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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EET

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he ran out of food, he was drinking snow melted by a trench candle, during the explosion his leg was also injured by the debris, his foot is already amputated in the hospital, come on, during another sortie in search of food, gudim was spotted, this time by ukrainian fighters, only volodymyr understood it, not immediately , they shout to me, come here, get up, come here. i immediately ducked down
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, i think, maybe it’s not me, maybe someone else is climbing there, then they shot once, well, you hear what is whistling above you, well, again, get up, come here, well, i realized what flew over me, what is it to me, it goes meters to the trench, from exactly this surface to the trench. well, i get up and my hands, well, when i walked around where i was, there were branches of garbage, i bent down into this trench and beat it , well, as if i would stir up the branches there, when i entered this trench, i jumped, well, i ran away, hid in my hole, well, in about an hour and a half i hear, vlaz, we know you're ours, we know you're ours, only hands forward.
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this charm on the watch, the guy tied it to me as soon as we arrived. before they found me, it just broke off in my hand , and so that i wouldn't throw it away, i tied it to clock and this evening it broke, and
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in the morning the guys destroyed me, it turns out that faith dies last, i haven’t done everything on this earth yet, a shot, i hide, the door opens, in conditions of constant assaults, it is the ukrainian infantry that has the hardest time, it takes on the main an artillery, mortar, air force attack, and even for a close-quarters firefight up to a firefight in the trenches, you must always be ready, you are already used to it, you already know where it flies from, we know when it flies, we know when it is possible. go out, walk, and
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when, well, you don't have to do this, their assaults, well, i wouldn't say that they are there on the pore, they go full height, well, they do not hide that they are going, and they are clearly visible on the approaches, and if the group reacted quickly, well, their assaults are repulsed very easily, yes, there are many of them. you get tired, well, to let them into the trenches, you have to try very, very hard, these are not scumbags, this is enough for such a very well-prepared enemy, and they are not stupid sitting there, constantly, in general, there are always people watching at the positions, no relative to the situation that is happening, there is an assault, yes, or they they start storming, there are always people watching, there is no position for... without
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observers, because the position that remains without observers, it will probably not be our position, machine guns, if very close hand grenades. sub-barrel, nutake up to 5.45 person, well, they are not often used, mainly machine guns, 762, older large-caliber machine guns also help a lot, which are at a distance from us, they also see how the enemy is walking, moving, they are a little bit they sit above us, they see a little more, they destroy the equipment, if there is an opportunity for tourists, well, against. tankers, if it is very close to us, then we have anti-tank means, disposable, manual, and also, which hit the equipment, well , relatively well, lightly armored bp, bmp-1, bmp-2, then it is possible even with an rpg with one
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shot lay it down and make it inoperable and that’s it, it happens that one small group comes and... it is destroyed and after 5-10 minutes they already produce more equipment than our artillery, a second small group comes and they roll, roll, roll to until the moment when at the position, the bc is already running out, the fivishki, well, it is conditional to take a pvishka there is 20 00 uah, a kilogram of starfish is attached to it there, it flies for 10 km and hits a trench, a warehouse with bc, automotive equipment there. the pilot can hit the trench with the help of a drone, fly into the equipment, destroy the infantry , repulse the assault. alexander was never connected with the army before the war. in the first days of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine , he was not accepted into the armed forces precisely because of his lack
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of experience. the most difficult thing, well, probably, mentally prepare everything, that you will still shoot in a living man. yes. you must understand that this is the enemy and you must know his goal, if you do not know him completely, well, you will not be able to do anything, you will not be able to shoot, you will be afraid, there will be panic, well, then it will be difficult for everyone. oleksandr took his first battle when he became a tro fighter, he says, i don't forget that, i couldn't pull the trigger, because i understand that there is a living person in front of you, and life is still in my head, well, i lived for 30, 30, 31 hours, never did not pick up weapons, adhered to principles, well, treat a person as you do i would like to be treated like this, and here
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it is, well, well, i couldn’t, i couldn’t shoot the first time, but already further, after our losses... well, the third is also a loss, but they are sanitary, they don’t last long, they are confused, but nevertheless, even then he already understands that if i don't shoot now, they will shoot me, and i have two small children at home who still want their father to return, and the choice is, kill or do not kill, i believe, i do not kill them, i just destroy the enemy who came to our land. the most difficult moment in i was, this is the loss of my first brother, who saved my life twice. the first time he managed to pull me into the trench, a mine flew by, and the second time during a machine gun burst,
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he simply covered me with himself, pushed me, which did not hit anyone. you have to fight not only with the russian army, but also with the weather. snow, frost. cold, rain, ice, all this directly affects the course of hostilities. yes, it’s difficult, it’s difficult, well, it’s really difficult, now with the arrival of autumn, especially, rains, snow, it all melts, during shelling, the trench fills up, knee-deep swamp, well, we managed, we survived, now it's frost, the trench is already dry, they cleaned everything. well, we hold, we hold the front, trench candles , trench candles - you can use them, of course, you won't get very warm there in such a cold, at least you can dry your shoes, you can dry your berse
