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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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near the artificial reservoirs, and now imagine, the water has gone, eh, when the water stood in the channel, you dripped 10 m, you have water in the ground, now the water has left the channel, it will leave the ground , how much will you have to dig to find water there , and water is life, especially in agriculture, er, i am completely in favor of restoration, here i am talking to an agronomist. who started working there since the 1950s, from the 1950s, they say that when someone came to us, they were all overwhelmed, they were shocked by such a scale, and they were shocked by the irrigation facilities that are there were, they said, this is really some kind of paradise, everything moves, everything pours, everything flows, everything grows, everything, everything is made of vegetables. there is all the fruit, and now
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ignore it, and simply do not invest in it, it will affect our state, it will affect the decrease in vegetable production, it has already had a very strong effect, we can see from the prices, it will affect the prices of fruits, and it will affect the prices of grain , there was a lot of soybean, corn, grain crops, crops that were all irrigated. and now this huge patch, we have the only desert in europe, it is oleshki sands. oleshkiv sands did not bother anyone, until now, and now, i think, they will grow like deserts all over the world, and they will bother everyone and cause harm, not only to people, but also to nature. how did the undermining of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam affect the vegetable market?
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when there is no irrigation, there are no vegetables, vegetables need watering ah in the kherson region at least every 2-3 days, and even there are some crops that need to be watered every day or every other day, we have no irrigation, ah, sunday there is no water, the second sunday there is no water, it all dries up, it’s not grain crops, it ’s not a sunflower that will... grow somehow try to get moisture, or take it from the air, but vegetables simply, there’s no moisture, there’s no harvest, and it’s not necessary to wait there for a month, a week is enough , the second, everything, everything is gone, so it's very important for this industry, it's water, how does it affect pricing, there's no crop, there's no vegetables, the price is going up. ah
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, you want to buy, i want to buy, and we have one beetroot or one tomato, you gave more, i gave more, you gave more, i gave more, and so the price rises until someone says: no, i i refuse from tomatoes, er, until then, also for cucumbers, for all vegetables, now we need to develop from those lands that remained to receive maximum harvests. vegetable growing in central and western ukraine, to give people the opportunity to work, if it can be provided financially, or with some grandees, we come, we see, a person works, a person invests, he does not take money offshore, there, not there, well, with such black affairs she does not suffer, she actually works, she will want to, if she is offered credit there for one, for two, for... i
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i think, with joy, she will take these funds, invest them, get more and give them back, taking a loan at 30 or 40% is unrealistic, this is the maximum loan you can take for a month, and you are 100% sure that you will earn more, and if you if you earn more, someone will pay more, vegetable growing to be profitable. consumer and farmer, you need to have a balance, a balance in the harvest, there is a harvest, there is income for the farmer, there is a good price for consumers, there is no harvest, there is no huge income for the farmer, but there is a huge price for people, for consumers, therefore, the first task is to get the maximum
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harvest, make the most money and give the cheapest price for society. about farms affected by flooding. after the dam was blown up, the people who were lower down the stream and relatively close to the river lost the most, ah, the farmers of the snihoriv district suffered a lot , there the ingulets river, which flows into the dnipro, rose from 7m to 10m, there something very strong, ah, in... the farmers who were closer to the river lost their entire harvest. it is simply impossible to stop such a flow of water. there are also farmers who were affected by the cascade of rivers of the dnieper-bus estuary. ah, there are those who suffered from ingulets, from the southern
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bulge. they suffered less, they lost less crops, because part of the fields were higher, but they also suffered. and there is a farmer i know who was affected by the shelling, he also has a destroyed burned warehouse, destroyed machinery, well, there is absolutely nothing, and he moved, there was no water in the canal there, and he moved closer to the river, ingul, and started to grow there, and after the explosion of kokhovskaya hess, he still loses vegetables there, for me it was more... painful that a person suffers twice in a year, and from the same event, from the war, er, of course, i i try to support and visit such people more often , ah, usually people who are doing well, i
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understand that they will manage, i visit them less often, people who i understand that they may make mistakes or not cope, stop by more often, and... visited them more often, gave recommendations, thank god, it was possible to get out of this crisis situation a little, but, as they say, nerve cells do not regenerate, so many farmers, they just turn gray. stories of farms in southern ukraine. today we visited several farmers and saw the conditions in the fields. what is happening with the vegetable storages, they are simply destroyed, and such destroyed vegetable storages from kherson to mykolaiv, and well, how i know many people who suffered, who lost their vegetable storage, but
