind 24. the fourth military - the industrial complex of both the united states and european countries, and production will constantly increase, increase, increase, and it is obvious that this is an increase in the production of both weapons and ammunition, ammunition, it is for the benefit of ukraine, where, as here, what can we here with you decide or
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say, how good, the good news is that nato wants to lead. steiny coordinate the supply of weapons to ukraine, not the united states of america, i am saying that this is what i roughly imagine, i am explaining to you, you can also think in this direction if you like and analyze your side, there is i.e. pros and cons. now the british ambassador to nato told us that ukraine should lower its expectations regarding the summit in washington. really was like that and even i spoke about this back in the summer, when there was a meeting at the highest level of nato in lithuania, and then many optimists said, and i was among these optimists, that maybe america wants to do this when, well, you understand that nato is meeting in the capitals of all countries members of nato, and after lithuania it was just
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washington's turn, so they thought that washington, when... starts in washington, then ukraine can be accepted, not a fact, now we are told that we should not wait, well, if they do not deny it, but this is a phrase, this quote: ukraine should lower its expectations regarding the summit in washington. and as far as i understand, we have mark voyager, is that true? so i'm here. oh, good health, thank you, thank you for finding time for us. thank you very much, dear mark, please tell me, the british ambassador to nato said: "ukraine should lower its expectations regarding the summit in washington." there was an illusion when there was a meeting in lithuania that ukraine would be accepted in
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washington, or that there would be some actions in washington during the next one. summit of nato heads, whether or not it is necessary to hope, or should we hope, that this can happen, and ukraine will, well, somehow advance, maybe not to become a member of nato, but some there, some will find a politiative solution, please look, i would not say that this is an illusion , and i and many analysts, experts, we hope, and that's all, the whole ukrainian community, of course, hopes. that at the washington summit there will be positive steps in terms of ukraine's acceptance into nato, but, but, there is no need to talk about promotion here. these are not the kind of clubs in which country, like ukraine, which one protects the real one will be at the back entrance of it, how
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to promote it, and it is necessary to officially accept your country on the red carpet, but it is logical that at this stage there is still no 100% understanding. it's not resolved, it's still half a year away, and it's logical that the british ambassador says, because we have such a saying that well, the bottom shoots higher, that is, higher, that is, don't say much, so that there are not such unrealistic expectations, but when the time will come, then there may be positive, positive such... developments situation, so i would not panic, as i said, i really hope that you receive, if not 100% membership, then such a step,
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such an association with nato, that there will be no opportunity to return this process and it will already be clear to everyone that ukraine is already on its way to reality. in nato membership, mr. mark, please tell me , i will not be understood if i do not ask this question, especially to you, an american, we know that there is no exoticism in america, when even during a war or during some problems it changes some commander-in-chief, well, okay, we can remember macarthur, after the second world war, he was just insanely popular, beautiful, wonderful, defeated japan, then he said something, you removed him. we have removed a bad guy, and there is a big discussion in ukraine, i personally think that this is a speculative discussion, well, because we do not know for sure what is happening in the headquarters, what
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is happening in the pond, what is happening there, and at the level of rumors and gossip, we we all know who quarreled with whom, although in reality no one, as they say, in ukraine held a candle to the time how they talked among themselves there, what do you say, in general, this, well, from my point of view, i am a historian by education. well, this is the norm , nowhere has it happened that someone was not removed or appointed, and what do you say, if you are a historian, then my colleagues, i am also a historian by education, so historical, historical moments, historical analogies, and at this moment, what can i say, as a foreigner who is a friend of ukraine and observes, analyzes, this is a sovereign decision of your... your government, well, i cannot criticize, as far as i know, officially, in the official plan, our government, the american government, high-ranking officials
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, assess it as normal , there is no panic, as far as i know, they have already, well, our military has cooperated, cooperates actively with the new commander-in-chief, so there are no... surprises, strangers, it is not known who and and the other, well, he is both a hero of ukraine and, in a heroic way , defended your country in different directions, at different levels, and now, already at this strategic level, general syrskyi will continue and develop and develop. well , the case started by zalozhny, so i would so loyally and so calmly, i behave and know
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that our government, as i said, people who are familiar, i am not familiar with both, but well, military, american officials behave normally, calmly, one more important question, you were a special adviser with of russia, the commander of american forces in europe, the danish ministry of defense says that in 3-5 years it is possible, they assume a russian attack on nato. and here i have a question, what i see now, and i am looking very closely at russia, i see that there every month everything more troubles, every month. there is a lack of this, and this, and this, and that, and money, and spare parts, we already have to buy in korea, the north is already there, in iran and so on, and in...
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on that, and at the same time i see the development of nato countries, and scientific, and scientific and technical, and technical, and any, and in 5 years it is generally difficult to imagine how military affairs, military capabilities will change in nato, in russia, i think they will continue to fight with tanks of the 55th year, well, i just don't, i haven't seen any information that would indicate that... somewhere in russia, the production of truly modern tanks has begun, the question is how they will attack then, in 5 years, the gap between russia and nato will increase, become even bigger, in the technical, military, any strategic, scientific sphere, it will simply be two countries , one feudal, and the other lands, and the second group of countries
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will be in the 21st table. in the 22nd century, what do you say, it is good that they said feudal, because you know, as a historian, that for many centuries, for thousands of years, barbarian countries, barbarian peoples attacked their civilized neighbors, and unfortunately, there were cases when barbarians captured civilized countries or destroyed empires, so i don't want to say that it happened. i don't think that danish analysis, danish analysis says that in three to five years, russia will invade europe, that is, continental europe and capture, capture, capture everything, germany, denmark, this is unrealistic, western logic and of course that it is impossible, you are right that russia has huge problems, but to say that a war with russia, for example, for example, if
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russia starts. some hybrid such operations against the baltics, estonia, latvia, especially, or this corridor is a pushover, and poland, well, eastern poland, there is a border with belarus, using belarus, or presenting its soldiers as belarusian, and that is why there are such, we can find a scenario where nato will really show up,
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well... it used to be second or third in europe, now there are huge problems, western society, western citizens, well, they really like to live peacefully, in beautiful, beautiful, peaceful countries, and they don’t want to think about war, but just such analyzes have to play such a role to wake up this society, i realized, i i understand, thank you very much, sorry, because we just have news, sorry pa... mark, mark voyager , a military analyst, a senior researcher at the center for european political analysis in the united states, and a former special adviser on russian affairs, the commander of american forces in europe , that is, a person is knowledgeable. i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my name is mykola veresin, we will definitely see each other tomorrow, and now the news is on a wonderful channel called "espresso tv".
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greetings to everyone from espresso, this is news, yaana yavomelnyk, i start this issue with this in the city of oleksandria, kirovohrad oblast. explosions rang out during the air alert, the head of the region, andriy rajkovich, said. he also assured that there were no victims or destruction of civil infrastructure. and the names of the dead family in kharkiv became known. the prosecutor of the vovchan department of the chogoiv district prosecutor's office, olha putyatina, her husband and three sons died as a result of a hostile terrorist attack. the oldest was seven years old, the average was almost
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four, the youngest was only 10 months old. this was reported to the prosecutor's office.


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