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, what if your feet are wet, that's all minus, hands, feet must always be warm, everything, you know, everything is so, somehow... some little things, but they are so important, you know, when you sit there with your brother, up to your knees in the swamp, and you sit there, talk, damn, that would be cool to eat sneakers, there are such moments that sink in, remain in the memory, the multi-purpose swedish sao archer strikes one after another at the rear shelters of the russian army, only 10 seconds pass between shots. the installation works out the target so quickly that... that we barely have time to shoot combat work, the count does not even last for minutes,
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it is perfectly laid out in just 30 seconds, we lay down, work out, and in the same 30 seconds it is built up and we leave that place . archer’s feature is almost complete automation of charging processes, stacking and firing, which is adjusted from the armored cabin. even one person can complete a combat mission. only manual recharging, and the jacking there is also fully automated, and so everything is done only from the cabin, charging, sending, adjusting, at least two people are possible, the driver and the commander or guides, and so the calculation consists of four people, at the very least the driver himself can , he also has a computer, which he drives to the gunner. sees everything, enters it himself, it's just that it won't be as fast in time as the whole crew. archer fires
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standard nato shells of 155 mm caliber, range up to 40 km, conventional ammunition up to 60 high-precision excalibur type. in automatic mode, a full charge of 21 shots is fired in 2.5 minutes. it can work like a counter-battery on... a thunderbolt, as well as against live targets, as well as against armored vehicles, and well, regardless of what the target is, for the effective destruction of the enemy, enemy equipment and enemy force, a barrage of fire, a barrage of fire is a method that successfully uses souu archer when several projectiles fly on different trajectories, but hit accurately in one place, it prevents the infantry from hiding in the dugout. or trenches after the first break of the first break, there are their own, let's say
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, dovoratos, which, well , they move a little bit to grab the barrel, oh, because, well, uh, it's a computer, it's not something that's there by hand, you can't go against the system, here you can have three shells, one time. will land, the angle of elevation of the barrel will simply be different, well, there may be a difference of a second, it is also possible to select several targets there 5-10, as long as the turning radius of the gun allows, and we can work like that. archer base - modernized a volvo truck with an armored engine and a cabin for four people. the highway can withstand a mine explosion with 6 kg of explosives, even if all the wheels are punctured. tao can move. three bridges, all blocked. it is possible
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to pass a ditch up to a meter, we are going up to 70 km. serhii the gunner, he says, cleans the sau after every combat operation. a high-precision system requires constant maintenance. through the shots, let's say , drum-2. they started it, and it is desirable to clean it so that the barrel is clean. ugh. oh, that she is beautiful. worked for us, uh, that you have to do cleaning periodically. the ukrainian crew of this archer went through a six-month training program for saw on an accelerated course. i had to memorize the fire control program to automatism, the entire menu is in english. from eight to nine , we practiced every day without a day off, for two months. ugh. well, as you can see, there are results. we are working, everything is fine, ugh
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, the russian army now has a strategic advantage in the war, not having as many shells as last year, it is difficult for the armed forces to hold back the daily assaults of the enemy, it is obvious that the ukrainian army will spend several months in active defense, and here a lot will depend on further military assistance from the west, this... donbas realities, my name is yehor loginov, see you soon. shakhtar marseille exclusively on mego in the battle for one-eighth of the european league, the miners are preparing an unforgettable reception for the french on february 15 at 7:45 p.m. cheer for the victory of the miner, turn on the football, on mine there are discounts on quiet soothing 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and
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savings there are discounts on pshik 10% in pharmacies , plantain fam and oskad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most current topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that in... cause a resonance in our society, the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attacks of drones on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about,
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let's make it up, they help to understand the the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world. trumpo will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, on the border of kyiv. there will be some katsaps and beyond, what a world dreams of, so norman, can we imagine it? all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. friends, my greetings, today we will talk
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about topics related to culture, which were the most widely discussed this week, well , i... i think that, of course, the first topic is eurovision, the second topic is klaudia petrivna and masha kondratenko. oh god, is it one person or not? if you're hearing these names for the first time and it doesn't mean anything to you, i think you 'll be interested too, because in our show business and among people who are interested in music in ukrainian, there was simply an incredible brawl, an incredible intrigue, which really ended this whole scandal around. hale, mother teresa, of all that we had going on when the national selections started. well, we'll start with eurovision, but i, my friends, will not focus on the songs of alyona alyona and jerry hale, because, well, you know, i have not, well, let's say, take part in