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today we were at ivan's, saw his events, there are dozens of people who have the same situation, have seen. more or less better uh the circumstances that have arisen, but it does not mean that someone there needs to be, or worse, or he is lucky, these are the circumstances that have arisen, and we are not sure what will happen tomorrow, and that is why i say that we need to unite, you need to help, you need to cooperate, establish connections and get out of this situation. stronger, if we see that someone can't, someone falls, for each of us there are a couple of hryvnias or a couple of hundred hryvnias, a couple of thousand hryvnias, well, depending on who the person is, it's not so much money to just give a push, we gave a push, and a person
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went further and brings a huge result, for me the best feeling of such happiness is when i give recommendations to people. they fulfill them 100%, and they say, it brought an incredible result, we made money, let them not give me these funds, i don’t need them, thank god, but it brought a result, and a person invests, he develops, and you see , how do you have farmers who, uh, 5-7 years ago had a couple of hectares each, now they have dozens of hectares, hundreds of hectares of vegetables, and they... are developing, it's great, you're coming, you you communicate, and you maintain relationships, and you are happy for them. what motivates farmers to stay and continue working in affected regions? farmers are quite courageous people, courageous, strong, it may seem so from above, if
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physically, which is not so much, but believe me, they have a very strong spirit, and they fight. for theirs to the last, they invest the last money, i can say, they are quite such gambling people who play for the last. investing in the ground, and my advice to those who are not affected, see this situation, which with your help we we highlight, and become stronger, you see these examples, and if, god forbid , some situation happens to us, the hail goes down, or some adventure is not very good, so that we do not give up. so as not to fall into depression, to always be positive, and even there,
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yes, there are cases that are more catastrophic, but you don't have to go through them for a whole year, survive a day, two, three, a week and move on, and we continue to work, continue to build the state , we are building our state, we usually think about the president and the verkhovna rada. but we are building a state with our own hands, and expect that they will give us something, and then we will do it, i will say , the one who says so, then if you give it to him, he will lose everything, i have already checked it on my own experience, a person who can make something out of nothing and is given something, he does with mega-efficiency, and a person who does nothing, but says you give it, i will do it, it is better not to give anything, me... motivates me to stay in ukraine, to work, to ensure
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the livelihood of many farms here, these are ukrainians. i think anyone who left and visited abroad saw that the most sincere people are ukrainians, people who can smile, to communicate, yes, we have conflicts, but we need to fight this, first of all, starting with ourselves. it is always necessary to negotiate, and if our ukrainians were in holland, in germany, in france, well, when we went to a farmer, and he invited us to his home, he would set the table, and there, he would offer us a cup of coffee, we talked, he told us about his life, how he started, what was the situation with him, there is simply, well, there is no such culture, we have a special culture, and we... need to show our national identity in what we can do, we
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we can grow, we can provide someone with something, we can generally feed europe, feed everyone, the whole world, as now the whole world without ukrainian grain, which is blocked by russia, is very difficult, the prices there are huge, in us. very high-quality products, the farm , which was located in the mykolaivsk kherson region, which grew a huge amount of tomatoes, that is 1000 hectares, produced tomato paste from which ketchup was made, it was of the highest quality, this is not tomato paste, where fruits are grown in china, in america or in other countries, it is on in our black soil, on our land and... these products are the most delicious, and i think if friends or acquaintances from abroad came to you
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and they tried our products, then they just felt a sense of happiness. we all need to study, become more qualified, work, and then the europeans will call us, say, you are smarter than us, let's work together. there are 10% discounts on bronkhalyk in pharmacies, plantain, bam, and savings. there are discounts on penn
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herpever and gerir 15% in podorozhnyk, vam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on tantum verde, 10% in podorozhnyk vam and oshchat pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most. current topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. that cause a resonance in our society, the attack of drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, attacks of drones on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about,
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let's win, they help to understand the present and predict the future. second for the world. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time.