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the debate about who is better for a long time go, whether the choice was right or not, because after all, music is very subjective. and always remember every time we chose a eurovision participant or participants , someone always didn't like something, but as it was repeatedly pointed out, for example on twitter, in every case, when our girls, in general, our participants go to eurovision directly, everyone starts for them cheer, and i would also like to note one thing here: i dream when we will finally reach that level. i think we are already close to it, when even if our participants take 10th, 15th, 20th place, and even last, we will still support them, because if you noticed, a lot of people in different countries do that, especially we always pay attention to britain, which always
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takes some last places there, but still the participants react very well to it and their... no and their nobody there haiti especially, so we're going to focus with you today, friends, specifically on sign language, and because it 's a very good event from my point of view, and the fact that we finally have such a big show translated into sign language, and with that we got a whole a bouquet of discussions, well, first of all, it has begun everything from what we understood, well, many of us understood that it is not a sign language translation, it's ugh, you can never say such a thing in your life, well, there is a big explanation, in short, it is contempt for people who translate and to people with... hearing impairment, it was in the soviet tradition that the word deaf opera was used, as if it were some kind of inferior translation, and sign language and sign language, as it turned out for many, these
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concepts differ from each other, and most importantly, many people really discovered such a phenomenon as translations of songs, i also discovered it completely recently, although even earlier than these natsvitbori, because the last two music awards we had were the muzvar and... the music awards, they were also translated into sign language, and as soon as you sit on the stage, well, in the hall and on the stage you see female translators who also translate all these songs so emotionally , well, of course it’s impressive, and when you don’t even know that such a phenomenon exists, it’s terribly interesting, so we see two female translators at the tsvitbori, they are kateryna zabotkina and olga bunaziv, who really became superstars during national selections, especially of course kateryna zabotkina, because she translated the songs, and look how energetic she was, how
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cool she did everything, and some of the most popular posts were in almost all social networks, let's spit on these musicians, let's just send kateryna to eurovision , she will probably win for sure, but we can't have everything going well, because... but they definitely come after any enthusiasm, well, from my point of view, you just don't need to get very excited, to study the topic, but in ours in the case, in the case of this sign language scandal, i think there 's going to be a hell of a lot because the discussions are incredible, so it started with the fact that people are also on social media who are hearing impaired, they started reading all these fascinating reviews from people who, without hearing impairment, started to say... listen, we don't understand anything that this kateryna is translating for us, that you admire the fact that she is like this, she dances well, she dances well, she shows well, she cool, emotional, but we
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hardly understand a single word of what she says to us shows, that's why they say the translation is bad, and there were a lot of videos recorded on various social networks, let's listen to one of these girls, there the girl recorded a video explaining what was wrong. i have been performing songs in sign language for 12 years, and when i first saw her perform songs in sign language, i was shocked and completely understood the reaction of deaf people to such a situation. the translator played the emotion perfectly, but she translated the song terribly. you can say that she did not even translate. everyone is shocked because... how can it be, we're admiring it here, and you tell us it's a bad translation, how can that be? at first , everyone started to deny it, and then, oh
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, really, we were fooled like that? and the application was also submitted by the ukrainian society of the deaf, and there was also a whole series of fair and unfair accusations, but if we talk about the society. then they said the following: the sad thing about this story is that, striving to do a supposedly good deed, the organizers did not take into account whether it would be comfortable presented material for people who can't hear, that's why today we get feedback of disappointment, well, after all, after this statement, such comments began that in general, why are you called the society of the deaf, in general, the word deaf is not correct with hearing impairment, right? there were battles, why hearing impairment, and not hearing impairment, because hearing impairment is also derogatory, you have to say impairment, well, that is, you understand, this
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question of inclusiveness is being raised in our country, but all this educational activity has not been going on for so long, so really many disputes, firstly, and secondly, well, there are many such reactions, you know, how people did not know something, and then it turns out that they, for example, have been speaking incorrectly all their lives, for example, a disabled person speaks incorrectly, how is it so, we have been talking all our lives, here it turns out that we are not, deaf people have been talking all our lives , here it turns out that the deaf are wrong, we have to deal with hearing impairments, and why is an impairment correct, but a disability is incorrect and offensive, as if this is offensive and this is offensive, and it’s all simple the other day on our social network, but i think it's very good because we we just find out these things, how they are right, how they are wrong, those that, in principle , we should have found out a long time ago, in order to use some correct words, non-offensive in some of our public spaces, and also.