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we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please give me your word, two hours to be in economic news rates, time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present the self- titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who
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analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be. analyze the guests of the project this week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at ereso. welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our program, we will, of course, talk about the front and weapons. but whether is a front in our war with the russian federation, limiting the enemy's ability to generate or restore its energy there or industrial capabilities, of course there is. if so, is it possible to undermine russia's ability to continue the war only by striking its industrial, energy and defense enterprises. and is information in its
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delivery in the form of either truth or lies a weapon, and how is this weapon used by our enemy. and how do we use it, and are there any new technologies that have a powerful effect in the conditions of this war? so, the front and weapons are now multidimensional, and we will talk about how ukraine and our partners act on different fronts and with what consequences with our leading experts in the war and weapons program, and of course, including in the context changes at the head of the armed forces of ukraine. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director. of the information and consulting company defense express, which now, together with the espresso channel , strives to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense industry, army and international cooperation. and now we are joined by the president of the strategy 21 global studies center mykhailo gonchar, one of the best experts in the field
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of energy and military security, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, i'm glad to see and hear, good health, i congratulate you, sir. and viewers of lviv express. many questions are related to the events of this month, this week, and even the last few days. and here are important accents and points of nada, which, i hope, you will help us to arrange, i will start from the beginning from such a profile question, which comes from the fact that during the month, at least seven facilities on the territory of the russian federation, which are related to the energy sector, have experienced such significant damage. strikes by our unmanned systems, it seems that more than 100 billion or 100 million, rather 100 billion, damages were caused. dollars for the russian federation, and the question arises whether this is such a significant new trend that can really significantly weaken
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russia's defense capabilities, and whether it is possible to make a single bet there in order to force the enemy to refrain from further aggressive actions. thanks, good question, well surely there can't be any bet on one. a weapon that will bring victory, and in the same way, you cannot bet on defeating something alone, which will also ensure victory, that is , the classic here should be the comprehensive use of forces and means and the defeat of the enemy not only on the front line, but in its operational depth, so to speak, but also in strategic, and in principle, what began to impress... the objectives of the fuel infrastructure in the depths of russia, of the european part of russia, this, i think, is precisely an indicator that there has been a transition to
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such a more complex approach in the war of attrition, because since russia has switched to such a format of a long-term war of attrition, and from the very beginning it is shooting at our entire territory in all its strategic depth, and we, so to speak , were limited only to actions on the front line and near the state border, then actually this asymmetry is, i would say, unnatural, so now there is a corresponding compensation and use of those new opportunities, i have long-arm capabilities, which appeared with the appearance of new, more powerful and more far-reaching unmanned aerial vehicles of the shock type. so this is an absolutely correct strategy, it has, as a matter of fact , now acquired such a more complex character, because if we recall, in the 22nd, in the second half, and in
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the 23rd year, attacks were carried out, including about those objects that have been attacked in the area of ​​the south of russia, but the peculiarity of this year, so to speak, is that they got to the baltic and to the content. no depth of the european part of russia, that is, everything must be continued here, there must be a system and sequence. i finally understood why i was confused about these indicators, it is said that last year this trade in hydrocarbons brought russia about 100 billion dollars, that is, in fact, in fact, the sanctions that we talked about there in various formats, after all, russia bypassed, and this the way to live on hydrocarbons, it seems to be preserved, or? there are some decision steps that can limit this maneuver of russia in this segment, what decisions can be taken, and how in general then do sanctions work in the energy
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segment and in other directions, have they not exhausted themselves, are there mechanisms, means, well, to really make them an effective way to put pressure on russia? well, first of all, i doubt that the figure of about 100 billion dollars is correct, according to our calculations, a much larger amount was received. another thing is that part of this money, well, if it is petrodollars, and there are petroyuans, petrorupies, which, so to speak, reduce the possibility of maneuver for the kremlin, but we see that the war budget is provided, and this is not only due to the gdp growth rate of russia for the past year, because the idea is that sanctions should stop this process, not just stop the process of gdp growth, on the contrary , collapse it. we do not see any collapse of it. yes, we see serious problems brewing in the russian economy, but, so to speak, roughly speaking,
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there is enough money for the war, at least for now. and the russian budget for the 24th year, it is top-down in such a way that in the first half of the year, as much money as possible can be thrown into this furnace of war. and they do it. and therefore, this once again emphasizes the relevance of strikes by the defense forces of ukraine. by strategic russian enterprises, in this case i mean not only the enterprise of the fuel and energy complex. now, as for the sanctions, yes, they work, you can't say that they don't work, because the trade of russia and the european union, and the g7 countries, in principle, it collapsed, but on the other hand, the sanctions do not work as they should work, that is, they do not stop. russian aggression, and the purpose of the sanctions was precisely to force russia to refuse, or rather not to refuse, but to make it impossible...