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we can take a look at our translators again, they recorded a lot of videos on instagram, by the way, also a complaint against olga bunaziv appeared almost immediately, because people found and went to her instagram in the saved highlights, well, these are such videos, they saw a whole series of videos in defense of the russian church in in ukraine, it turned out that olga is a fan of this church, she is very disappointed there, as she says, by the attacks there. to the kyiv-pochersk lavra, and all this also stirred people up, and in the end, if we continue to talk about how this developed, well , i won't say that it's a scandal, it's such heated discussions that they started discussing among themselves hearing impaired people, and it was extremely interesting to watch, because for people who are hearing, yes, it's a whole new world and...
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hearing impaired people, well, they separated themselves on their own, because some began to say that we need a direct translation, that is, we want to look at the translator and have her tell us the meaning of the words, but kateryna did not tell us the meaning of the words, others say that it is just this kind of translation, there in sign language, forgive me if i say something incorrectly, that this is a translation that does not translate words, but... conveys to people the very emotion, the very melody of the song, the very mood of the song, because sometimes it is more important than words, besides , if we remember some different songs, then well it is certain that each of you has a whole series of songs, maybe even favorite ones, when you can’t make out the words, by the way, when i was listening to the same song by alyona, alyona and jerry hale during the national selection for eurovision, i understood not all the words, what girls sing
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that's why another argument appeared in social networks, and this is actually kateryna zabotkina, she commented more than once on her translation, her style of translation, i really liked how she commented, because she is not according to our old habit i didn't say that everyone hates me, everyone they hate me, i'm such an unfortunate victim, no , she explains completely calmly... but i want to quote her, for example, in a comment she gave to the chief, chief, for example, i already quoted this, for example, ruslana, shidi rida dana, how to show it, literally , you can’t translate it, you need to convey the essence , you understand, everyone has a place to learn, and so do i, i absolutely do not claim that i know everything, my translation is uniquely correct and cannot be otherwise, an end in itself - is not to see yourself on the air of eurovision, the big
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goal is to show people... who do not hear beauty of ukrainian music, popularizing sign language is the most important thing, and i think that it was with such calm, balanced comments that kateryna once again aroused sympathy for herself, explained her point of view, and i am convinced once again that inclusiveness - this is a very difficult issue, and of course people who have... have, for example, some kind of disability, should talk about inclusivity, because they are the ones who know better how they are doing, because we have a whole, you know, a number of such problems , which concern, well, for example, people in wheelchairs or wheelchairs , again, discussions, how best to speak, well, definitely not in wheelchairs, you can’t speak in wheelchairs, of course, you need to remember this, and many people also speak, and why it’s not possible, that’s all life used to say
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that, well, imagine that you, what you... are moving around in a chair, you are an adult, self-sufficient, professional, and they tell you that you are moving around in a wheelchair, like some kind of child, this is so disrespectful shade of y in this word, and therefore a wheelchair or a chair, a wheelchair, i don't know any story, but i lead to the fact that i have many acquaintances who move around in chairs and they constantly complain about pantos, and someone tells them, but you already got it... if you don't like it, it's not right, here indeed, when they show that the pantus is made without consideration, without consultation, which is impossible to drive into, for example, or which is inconvenient, which is difficult to move on, this is of course all important, and it must be taken into account, but now we see footage from the youtube channel , which is now being launched, is led by oleksandr...


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