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the functioning of this engine of aggression, that is, this inflow of these cash flows , which allow us to feed the war budget, in this sense, sanctions do not work, moreover, we see that if the sanctions package on oil and petroleum products is there, it somehow works, and indeed russia received much less revenue than it was in the 22nd year, but those revenues that came in are somewhere at the level of a little less... than the 21st year before the trade, so this money is enough, and therefore, accordingly , we are talking about the fact that sanctions are needed is not simple there to improve, there to patch holes, some holes are patched, others will appear , a more complex approach is needed, and in particular, when we look at it, the big hole is the lack of a gas sanctions package, and a smaller
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hole, the lack of a nuclear sanctions package. moreover, a few days ago there were reports that in general, in russia, they are mocking and proud, so to speak, that the united states broke the record for importing russian uranium raw materials, bought as much as 1.2 billion dollars, which is almost twice as much as usual , so to speak the nuclear sanctions package is on the agenda, in the plan of the mcphail yermak group since... april 2022, and in fact, if it turns out that the fact that the sanctions against rosatom are ignored are sanctions against not just against some corporate structure, this is one of those, one of those backbones of russia in its expansion, moreover, the fact is ignored that precisely the largest unit
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of the russians is... a military unit engaged in the production of nuclear warheads, that is, roughly speaking, the americans themselves are financing a strategic nuclear threat to themselves with their own funds, because what they buy in rosatom is ostensibly for the needs of nuclear energy, of course, but in reality it all goes to the needs of nuclear, the russian nuclear industry and russian strategic nuclear forces and not only strategic, that's why there are such... by the way, these are big holes, they seem to require a new approach, but when various discussions were held in davos, behind the scenes it was also said that it is necessary to move from sanctions packages to a policy of total economic isolation russia, from the side of the west is meant, because of course china, india, turkey will not join it there, but we perfectly understand that if the sector... morally certain
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restrictions on the part of western countries regarding russia were introduced in 22 and 23 year, and now the next and 13th, 14th, and probably 15th packages will be discussed there, but each of them becomes more and more small and does not give an effect in the end, so we are talking about a turn to a fundamentally new policy, as far as it will be the event is ready, we will see, i think in the near future months, very interesting. but we understand that there are currently several ways: sanctions, changing approaches to limiting the potential of the russian federation, and on the other hand, this is strengthening our own capabilities, and now it is a somewhat difficult, if not a stalemate, situation, when we are now very much waiting for receiving american aid, primarily military, financial aid, and i would like to ask you how you assess the prospects, whether it might happen that, conditionally speaking,
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these... internal disturbances in the states associated with reaching a compromise will to last so long that it will have a negative or a drastic negative effect on our front line, what is your prediction, what are your estimates? well, it's probably not worth making any catastrophic predictions, although the situation is really complicated, and what's more, if inadequate actions on the part of the higher-ups add to the problem of this situation. political leadership, because what the enemy wants most in the classics of military art is to disorganize the enemy from the inside and , above all, his armed forces, and when during a critical period.


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